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Food Chemistry 360 (2021) 129966

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Study of the effect of the addition of plasticizers on the physical properties

of biodegradable films based on kefiran for potential application as
food packaging
Lissette Montoille a, Constanza Morales Vicencio a, Daniel Fontalba a, J. Andrés Ortiz a, b,
Viviana Moreno-Serna a, Laura Peponi c, Silvia Matiacevich d, Paula A. Zapata a, *
Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH), Facultad de Química y Biología, Departamento de Ciencias del Ambiente, Grupo de Polímeros, Chile
Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Biotecnología y Materiales, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile, Avenida Beaucheff 851, Santiago,
Institute of Polymer Science and Technology, ICTP-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Food Properties Research Group, Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos, Facultad Tecnológica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Obispo Manuel
Umaña 050, Estación Central, Santiago 9170201, Chile


Keywords: Spectroscopies analysis indicated that kefiran contains branched hexasaccharide repeating units. Neat kefiran
Biodegradable polymers films, 2 and 5% w/w of glycerol, D-glucitol, D-galactitol, D-mannitol, and D-limonene were incorporated as
Food packaging plasticizers. Neat and plasticized kefiran films were characterized by physical, thermal, mechanical, optical, and
water solubilization properties. Neat kefiran had a glass transition temperature (Tg) of − 20 ± 2 ◦ C and, with the
addition of plasticizers between − 15 to − 17 ± 2 ◦ C. The values were close to the neat kefiran, and the results
could be attributed to a lower amount of plasticizer used. The solubility of the glycerol plasticized films increases
by 33% and decreased with the concentration of other plasticizers in comparison with the neat kefiran. D-glucitol
and D-galactitol decreased the microhardness and Young’s Modulus of films around 30% and 74% respectively,
obtaining more flexible kefiran films. Kefiran based films could find applications as potential materials in the
food-packaging industry.

1. Introduction polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are widely studied (Roohi, Srivastava,

Bano, & Zaheer, 2018). However, these biopolymers from renewable
In the last decades, traditional plastics derived from fossil resources resources have the disadvantage of high production costs. Therefore, the
have become indispensable materials for our society. Consequently, its research and development of food packaging films from alternative
consumption has increased considerably in the last decades, with pro­ biopolymers such as kefiran are necessary. Kefiran is an attractive
duction levels bordering the 360 million tons worldwide, being one of its polysaccharide substitute because it is a biomass material obtained from
main uses in food packaging, generating an accumulation of waste in the milk fermentation, resulting in a possible material that can help solve
ecosystem (Lebreton & Andrady, 2019). For this reason, innovation in the mentioned environmental issues.
the packaging industry is focused on the development of new polymeric Kefiran is a high-temperature water-soluble extracellular branched
materials from natural sources such as biopolymers like proteins, lipid- polysaccharide with many hydroxyl groups obtained from the lactic and
based natural polymers, alginate, pectin, and starch (Mohamed, El- acetic acid bacteria present in kefir grains. This biopolymer in its mo­
Sakhawy, & El-Sakhawy, 2020). The interest in biopolymers arises lecular structure has a repetitive unit with roughly equal amounts of D-
from its advantages, such as good biodegradability, biocompatibility, glucose and D-galactose. It is a branched hexa- or hepta-saccharide
environmental friendliness, availability, and even edibility (Ili Balqis, repeating unit composed of a regular pentasaccharide unit to which
Nor Khaizura, Russly, & Nur Hanani, 2017). Currently, food packaging one or two sugar residues are randomly attached (Moradi & Kalanpour,
using starch-based biopolymers, where polylactic acid (PLA) and 2019). This polysaccharide presents unique properties as

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P.A. Zapata).
Received 13 December 2020; Received in revised form 8 April 2021; Accepted 24 April 2021
Available online 4 May 2021
0308-8146/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Montoille et al. Food Chemistry 360 (2021) 129966

