Academic Documents 2022-2023 Sem I

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RMDSSOE/ Office /Academic/2022-23/ Sem-I/76 Date: 12th July 2022

ACADEMIC CALENDAR SEM-I [A.Y. 2022-23] [TE/BE (Regular)]

[Notified on 12th July 2022]

Duration of Semester: 18/07/2022 to 05/11/2022 Total Weeks: 17

Total weeks for Teaching: 12
13th to 15th July 2022 Admission Process Completion: TE, BE [A.Y. 2022-2023]
18th July 2022 Commencement of First Term
I th
18 July 2022 to
Registration of Value-Added Program (VAP)
22nd July 2022
Display of Attendance / Provisional Detention List / Non-Registration Students.
III 3rd Aug. 2022
[Send WhatsApp’s message to Parents]
22nd Aug. 2022 to TE & BE: Unit Test-I Theory Examination (Max. Marks 30)
26th Aug. 2022 [Based on Unit-I & Unit II]
Display of Unit Test-I Theory Exam. Result. (TE/BE)
30th Aug. 2022
[Send WhatsApp’s message to Parents]
29th Aug. 2022 &
VII Faculty feedback by the students to be taken by the Department
30th Aug. 2022
Display of Attendance / Provisional Detention List / Non-Registration Students.
2nd Sept. 2022
[Send WhatsApp’s message to Parents]
Identifying fast learner /slow learner students and taking
VIII 5th Sept. 2022
corrective actions
12th Sept. 2022 to TE/BE: S.P.P. U. In Sem Examination
16th Sept. 2022 (Max. Marks 30) [Based on I & II Units]
19th Sept. 2022 to
X TE & BE: Mid Semester Submission during regular practical Sessions
23rd Sept. 2022
10th Oct. 2022 to TE & BE: Unit Test-II Theory Examination (Max. Marks 30)
14th Oct. 2022 [Based on Unit-III & Unit IV]
Display of Unit Test-II Theory Exam. Result. (TE/BE)
18th Oct. 2022
[Send WhatsApp’s message to Parents]
Remedial Lectures/ Repeat / Practice Practical Turns
XV 17th Oct.2022 to
21st Oct. 2022 Mock Practical & Final submission of all practical subjects to respective
21st Oct. 2022 Parent Meeting to be conducted by the department
XVI 28th Oct. 2022 End of Teaching (Theory & Practical)
31st Oct. 2022 to TE & BE: Prelim Theory Examination [Based on III, IV & V Units]
4th Nov. 2022 (For TE & BE: Max. Marks 70)
Display of Attendance / Provisional Detention List Students.
4th Nov. 2022 [Send WhatsApp’s message to Parents]
Display of Prelim Theory Exam Result. (TE/BE)
XVII Conclusion of Semester
Issue Term Grant Certificate to students after successfully completion of all
subject T/W file duly signed by respective practical Subject teacher & Mock
5th Nov. 2022 Oral / Practical Exam. (if possible, Only OR/PR subjects)
Display of Final Attendance / Final Detention / Continuous Assessment Sheet.
[Send Detention letter / WhatsApp’s message to Parents]
Compilation & Display of T/W Marks & Submission of CO attainment sheet
10th Nov. 2022 to
XVIII- XXI University (Oral / Practical) Examination
30th Nov. 2022
XXII 5th December 2022 Submission of T/W marks through web portal to SPPU University.
5th Dec.2022 to
XXII-XXV Dates for University Exam. (Theory)
30th Dec. 2022
2nd January 2023 Commencement of Second Term for Academic Year 2022-2023.
• Time Tables are displayed separately. • Identification of Non-Performing students & remedial action
• Internal Examination [Unit Test Exam] / S.P.P. U. will be displayed separately.
Examination schedule will be displayed separately. • Academic Monitoring of all departments will be checked by
• Schedule for Cultural/Sports Events will be displayed separately. Principal & Dean (Academics) along with HOD’s.
• Holiday’s as per circular from SPPU / STES will be displayed separately. • Guidelines for Internal Assessment will be displayed separately.
• TE-Seminar & BE Project Review Schedule will be displayed separately.

