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@ NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO Commissioning Procedure MUD PUMPS Nov Dec #: 0821007136-PRO-001 Contomee : Papalospan Canal @ NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO (rier meee Gn ee TRIPLEX MUD PUMP AMPHION INTERFACE LOCAL CONTROL STATION weer ee REVISION HISTORY BEOTIOT — [REST Spas a an pT RE oF 7 7 con setion, opted lar messes. TIT32012 | Amended joyaickconvorsecton 122 [RW [ NN 8 or 7 i07012 [Taal ease Ewe aN RG ex a tami Tae ra ‘Cony 29 Nad Ol Va ne A ps lvl Vacs ao cm eg US Pt Tn Oc Tip te pope MeiettSnice note) Se Ot Var ns Re prte sso on ene Sips em en ng tes aan peti Ar bane ne nis patina marge aes ati pie non nh aa i ec ng we Nov Dee ®; 0821007136-PRO-001 Revision #3 odtomerm Paplospan Conta! Shoot 20108 [eee hee Purrost EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION... 2:4 Tool Description. 3A General ni 3:2 Conditions: 3.3. Equipment and Material Requirement PARTICIPANTS . DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS... 5A Perspective (Point of Reference)... 5.2. Notes, Cautions, and Warning: 5.3 Abbreviations .. [SAFETY INFORMATION. ‘Mup Pump #1 FUNCTION TESTS. 9.4 Mud Pump #1 - Drller's Workstation . 9.2 Mud Pump 1 Status Screen. 9.9 Mud Pump #1 ~ Alarm Test Revision #3 Shect 3.0105 9.4 Mud Pump #4 Operation - Local Contro! Panel 10 MUD PUMP #2 FUNCTION TESTS wn. 10.1 Mud Pump #2 - Driller's Workstation. 10.2 Mud Pump # 2 Status Screen. 10.3 Mud Pump #2 - Alarm Test 10.4 Mud Pump #2 Operation - Local Control Pan 11. Mup PUMP #3 FUNCTION TESTS... 14.4 Mud Pump #3 - Driller's Workstation 11.2 Mud Pump 3 Status Screen Test... 14.3 Mud Pump #3- Alarm Test. 14.4 Mud Pump #3 Operation - Local Contro! Pans 12 DRILLER’s CHAR JoYSTick CONTROLS... 12.4 Active Mud Pump Select and Increasoldecrease SPM from joystick. 12.2 Joystick Mud pump pauseiresume function... 13 MUD PUMP EMERGENCY STOP TEST. 13:4 Mud Pump #4 Emergency Shutdown Test 13.2 Mud Pump #2 Emergency Shutdown Test 13.3 Mud Pump #3 Emergency Shutdown Test. 14 Muo Pump Sync Move. 14.1 Mud Pump Syne Mode Operations. 45 Muo Pump OPERATIONS TEST... 15.1 Mud Pump #1 Operational Testa 15.2 Mud Pump #1 Operational Test cont. 15.3 Mud Pump #2 Operational Test.. 15.2 Mud Pump #2 Operational Test cont. 15.3 Mud Pump #3 Operational Test.. NOV Dee #. 0821007136-PRO-001 Revision #3 15.3 Mud Pump #3 Operational Test cont 16 CoMmissioNING PUNCH LisT .. 17 COMPLETION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.. NOV Bee ®: 0521007126-PRO-001 Revision #:3 {Customer a: Paploopan Cental Sheet Bat 408 4 Purpose ‘This document is designed to verify the functions and sequences to support normal drilling operations, and to minimize redundant tool controls testing, ‘Tools and Amphion controls wil be tested from the primary control workstation, and al discrete ‘controls will be tested from each workstation, Since the Amphion application softwares common ‘amongst all workstations, once an Amphion funetion has been teste from the primary location, other locations are considered tested, ‘This document defines the commissioning requirements for fully installed, operational equipment, and ‘demonstrates the capability ofthe tool to perform its functions as designed NOV Doe. (0821007136-PRO-001 Revision #3 stoma ae Papaloscan Cana! coven 2 Equipment Description National Oilwell Model 14-P-220, 9° bore x 14” stroke, single acting, triplex, mud pump: Individual forged steel, two-piece interchangeable premium modules Balanced Forged ste crankshaft 7 Mission‘ King Liners 5 Liners (Supplied by Customer) Standard polyurethane valves and seats “Twor piece fast change piston rods Supreme Pistons. Metal4o-meta liner retention, ‘Clamp type liner and piston rd connections. Fast Change valve covers standard Dill piston fine ubecant spray system, Liner spray pump. Integral two runner skid Suction manifold with suction stabiler, 90 degrees “Oval! Style. Suetion line pressure rele valve. 480V, Goll, 3 Phase Electric Motors NOV Dee'#; 0821007126-PRO-001 Revision #3 ‘The workstation chair provides an interface to the Mud Pump Control System for the operator. The ‘Mud Pumps are operated from the Amphion Workstation through HMI touch sereens to input dats into ‘the control system. And all operator outputs can be viewed atthe touch sereens as well, Itshould be noted that the Amphion Workstation is only an interface to the Mud Pump Control System ‘and only passes information to and displays information from the Mud Pump Control System. ‘The Amphion Workstation is not responsible for nor does it perform any logie, operational sequences, oF interlocks for the protection and operation ofthe Mud Pumps; all logie, operational sequences, and interlock functions are the responsibilty of the Mud Pump Control System. SS Each Mud Pump is driven by 2 AC motors which are powered from the Mud Pump Control System and includes stat and stop control of the awxiliary motors. Amphion control and monitoring provides the facilities for remote operation ofthe pumps. Local operations are carried out at the Mud Pump Local Control Panel. Operating location is controlied by the Amphion Ownership Screen ‘The Mud Pump Control System contains an SBC Controller whichis connected to the Drilling Control "Network. All signals are passed via the network withthe exception of E-Stop circuitry. ump control i carried out in a manner that ensures the pumps can sil he operated from the Mud Pump Local Control Pane inte event ofa loss of the Amphion system, NoV Dee #: 9821007196-PRO-001 Customer: Papalopan Genta, ‘Sheet 8 af 108 3. TESTING PREREQUISITES Prior to commencing commissioning operations, ll parties involved must ensure that required testing conditions have been! met and that all required equipment and materials are on hand and made available to commissioning personnel Ere * Verify that Emergency Stop circuits were validated during the mechanical completion test procedure NOTE: E:Stops willbe demonstrated curing the commissioning process as ‘applicable * Verify that all mandatory tems identified on the Mechanical Completion punch list were resolved. + Verify that all necessary c ‘+ Verify that startup procedure has been completed. rations were completed, See ‘The following equipment is required to complete the commissioning procedure: Mud Pump Manual + Radios + Stop Wateh + Clamp-on Ammeter + Voltage or mult-meter + 4-20mA Current Simulator NoV Doe # 821007126-PRO-001 Revision #3 Curtomer &: Paoaoenan Genta! Sheet at 08 eandan Selon: 12 | od ow Osman Shai $ Os N Sa -3 Now issessin Gates Bavics sig Jov/ cso Gihevto \uzque: a 4 fahx Cental a te. Bann Ss 4 2e\ Feavase Bowavecys #5 sJeis Cuous duke Lo ‘2 a ‘13 20 Taras v 1 tral Branden & Seroson SS Bow Nov DEV Sagasé, bs. 23-13 Nov Bpnacio flee 2513 Central Feusists Qravtcet eur ene adeaie We @revacke Ceubal Teince Conus rene Bogs Dalal Kk heeds Soleus KA Brmadan Sdons ywov Le Cascade. ate ge Tao J Bub Anos Nov Slice D PCeadacl Nov Bee ®; 0821007136-PRO-001 Reviaion #3 5 DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS een) Use the perspective (position) of standing behind a too sit faces well center when considering references tothe right/Ift, or front/back ofthe components in this document. Use the perspective of looking dawn atthe dil oor when considering references to clockwise and ccounter-clockwise, "Notes, cautions, and warnings are used to provide readers with additional information and inform the reader to take specific action to protect personnel from potentially injurious or lethal conditions, They ‘may also inform the reader ofan action nevessary to protect equipment from damage. NOTE: A note provides aditional information about the curent tpi, and may or may not ‘apply fo tne reader. Caution: coun indicates that a potenial ents or damage to equgment or jury 1 perons Folow intructone expt Exreme care shoul be taken wnen parang operation or preesdues ‘hat are precedes bya auto, ‘Warning! A waming indicates that significant rik of equipment damage or danger‘ personnel exist, Failure to observe and follow proper procedures could reel in seriou ot fatal injury to personnel sigavticant property loss or extended repair time a ‘Abbrevi ‘The following is alist of commonly used abbreviations: Anoreviation | Detniton ‘Anoreviation | Detintion oy ‘utomaled Grawwarks System Pow Pipe Deck Machine [aR ‘Automated Roughneck PH Pipe Handler cow ‘Counter Ceckwise PRS Pipe Racking System (Racker) ow ‘Clockwise: PTC. Pipe Tanster Conveyor DC. Dail Cole [Ra Rotating Link Adapter DP Dail Pipe RST Rotary Support Table [Esep Emergency Siop [sec ‘Single Board Computer (re Fingerboard SIE Single Joint Elevator — FH Foeiole Tos Top Drive System [neu yeraule Pump Unk we Will Genter - BOP. Internal Blow Out Preventor ZMS Zone Management System Nov Dee #: (0821007196-PRO-001 Revision #:3 6 SAFETY INFORMATION ‘+The customer and NOV commissioning personnel must conduet a pre-commissioning safety ‘meeting to address al safety issues, and to ensure all participants have a complete understanding of the scope of the procedure. +All non-essential personnel must stay clear of the test location forthe duration of the ‘commissioning procedures. ‘+ Never operate the tool in Maintenance mode. The Maintenance mode disables software safety interlocks, and should only be used for maintenance and emergency purposes. + Operators should use extreme caution when operating in an override mode, ‘+ All commissioning personnel must wear standard personal protective equipment, + All participants shall be aware of potential environmental hazards during all phases of the procedure. Ensure that proper precautions are taken to minimize the impact of any environmental hazard encountered ‘+ Any member ofthe commissioning team may stop the testing at any point should danger to personnel, the environment, or equipment exist. + Verify that E-Stop circuits were validated during the mechanical completion test procedure (where applicable). NOTE: E-Stops wil be demonstrated during the commissioning process (where applicable). NOY boc #; 821007436-PRO-001 Revision #3 7 Commissioninc OUTLINE During commissioning the following wil be demonstrated: 3 ‘Operation of the Mud Pomps fom the Dries Cabin as well asthe Mud Pump Local Control Operation ofeach Mud Pump, alarms, and shetdovs willbe verified. Emergency Stop response from the Mud Pump Local Control Pane! and from the Drillers Cabin Operation of the Mud Pumps at maximum strokes and pressure willbe verified Mud Pump Operations in Syne Mode Wiaring: Site egcussion with al ivolved patos should take place on the ‘Safest means of set up for hs procedure. [Nov Oe; D821007136-PRO-001 Revision #3 8 AuxiLiary Motor ConTROL ‘These tests will verify the Operational functions ofthe Ausiliary motors, Normally the blowers, lube oil pump and liner wash pump motors will tart when the mud pump starts, the charge ‘pump normally starts when we give the mud pump a speed command, All these tests will be ‘done from the Auxiliary controls on the Amphion sereen, The automatic starting of these motors willbe tested later, 8.1 Mud Pump 4 Rete step eau Pass | tnitate 844 | Navigate tothe Mud | The Mud Pumps Screen Pumps Screen by | appears fouching Diler Tools > ‘Mua Pumps but ‘812 | Selectthe contr | The contol ocaion seveon locaton button eppeats NOY O0e #; D821007136-PRO-001 Revision #:3 neve Step osu 813 | Touch the Ownership | The Mud Pump #1 Ownership button for Mud Pump | bution dspays Dl. a Eh » by ‘814 | Touch the Close bution | The Control Location popup onthe Contel Location | window cases, Popup window ‘All contol for Mud Pump #1 on ‘he Mud Pumps screen are 7 enabled PCE 375 | Navigate to Mud ‘Mud Pump #1 — Auxlary Pumps Auoiary | conta pops up Contois> ttud Pump ee | “ PI _ | 378 | Startblowermotor A. | Blower motorA Stats. Motor running indleator urinates. 