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Analysis and assessment of partial re-liquefaction

system for liquefied hydrogen tankers using
liquefied natural gas (LNG) and H2 hybrid

Hyunyong Lee a,b, Yude Shao b, Seunghun Lee b, Gilltae Roh a,

Kangwoo Chun a, Hokeun Kang b,*
R&D Division, Korean Register, 36, Myeongji Ocean City 9-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan 46762, Republic of Korea
Division of Marine System Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, 727, Taejong-ro, Yeongdo-gu, Busan
49112, Republic of Korea

article info abstract

Article history: Boil-off gas (BOG) is inevitable on board liquefied hydrogen tankers and must be managed
Received 19 March 2019 effectively, by using it as fuel, re-liquefying it or burning it, to avoid cargo tank pressure
Accepted 30 March 2019 issues. This study aims to develop a BOG re-liquefaction system optimized for l60,000 m3
Available online 6 May 2019 liquefied hydrogen tankers with an LNG and hydrogen hybrid propulsion system. The
proposed system comprises hydrogen compression and helium refrigerant sections with 2 J
Keywords: eBrayton cascade cycles. Cold energy recovery from the fuels and feed BOG exiting the
Hydrogen cargo tanks was used. The system exhibits a coefficient of performance (COP) of 0.07, a
Boil-off gas specific energy consumption (SEC) of 3.30 kWh/kgLH2, and exergy efficiency of 74.9%, with
Re-liquefaction the hydrogen BOG entering the re-liquefaction system at a feed temperature of 220  C.
Liquefied hydrogen tanker The theoretical COP and SEC values at ideal conditions were 0.09 and 2.47 kWh/kgLH2,
Exergy efficiency respectively. The effects of varying the hydrogen compression pressure, inlet temperature
Specific energy consumption of the hydrogen expander, feed hydrogen temperature and helium compression pressure
were investigated. Additionally, the LNG-to-hydrogen fuel ratio was adjusted to satisfy the
Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) Phase 2 and 3 emission requirements.
© 2019 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

hydrogen corresponds to about 2% of the world's primary en-

Introduction ergy consumption, and this is anticipated to increase further
[2]. The development of an effective method of hydrogen
Hydrogen is a promising energy carrier for the future that offers storage is considered to be the most critical issue that needs to
high-energy content and a clean, sustainable source of energy be resolved for the realization of a technically and economi-
to end-use [1]. The interest in hydrogen has grown in many cally viable hydrogen economy [3,4]. Traditional methods of
countries and facilitated a broad range of research, develop- storing hydrogen include compression or liquefaction. Re-
ment and demonstration activities. The global demand for searches on other storage forms, such as organic hydrides and

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Kang).
0360-3199/© 2019 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 5 0 5 6 e1 5 0 7 1 15057

metal hydrides, is underway. However, those technologies are it as fuel for propulsion or re-liquefaction [12]. The ‘Interim
regarded as being at an early stage of development and are not recommendations for carriage of liquefied hydrogen in bulk’
yet fully mature for commercialization [5]. Since hydrogen adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
energy content on a mass basis is around 141 MJ/kg, which is 2.5 states that boil-off gas may be a bigger problem for liquefied
times higher than that of methane and 3 times higher than that hydrogen than for LNG in particular [15].
of gasoline, hydrogen offers the highest specific energy of any Hence, the management of boil-off gas should be carefully
fossil fuel. However, on a volume basis, liquid hydrogen con- considered in liquefied hydrogen tankers. As liquefied
tains around 9.9 GJ/m3, which is equal to half the energy of hydrogen tankers are similar to LNG carriers, a literature
methane and one-third the energy of gasoline [2,6,7]. Never- review on boil-off gas management in LNG carriers was
theless, if hydrogen is used as an energy carrier, liquefied conducted in the following section. LNG carriers manage boil-
hydrogen remains the most economical method of hydrogen off gas generated onboard differently, depending on the
storage to date [8]. In addition, for most usages, the volume is a design and operational mode of the ship. The boil-off gas can
critical issue. Thus it is necessary to liquefy the hydrogen for be utilized as fuel for propulsion and, when this is not suf-
the sake of volume reduction [2]. ficient to meet the demand of the propulsion unit, LNG in
Existing hydrogen transport systems include road delivery cargo tanks can be extracted and vaporized for use as fuel.
(cryogenic liquid trucks, compressed tube trailers) and pipe- Conversely, when the amount of boil-off gas exceeds the
line delivery. A hydrogen economy also involves hydrogen demand of the propulsion unit, the excess of boil-off gas is
transport by ships [9]. The use of specific transport options is burned in the GCU [16,17]. An optimum boil-off gas man-
determined by transport volumes and delivery distances [3]. agement system in LNG carriers should be designed to have
Tube trailers can be applied for small-scale transport over good liquefaction performance and good fuel gas supply
short distances. Pipelines are the preferred option for large to performance for the propulsion unit [18]. D.K. Choi et al. have
very large quantities of gas. Cryogenic liquid trucks are proposed a partial re-liquefaction system with an open loop
suitable for larger quantities than those transported by tube cycle using boil-off gas as a refrigerant, which is optimized
trailers and may be deployed in a growing market [10]. for supplying fuel gas to high-pressure engines and can re-
Transportation of liquefied hydrogen by ship could be a liquefy the remaining boil-off gas after supplying the fuel
practical method for very large quantities and long-distance gas [19]. J. Choi has reviewed the present partial liquefaction
or international transport [10,11]. systems for LNG carriers and proposed a new system to
NASA has transported liquefied hydrogen by a barge car- reduce power consumption using exergy analysis. The re-
rier to the Kennedy space center for fuel supply to space sults reveal that the Joule-Thomson valve is the key compo-
shuttles. This barge carrier has a 947 m3 type C tank mounted nent with the potential to improve system efficiency. The
on deck. Within the Euro-Quebec project, a barge carrier new proposed cascade partial re-liquefaction system showed
designed as a dock ship having a total cargo capacity of an 8% enhancement compared to the currently prevailing
15,000 m3 in five type C tanks was used. The catamaran-type partial re-liquefaction system [18]. Tan et al. have proposed
Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull (SWATH) ship was devel- the use of ejectors to decrease the energy loss in the
oped to carry a liquefied hydrogen cargo capacity of 12,500 m3 expansion of the pressurized boil-off gas within the re-
in four spherical tanks by German companies [2,12]. A Japa- liquefaction system of LNG carriers. Additionally, the per-
nese joint shipyard team within the WE-NET program formance of the partial re-liquefaction system has been
investigated a large-scale liquefied hydrogen tanker based on studied with varying re-liquefaction ratios [20]. Romero et al.
LNG carrier technologies. The studied cargo containment have compared existing re-liquefaction technologies used for
systems were: a self-supporting prismatic Type B (SPB) tank LNG carries and have pointed out that the combination of re-
with a total cargo capacity of 200,000 m3 in two tanks, and a liquefaction and propulsion with dual fuel engine systems
self-supporting spherical (MOSS) tank with a total cargo ca- has become an attractive option in recent years [21]. A boil-
pacity of 200,000 m3 in four tanks. In both systems, the boil- off gas (BOG) re-liquefaction system based on the typical
off rates were estimated to be 0.2e0.4%/day and the tanks reverse Brayton cycle for LNG carriers was analyzed with
were designed to utilize boil-off gas for the hydrogen pro- varying design parameters. The selected parameters for
pulsion system in the same way as an LNG carrier [13]. The optimization include the: seawater temperature, pre-cooling
Japanese basic hydrogen strategy, released in December 2017, temperature, BOG feed temperature, vapor fraction after the
includes the development of liquefied hydrogen supply expansion, pressure level of the nitrogen cycle and nitrogen
chains for the production of CO2-free hydrogen from over- cooling temperature before expansion [22]. Romero et al.
seas brown coal, which is currently a cheap, unused energy have proposed and investigated an onboard re-liquefaction
source that may be imported by liquefied hydrogen tankers to system with cascade refrigeration cycles. Boil-off gas com-
Japan [14]. Takaoka et al. introduced the development status pressors in the re-liquefaction system are used for fuel gas
of the pilot liquefied hydrogen tanker, which is part of the supply. To improve the system performance, cold energy
liquefied hydrogen supply chains development project. This recovery of boil-off gas and the rejection of the boil-off gas
pilot liquefied hydrogen tanker has a total cargo capacity of compression heat to seawater in an inter-cooler are proposed
2500 m3 in two type C tanks, with a boil-off rate of 0.2%. The [23]. A boil-off gas re-liquefaction system using a dual mixed
main feature of this pilot project is that boil-off gas is accu- refrigerant cycle for LNG carriers is proposed and analyzed by
mulated in the tank since the type C tank is capable of energy and exergy analysis. A coefficient of performance
holding such pressure. In addition, a Gas Combustion Unit (COP) of 0.25, an exergy efficiency of 41.3% and a specific
(GCU) is provided to burn off the boil-off gas, instead of using energy consumption (SEC) of 0.589 kWh/kgLNG are achieved at
15058 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 5 0 5 6 e1 5 0 7 1

