Great Writing 1-Answer Key

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zat Writing + Great Sentences for Great Pa Great Writing 1: Great Sentences for Great Paragraphs, 3" ed. Answer Key UNITI Activity 1, p.2 1. Answer is given 2. There are only four people. 3. Thave two parents, 4. My father's name is José. 3, My mother’s name is Karina 6. Ihave one brother. 7, His name is Andy. 8. | love my family very much ty 2, p.3 answers will vary Activity 3. p. 3 1. Mos: kids like spaghent. 2. They enjoy the taste of spaghetti ‘They love the smell of spaghetti 4. Some kids put tomato sauce on their Answers will vary. Activity 5, p:6 1. Answer is given 2. Albert is a taxi driver. 3. He is a good taxi driver. 4, Albert works for a large taxi company. 5. The name of the taxi company is Lightning Taxi Service. 6. Albert drives a taxi six days a week. 7. He meets fascinating people from many different places. 8. Albert really’ loves his work. jaht © Heinle, a Past of Cengage Learning. Permission granted te phatoco} pls d. Answer Key 6, pp. 8-9 1. Answer is given. 2. Q: What city is the White House in? A: The White House is in Washington, D.C 3. Q: What country is the Nile River in? A The Nile River is in Egypt. (Other possible answers are Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Zaire Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi.) 4.Q: What city is the Eiffel Tower in? A: The Eiffel Tower is in Paris 5..Q: What is the biggest city in Mexico? A. Mexico City is the biggest city in Mexico 6. Q: Where are the Andes Mountains? A: The Andes Mountains are in South America 7. Q: What is the capital of Saudi Arabia? A: Riyal of Saudi Arabia est provines in is the biggest province the capi 8. Q: What is the bi Canada? A: Quebe: in Canada SO Us at 0. in see Activity 8 p. 11 1. Answer is given. 2. Answer is given. 3. S$; Only four months have thirty days. 4. S; An example of ¢ month with only thirty days is September. 5. S; Other months have thirty-one days. for use in class, 6. S; Example: days are July and December. 7..Q; Which month never has thirty deys” 8, $: The answer is Febuary. 9. S; February usually has only went days. 10. $; Everyone in my family was born in February. (OR E: Everyone in my family ‘bruary!) of months with thirty-one was born in favorite place to visit? 's your favorite movie? classmates wil! va Rice? e smell country in Centre! Paname and ) between the Pec: ficarague: ic O: and the Cari 5, The population of Costa Rice is approximately four million. 6. Many tourists go there. 7. They see wild animals in the jungle. 8. It is the most beautiful country in the world! 9. | want t6 visit this beautiful country. 10. Do you want to visit Costa Rice? Activity 11, p. 14 Answers will vary. Copyright © Heinle, 2 Pant of Cengage Leeming. Permission granted to photocopy for use in cl pis, 3" ed. Answer Ee Activity 12, p. 18 1 Answer is given, le and cheap. 5. Two ingredients are tune fish and mayonnaise. 4, Lalso use onions. salt, and pen} 5, First, I cut up the onior 6. Then I add the tuns fish and the mayonnaise. 7. Finally, Ladd the tune fish and ¢ lor’ pepper. 8, Without « doubi. tune salad is n ivity 13, p.18 nswer fs givers 2. Answer is given os oo s BF 08 tivity 14, Answer is given. ‘The two large book: ‘The grammar book is The composition book is i 6. The other two bo 7. They are 8, The textbooks are; the workbooks are Dp ee are Grea: Writing 1: Grea: Sentences for Great Paragraphs, Activity 15, p. 20 1. Answer is given. 2. noun 3. adjective . 4, place phrase adjective 6 adjective 7. noun 8. adjective 9. adjective ws Activity 16, p. 21 1. are; are; is ave: are are; is 5. is; are; are Activity 17, p. 72 Answers will vary, p.23 us (S) isa very easy snack t0 \eredients are simple (ADJ) and (ADJ). Two chickpeas and crushed garlic. I (S) also use lemon juice and olive oil. First, I wash (V7) and mash (V) the chickpeas. Then I add (V) the crushed garlic. Finally, 1 mi lemon juice and olive oil. Some people add tahini paste. This fast snack is now ready to eat. lt (S) is my favorite snack. Activity 19, p. 24 1. Carolirie works 2. She works 3. she attends 4. Caroline wakes up 5. She starts 6. She works 3 ed. Answer Key 7. Her lunch break is 8. Caroline enjoys 9. She likes 10, Anderson Supermarket is Activity 20, p. 25 1. The Best Day of My Life (Rules 2 and 4) 2. The Combustion Engine (Rule 4) 3. A Handbook for International Students in Canada (Rule 4) 4. The Early Search for Gold in California (Rule 5) Answers will vary. (Rule 3) Making Inexpensive Intemational Phone alls (Rules | and 4) 6 ci Activity 21, pp. 1. Answer is given. 2. Answer is given, X (capitalization); Burundi is in Africa. 4. X ({ragment—missing verb be); Canada is bigger than the United States. 5, X (punctuation); A popular city in Floride fiami. 6-€ 7. X (fragment~subject missing); He/She its the Mayan reins in Central America every year! 8. (ir no seaports. 9.C 10. X (fragment~missing verb be); Austria and Hungary are in Europe. 11. X (fragment~-subject missing); The United States/The U.SJAmerica is between Mexico and Canada, 12. X (fragment--subject missing); The population of Thaitand is about 65,000,000. 