biodegradability, safety, emulsifier and stabilizing effect, resistance 2. Materials and methods
against hydrolysis, barrier, and water vapor permeability (Moradi &
Kalanpour, 2019). Furthermore, compared to other polysaccharides, 2.1. Materials
kefiran has several significant advantages, such as antibacterial and
antifungal properties (Jeong et al., 2017). At once, kefir production is The product for the growth of the kefir granules was skim milk
obtained from a green synthesis and can be purified to produce biode­ (Colun, Chile). For the extraction of kefir, ethanol (Winkler, 96%) was
gradable films. It only requires the prior preparation of kefir granules used. The reagents for the NMR characterization were deuterium oxide
with milk to produce its fermentation from milk, followed by physical with 3- (trimethylsilyl) propionic-d4 acid in technical grade (97%) and
processes that do not generate dangerous or toxic substances (Rimada, deuterium oxide in analytical grade (99.9%) from Sigma-Aldrich. Plas­
2001). Studies also show microorganisms degraded kefiran films in a ticizers glycerol (Omnipur 97%), D-glucitol, D-galactitol, D-mannitol, and
shorter time compared to low-density polyethylene (LDPE) or polylactic D-limonene 97% from Sigma-Aldrich were employed.
acid (PLA) films (Ghasemlou, Khodaiyan, & Oromiehie, 2011a). How­
ever, kefiran films exhibit several disadvantages, such as a strong hy­ 2.2. Growth and maintenance of kefir granules
drophilic character and poor mechanical properties compared to
synthetic packaging films. In this sense, it is necessary to add innocuous For the growth and development of the kefir granules, daily main­
plasticizers to create a satisfactory food packaging application (Gha­ tenance was necessary. The grains were kept in skimmed milk at room
semlou, Khodaiyan, Oromiehie, & Yarmand, 2011a, 2011b; Piermaria temperature, and the medium was exchanged daily for a new culture to
et al., 2011). maintain the grains’ viability. It was washed twice a week with distilled
Plasticizers are low-volatility, low-molecular-weight molecules water and avoiding sunlight to prevent contamination of the granules.
incorporated into polymers that help decrease the inherent brittleness of After the culture was maintained for seven subsequent days, the grains
films by reducing intermolecular forces, increasing their flexibility, and were considered active (Zannini, Waters, Coffey, & Arendt, 2016).
facilitating their processing (Sanyang, Sapuan, Jawaid, Ishak, & Sahari,
2015). A plasticizer can change and tailor the mechanical properties of 2.3. Isolation and purification of kefiran
the polymer by reducing the viscosity, lowering the glass transition
temperature, or decreasing the elastic modulus (Jha, 2020). Ideally, The isolation and purification of kefiran were performed, as was
plasticizers used for modifying plastic polymers must be of low toxicity previously reported (Judith A Piermaria, de la Canal, & Abraham, 2008;
and have good adaptability with the polymer used. Commonly used Piermaria et al., 2009). Briefly, active kefir grains were treated in
plasticizers in polysaccharide-based film formations are polyols, mono, heating water (80 ◦ C) for 30 min. The mixture was centrifuged at
di- and oligosaccharides due to their hydrophilic nature (Ballesteros- 10,000 rpm for 20 min at room temperature (TG1650-WS, Bioridge,
Mártinez, Pérez-Cervera, & Andrade-Pizarro, 2020). One of the most Melbourne, Australia). The polysaccharides in the supernatant were
wide plasticizers used in polysaccharide film-making techniques is precipitated by the addition of cold ethanol and frozen at − 20 ◦ C for 12
glycerol due to its high-boiling-point, water-soluble, polar, and h. The mixture was centrifuged for 20 min at 4 ◦ C. For further purifi­
nonvolatile properties (Orsuwan & Sothornvit, 2018). Preliminary cation, the process mentioned above was repeated. After this, the solvent
studies reported that glycerol in 10–35% w/w added to kefiran films was evaporated, and the product was lyophilized to remove any
changed the stiffness and increased the mechanical properties (Gha­ remaining water molecules (Christ Alpha 1–2 Freeze Dryer, Osterode am
semlou et al., 2011a; Piermaria, Pinotti, Garcia, & Abraham, 2009). Harz, Germany).
Meanwhile, plasticized kefiran films with sorbitol exhibited lower water
vapor permeability values than kefiran films containing glycerol (Gha­ 2.4. Preparation of films
semlou et al., 2011a). It was determined that both plasticizers could play
an essential role in improving film properties, being more suitable for According to previously reported methods, the kefiran-based films
food-packaging technology applications. Besides, Piermaria et al. (2011) were prepared by conventional solution-casting technique (Ghasemlou,
obtained plasticized kefiran films using sugars, such as D-glucose, D- Khodaiyan, Oromiehie, et al., 2011b; Piermaria et al., 2011, 2009). To
galactose, sorbitol, sucrose, and glycerol, with 25% w/w plasticizer study the effect of plasticizer on film properties, glycerol, D-glucitol, D-
content. The results concluded that the addition of the plasticizer galactitol, D-mannitol, and D-limonene were added to kefiran in water to
improved the mechanical properties and water vapor permeability of concentrations 2 and 5% w/w. Initially, aqueous solutions of lyophilized
kefiran films. However, those studies reported high loading of plasticizer kefiran and plasticizer were prepared under constant stirring for 15 min
content, suggesting low miscibility and increased costs when applying at 30 ◦ C to dissolve the kefiran and homogenize the mixture. The
this compostable film in the food market. mixture was then poured into Petri dishes of 35 mm diameter and kept in
Authors only have reported studies where plasticizer with high an oven at 70 ◦ C for 48 h.
loadings from 10 to 35% w/w have been incorporated into the kefiran
films (Coma, Peltzer, Delgado, & Salvay, 2019; Ghasemlou et al., 2011a; 2.5. Characterization of films.
Ghasemlou, Khodaiyan, Oromiehie, et al., 2011a; J. Piermaria et al.,
2011). The incorporation of a plasticizer lower than 10% had not yet 2.5.1. Spectroscopic characterization
been studied. Therefore, in this work, it has been interesting to study the Infrared spectra of isolated and kefiran based films were recorded in
addition of lower plasticizer contents for kefiran (2 and 5% w/w). the range of 4000–450 cm− 1 on a Fourier-Transform Infrared Analyzer
Considering the characteristics of kefiran and the requirements of the (FTIR) (Spectrum Two, Perkin Elmer, Karlsruhe, Germany) equipped
food industry for the development films that are biodegradable and not with an attenuated total reflectance diamond module (ATR). All spectra
based on fossil resources, the aim of this work is determining the effect were obtained as an average of 30 scans with a 2 cm− 1 resolution. 1H
of plasticizer type (hydrophilic or hydrophobic) in a low concentration, (400.13 MHz) and 13C (100.62 MHz) NMR spectra of isolated kefiran
as a polyol, aldose, alditol, and terpene on the thermal, mechanical, were recorded in D2O after the isotopic exchange (3 × 0.75 mL) at 70 ◦ C
opacity and water solubilizing physical–chemical properties compared on a Bruker Avance DRX 400 spectrometer (Bruker, Coventry, UK) using
to neat kefiran films. Furthermore, this study explores the addition of the sodium salt of 3-(trimethylsilyl)-1-propionic-2,2,3,3-d4 acid as an
new plasticizers for kefiran such as D-limonene and D-mannitol that internal reference. Two-dimensional experiments were performed using
improve the film properties in order to obtain a new potential biode­ a pulse-field gradient incorporated into the NMR pulse sequence. The
gradable film. number of scans in each experiment depended on sample concentration
(30–45 mg/mL) (Matsuhiro, Barahona, Encinas, Mansilla, & Ortiz,

L. Montoille et al. Food Chemistry 360 (2021) 129966

2014). the different kefiran films with plasticizer was measured by immersion
in 50 mL of distilled with constant agitation at 250 rpm and room
2.5.2. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) temperature for six hours. The films were then taken out and dried again
Thermal transitions of the films were studied using a Differential at 105 ◦ C until constant weight (final dry weight). The percentage of
Scanning Calorimeter (DSC-1 Mettler Toledo equipment, Columbus, OH, solubility (%SW) of the films in water was calculated using Eq. (1)
USA) with the STARe Evaluation software. The DSC equipment was (Ghasemlou et al., 2011a):
previously calibrated with Indium. The samples were heated in a range
initialdryweight − finaldryweight
of temperatures from − 30 ◦ C to 200 ◦ C with a heating rate of 5 ◦ C/min, %SW = x100
in order to obtain the glass transition temperature (Tg) and the melting
point (Tm) calculated as the temperature where the peak of the endo­
2.5.9. Optical properties measurements.
therm occurs. Approximately 6 mg of samples were placed into
The films were photographed inside a computer vision system
aluminum pans of 40 μL, an empty pan was used as a control, and all
(LabVisionQ, Santiago, Chile) using a Rebel XS Canon digital camera at
tests were performed in an inert nitrogen environment with a constant
30 cm of distance from the samples. The black box lighting system was
flow at 2 mL/min.
composed of four lamps (illuminant D65, 18 W, Phillips) at an angle of
90◦ to the sample. Three replicates were conducted on a black (Ob) and
2.5.3. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
white (Ow) background. Image analysis using Photoshop was performed
Mass loss in samples as a function of temperature was registered in a
to calculate optical indexes from L*, a*, and b* parameters and the
TGA Q500 (TA instrument, New Castle, DE, USA). Approximately 5 mg
tristimulus values XYZ from CIEL*a*b* and CIE color spaces, respec­
of each sample was weighed in a pan of 50 μL. The samples were heated
tively. The film opacity (O) was determined as the ratio between the L*
from 28 to 630 ◦ C, at 10 ◦ C⋅min− 1, to study the thermal degradation of
mean values on the standard black background (Ob) and the standard
the films. Experiments were carried out under a nitrogen atmosphere
white background (Ow) for each sample (Yam & Papadakis, 2004). The
with a constant flow at 10 mL/min. The temperature at the maximum
results were expressed as a percentage (Eq. (2)). The yellowness index
degradation rate (Tmax) was determined from the peak of derivative
(YI), whiteness index (WI), and Chrome (C) were calculated using Eq.
curves using the Advantage/Universal Analysis (UA) Software v.5.5.24.
(3) (Gooch, 2011a), Eq. (4) (Gooch, 2011b), and Eq. (5) (Skurtys, O. &
Acevedo, C. & Pedreschi, Franco & Enrione, Javier & Osorio, Fernando
2.5.4. X-ray diffraction
& Aguilera, 2010), respectively. The color differences (CIEDE2000)
The crystallographic structure of kefiran films was analyzed using an
between plasticized samples compared to neat kefiran film were calcu­
X-ray diffractometer. The crystalline phase study was carried out in a
lated using the free CIEDE2000 excel program from Sharma, Wu, and
Diffractometer model D5000 (Siemens, Aubrey, TX, USA) using Bragg’s
Dalal (2004).
law, which relates the diffraction angle (θ) to the distance between the
planes. The scan was of a range 0◦ < 2θ > 80◦ , with λ = Cu. Ob
%O = *100 (2)
2.5.5. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
A 10 mm × 7 mm size piece of each film was analyzed using a YI =
(128X − 106Z)
scanning electron microscope XL30 Phillips (SEMTech Sc., North Bill­ Y
erica, MA, USA) at 20 kV. A 7 mm × 7 mm piece of each film was taken √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
and mounted on aluminum pins, using a double copper contact tape. For WI = 100 − (100 − L* )2 + (a*2 + b*2 ) (4)
best viewing under a microscope, the samples were coated with a layer
of gold. C= (a*2 + b*2 ) (5)