Copy To: 1. Ex. Director, STES (for Information)

2. All H.O.D. (For circulation to all staff)

DAY Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22

Mon 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26

Tue 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27

Wed 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28

Thu 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29

Fri 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30

Sat 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31

Sun 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25
No. of days /
Week 4 5 5 3 3 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 3 Total: 66
No. of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Total No. of days in a Semester 66 Unit Test-I Exam. TE BE 22.08.2022 To 26.08.2022 6

Total no. of Teaching days excluding 1st
BE and last week [i.e effective teaching days to 49 Unit Test-II Exam. TE BE 10.10.2022 To 14.10.2022 14

Prelim Exam. TE BE 31.10.2022 To 04.11.2022 17

3 Lect / week Tentative SPPU

36 Lects. TE BE 12.09.2022 To 16.09.2022 9
TE [No.of lects. Conducted by faculty] Insem Exam.
BE 4 Lect / week
[No.of lects. Conducted by faculty]
48 Lects. Parent Meet TE BE 21.10.2022 To 21.10.2022 15

MID Sem Submission TE BE 19.09.2022 To 23.09.2022 10

Saturday & Commencement &

* Sunday Holiday * Conclusion of Sem-I
Registration of VAP TE BE 18.07.2022 To 22.07.2022 1

Mock Practical & Final

Online Phase-I
* & II Exam. * End of Teaching Submission during Practical TE BE 17.10.2022 To 21.10.2022 15

* TH/PR Exam. * SPPU Holiday's
RMDSSOE/ Office /Academic/2022-2023/ Sem-I/77 Date: 12th July 2022

Guidelines for Continuous & Internal Assessment

A) Continuous Assessment:
1. Record keeping of Continuous assessment marks should be kept with respective
faculty member.
2. There will be frequent cross verification of faculty record with students file.

B) Internal Assessment:
1. For S.E. / T.E. /B.E. [All Branches] Regular Students Scheme of 25 & 50 marks per
subject is as follows:

Scheme of 25 Scheme of
Sr. No. Particulars
marks 50 marks
1 Attendance (TH/PR/TG) 05 10
2 Unit Test-I 2.5 05
3 Unit Test-II 2.5 05
4 Prelim Examination 05 10
5 Continuous Assessment 10 20

Student can earn marks based on following criteria:

1. Attendance more than 75% — full weightage of marks.
2. 50% + marks in Unit Test I Examination —Full weightage / Subject wise.
3. 50% + marks in Unit Test II Examination—Full weightage / Subject wise.
4. 50 % + marks in Prelim Examination—Full weightage / Subject wise.
5. Assessment out of 10 marks for each experiment & conversion accordingly.
2. For S.E. / T.E. /B.E. [All Branches] Regular Students Scheme of 25 & 50 marks for
respective subjects for only Oral / Practical (with No Theory examination) is as

Scheme of 25 Scheme of
Sr. No. Particulars
marks 50 marks
1 Attendance (PRACTICAL) 05 10
2 Assignments 05 10
3 Mock Oral/ Practical Exam. 05 10
4 Continuous Assessment 10 20

Student can earn marks based on following criteria:

1. Practical Attendance more than 75% — full weightage of marks.
2. Timely submission of all assignments —Full weightage / Subject wise.
3. Overall Performance during MOCK oral/Practical Examination.
4. Assessment out of 10 marks for each experiment & conversion accordingly.
3. For B.E. PROJECT [All Branches] Regular Students Scheme of 50 & 100 marks for
Project for TW / Oral is as follows:
Scheme of 50 Scheme of
Sr. No. Particulars
marks 100 marks
1 10 20
(Weekly report to Guide)
2 Project Review-I 20 40
3 Project Review-II 20 40

Student can earn marks based on following criteria:

1. Project Attendance more than 75% — full weightage of marks.
2. Project Review I & II: Refer Project Diary.

Copy To: 1. STES (for Information)
2. All H.O.D. (For circulation to all staff)
3. Student Notice Board
RMDSSOE/Office/Academic/2022-23/78 Date: 12th July 2022


As per the discussion in the Principal meeting with HOD on 12th July 2022, all the respective
subject faculty members are hereby directed to prepare his/her own course file for theory
subjects and Lab Manuals for practical subjects & to submit their Teaching Plan &
Laboratory Manual on or before Friday, 22nd July 2022 to department office. The details of
the course file and lab manual are given below.

