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1. Which among the following statements is/are correct about Salinity of the Indian ocean?

1. Bay of Bengal records higher salinity than the Indian Ocean

2. The spatial distribution of salinity in the Indian Ocean is more variable and complex
than the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

Select the correct code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 & 2

Correct Answer: B [Only 2]

The spatial distribution of salinity in the Indian Ocean is more variable and complex than the
Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
Arabian sea records higher salinity (36%) than the Bay of Bengal,due to higher rate of
evaporation, less humid conditions and low influx of freshwater.

2. Which among the following statements is/are correct about Pelagic Deposits?

1. They cover 75 % of the total sea floor.

2. They consist of only organic deposits.

Select the correct code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 & 2

Correct Answer: A [Only 1]

Pelagic deposits consist of fine materials formed of skeletons and shells of marine organisms
and a few inorganic substances. They are generally blue, grey or red in colour.
Pelagic deposits cover 75 % of the total sea floor. They consist of both organic and inorganic

3. Which among the following statements is/are correct about Atolls?

1. An atoll is a roughly circular oceanic reef system surrounding a large central lagoon.
2. Atolls are far more common in the Atlantic than any other ocean.

Select the correct code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 & 2
Correct Answer: A [Only 1]
An atoll is a roughly circular (annular) oceanic reef system surrounding a large (and often
deep) central lagoon.
The lagoon has a depth 80-150 metres and may be joined with sea water through a number of
channels cutting across the reef. Atolls are far more common in the Pacific than any other

4. What is the upward and downward movement of ocean water called?

[A] Tide
[B] Current
[C] Wave
[D] Tsunami

Correct Answer: A [Tide]

The periodical rise and fall of the sea level, once or twice a day, mainly due to the attraction
of the sun and the moon, is called a tide.
The moon’s gravitational pull to a great extent and to a lesser extent the sun’s gravitational
pull, are the major causes for the occurrence of tides.

5. Which among the following statements is/are correct about Ocean Currents?

1. Cold currents flow from polar regions towards the equator and have a lower surface
2. These currents flow in the clockwise direction in the northern hemisphere and in the
anti-clockwise direction in the southern hemisphere.

Select the correct code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 & 2

Correct Answer: A [Only 1]

Cold currents flow from polar regions towards the equator and have a lower surface
They flow in the anti-clockwise direction in the northern hemisphere and in the clockwise
direction in the southern hemisphere.

6. Which among the following current flows along the eastern coast of North America
keeping it cool?

[A] Labrador current

[B] Humboldt current
[C] West wind drift
[D] Gulf stream
Correct Answer: A [Labrador current]
The currents have a significant effect on the climate of the coastal areas. The cold Labrador
Current flows along the eastern coast of North America keeping it cool.

7. Who among the following has defined race in an essentialist concept?

[A] Hooton
[B] Mayr
[C] Dobzhansky
[D] Montagu

Correct Answer: A [Hooton]

Race refers to classification of humans into relatively large and distinct population groups
based on appearance through heritable phenotypic characteristics, often influenced by and
correlated with culture, ethnicity and socio-economic status.
Hooton (1926) has defined race in essentialist concept as “A great division of mankind,
characterised as a group sharing certain combination of features, derived from their common
descent, and constitute a vague physical background, usually more or less obscured by
individual variations, and realised best in a composite picture.”

8. Which among the following pairs of the tribes and their habitats is/are correctly matched?

1. Aborigines – Australia
2. Bushmen – Australia
3. Bindibu – Africa

Select the correct code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2 & 3
[C] Only 1 & 3
[D] None of the above

Correct Answer: A [Only 1]

Bushmen – Inhabitants of Kalahari Desert in Africa in Botswana and South Africa. They live
largely by hunting and gathering.
Bindibu – They are the natives of western Australia.

9. Which among the following is called the year of the great divide in the demographic
history of India?

[A] 1891
[B] 1951
[C] 1991
[D] 1921

Correct Answer: D [1921]

The year 1921, is a year of the great divide in the demographic history of India when
mortality started to decline leading to acceleration in the rate of population growth. Since
1921, population has been increasing at a rapid rate. The trend of growth of population in
India, since 1921, has been consistently on the rise. That is why Census commissioner has
referred the year 1921 as year of Great Divide. This increase was higher than that of the
previous thirty years.

10. Which among the following statements is/are correct about Migration?

1. When people move from one place to another, the place they ‘move from’ is called
the Place of Origin and the place they ‘move to’ is known as the Place of Destination.
2. Migration may be permanent, temporary, or seasonal.
3. Migrants who move out of a place are known as Immigrants

Select the correct code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 3
[C] Only 1 & 2
[D] 1, 2 & 3

Correct Answer: C [Only 1 & 2]

When people move from one place to another, the place they ‘move from’ is called the Place
of Origin and the place they ‘move to’ is known as the Place of Destination.
Migration may be permanent, temporary, or seasonal.
Migrants who move into a new place are known as Immigrants.
Migrants who move out of a place are known as Emigrants.