4557.6 kg/h re-liquefaction capacity. In addition, results Mehrpooya proposed a novel large-scale plant for hydrogen
reveal that COP and exergy efficiency are increased and the liquefaction and carried out exergy and energy analyses. The
SEC is reduced with a decrease in the re-liquefaction rate, Joule-Brayton refrigeration cycle for precooling and six sim-
resulting from boil-off gas consumption in the main engine ple Linde-Hampson cascade cycles for cryogenic cooling and
[24]. liquefaction were used. The process SEC and exergy effi-
The minimum theoretical energy required for hydrogen ciency are reported to be 7.69 kWh/kgLH2 and 39.5% respec-
liquefaction is 3.92 kWh/kgLH2, whereas methane requires tively [33]. Sadaghiani et al. proposed a 130-tpd scale
0.31 kWh/kgLNG, which indicates that the hydrogen lique- hydrogen liquefaction process with a single mixed refrigerant
faction process is a much more energy intensive process than cycle. The results of energy and exergy analyses show that
that of methane [25]. For this reason, a re-liquefaction system the proposed process has a SEC of 7.64 kWh/kgLH2 and 32%
for hydrogen boil-off gas management should be developed exergy efficiency. In addition, the sensitivities of the exergy
and optimized by referring to onshore hydrogen liquefaction efficiency and specific power consumption were investigated
systems. A literature review on hydrogen liquefaction sys- against varying mole fractions of mixed refrigerant compo-
tems was carried out in the following section. The hydrogen nents [34]. Hammad and Dincer have proposed a catalyst-
liquefaction process comprises two refrigeration steps. In the based advanced hydrogen liquefaction system. Their results
first step, the hydrogen feed gas is pre-cooled down to a indicated that exergy and energy efficiencies were 11.58%
precooling temperature of around 80 K. In the second step, and 15.1% respectively at a hydrogen feed temperature and
the pre-cooled hydrogen is further cooled and liquefied by pressure of 25  C and 1 bar, respectively. The SEC was
cryogenic refrigeration cycles, such as the helium Brayton 5.20 kWh/kgLH2 and the COP was 3.66 [8]. Sadaghiani and
cycle or the hydrogen Claude cycle [26]. One of the major Mehrpooya proposed a large-scale and innovative hydrogen
challenges of the hydrogen liquefaction process is ortho to liquefaction process with a liquefaction capacity of 300 tpd.
para hydrogen conversion. This is accompanied by a heat This process comprises two MR refrigeration cycles. The feed
release of 703 kJ/kg at 20 K, which is about 1.5 times higher stream is normal gaseous hydrogen at 25  C and 21 bar. The
than the latent heat of vaporization [27]. Therefore, in order results revealed that the total power consumption and exergy
to reduce the boil-off rate in storage tanks, catalysts are used efficiency of the whole process were 4.41 kWh/kgLH2 and
to facilitate this conversion in hydrogen liquefaction plants. 55.47%. Compressor intercoolers show the highest exergy
The para-hydrogen content in existing and conceptual destruction rate in the process. In addition, it was reported
liquefaction processes is between 95% and 98% [26]. A his- that an increase in the pressure of the hydrogen feed leads to
torical review of hydrogen liquefaction systems has been an increase in the COP of liquefaction [35].
conducted. Based on this review, the SEC of existing plants is However, compared with onshore liquefaction systems,
in the range of 13e15 kWh/kgLH2, and the SEC of the proposed the required amount of re-liquefaction onboard is relatively
large-scale plants in the literature are in the range of small because the fuel consumption in the propulsion system
5e8 kWh/kgLH2 [28]. Yuksel et al. have studied a supercritical and the feed stream temperature are much lower, so it may
hydrogen liquefaction process based on a helium-cooled be appropriate to apply different processes for liquefied
hydrogen liquefaction cycle and conducted energy and hydrogen tankers considering their propulsion system and
exergy analyses. The results of this study indicate that an feed temperature. In the case of LNG carriers, the fuel type
increase in hydrogen and helium pressure leads to a decrease and emission regulations are the factors affecting the selec-
in the exergy destruction rate and an increase in exergy ef- tion of the propulsion system [36]. Jeong et al. proposed an
ficiency. The worst exergy destruction occurs in helium turbo LNG and liquefied hydrogen hybrid propulsion system for a
expanders [29]. Design optimization was undertaken for a 267,000 m3 LNG carrier. In the proposed system, boil-off gas
high-pressure hydrogen Claude cycle (HPeH2 cycle) and a from the LNG cargo tank is supplied to dual fuel diesel elec-
dual H2eNe cycle for plant capacities between 25 tpd and 100 tric (DFDE) engines and liquefied hydrogen in the fuel tank is
tpd. The results show that the high-pressure hydrogen cycle vaporized and supplied to the polymer electrolyte membrane
with a mixed-refrigerant precooling cycle is preferred as the (PEM) fuel cells. The reason for introducing the hybrid pro-
liquefaction process for a 100 tpd hydrogen liquefaction plant pulsion system is to meet the enhanced emission regula-
design in terms of cost optimization [30]. Valenti and Macchi tions, namely IMO's Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI),
have suggested the utilization of four helium recuperative which will be more stringent in the near future. One of the
JouleeBrayton cycles for the refrigeration and liquefaction of features of this system is that the remaining LNG boil-off gas
hydrogen. With feed hydrogen conditions of 60 bar and 300 K, after use as fuel can be re-liquefied by using the cold energy
the SEC of the cycle is around 5 kWh/kgLH2 and the exergy of the liquefied hydrogen, which should be vaporized prior to
efficiency is 47.73% [31]. Krasae-in et al. have reviewed the use as fuel [37].
development of large-scale hydrogen liquefaction processes Ahn et al. investigated an optimal propulsion system for
from 1898 to 2009. Existing large hydrogen liquefaction plants liquefied hydrogen tankers from the perspective of economic,
have exergy efficiencies between 20 and 30% and some con- technological and environmental feasibilities. Their results
ceptual plants are reported with efficiencies between 40 and revealed that a propulsion system using LNG with a hydrogen
50%. In addition, several ideas to increase the efficiency of boil-off gas re-liquefaction system attained the highest score
future liquefaction plants are suggested, including the use of among several propulsion alternatives. However, in this case,
an expansion turbine instead of a Joule-Thomson valve, the the EEDI Phase 3 requirement may not be satisfied. As
reduction of the circulating mass flow, the use of higher feed another propulsion alternative, a fuel cell system was
pressure for greater liquefier efficiency etc. [32] Asadnia and investigated. This fuel cell system using hydrogen boil-off gas
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 5 0 5 6 e1 5 0 7 1 15059