Course file Contents:

1. Subject Syllabus along with list of reference books.

2. Teaching plan indicating date planned for the topic & date of topic covered.
It should be monitored by Department coordinator/ HOD / Dean / Principal every
3. Individual and class time table.
4. Topic wise subject notes- Teacher should prepare his/her own handwritten subject
notes by referring number of standard / reference books. The soft / hard copy of the
subject notes may be given to the students at appropriate time. Notes should not
include photocopies of text from books.
5. Copies of PPTs.
6. Question bank for each Unit.
7. Old university question papers of the subject.
8. Previous university results of the subject.
9. Model solutions of In Semester & End Semester University Question Papers along with
marking scheme.
10. List of assignments/ Tutorials.
11. Prepare Unit-wise Formulae sheet required for SPPU & GATE Examination.
12. Planning of Industrial Visits. (if required)
13. Planning of Technical Lab Innovations. (Group of 5 Students)
14. List innovation topics.
15. Internal Theory Examination Paper format: [Time Table attached separately for
reference] [Submit All Question papers (SET-A & B) to HOD of respective dept.]
(With CO & PO Mapping)
Unit Test-I (Max. Marks 30 for SE, TE & BE)
Based on Unit I: Que.1. or Que.2 (15 marks) & Unit-II: Que.3. or Que.4 (15 marks)
Unit Test-II (Max. Marks 30 for SE, TE & BE)
Based on Unit III: Que.1. or Que.2 (15 marks) & Unit-IV: Que.3. or Que.4 (15 marks)
Prelim Examination (Max. Marks 70 for SE, TE & BE)
Based on Unit III: Que.1. or Que.2 (16 marks) & Unit IV: Que.3. or Que.4 (18 marks) &
Unit-V: Que.5 or Que.6 (18 marks) & Unit-VI: Que.7 or Que.8 (18 marks)
Lab Manual Contents:

1. Lab manual should be prepared for each practical subject, in such a way that every
student will be able to complete the practical work in the prescribed period for the
No work should be given at home.
2. List of assignments, Experiments etc.
3. Description of experiments / assignments to be conducted in the lab, Flow Chart, Diagram if
4. List of frequently asked oral questions, practical wise. (Minimum 10 questions per practical).
5. Unit-wise GATE Examination Questions (Multiple Choice) [Discussion & Prepared by the students during

Also, the Lab In-Charge/Lab Assistant should maintain the following documents:
1. Lab occupancy/load semester-wise.
2. Lab time tables.
3. List of Major equipments.
4. Stock registers (Equipments & Consumables).
5. Purchase orders (recommendations from staff, approval letter with budget, order
placed, etc.)
6. Lab cost as per Dead Stock register, furniture cost and area of lab.
7. List of Software’s available in Lab.

Format for Teaching Plan

ACADEMIC YEAR :_____________ TERM : ________________ SUBJECT :_________________

CLASS : _______________________FACULTY NAME: _________________________________


A.Y. 2021-2022 A.Y. 2020-2021 A.Y. 2019-2020

Lect. Planned Actual

Unit No. Topic & Contents Planned Topic & Contents Covered
No. Dates Dates
Certified that 100 % syllabus is covered.

Signature of H.O.D. Signature of the staff


RMDSSOE/ Office /Academic/2022-23/Sem-I /79 Date: 12th July 2022


SCHEDULED TIME: Unit Test-I: 10.00 AM TO 11.00 AM Max. Marks: 30 Examination Based on Unit I & II
Unit Test-II: 10.00 AM TO 11.00 AM Max. Marks: 30 Examination Based on Unit III & IV
Unit Test-III: 10.00 AM TO 12.30 PM Max. Marks: 70 Examination Based on Unit III, IV, V & VI

Dates for Internal Examination Name of Branch

Sr. No.
Unit Test-I Unit Test-II Unit Test-III Civil Engg. Computer Engg. Information Technology E&TC Engg. Mechanical Engg.