11. Who among the following has defined race in an essentialist concept?

[A] Hooton
[B] Mayr
[C] Dobzhansky
[D] Montagu

Correct Answer: A [Hooton]

Race refers to classification of humans into relatively large and distinct population groups
based on appearance through heritable phenotypic characteristics, often influenced by and
correlated with culture, ethnicity and socio-economic status.
Hooton (1926) has defined race in essentialist concept as “A great division of mankind,
characterised as a group sharing certain combination of features, derived from their common
descent, and constitute a vague physical background, usually more or less obscured by
individual variations, and realised best in a composite picture.”
12. Who among the following has given the classification of humans in five types of races?

[A] Alexander Humboldt

[B] Jeans Jacques
[C] F. Hoyle
[D] Carleton S. Coon

Correct Answer: D [Carleton S. Coon ]

Human race refers to a group of people with certain features in common that distinguish them
from other groups of people. There are various systems of classifications of human races. A
20th century classification given by American anthropologist Carleton S. Coon has divided
the humans into five races as follows:

13. Who stated that the migration models should focus on the behaviour of individuals rather
than on the characteristics of places and population?

[A] Pryor
[B] Ravenstein
[C] Lee
[D] Julian Wolpert

Correct Answer: D [Julian Wolpert]

Julian Wolpert considered the structural models impersonal and mechanistic in nature.
Criticising these models he proposed a model of migration based on the behaviour theory.
According to him, the migration models should focus on the behaviour of individuals rather
than on the characteristics of places and population.

14. What kind of settlements are found in plain fertile land regions?

[A] Dispersed
[B] Fragmented
[C] Nucleated
[D] Planned

Correct Answer: C [Nucleated]

Compact or Nucleated Settlements − In these type of settlements, the houses are built very
close to each other. Usually, plain fertile land regions have such compact or nucleated

15. What is the name given to describe the characteristic warmth of both the atmosphere and
surfaces in cities compared to their surroundings?
[A] Urban Agglomeration
[B] Urban Heat Island
[C] Smart City
[D] Out Growths

Correct Answer: B [Urban Heat Island]

An urban heat island is the name given to describe the characteristic warmth of both the
atmosphere and surfaces in cities (urban areas) compared to their (non-urbanized)
surroundings. The heat island is an example of unintentional climate modification when
urbanization changes the characteristics of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere.

16. Which among the following gave a constitutional arrangement to the Urban Local

[A] Ashok Mehta Committee

[B] 73rd Amendment Act
[C] Balwantrai Mehta Committee
[D] 74th Amendment Act

Correct Answer: D [74th Amendment Act]

The 74th constitutional amendment came into force in June, 1993 which sought to strengthen
decentralization. The main provisions include :
constitution and composition
constitution of wards committees
reservation of seats
duration of municipalities
powers and functions
finance commission.
The 74th amendment, expects that ULBs will assume responsibilities for urban planning,
supply, social and economic planning, slum up gradation, public health, etc.

17. Which among the following tribes practice Primitive Hunting?

1. Yukaghirs
2. Bushmen
3. North American Eskimos
4. Laplanders

Select the correct code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1 & 2

[B] Only 2 & 4
[C] Only 1, 2 & 3
[D] 1, 2, 3 & 4

Correct Answer: D [1, 2, 3 & 4]

Although hunting was much more widespread in the past, today this activity survives largely
in the high latitude zones particularly in the Arctic region.
Primitive Hunters:
Yukaghirs – Siberia
Bushmen- Kalahari
North American Eskimos
Laplanders – Scandinavia

18. The Kalmuk tribes inhabit which among the following areas?

[A] Rockies
[B] Atlas
[C] Altai
[D] Himalayas

Correct Answer: C [Altai]

The central Asian herding region extends over the territories of Mongolia, Tibet, Turkmenia
and Kirghizia. Kalmuk tribes inhabit the Altai Mountains and the neighbouring basins. Sheep
are the most common type of livestock kept in the central Asian region.

19. In which type of Agriculture the land is obtained by cleaning forest and agriculture is
practiced till the fertility of the farm is exhausted?

[A] Subsistence Agriculture

[B] Shifting Agriculture
[C] Intensive Farming
[D] Extensive Farming

Correct Answer: B [Shifting Agriculture]

Shifting agriculture – land is obtained by cleaning forest and agriculture is practiced till the
fertility of the farm is exhausted. After this another farm is cleared and agriculture is
practiced on it. Usually, plant, tuber crops like yam, tapioca and root crops are raised. It is
practiced mainly by tribal living in forest.