817 | Stop Blower motor A. | Blower motor A sops Blower motor 8 Starts Moto runing indeator Blower motor 8 stops Pp B10 | Start tiner wash Liner wash pump starts Motor running indieator| suminates, ‘B11 _| Stop tiner was ‘LUner wash pump stops. 6 lees 8112 | Startiube oi pump. | ube ot pump starts ele ‘Motor running indicator sums, Plt ‘ EIT [ Bap ube i BUMP. | Luke a pump sone B14 | Sar the ob pd - : woe [cnarenumestans ‘Sarge pump running indicator tums (st & S478 | Stopthe charge | Charge pump stops BP Ice pump. CG [Nov Dee #: D821007136:PRO-001 Siar Dae NOV Dee #821007136-PRO-001 Revision #3 Daitors Workstation "824 [Navigate tothe Mud | The Mud Pumps Sereen ‘Pumps Screen by appar, touching Drier Tools> ‘ ‘Mud Pump button te Sa 322 | Select the contol “The convl locaton ssreen locaton button, appears. E 823 | Touch the Ownership | The Mud Pump #2 Ownership | 5 button for Mud Pump #2, | button displays Drier Ce: nm 824 | Touch the Close button | The Contol Location popup p |, | on te Conttt Location | window coses. — C 5 ‘popup window. “Al contros for Mud Purp #2 on the Mud Pumps screen are a enabled. - 825 | Navigate to Mud Pumps- | Mud Pump ¥2— Auxiliary > Abpaiary Controls» | conrls pops up. | Mud Pump #2 | Pole Nov Doe #; 0821007136-PRO-001 step Resut Pass | tna Rett ] Pas E26 | Stan Blower motorA. | power mor A Stas wcraneyrese | 227 | BEF DORRIT Rowman 225 | sao leew aera aie pe esi be 628 | Stop blowermotor®. | Blower motor B stops. eke ta S20 Raton weONPORE ervacpenpeate dy ‘Motor running inleator uminates, fj ‘82:11 | Stop liner wash PUMP. | ner wash pump stops 8212 | Start tube ofl PUMP. | «oli pump stars Po ce 3 Motor running inciator| thomestes eo . ©215 | Sop tube of MP. | Le i pump sup. elec ae 218 | Str the carpe PUMP. | harper Le Cage ue mingindnor | | Sinbaee ¢ » 82:16 | Stop the charge pump. | Charge pump stops. flee = Siete tae Revision #3 NOV Boe; 821007136-PRO-001 Ae ret Rew raters Workstation [831 [Navigate tothe Mud | The Mud Pumps Screen Pumps Screen by pears. tovehing Dil Teols-> ‘Mud Pump button 832 | Select the contol “The conil locaton screen roeaton button appears 1839, | Touch the Ownership | The Mud Purp #3 Ownership - bation for Mud Pump #2 | bution displays Oiled AD. 1834 [Touch the Close buton | The Control Location popup | _ onthe Control Locaton | window closes. Popup window. ‘All contol for Mud Purp #3 0n, the Mud Pumps sereen are ‘enabled iP 835" | Navigate to Mud Pumps- | Mud Pump #3 Auxiliary >Avdlary Contols- | conto pops up Sau Pump 3 NOV Ove; D821007136-PRO-001 | Rott | step Result 7 totale co 338 | Star wer motor] power eto A Se rile. Mote unig date timate. b 337_| Bip biowermotOrA | Bowermoto a vepe b 338 | Sian Bowermetor® | Boerne. 8 Sans rls Motrin air tnnate b ke: 339 | Stop Bower maor Bower mar 8 nope > . (83:10 | Start liner wash PUMP. | iner was pump starts. e ia. oor nrg neat . / time, Ke 3377 | Sep iner wash BUMP. | ner wash pumpslope P ke 8.3.12 | Start lube oll pump. Lube oil pump starts. - eee Motrin ator F 7 a ce 3373 | Sop ube oF PUMP. | Loci punp sop, Poe 5315 | Sate erage PUMP | charge pany ans vo (8.3.15 | Stop the charge pump. | Charge pump stops. Pico =) a = roe #13 LEIP VA ‘Signature Dae ms AS ‘Signature - a NOV Doe &, 821007126-PRO-001 9 Mun Pump #1 FUNCTION TESTS ‘This section verifies operation of Mud Pump #1 from the Driller's Workstation and atthe Local Control Panel. The response of Mud Pump #1 Auxiliary System and Inverter System faults and alarms will be verified, Eee eee ‘The following test takes ownership of Mud Pump #1 atthe Driller’s Workstation. Then Mud Pump #1 ‘operation is verified, Section 9.2 for Status screen can be carried out at same time as section 9.1 to verify feedback on that screen YI IO JDO 22 22e £2 Y J ~~» Git | Navigsic othe Wud Pumps |The Mad Purp Sze appears ] Screen by touching Drier ‘Toots > Mud Pumps f | 3172 Touch te Conte! Location | The Conta Location popup window appeers | button on the Mud Pumps > t | S73] Tous s Owner bien | Te wd Pano Oma baton oars - forbid Pomp ler c 34 | Touen me Close btn on he |The Conve Leealon popup window cess Nov Doe; 821007196-PRO-001 ‘Control Location popup window Ty controls onthe Mud Pump #1 on the Mud | Pumps screen are enabled f ‘All contol onthe Mud Pups Airy | Contotssereen are enabled ete Fla Name oor “Touch the Controle On baton fon the Mud Pumps Operator ‘Mud Pump #1 — Blower A staris ‘Mud Pump #1 ~ Blower 8 stats ‘Mud Pump #5 ~ Liner Wash Pump stars ‘Mud Pump #f~ Lube Ol Pump starts “The Auallaries OK indicator on the Mud Pumps Operator screen iuminatos ‘A°Mud Pump.1 Waiting or speed CMD™ ‘message is cisplayed onthe Mud Pumps Operair screen “Touch the Set SPM button for ‘Mus Pump #1 “The SPM setpoint entry Keyboard pop-up appears ‘Enter an SPM value of30 and press the OK btton ‘The SPM setpoint entry Keyboard pop-up Ssappears “The SPM se point displays 30 SPM ‘Mud Pump #1- Charge Pump sas "Mud Pump #1 ramps 10 90 SPW “The SPM Bar Graph dlspays 30 SPM ‘Record the acl SPM of Mod Pump #1 ‘Mud Pump #1 SPM ie) “Touch the Set SPM button for Mud Pump #1 “The SPH sa paint envy Keypad pop-wp anpears. Enter an SPM value of 60 and press the OK button “The SPM set paint etre keypad pop-up disappears “The SPH set pant daplays 60 SPM ‘Mud Pump #1 ramps to 60 SPM ‘The SPM Bar Graph displays 60 SPM oa Record the actual SPM of Mad Pump #1 Mud Pump@t SPM p oi “Touch the Set SPM button for Mud Pump #t “The SPM sel pant entry Keypad pop-up appears oo Enter an SPM value of 90 and press the OX button ‘The SPM set point entre keypad pop-up isappears. ‘The SPM sel point displays 90 SPM ‘Mud Pump #1 ramps 9 90 SPM “The SPM Bar Graph displays 00 SPM ai ‘Record the actual SPM of Wi Pump et ma np oe 45 ona “Touch the Set SPM buiton for Mud Pump #4 ‘The SPM set polit entry Keypad popup appears on Enter an SPM value of 105 and press the OK buon ‘The SPM sei point enler Keypad pop-we ssappears. Nov bee #; 0821007136-PRO-001 Rett | Ftd name Deserotion vase | Comments — 105 Sut Pt Mod Pump ramps to 105 SPM sh “The SPM Bar Graph displays 105 SPM ? a 85197 | Record the actual SPM of Mud | Mud Pump #1 SPM: "oe Pump st O 5 ¢ [2148 | Touch the Stop All Mud ‘Mud Pump #1 ramps to 0 SPM P | Pumps butonon te Mud paatet alr Pumps buono he ‘Mad Pump #1 ~ Charge Pump sops E i 578 | Touch he Controte On bution | Mud Pump #- Blower A stops afer minutes | x the Mud Pumps Operator” Nua Bump #t = Blower B slope ater S mins Cc seen ‘Mud Pump #1 = Liner Wash Pump sions 5 (Ges "Mud Pump #1 ~ Lube Oi Pump stops ater 5 | mutes » Ve » “The Auxiliaries OK indieatoron the Mad > Pumps Operator screen exinguises Pc 3 {120 | Touch the Contol Location |The Control Location pepup widow appears ton onthe Md Pumps, > - {84121 | Touch the Ownership bution | The Mud Pump #1 Ownership buon displays |p forMud Pump #1 ‘valabie " ‘8122 | Touch the Close buon on the | The Contol Location popup window closes cation popup widow eee ‘Al controls for Mu Pump #1 onthe Mud Pumps seen ae disabled » - ‘Al conto for Mud Pump #7 on the Mua . | Pumps Aunary Contols screen are dsabied |_| Nov bee #: 0821007126-PRO-001 ‘Sigatare — Cea ‘This section wil verify the status sereen is displaying the correct values and information, This section canbe tested at same time as previous section, 0.1. Sections for VED fault indication, 9.2.16 0 9.2.19 cean be verified during VFD fault testing in section 9.2.42, ott ‘step sue ees |tntits [8at [Navigate tothe Mud | The Mud Pumps Sereen amps Serean by ‘appears. touching DilerTosls> » L | Mus Pumps butions f_k x 822 | Touch the Conta! “The Cont! Location popup Location buton on the | window appears > | | Mua Pumps screen l | 923 | Touch the Ownership | The Mod Pump #1 Ownership | | | bation for Mud Pump #1. | button displays Oiler: Ce. A | ‘924 | Touch the Close button | The Contol Location popup ~ | ‘onthe Conta! Location | window cases, g rs Popup window. ‘All contol for Mud Pump #1 on | ‘he Mud Pumps sexeen are > Ned i NOV Doe #: 0821007136.PRO-001 Revision #3 ete step esate Pass 7 ~—[ Alleontrols for Mad Pump #1 on - the Mud Pumps Avatar CConrls seen are enabled 828 | Check dive assigned | Dive A assigned 5 0 and ve ready igh are 7 e 7 iuminaied on he Status Dive 8 essionee screen fr Motor and | rive A reacy P 1 Motor Dive Brey e 826 | Touch the Gonvols On| Mud Pump #1 Blower A stars. rn butonon the Mod [Mus Pump #1- Blower 8 stars. | 0 x Pumps Operator screen, eee Mud Pump #t-Liner Wash | Pump stats ‘Mua Pump #1 Lube Oi Pump . stats s “The Auris OK nator on the Mud Pumps Operetor screen . | ituminstes. ’A Mud Pump 1 Walia for Speed CMD" message's. sdoplayed on the Mud Pumps | . _ Operator screen wi 227 | Check he sats Blower Arunning = Indicator fahis onthe Blower Bruning. i Status sreen ae Bower Boni = iluminated fr Blower A _| Liner wash pump ronring in rd. ner wash pump Lube of pump eunning S 5 ‘nd ube ol pump. 8 328 [Touch the Set SPM | The SPM sel paint entry Keyped - button for Mud Pump #1. | pop-up appears 3 29. [Enteran SPM value of | The SPM sel point enry Keypad | 30 and press the OK | pop-up disappear, p . ace ‘The SPM set pontdsriays30 | SPM f a charge Pump # sats F (Charge Pump # sats indice light urinates A Mud Pump #1 ram's 30, __| seu > us "82:0 | Check Drive AandB | Drive Aruning. > running ights ae ituminated on he Status | Drive 6 ruanng = 92:1 | Check he speed Dive A speed command = Drive omerand fore A __| Asctal speed on [Nov Doe #: 621007136-PRO-001 step ‘and Bis the same as he 2etual speed for Dive A ‘nd Bon the Statue screen, The vale shown as am ofthe motor (rive B speed command= Drive | B actual peed. | ‘Check the actual torque ‘alues on Drive A an Drive 8 are Torque values are approximately ‘equal to each other. This shows ‘hat he crves aro load sharing. the status screen ‘approximately equal on p the Status seen x 8218 | Check MotorA and | Winding temperatures are Notor B winaing approximately equal to each temperatures are ‘ther approximately equal to feneh other on the Status 2 182.14 | Mud pump 1 Torque limit | The torque limit should indicate onthe Status screen.” | the maumumtrque-seting of | |. beth ators ~ 9215 | DiveAand Dive B | Drive Atorquelimiis 60% of | torque it onthe Status | MP1 torque init IC screen, ‘rive 8 torque lnk ie 609 of - MP4 torque iit. 7 ‘Generate a ful on Drive | Drive A faut onthe Salus . a screen zs 8217 | Gear Orve Ataut | Verify Dre A Touts cleared on the status screen 218 | Generate a faut on Dive | Orve fault on the Status 8 screen ~ 92:19 | Clear Drive 8 fault Verity Drive B fault is cleared on | NOV Doe #: 821007136-PRO-001 rie Date Revision #:2 CSE ‘This test will demonstrate the response of Mud Pump #1 to Auxiliary Faults and Drive Faults, When a fault oceurs, the Amphion Control System notifies the operator and logs an appropriate alarm in the Alarm Manager. Alarms for Mud Pump #1, VED bet slippage, and Mud Pump Auxiliaries will be demonstrated. The Mud Pumps will continue to run after an auxiliary system faults, However, the Blowers, Lube Oil Pump, or the Liner Wash Pump are not tobe isolated to demonstrate this functionality. Instead, an auxiliary fault condition will be demonstrated by simulating an input to the remote I/0. Verify status sereen indicators for VFD faults, section 9.2.36 to 9.2.19 during VED fault testing, Warning! - All non-essential personnel must stay clear of the tet location during these tests. During thee teat there wil betarge amounts of force placed on the equipment he tat area ‘should be secured with satel tape suring te fost {Eaution: Veil thal he eli os rom cbstucions anda non assed personnal ar cleared fam ‘he area Ealablh end