2.5.6. Mechanical properties 2.6. Statistical analysis.

Mechanical properties were evaluated by tensile test in a QTest™1/L
Elite instrument equipped with a 100 N load cell at room temperature. A multilevel 5x2 factorial design was performed with five qualitative
Strain rate and initial length between clamps were set at 10 mm.min− 1 levels (plasticizer type) and two quantitative levels (plasticizer con­
and 10 mm, respectively. Samples of 10 mm length, 5 mm width were centration, 2 and 5% w/w). Data were analyzed by the analysis of
measured, and results from five specimens were averaged. Young’s variance (ANOVA) procedure using the Statgraphics Centurion XVI
modulus (obtained as the slope of the curve from 0 to 2% deformation) software. A categorical factorial design was used since one of the factors
maximum stress and elongation at break were calculated. for the design has qualitative levels. A multiple range test was used to
discriminate between means using Fisher’s least significant difference
2.5.7. Microhardness properties (LSD) procedure. Also, three complete replicates associated with this
Microhardness measurements of kefiran films were carried out in factorial design were used. The response variables analyzed were water
triplicate with an Indentor Vickers (Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL, USA) con­ solubility (SW), Young modulus, yield stress, deformation at break,
nected to a Leiz microhardness tester (Spectrographic, Guiseley, UK). microhardness (MH), and optical properties.
Five measurements were made at different film points to know about the
mechanical support average for each plasticizer case, obtaining an 3. Results and discussion
average value, and minimizing the deviation. The measurements were
made at a temperature of 23 ◦ C, under a force of 4.809 N, and with an The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of
application time of 25 s. Microhardness (MH) were reported as the mean new plasticizers to kefiran such as D-galactitol, D-mannitol, and D-limo­
value. nene in the thermal, mechanical, opacity, and water solubilizing phys­
ical–chemical properties of kefiran. Kefiran films containing glycerol
2.5.8. Solubility in water of films (SW) and D-galactitol, previously reported in the literature, also were studied
In this study, solubility in water (SW) was defined as the ratio of the by comparison. It was interesting to study the effect of plasticizer type
water-soluble dry matter of film dissolved after immersion in distilled (hydrophilic or hydrophobic) in a low concentration considering (2 and
water. Besides, the SW test for each type of film was carried out in three 5% w/w) that there was not still report.
replicates. A film sample was dried at 105 ◦ C for 24 h in an oven and
weighed to determine the initial dry weight. The solubility in water of

L. Montoille et al. Food Chemistry 360 (2021) 129966

3.1. Kefiran isolation and spectroscopic characterization Catalina, Corrales, Soto, & Zapata, 2020). The weak band at 1645 cm− 1
corresponds to water bending vibration due to the water occlusion in the
Aqueous extraction of kefir grains at 80 ◦ C, followed by purification polymer matrix. Furthermore, it presents a set of medium intensity
cycles by cold ethanol precipitation, produced a 2% yield. A lyophilized signals between 1430 and 1250 cm− 1, which correspond to δ C–H, δ
purified kefiran sample was analyzed by ATR-FTIR, 1H, 13C, and 2D C–O–H vibration modes. The most prominent and robust band at
NMR spectroscopies (Fig. 1). The ATR-FTIR spectrum (Fig. 1a) presents 1120–940 cm− 1 is assigned to νas C–O–C of glycosidic linkage vibra­
a broad and intense band among 3600 and 3100 cm− 1 attributed to νs tion with contributions of ν C–O (pyranosyl ring), δ C–C–O, ν C–C, δ
O–H of alcoholic groups. In the 2800–2900 cm− 1 region, signals were C–C–H, and δ C–C–C vibrations (Cardenas-Jiron, Leal, Matsuhiro, &
assigned to νs/ νas C–H vibrations of the kefiran backbone (Ortiz, Osorio Roman, 2011; J. Piermaria et al., 2011). Moreover, the region

Fig. 1. Spectroscopic characterization of kefiran obtained from kefir grains. a) ATR-FTIR spectrum in the region 4000–450 cm− 1. b) 13C NMR, c) 13C/1H HSQC, and
d) 13C/1H HMBC 2D NMR spectra in D2O at 70 ◦ C. e) Repeating unit of kefiran denoting each sugar residue sequence according to the spectroscopic characterization.
* νs, symmetrical stretching. νas, asymmetrical stretching. δ, deformation.