Fig. 1 e Overall system configuration of the liquefied hydrogen tanker.

as fuel can meet the requirements of all the EEDI phases,

while the operating expenditures (OPEX) increased since System description
hydrogen as fuel are more expensive than LNG [11]. A molten
carbonate fuel cell (MCFC)-based hybrid propulsion system Description of the liquefied hydrogen tanker
for the 140,000 m3 liquefied hydrogen tanker was proposed
and evaluated for its efficiency, economic feasibility and The liquefied hydrogen tanker in this study has four IMO type
exhaust emissions. Hydrogen gas reformed from natural gas B prismatic cargo tanks, with a total cargo capacity of
and hydrogen boil-off gas from the cargo tank are supplied to 160,000 m3 in the four tanks. The liquefied hydrogen cargo is
the fuel cell for power generation. The results revealed that stored in the cargo tanks at 1 bar and the boil-off gas is
even though the MCFC-based hybrid system was relatively generated at the same pressure. An insulation system con-
less economical than the LNG fueled DFDE system, it may be sisting of vacuum-insulated panels in combination with
a good alternative to meet the enforced environmental reg- polyurethane foam panels is applied to meet the boil-off rate
ulations [38]. of about 0.3% per day. The boil-off gas generated in each cargo
In this study, a boil-off gas re-liquefaction system opti- tank goes to the cargo room located on deck for re-liquefaction
mized for liquefied hydrogen tankers that use an LNG and and treatment before use as ship fuel. The boil-off gas
hydrogen hybrid propulsion system is proposed and analyzed entering the re-liquefaction system is at 220  C since it is
from EEDI, energy and exergy viewpoints. To the knowledge heated in the pipelines from the cargo tanks to the re-
of the author, there have been no studies regarding this re- liquefaction system. Fig. 1 depicts the overall system config-
liquefaction system intended for liquefied hydrogen tankers uration of the electric propulsion-type liquefied hydrogen
so far. The specific objectives of this study are as follows: tanker and Table 1 summarizes specification of liquefied
hydrogen tanker. Electricity is generated by both DFDE en-
 To develop a boil-off gas re-liquefaction system optimized for gines system using LNG and fuel cell system using hydrogen
liquefied hydrogen tankers using a hybrid propulsion system. boil-off gas. Hybrid propulsion can achieve lower fuel cost and
 To carry out exergy and energy analyses for the proposed meet emission regulations. The type of fuel cell applied is the
re-liquefaction system to assess the exergy efficiency, PEM fuel cell, with 52% electrical efficiency. This type of fuel
specific energy consumption and exergy destruction for cell was ranked to be the most promising for marine use [39].
system performance improvement. The amount of boil-off gas consumed in the fuel cell system
 To carry out parametric studies with varying operating depends on the fuel ratio of LNG and hydrogen to meet
conditions, such as the boil-off gas temperature, the emission regulations (EEDI).
compression pressure of hydrogen, the hydrogen expander
inlet temperature and the compression pressure of helium.
Description of the proposed re-liquefaction system
 To carry out a parametric study to identify the relation
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show a flowsheet and a block diagram,
between the efficiency of the re-liquefaction system and
respectively, of the proposed re-liquefaction system, which
the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI).
15060 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 5 0 5 6 e1 5 0 7 1

consists of a hydrogen and helium cascade cycle. Boil-off gas

Table 1 e Specification of liquefied hydrogen tanker in
at 220  C, 1 bar enters HEX-1, which is a boil-off gas to boil-off
this study.
gas heat exchanger suggested by Lee et al. [40] After HEX-1, the
Items Values
boil-off gas stream (H3) is divided into two streams: the
Ship classification Gas carrier stream for fuel supply (HF1) and the stream for re-liquefaction
Cargo tank capacity 160,000 m3 (H4). The stream for re-liquefaction (H4) is compressed from
Deadweight (DWT) 31,000 ton
1 bar to 16 bar as an intermediate pressure in the compressors,
Service speed 18 knots
Type of cargo tank IMO Type B prismatic
COMP-1 and COMP-2, and enters HEX-2 to undergo heat ex-
Boil-off rate (BOR) 0.3%/day change with the hydrogen fuel gas stream (HF2); this concept
Total installed Power 31 MW was suggested by Howard [41]. The hydrogen fuel gas stream
- Propulsion 27 MW (HF2) is heated slightly and supplied to the fuel cell system.
- Auxiliary 4 MW Boil-off gas to be re-liquefied is further compressed to 40 bar

Fig. 2 e Flowsheet of the proposed re-liquefaction system.