1--verb missing): Bolivia has Copyright © Heinle, a Pert of Cengage Leaming, Permission granted to photocopy for use in las. Activity 22. p. 2 Tuse: {1 ig famous for cit Sicna, and Pise. The Appenine Hitls are in ‘uscany’ & also famous for the f bs ise beautiful region in Itsly such as Florence. tifa! ceramics. For ses, and oil jars ar vith tourists. Tuscany has so man Assisi and S: ful cities that many peopie wonderful place to visit! 2 into man: pieces hing pu in \ 2.10 3. a concert 4. branch 5. result 6. movie 7. simple 8. a sentence 9. an onion 10. add cin & Heinle, « Part of Cengage Leaming. Permission granted te ph Answer is given. addition popular 6. popul happy UNIT2 “Activity 1, pp. 37-38 Paris is « beautiful city in France Ali has « parttime job. They like to drink diet cole. Niloofar reads international fo! ua 5. a9 7, My mother grows big beautiful rase 8, Juan works for a small independent ‘company. 9. My grandparents live in # small ferming rown 10. Sharon rents a tiny white house on Stith Street. Great Writing J: Great Sentene: Activity2, p. 39 Thave a dream to visit Alaska. The ‘weather is beautiful there. I love cold weather, When the temperature is low, have energy! | also want to visit Alaske because | love nature, Alaska is pure and natural. | dream about its scenie landscape. In addition, there are wild ani want to learn important information about the native people of Alaska. I hope to visit this wonderful state soon. ivity 3, pp. 40-42 Example Paragraph 8: 1.6 nn 3. Iris obvious that my favorite color is blue, 4.2. Answer is given. b. The writer wears blue jeans elmost every day. c. The writer has three pairs of light blue tennis shoes. ¢ ‘The writer owns 2 blue car. e. The writer's computer is blue. OR The writer has a blue compu 5.,Other colors are nice, but Like blue the best. 6. Answers may include: favorite, light, blue tennis, nice ” Example Paragraph: 9:~ 19 26 3. I work in one of the world’s tallest buildings—Taipei 101 4, a. The building is in Taipei’s building district b. The building is 5* years old. (This answer will change from year to year.) ¢. The building is silver. d. The building has one hundred and one floors. 2s for Great Faragraphs. 3 ed. Answer Key 3 3. am proud to work in such an important place. 6. Answers may include: tallest, businé steel, glass, beautiful, silver, many, international, great, proud, important, Activity 4, p.43 ‘Most kids like spachett They enjoy the taste of spaghetti. They love the smell of spaghetti, Some kids put tomato saute on their spaghetti, Other kids like cheese on their spaghetti. Spaghetti is very popular with most kids, Activity 5, p44 savers will vary Activity 6, pp. 43-46 Example Paragraph 12: b. Some people like snow, but I do not, . Exampie Paregraph 13: 2. My cousin Maia is an excellent server. imple Paragraph 14: ¢. My favorite city in the world is New York: Ci Activity 7. pp. 47-49 Example Paragraph 15: c. Pasta is my favorite food Example Paragraph 16: . Good teachers have special qualities. Example Paragraph 17: a. This city offers stations for everyone. Activity 8, p. 50 1. Answer is given. 2.He 3. They alt 6. They Copyright © Heinle, a Part of Cengage Leaming. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class. Bh Activity 9. p. 51-53 Example Paragraph 19. Keepine score in American football is more (Another spor: thet has easy scoring basketball.) Copyright © Heinle, a Part of Cengage Learning. Permiss 8 her 9. She 10. Their 1 My 12. Their wl 14. my 15. they 16. my Activity 12. pp. Exampl (My father mai furnitur (have wroubie remem! and other wood number.) Activity 13, p. 6 2, Doctors say that one hour of exercise each day cen keep you in shape. _Zb. First, think about the food you eat. “Le ltis easy to stay healthy if you follow some simple steps. 9 d. Take time to appreciate the good things in life. 10 e. You can follow these steps to help yourself stay healthy. 3. £ The best types of food are fruits and vegetables. 7g Inaddition, exercise is good for the body and the mind. sion granted to photocopy for use in class Great Writing 3 h. Final i. It ig important to eat ¢ lot of them every relaxation is very important. consider some exercise. Activity 14, p. 58 1. Example Paragraph 12 Topic sentence: Some people like snow, but 1 do not Conciuding sentence: | und tand why some people like snow. but] de not like it very much 2, Example Paragraph 13 Topic sentence: excellent server. Concludi My cousin Maris isa Sentence. Maria wants every customer to have 2 good meal at the restaurant 3. Example Paragraph 14: Topic sentence: My favorite city in the world is New Yori: City, Concluding York Ci sentence: i wuly enjoy 2 is my favorite food. ence: | want to cat pasta 5: Exainple Paragraph 16: Topic sentence: Good teachers have special qualities. Concluding sentence: These are some of the most important qualities of good teachers, 6. Example Paragraph 17 Topic sentence: This city offers radio stations for everyone. Concluding sentence: Our city is certainly lucky to have so many kinds of music stations, Greai Sentences for Great Paragraphs, ¥ Activ Example Paragraph 27: ¢, These are just a few reasons why'I do not like Monday Example Paagraph 28: b. It is amazing how many good and bad superstitions there are! Example Paragraph 29: a. 1t is important to think about all these things when you are buying a car. Activity 16. p. 60 Aspirin is an incredible medicine. This small white pill is not a new drug. We do not know exactly why or how it works. However, millions of people use aspirin every day. We take aspirin fo: many reasons. Aspirin is good for headaches, colds, and pain. Aspirin can help with so many different health problems. Aspirin is a simple medicine but itis greet. Activity 17, p. 61 1. a belief i . money goes out a hat sofe 7. origin 8. daylight 9.10 give 10. vehicles 11. city center 12. food 13. to make neat 14, many choices aw Copyright © Heinle, a Part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class, Activity 18, pp. 61-62 idee! of Activity 20.p. 63 se vary. Activity 21, p. 64 Answers will vary 1 3. has 4, works 5.g0 6. love 7. Do you know Copyright © Heinle, a Part of Cengage Leaming. Permissioy ewer Key Activity 2, p. 68 school, they go to the focal mal! where they work in a sporting goo: fe this part- time job, they go hon dinner, study, and do their homework. Fim and Billy know that this lifestyle is stressful They also 'now that it will end soon, anc they will get professional jobs Activity 5, pp. 70-71 Answers may vary. 1. makes breakfast 2. sits down at the kitchen table 3. read the newspaper to photocopy for use in ciass Gvar Writing I: Grear Semen 4. looks at his watch and asks the kids to get their lunch boxes 5. say goodbye 6, get ino 7. Mrs. Lee washes the breakfast dishes, 8. Mrs. Lee gets into her car to go to work. Activity 6, p. 72 Budapest is one of the most interesting capitals of Europe. It is a ronvantic city, and it as many interesting tourist places to visit. One example is the Danube River. It separates Budapest into Buda and Pest. In addition, visitors eat ‘Hungarian-traditional-food—The-most popular food is goulesh soup. The people of Budapest are friendly and helpful to tourists, When you travel to Europe, you can visit Budapest and have a very good time Activ v7, p73 2. plural; There is more than one desk. b. singular; There is only one map. ¢. plural; There is more than one poster. plural; There is more than one picture é €. yes; on the left side of the room, 9.70 yes; above the blackboard Activity 8 p. 74 Answers will vary. Activity 9, p. 75 1. There are twenty-six letiers in the English alphabet. (Letters is a plural subject.) 2. There are five vowel letters and twenty- one consonant letters. (Letters is a plural subject) Copyright © Hein is, 3 ed. Answer Key 3, The letters wand y are sometimes vowels, especially when they come after vowels. (Letters is a plural subject.) 4. These letters are a, j, and £ plural subject.) Activity 10, p. 75 Do you know about the TOEFL®? it is the Test of English as a Foreign Language. Most international students who want to study at 2 university in the United ‘Stetes take this test. u measures English language ability. The test comes from Educational Testing Service in New Je: tis very long test. The TOEFL tests severe] subject areas, including reading, listening, speaking, and writing, If you want to study in the United States, it is important to prepare for this test and get a high score. Activity 11, p.77 1. Answer is given. 2. San Juan is not (isn’t) in Puerto Rico. 3. The capital of Japan is not (isn't) Osake, 4. Ghaide dozé not library every day. 5. There is not (i Green Street. 6. Irene and Julie are not (aren't) roommates. 7. Charlie does not work (doesn’t work) at a gas station. 8. There are not (aren’t) answers in the back of the book. 9. The teacher does not want (doesn’t want) 2 new computer. 10. Aida does not bake (doesn’t bake) cookies every Saturday. t) a Thai restaurant on Part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in elass. Activity 12, p. 79 Answer is giver Activity 13. p. 80 sewers willy Activity 14. p. 80 Activity 16, p. 83 1. Mary lives in Turkey, but Abdul lives in Kuwait, 2, The weather was cold, so I stayed indoors. 3. We go to school every day, and we play tennis on weekends. 4. Linus and Kathy are related, but they are not brother and sister. 5. The restaurant manager was happy, so he gave all the servers a raise. Paragraphs Activity 17. What is ¢ popular sport pom? (What is ‘Where did this spor: com: a . Is soccer er Where (in whi popular? Why is What special eauipm require? As this sport Is there 2 worl’y sport? How ofien is i ple How competition? is this spor. yopular does this sport ilar on television” o soe: out this Activity 18. pp. 86-8 1 Answer is giv 8. Ca county 9.NC; information 10. NC; heppines 11. C;a word 12. C;a present 13. C; an answer Copyright © Heinie, « Par of Cengage Leeming. Permission grated to pitstocopy for use in clas. Great Writing 2: Great Senter Activity 19, p. 87 Steven Mills is not a typical teenager. Steven is a gymnast, and he wants to compete in the Olympics. He wakes up at five o'clock in the morning every days because he has to practice before school, Firsi, he has 2 healthy breakfast. Then he jogs to National Gymnasium on Cypress Street. He practices gymnastics for two hours. Then ie gets ready for school, Steven goes to school from eight-thirty in the morning until three o'clock in the afternoon. After school, he returns to the gymnasium for special classes with his coach. When practice finishes eiums home, He eats dinner, homework, and talks with his is in bed by ten o’clock, so he will be ready for work the next day. Activity 20, p. 88 1. no cost 2. to be the boss work thiny hours 8. restaurant rie divide ~ 10. & nice suit 11. to stop sleeping 12. animals 13. an earthquake 14, soccer-field 15. must have Activity 21, pp. 88-89 1. friendship 2. take fer Great Paragraphs, 3 er Key H 3. from 4 low 5. mistake 7.0n 8. of, 9. afer 10. in Activity 22, p. 89 1. friend 2. friendly 3. profession 4. professional separate (verb) 6. separ 7. visitor 8. visits 9 freedom 10. free Activity 23, p. 90 Answers will vary Activity 24, p. 93 Answers will vary. UNIT. Activity 1, p. 95 1. Answer is given. 