L. Montoille et al. Food Chemistry 360 (2021) 129966

between 950 and 700 cm− 1 corresponds to the fingerprint or anomeric seen in Fig. 2a. This observation agrees with the findings of Piermaria
region for carbohydrates. The band at 890 cm− 1 can be attributed to the et al. (2009) and Coma et al. (2019), who also prepared kefiran films.
anomeric C–H of β residues with contributions of δ C–O–C and ν C–C The introduction of plasticizers in kefiran films renders them flexible
modes. Below the 700 cm− 1 regions, the observed peaks are attributed to with a smooth and homogeneous surface, corroborated in the micro­
the endocyclic and exocyclic C–C–O and C–C–C vibration modes of hardness properties measurements. Kefiran films with 2 and 5% w/w of
pyranosyl ring such as deformation, breathing, twisting, and wagging glycerol show a better appearance and mechanical stability. It means
deformation O–H (Matsuhiro et al., 2014). Additionally, the ATR-FTIR that they were apparently more flexible and slightly opalescent when
kefiran spectrum does not exhibit potential charged functional groups compared to neat kefiran. This result may be due to a good dispersion of
and amide vibrational modes associated with proteins. the small glycerol molecule, which intercalates between polymer chains,
The 13C NMR spectrum of kefiran in D2O (Fig. 1b) shows at least disrupts inter-polymer’ bonds, increasing the interactions between
three signals at a low field assigned to the β-hexapyranosyl glycerol and the kefiran backbone (Coma et al., 2019; Piermaria et al.,
(106.1–105.7 ppm) and α-hexapyranosyl (98.7 ppm) anomeric carbons 2009).
residues. The integration ratio in the 1H NMR spectrum (figure not Moreover, kefiran is a neutral polysaccharide that constitutes many
shown) of the signals at 5.14 ppm (α anomeric proton) and 4.82–4.49 numbers of hydroxyl groups in its backbone. It confers a polar and hy­
ppm (β anomeric protons) was 1.0:4.9. These results indicate that drophilic nature to kefiran, making its interaction with water thermo­
kefiran contains hexasaccharide repeating units corroborated by the dynamically more favorable than hydrophobic solvents. Therefore, with
13 1
C/ H HSQC 2D NMR spectrum (Fig. 1c). According to previous works the addition of a plasticizing agent constituted of hydroxyl groups and
related to chemical structure determination of kefiran type poly­ employing water as solvent, the intermolecular hydrogen bonding plays
saccharide, from the six sugar residues, the cross-peak/correlation at a significant role in the casting method’s plasticization (Piermaria et al.,
98.5/5.14 ppm was assigned to the anomeric Cα/Hα of → 4)-α-D-Galp- 2011).
(1→ (C) residues. In contrast, the correlations at 106.1/4.69 and 105.7/ On the other hand, in films with D-glucitol, D-galactitol, D-limonene,
4.85 ppm were assigned to the anomeric Cβ/Hβ of → 2,6)-β-D-Galp-(1→ and D-mannitol (Fig. 2d–k), the flexibility increases as the plasticizer
(B) β-D-Glcp-(1→ (F) residues, respectively. The overlapped correlation concentration increases. However, films presented less transparency,
that appears at 105.7/4.54 ppm correspond to → 6)-β-D-Glcp-(1→ (A), independent of the plasticizer type. This could indicate low dispersion of
→3)-β-D-Galp-(1→ (D) and → 4)-β-D-Glcp-(1 → residue (E) (Ghasemlou, plasticizers in the polymeric matrix as the concentration of the plasti­
Khodaiyan, Jahanbin, Gharibzahedi, & Taheri, 2012). The glycosidic cizer increases, unlike films containing glycerol.
linkages were confirmed by the 13C/1H HMBC 2D NMR technique Meanwhile, ATR-FTIR analysis was carried out to determine the in­
(Fig. 1d). It presents some relevant correlations assigned to the six fluence of the plasticizer’s functional groups on the kefiran films’
glycosidic linkages of the kefiran repetitive unit denoted in sequence as structure to elucidate the interactions between the film-forming polymer
[→6)-β-D-Glcp-(1 → 6)-β-D-Galp-(1→ (A1/B6), →2,6)-β-D-Galp-(1 → 4)- and the different plasticizers. Fig. 3a shows the ATR-FTIR spectra of the
α-D-Galp-(1→ (B1/C4), →4)-α-D-Galp-(1 → 3)-β-D-Galp-(1→ (C1/D3), kefiran films at different plasticizer concentrations. As is shown in
→3)-β-D-Galp-(1 → 4)-β-D-Glcp-(1→ (D1/E4), →4)-β-D-Glcp-(1 → 6)-β-D- Fig. 3a, there are differences in the peaks’ relative height of OH groups’
Glcp-(1→ (E1/A6)] and the β-D-Glcp-(1 → 2)-β-D-Galp-(1→ (F1/B2) hydrogen–oxygen bonding, being higher for the films loaded with 5%
pendant residue (Fig. 1e). Similar results were reported for the chemical w/w of the plasticizers D-galactitol and D-glucitol. The absorption of the
structure determination of extracellular polysaccharide isolated from hydroxyl groups’ signal is highly influenced by the hydrogen–oxygen
Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactococcus lactis, and Lactobacillus kefir­ bond’s dipole moment, the hydrogen bond’s attractive interaction, and
anofaciens (Maeda, Zhu, Omura, et al., 2004). the Lambert-Beer law. Based on this trend, it can be inferred that the
hydroxyl groups of the long-chain polyols contribute to an increase of
3.2. General appearance of kefiran films the absorption of the hydrogen–oxygen stretching in the infrared spec­
trum (Silverstein, Bassler, & Morrill, 1991). Contrary to the films based
The appearance of the films can influence the appreciation of the on kefiran and D-limonene at 5% w/w, there is no contribution in the
final product. The mechanical stability of films is improved to the touch increase in the hydrogen–oxygen stretching mode compared to the neat
when increased flexibility occurs. For potential application in the ATR-FTIR kefiran spectrum due to the hydrocarbon constitution of D-
packaging industry, the packaging films require a certain degree of limonene.
flexibility. The photographic images shown in Fig. 2 describe the visual Similar studies suggest that the glycerol and sorbitol addition at 25%
appearance of plasticized and neat kefiran films. The neat kefiran films w/w in kefiran films conduces to small dislocations for νs O–H of
had a homogeneous presentation, high transparency, and no cracks, as alcoholic groups and νs/νas C–H vibrations. It was attributed to the

Fig. 2. Photographic images of a) neat kefiran film and kefiran films with different plasticizer type; b-c) glycerol, d-e) D-glucitol, f-g) D-galactitol, h-i) D-mannitol and
j-k) D-limonene at 2 and 5%, respectively.