main rao communications betwsen personel ne Nid Purp Room and personel operating he Hud Pues. Rett | Fotd Name Description rama commants 251 | Navigate tothe Mud Pumps | The Mad Pumps Sereen oppose Screen by touching Drier P ‘Tools > Mud Pumps screen Coa 932 | Touch the Control Location | The Control Location popup window appears button an the Mi Pumps sereen. - e a | ‘933 | Touch the Ownership button | The Mud Pump #1 Ownership buiton displays {for Mud Pump #1 Drier : fon an 1834 | Touch te Glose buiton onthe | The Control Localion popup window doses Control Leation popup window "ay contots on the Mud Pump Ion the Mud | Pumps soreen are enabled. Ls ‘All controls onthe Mud Pumps Aviary Contos sereen are enabled 935 | Touch the Controls On bution | Mud Pump #1 ~ Blower A stars = ‘on the Mug Pumps Operator iy Pump #1 — Blower B starts "Mus Pump #1 — Liner Wash Pump stants ‘Mud Pump #1 ~ Lube Oi Pump starts The Auxiires OK indeator on the Mud Pumps Operator screen luminates ‘ACM Pump. Waiting for speed CMD" message is displayed on the Mud Pumps | 7 I ‘Operator screen f e 1836 | Touch the SPM Set button for | The SPM setpoint enty keyboard pop-up Mud Pump #1 pears L Nov Dee 821007136-PRO-001 Revision 3 Rot# Field Name Description ass 9.37 | Enter an SPM value of 80 and | The SPM set point ently Keyboard pop-up y press the OK button disappears i P ‘The SPM set point displays 30SPM |) ‘Mud Pump #1 ~ Charge Pump starts a ‘Mud Pump #1 ramps up to 30 SPM eo ‘The SPM Bar Graph aisplays 30 SPM 5 838 | Touch the Contois Pause ‘Mud Pump #1 ramps to 0 SPM F button on the Mud Pump ud Pump #1 ~ Charge Pump ops . |_| Sperncr siren’ ‘Mus Pump #1 ~ Charge Pump stops 839 | Touch the Controls Pause ‘Mud Pump #1 = Charge Pump starts B button on the Mud Pump imp #1 ramps D “ ‘Mud Pump #1 ramps up to 30 SPM p Blower A Fault ‘93:10 | Generate a pressure fauton | The Auxiliaries OK indicator on the Mud ‘Mud Pump #1 ~ Blower Motor A | Pumps Common Screen changes to red "A"Mud Pump. Auxiliary Fault Detected — Check Alas” message is displayed onthe | ‘Mud Pumps Common Screen B ‘The Mud Pump #1 Status Seen indicates 3 Blower A faut __Ik Blower", Blower Status indicator ‘extinguishes on the Mud Pump Auxiliary b ‘Controls screen for Mud Pump #1 p ‘A"MudPump.1 Blower! Insufficient bower ai | pressure’ alarm is displayed on the alarm ‘Soren — ‘Mud Pump #1 continues to ran at 30 SPM 2 8317 | Touch the Mud Pump #1 ‘Mud Pump #1 ramps to 0 SPM ‘Controls On button on the Mud p Pumps Common Seren - 93:12 | Touch the Mud Pump #1 ‘Mad Pump #1 does not rotate ‘Controls On button on the Mud - Pumps Common Screen _ P 93:13 | Touch the Ausillary Override | The Ausiary Override button is active button on the Mise Controls . page 93:14 | Touch the Controls On bution | The Controls On button indicator urinates | | and enter a speed reference of mp # reg _ mesos ‘Mud Pump #1 ramps to 30 SPM ‘93:15 | Remove the pressure faut on | The pressure faults cleared Mud Pump #1~ Blower A e 19316 | Press the Mud Pump #1 ‘The auxiliary alarm is cleared ‘Override button Nov Dee # 821007136-PRO-C01 Rett | lots mame Description Pass Comments Blowers Fauit 93.17 | Generate a pressure faut on | The Auxiliaries OK indicator on the Mud ‘Mud Pump #1 ~ Blower Motor 8 | Pumps Common Saveen changes to red kK "AMud Pump. Auilary Fault Detected — ‘Check Alarms" message is displayed on the ‘Mud Pumps Commen Screen F A Blower “8°, Blower Status inaicator ‘extnguishes onthe Mud Pump Status screen for Mud Pump #1, ~ st \dPump Blower? Insuffeent blower air Dressure” alarm is displayed on the alarm Sereen ‘Mud Pump continues towun al 30 SPM | “Touch the Mud Pump #1 ‘Mud Pump # ramps 0 SPM Controls On button onthe Mud 5 Pumps Common Screen fe Ce TToueh the Mud Pump #1 ‘Mud Pump #1 does not iste Controle On button onthe Md Pumps Gommon Seroen a "8320 | Touch the Ausliary Override | The Auxillary Override bution active ttn on the Mise Contre { page _ IP ¢ ‘ {8521 | Touch the Controle On bution | The Convols On bation indicator laminates | > 5 7 and enter speed reference of yu Pump #1 ram = a ook ‘Mua Pump #1 ramps to 30 SPU Bi ez . 9322 | Remove the pressure faut on | The prossure faut is cleared Mua Pump #1 ~ Blower B 3323 | Press ne Mud Pump #1 | The aula alarm cere 3 | verde burton @ ner Wed Pup Fat 732%] Generate apres faut on |The Anilaries OK ncaa ontbe od] | | ikaeump#tcunerwasn’ | Purge CommonScteenctomestored |S (ccs — A’Mud Pump. 1 Auxiliary Fault Detected — Greck alm message f played on te ‘Mud Pumps Gommen Sareen “The Mud Pump # Status Screen indicates @ | Liner Wash Pump fault’ ‘An MudPump. Liner Wash No feedback | Ingleate motor working” on the alarm Screen ‘Mud Pump #1 continues to run at 30 SPM 3325 | Touch the mud Pump "Mud Pump #1 ramps to 0 SP Controls On button onthe Mud _— Pumps Common Screen AZ [NOV Dee 621007136-PRO-001 ett Ftd Name Deserotion ass | Comments 33:28 | Touch the mud Pump #1 Tad Pimp #7 dows nok oate 7 Controle On butter on the Mad . _| Pumps Common Seen ae ID ~ 4 19327 | Touch the Auxlary Override | The Auslary Overs bltons ain Baton on the Mee Contos oge ~ _ 328 | Touch he Controle On buiton |The Gonivals On btn indicator urinates ‘entra spaod teteren of pee : see ont "Mua Pump #1 ramps o 30 SPM F 8329 | Remove ihe Line Wash Purp |The Liner Wash Purp faut cleared . faulton Ms Pars #1 L » 9390 | Remove he Liner Wash Purp | The avatar alas eared faulton Ws Pump #1 Pp ube 0 Pump Fault 331 | Generate a pressure faut on | The Atanas OX idctor on te Mod Mad Pump#1=Lube O1 Pump | Pumps Common Seen change 0 res _ ‘A°Mud Pump.1 Airy Fou Detected Check alarms message's displayed onthe | | . ‘Mua Pumps Gonmen Screen fs iG “The Mud Pump #1 Status Seren indiaies @ lie Or Pump faut a “The Lube Purp Oi Pressure nator “xtnguishes onthe Mud Pump #1 Auiaries i Cont! sreon| ‘|p Ic 38 ‘A-MuaPurp 1 Lube Pump: nsfelen pressure alarm &aplayea.onthe airy | s : Screen = Mac Purp #1 canines to ronat30 SPM | 5 #332 | Touch the Md Pump | Mud Pump #1 ramps 0 SPM Controle On button on he Mus __| Bumps Common Seren t 3 358 | Touch he Mud Pump #1 | Mud Pump #1 doesnot oats Controls On buton on the Mud ey Pumps Gammon Szreea s 334 | Touch the Auxiary Override |The Auiry Over Button i athe tuton on he Mise Conta r - fod = kx 8335 | Tauch the Controls On buton |The Conroe On btn indicator urinates Z andentoraspoedeterence ot |g pomp a 7 ardent ‘Mud Pump # ramps o 30 SPM FE 19336 [ Remove the Lube Oi Punp | The Lube Oi Pump faults eared faulton thud Pump #1 ee | ‘SST | Pres the id Pur #7 The aniary alarm i dared 7 Ovorde baton te L NOV doe; 0821007136-PR0-001 Reviaion #3 Ret | Flots Name Charge Pump Faut ‘9338 | Generate a faut on Mud Pump {#1 Charging Pump ‘The Auriliaries OK indicator on the Mu Pumps Common Screen changes to red “A-Mud Pump. Ausary Fault Detected — Check Alarms’ massage is esplayed onthe ‘Mud Pumps Common Seroan “The Mus Pump # Status Seroon indicates & Charging Pump fat “The Charge Pump. Motor Running indicator ‘exinguishes onthe Mud Pump #1 Auxiares Control sere, "An" AuxMotor MudPump 1 ChergingPump. Motor started signal has not been recog" alam is depiayed on the alarm Screen "Mua Purp 1 continues to run at 30 SPM 9330 | Remove the Charging Pump Taulton Mus Pump #1 ‘The Charging Pump faults cleared Drive Fault 193.40 | Touch the SPM button for Mud “The SPM sel paint entry Keypad pomp | Pump st pears ‘8341 | Enter an SPM value of 15 and | The SPM set point enty keypad pop-up _ press the OK blton disappears 5 "The SPM set port diplays 15 SPM ‘Mud Pump a ramps to 15 SPH “The SPM Bar Graph displays 15 SPM |a342_[ Generale a Dive fulton Mus Pump #1 “The Dive OK indicator on the Mod Pumps Common Sereen changes to red 'AMud Pump.1 MP Drive Fault messages splayed on the Mud Pumps Common Screen ‘The Mud Pump #1 Status Screen Drve Monitor Ready indieatorextrguishes ‘The Mud Pump #1 Status Screen indzaios @ Drive fut "An ModPump 1: VFD Faul alarm i depiayed ‘on the alarm Serean “Mud Pump shuts down ‘93AS | Reset the Dive faulor Mud Pump #1 “The Drive Faull for Mud Pump # is reset NOV oe #; (0821007136-PRO-001 ets | Fate name oscription Pass | Commonte Drive Bott Sippage Fault {9344 | Touch te SPM button for Mud] The SPM setpoint enty Keypad pop-up | Pomp # appears 8348 | Enter an SPM value of 15 and | The SPM set point entry Keypad pop-up 7 press he OK button isoppears pI “The SPM set point dispiays 15 SPM iS z ‘Mud Pump # ramps 1 16 SPM p “The SPM Bar Graph deplays 15 SPM P 2 9346 | Generate a Bel Sippage alarm | A’Mud Pump.1 MP Drive Belt Sipping Alarm? for Mud Pump #1 ‘alarms dspiayed on the Alarm Screen Pp. "Mud Pump #1 continues tun D =e 947 | Generate 2 Belt Sippage fault | A“Mud Pump.1 MP Drive Belt Slipping on Mud Pump #t ‘Shutng Down’ message i displayed on the "Mud Pumps Common Sereen, ‘ASM Pump.1 MP Orve Bet Sipping Ti ‘lar is daplayed Alarm Screen ‘Mud Pump # shuts down 348 The Belt Sippage faut for Mud Pump #15 High Pressure Shutdown “Touch the SPM button fr Mud Pump #t “The SPH set point envy Keypad pop-up appears Enter an SPM value of 0 and press the OK button “The SPM sel pint etry Keypad pop-up cliseppears ‘The SPM set pont displays 60 SPM ‘Mud Pump tramps 1060 SPM ‘The SPM Bar Graph displays 60 SPM Touch the Pressure Limit button “The Pressure Limit set point entry Keypad popup appears Enter a Pressure Lint value of 2000 PSI and press the OK bation The Pressure Liit set pont alsplays 2000 PST “The Pressure Limit et point cspiays 2000 PSI ‘Simulate a Standpipe pressure of greater man 1800 PS ‘ACHi Stand Pipe Pressure Alarm alarm is displayed on the alarm Screen ‘Mud Purp #1 conanues to run Y (24s 9354 | Simulate a Standppe prossure_| A°Hi Stand Pipe Pressure Tp” alam le 5 ‘of greater than 2000 PS! {isplayed on the Mud Pumps Common Seen | | ba ‘Mud Purp #1 shuts down NOV doe #; 821007196-PRO-001 Revision #:3 Rett | rots Mame Description Pass Comments Auwary Motor Data {385 | Touch he Controls On baton | Mod Pimp #1 ~ Blower A stats z gnithe Mus Pumps Operator” ug Pump Blower 8 stars 6 Ec Mud Pump #1 Liner Wash Pump stars | © Zn ‘Mad Pump #1 — Lube Oi Pump tarts ee “The Autries OK indicator onthe Mod Pumps Operator screen iluminates f ‘A "Mud Pump. Wating for speed CMO" message's displayed on the Mud Pumps | - Gperaor screen Z uA 18386 | Record Bower Motor A Vohage| Re and Current p Vz aa ‘357 | Record Blower Motor B Votiage ‘and Current f (on a Ge i c " 93358 | Record Liner Wash Pump Motor Voltage and Current ‘9359 | Record Lube Motor Votiage and Current 19360 | Touch he Controls On bation | Mua Pump #i - Blower A slaps ater § minutes a _gthe Mud Pumps Operator Tyug Pump #1 ~ Blower B stops after 5 minutes mn “eee ‘Mod Pump #1 = Liner Wash Pump stops 38 ‘Mud Pump #1 Lube O1 Pump stopsatters | | ‘minutes ple sn The Ausilaries OK indicator onthe Mud > Pumps Operator screen extinguishes. f om 8387 | Touch Pe Control Location | The Control Location popup window appears button onthe Mud Pump a ‘912 | Touch te Ownership button | The Mud Pump #1 Ownership bution plays | | “| {or Mus Pump #1 Avaiable, r (ame 183063 | Touch te Close buton onthe | The Contol Location popup windaw closes | TR Conlon BOPUP WED | ay concer Mud Pump #1 on the Mud Pumps screen are csabled 1007136-PRO-001 _Revielon #3 Ret # | Floté Name everoton Pace Comments ‘Allcontois for Mud Pump #1 on the Mud Pumps Auxsary Contos screen ae deabled aA Sia [NOV doe #; 0821007136-PRO-001 Revision 3 ‘This section will verify Mud Pump #1 ean be operated from the Local Control Panel. The fault demonstrated in this section is used to verify the indications fora fault at the Local Control Panel. Ibis not the intention ofthis section to demonstrate all faults atthe Local Control Panel, jreen appears G42 | Touch be Control Location | The Cnt! Location popup window appears | °°? | ecto onthe Mi Pumps screen Sw Touch he Loeal Control | The Local GontolEnabe burton fr Mad Pump Enable buton rte Mos | #1 mumnates PuMpeT ye eles “ouch te lose buon onthe |The Conro Location popup wndow doses | © [es 5A. Contrel Location poeue wow ug Pump A shows contolis Seo te Local staton i. eles sa] “The Mud Pump #i ORIVE READY distor on | the Local Cantal e les im “The Mus Pump ENABLE ator on the Local Contel Panel iminaios P| *F '0821007136-PRO-001, set | rtd tame escrtion one | Comments | = 945 | Bish the MPA RUNISTOP | The PY RUNTOP baton ndcaior boon ‘rmnses gen else Mu Pump #— Blower A stars eles Mus Pomp #1 = Blower tans > Te ud Punp #1=Uner Wash Punpsis fe [Qe od Pomp # = Lube Ol Panp starts © G48 Rotate the MUD PUMP | Md Pum #1 ~ Charge Pump sons e Ta STAROTTLE ot a Pp #1 =o noe ea ia ius Pump 1 raps vp 0 SPM € En ___ [The SPM depay shows 30 Sa a 87 | Recordihe actual SP ofiad [Mud Pump #1 SPM 30. SRW Pomp et | 7 : Ta 4a | Reale the MUD PUMP 1 | Had Pump romps 60 Sew =~ STHIROTTLE un Md Purp #9 |__| ROME wat wad The MPI SPI pa shows 69S x 348 | Recor the actual SPM cfd | Mod Pump Sea yo SPOAL Pomp et [8410 | Rotatethe MUD PUMP 1 THROTTLE unt Mud Pump #1 's operating at 90 SPM "Mua Bump # ramp to 90 SPM The MPI SPM dsplay shows 90 SPM ‘BAIT | Record the actual SPM of Mud Mud Pump #1 SPM go SPAN NOV Obe ® D821007136-PRO-001 OO | Baro et - a - Is S472 | Relate the MUD PUMP | Nd Purp #1 ramps wo 108 SP se THROTTLE unt Mus Pum #1 - ea aeeenme* |The SP asp shovs 105 SAN = SATE | Record the acta SPM ofMid | Nod Pump #1 SPM 10S SEO Pomp et e 19414 | Rotate the MUD PUMP + ‘Mud Pump #1 ramps to 30 SPM ef SS TAROTTLE unt ad Pomp #1 : Terns setae The et Sew sn shows 30S eles» Bower A Faut Generale a presve faut on | The PX RUNSTOP bitonindcator tastes | @ [ga 7m Nand Parr) ~ Blower holo A: Mud Pump #1 continues to run at 30 SPM & Ss Je 3476 | Pushihe MP4 RUNSTOP | The MP1 RUNITOP bution ndcator button extinguishes “ e ae Mug Pump # aps to 0 SPM = a 3277 | Ph he MPA RUNISTOP | The MP1 RUNISTOP bution ndcaior Fass buon & les om 3476 | Rotate the MUD PUMP 1 | Mud Pump #1 doesnot stat THROTTLE couse ™ e les Revision: 3 Rett | Fold Name Description 476 | Push the MPA RUNISTO ‘The MP1 RUNISTOP ballon indicator button extinguishes 18420 | Touch the Control Location | The Conirl Lacaion popup window appears button onthe Mid Pumps “Touch the Local Contro ‘The Local Control Enable button for Mud Pump Enable buton for Mud Pump #1 | #1 exingushes “Touch te Close bution on the | The Gontol Location popup window closes. Control Location popup window Mud Pump #1 shows convolis Available “The Mud Pump #1 DRIVE READY indicator on the Local Control Panel extinguishes ‘The Mud Pump #1 LOCAL OWNERSHIP ENABLE indestor on the Local Cano! Panel sntngulses e |es se Pd te At aa1% Sear Date Ee pose — Di ‘Signature Revision #3 10 Mun Pump #2 FUNCTION TesTS ‘This section verifies operation of Mud Pump #2 from the Driller’s Workstation and at the Local Control Panel. The response of Mud Pump #2 to Ausiliary System and Inverter System fault and alarms will be verified. Tx a The following test takes ownership of Mud Pump #2 at the Drille’s Workstation. ‘Then Mud Pamp #2 ‘operation is verified. Section 10.2 for Status sereen can be carried out at same fime as section 10.1 19 verify feedback on that seen, 101.4 | Navigato tothe Mod Pumps Sereen by touching Drier ___| Toots "Mud Pumps screen | 2 {0%2 | Touch the Control Location — | The Con! Locaton popup window appears Button onthe Md Pape screen ™ p Se 1013 | Touen te Ownership buiton | The Mud Pump #2 Gunerahp btn deplays | fond Pump# Dai “ae p 2 sn 1074 | Touen me close buon onthe | The Cano Location popup wedow cosee | z Control Location popup window ay conois on the Mus Pump #2on the Mud Pumps sereen are enabled Pp keze sw ‘Al contos on the Mud Pumps Auilary Contois seen are erated f {075 | Touche Controls On bution [Mud Pump #2 lower Asters genie Mud Pumps Operator Tug Pump #2 — Blower B starts i ‘Mu Pu #2 Liner Wash Pump Sas Mac Pump #2 — Lube Ol Pup stants f “The Aulanes OK indeaor onthe Mud Pumps Operator soreenitumnatos | "A-Mus Pung.2 alin for speee CMO™ message is dplayed an the Md Pumps Operator serean ° {016 | Touch te Set SPM button or | The SPM set point erty Keyboers pop-up EES Me Pum #2 apes > |e 2" [O77 | Ercan SPM valve of30 and | The SPA set point enty keyboard popup ; press the OK baton isoppears e a “The SPM sa paint eslays 30 SPM pee ‘io Pump #2 Charge Pump stars ‘i Pump #2 ramps t0 30 SPM 2 “The SPM Bar Graph 1e Mud Pumps Screen appears ‘NOV doe 0821007136-PRO-001 Reviaon #:3 Record the actual SPM of Mud Pump #2 ‘Mud Purp #2 SPM Description Pose Comments button onthe Mud Pumps 1]:18 | Touch the Se SPM Buon fr | The SPM se patent keypad por-up Ms Pump #2 eppeats.— : s| 70770] Emer an SPM valu of60and | The SPM eet pan enre Keyed popup ses the OK button appears SPM se pon delay 60 SPM x ‘Mus Parp #2 ramps © 60 SPM a The SPM Bar Graph deploys 60 SPU fm 10177] Record he acta! SPH of Mod | Mud Pump #2 SPM ~ Pump #2 , | 10:12) Touch te Se SPM butcn fr | The SPH se pont erty Keypad pope ~ es tas Pum #2 sppecrs Z 101.13 Ener an SPM value of90 and] The SPA set point ene Keypad pop-up press the OK ton ssappears p “The SPM sei pit displays 90 SPU p (2a ‘Mud Pump #2 ramps 90 SPM 2 Ker “The SPM Bar Graph displays 00 SPM Pez T0174] Records acta SPM ota | Mod Pump a2 SPU: Pomp #2 IP = 1015 | Touch the Sel SPM baton fr | The SPM so point ont keypad pop-up Mud Pump #2 appears “_ Pr st 10.176] Emer an SPM valve of 105 and | The SPM ea pain enre Keypad poram c press the OX baton disappears p oh “The SPM so poll display 105 SPU Pp =| ‘Mud Pump #2 ramps o 105 SPM Co | I “The SPM Bar Graph displays 105 SPA ie i T1017) Record the actual SPM of Mud | Mud Pump #2 SPM: Pum #2 ———— a to | 10778] Touch the Stop All Mud | Mud Pump 82 rapa 0 SPA aE Pumps buton on te Mud anes = : Fumes tone me Mut [nua Pump Cage Puno 10779] Touen te Controts On bon | Md Pump #2 — 6 nthe Mud Pumps Cpertor [ys Pump #2 Blower 5 stops after 5 minutes | sees Mud Pump #2 = Liner Wash Pomp sope ‘Mua Pump #2 = Libe Oi Punp sops afer mites r “The Auslaris OK diate on he Mud — oe Pumps Operator screen extngushes pe lee | 10:26] Touch te Control Location |The Convo Loraton popup window appears Nov Doe #; 821007136-PRO-001 [ne [rune | besten [01.21] Touch the Ownership bution | The Mud Pump #2 Ownership button deplays ‘a um mesa 70127] Teuhn Coe bon oho The Conia Loeaion pep widow cease |S —1= bn Heeaton pore Wino All controls for Mud Pump #2 on the Mud Prange smn sated - ‘contol wa Pup fon eM Rings aiay Sock ccsovoasavea | P| pig a tae Z 9 aw 13 Sate pe ~Siatre Cee ‘This section will verify the status sereen is displaying the correct values and information. This section ‘ean be tested at same time as previous section, 10.1. Sections for VED fault indication, 10,2.16 0 10.2.9 ‘ean be verified during VED fault testing in section 10.3.4 Sm Goreme oo Rote ‘Step osu ase | ttt 1021 | Navigsteto the Mod | The Mud Pumps Sereen Pumps Screen by | appears. touching Oiler Toos> P ‘i Mua Pumps buttons _|ce » W022 | Toveh te Conrot | The Control Localon popup Lscation butan onthe | window appears p | Mua Pumps seen C “ 7023 | Touch ne Ownership | The Mud Pump #2 Ownership button for Mus Pump | button daplays Orit 2 1024 | Touch the Close button | The Control Location popup ‘onthe Contol Locaton | window closes. ée Popp waninic ‘Al contol for Mud Pump #2 on the Mud Pumps screen are ‘enabled, NOV oe % (0821007136-PRO-001 Rete | step nest | Alcontrals for Mud Pump #2 on the Mud Pumps Avxiiry Controls screen are enable. 1025 | Check dive assigned | Deve A assigned ‘nde ready [ve B assired ae iluminsted onthe ‘Status screen for Motor | Drve A ready. peace fee ean : ED festineaeron [ao coos ase “ | (baton on the Mud ‘Mud Pump #2 - Blower B starts. | are ome erage name | moran > en al = stants. Piz : “The Aulaes OK indicator on the Mud Pumps Operator ecreen | ‘mites. ia ‘ ‘Med Pup 2 Waiing for Speed CMD’ messages Geployedon the Mug Pumps |, _ Operate seven i 7027 | Check he sis | Blower Araming Plecn a ineatorionts on he Sowers ranting Poieg se Satis sen ae Bee Z mateo Blower [LIne wash pump runing. zz. x ‘Rand B ner wash [Lube ol panp rnning ump and be a a P - __| pune eg aa 1028 | Touche Set SP | The SPWlse point erty Keypad | tuiton ford Pump | pop-p appears p | 2 com 7023 | Ener an SPH vas of | The SP set pont entry keypad | Band press he OK | pop-up disappears. X bien: “The SPM set point displays 30) sou i a ‘Charge Purp #2 Sats flee se ‘Charge Pump #2 tas indian | fn huminates Pte ¥ Mud Pump #2rampsto30 | : _| Se ple 0210 | Ghosk Dive Aand | Drve Arunning P lee ‘unig gts are - Mumnated one | Dive B runing, ~ Io Staue sree, zs 10211 | Checkthe speed | Dive A specd command ~ Te . ommand orDrve A_| Racal speed ce +t NOV Doe ®: 0821007136-PRO-001 Revision #3 ett ‘Step owt Pass | tntile — sd Bie tre same at | Dave B apoed command = Drive ihe acta spood for | Bactual Dive A and B on he Sees Stats seen The P value shown 833m the mato. 702% | check ihe acual_ | Torque vais are approxnalsy torque vaies on Ove | equal o each ater Tis shows Rand Orve Bare | thatthe ves ae oad sharing. |, ‘approumately ual on - ihe Sats screen c A W278 | Check Net Aand | Winding lemperaizes re ‘Motor winding" | aproxmately equal to ach temperaues are | aher spproumatly oqalto ech aheron he Staus sccen. (a 702% | Mos pum torque | The orque it shouldindcate tone Staus | bemaximumtorque setingat | p> | + screen bom metore le Taa15 | Orie Aand De® | Dive A rave limtis 60% oF | terqelimiton the | MP2 torque it Pee Sites ereen Dive 6 txqu itis 05 of MP2 wrque it "fp | ee sa 02:78 | Generate afeut on | Deve A taut auminaes onthe VEDA Status sere p 702.17 [Clear Drive A faut | Very Drive A faults cleared on 7 the status seen. T0218 | Generate afoutton | Brive A faut tuna onthe vroe Sausscmen 1D | T0219 | Clear Deve Baik | Venty Deve B faite cleared on the sats screen . i Sears TT Revision 3 NOV Dee #: 0821007136-PRO-001 ‘This test will demonstrate the response to Mud Pump #2 to Auxiliary Faults and Drive Faults. When a fault occurs, the Amphion Control System notifies the operator and logs an appropriate alarm in the Alarm Manager. Alarms for Mud Pump #2 VED belt slippage and Mud Pump Auxiliaries will be demonstrated. ‘The Mud Pumps will continue to run after an ausiliary system faults, However, the Blowers, Lube Oil Pump, or the Liner Wash Pump are not to be isolated to demonstrate this functionality Instead, an auxiliary fault condition will he demonstrated by simulating an input tothe remote I/O. Verify status sereen indicators for VED faults, setion 10.2.16 to $0.2.19 during VED fault testing ‘Warning! ~All non-essential personne! must say clear ofthe tst location during these lets, ‘During these test there wil be large amounts of fore placed on the equipment The test area should be secured with salty tape ring the tes Coston Very ha the tools te tom Sberuchons and ll on estentl personne are clare from the ara, Esabiah and marsnrago communiatons ttween personnel the Na Purp oor nd personel operating the Mus Pumps | mete | rita ame esception rome | commonte | LI { | 03. | Navigate tothe Mud Pumps | The Mud Pumps Screen appears ‘Screen by touching Drier ‘Tools Mud Pumps seroen 1032 | Touch the Control Location | The Conivel Location popup window appears patton onthe Mid Pumps | 1033 | Touch the Ownership bution | The Mud Pump #2 Ownership buton displays | fornud Pump te Oiler ° b 7034 | Touch te Close biton on he Control Lecaton popup window Pump seren are enable. p [A contols on te Mud Pumps Auilary | - Contos screen se aati Ble wn “035 | Touch he Controle On baton | Mus Pump#2 — Blower Aston 2 Ico sa car one