Fig. 3 e Block diagram of the proposed re-liquefaction system.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 5 0 5 6 e1 5 0 7 1 15061

by COMP-3. Then, the compressed hydrogen stream (H8) is  Liquefied hydrogen is stored in the cargo tanks at 253  C
passed back to HEX-1 and cooled down to approximately and 1 bar, and boil-off gas is generated at the same
217  C. The cold energy of the feed boil-off gas stream (H2) is pressure.
transferred to the compressed boil-off gas stream (H8) in HEX-  The total mass flow rate of boil-off gas is set to be 1400 kg/h,
1. Then cooled and compressed boil-off gas stream enters the which is equal to the 0.3%/day boil-off rate for a 160,000 m3
heat exchangers HEX-3 and HEX-4 as streams (H10) and (H11) liquefied hydrogen tanker.
respectively, to be further cooled by two helium recuperative  The mass flow rate of boil-off gas for re-liquefaction is
JouleeBrayton cycles. Helium is selected as the refrigerant 650 kg/h.
because it has a critical temperature lower than that of  The mass flow rate of boil-off gas for use as fuel is 750 kg/h.
hydrogen and a superior heat transfer capability [29,31]. Since  The mass flow rate of LNG for use as fuel is 2721 kg/h.
helium is an inert gas, the potential risk of explosion resulting  LNG is assumed as 100% methane
from leakage is lower compared to systems using hydrogen as  Boil-off gas entering the re-liquefaction system is at
the refrigerant [29]. The helium refrigerant stream (M1) in this 220  C due to heat ingress through the header pipe from
cycle is compressed by the compressors COMP-4, COMP-5, the cargo tank to the re-liquefaction system.
COMP-6 and COMP -7 from 1 bar to 10 bar. The coolers, CR-1,  The heat losses in the system and the pressure drop in all
CR-2 and CR-3, which use seawater as the cooling medium, the heat exchangers and pipe components are ignored.
cool outgoing streams of each compressor down to 40  C.  The minimum temperature approach of the heat ex-
Seawater exiting from each cooler is discharged back to the changers is 3  C.
sea. Then, stream M8 enters HEX-7 to undergo heat exchange  All streams exiting from sea water coolers are cooled down
with the LNG fuel gas stream (L1). After transferring its cold to 40  C.
energy, the LNG fuel gas stream (L1) is vaporized and supplied  The isentropic efficiencies of the compressors are assumed
to the DFDE engine system at 6 bar and 37  C. The compressed to be 85%.
and cooled helium stream (M9) is divided into two streams,  The isentropic efficiencies of the expanders are assumed to
M10 and M15. Each stream enters HEX-5 and HEX-6, respec- be 85%.
tively, to be cooled by the returned helium streams, M13 and  The reference state temperature and pressure for the sys-
M18. After exiting the heat exchangers, the helium streams tem are 25  C and 1 bar, respectively.
M11 and M16 are introduced to the expanders EXP-1 and EXP-2  The boil-off gas is composed of 98% para and 2% ortho
in order to expand to lower pressure and cool the hydrogen hydrogen.
streams H11 and H12, at HEX-3 and HEX-4 respectively. The  It is assumed that no para-to-ortho hydrogen conversion
hydrogen stream H11 exiting HEX-4 is refrigerated to 249  C, occurs during the re-liquefaction process since natural
maintaining high pressure, and is expanded to 1 bar through conversion between ortho and para hydrogen is very slow
the wet expander EXP-3. A wet expander is employed because [46].
power generation with high efficiency is preferred, whereas J-  The pressure ratio in the multi-stage compressor equals 4
T expansion is avoided due to high entropy generation and or less, and the maximum discharge temperature is less
irreversibility [42]. Several studies adopted a wet expander than 160  C [26].
instead of a J-T valve [29,31,42]. Finally, the discharge stream  The system is at steady state and the heat leakage of the
of EXP-3 enters the separator V1. The liquid fraction of the system is neglected.
hydrogen is returned to the cargo tank as stream H16, and the  The LNG temperature from the fuel tank is assumed to be
gas fraction, as stream H15, is merged into the stream of the 150  C.
feed gas stream (H1).

System simulation and assumptions System analysis

A simulation of the proposed system was carried out using Energy analysis
ASPEN-HYSYS software, which has an extensive databank
and powerful methods for computation of physical properties The performance of the refrigeration cycles can be expressed
[28,33]. The latest version of the Aspen Physical Property in terms of the coefficient of performance (COP). The COP is
System has the capability of calling REFPROP [43], which was the ratio of the total heat removed from the stream to the net
developed by the National Institute of Standards and Tech- input power, expressible as follows [28,33,34,47]:
nology (NIST). REFPROP implements the ‘equations of state  
m_ Reliquefied H2 $ hBoiloff H2  hReliquefied H2
explicit in Helmholtz energy’ model for the thermodynamic COP ¼ (1)
properties of pure fluids, which is considered as the most
accurate model currently available. In this study, the physical where Wnet represents the net required power in the whole
properties of ortho and para hydrogen are employed from the system, m _ represents the mass flow rate of the re-liquefied
REFPROP property package in the Aspen Physical Property hydrogen, hBoiloff H2 is the mass enthalpy of boil-off
System. The accuracy of the isobaric heat capacities and hydrogen and hReliquefied H2 is the mass enthalpy of the re-
enthalpy changes can be checked at Leachman et al. and liquefied hydrogen.
McCarty et al. [44,45] A thermodynamic system analysis was The theoretical maximum value of COP can be expressed
performed based on the following general assumptions: as follows [48,49]:
15062 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 5 0 5 6 e1 5 0 7 1