L. Montoille et al. Food Chemistry 360 (2021) 129966

Fig. 3. a) ATR-FTIR spectrum, b) DSC curves, and c) TGA thermogram of neat and plasticized kefiran films at 2 and 5% w/w. TGA curves exhibit zone I: water loss,
zone II: maximum temperature decomposition (Tmax), and zone III: depolymerization.

disruption of kefiran film’s structure by the presence of plasticizer

Table 1
molecules or the water molecules that they absorb (Ghasemlou, Kho­
Thermal properties of kefiran films with different plasticizer types.
daiyan, & Oromiehie, 2011b). However, these results are not compa­
rable with the present work due to the low concentration of plasticizer Plasticizer Plasticizer DSC analysis
type concentration (% w/
used. Tg (◦ C) Tm T10 Tmax
(◦ C) (◦ C) (◦ C)

3.3. Characterization of kefiran plasticized films. Neat kefiran – − 20 84 184 306

Kefiran + 2 − 16 82 241 312
glycerol 5 − 17 89 248 311
3.3.1. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
Kefiran + D- 2 − 15 80 271 312
The determination of glass transition (Tg) and melting temperature glucitol 5 − 16 80 271 315
(Tm) by DSC analysis is important because it affects the thermo- Kefiran + D- 2 − 15 80 230 316
mechanical properties and physical and chemical stability of the poly­ galactitol 5 − 17 82 249 315
meric films. In this study, Tg and Tm values of the plasticized and neat Kefiran + D- 2 − 17 80 250 309
mannitol 5 − 17 89 261 313
kefiran films were obtained to study the effect of polyols type and Kefiran + D- 2 − 17 84 217 313
concentration on these parameters. The DSC thermograms (Fig. 3b) limonene 5 − 17 84 254 307
shown in all cases only two transitions, one associated with the glass PLAa – 60 167 350 370
transition and the other with endothermic peak related to kefiran LDPE b – − 125–− 55 107 352 417
melting (Shahabi-Ghahfarrokhi, Khodaiyan, Mousavi, & Yousefi,
2015a). The glass transition shows only a single peak which indicates
Tm: melting transition temperature. a PLA, poly(lactic acid), and bLDPE,
the miscibility between plasticizer and kefiran (Burgos, Martino, &
Low-Density Polyethylene, were inserted for comparison. Equipment
Jiménez, 2013). Table 1 shows the Tg and Tm values for all films ob­
error ± 2. DSC: Differential scanning calorimetry. TGA: Thermogravi­
tained from the DSC thermograms of kefiran films with and without
metric analysis.
Plasticized films had a slightly higher Tg than neat kefiran film. The
T10: decomposition temperature at 10% weight loss. Tmax: temper­
neat kefiran presented a Tg value of − 20 ± 2 ◦ C and shifted between
ature for maximum rate of weight loss. Tg: glass transition temperature.

L. Montoille et al. Food Chemistry 360 (2021) 129966

− 17 ± 2 ◦ C under the addition of plasticizers. This behavior is different glucitol as a plasticizer at the same concentration added (Table 1).
from that reported by Ghasemlou et al. (2011b). They reported a Tg Additionally, it is essential to note that the Tmax of all kefiran films
value around − 15 ◦ C based on kefiran films that decreased to − 20 ◦ C increased by adding plasticizers. This result was consistent with the TGA
when the glycerol amount increased to 35% w/w. Therefore, this study’s profile obtained by other authors, where they explained that the in­
obtained results could be attributed to a lower amount of plasticizer crease in the thermal stability is due to the incorporation and increase of
used compared to Ghasemlou et al. (2011b). A similar result was found plasticizer concentrations (Cerqueira, Souza, Teixeira, & Vicente, 2012;
when a polyol as sorbitol (10% w/w) was incorporated into the kefiran. Razavi, Mohammad Amini, & Zahedi, 2015). The improved thermal
The Tg did not show a significant change compared to the neat kefiran stability could be explained by strong hydrogen interaction between the
obtained by DMA analysis (Ghasemlou et al., 2011a). In general, Tg polyols and the polymeric matrix at low plasticizer concentrations. In
values (approximately − 17 ◦ C), regardless of the plasticizer types, the case of D-limonene, this interaction could be attributed to the
indicate that kefiran films are in a rubbery state at room temperature, interaction of London dispersion forces between the plasticizer and the
just like synthetic films of polypropylene (-18 ◦ C) and low-density kefiran polymer matrix through C–C bonds. These results suggest that
polyethylene (LDPE) (-125 to − 55 ◦ C) (Robertson, 1993). Further­ the plasticizer’s nature and concentration influence the thermal stability
more, this indicates that their chains have more movement than PLA of kefiran films, which is close to that of PLA biopolymers (Table 1).
biopolymer, which has a Tg close to 60 ◦ C and is brittle at room tem­ Therefore, plasticized kefiran films are competitive at the thermal
perature (Pillin, Montrelay, & Grohens, 2006) (Table 1). The low Tg properties level with synthetic films for possible food industry
values of kefiran films could be attributed to their inherent structural applications.
characteristics (high chain mobility) and their relatively high hydro­
philicity (Ghasemlou, Khodaiyan, Oromiehie, et al., 2011b). Therefore, 3.3.3. X-ray diffraction
kefiran films are competitive with synthetic films for possible applica­ X-ray diffraction (XRD) allowed analyzing the semi-crystalline
tions in the food industry at room temperature. structure of the neat and plasticized kefiran films. XRD patterns of the
The DSC thermogram of neat kefiran film (Fig. 3b) exhibited one studied kefiran films are displayed in Fig. S2 (supplementary section). In
broad endothermic peak at 84 ◦ C attributed to the kefiran melting neat kefiran, XRD analysis revealed a peak at 2θ ~ 8◦ that indicates the
temperature due to having a semi-crystalline form, which is confirmed kefiran’s semi-crystalline structure (Exarhopoulos, Raphaelides, &
by the literature (Shahabi-Ghahfarrokhi et al., 2015a). The Tm value of Kontominas, 2018), confirming results obtained by DSC. The analysis
neat kefiran was affected by the type and concentration of plasticizer, as agrees with those published by Piermaria et al. (2011) and Shahabi-
indicated in Table 1. In general, a slight decrease in the Tm is presented Ghahfarrokhi et al. (2015). They indicated that the peak close at 8◦ is
in most of the films containing 2% w/w plasticizers, except those con­ associated with a small percentage of crystallinity in the kefiran struc­
taining D-limonene (2 and 5% w/w), where there was no change in the ture’s complexity. The XRD patterns of the kefiran films containing
Tm value in comparison with the neat kefiran. This result could once various plasticizer types were like those without plasticizer films. The
again indicate weak interactions present between D-limonene and the intensity of the diffraction peak did not change with the plasticizer
chemical structure of kefiran. On the other hand, a slight increase of the incorporation into the polymer matrix. This result indicates that the
Tm was observed with the incorporation of the D-glycerol and D-mannitol addition of plasticizers does not alter the semi-crystalline polymeric
content at 5% w/w (Table 1) in comparison with neat kefiran. Different structure of kefiran, which would be explained by the intermolecular
studies indicate that the addition and increase in the plasticizer con­ interactions between polysaccharides and the plasticizer due to the good
centration induces a decrease in the melting temperature of poly­ miscibility of the plasticizer with the polymeric matrix.
saccharides films (Ghasemlou et al. (2011a, 2011b); Gheribi et al.
(2018)). However, the slight increase in melting temperature observed 3.3.4. Solubility in water
in this study suggests the forming of a molecular interaction between the Solubility in water is an essential property of films with potential use
polymer and the plasticizer (Katopodis et al., 2020). On the other hand, in food packaging because the film must satisfy some requirements in
Ili Balqis et al. (2017) observed an increase in Tm of κ-carrageenan films order to protect the integrity of the product and to guarantee water
plasticized with sorbitol than other plasticizers such as glycerol much resistance during processing and storage. In this sense, the decrease in
higher concentrations of plasticizers than those used in this study (be­ the solubility upon addition of plasticizer would be beneficial for
tween 10 and 60% w/w). improving the stability of packaged food products (Ghasemlou et al.,
However, Ili Balqis et al. (2017) observed an increase in Tm of 2011a; Ghasemlou, Khodaiyan, Oromiehie, et al., 2011b). Fig. 4a shows
κ-carrageenan films plasticized with sorbitol compared with other that the solubilized films in water presented different behaviors.
plasticizers such as glycerol, using much higher concentrations of plas­ Glycerol-plasticized kefiran films were the most soluble in water, and an
ticizers than those used in this study (between 10 and 60% w/w). This increase of 33% in the solubility is presented as the plasticizer concen­
behavior was explained due to the lower tendency of the film to absorb tration increased. This result concurs with the findings of Ghasemlou
water, where water acts as a mobility enhancer, thus imparting less et al. (2011a) and Piermaria et al. (2009). They reported that kefiran-
flexibility in the films (Ghasemlou, Khodaiyan, Oromiehie, et al., based films plasticized with glycerol (10–25% w/w) were the most
2011a). soluble compare with other sorbitol-plasticized ones. It can be explained
that glycerol presents the lowest molecular weight than the other pol­
3.3.2. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) yols used. It can be easily integrated between polymer chains and
TGA analysis was applied to evaluate the thermal stability of the thereby act as a water-retaining agent due to the hydrophilic nature
kefiran films with different plasticizers. Table 1 and Fig. 3c displays the (Gheribi et al., 2018). On the other hand, glycerol plasticizer can in­
decomposition temperature values at 10% mass loss (T10) and the crease film solubility and affinity to water by decreasing interactions
temperature for the maximum mass loss rate (Tmax). These values were between biopolymer chains in favor of polymer-plasticizer interactions
obtained from the differential thermogravimetric (DTG) curves of (Razavi et al., 2015).
plasticized and neat kefiran films (Fig. S1, supplementary section). In the case of films containing D-glucitol, D-galactitol, and D-
Values indicate that the highest thermal decomposition, starting around mannitol, the solubility decreased as the plasticizer concentration
260–370 ◦ C, corresponds to the decomposition of the kefiran polymeric increased. This behavior is due to the molecular structure of the plas­
structure. After this, the kefiran films’ depolymerization was observed at ticizers and the interaction strength with the polymeric matrix since all
600 ◦ C (Moradi & Kalanpour, 2019). The plasticizer incorporation (2 three plasticizers possess the same amount of hydroxyl groups and
and 5% w/w) into kefiran films was given an increase in T10 around 38% molecular weight, differing only in the disposition of the OH groups in
compared to the neat kefiran, and higher values were obtained using D- the carbonate chain. It could be expected that in the case of polyols, the