reemgs Ceenc, ‘Mud Pump #2 ~ Blower B starts. - pe [Mug Pump #2 - Liner Wash Purp stars P C ‘Mua Punp #2 = Lube Oi Punp sas q eh “The Aun OK ineaor onthe Mu Pumps Opeatrsoren umnates a "A°Mud Pump.2 Waltng for speed CMO" message is daplayed onthe Mud Pumps | Operatorsereen 1038 | Touch the SPM Set button for | The SPM sot point entry Keyboard pomp L Mud Pump #2 appears NOV Doe # 0821007136-PRO-001 Rett | Fold Name Description ass Commants 10.37 | Enter an SPM value of 30 and | The SPM set point entry keyboard pop-up press the OK button sisoppears p “The SPM set pont displays 30 SPM P ‘Mud Pump #2 ~ Charge Pump stats ‘Mud Pump #2 ramps up 1030 SPM p “The SPM Bar Graph displays 20 SPM 3 1038 | Touch the Contols Pause | Mud Pump #2 ramps to 0 SPM é bien oni Md Phe ‘Mud Pump #2 - Charge Purp stops | Operator Seren - LP a 1038 | Toueh the Controls Pause | Mud Pump #2 ~ Charge Pump starts E button onthe Mua Pump ig 2S — c = sana ‘Mud Pump 82 ramps upto 30 SPM ° a Blower A Fou 103370] Generate a pressure faut on | The Ausdlaries OK indicator on the Mud i Mud Purp #2~ Blower Motor | Pumps Common Screen changes tored |» Ls ‘A"Mud Pump. Ausiory Fault Detected — CCheck alarms’ message sdsplayed onthe ‘Mud Pumps Gommon Screen Ip ew “The Mad Pump #2 Status Soon haiies @ Blower A faut 2 Blower’, Blower Status indicator ‘ecingulshes onthe Mus Pump Auxatary ‘Controls soreon for Mud Purp #2, ‘A"MudPump 2Blowert inaufient bower ar ‘ressure alarm is displayed onthe alarm Screen ‘Mud Pump #2 continues to run at 90 SPM "103.41 | Touch the Mud Pump #2 ‘Mud Pump #2 ramps to 0 SPM Controls On button an the Mus . Pumps Common Soren » 103.12 Tove the Mud Pump #2 ‘Mud Pomp #2 does not olate Controls On button on the Mud umes Common Screen 10373} Touch he Auxiliary Override | The Auxiary Overide bition active baat onthe Mise Controls page 103174 Touch the Controls On button | The Gontcis On bution indicator Huminates and entra speed reference of [yg pump #2 ramps to 90 SPM soe 14 70375] Remove te press on | Th pres autis dered > Nd Pup 2" sewar P 78376) Press be Mug Pump #2 |The ua alm dered | Sve ° J Nov Doe: (0821007136-PRO-001 Revision #3 | ners | rota name Description Pass | comments [Blower 8 Fault 10377] Generate a pressure faut on | The Aunlares OK indkator onthe Mod ‘Mud Pump #2 Blower Motor 8 | Pumps Common Screen changes to red ‘A-Mud Pump 2 Auxiary Fault Detected — ‘Check Alarms" messages displayed on the Mua Pumps Common Screen Blower °°, Blower Stats indicator | fetinguishes onthe Mud Pump Status sereen for Mud Pump #2 - : ces ’A"MudPump 2 Blower? insufelent bower ar Bressure alarm i displayed onthe alarm Screen "Mud Pump #2 continuesto un at30SPM [=| 77 sa 10318 | Touch the Mud Pump #2 "Mu Pump #2 ramps to 0 SPM Controls On button on the Mus Pumps Gommon Sereen sn [703,18 Touch the Mud Pump #2 ‘Mud Pump #2 doesnot rotate Controls On button on the Mud Pumps Gommon Screen a 10320] Touch the Auxillary Override | The Auxiliary Overide button fe active baton on the Mise Controls |__| page _ | Ip fa 103.24) Touch the Controle On bution | The Gangols On Buon indicator Wurinates |p 7 and enter a speed reference of sedentera opend Mud Pump #2 ramps to 30 SPM lb Vea 10322| Remove the pressure faut on | The pressure fae cleared Mud Pump #2 BiowerB “ p_ A 10323] ress the Mud Pump #2 “The aula alarm i eared ; (veri buton, i IP (ess Liner Wash Purp Fautt 10324] Generate a pressure fault on | The Auxiliaries OK indicator on the Mud ‘Mud Pump #2Liner Wash | Pumps Common Sereen changes tored | sn Pune ‘A°Mud Pump 2 Auxillary Fault Detected — ‘Check Alarms’ message is displayed on the | ‘Mud Pumps Commen Screen e ‘The Mud Pump #2 Status Screen indicates & ner Wash Pump felt ele "An "MudPump 2 Line Wath; No feedback indicata motor working” on the alarm Sereen | "Mud Pump #2 continues to run at 30 SPM 103325] Touch the Mud Pump #2 "Mud Pump #2 ramps to 0 SPM Controls On bution on te Mus r Pumps Common Sereen é G3 [NOV boe.®: 0821007196-PRO-001 _ Revision #3 Rott Fats Mame 10326] Touch the Mod Purp #2 | Mud Pump #2 does notrotto - Controle On btn an he Mod Pumps Common Seen | - fe 10327 Touch the Auxillary Override |The Aulany Overtideblion sacive button onthe Mise Contos lb |__| page _ __ if an 10328) Touch the Controle On bilon | The Conkle On button indcatorwumfates |) | nd enor aspo0d reference of ae are ere ‘Mug Pump #2 ramet 30 SPM. = lee se 10323| Remove the Liner Wash Pump | The ner Wash Pump faut Geared {auton Mad Pump #2 " A . 10300] Remove the Liner Wash Pump |The aul alarm s Geared fauton Moa Pomp #2 _lp Lube 01 Pump Faut 10331 | Generis a pressire faut on] The Anlanes OK indicator on he Mod Mud Pump #2~Lube OI Pump | Pumps Common Sereenchangestored || as “A-Mud Pump2 Ary Faut Detected — Check Alans message splayed onthe tus Pumps Common Screen d “The Mud Pum #2 Stas Seman iniaios@ Lube Ot Pump fut ® Cm “The Lube Pump Oi Pressure indicator extngussnes on the Mud Pump #2 Ausares is enol sreen| ee 2 tm “A°MudPump2. be Pung: Isuficento Bressure alam i spayed on the alarm : Sureen » |G » Mud Pump #2 conines orn at 30 SPM |p = 10322 Touch te Mud Pump #2] Mud Pup #2 ramps to 0 SPU Controls On ution on the Mus . |__| Pumas Common Sereen pi 103.3 | Touen the Mud Purp #2 | Nad Pump #2 doesnot ote Controls On button one Mud . , Pumps Gammon Soeen | eo sh 10394] Touch the Auxilary Overide |The Audion Overidebton ws acve button an the Mise Contos ; = |__| page _ _ le za 10395} Touch the Gontrols On buton |The Gants On buon ndeatorHuminates | > aA | "| and entra speed reference ot aoe : | | dene Mud Purp #2 ramos 1030 SP « aE 10398] Remove he Lube OilPump | The Lvbe Ol Pump faut cleared feulton Mic Pumo #2 p ue 70337 | Press the Mud Pump #2 “The aay alarm ie eae i Ovaride bition - * NOV bee; 821007136-PRO-001 Revision #3 (charge Pump Fault 103.38 | Generate a fault on Mud Pomp #2" Charging Pump “The Aualanies OK indicator onthe Mud Pumps Common Screen changes to red ‘A"Mud Pump 2 Auxiliary Fault Detected — ‘Check Alarms messages spayed on the ‘Mud Pumps Commen Screen “The Mud Pump #2 Status Screen indicates a Charging Pump faut The Charge Pump, Motor Running indicator ‘exinguishes on the Mus Pump #2 Ausiones ‘Control sereen “An ‘uxMotor MudPump 2.ChargingPump: ‘Motor started signal nas nat been received" ‘alarm is dgplayed on the alarm Screen ‘Mud Pump #2 continues to run at 30 SPM 103.38) Remove the Charging Pump fault on Mud Pump #2 “The Charging Pump fouls cleared Drive Fault ‘Touch the SPM button for Mud Pump #2. P0309 | The SPM setpoint enty Keypad pop-up pears 70347 | Enter an SPM vate of 18 and press the OK bution “The SPM setpoint entry Keypad pop-up sissopears "The SPM set paint displays 15 SPM ‘Mud Pump #2 ramps to 18 SPM. ‘The SPM Bar Graph displays 15 SPM A; im 10342) Generate a Drive fauit on Mud | The Drive OK indicator on the Mud Pumps Pump #2 ‘Common Sereen changes to red = 'A'Mud Pump 2 MP Orve Fault message {splayed onthe Mus Pumps Common Screen ‘The Mud Pump #2 Status Sexeen Deve Monitor Ready indicator extinguishes ‘The Mud Pump #2 Status Screen indicates & Drive fut ‘An MudPump 2 VFD Fai alarm ie deplayed ‘onthe alarm Screen "Mud Purp #2 shuts down Reset te Dave Folk for Mug Pump #2 “The Drive Fault for Mud Pump #2 sesh Nov Dee: 0821007136-PRO-01 Rett | Fats Mame esebton ore | comments Dive Bk Sipage Faut 10348] Touch the SPM button for Mud The SPM set point entry Keypad pop-up Pompe sorers lp {6348 Enter an SPA value oF 5 and | Th SPM sa pao Keypad pop-up pros he OF ston dseppears _ The SPM st pit pay 15 SPM e Mad Pimp 2 ramps to 1 SPH e x ‘The SPM Bar Graph displays 15 SPM P ‘Generate a Balt Sippage alarm forhtud Pump #2 ‘A"Mud Pump.2 MP Drive Bet Sipping Alas” |p ‘alarm is caplayed on the Alarm Soreen { ‘Mud Pump #2 continues to un p 103347 | Generate a Belt Sippage Tau | A-Mud Pump 2 MP Drive Bet Siping | fon Mud Pump #2 ‘Shuting Down’ message displayed on the | cs ‘Mud Pumps Common Screen p Cos 'A°Mud Pump 2 MP Drive Beit Sipping Tip™ ‘alarms dspiayed Alarm Sereen Je Zann ‘Mud Purp #2 shuts down ie a 10308 Reset he Bet Sippage fal for Mod Pump #2 “The Bot Sippage faut for Mud Pump #2 i= High Pressure Shutdown 10348] Touch ihe SPM buton for Mud ‘The SPM sel pant enty Keypad popup 2000 PSI and press the OK baton Pump #2 appears > 103380] Enter an SPW valve of60 and | The SPM setpoint entry Keypad pop-up 3 ‘press the OK button disappears Pp “The SPM sat pant displays 60 5PM = ‘Mu Pump #2 ramps to 60 SPU a “The SPM Bar Graph displays 60 SPM Pp 0354) Touch the Pressure Limit | The Prossure Lime setpoint enty Keyypad | ator “| pop-up appears 10322 | Entor a Pressure Limit value of | The Pressure Lin sel point daplaye 2000 PSI | ‘The Pressure Limit set point splays 2000 PST 10383) Simulate @ Standpipe pressure of greater than 1800 PS! ‘ATH Sland Pipe Pressure Arn slarmis | ‘splayed onthe alarm Screen f ‘Mud Pump #2 continues to run 2 10354] Simulate a Standpipe pressure ‘of greter than 2000 PSI 'A°Hi Stand Pipe Pressure Trp” alarm is {splayed on the Mud Pumps Common Screen | ‘Mud Pump #2 shuts down NOV doe. 0621007136-PRO-001 os | rot Name Desction rose | Comments | = 7 | Aunlry Moor Data [10335] Touch the Gontrote On buton | Mud Purp #2 — Bower Asari Pp _[e= ge Mod Pumps Operator” us Pump #2 Blower B stars a 7 cose ‘Mod Pum #2—Uner Wash Punp stare [| 2 Mut Bum #2~ Lube Ou Pup stars 2 5 “The Auailanies OK inseator on the Mud Pumps Opetatr se lumnates P an “Mud Pump 2 Watig fx speed CMD" ‘messages splayed on he Mus Pumps cae pear seen ip [¢ A Record Blower WoiorAVolage | NENT snd Curent, nq WA y plo. 10357 | Record Blower Noor VoRape and Curent e a 70385 Record Liner Wash Purp Mator (OS "age and Curent oes p va 103% | Record Lobe Moor Vokape and AQ RC BC Curren votoge 22 _U7Y ZA y P A Bo | Current BES a4 2) amps 2 ie 103480) Touch the Gontrole On buton | ue Punp #2 Bower A stops ater Sinus | 7 seve Mud Pumps Operator Taye Pump #2 Blower B sos ater S nies |) = 30 sve ‘Mud Pump #2 Liner Wash Punp seps [| 2a Mad Pum #2—Lube Oi Punp stops aterS || nutes Lam “Te Ausivies OK dato on he Mod) Pumps Operate scree extngushes Pp |Z |7030% [Touch the Control Location | Te Convo Location popup wndow appears tntton an the Mud Pom . lee = {0362 | Touch he Ownership buon | The Mad Pump #2 mers biton delays | ae formas Pump 82 vaiabie p |ce » 10348 Touch te Glue bition onthe | The Conti Location popup window uses |) [7 — a Conte kgcation P9PUP WE ay conroe or Mud Pump #2 onthe Mud Pumps seen oe rated 2 lee NOV Doe 8: 0821007136-PRO-001 Rett | lots name Description ] comments ‘All controls for Mud Pump #2 on the Mud Pumps Auxiiary Contos screen are disabled NOV doe f; D821007136-PRO-001 Signature Tee ee eee ‘This section wil verify Mud Pump #2 ean be operated from the Local Control Panel, The fault demonstrated inthis section is used to verify the indications fora fault at the Local Control Panel. Iti ‘not the intention ofthis section to demonstrate all faults at the Local Contrel Panel. | posenption | rot | ta ame | pase | comments [1041 [Navigate tothe Mud Pumps | The Mud Pumps Screen appears a | Screen by touching Driler | ___| Toois'> Mud Pumps sereen _ q 4 1042 | Touch the Control Location | The Conve Location popup window appears butlon on the Md Pumps 1043 | Tovch the Local Control | The Local Contol Enable bulton for Mud Pump | Enable bution forthe Mus | #2 tummnates, | Pump #2. fi 74 [7844 | Touen me Close button on te | The Con! Lecaton popup window closes |p enn | Control Lecaten porup window | sud Pump 2 shows contol is eto the Local 7 Staton b “The Mod Pump #2 DRIVE READY indicator on the Local Contol Pane iuminates lp va “The Mud Pump #2 LOCAL OWNERSHIP ENABLE inestoron he Local Contol Panet | LL ‘tuminates |e | 1045 | Pushihe MP2 RUNISTOP | The MPZ RUN/STOP bution incator . buon sumates