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Depabd m a t it

Fxplain Yole horchase

Dbjed ives?
The Pmch asina Depadmend fs a Pand

Dva anu Sai ion which is Tosporai bla buying

Goods and Sewicos a ComOany hoos Ao

its bui hos d a Pri Co tad &upp orts a Compony's

bott om Yice ta Crucial role, Since del ays

Cold 3BoP tta PAoduct ion
and D chasing
To Cos nd Rosu emp ty Shelwes or

Custome lasRs Caoied Oul Pun dh astnq

Depobd mod an
iqwing Oud whad 3peritc em
h0obs wheh Ond in cohad uandities

indng Rapudabsta and Cost- el ecdive &uppies.

Neaotiadi rg prices and Deliveru teh m

Coovd nading peliveues wite twite wananDulo

logi94iCes eaum

*Extrordina best Vaue om upplies lod ract

TaKoy busive
Dbeti ve Covehed
c h a ihg
Po objedives
pu aing Pepadm ed OY

Pep om ent aa

R educina Cogt
Divesig ing upply
Fu lbng Busie Keauir em els

Spanking Lnh ovadlion

Manaqing RelalionShips
Sperig isoy

Redurira Cost
Geting e Owet Psice o a

PandiC aus Produd ov Seui ce hot

horOsay, ud Puwhabens 3trive Sove mo

Ao busikos by aott ing tt bet Pri coR
and Hem ovehal Cap itali zivg On wLondives k
discounds Hod Supples oHen Im por tmd

Diveniying Suppy
pon ding too Much Cwit o
Suppuen 9k t a d Supplen Should haue
oublo lina feir olougalions D aiSettoi)
i Ce S1gi Cody Com pory th at dopends On
to dloli ven Gooals
thon may haue

laden time tkon expectod

3 Busikoss Keapiremenls

Doing Busi naus with t-e iqht

SuppLe Coun
Coun mateh as much as pYIha

Supplying For Ocam plo . Com Dani es a wanl to

enbuho had ttey Small busi eses

aWocating a Cendain Dercodaqe CeiY Punch asi hg

budnels arCOvodinqu

4SPAR h vwovAT IO
Ynch arirg Kodesioh ols Qan
Suppor t Teir Companys Owe bu
i'nrovaive Soudions to buines Pvoblems and

OPPudunities They do So buy wor Ring

wtt vendoS
Companes hds
Oplo ing ho SuppCes Con kalp


w asing roession als Coun
wOR wit dbaut anyone ih e i r Com pan- They
m a dor wit Tepresondadives om Markat i h
Otten dopat menis
6 SpENDiNG WistY
wndh asing oen arrovds
than hal Com pani es Spendi ha Veading
ConY eilu Caur kolp a Comp
Yuchoin q dollan
3hohe hhense sts
escpamd mako

bu alouoing o osing uali

Phoduis to mankot

esedials Maloial Cod ol?

)hod tto

)Co-ordi nadion
FAOct iue Condrol a Madeual KotyireA

ietive Co-ov dinadion anon g Co dopadmels

Duch o l na Roceving and spectioh,
iolve in
Solos and actottina
tor aae, Produriion ,

dopood m ents So 1od adoualo Molerials

awa lalolo oY Continous Produrtion & Sales
h)_Cendsali sed Pun cdosihg
O de to economi 2e tfo
an o avoid Techlos bing aw Naeial
f Dwhaina unctio 3 o be Cetval 3ed
Kopen Schadulina QMai enials Reaulred o
Madeials a to
esuOs Quailalbi ttu
iq time

iu ClossNi caion &Ccdii cadion adeual leads

Ho eay dendidicoad ion opo Condrol Malerals
Reccipt o Materials

Chocking inApeaioOn Maderia

by ocoivinq Wepadmed ense) Cosrecl 9uanti y

Qnd qunlty Madeua Ordood the
Ov gani ton

viUsaqe Ofoxms
Slandod oxms to o

dosiq hod and wsed Or Pwthase eaistitOn

Ptae Orden, Rocoivina aNodeials, TeqLi stition

OModerials Qund tanseh o Madeial vom
Sobs 3tores O otfah Iabs.

Stovaqe o Madeials 3houldbe endyusd ed

to o quoligied tore Raopen to plan epcfiue
Stor@qe and awoid
lowes due to
8 Detoal dud s PasponsibiLHtes
a Podhase Man agen

b Store Repen

Pmchase Manaaeh

repaung a thahe Budq

sistonto SloTe Hao Den, Poducdion dopadmed
and inante Depardment

*oeinq Puwthase Poeyei t iohs sOmVaious epadmad

OY uoladins Yom Vauou
In viHing 4enderb
elbcion Qoablo 3upples
Placomend Ywchase Os dos
Ov dlon Ho veove
Followna Punchase
maderials as pon tte aq reeol Schedules som

doliveuy Madeia

Roceiving GooddsReroived Notes GRN) and

veruin t with Pchae OT der o
tem Hte pandity
uoliu , ad 9siCe
Mad eniols arcordanto witR

Ov ders placed.
Keiectinq and Rotwhra Mad euals wit

hot OnaccOvdnnte wit agy d ems

*Chacking 1to woi COs XPasihq or aumed

ound în ordon

olping ta RRD Depad m at Ho deuvelop in house

hoducd ion CLLU Modeials

b)slovage Ro Pen
* Tkey eceived qcods ay pe aoods emi vecl hote

aong wit Popen doCum@nt.

To Ploce hadeials în pvopen bings

To Maindain Madeicls în Good londHion to
to auoid
To1sue Mndeials aqainsdRopol Qauthor i3ed
Modoual Rouusdi ons
F s o p Maind ainane Stoves f eroxds to
oden a te Quonities veceived and sued ou
o tores

epoTt o
Manan exn@nt on olb 3oleto
movin domond Stocks fo enalslo
manQg emord to take Surtab lo
+Ro obci Sions to
x epuo
Such Los e
To RoeD Tko tore Cleah XaEceLsible
*To Supewie Condrol tta ta

Whad ae te Hechniqu3 Materieial Codrol

a)Natimum Stock level TRiS is tRe mihimur

o e Maindoi hel
Quondi ty nadeial
moua tte T ollowihg ariors a eset ials
Minim um Sto ch ouel
*Reoxdo level
Novma Con SumptdOn o Madenial
lRme enuirad to obtain Maleial

he tima 1Suthg Pothase Ov dontoo e

ime 0Phsica recoipt 1te Madeio

Natwre O Mderia

bMacimum Stock Jevel 14 1 tRai uantiy above

wic +te
the Stock Ony Hem Should hot loe aWovecd

to ecteed Fixation
yLordiy dopends On
Seyenal 4odorS a
given below
Rate oCoromption @aui 1ed oY
*vailabtli o toOae Spare
Cost o Stovaqe
Pvailabili y o Ein@nke
*xlend oPriCa FluctuadionS

*Reordon leuel tima Racjuired to obtain

doliveuy o Suppies

AvailalbiUHy o4 qualit ouo Madeial

COnOmiC Oxdoninq Quandties

* Kisk o Db 9oexente , evapos adion amd

Nadunal Wale

* Cost OLwsuhane

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