2. Mary and Natalie played with many animals. 3. They laughed at the animals. 4. Natalie really enjoyed herself. 5. She liked the chickens best. 6. Natalie watched them play all morning. 7. They played with the baby goats 8. Finally, they returned home. Copyright © Heinle, a Part of Cengage Leaming, Permission granted to phatocapy for use in class. Great Sentences j an important was born in China. He dived in the Hunan province, and he worked 26 6 court librarian, The government in nan was corrupt, so Lac-Tau decided to he abandoned the -d him to write a home, B ne a te write the book Tao Te Ching. Thes were the beginning of the philesephy of the book Tao Te ‘e¢ the philosophy activiry 4, pp. 95-99 2002, Antonio and Marcus w the top students et the University of North T history In class, they answered all of their instructors’ questions. Their test grades heat the other students’, and their clase projects received excellent marks. When they graduated in 2006, they finished at the top of the class: All of the teachers were very proud of Antonio and Marcus. In 2002, Fatima was the top student at the University of North Carolina. She studied in the history department. She excelled in her studies. In class, she Copyright © Heinle, « Part of Cengage Learning, When she graduated in 2006. she finished a te top of the class, All of the teachers were pp. 100-101 Answers may vary ates Iihy when she was born. (OF healthy.) years old wh Answers w Activity 7. p. 10d 1. Answer was not 3. was 4. was 5. were not 6. Te were B.was 9. were 10, were not 1. were not ere ted ta photocopy for use in class Great Writing J: Grea: Semences. Activity 8, p. 104 Answers will vary. Activity 9, pp. 105-106 1. Answer is given. 2. Ling did not study engineering. 3, Humberto’s parents did not visit him last ear. Dinosaurs did not have large brains. John did not help me with my homework! Bs Karl did not speak with his parents last night 8. did not do my homework yesterday ‘osemy did not leave tie p: ocvanier am early last night 10. My brother did not go to the grocery store last Saturday. Activity 10, pp. 106-107 Answers may vary. | Answer is given. 2. Confucius did not live in Japan. He lived in China. 3. Pelé did not play basketball: He plaved soccer. 4.In the 1980s, Madonna did not sing in Arabic, She sang in English. 5. The Titanic did not sink in the Pacific Ocean. It sank i Ue Allantié Ocean, 6. The Statue of Liberty did not come from Italy. It came from France. 7. The Wright Brothers did not invent the radio. They invented the airplane. 8. Stephen King did not write Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet. Activity 11, p. 107 1. Answer is given. 2. was Edda did not send the letter to her parents. d. Answer Key 13 . did nor work woke up was not did not start got yelled 9. crashed 10. lost 1. stayed 12, decided 13. was Activity 12, pp. 108-109 1. Answer is given wer is given, C;.... decision, but. s C; ...Canada, but... s 8. C;...sports, but... 8.8 10.8 11. C;....pine, but.. 12.8 Activity 13, pp. 109-110 Answers may vary. 1. Answer és given 2. Andrew’ was born in 1915, but Ian was born in 1920. 3. Andrew sang as @ hobby, but Jan played baseball. 4, Andrew was married, but Ian was single 5. Andrew lived in Washington, D.C., but Ian lived in Chicago, Illinois, 6. Andrew graduated from high school, but Tan graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree, Copyright © Heinle, a Part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy fr use in cass. Great Fri drew 100! math teacher. 3!My iast vacation was in [sountry/city name], but [clessmate’s name]'s last vacation was in [ it [country name 2] wants much that he continued to travel his original plan, but he on his journey. He had many during his travels, and he met many interesting people. After he returned home, he did not forget about his journey He wroté & book cbout his travels. This book now gives us a lot of important formation about life in the fourteenth century. Iéalso gives us more information about this interesting and important man. Activity 16, p. 112 1.very bad news 2. one hundred years Copyright © Heinle, a Part of Cengeze Leamin erapins 3.10 share 4. the best 5. t0 nat 6. grade 7. region . 8. books © apart 10. 