20. Which among the following types of farming is also called as Mixed farming?

[A] Mediterranean Agriculture

[B] Commercial Grain Farming
[C] Shifting Agriculture
[D] Commercial livestock and Grain Farming

Correct Answer: D [Commercial livestock and Grain Farming]

Commercial livestock and Grain Farming – It is also known as mixed farming.
– Varying emphasis is laid on crops and cattle or livestock depending upon the local climatic
and human conditions.
– This type of farming is largely market-oriented and the nature of the produce obtained is
influenced by market demand factor.

21. Which among the following is the most primitive type of agriculture?

[A] Shifting Agriculture

[B] Subsistence Agriculture
[C] Dry land Farming
[D] Extensive Agriculture

Correct Answer: A [Shifting Agriculture]

Shifting cultivation is believed to be the most primitive form of agriculture. This type of
farming is carried on chiefly in tropical regions of Southeast Asia, Americas and central

22. Who started the earliest plantations off the coast of Africa?

[A] Portuguese
[B] British
[C] Dutch
[D] French

Correct Answer: A [Portuguese ]

The earliest plantations date back to the 15th century establishments on the islands off the
Guinea coast of Africa. The system was carried from here to northern Brazil by the
Portuguese to produce sugarcane.

23. From which among the following countries, more than three-fourths production of Manila
Hemp is obtained?

[A] China
[B] Indonesia
[C] Japan
[D] Philippines

Correct Answer: D [Philippines]

Manila hemp is essentially obtained from a plant called abaca (musa textilis) that can be
grown in many parts of the tropical regions.
More than three-fourths of the production of Manila hemp comes from the southeastern parts
of the Philippines.

24. Which among the following is/are the methods of Mining?

1. Quarrying
2. Open Cast mining
3. Shaft Mining
4. Drilling
Select the correct code from the options given below:

[A] Only 2 & 3

[B] Only 2, 3 & 4
[C] Only 2
[D] 1, 2, 3 & 4

Correct Answer: D [1, 2, 3 & 4]

Mining is the activity of obtaining minerals from the surface of the earth or from the rocks
from below the surface.
On the basis of the technique of obtaining minerals, the activity can be categorised as
– quarrying
– open cast mining
– shaft mining
– drilling

25. Which among the following mineral’s is an important input in the steel manufacturing

[A] Iron
[B] Copper
[C] Steel
[D] Bronze

Correct Answer: C [Steel]

Manganese is used as an alloy mineral to produce steel. Typical manganese steel contains 12
to 14 per cent of manganese and addition of this mineral to steel makes it remarkably hard
and tough. Thus manganese is an important input in steel manufacturing activity.

26. Which among the following regions is the largest producer of industrial diamonds?

[A] Republic of Congo

[B] Kalgoorlie
[C] Koolgardie
[D] Kimberley

Correct Answer: A [Republic of Congo]

Diamond is the purest form of carbon and it is more precious than even gold. It is also the
hardest substance.
The Republic of Congo is the largest producer of industrial diamonds. Kalgoorlie and
Koolgardie have been famous for diamond mining.
27. Which among the following factor/factors affect the industrial location?

1. Government Policy
2. Relief
3. Climate
4. Raw Materials

Select the correct code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1, 3 & 4

[B] Only 3 & 4
[C] Only 1 & 4
[D] 1, 2, 3 & 4

Correct Answer: D [1, 2, 3 & 4]

The factors affecting industrial location can be grouped as:
– The physical factors, e.g. relief, climate, raw materials, etc.
– The human and economic factors or the institutional factors like the government policy and
the other human factors such as the demand for particular type of goods

28. Which among the following fertilizers is the least traded fertilizer in the international

1. Nitrogen
2. Phosphate
3. Potash

Select the correct code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Only 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3

Correct Answer: A [Only 1]

Though a bulky and rather low priced commodity, chemical fertilisers enter international
trade in large amount. Nitrogen
is the least traded among the three nutrients with less than one-fifth of the total production
entering international trade.
29. How much percent of the total value of exports do agricultural products account for?

[A] 2.5 %
[B] 9 %
[C] 25 %
[D] 15.5 %

Correct Answer: B [9 %]
The agricultural products account for about 9 per cent of the total value of exports. Within
agricultural products, food accounts for the largest share (7.2%) of the total export trade.

30. What are railways running across the entire breadths of the country called?

[A] Metros
[B] Bullet trains
[C] Transcontinental Railways
[D] Hyperloop

Correct Answer: C [Transcontinental Railways]

The large countries like Russia, Canada, US and Australia have a number of rail routes
running across the entire breadths of the continents. Such railways are called transcontinental
railways. Trans-Siberian Railway in Russia is the longest railway of the world.

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