hBoiloff H2 hReliquefied H2 Ex _ Feed

_ Product  Ex
COPth; max ¼   hex ¼
hReliquefied H2 hBoiloff H2 T0 sReliquefied H2 sBoiloff H2 Wnet
(2) _ Reliquefied H2 $ðeÞReliquefied H2  ðmÞ
ðmÞ _ Boiloff H2 $ðeÞBoiloff H2
where T0 is the ambient temperature, sBoiloff H2 is the mass
entropy of boil-off hydrogen and sReliquefied H2 is the mass en-
tropy of the re-liquefied hydrogen. where hex represents the exergy efficiency of the overall
Specific energy consumption (SEC) is used to evaluate the liquefaction system; Ex _ Feed represents the exergy flow of boil-
performance of the overall system in this study. High specific _
off hydrogen, Ex out represents the exergy flow of the re-
energy consumption indicates that the energy efficiency of liquefied hydrogen, eReliquefied H2 is the mass exergy of re-
the process is low. It is defined as the energy consumption liquefied hydrogen and eBoiloff H2 is the mass exergy of
divided by the mass of the re-liquefied hydrogen, other than hydrogen boil-off gas. In the presently described system, a
that used as fuel, as follows [47]: fraction of the hydrogen boil-off gas is used as a refrigerant
SEC kWh kgLH2 ¼ (3) and a fuel. Therefore, only the mass flow rate of the hydrogen
m_ Reliquefied H2
boil-off gas to be re-liquefied has been counted for the exergy
efficiency calculation, i.e.ðmÞ _ Boiloff H2
_ Reliquefied H2 ¼ ðmÞ
Exergy analysis
Combining Eqs. (3) And (6), the following equation is
Exergy is defined as the maximum amount of useful energy
that can be obtained from the stream when it reaches an    ðeÞReliquefied H2  ðeÞBoiloff H2
equilibrium condition with the reference environment while SEC kWh kgLH2 ¼ (7)
interacting only with this environment [50]. Exergy analysis is
applied to measure the exergy destruction and exergy effi- This equation represents the relation between exergy ef-
ciency for each component of the system introduced in this ficiency and specific energy consumption when the feed boil-
study. Several authors have applied exergy analysis to measure off hydrogen at 1 bar and 220  C is liquefied to 1 bar and
the exergy efficiency and the amount of exergy destruction of 253  C, and is being utilized to calculate the theoretical
each component for the optimization and evaluation of natural minimum energy consumption.
gas and hydrogen liquefaction processes [8,18,20,29,33e35]. The equations for the exergy destruction and efficiency for
The equation of exergy destruction for each component each component are summarized in Table 3. The exergy
can be derived from the equation of exergy balance. Consid- destruction of the overall system is the sum of exergy
ering a control volume at steady state, the general equation of destruction in all components within the system.
exergy balance can be written as follows [23,51]:
Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)
_ Q
Ex _ wþ
Ex _ flow; in 
Ex _ flow; out  Ex
Ex _ dest
X   X X
As described before, LNG and hydrogen boil-off gas are utilized
¼ Q_ 1  _ þ
W _
ðm$eÞ _
out  Exdest ¼ 0
as refrigerants, before being used as fuel. Hence, their mass ratio
influences the performance of the proposed re-liquefaction
system in this study. The optimal fuel ratio of LNG to boil-off
where Ex _ Q represents the rate of exergy transfer due to heat gas should be determined to meet both the EEDI requirements
exchange with the environment, Ex _ w is the rate of exergy adopted by IMO and good liquefaction performance. The EEDI
transfer related to work, Ex _ dest represents exergy destruction. evaluates the energy efficiency of newly built ships by calcu-
_ flow corresponds to the exergy transfer rate associated with
Ex lating CO2 emission per transport distance (metric ton/nautical
the flow of the stream. mile) for each ship type. Since the EEDI calculation method for
_ flow is defined as follows [51]:
Ex liquefied hydrogen tankers is not yet defined [11], we referred to
  the EEDI calculation method for LNG carriers as follows [52]:
_ flow ¼ m$e
Ex _ _ h  h0  T0 ðs  s0 Þ
¼ m$ (5)

where m _ denotes the mass flow, e is mass exergy, h and s Attained EEDI  Required EEDI ¼ (1-X/100) х reference line
correspond to the mass enthalpy and mass entropy of the value (8)
stream respectively. h0 and s0 are the mass enthalpy and en-
where X is the reduction factor specified in Table 4 for the
tropy of the reference environment respectively. The refer-
required EEDI compared to the EEDI reference line.
ence environmental temperature, T0 , and pressure are
The calculated attained EEDI must not be higher than the
assumed to be 25  C and 1 bar respectively, for all the exergy
required EEDI. The adopted reference line value for LNG car-
analyses. The exergy flow of each stream is calculated based
riers is shown in the equation below [52,55]:
on the thermodynamic properties obtained from the simula-
tion and the values are shown in Table 2. 0:474
Reference line value ¼ 2253:7  deadweight (9)
The exergy efficiency of the overall system is defined as the
ratio between the exergy difference of boil-off hydrogen and The detailed EEDI formulas and related parameters applied
re-liquefied hydrogen and the net required power in the sys- in this study are summarized in Table 5 and the following
tem, as follows [33].: assumptions are made for this analysis:
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 5 0 5 6 e1 5 0 7 1 15063

Table 2 e Thermodynamic properties of each stream.

Stream No. Temperature Pressure Mass flow Mass enthalpy Mass entropy Exergy flow

C bar kg/h kJ/kg kJ/kg- C kW
H1 220.00 1.00 1400.00 3129.59 20.47 1203.02
H2 220.94 1.00 1440.29 3139.47 20.66 1256.06
H3 151.81 1.00 1440.29 2380.61 11.48 465.16
H4 151.81 1.00 690.29 2380.61 11.48 222.94
H5 70.77 4.00 690.29 1341.88 10.69 376.80
H6 49.01 16.00 690.29 352.26 9.88 655.27
H7 148.81 16.00 690.29 2357.68 22.75 871.68
H8 97.07 40.00 690.29 1699.18 22.18 965.19
H9 217.94 40.00 690.30 3282.33 37.55 1540.53
H10 230.64 40.00 690.30 3555.62 43.23 1812.79
H11 249.00 40.00 690.30 3857.76 52.12 2263.08
H12 252.83 1.00 690.30 3905.65 51.71 2230.12
H13 252.83 1.00 40.24 3482.91 30.91 65.41
H14 252.83 1.00 650.06 3931.82 52.99 2164.71
HF1 151.81 1.00 749.99 2380.61 11.48 242.22
HF2 32.91 1.00 749.99 113.63 0.83 3.07
L1 150.00 6.00 2721.00 5514.87 11.36 770.71
L2 37.00 6.00 2721.00 4623.68 5.87 207.13
M1 92.99 1.00 3592.28 612.42 2.59 158.74
M2 36.81 1.80 3592.28 320.39 2.40 394.00
M3 43.74 3.40 3592.28 98.45 2.20 751.81
M4 40.00 3.40 3592.28 79.01 2.26 750.77
M5 133.98 6.00 3592.28 567.90 2.08 1184.07
M6 40.00 6.00 3592.28 79.87 3.44 1102.55
M7 123.53 10.00 3592.28 514.95 3.27 1486.97
M8 40.00 10.00 3592.28 81.18 4.50 1419.43
M9 89.95 10.00 3592.28 593.86 7.28 1574.39
M10 89.95 10.00 2155.37 593.86 7.28 944.63
M11 230.10 10.00 2155.37 1324.84 14.85 1857.80
M12 252.18 1.00 2155.37 1439.98 13.78 1597.73
M13 233.64 1.00 2155.37 1343.21 10.47 1065.28
M14 92.95 1.00 2155.37 612.23 2.59 95.17
M15 89.95 10.00 1436.91 593.86 7.28 629.76
M16 217.84 10.00 1436.91 1260.22 13.53 1107.12
M17 246.15 1.00 1436.91 1408.45 12.46 920.42
M18 220.94 1.00 1436.91 1277.17 9.02 564.05
M19 93.12 1.00 1441.91 613.12 2.59 63.90

 The electrical efficiency (helectrical) is taken as 91.3%,  The additional energy required to vaporize and supply LNG
considering generator, transmission, transformer and to the dual fuel engine is approximately equal to 2% of PME.
converter losses.  Since the pilot fuel requirement is less than 1% of the en-
ergy requirement, it is not considered.