10 complete 11. initial 12. boss 13, not a copy 14,10 come 1 15.10 scream ° 4. informatio: 5, about 6 abandon make §, communic: Activity 18, p. 114 1. proud 4. excellent 5. communicated 6. communicative 7. continued 8. continuous/continual 9. culture 10. cultural ‘Activity 19, p. 115 Answers will vary. jon granted to photocopy for ust in clas. Great Writing 1: Great Sentences for Great Paragraphs, Activity 20. p. 118 Answers will vary. ty 1, p. 119 are visiting are walking are watching are s gi are having. 1 3 4.are playing : : 6. is looking -iseating— a dare talking 1-12. is walicing and y 3. is talking 14. is telling 15. are listening 16, are asking wing Activity 2, pp. 120-121 into the net jumping for the ball is watching the ball . is running toward the goal 5. is hoping the shot will be goal 6. are-cheering for their team 7.are waving flags and banners Activity 3, p. 121 Answers will vary. Activity 4, p. 122 Answers may vary. 1. is vacuuming taking picking up 4. is cleaning the window Activity 5, p. 124 1. Answer is given. 2. Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C, and milk has a large smount of vitamin D. 3. Bolivia is a landlocked country in South America, and Switzerland is @ landlocked country in Burope 4, That blouse is the perfect color for you, and it matches your pants and your handbag. 5.1m planting marigold seeds, and I hope they will grow quickly is « part of the United States, and 2 part of the United Arab Emirates. 7. Velis is having guests for dinner tonight, ey Will arrive on time. 6. Arizoni Activity 6, p. 125 1. Answer is given 2. Canan lives with her family. Seher stays with her uncle's family. 3. Canan is going to graduate at the end of the year. Seher aduate at the end of the yes: 4. Canan wants 19 get 2 good job in the Scher wants to get a good job in the private sector when she graduates, 5. Canan hopes to work for a large international company. Seher wants to get a |job with the local electric company. Activity 7, p.127 1. Answer is given. 2. 2) Rb) C; It rained really hard, so we did not play tennis. 3.) Rb) C; The cat was very sick, so we took it to the vet. 4.a) C b) R; Ana was very sick, so Mrs. Lopez took her to the doctor. Copyright © Heinle, a Part of Cengege Leaming, Permission granted to photocopy for use in class Writing J: Great Sentences fo Cb) R: Jon he did not © to the party 6.a) Rb) C: The DVD was very expensive, ing and taking notes. did not fee! well, being robbed, so t Answer hey Activity 10, pp. 131-132 Answers will vary. Possible inetude: 1. quietly; hard cavity Ti. p. 132 rains V0 VE Activity 12, p. 133 city, So you cannot see... Sandwich, and a verb... computer company, but she... as LC... Khartoum. and itis.. 2. C; ...terrible, so Lance. food. Now the brown squirrel is He wants to jump to a nch. F squirrel hears somethi is coming dow: Someone dropped a fev icolete chip cookie. These pieces are lying on the grass. The squirrel is walking toward the food, and he is inspecting it. He is putting it in his mouth. His tail is moving rapidly. The little brown squirrel is now eating happily. Activity 13, p. 134 1. to use your mouth 2. powerful 3. need water 4, with your ears 5. arug Copyright © Heinle, » Pert of Cengage Leaming. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class. 3" ed. Answer Key 1: Great Semences for e 6. to move back and forth IT 6 7. 18 years old 8. not organized Activity 1, pp. 140-141 9. t0 fall Answers may vary. Possible answers 10.4 part include 11. to go up 1. It is going to rain 12. not public . They are going 19 get married 13.10 look at . She is going to score a goal. She is going to start an experiment. inside 5. They are going to go backp: 6. The ice cream is going to fall on the floor. 14.2 large group y 14, p. 134-135 Activity 2, pp. 143-144 1. Answer is given. t with Mr. Green. is going to have din: 2. He awill m: on Friday. 6. lion 4. He is going to take his pet to the 7. cleaner veterinarian, 8. trip 5. He will buy srocerie: 9. room 6. He is going to play soccer on Saturday at 10. nervous 6PM. He will give Ms, Simms p. 135 Activity 3, p.144 2. beauty Answers will vary. 3. lucky 4. luck Activity 4, pp. 145-146 5. thirsty 1. First, 6. thirst ~~ 2. next 7. Fishing 3. After 8. fish 4. Then 9. hikes 5. next 10. hiking 6. Sunday, 7. Finally, Activity 16, p. 136 Answers will vary. Activity 5, pp. 146-147 1. is going to be Activity 17, p. 137 2. is going to wear Answers will vary. 3. is going to go Copyright © Heinle, a Part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class, is going to dar joing to) eat © (is going to) celebrate ber e be 15 years old. je wear a beautiful white 11. CX: ... gets sick during 2 flight, the. 12.8 Activity 8, p. 151 Answers will vary. oan oe HL the Activity 10. p. 158 1 dnswe test next 9. After Nichol sister gave him an expensive git + 10. My dad bought me e bike for my last birthday. but I wanted e puppy. Activity 11, p. 157 1. Answer is given 2. Answer is given. 3. S; Because it was raining, we did not go to the beach. 4a Copyright © Heinle, a Part of Cengage Leaming, Permission granted to photocopy for use in class Park Gre 5. S; She arrived late because her car broke down 6.F 7.S; Because I live in New York, theater on Broadway often. 8.F §.S: The computers were dawn today because a storm knocked out the power. 16. S; We are going to postpone the meeting because the managers ere out of the office tothe Activity 12. pp. 157-158 Answers will vary. r is given 2, Michael likes to play soccer, hockey, and football. 