geen p J Mud Pump #2 — Blows A wats re ik Mud Pump #2 ~ Blower 8 starts P = "Mud Pump #2~ Liner Wash Pump stats [> Ta Mud Pump #2~ Lube Oi Pump stars ® 1048 | Rotate the MUD PUMP 2 | Mus Pump #2 ramps to 20 SPM P Z z THROTTLE unt Mud Pump #2. bias pumped I +4 eee ee Mad Pump #2— Charge Pump sans [ST ‘The MP2 SPM display depays 30 SPM L_l¢ 1047 | Record he aciual SPM of ud | Mud Pump #2 SPM- Pump #2 p_k 1048 | Rola te MUD PUMP 2 | Mud Pump #2 ramps to 60 SPM E Z THROTTLE unt Mus Pomp #2 | = repens ena The MP2 SPM spay pays 60 SPH elas 0A | Record he actual SPM of Mud | Mud Pump #2 SPM: Pump #2 16410) Rotate te MUD PUMP 2__—| ud Purp #2 ramps to 80 SPM 3 THROTTLE uni Mud Pump? | ieay Glogs . | [eeseetng at so ur "P* | Tm wha SPM apy aepiye 00 SPM NoVDoe # 0821007135-PRO-001 Rett | Feld Name Description Pass | Comments 10.411] Record the actual SPM of Mud | Mud Pump #2 SPM: i 1 Pomp 2 . W022) Resethe MUD PUMP? [wus Pumpazrampsio Os SPM THROTTLE unt id Pump #2 5 - Tiponmngatusseu"? | Thea SPu delay depos oSSPM | 7047 Record the actual SPN cfd | Mud Purp #2 SPM | °°) Ron a2 . | TO474) Rote ne MUD PUMP 2 | ud Purp 4 ar 19 0 SPM ; THROTTLE unt Md Panp #2 mene — PAROTTLE wn MPUTP The MP2 SPM dy dls 35SPH ] Brower A Faut {0415 Generate a pressure faut on | The MP2 RUNISTOP baton maior flashes |p Mud Pump #2— Blower Motor i pump i conines torino d0SPM—— [>| “7 10416] Push tbeMP2RUNSTOP | The MP2 RUNSTOP buton indicator ‘button extinguishes p Mud Pump 2 ramps 19 0 SP Fx {0417 Push te MP2 RUWSTOP | The MP2 RUNISTOP buton ncaa flashes A Soon fm 3 “0418 Rotts te MUD PUMP 2 | Nd Purp #2 dows nl sla SHRETTLE cochise 1088] Pusntne MP2 RUNSTOP |The MP2 RUNSTOP buon indicator = buon ningun : 10420) Touen he Control Location | The Contol Location popup window appears baron onthe md Pumps >» | 10471] Touch te Local Gont |The Local Gontol Enable buon ord Pump | > Enable buono Md Pup #2 | #2 exingushes ? sm [70422 | Touch the Close buton on the | The Control Localon popup window doses. | Contr Location popu window ug Pump #2 shows controls ‘The Mud Pump #2. DRIVE READY con the Local Control Panel extinguishes e IG 3 “The Mug Pump #2 LOCAL OWNERSHIP ENABLE indiestoron the Local Conta Panel | extinguishes x EBT Q Signature Sean Dale Slants — Nov bee #: 0821007136-PRO-001 11 Mu Pump #3 FUNCTION TESTS ‘This section verifies operation of Mud Pump #9 from the Driller’s Workstation and atthe Local Control Panel. The response of Mud Pump #3 to Ausilary System and Inverter System fault and alarms will be verified. CEM een eee The following test takes Ownership of Mud Pump ¢2 from the Drille’s Workstation, Then Mud Pump +#3 operation is verified. Section 112 for Status sereen ean be carried out at same time as section 1.1 t0 verify feedback on that screen Ftd Nome Deserioton | rans | comments | rat | 1144 | Navigate to the Mod Pumps | The Mud Pumps Sereen appears Screen by toucing Dllor * ‘Tools Mud Pumps screen | » 2G 1112 | Touch the Control Location | The Conv! Location popu window appears bton on the Mud Pumps T73| Touen the Ownership buten | The Mas Pump #9 Ownership baton Gspaye ~ for Mus Pump # Daler un aA 144 | Touch he Close Blin onthe | The Con Location popup window doses — 5a Centel Lacaton popup window Ta conois onthe Mud Pump #3 onthe Mud Pumps screen are enabled A ‘Al conols onthe Mux Pumps Auiory ‘Contels screen are enabled” * 1145 | Touch the Controls On bution | Mud Pump #3 Blower A starts oe the Mud Pumps Operator ug Pump #3 — Blower B stats x wee ‘Mud Pump #3 = Liner Wash Pump saris ump #3 — Lue Oi Punp stats 5A Airis OK indicator on he Mud 7 Pumps Operator screen iumanetes PV 8 ’A Mud Pump 3 Walig for speed CMO” message ls dplayed onthe Mud Pumps Operator seren mo i= sn | 11418 | Touch te Set SPM button for | The SPM set pint ety keyboord pop-up : Mod Pump #3 appears ™” (Can 1117 | Emr an SPM value of 30 and | The SPM sat point entry keyboard pop-up tess the OK baton dseppears 2 L | “The SPM setpoint deplays 30 SPM D c ‘Mud Pump #3 ~ Charge Pump stars a [ Mud Pump #3 ramps upto 30 SPM ~ 3 ‘The SPM Bar Graph csplays 30 SPM cosh Nov Doe #: 0821007196-PRO-001 set | Pott tome eserotion ee | corments THI | Recon he acl SPU of od | Mud Pump Sea Pompe 30 > 7!” T11 |Touch he Se SP buon for | Te SP st pot ont keypad popup Mua Pump #3 _| appears. Pp 5a 7770] Ener an SPM val 60 and The SPM sl poi ene Keypad pop press he OR baton Sppers p ky “The SPA setpoint deplye OSM —_—=*S Go | Mud Pomp 3 ramps t 60 SPM Rea oe _ “Te SPH Bar Graph splays 60 SPU > a ‘HAT Record he acl SPH of Md [Mud Pump 4 SPA Pomp ; / 60 » Ice 177172] Touch te St GPU aon or |The Pa et pi rity kaypad popup tus Pump severe a |c¢- 71773] Ener an SPM value of90 and | The SPU se pana Keyped por-up rp prose fe hater, deepens fy Cm “The SPM eit pay 90 SPM 5 a Mud Pump 3 ramps t $0 SPM p A The SPM Bar Graph displays 90 SPM P Ta, i) Recoraite acu Sword Mua Pump 93 SP | Pump #3 4n p 40 a ‘778 Tou he Set PH buon fo The SPM et pot ny keypad popup eS eam PAS | are d |ere sa ‘U6 Emer an SPa vale of 75 ad | The SPM sl po ee eypad pop press fe OK baton boone 7 _ The SPM sei pt lay 108 SPU pe | Mud Pump ramps 108 SPM Bec a [The SPH Bar Ceaphcspiye OSSPM [S| ‘T17) Record he acl SPA of Wad | Mud Pump #3 SPA Ponp# . . T77| Touch he Stop Al Mud | Mud Pump #9 ramps fo 0 SPM P i Pumps butonon te Mid = ; ums cutonen We Mes [Mud Punp #9 - Charge Pumps f 7 T1178] Touch ne Controls On ben [Nd Pump Blower A ops aerS inate | > 5A nthe Mus Pumps Operate” [ug Pump = lows lps ae mines S ‘Mud Pump #3 ~ Liner Wash Pump stops P a8 ‘Mud Purp #3 Lue Ol Pump stops ators ~ ‘utes, d “The Asiares OX india onto Mod eal I Pumps Operator screen erbrguses p_|ée 14.120] Touch the Control Lecation | The Control Location popup window appears - htm one Mua Prep e lor a ov Doe 0421007136-PR0-001 Revlon: 3 Field Home | Boseription Pas 11.421] Touch the Ownership button | The Mud Pump #3 Ownership bution dsplays | forhtua Pump #3 Avaiabie Pitre sa 115122] Touch the Close button onthe | The Control Location popup window eoses |) [> aa onto! Laeation popup winsow ene ‘All controls for Mod Pump #3 on the Mud Pumps screen are disabled > to » ‘All conto for Mud Pump #3 on he Mud Pumps Ausilary Contos serean are @aablea | NOV Doe &; 821007136-PRO-01 B Crt Test SEs ‘This section wll verify the status sereen is displaying the correct values and information, This section can be tested at same time as previous setion, 18.1. Soctions for VFD fault indication, 11.2.6 to 1.2.19 canbe verified during VED fault testing in section 1.3.42. nae oot Pass ttle ] 112i | Navigsie oie mud | The Mud Punps Sereen | Pumps Screen by | appears. fovching Dil Took . Maa Pumps butons. e W122 | Touen he Consol |The Cano! Location popup Lean bton on the_| window’ appears A | Miss Pumps sereon a 1123 | Touch the Ownership | The Mud Pump #3 Ownership buten for Mus Pump | button splays Oil 7 3 f ‘ 6 1124 | Touch the Close button | The Control Location popup con the Conta Location | window closes. z Popup window. ‘All contol for Mud Pump #3 on {the Mud Pumps screen ae : a enable. " ft Z ‘All controle for Mud Pump #3 on the Mud Pumps Ausiiany el ‘Controls screen are enabied || NOV Bee: 0821007136-PRO-00% Rot | 30° 1425 | Check dive assigned — Sincere : aa Sine een ee Toa Conor A | Wainer noite : Bone Spr forge Td parpao-Upervis P| ine oe p be Thr Bune #= abe OV Pan starts. Pp a The fais OR eon ‘ow ns peat soon nn A 8 da Wg Sr cuanto atin Bhd Ps : _ Senercton f 37 | Gating aaaw [Bower rg pee feaurige anne [pea ——— Saussceenae | lower8 nnn i eS rr a Nines” [ane aibone ona Aes Dano. 728 | Fuh Pon | Te SPs ory Fad inthe | Recpeer W128 | Enter an SPM value of | The SPM set point entry Keypad SO and press the OK | popup disappears. aon “The SPM set pint dspays 30. | . SPM 2 oo» ‘Charge Purp #3 Sars P 5 ‘Charge Purp #3 status indian ign tuminates s Mud Pump XS ramps 10308 | S| T1210 | Check Dive Aand | Deve A unnng e IZ 5 running ight ae p12 ituminategonthe [Dive Branning . Stas seen { —. TZ [Check he speed | Dive A speed sammand = Drive ‘command or Orve A | Aacua speed xa dnd’ 9 the same a3 Dive 8 speed command= Dive Ihe actial speed for | D'Ne Sh Dive And Bonthe | 82%! speed Sats sreon The 2 _ ‘vale shown 2pm e IG ofthe motor Le NOV bee 0821007136-PRO-001 0 tt = Trove | mane TEE | heath aint Torus vas are appromraay SSrguevluonOrve | equi cach over The shows Rangone Bare" | fetbe ames reload shame Sppronaiey eqalon . SoS seek p T1213 | heck hoor A and | Winding onperaes ae Nor Bwaang | spprsanaiy aq to each temperatures se | chr soroaratay ula erateren te p Stu soven = 72 | Mud pump aioe | Te ore in eboad nde tntcrtesens” | hemamumioecsetaeet |, | aa votr mate IG TES | Dive Aand Owe ® | Dive A true tm 50% a NPS ora et : —_ Dre Bevel SO% Me ord pk : 77218 | Generate Taton | Dre A tut minis one , von Si screen > TE | ler Owe AToak | Vey Orie Aut cored on 7 esata scest > = T1218 | Gana auton] Orve A taut urinals one |] Soe Seer ooe ° ~ TE | Clear ve Bau] Very Drie B fails eared on ; ‘the status screen. Ce . (EEF a/3 Fe Somme Dae See Siam Da Nov bee # D821007196-PRO-001 Revision #3 CED ‘This test will demonstrate the response to Mud Pump #3 to Auxiliary Faults and Drive Faults. When a fault occurs, the Amphion Control System notifies the operator and logs an appropriate alarm in the ‘Alarm Manager. Alarms for Mud Pump ¢g VED bet slippage and Mud Pump Auxiliaries willbe ‘demonstrated. The Mud Pumps will continue to un after an auxiliary system faults. However, the Blowers, Lube Oil Pump, or the Liner Wash Pump are not tobe isolated to demonstrate this functionality: Instead, an auxiliary fault condition willbe demonstrated by simulating an ig remote 1/0. Verify status sereen indicators for VED faults, section 11.2.16 to 1.2.19 during VED fault testing, Warning! - All non-essential personnel must stay clear ofthe test location during those tests ‘During these testa there wil be targe amounts of free placed onthe equipment. The teat area should be secured with sfety tape during the test Caution: ely thal he lise tom sbstuctans andl non essen personne ar eared om the ares Establah and maitain rade conmanieaton babvaen parson! nthe Mua snp Room sd orsonel operating the Hu Pups Rett etd Meme Description ese | Comments ron 1135 | Navigate tothe Mud Pumps | The Mud Pumps Screen appears Screen by touching Driller is / Toole» Mud Pumps screen | Cea 1132 | Touch the Control Location | The Conial Lacaton popup window appears button onthe Mid Pump | screen A 1133 | Touch the Ownership buiton | The Mud Pump #3 Ownership buton displays | Tor Mus Pump #3 Der Pp 1134 | Touch the Close buon on the | The Control Location popup window cses |) _[C Control Lecation popup window ay controls on the Mud Pump #3 onthe Mud Pumps screen are enabled D ‘Al contol onthe Mud Pumps Auiary |; Contos serean are enabled ip fe Touch the Controls On bution | Mud Pump #3 - Blower A stats P onthe Mud Pumps Operator yiuq Pump 3 = Bower 8 stars 2 ; sereen ~ “The Aularies OK indicator onthe Mud c Pumps Operator screen iluminates “| ’A-Mud Pump: 3 Wating for speed CMO™ message is dsplayed on the Mud Pumps | Operair screen f 7135 | Touch the SPM Set button for | The SPM setpoint enti Keyboard popup | Mud Pumps [appears p £ Nov doe #: 0821007136-PRO-001 Revision #3 rete | rte name ame | commente TST | Enron SPH value of 30a - pros the OX baton Sseppea pec “Tye SU sl po dips 30 SPU p | Mud Pump #3 - Charge Pump starts yi od Pump #3 ars p90 SPM P | ‘The SPM Bar Graph displays 30 SPM p cL 11.38 | Touch the Controls Pause ‘Mud Pump #3 ramps to 0 SPM - iP c Soon onsen, | puree = Seton on Had Pap 8 = Charge Pe b AB | Touche Conroe Pause | Mus Pump 3 = Chae Pu sian 2 : tn onthe Md Pome = —f baton on ud Pump #3 ras up 30 SP Bower Fut | 7970] Gea a etre adton | The