L. Montoille et al. Food Chemistry 360 (2021) 129966

Fig. 4. a) Solubility in water (SW), b) deformation at break (ƐBreak), c) Young’s modulus (E), and e) microhardness (MH) of kefiran films with different types and
concentrations of plasticizers.

solubility of the films increases with the increase in the concentration of (23% of opacity), the other optical properties (YI, WI, and C) of neat
plasticizer due to its hydrophilic nature, giving the polymer molecules a kefiran films were slightly significantly different (p < 0.05). The low
higher affinity to attract water. However, in this study, as was observed, opacity obtained indicated transparency on the films, attributed to the
solubility decreased with increased concentration of plasticizer. There­ plasticizers’ good dispersion and compatibility in the film (Garcı ́a &
fore, the strong hydrogen bonding between the polyols and the poly­ Sobral, 2005). This result has appreciated commercial importance. Both
meric matrix and the higher molecular weight compared to glycerol yellowness index and chrome values slightly increased; meanwhile, the
affect the retention of water and the solubility of kefiran films (Gha­ whiteness index diminished. These optical changes could be attributed
semlou et al., 2011b). Kefiran films with D-limonene presented a similar to the intermolecular interaction between the film’s different compo­
behavior. It showed a greater decrease in the solubility of neat kefiran of nents, as previously explained in section 3.2. However, color differences
ca. 27% with an increase in plasticizer concentration compared with the (DE2000) between plasticized and neat kefiran films were calculated
other plasticizers (Fig. 4a). It may be due to the hydrophobic nature of D- considering the L*a*b* space. The color differences value was similar (p
limonene, and therefore presents low solubility in water. > 0.05) between plasticized films (1 < CIEDE2000 < 1.5). This low
CIEDE2000 value indicates that the plasticized films showed a color
3.3.5. Optical properties difference slightly visually detected due to the plasticizer addition,
The optical properties of the materials are directly related to the independently of its concentration and type (Sharma et al., 2004).
acceptability of the packaged product by consumers. The transparency Different letters (a, b) indicate significant differences (p < 0.05)
of the films allows consumers to inspect food before purchasing while between neat kefiran and plasticized films for each optical property.
also allowing for a better visual presentation of the products. Factors Due to the lower molecular weight of glycerol, it could enter with
that can alter the films’ opacity are the size of the added particles, their greater ease into the polymeric matrix’s intermolecular spaces, and at
spatial arrangement, or dispersion of the plasticizer in the matrix low concentrations of glycerol, H-bonding interaction strong can be
(Bierhalz, da Silva, & Kieckbusch, 2012). Table 2 shows each optical conducted (Farhan & Hani, 2017). Also, results showed that an increase
parameter measured for neat kefiran film and all plasticized samples’ in the concentration of D-glucitol, D-galactitol, D-mannitol, and D-limo­
mean values. These mean values are calculated considering that statis­ nene increased the opacity of kefiran films (low degree of transparency)
tical analysis (Table 2) showed no significant differences (p > 0.05) (Table 2). The results of opacity were similar to those published by
between plasticized samples, independently of type and concentration Piermaria et al. (2011), who reported that glycerol decreases opacity by
of plasticizers for all the optical parameters measured. Meanwhile, 9% in comparison with the neat kefiran films, while the addition of the
plasticizers’ addition did not change (p > 0.05) opacity of the samples plasticizer D-glucitol increased the opacity by 4%, with a similar trend to
those shown in this work. The opacity would be related on the one hand
to the size of the molecule, the higher molecular weight increases, more
Table 2 opacity, and therefore there is, more significant light scattering. On the
Optical properties of neat and plasticized kefiran films. other hand, one might think that the disposition of the plasticizer OH
Optical Neat Films with Statistical analysis (p-value) groups plays an essential role in the interaction with the polymer matrix.
properties kefiran plasticizers So, the interactions of D-glucitol, D-galactitol, and D-mannitol with the
A: B: Plasticizer
Plasticizer concentration
polymer matrix may be lower than with glycerol. With less interaction or
type greater repulsion, the interlacing of the plasticizer in the matrix is
smaller, the particle size is bigger, and therefore there is greater light
Opacity (O) 22.6 ± 24.6 ± 0.9a 0.0893 0.4321
1.2a scattering. Bierhalz et al. (2012) reported an increase in film opacity due
Yellowness − 13.2 − 15.3 ± 0.4b 0.7676 0.6270 to the addition of hydrophobic substances, therefore the hydrophobicity
index (YI) ± 0.9a of D-limonene also may be related to an increase in the opacity of the
Whiteness index 84.9 ± 83.6 ± 0.3 0.2904 0.6622
kefiran films.
(WI) 0.4a
Chrome (E) 10.7 ± 11.3 ± 0.2b 0.4773 0.4729
0.5a 3.3.6. Mechanical properties
Color variation – 1.2 ± 0.2 0.4815 0.7923 Table 3 shows the values of Young’s modulus (E), yield stress (σy),
(CIEDE2000) deformation at break (ƐBreak), and microhardness for the neat and