Table 3 e Equation of exergy destruction and efficiency of the components.

Components Exergy destruction Exergy efficiency
_ dest ¼ P ðm$eÞ
_ _ P
_ _
ðm$eÞ in 
Compressors [8,29,35] Ex in þ W  ðm$eÞ out hex ¼ out
W _
_ dest ¼ P ðm$eÞ
_ _ P
_ hex ¼ P
Expanders [29,35] Ex in  W  ðm$eÞ
_ _
ðm$eÞ in  ðm$eÞ out
P P _
ðm$eÞ  ð _
_ dest ¼ _
ðm$eÞ _ hex ¼ P
in; c
P out; c
Heat exchangers [29,35] Ex in  ðm$eÞ
_ _
ðm$eÞ in; h  ðm$eÞ out; h
P P ð _
_ dest ¼ _
ðm$eÞ _ hex ¼ P
in  ðm$eÞ out
Coolers * Ex out _
ðm$eÞ in
P P ð _
Separators [35] _
Exdest ¼ _ _
ðm$eÞin  ðm$eÞout hex ¼ P out
ðm$eÞ in
P P ð _
m$eÞ  _
_ dest ¼ _
ðm$eÞ _ _
in þ W  ðm$eÞ hex ¼ in out
Compressors [8,29,35] Ex out
W _
* Irreversibility of sea water cooler is assumed as exergy difference between the inlet and outlet of cooler since sea water exited from cooler is
discharged to the sea.
15064 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 5 0 5 6 e1 5 0 7 1

Table 4 e EEDI reference lines for LNG carriers [52e54].

Ship type Size Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Sept 2015e 1 Jan 2020e 1 Jan 2025e onwards
Dec 2019 31 Dec 2024
LNG carrier >10,000 DWT n/a 10% 20% 30%

Table 5 e EEDI formulas for Dual Fuel Diesel Electric engine [53,54].
Parameters Unit Formulas
Design margin % 83
PME kW 0:83 
SFCME g/kWh 175
PAE kW _ Reliquefaction
ð0:025 þ 0:02Þ  PME þ 250 þ W
175  PME þ 175  PAE
EEDI gCO2/ton*nm 2:75 
Capacity  Vref

PME is the main engine power, PAE is the auxiliary power, Vref is the reference speed, and SFC is the specific fuel consumption, MPPMotor is the
rated output of motor.

hydrogen tankers, comparing with the theoretical minimum

Table 6 e Exergy efficiency, specific energy consumption
energy consumption is deemed to be a reasonable approach.
and coefficient of performance of overall system.
The SEC and exergy efficiency of the proposed system are
Overall exergy Specific energy Coefficient of
3.30 kWh/kgLH2 and 74.9% respectively, while the theoretical
efficiency consumption performance
minimum energy consumption under the same conditions is
74.9% 3.30 kWh/kgLH2 0.07 2.47 kWh/kgLH2, as illustrated in Fig. 5. This high exergy effi-
ciency and low SEC is attributed to exergy transfer from the
fuel to the boil-off gas being re-liquefied. The COP for the
Results and discussion system is calculated as 0.07. This value is relatively smaller
than that of onshore hydrogen liquefaction processes, which
Energy and exergy analyses have COP values between 0.16 and 0.18 [28,33,35]. This result
implies that removing heat from a lower temperature gas,
The re-liquefaction system proposed in this study is evaluated namely the boil-off gas, requires more energy [47]. It is note-
in terms of exergy efficiency, specific energy consumption worthy that the theoretical maximum COP under the same
(SEC) and coefficient of performance (COP). The results are conditions is 0.09.
summarized in Table 6, and the exergy flow of the overall The exergy efficiency and destruction of the system com-
system is illustrated in Fig. 4. Since there were no studies ponents are illustrated in Table 7 and Fig. 6. The results show
regarding the hydrogen re-liquefaction process for liquefied that the lowest exergy efficiency is 26.5%, for the second

Fig. 4 e Exergy flow of overall system.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 5 0 5 6 e1 5 0 7 1 15065

Fig. 5 e Specific energy consumption as function of overall

Fig. 6 e Exergy efficiency and exergy destruction for each
exergy efficiency for re-liquefaction of H2 boil -off gas for
liquefaction from boil-off gas at 1 bar, ¡220  C to liquid at
1 bar, ¡252.8  C.

have an efficiency value higher than 90%, except for HEX-7. It

can be observed that the heat exchanger HEX-7 is the
helium expander EXP-2. The wet hydrogen expander, EXP-3, component with the highest exergy destruction contribution
and the first helium expander, EXP-1, are the second and (23.5%), followed by HEX-1 (12.4%), EXP-2 (11.0%) and EXP-1
third least efficient components among other units. Notably,
the exergy efficiency of the expanders decreases by
decreasing the operating temperature, which is because en-
tropy creation is higher at lower temperatures [34,35]. This can
also explain the order of exergy efficiency of the compressors.
For example, the first and third hydrogen compressors, COMP-
1 and COMP-3, have an exergy efficiency of 77.3% and 74.1%
respectively, while the second hydrogen compressor, COMP-2,
which is operating at a relatively higher temperature than the
others, is 85.7%. The coolers and most of the heat exchangers

Table 7 e Exergy efficiency and exergy destruction of each

Components Exergy Exergy Exergy
destruction destruction efficiency Fig. 7 e Effects of varying hydrogen compression pressure
[kW] ratio [%] [%] on the exergy efficiency and specific energy consumption.
COMP-1 45.31 2.61% 77.25%
COMP-2 46.38 2.67% 85.72%
COMP-3 32.76 1.89% 74.06%
COMP-4 56.15 3.23% 80.73%
COMP-5 60.14 3.46% 85.61%
COMP-6 54.54 3.14% 88.82%
COMP-7 49.74 2.86% 88.54%
EXP-1 127.53 7.34% 31.69%
EXP-2 191.14 11.01% 26.51%
EXP-3 23.77 1.37% 27.86%
HEX-1 215.56 12.41% 90.30%
HEX-2 28.88 1.66% 96.78%
HEX-3 84.12 4.84% 96.58%
HEX-4 82.16 4.73% 97.59%
HEX-5 22.78 1.31% 98.09%
HEX-6 56.94 3.28% 97.17%
HEX-7 408.62 23.53% 81.34%
CR-1 1.04 0.06% 99.86%
CR-2 81.51 4.69% 93.12%
CR-3 67.53 3.89% 95.46% Fig. 8 e Effects of varying hydrogen compression pressure
V-1 e e e
on the net power consumption of each section.
15066 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 5 0 5 6 e1 5 0 7 1

Fig. 11 e Effects of varying feed hydrogen temperature on

Fig. 9 e Effects of varying hydrogen expander inlet
the exergy efficiency and specific energy consumption.
temperature on the exergy efficiency and specific energy

Fig. 12 e Effects of varying feed hydrogen temperature on

the net power consumption of each section.