Ales OK cat one ue] | Mud Pump #3 ~ Blower Motor A Pumps Common Screen changes red ‘A-Mua Pump.3 Ausary Fault Detected — ‘Check Alarms" message is displayed on the ‘Mud Pumps Comman Sereen > “The Mud Pump #3 Slaus Scien nds Blower A fault ‘Blower "A, Blower Status indicator ‘ecinguishes on the Mus Pump Auxary Controls seen fo Mud Purp #3, "A MudPump.3 Blower! insufficient bower air pressure” alarm is eisplayed onthe alarm Screen Moe Purp continues torn at30 SPM |p -c T1377] Touch te Mud Pump #2 Mud Pump #8 ramps to 0 SP¥M Controls On htm onthe Mua 5 Pirws Comeonaoear _ i T7372 | Touch he Mid Pump 49 [Nod Pump does nc late Controle On button en he Mud Pumps Common Screen no T7318) Tovch te Austry Overide |The Ansar Overs bitoni ative |" | in onthe Mec Gono . pave - |e {1314 Touch te Controls On btn [The Conele On bon nda urinates [> Z andenteraspeedteterenee {vad pump #3 one a gene uc Pump #3 ramps 0 30 SPM iz T7218 Remove the presi au on | Tho pressure faukis Geared | Mad Purp #3 Blower - ¢ T7378] Press the Mud Pump®s | The aula alam s Gear a 17 Sverre buton NOV Doe, 0821007136-PRO-001 rot | Fiat name Descrton rane | comments tower 8 Feut 11317] Generate a pressure faut on | The Antares OK naicatr onthe Mod Mic Pump #5 Blower ctr | Pumps Conmon Seteon chang toed | ‘A"Mud Purp.3 Aulary Faut Detected — heck Arma messoge ls apayed onthe Mua Pumps Conmen Seen lp 4 Blower"8" Blower Stats indicator fxinguishes onthe Mus Pomp Sits seen | ferns Pune #3 Pee an ’A"MuePump 3 Blower nse! bower a presse alarm sdplyed on the arm | Seen us Punp #5 coninaestomunat 305M (es 11378) Touch he Moa Pump 3 | Mud Pump #9 ramps 00 SPM so Contots on btn ete Med Pumps Common Sereen - Ie an? 37] Touch the Mud Pump #2 | Md Pump doesnot oat Controle On ston onthe Mud : |__| Pumps Common Screen P 71325] Touch te Auallay Overide | The Anwary Overio on 8a Suton enihe Mice Gorse page - Po “3 171327] Tose the Controls Onion | The Convls On bution haat uriaios | ; naentara speed rterence ot tyra : al mene ‘Mua Pump #5 ramps 90 SPM > 11322 | Remove the presse fauton | Th pressure outs closed ‘hoa Ponp #5" Bower = - in» 77323] Press the Mud Pump #3 | The aula alarm cleared Overde bon - ou 3 Luner Was Pump Faut [132% | Generis a pressure auton | The Andes OK ndcatr on he Mud | ‘Mud Pump #3 ~Liner Wash Pumps Common Screen changes to red 2. lz na /A*Mud Pump 3 Auxiliary Fault Detected — Check Am: message edepayed on ihe | tus Pomps Commen Seren > | “The Mug Puno #9 Status Screen nals @ Uner Wash Pump faut fs | "a -MudPump3 Une Wash: No fedbadk 0 indeate motors woking onthe sam Seen |) Mud Purp #® cotruestonn at 308M | se W732] Toute Ma Pumps | wud Pump 3 ramps toO SPM Contots On button on te Med { i Pumps Common Screen NOV Bec #: 0821007136-PRO-001 NOV Doe: (0821007196-PRO-001 ott | rtd name Description came |commants | oo 1153.28 | Touch he Mud Purp #3 | Mod Pump #8 dose ntrotate Contos On baton on he Mus Pumps Gonmon Seon _ as 11327 Touch he Auailary Oveide | The Aur Over bon act tuton on the Mise Contos |__| pave _ 1328 | Touch he Controls On baton | The Conols On button indicator uminatas andere 9 sped eernce of ee 5 __|zis ‘Mud Pump #3 ramps 030 SPM : 44329] Remove the Liner Wash Pump | The Liner Wash Pump faut cleared n {aulton Mad Pump 43 s 11330] Remove the Liner Wash Pump | The ania lami cleared a faulton Mad Pump #9 A Late OF Pump Fou ‘7351 Generate a presous Toulon | The Aaaies OK indatr onthe Mud Mua Pump #2 Lute Oi Pump | Puns Common Sreen changes ores | an ‘Mud Pump. 3 Avdiory Fat Detected eck Aarns: message is cspayed on the |. Aus Pumps Common Seren i Cots The Mud Pump 9 Status Screen ndcatos = Lube il Pump fault |e ¥ “The Lube Purp Ol Presse ndietor extinguishes onthe Mod Purp #3 Rises |p Contra sreen| on "A-MudPump 3 Lube Purp suse of presse lam splayed on the alarm Berson p 5 ‘Mud Pune #5 continues own at30SPM_—_| 11332] Touch the Mud Purp XO] Mud Pump #9 rmps 0 SPM Controls On buon or the Ms ~s | Pumps Gammon Seen PIG 11335) Touch he Mud Pump #9 | Mud Pump #5 does nat oale Controls On buon on the Mud - Pumps Common Sereen | . cz 14334) Touch te Auslay Overide | The Aniiry Over batons actve buiton onthe Mise Cantole . |_| pase —_ —___|\ 14335] Touch the Controle On bation | The Contos On baton instr lurinates | and emer a speed eterence ot Ty ms - i= Mod Purp #5 raps 30S 5 > 11338) Remove he Lobe O1 Pump | The Lube Oi Pump faults cleared el fautten Md Pump #3 . p _ 17337 | Pros the Mud Pomp #8 “The ait alarm is eared 6 Overs btton ° r Charge Pump Faut 11.838 Generate a fauk on Mud Pump 8 Charging Pump “The Ablaries OK indicator on the Mud ‘Pumps Common Screen changes to red ‘A"Mud Pump.3 Auxiliary Fault Detected — Check Alarms’ message scsplayed onthe ‘Mud Pumps Gommon Screen “The Mud Pump #8 Status Screen indicates @ Charging Pum faut “The Charge Pump, Mator Running indicator ‘extinguishes onthe Mug Pump #3 Auharios ‘Control sereen "An “AuxMoter MudPump 3 ChargingPump: [Motor started signal has not been received” ‘alarms dlsplayed on the alarm Screen ‘Mud Pump #9 continues to run at 30 SPM /11320] Remove me Charging Pump | fault on Mud Pump #3 ‘The Charging Pump faut is clearea Drive Fault 11340] Touch the SPM button for Mud Pump #3 The SPM setpoint enty keypad pop-up 2ppears 1134 | Enter an SPM value of 18 nd Dress the OK button “The SPM set pint entry Keypad popup sisappears “The SPM setpoint displays 15 SPM ‘Mud Pump #3 ramps to 15 SPM "The SPM Bar Graph displays 15 SPM 11342 | Generale a Dive fault on Mad ump #3 “The Drive OK indicator on the Mud Pumps Common Screen changes red 'A"Mud Pump 3 MP Drve Fault message is splayed onthe Mud Pumes Common Screen “The Mug Pump #2 Status Seen Drve Monitor Ready indicator exinguishes The Mud Pump #3 Status Screen indcales @ Dive ta 'An “MudPump 2 VFO Faui” alarm is displayed ‘onthe alarm Sateen ‘Mud Pump #8 shuts down 11343 | Reset the Orve fa for Mud Pump #3 “The Dive Fault for Mud Pump #3 reset Nov Doe: 0821007196-PRO-001 ers | Fats Name ‘Dave Bot Sippage Faut 111348] Touch the SPM bnton for ud Purp #3 “The SPH se point entry Keypad pop up appears 11.348) Enter an SPM value of 15 and | The SPM set point entry keypad pop-up proc the Ok hater dteppone ms 2 “oe SPA spot dle 18 SP c Mud Pip amps to 16 . The SPM Ber rath ply 18 SPH i 17348] Generale @ Bt Sippoge am | Aiud Purp. 9 MP Dive Bat Spang Alam | | for Mud Pump #3 ‘alarm is displayed on the Alarm Screen f 7 A ti Pump #3 cones tou ® rs T1347) Gone wet Sippage fut [AM Pur 3 MP Drive Bet Spa Sti Pump #2 Shuting Dow’ mesags deployed onthe . Mud manos Gomen Secon Jp [ec a ’A"Mud Purp-3 MP Dive Bot Spar Tap” | fiom depos nam Seen (2m Mad Peng #8 shuts down See ‘Ti eset ne Bat Siege or | The Be Sovape faut oraz Pomp B® | Sins Ly Cos gh Pressre Suton TI] Touche SPW baton ered] The SP st pat ny Kea pop Pump #3. appears ip > uA 1355] Ener an SPM vate of60and | Te SPM sepa entyFeypadpowup [| frost Ot baton eres Coan “The SPM sel pont displays 60 SPM ‘Mud Pump #3 ramps to 60 SPH “The SPM Bar Graph displays 60 SPM 11351 | Touch the Pressure Limit bation ‘The Pressure Limit setpoint entry keypad Pop-up appears T1382] Enter a Pressure Limi value of 2000 PSI and press the OK button ‘The Pressure Limit set point displays 2000 PSI "The Pressure Limit set point displays 2000 PSI 11.353 | Simulate a Standpipe pressure ‘of greater than 1800 PS! "AHI Stand Pipe Pressure Alarm” alarm is thsplayed onthe alarm Seroon "Mu Purp #3 continues to run 4.3.56] Simulate a Standpipe pressure of greater than 2000 PS "ACH Stand Pipe Pressure Trp” alarm le ‘splayed on the Mud Pumps Common Screen ‘Mud Pump #3 shuls down NOV doe 8; D821007136-PRO-001 Revislon #3 ett | rite name | beseretion [nome [Comments l [vet ‘Autry Motor Dato 11385] Touch te Controls On bullon | Nod Pump #3 - Blower A stars Ga ge Mus Pumps Overstor | wud Pump #3 — Blower 8 stars Las ‘Mus Pump #3 = Liner Wash Pump stants Cn ‘Mud Pump #3 Lube Oa Pump starts ip ZC Ja “The Auiies OK mdeatoron the Mud) Pumps Operator screen lumina Pm ‘A-Mua Pump 3 Wain for spsee CMD ‘message is asplayed on he Mu Pumps ‘Operator screen PC an 113483 Record Bower Mater Vahage co | and Curent Votage Hrs, v Pp cn ew ames PV a 11.387 | Record Blower MéiorB Volage nd Curent ¥ ep ame | Cw 11.358 Record Liner Wash Pump Wotor ‘otage and Curent v ep ke m Ams. p v 1.388 | Record Lube Motor Vote and sa - Current vote BZ rk iv p ie a= Oe 7 cures £28: ams f_ Ve “¥130| Touch he Controle On biton | Mud Pump #5 ~ Blower A sops ater 5 minus |) genie Mu Pumps Opersto:4ug Pump #3 ~ Blower 8 stops afer S minutes | ore “Mud Pump #3 ~ Liner Wash Pump stops * ‘Mod Punp #3 Lube Ol Pump stops ters) mines f a | “The Ausdlaries OK indeator onthe Mud Pumps Operator sreenextnguies £ 11361 | Touch the Control Location | The Cont! Lecaton popup window appears buon onthe Mug Pumps, ron ® Ic is |) Touch the Ownership bution | The wud Pump #2 Ownership buton aslaye | ford Pump 3 valde g 17343 | Touche Close burton on te | The Cont! Lecaton popup window Goses |S Coil Location popu window | PomsP wee™ | ny conte for Mus Pump #3ontve Md — | Pum sere ae tabled t '0821007136-PRO-001 Ret | Field Mame Description ‘Al contol for Mud Pump #3 onthe Mud Pumps Ausliary Contos sereen are disabled Ch ow NOV Doe # 0821007136-PRO-001 — Cee ‘This section will verify Mud Pump #3 can he operated from the Local Control Panel. The fault ‘demonstrated inthis section is used to verify the indications fora fault atthe Local Control Panel. Tis ‘ot the intention ofthis section to demonstrate all faults atthe Loeal Control Panel. [rot | meta ame Description ‘4144 [Navigate to the Mud Pumps | The Mud Pumps Screen appears 7 Screen by toeting Deir Tools Mud Pumps screen _ eles sn 142 | Touch te Control Location | The ContalLocaton popup window appears | button onthe Mo Pumps. __|serean _ _ e ips 1443 | Touch fe Local Control | The Local Convo) Enable bution for Mud Bump Enable bution forthe Mud | #2 aumnates Pump #3 ie {eS aw 1144 | Touch ne Close bation onthe | The Control Lacation popup window doses [p> ETS Control Locaon popup window yu Pump #9 shows contol set ote Local Baton eles mm “The Mud Pump #3 DRIVE READY ndeator on {he Local Contol Pane! laminates res sn “Te Mud Purp #3 LOCAL OWNERSHIP ENABLE iaestor onthe Lael Coral Pane a Huminies Pgs ms 1145 | Push the MP3 RUNSTOP | The MP3 RUNISTOP buon naicaior baton irinaes green eles on Mud Pump #3 - Blower A sats sis Ja Mus Pump #3 = Blower B stents [eS oe ‘Mud Pump #3 Uner Wash Purp stats | ([@S ga | Mua Purp #3 ~ Lube OW Pump stants rs 1146 | Rotate te MUD PUMP [id Purp #3 — Charge Pump starts © [essa THROTTLE uni us Punp #8 aud Pun rer p30 SPM ees ge | ‘The MP3 SPM display dplays 30SPM_—_—_| Se 1847 | Record ne aciual SPM OFMud | Mod Pump #3.SPM ze SEO Pump #3 | a & [es sa] 1148 | Rolatethe MUD PUMP 3 | Mud Pump #3 ramps to 60 SPM e [eS ss ‘THROTTLE uni Mud Pump #3 |_| eiberins aah seu ™P*? | Tees SU aly dps 60 SR eles» | 1148 | Record the actual SPM of Mud | Mod Pump #5 SPO See Pump #3, ~ _ eles mn 11410] Rotate the MUD PUMP 3 | Nua Pump #3 ramps o 90 SPU ees THROTTLE ut hus Pimp #9 ae ‘Soper a 90 SPM The MP3 SPM cele copay 80 SPU e les om NOV doe 0821007196-PRO-001 ett | Ftd name sein pase | comments TWAT] Record the actual SPM of ud | Mod Pump #2 SPM Ao eT ] Pump aS e es om 14472 | Rotate the MUD PUMP 3_—__| Mud Pump #3 ramps to 108 SPW e ies THROTTLE ut Mud Pump #3 slew een ThePa SPM sepa cele O5SPM Le lax am 71473] Record the actual SPM of Mod Mud Pump #3 SPM \@ 5 SPW po") Pum es + [es ow 11474] Rotate the MUD PUMP 3_—__| hod Pump #3 ramps 1030 SPM ties THROTTLE untl Mud Pomp #3 = TRESTLE aN “The MPS SPM diay cpiays 30 SPM e les» Blower Fault 11475] Generate pressure faut on [The PS RUNISTOP but inicatorfashes |p [gq an |__| Wud Pump #3 Blower MolorA Tiss pump 3 continues oun