L. Montoille et al. Food Chemistry 360 (2021) 129966

Table 3
Solubility in water and mechanical properties of neat and plasticized kefiran films.
Films Plasticizer concentration (% w/w) SW (%) E (MPa) σmax (Mpa) ƐBreak (%) MH (MPa)
Neat kefiran – 21.7 ± 3.1 1208 ± 196 30.1 ± 11 5.6 ± 0.4 1387 ± 54
Kefiran + glycerol 2 26.3 ± 1.2b 1463 ± 14a 29.9 ± 1.9a 6.0 ± 3.7a 1529 ± 26ab
Kefiran + glycerol 5 33.3 ± 2.9a 1237 ± 76a 3.6 ± 2.7a 8.2 ± 1.5b 1565 ± 54a
Kefiran + D-glucitol 2 30.0 ± 5.0c 904 ± 70b 21.3 ± 24a 3.2 ± 1.1ab 1279 ± 27ab
Kefiran + D-glucitol 5 19.7 ± 2.6ab 603 ± 231b 12.8 ± 2.3a 21.0 ± 0.1c 993 ± 41a
Kefiran + D-galactitol 2 27.7 ± 2.9c 890 ± 250b 18.8 ± 3.5a 7.1 ± 1.3ab 940 ± 58bc
Kefiran + D-galactitol 5 19.7 ± 4.2ab 549 ± 204b 3.8 ± 3.8a 7.9 ± 2.7c 1130 ± 82b
Kefiran + D-mannitol 2 29.0 ± 0.8d 1004 ± 471b 10.0 ± 4.7a 12.0 ± 5.7ab 1494 ± 60
Kefiran + D-mannitol 5 23.7 ± 1.2bc 1103 ± 43b 16.8 ± 2.1a 12.9 ± 4.0c 1325 ± 29c
Kefiran + D-limonene 2 18.3 ± 1.2e 704 ± 108b 6.8 ± 4.7a 8.4 ± 2.1d 2148 ± 25e
Kefiran + D-limonene 5 17.0 ± 1.6 1044 ± 188b 15.3 ± 4.4a 18.0 ± 2.8 2414 ± 240d

plasticized kefiran films. Fig. 4 shows the microhardness values, Young’s galactitol significantly decreased the microhardness of kefiran film (P <
modulus, and deformation at break (ƐBreak) obtained for films based on 0.05) in 28% (with 5% w/w of D-glucitol) and 32% (with 2% w/w of D-
kefiran with and without plasticizers. In general, the plasticized kefiran galactitol) shown the same tendency that Young modulus (Table 3). In
films showed a decrease of Young’s modulus ca. 74% and yield stress in this way, the diastereomers D-glucitol and D-galactitol are alditols with
ca. 87% when D-galactitol with 5% w/w was incorporated and compared the same six-carbon chain length. These polyols have one hydroxyl
with the neat kefiran. Deformation at break also increased with the group attached to each carbon. Contrary to monosaccharides, in water,
amount of the plasticizer kefiran ca. 73% when D-glucitol was incorpo­ the alditols do not exist as hemiacetals. Thus, all its hydroxyl groups are
rated into the kefiran. This work studies the incorporation of a low available for the attractive noncovalent forces as hydrogen bonds be­
amount of plasticizer (2 and 5% w/w), unlike other works reported in tween kefiran chains and these polyols. On the other hand, glycerol is a
the literature that used a high amount of up to 35% of polyols. polyol molecule of three-carbon chain length constituted of three hy­
Different correlative letters (a-e) are reported in each column to droxyl groups. As a result, glycerol confers less hydrogen bonding per
indicate that there is a significant difference between the corresponding molecule than the six-carbon chain length alditols, leading to better
groups using P < 0.05. Data reported are mean values ± SD. SW (%): properties of plasticized films based on kefiran with D-glucitol and D-
solubility in water percent. MH: Microhardness. E = Young’s modulus; galactitol than with glycerol.
σmax = Yield stress; εBreak = deformation at break. On the other hand, with the D-limonene incorporation, the Micro­
The authors have reported that kefiran film with 30% plasticizer hardness increased in comparison with the neat kefiran. Previous reports
showed a reduction of around 94% in Young’s modulus and 85% in based on PLA and PLA/D-limonene blends demonstrated a good plasti­
tensile strength, followed by an increase in elongation at break cization in the mechanical properties evidenced in a decrease of Young’s
compared to the film with 20% plasticizer (Coma et al., 2019). On the modulus, loading D-limonene in the PLA matrix (Arrieta, López,
other hand, similar behavior has been reported for other films incor­ Ferrándiz, & Peltzer, 2013; Brüster et al., 2019). The authors concluded
porating plasticizers obtained from different biopolymers (Ili Balqis that these blends could find potential applications in food packaging.
et al., 2017). This trend is attributed to the plasticizers’ ability to Therefore, these previous results motivated the study of D-limonene as a
enhance the segmental mobility, decrease intermolecular forces, soften potential plasticizer in kefiran films. When the D-limonene was incor­
the mechanical stability of the film’s structure, and increase polymer porated into the kefiran, the microhardness values increased, and the
mobility (Ghasemlou et al., 2011b). Piermaria et al. explained this Young’s modulus decreased slightly with the 5% w/w of D-limonene
behavior because most plasticizers contain hydroxyl groups that will incorporation. This behavior could be due to that D-limonene was not
form hydrogen bridges with biopolymers and increase the flexibility of homogeneously distributed in the kefiran matrix. Some zones with an
the film matrix. The plasticizer increases polymer chains’ movement agglomeration of D-limonene could increase the polymer’s rigidity
ability (Piermaria et al., 2009). increased the microhardness, and it could be due to the hydrophobic
The hardness of a polymeric material can be defined as a measure­ character of the D-limonene and the hydrophilic character of the kefiran
ment of the resistance to permanent deformation under the action of an (Hasheminya et al., 2019). The compatibility mainly governs this
indenter. This deformation is ruled by the viscoelastic and plastic property at molecular levels between the polymeric matrix and the
components that also govern the mechanical properties of the material. plasticizer.
Microhardness involves a complex combination of properties (elastic The flexibility of polymeric films with hydrophobic plasticizer has
modulus, yield strength, strain hardening, toughness) (Baltá Calleja F.J., been discussed in the literature (Ghasemlou, Khodaiyan, Oromiehie,
2000). Therefore, it can also be expected that microhardness is related to et al., 2011a; Srinivasa, Ramesh, & Tharanathan, 2007). For example,
structural parameters since mechanical properties are structure- Ghasemlou et al. (2011a) explained that the heterogeneity structure of
dependent (Baltá Calleja F.J., 2000). the kefiran film, when oleic acid (OA) is added, probably led to weak­
Thus, the behavior of the microhardness and Young’s modulus de­ ened intermolecular interactions and a consequent decrease in the
pends on the polymer structure, and therefore they should show the flexibility of films. The interactions between non-polar OA molecules
same trend (Ostafinska et al., 2017). and polar polymer molecules are much lower than those between polar
MH values allow to check the flexibility of the films and ensure the glycerol molecules and polar polymer molecules. These results indicate
durability and ability to enhance the mechanical integrity of foods. The that the nature and amount of plasticizer had a significant effect on the
microhardness values change according to the type and concentration of mechanical properties of kefiran films.
plasticizer, and no definite trend is observed as the concentration of
plasticizer increases. It could be due to the low concentration of plasti­ 3.3.7. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
cizer used. However, the size, the shape, and the number of oxygen The microstructure of the film surfaces was examined to determine
atoms in the plasticizer molecules affecting the plasticizer action, and the difference in surface morphology caused by different plasticizer
different trends might be found in mechanical properties for different types and concentrations. Fig. 5 shows the SEM images of the kefiran
polymer-plasticizer pairs (Cerqueira et al., 2012; J. Piermaria et al., films with and without plasticizers. SEM images indicate that the neat
2011, 2009). In a general way, the results indicated that under the kefiran film showed smooth and uniform surfaces without pores or
plasticizer concentration range studied, the addition of D-glucitol and D- cracks. On the other hand, it could be observed the higher the

