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懸 ,鬱・)
餞筆饉壁:鱚 e CO饉 穣履6%機 AttA撥
じ禽 篤
:AttAな PUtt ξ撻饉‡
奪 :tOe
窓ra繰 奪猟‐CO魏 韓 0経 冤O Al:0:sぐ β


oergy 扇 31

艤 o悪 緩1● 1:

A lntroduction ts, En€rg, $cience: and

EnerSV Systems' Energy suttainability
Wodd & lndaan Energy Scenario, overview to
for lossil fueis: bigmass' wind' sobr'
Environment. fossil Fuels' Altetnatives
wave, tidal & hydt0gen'
water Follutl6n: water
mealures {PrimarY & Secondary waste
Definition, causes, e{fects and control -Iragedy'
pollution' Pollution case studies: Minamata
lrealmenti, Acid Rain and marine
Wate' conserva{on' Rain
iu"* uo,on Plan, Maiot oil spills ol the 20'n & 2ln century'
water harvesting and watet shed managerfient'

Module2: €aosYstemsl

funttion of an ecolYttem; Produrcrs' consumers

Concept of an ecosYslem; Strtjctule and
Ecological succession; Food chains'
food webs and
and decompose.s; Energy flow in lhe ecosystern; of the
features' structure and function
ecological pyramids; l.troduction, lypes' characteristic .
ecosystem (c) Desert ecosystem {d)
toliowing €cosystem (a.lrrre.t etosyst"m 111 erassland
oceans' estuaries)
ecosysl;s {!onds, streams, lakes, rivets' pollutants
Causes, effe.ts & Controi Measures of
Air Pollution: Primary and secondary alr
Global warming' O:one laYer depletion'
Polluti n case
and photo-ehemical smog elimate changes'
studies; Bhoral 8as Disa$te' and London smo8

Moduls 3; Biodiversity and lts conterv'tion:

diversity; Bio-geoBraphical
lntroduclioo ,Definition: 8€netic' species and ecosysiem
use' productlve use' social' ethical'
clalsification of lndis; Value of biodiverlity: consumptive nation;
global & National l€vel5; lndia as a rnega-diver:ltY
aesthetic and option values; Biodiversity at
habitat loss' poaching of wildli{e' man'wildlife
Hot-spots of biodiversity; Threats to biodiversity: and Ex-situ
confliets; fndangered and endemic species
of india; conservation of biodiersitYi ln-situ
Pollution Act:
conse.vation of biodiv€rsity' fnvirorrment
Prote*ion Act' Prevenlion and co'trol of
lsJues inlolved in enforcement of environmental
Air, water, wild life, toresl conservalion
Public awareness.

Module 4: ervironm*ntal Pollutlon and Social


pollurion' Noise poliution' Th€rmal pollution'

causet, eifects and control measures of Soil
(urban and irdustrial wastesl' Pollution case studies'
Nuclear hazards, solid w,ste t'n'Uu**nt
landslides' Environmental ethks' wasteland
Disaster managem€nt: tloods, u"t}ri"X''
cycton" and
accidents and
products' issues and possible solutions' Nuclear
reclamationl Consume risrn and waste
Asian,Earthquake & Tsunami'
holocaust. Case studies: Chernotlyl disaster & the 20O4
1," S\'*l7'l
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A,《 鰺tt蟻。鍮&:議
欝饗 v會 織鐵番舞:

Proper Design, use Of pure metal ttnd metar all●
ys, pass卜
Sacttnc:atanode and ittpFettd O,rttnt Modi∼ , catお 。dic protection ―
議8 the env:rOnttenち use of:申
Oefl● :tぉ n,caoset ettects&ぐ 。n警 す
ol measurtIIs Of■ tter po::lJ懸
P。 │:utioo case studies 。漆:Actt Rain&
機.鶴 機 3麟 銀 :

げ鳳 鳳 矮1電電 お
漂 鐵 瀬て

nt tttd Ac嬢
b鯉 :露 :雷 l憔 1群
ab熱 e年

饉 J Eng轟 減聰 c睦 轟 淘
・ け ■a議 &魏 勤 範 p醸 慾 P湖 な継彎
鑓籍 “ c。 職熱 野 ,New
よ 越毎 ぱ 聯 eering tfater鑢 羹 yα R轟 議ェ qv権
鶴 嬢 亀磁 A軸 黙 ね錨磯 議

・ 鐵 儀 Ctti彎 範 d鐵 轟 軸 c"。 dぃ
ξ燻 鯉 :説 鷺 驚 雛
ま D建 塾 &議 D_議 事

ξ鰊 ¨竃 。
罐∫で 鑢lT驚]鑢 遷
臨霊瞥 揆督 毬ぶ惑 燎
濃鷲rttRENc遷 意oOК Б

l懸 趨 :鼈
爾 鱚 難 爾 鯨
鮮 脱 胤 種 it亀 建 w
)metics'ち 聯写
lcy lnter sci● 患。e

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機な Ltd_
Rせ :es ctllde,ines,c。 暴 p:機 nces and staゅ dards′
,v。 │

還跳麟蹴滋 雪蹴
:進 意賊
鮮::露 鐵乱

8 Cun● In8れ
am,wp.c。 .peち ■膊.Goィ hanな こ&liepw。
彙h,M_■ 2oo■ ,EnvirOnment凛 IEncκ l。
'議 Jalco P:ヵ l.鋼 。use′ 懇uttabat


004)に netty sys轡 s and su葉 。

l● ●rcebook:=he comllete cu,de tO Renettable

th:cs&sOcietプ Dhanpet総 IP“ bttsh:Ile

COmpatty _


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