Fig. 10 e Effects of varying hydrogen expander inlet

temperature on the net power consumption of each Parametric analysis
Effect of varying hydrogen compression pressure
The effects of varying the hydrogen compression pressure on
the exergy efficiency and SEC of the hydrogen re-liquefaction
system were studied and illustrated in Fig. 7. As can be seen,
(7.34%). A possible reason for the exergy destruction of the
the SEC decreases with hydrogen compression pressure down
heat exchangers HEX-7 and HEX-1 being higher than those of
to its minimum value at 45 bar, and then gradually increases
other heat exchangers is the large temperature difference
with pressure. The exergy efficiency shows reverse behavior.
between the streams. Therefore, reducing the temperature
To better understand the impact of the hydrogen compression
differences in these heat exchangers can effectively reduce
pressure on the system performance, the power consumption
the system exergy destruction and improve the overall system
of the compressors in the hydrogen compression section and
performance. In addition, it was found that the exergy effi-
the helium refrigerant section are compared in Fig. 8. It was
ciency of the first helium expander, EXP-1, is higher than that
found that an increase in hydrogen compression pressure
of the wet hydrogen expander, EXP-3, whereas its exergy
leads to an increase in the power consumption of the
destruction is higher. This implies that both the exergy effi-
hydrogen compressors, and a decrease in the power con-
ciency and the exergy destruction must be considered
sumption of the helium compressors. It should be noted that
simultaneously in order to evaluate component performance
the line slopes of the two sections are different. At pressures
in a more reasonable manner [47,56]. In other words, com-
of 45 bar and below, the rate of reduction in the power con-
ponents having a large exergy destruction value and lower
sumption of helium compressors is higher than the rate of
exergy efficiency value have a higher potential to improve its
increase in that of the hydrogen compressors, but thereafter
performance. It should be noted that the exergy destruction in
the rate of reduction of the hydrogen compressors' power
separator V-1 could be ignored, as shown in Table 7.
consumption gets lower than that of the helium compressors.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 5 0 5 6 e1 5 0 7 1 15067

As a result, the SEC and exergy efficiency reaches an optimum seen in Fig. 10. It can be deduced that the expander inlet
value at 45 bar. temperature should be adjusted to refrigerate the hydrogen to
temperatures that ensure that the majority of the liquid is at
Effect of varying inlet temperature of hydrogen expander the outlet of the expander. The latter case indicates that
Since the inlet temperature of the hydrogen expander signif- lowering the expander inlet temperature for cooling more
icantly affects the process performance [31,57], the effect of than required is not necessary and consumes more power in
the inlet temperature of the hydrogen expander on the SEC the helium refrigerant section. Therefore, the optimum
and exergy efficiency of the re-liquefaction system is analyzed hydrogen expander inlet temperature can be determined by
and illustrated in Fig. 9. The result shows that the SEC de- considering the power consumption at both the hydrogen
creases and the exergy efficiency increases when the inlet compression section and the helium refrigerant section.
temperature of the hydrogen expander increases up to
249  C. Subsequently, the SEC increases and the exergy ef- Effect of varying feed hydrogen temperature
ficiency decreases. The SEC at 247  C increases by approxi- The boil-off gas entering the re-liquefaction system is heated
mately 1.5% relative to that at 249  C. In contrast, the SEC at by heat penetration through the header pipe during transport
253  C increases by approximately 12% relative to that at from each cargo tank to the re-liquefaction system. Therefore,
249  C. The former case can be explained by the fact that the variation of the exergy efficiency and specific energy
when the refrigerated gas is expanded at a relatively warmer consumption of the system versus the variation of the feed
temperature, a fraction of the fluid flashes back to vapor and hydrogen temperature was studied and illustrated in Fig. 11.
merges to the feed boil-off gas stream, thereby increasing the As seen from this figure, increasing the feed temperature from
power consumption of the hydrogen compressors, as can be 226  C to 212  C decreases the exergy efficiency of the
system from 83% to 65%. The SEC is increased by approxi-
mately 29% with an increase in the feed temperature from
226  C to 212  C. The net power consumption of the helium
refrigerant section decreases steadily, while the net power
consumption of the hydrogen compression section remains
almost constant, as shown in Fig. 12. These results indicate
that effective cold energy transfer from the feed boil-off gas
stream to the discharged stream of the last boil-off gas
compressor at HEX-1 significantly affects the system perfor-
mance. Furthermore, the result reveals that, in order to
improve the overall system performance, it is not only

Table 8 e Fuel mass flow rate per each case.

Case # Mass flow rate of fuels
Fig. 13 e Effects of varying compression pressure of the H2 boil-off gas (kg/hr) LNG (kg/hr)
helium refrigerant section on the exergy efficiency and
Case #1 700 2872
specific energy consumption.
Case #2 (Base case) 750 2721
Case #3 800 2569
Case #4 850 2417
Case #5 900 2266
Case #6 950 2114

Fig. 14 e Effects of varying compression pressure of the

helium refrigerant section on the net power consumption Fig. 15 e EEDI of each case indicated in Table 8.
of each section.
15068 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 5 0 5 6 e1 5 0 7 1