3. My friends Rick, Susan, and Greg are angry with me. 4, John, Robert, and Theo want to go to the movies 5. [ am going to bring sungles: cold drink, and 2 book to the beach tomorrow. 6. Atthe dance, we ate played games. . 7. In Moscow, Candice is going to visit the Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cethedrel, and Gorky od, danced, and 8, Ron, Harry, and Elizabeth rode the Ferris wheel at the fair. Activity 14, p. 160 ‘My winter vacation is going to be wonderful because I am going to go to Quebec. 1 am going to go with my best friend. We are going to spend two weeks there, and itis going to be a wonderful time. Ihave an aunt who lives there, and she is wences for Great Paragraphs, 3 ed. Arswe: going to show us all the beautiful sights. We don’: speak French very well, so we are a little bit nervous. After J arrive in Canada, Tam going to buy « lot of souvenits for my parents, brother. and friends. cannot wait formy vacation to begin! ‘Activity 15. p. 161 1. a gathering of friend: 2. gifis 3. verbal cominunication 4.10 have fun 5. most proper 6, to not r smber tat all tive emotion 8. strong ne: 9. to wali 10. truth 11. not many 12. very old 13. awake at ni 14. a time for fun 13. your uncle's ci hiid Activity 16. pp. 161-162 1. building 2. about 3. along 4. animal 5. unique 6. speech 7. formal 8. sights 9. angry 10. speech Activity 17, p. 162 1. angry 2. angered 3. honest Copyright © Heinle, « Part of C-ngage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in clas. 8. who 9. who 0. that L that that Activity 2, pp. 176-171 1. Answer is given. 2. New Hampshire is a small state tha the northeastern part of the United States. 3. Romansch is @ language that comes from Lati 4. Bolivia is a South American country that does not have 2 coastline. Copyright © Heinle, 2 Part of Cengage Leaming. Permission, and coconut milk. slighier! was an Hualian writer whe Divine Comedy. is 2 rodent that is 2 nat cat North cean, ©. A. coach is £ person who trains athletes to rm well i rs. Al Arab is ¢ famous buiidi Dubai. saw on was Sree! Magnolias. Gay tha: we arrived in Tex 5 Was speeding ticket was very angry. 10. The play that we are going to see tonight is very popular in London. Activity 4, p. 1 1. The teachers who work in the city’s schools say they might go on strike. 2. The teachers want to go on strike because they get salaries that are very low. anted to photocopy for use in class. veat Sentences for Great Pa 3. The teachers hope the people whe attend the meeting will agree with them about the low salari Activity 5, pp. 172-173 Sentence 1: The teachers who work in the city’s schools say they might go on strike. a) The teachers say they might go on sirike work in the city’s schools. Semence 2: The teachers want to go on salaries that are very strike because they g Jow. a) The teachers want to go on strike. b) ‘The te: Salar aET. et salaries. c) The teacher lows Sentence 3: The teachers hope the people who attend the meeting will agree with them about the low salaries. 2) The teachers hope people will agree with them about the low salaries. b) People will attend the meeting, Acti Exam 6, pp. 173-174 ‘aragraph 64: Another word that causes spelling problems ‘Example Paragraph 65. ‘This is the weather that [ like the most. Activity 7, p. 176 ‘Answers will vary. Activ! 8, p-177 1. must 2.will 3, should (OR can) 4, must (OR can) S.can 6. should (OR might) 7. should (OR might) 8. will 9. should ips, 3" ed, Answer Key 21 Activity 9, p. 177 a. Answer is given. ib. 2: Iris large country with many different people. ¢. 6; In conclusion, different aveas of this country have very different histories. d. 3: The people who live in the southern part of the country were independent for many years. e. 4: However, the people who live in the northern part of the country were under forei conirol for long periads of time. £5: Some of the countries that ruled this northern area were Egypt, Rome, Turkey, and Britain. Activity 10, p. 178 {Sudan, ¢ Country of Different Historie; Sudan is e country that is in the northeastern part of Africa. It is @ I country with many different people. The peopie who live in the southern part of the country were independent for many years. the people who live in the foreign control for long periods of time. ‘Some of the countries that ruled this ere Egypt, Rome Turkey. and Britain. In conclusion, different arcas this country have very different histories. m area Activity 11, pp- 180-181 1. Answer is given 2, Last week, the Johnson sisters had an excellent part. (OR The Johnson sisters had an excellent party last week.) 3, Next Monday, we are going to buy anew car. (OR We are going to buy a new car next Monday.) Copsight © Heinle, a Part of Cengage Learn Permission grated 10 photocopy for sein class 4.4 (OF nie ex Every moming. Jar Dic you tak Smith's class yesterday morn the gt morning in. Mrs. Smith's cle (OF ir the car le, nigh books in the car.) ey met Tis at & 3. Daniel is going to put his suitcase in the car in ten minutes. (OR In ten minutes, Danie! is going to put his suitcase in the car.) Activity 13, p. 182 ]. Answer is given. 