at30SPM | @ [ty 11416) Push the MP3 RUNISTOP | The MPS RUNISTOP button indicator baton extinguishes e [eS os Mud Pump #3 ramps 0 SPM 2 [es ™ 11477) Push tha MPS RUNISTOP | The MP2 RUNISTOP button nator ashes buston eles sa T1478) Rotate the MUD PUMP 3 | Mud Pump #9 does not start, THROTTLE clockwise eles 11478) Push the MP3 RUNISTOP | The MPS RUNISTOP buiton indicator baton extinguishes e les * 11420) Touch the Control Location | The Coniol Location popup window appears button onthe Ms Pumps screen e les 11421] Touche Local Contot | The Local anol Enable burton ford Pump Enable button for Mud Pump #3 | #3 ecnguishes eles a 11422| Touch the Glose button onthe | The Conte! Location popup window doses. | ¢ [SS Sa. Control Locaton popup window Fs Pump #9 shows conolis Avaloble eles sn “The Mu Pump #3 DRIVE READY indicator nthe Local Convo! Pane exingushes e jas m| “The Mud Pump #3 LOCAL OWNERSHIP ENABLE fest’ onthe Local Conta Panel | exingushes e |e rah F Ath 20 3 Date mane 18 3 ipa - gas i Nov boc #: 0621007 136-PRO-001 Revalon #3 12 DRILLER’s CHAIR JOYSTICK CONTROLS. ‘This test will verify the joystick controls from the Drille's chair for the 3 mud pumps. Active Mud Pump. {for joystick controls layout drawing, rease/deerease SPM and pause/resume functions wil al be verified. Reference appendix Bo 1214 | Run al Mud Pumps at25 | The Mid Pumps are running al 25 SPA seh a a 1212 | Toueh the loggle switch atthe | Mud Pump 1 SPM box and upidown arows Fs ‘eer of he letoysick unl he | ae ighigted in bio. Ths cates that aud | SPM box and upféown arrows | Pump snow te acive mud pump from be ae arerighighied Bue or Mua | oystek Pump "E15 Usog ne ahaa on oa | Md Pp {nase psedin J0SPUC Mid | ¢ Sunch onthe let joystick, raise | Pugs 2 nd remain at 25 SPM, D ced the spees of Mod Pump 1 fo 40 Put "214 | Verge rattan tet oagle | Mod um Tasos seedto259PM 1 | at on opt bas > eb the speed of Mud Pump 11025 SP 1215 | Touch he toggle swich atthe | Mud Pump2 SPM box and upldown arows os ‘ear cf ehjoystex unt he | ar highigtedin be. This indicates that Mad | @ fb ‘SPM box and unldown aos | Pump 2 snow the ative mud pomp fom the axe highighted bve for Mud | joyeick | Pump? | 1218 | Using te right hand Wont toggle | Mad Pump 2 ineeanes speed io 40 SPI. Mod | switch onthe lft joystick, raise. | Pumps 1 and 3 remain at 25 SPM ele the speed of Mud Pump 2 40 “ Sut 1217 | Using the ight hand Fontioggle | Mud Pump 2 deceases speed io 25 SPI 5 sch onthe let ors, mer Q 10 the speed of Mud Pump 21025 Seu 258 | Touch te toggle wich atthe | Mod Pump 3 SPM box and upldown rows {Rar of te lfoystck unt the | are highightedin bus. This indicates that Mud | P| OF m6 SPM box and uplcown arows | Purp is now te ative mod pump fom the ‘re highlighted bue forlus | joystek Pump "218 | Using te it hand foto | Mid Purp Sncasee senaio zo SPu mia | (7 [pg ‘wich onthe letjoystick, ate | Pumps 1 and 2 remain at 25 SPM « the speed of Mud Pump 3 to 40 seat NOV Doe. 0821007136-PRO-001 NOV Dee #: 0821007136-PRO-001 fot | rat name Descrotion rome | Commente "EA Ug be ranens ton uaae [MidPamp dimmed SAN | 9 [ps ‘thon tee oy ower A the speed of Mud Pump 3 to 25, - |__| Se - 72777] Set sync speedo 27SPW, and [AIS pups in ne mode nang 27 i Seems pe T2172 Tosh etl wich atte | Se spend SPA x ard lawn arowe ao [> y ‘ear of the left joystick until the | highlighted in blue. This indicates that Mud o ‘SPM box and up/down arrows | Pumps in sync mode are now the active mud “ arehighihed bus focsyne | pump om he ost Speed 72:73] Using te right hand oni logge | ATS Mud Purps Wrens speedo a0 SPA o Swch on he et ysl ’ the syne speed of he Mid Pumps tos0 SPM. - 12.774] Using te ight hed ont ogle | A'S Mud Pumps decrease speedo 25 SPM 6 ‘nich on the ef oytik ter 0 a those peed of Pompstoes Se “18 Touch he Stop APS Bion 3 had Pumpa vamp downto O SP nthe Mod Pups Operate ree 0 |p “ reen f 72:78 Shutdown aimud pump | Anca shut down afr cool down peed > fot ? = Sane » Joo = eran at ar Aesiion 3 [7225 [Rin id Pump 1—1 25 See |The ad Purpe ar runing 028 SPA akc 1222 | Touch Cha pose baton ate |The char pave enable pop up screen is Lop ight ofthe Mud pure | pears delving te penresme nate « |__| cna sceon Stone foreach Mud pump | 1229 [Presse erate Buon or | MP" enable now ighignied press cose Dee hes Sethe Chie poose sou sho enabled in thetop rato ho tod pump conor scoer . Soon Pause bution becomes disable for | ws eo eo 7224 | Using te boom right bon on | Mud pun amps T6 0 SPH D cb tne lena joystin, press « ince a pause mod pa 3 7B2E | Using the Baton ight buon on | Mud pun Tames to 28 SP the efthandoystek pros 0 coo |_| esto resume mos pomp 1 | 226" Sra down mud pump. lana ben ar own aod D> al fever ° ue 1227 | Repeat Steps 122.1- 12.26 | Pause/resume function from joystick for Mud ' > pb fehics ure 2 pane ( K 7228 [Repeat steps (221-1226 | Pavseresue incon fom oak or Wud mmm? = P|? a "E20 | Rac amon Zand 3a | app. Bang wl aS WP | 15 os Ss3e 72270) Touch Ch pause baton atthe | The chat pause enable pop up een ? 1? « {torah he Mud pimp" | appears denying he pavsescne enable « eri sroon Stone or seh Mu pomp "227 | eee ease buono PT | Mt and MPSeabie now high em | > 155 ap awe Chee andthe Char pase shoud show z Sraied nthe op ight othe Mud pup Sent screen a Screen Pause bon Docones abled or ose Seon re # 72272 Usngne baton nah buton on | Mod punps 1 and’ vaio 0 SPM NPE a foie hand pick pres” | Conaot anv tom P eo ‘once to pause Mud pumps. | | 122.3] Using the bottom right button on | Mud pump # ramps to 25 SPM, iene aet a __- Sige reme | Gas Te azRSPA MPSranpsup 7S |p - Shit i 22.14) Touch Chai pause button atthe | The chair pause enable pop up screen ip teprihete Mid pump | appewre dapaying he pauses enble Crt een ‘hone or ach Mua pump Ret | Feta Name Descrton rams | Commonte [215] Pressite enable btn orwP2 | MP. Pa and MP3 enable row Wahid. [pos [ess cose andthe Char pause should show tabled inthe top fat of he Mus pum 10 ‘contro seeen. ‘Screen Pause blton ecomos abled or oS ietheseatins ? 12.2: Using the btm right batten on | Mad pumps 1,2 and 3 vamp to 0 SPM. e (© the latthand jystk press of ‘once to pause hud ponps 12217 Using the bottom right buton on | Mud pump 1 rampe to 25 SPM iP oO Sree tovecue md pune 4,2 | Onee MPT i a 25SPM, MP2 amps upto 25 05 gee — '? | sone ba ‘Once MP2s 255M MPS rape upto 25 7 Soir fF fx IMPr, 2 and 3 row running 25 SPI Plo « 122:8| Touch Chai pause bation atthe | The char pause enabo pop up screen p | top igh ofthe Mus punp | appears dspayng tho pauseresume enable “ cont seen Bitons foreach Mud pump. "22.19 Bross me enabebuton or | Enable green ight extinguishes - De CoD Seren pause buon now enabed 2 los a ‘Char pause dspays disabled (er 72223) Shutdown al Mud pumps | Altes sit down ater cooldown pod || o> has elapsed. ab ged Si amr oe NOV Doe; 0821007196-PRO-001 13 MUD PUMP EMERGENCY STOP TEST ‘The E-Stop tests will de strate the emergency stop’s ability to stop the Mud Pumps. The Mud ‘Pumps will then be run after the E-Stop is reset to demonstrate full recovery from the E-Stop condition ‘The Mud Pumps wil be operated from the Drillers Workstation. Both the Drillers Chair Estop and the local E stops will he demonstrated, Warning! -Allnon-estentil personnel must tay clear ofthe test locaton during the teat. During the test there wl be arg amounts of ore placed on te equipment. The tet area should be secured with salty tape during the tert nett | Pett Mame Description Past —| Comments "317 | Neveaite he MdPurps | Te ad Pumps Sueonappews pS Sereen oy touching Driller ‘Toots = Mud Pumpe seron _ 1342 | Touche Control Location | The Control Location popup window appears |? > * baton onthe Mus Pumps, 1213 | Touch the Ownership buton | The Mud Pamp#i Ownership buton deplaye [> [os a foes Pumps Dar _ 13:14 | Touch the Close burton one | The Corl Location popup window coses | [DS a Control Location popup window [ay contro onthe Mud Pump #1 on the Mud ? 8S 7 Pumps seen are enabied ‘Al conto onthe Mua Pumps Any = _ Controls seen sr enaea eC | *| 1215 | Touch the Gontols On Bulton | Mud Pump #1 Blower Asters eps ae cathe Mud Pumps Operator [mud Pump#t Blower Batons _——~S*dC % ‘Mud Pump #1 = Liner Wash Purp tans |p| o8 ‘Mud Pump #1 ~ Lbe Oi Pump sans elo “The Aliases OX nestor on te Mud |Pampn oper scvensuminae | |O8 ‘A’Mud Pum 1 Wating torspsee CHO" (Pea measage i epayed on te Mud Pumps 3 Sparse sereon ae ‘31 | Touch he SPM buon or Mud | The SPM setpoint entyKeyboordpopup | «ESS Pomp #4 sopears = ‘AT | Ener SEM vae of Sand |The SPU setpoint entyetearmomwe fp | ps a pss the OX btn ssappea “The SPM se point deplaye 16 SPM [pos om ‘Mod Punp #1 ~ Charge Pump starts o [ts as ‘Mod Pump #1 ramps up to 18 SPM e oO a “The SPM Bar Graph plays 15 SPM (nes NOV Doe: 0821007136-PRO-001 Revision #3 NOV Bee #; 0821007136-PRO-001 mew [roan pa = [| 1848 | Activate the Shutdown button | Mud Pump #1 stops C(x) faithe Mud Pump Local Cont! The Auxitaries OK indicator on the Mud Proc FRimps Oper seen trae tbs The Mud Pump #1 Drive OK indicator on the | (7 os = its tips Opa soes gustan | 'MP1_ Shutdown Button Pressed message Y Tos a ; ‘sous ont pote sees : | 18.18 | Reset the Emergency ‘The Emergency Shutdown button onthe | D aa Saou tutor he d_| Mes Pung tk Cones Fanti Pimple cowresbaret |" - 781.70] Touch the Controls On bution | Mud Pump #1 ~ Blower A starts ipa] gota Ma Pumps Operator ud Pump #1 - Blower B stars r Dy ES Mad Pump #1 = Liner Wash Pump stats | Ys ‘Mud Pump #1 — Lube Oil Pump starts Vv o Ta The Ausries OK ndeatren tw ed | Pose Finps Opty sven trante 7 Pp Wai peed GWOT ee | message's Goplayedontiehied Pumes | : Sper seth 7 | Di ake Srna |e Pestova — fp [os aa Roe moe “° : TB17E) Er an Sana ara | The SP sto oa aso papaw |g —[°—p prose Ok baton Sanopos : The SP ep dps 18 SP (|e Hd Pun aps 15 SP CEL Mo Punp #1 Gate Purp am) ‘The SPM Bar Graph displays 15 SPM «Tos te T2113] Activate the Emergency ‘Mud Pump #1 stops - e ze Shutdown button in the xlares OK indicator onthe Mud = Driers Sas Panos Oprarscwentmense ys. [P| 9 Telenor onveocnaceronne | 9 15g | ‘Mu Pumps Operator screen extinguishes | ‘AnE-Siop message appearson te operate [|S | | oe Z ° a a 731.44 | Reset the Emergency “The Emergency Shutdown button ihe Os x Shutdown button nthe Dners Cabin east le |e Braers Caen ‘3178 Navigate ad Purps | Te wd Pune Sowen apse Sm See any bat r |__| Feo’ Pure screen : - 18116] Toush e Gontrol Location | The Canto Lacaton popup window appears [P| ps hak enn he Pape 15.497 Touch tie Ownership bution | The Mud Pump Omnership bution dnlays |? |B gn, femusbweeet Die ete | FieldName NOV bee 0821007136-PRO-001 [73176 Tous he Close bution on be Lee ‘Cont Lacation popup window ay conte onthe Mud Purp #1 onthe Mud | @ |e ay Pumpa steen ae enabled : 1 "A contol on he Mud Pumps Apiary ts [_ Controls screen are enabid 18140] Touche Controls On buton | Mud Pump #1 - Blower A stas 7 [*® —s ‘onthe Mud Pumps Operator” Thad Pump #1 = Blower B starts tte sa soe Mud Pump #1 — Liner Wash Pup wits |) | 8 an ‘Mud Pump #1 ~ Lube Pump sats Cfo sel Te Avsavies OKindcatorontbe ad |p| gym Pumps Operator screen urinates *| "Mud Pump. Wating fo speed CMD % errata [Pee Spear screen " {35 Tou SP baton or iud| The Sw se pooner opie | |a3 Pomp appears (OTT Ener So ae ofs0and_| The SPU sep eny ayia owe |) [oy on press te OK button appears. ae The SPM set pint displays 20 SPH Tle ‘Mud Pump #1 ~ Charge Purp starts Plo» ‘Mus Purp #1 ramps up © 90 SPIN |e “The SPM Bar Graph displays 90 SPM [os [78122 [Tout Sop Al Pumps btn — | Mud Pur ramps 100 SPM fio “The SPM graph pays 0 SPM 0 Tos “The SPM sel pit dsplys 0 5 os 73923] Shutdown Mad Pump#i | Al auslares for Mud Pup #7 are shutdown oS __[ Mu Pump #1 shutdown flo ‘Signature - Date

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