Hydrology & Water Digital Numerical &

Monday, Monday, Monday, Database Management Theory of Computation
1 Resources Engineering Communication Statistical Methods
22nd Aug. 2022 10th Oct. 2022 31st Oct. 2022 Systems (310241) (314441)
(301001) (304181) (302041)

Electromagnetic Heat & Mass

Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Water Supply Engineering Theory of Computation Operating Systems
2 Field Theory Transfer
23rd Aug. 2022 11th Oct. 2022 1st Nov. 2022 (301002) (310242) (314442)
(304182) (302042)

Systems Programming and

Wednsday, Wednsday, Wednsday, Design of Steel Structures Machine Learning Database Management Design of Machine
3 Operating System
24th Aug. 2022 12th Oct. 2022 2nd Nov. 2022 (301003) (314443) (304183) Elements (302043)

Engineering Economics and

Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Computer Networks and Human Computer Microcontrollers
4 Financial Management Mechatronics (302044)
25th Aug. 2022 13th Oct. 2022 3rd Nov. 2022 Security (310244) Interaction (314444) (304184)
Elective-I Elective-I Elective-I
Elective-I Elective-I
Friday, Friday, Friday, Construction Mgt. Advanced Database & Fundamentals of JAVA
5 Software Project Advanced Forming &
26th Aug. 2022 14th oct. 2022 4th Nov. 2022 Advanced Concrete Management System Programming
Management (310245) Joining Processes (302045)
Technology (301005) (314445) (304185)
Friday, Friday, Friday,
6 26th Aug. 2022 14th oct. 2022 4th Nov. 2022 Honor Course Honor Course Honor Course Honor Course Honor Course
[2.00 pm to 3.00 pm] [2.00 pm to 3.00 pm] [2.00 pm to 4.30 pm]
Note: For honor course: Timining for examination mentioned on the perticular day & date.

Copy To: 1. CEO, RMDSSOE Dean Academics

2. All H.O.D. (For circulation to all staff)
3. Student Notice Board
4. Registrar, Administrative Office
5.I/c Store (for information)
RMDSSOE/ Office /Academic/2022-23/Sem-I /79 Date: 12th July 2022


SCHEDULED TIME: Unit Test-I: 10.00 AM TO 11.00 AM Max. Marks: 30 Examination Based on Unit I & II
Unit Test-II: 10.00 AM TO 11.00 AM Max. Marks: 30 Examination Based on Unit III & IV
Unit Test-III: 10.00 AM TO 12.30 PM Max. Marks: 70 Examination Based on Unit III, IV, V & VI

Dates for Internal Examination Name of Branch

Sr. No.
Unit Test-I Unit Test-II Unit Test-III Civil Engg. Computer Engg. Information Technology E&TC Engg. Mechanical Engg.
Heating Ventilation
Monday, Monday, Monday, Foundation DS & BDA Information Storage Radiation & Air-Conditioning &
22nd Aug. 2022 10th Oct. 2022 31st Oct. 2022 Engineering (401001) (310251) Retrial (41441) Microwave Theory Refrigeration
Software Project
Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Transportation WT Dynamics of Machinery
2 Management deep VLSI Design
23rd Aug. 2022 11th Oct. 2022 1st Nov. 2022 Engineering (401002) (310252) (402042)
learing (41442)
Elective-III Integrated
Water Resource Engg
Wednsday, Wednsday, Wednsday, AI Elective-III Turbomachinery
3 / Advanced Design of Cloud Computing
24th Aug. 2022 12th Oct. 2022 2nd Nov. 2022 (310253) Mobile Computing (402043)
Concrete Structure
Elective-IV Elective-III
Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Elective-IV Elective-III Automobile Design
4 Air Polution Control IS (310254 A)
25th Aug. 2022 13th Oct. 2022 3rd Nov. 2022 Computer Vision Java Script / Industrial Engineering
(401004) (402044)
Elective-IV Product Design &
Friday, 26th Friday, Friday, 4th SM& A
5 Honor Course Honor Course Electronic Product Development
Aug. 2022 14th oct. 2022 Nov. 2022 (310254 D) Operations Research
Friday, Friday, Friday, 4th
6 26th Aug. 2022 14th oct. 2022 Nov. 2022 [2.00 _______ Honor Course _______ Honor Course Honor Course
[2.00 pm to 3.00 pm] [2.00 pm to 3.00 pm] pm to 4.30 pm]
Note: For honor course: Timining for examination mentioned on the perticular day & date.

Copy To: 1. CEO, RMDSSOE

2. All H.O.D. (For circulation to all staff) Dean Academics
3. Student Notice Board
4. Registrar, Administrative Office
5.I/c Store (for information)

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