2. Answer is given. a8 4F Copyright © Heinle, a Per of Ceng: .ge Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use incl uF SONS To V new county. Fi bee esting. and di car visit the Fren coconu:-fiavo: new people whe li countries. You ¢; more abou: their 7. strange and different 8. atype of writing 9. far away 10. an area Activity 16, pp. 183-184 1. salary 2. bright 3.hard 4. with 5.0n a 1. Grea Sentences 6. effect 7. make 8. take 9. problems 10. under Activity 17, p. 184 |. assignment 2. assigned energetic ener, pronounce 6 pronunciation coniusion confusing Activity 18, p. 185 Answers will vary. Activity 19, p. 186 vary. UNITS. Activity 1, pp. 188-189 5; In fact, the Andes affect almost b. 2; Itis loceted in the south-central part of the continent. c. 1; Peru is a country in South America. d.3; The Andes Mountains run through the middle of the country. e. 4; The mountains affect weather, agriculture, and transportation. Peru is a country in South America. Iis located in the south-central part of the continent. The Andes Mountains run through the middle of the country. The mountains affect weather, eericulture, and transportation. In fact, the Andes affect almost every aspect of Peruvian life. 2... 2; They are classified as birds, be they cannot fly b. 3; Instead, they are excellent swimmers shaped like because t! have win; ip, c. 5; They live only in the cold the southern hemisphere. d. 1: Penguins ions in e Very interesting animals. ink that these birds live "y do not. Penguins are very interesting animais. They are classified as birds, but they cannot fly. Instead, they swimmers because they have wings shaped like flippers. Many people think that these Pole, but they do not They live only ir. the cold r ith: emisph birds live at the North # the Activit 1. fruit 2. believe 3. vegetable because “4. other 5. tomatoes 6. tomatoes p. 190 Activity 3, pp. 190-191 Last Saturday my father and I built a koi pond in our backyard. First, we dug a big hole in the center of the yard. Then we Iaid a sheet of black plastic in the hole Next, we put rocks around the edge of the Copyright© Heinle, a Part of Cengage Learning. Permission grented to photocopy for use in clas ie. After that, we fill nts and fish. It njoyed i Finally. we add: was ¢ lot of hard work, bu Activity 4, p. 192 Tomorrow Antonic is going to plant den, First, he is going to choose of the garden. He is going to put it ine place that gets ¢ lot of sunlight. Then round. After that, ‘Next, he is plant them in rows ight bulb is one of the ions in the warid, Pos sible answers in now allows dark, It helps us to do moze work in one day. People cen do more fun things wher itis ark. 4, simple present—to describe situations that are true today, simple past—situations that bewan and ended in the past (0 see things easily in the Activity 6, p-194 Answers will vary. Activity 7, pp. 19: Lis eto De an usual. S) mom's house instead of eating dinner with Q ey are going to have < big mom plans: Mnabi iple presen:—to a: with Activ Answers wi Activity 9, pp. 196-197 1. My Mi 1s bright blue, and very powerful. 2. They wanted to drive it, but I told them they could not. 3. My friends did not want to walk, so they always chose to be passengers. 4, Every weekend I drove to the movie theater in that car, and every weekend my friends rode with me. Activity 10, p. 197 Answers will vary, Le, a Part of Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in clas, Great Writing 1: Great Sentences for urea Activity 11, p. 198 La the the a the the wh wD 2 unrelated sentences: February usually only has 28 days. These months are usually hot Aeawvity 14, p. 199 Answers will vary Activity 15, p. 200 Let 2.7 41,8 4.8,T 5/8, T phs, 3 ed, Answer Key 5 Y 16, p. 201 Activity 17, p. Answers will vary Activit y 18. pp. 19, pp. 204-205 Opinion 1 1. Because secondhand smoke causes cancer, | believe that banning smo! public places is corr Answers will vary 1g is not allowed in government such. as post offices and Smoking will one day be against the law. courthouses Opinion 2 1. Lam not a smoker, but I disagree with the new laws that prohibit smoking. 2. Answers will vary. 3. People in restaurants are allowed to eat as much unhealthy food as they want, but they are not punished for this, so smokers should not be punished for their unhealthy choices either. Adults should be allowed to make their own decisions Copyright © Heinle a Part of Cengage Learning. Permission photocopy for use in class 5 will vary She can see bor ides © that there may be 2 compromise both sides. ue and mus: not have mo must have son decision. 2. Answers will vary 3. Modern science can help the paren ich is better than seving neither ‘one baby, wh of them. Activit . driving a telephone awalker 3, p. 209 a decision completely cannot do something people disagree ee a §, started 9. in the near pase 10. to meet or Activity 24, p. 209 1. section 2. put 3. allow 4. decision against 6. for Activity 2: 1. transportati 2. ransports 3. swimming 4. Swimmers 5. differ 6 difference ape 8 powerful. 9. disigreement 10. disagree Activity 26, p. 211 Answers will vary Activity 27, p. 211 Answers will vary. Heinle, ¢ Part of Cengage Leaming. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class. APPENDIX 1 BUILDING BETTER SENTENCES NOTE: The answers here may vary somewhat. It is important for students 10 discuss any variations with the teacher or classmates to determine if these variations are indeed possible, Practice] Unit 1, pp. 233 A. Answer is given. B. The boxes on the table are heavy C Caroline nds classes at Jeffe son Community Colicge on Wednesdays. D. any-is-e beaut region in Practice? Unit 2, p. 234 A. There are rare books in the library. B. Drivers have more accidents on snowy C. Aspirin is good for headaches, colds, and Practice 3 234-235 A. My w B. Gretchen studies veterinary medicine at the University of Florida in Gainesville. C. The students take a test every Friday, but their scores are not very high. Unit 3 pp. ie is a. wonderful man. Ch Practiced Unit 4, p. 235 A. The government is Hunan was corrupt, so Lao-Tzu decided to leave his home. B. My parents were not rich, but they were always happy. C. This book now gives us a lot of important information about life in the fourteenth century. Copyright © Heinle, a Part of Cengage Learning, Permission granted to photocopy for Paragraphs, 3" ed. PracticeS Unit 5, p. 236 A. Mr. Jimenez and Rosario love monk: around the monkey B. Bolivia is a landlocked county in South America, and Switzerland is a landlocked county in Europe. C. There are many great places to visit in cit , but you cannot see them all in one aay. Practice 6 some formal dances with her friends, B. Because [live in New York, I ge buy a lot of souvenirs for my parents, brother, and friends. Practice 7 Unit 7, p. 237 A. The two women who are sitting on the soft are my mother and my grandmoti B, These are just ¢ few of the words that ling pr: nonnative speakers of English. C. Wendy is eating lunch and talking to hi friends in the cafeteria right now. in class TING ACTIVITIES Seaweed is an interesting plant. It grows in the ocean. It dogs not like very hot lot of water to Hive. neastern part of the United States. in the sout The population of Florids is approximately in Florida are 0. Millions of § million. TI Miami, Tampe careers, § G@) She wo! jew York City b work in th Hew s into it. T had 2 nt House) We moved many I live in ¢ little house. It is located on television. We put it in the living room next Hillside Road. My house number is 710. My 10 the window, Jane’s brother helped us house is very old. Iris [almost 100 years move our couch end chairs. We told him to old]. The sides of my house are white. The put them in front of the television. Finally, roof is dark gray. In front of the house, there we moved in our beds. It did not take 2 long are some small bushes and trees. time to bring them in, Jane said she would move her bed by herself, but her brother had to help her. Moving is a lot of hard work. 1 hope we do not have to move again soon! in granted to photocopy for use in class. Part of Cengage Leaming. Permi Copyright © Hein! Writing Activity 7, p. 244 Life on the Farm My grandpa is « very busy ferme: Yesterday, he got up at four o’clock in the morning. He ate brealsfast. Then we went out to the barn. There he fed and milked the cows. When he finished, he fed the rest of the animals. Then he worked in the cornfields until noon. He ate @ fast lunch. After that, he worked in the fields again. In the evening, he ate dinner. Then he fed the animais one last time. Grandpa finelly went ie certainly to bed at around nine o'clock. aid # lovin one aay Writing Activity 8, p. 2 Lars's New Career Lars is studying nursing. (1.) He has 10 go to school five days a week, and he takes several classes every day. Lars also practices nursing at 2 iocal hospital. (2.) He helps with everyday work there. but he cannot help with emergencies. F eady to do thi Lars’s grades are very good, so he will graduate with honors. Because of this, it will be easy for hen he can help as je is not t yet. G many peaple as possible. ‘eu Hriking 2: Great Sentences for Great Pan d. Answer Ke} 2 Writing Activ 9, p. 246 A Memorable Vacation When I graduate from high school this year, my aunt and uncle are going to take me on @ wonderful vacation. We are going to go to the Black Hills in South Dakota. We are going wo do lots of interesting things. We are going to visit Mt. Rushmore and take lots of pictures. We are going to visit « pl to mine for gold. One to eat buffalo t is going to be very night, we are eve burgers for dinner. exciting. Iam io make memories on that ris’ that I em goine to keep for a lifetim Writing Activity 10, p.247 ‘The Discovery of the Titanic ‘There were many scientists and explorers who searched for the Titanic for a jong time. They finally found itin 1985. It ean. This water was too deep for humans to visit without protection. Scientists solved this problem. In onder to explore the wreck, they used 2 submersible that was controlled by people on the surface of the ocean. Explorers took: pictures of the Titanic with the submersible. ‘They even brought things to the surface that were on the sunken ship. Because of these people’s efforts, we now understand more about the remains of the Titanic. was deep in the Copyright © Heinle, a Part of Cengage Leeming. Permission granted to photocopy for use in clas.

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