L. Montoille et al. Food Chemistry 360 (2021) 129966

Fig. 5. Scanning electron microscopy surface for a) neat kefiran films and with the incorporation of 5 and 2% w/w plasticizers: b-c) glycerol, d-e) D-glucitol, f-g) D-
galactitol, h-i) D-mannitol and j-k) D-limonene.

concentration of plasticizers, the smoother the surface compared to a kefiran films with 5% w/w D-galactitol, it can be deduced that D-galac­
lower concentration of plasticizer. This indicates that the plasticizers titol is a more effective plasticizer in kefiran films. Finally, it could be
were distributed homogeneously in the kefiran matrix. It results from concluded that the most suitable food packaging combination is kefiran
the formation of stronger and more stable hydrogen bonds of plasticizers with 5% w/w D-galactitol.
with kefiran and consequently led to the formation of a more uniform
surface. 4. Conclusions
The surface microstructure of films prepared with 2 and 5% w/w D-
limonene concentration (Fig. 5b) shows a smooth and uniform surface. In the present work, the spectroscopic analysis of the isolated exo­
This indicates that due to the low concentration of D-limonene the film- polysaccharide from kefir grains showed that this polysaccharide is
forming solution had a stable emulsion system and that its stability was constituted by branched glucogalactosylhexasaccharide repeating units
maintained during drying of the solution (Tongnuanchan, Benjakul, & described as kefiran. The addition of different types and concentrations
Prodpran, 2012). In similar research on the effects of the addition of of plasticizers (hydrophilic or hydrophobic) in a low concentration as
essential oil to kefiran films, Hasheminya et al. (2019) pointed out a glycerol, D-glucitol, D-galactitol, D-mannitol, and D-limonene plasticizers
uniform surface in the polymer matrix. However, when the D-limonene had an influence on the physical properties of films based on kefiran.
was incorporated into the kefiran, the microhardness values increased. Results indicated that all plasticizers present good efficiency in plasti­
This behavior could be due to that D-limonene was not homogeneously cizing kefiran films in terms of their visual appearance, thermal prop­
distributed in the kefiran matrix. Some zones with an agglomeration of erties, solubility, optical properties, structural, surface integrity, and
D-limonene could increase the polymer’s rigidity, and it could be due mechanical properties. The presence of plasticizers increased the Tg of
weak interaction of London dispersion forces between the plasticizer neat kefiran ca. 15% compared to the neat kefiran, and a decrease in the
and the kefiran polymer matrix through C–C bonds. Tm is presented in films containing low concentrations of hydrophilic
As shown above, the addition of plasticizers helps in solubilizing the plasticizers. These results could be attributed to a lower amount of
kefiran polymeric matrix, enhancing the smoothness and cohesiveness plasticizer used.
of the film surface microstructure (Coma et al., 2019). It demonstrates Furthermore, the thermal stability of all kefiran films increased by
the effective integrity structure of the homogeneous matrix due to adding plasticizers, and the thermal stability of films containing 2 and
plasticizer interactions with kefiran through intermolecular hydrogen 5% of D-galactitol and D-glucitol was higher than other plasticized films
bonds or weakened interactions (Piermaria et al., 2009). This effect had by strong hydrogen interaction between these polyols and the polymeric
been observed previously on the surface of plasticized kefiran films matrix. On the other hand, it was observed that raising glycerol con­
containing glycerol and sorbitol (Ghasemlou et al., 2011b; Piermaria centration leads to highly soluble films. However, the solubility
et al., 2011). decreased with an increased concentration of D-glucitol, D-galactitol, D-
Due to the decrease of 74% in Young’s modulus (E), 87% for yield mannitol, and D-limonene. The low opacity obtained indicated trans­
strength (σy), 30% in the microhardness, and the solubility observed in parency on the films. Meanwhile, the other optical properties (YI, WI,

L. Montoille et al. Food Chemistry 360 (2021) 129966

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CRediT authorship contribution statement Farhan, A., & Hani, N. M. (2017). Characterization of edible packaging films based on
semi-refined kappa-carrageenan plasticized with glycerol and sorbitol. Food
Hydrocolloids, 64, 48–58.
Lissette Montoille: Methodology, Data curation, Investigation. Ghasemlou, M., Khodaiyan, F., Jahanbin, K., Gharibzahedi, S. M. T., & Taheri, S. (2012).
Constanza Morales Vicencio: Methodology, Data curation, Investiga­ Structural investigation and response surface optimisation for improvement of
kefiran production yield from a low-cost culture medium. Food Chemistry, 133(2),
tion. Daniel Fontalba: Conceptualization, Methodology. J. Andrés 383–389.
Ortiz: Formal analysis, Data curation, Visualization. Viviana Moreno- Ghasemlou, M., Khodaiyan, F., & Oromiehie, A. (2011a). Physical, mechanical, barrier,
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