SEC is reduced by approximately 14%. After then, the decrease

rate of SEC is reduced by around 3%e4% for each case interval.
In Case #5 and Case #6, which meet the requirement of EEDI
Phase #3, the SEC of the system reaches 2.97 kWh/kgLH2 and
2.86 kWh/kg LH2 respectively. Additionally, the exergy effi-
ciency attained are 83% and 87% in Case #5 and Case #6
respectively. As the mass flow rate of hydrogen increases and
the mass flow rate of LNG decreases, the SEC decreases and
exergy efficiency increases. These observations can be sum-
marized as follows: as the EEDI requirements become more
stringent, the fuel ratio of hydrogen increases and the per-
formance of the re-liquefaction system is improved
Fig. 16 e Effect of varying mass flow rate of fuel per case To conclude, this study was initiated by the persistent
indicated in Table 8. insight and reasonable recognition that this re-liquefaction
system for liquefied hydrogen tankers has several advan-
tages among several boil-off gas management methods,
which include: first, minimizing boil-off gas generation by
using superior insulation material for cargo containment
important to improve the efficiency of the system compo- system; second, consuming all of boil-off gas as fuel at fuel
nents, but also to minimize heat ingress through the header cell; third, adopting re-liquefaction system. The re-
pipe by applying an effective insulation system. liquefaction system may increase CAPEX due to plant
installation, however it is expected that the first and second
Effect of varying compression pressure of helium refrigerant options also require large investment considering the current
section level of technology development at the time of the authors'
Fig. 13 shows the variation of the exergy efficiency and SEC of preliminary conceptual study. In this regard, the authors of
the system against the compression pressure of the helium this study focused on minimizing OPEX by reducing energy
refrigerant section. The SEC first decreases to its minimum consumption in the proposed re-liquefaction system and
value with the pressure of the helium refrigerant section, and notable results were achieved showing that the proposed
then starts to increase. The exergy efficiency shows a reverse concept of hydrogen re-liquefaction system can significantly
trend. It can be said that the exergy efficiency and SEC are reduce the power consumption for re-liquefaction.
optimal when the pressure of the helium refrigerant section is
set to 10 bar. Fig. 14 shows the same result from the
perspective of net power consumption. Conclusions

Effect of varying fuel ratio and Energy Efficiency Design Index In this study, a boil-off gas re-liquefaction system for
As aforementioned, the fuel ratio of LNG and hydrogen is an 160,000 m3 liquefied hydrogen tankers is proposed. The DFDE
important parameter for the system performance, since both engine and fuel cells fueled by LNG and boil-off gas are
fuels are used as refrigerants. This fuel ratio should be adopted as the propulsion system for the liquefied hydrogen
determined in order to meet the requirements of each EEDI tanker, in order to achieve low fuel cost, low investment cost
Phase. Therefore, the EEDI, SEC and exergy efficiency varia- and flexibility against environment regulations. The proposed
tions with respect to the mass flow rate of each fuel are re-liquefaction system comprises a hydrogen compression
investigated, as indicated in Table 8. Fig. 15 illustrates the section and a helium refrigerant section with 2 JeBrayton
reference lines and the attained EEDI values for the varying cascade cycles. The cold energy of the feed boil-off gas from
fuel mass flow rates. Since the reference value of Phase 2, the cargo tank is used to cool the discharged stream from the
which will apply to the ships built from 2020 to 2024, is 13.41 g- last boil-off gas compressor. The cold energy of LNG and a
CO2/ton-NM, the attained EEDI of all cases except for Case #1 fraction of the hydrogen boil-off gas is recuperated to reduce
and Case #2 (base case) satisfy the reference value. The the power consumption of the helium and hydrogen
reference value of Phase 3, which will apply to the ships built compressors.
after 2025, is 11.72 g-CO2/ton-NM, and only Case #5 and Case The SEC for the re-liquefaction of boil-off gas at 220  C
#6 can meet the reference value for Phase #3, having attained and 1 bar was 3.30 kWh/kgLH2, while the theoretical minimum
EEDI values of 11.17 g-CO2/ton-NM and 10.41 g-CO2/ton-NM value is 2.47 kWh/kgLH2, which indicates that the exergy effi-
respectively. This means that as the mass flow rate of ciency of the proposed system is 74.9%. The COP of the pro-
hydrogen increases and the mass flow rate of LNG decreases, posed system is 0.07, while the maximum theoretical value
the attained EEDI value decreases. Fig. 16 shows the variation under the same conditions is 0.09.
of the SEC and exergy efficiency for each Case #. Clearly, as the Based on the exergy analysis of each component, the
hydrogen fuel mass flow rate increases from 700 kg/h (Case #1) largest exergy destruction occurs in HEX-7, HEX-1 and EXP-2
to 750 kg/h (Case #2) and the LNG mass flow rate decreases with values of 408.6 kW, 215.6 kW and 191.1 kW respec-
from 2872 kg/h (Case #1) to 2721 kg/h (Case #2) accordingly, the tively. The lowest exergy efficiency was recorded for EXP-2,
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 5 0 5 6 e1 5 0 7 1 15069

EXP-3 and EXP-1 with values of 26.5%, 27.9% and 31.7%

respectively, indicating that all the expanders as well as the Nomenclature
heat exchangers HEX-1 and HEX-7, have higher priority to
improve its performance.
Parametric studies were carried out and the important
e Specific exergy, kJ/kg
findings are summarized below: _
Ex Exergy flow rate, kW
s Specific entropy, kJ/kg- C
 When the hydrogen compression pressure rises from
h Specific enthalpy, kJ/kg
20 bar to 45 bar, the SEC decreases from 3.71 kWh/kgLH2 to
P Pressure
3.29 kWh/kgLH2. Above 45 bar, the SEC starts to increase
T Temperature
and reaches 3.42 kWh/kgLH2 at 60 bar, revealing that 45 bar
hr Time, hour
is the optimum pressure.
m_ Mass flow rate, kg/hr
 When the hydrogen expander inlet temperature rises from
W Power, kW
253  C to 249  C, the SEC decreases from 3.71 kWh/kgLH2
hex Exergy efficiency, %
to 3.30 kWh/kgLH2. Above 249  C, the SEC starts to in-
PME Power of the main engines in kW
crease and reaches 3.49 kWh/kgLH2 at 247  C, revealing
PAE Power of auxiliary engines including propulsion
that 249  C is the optimum temperature at the inlet of the
machinery and accommodation in kW
hydrogen expander.
SFCME Specific fuel consumption of fuel for main engine in
 As the temperature of the feed boil-off gas is increased
from 226  C to 212  C, the SEC increased from 2.89 kWh/
kgLH2 to 3.72 kWh/kgLH2. Abbreviations
 When the compression pressure of the helium refrigerant BOG Boil-off gas
section increases from 8 bar to 10 bar, the SEC decreases BOR Boil-off rate
from 3.36 kWh/kgLH2 to 3.30 kWh/kgLH2. Thereafter, with LNG liquefied natural gas
an increase in the compression pressure up to 14 bar, the SEC Specific energy consumption
SEC increases to 3.46 kWh/kgLH2, revealing that the opti- COP Coefficient of performance
mum compression pressure value is 10 bar. EEDI Energy Efficiency Design Index
 As the mass flow rate of the hydrogen boil-off gas used GCU Gas Combustion Unit
as the fuel increases from 750 kg/h (Case #2: base case) IMO International Maritime Organization
to 800 kg/h (Case #3), the attained EEDI value decreases LH2 liquefied hydrogen
from 13.41 g-CO2/ton-NM to 12.66 g-CO2/ton-NM, which DFDE Dual fuel diesel electric
meets the EEDI Phase 2 requirement of 13.40 g-CO2/ TPD Tons per day
ton-NM. Meanwhile, the SEC decreases from 3.30 kWh/ PEM Polymer electrolyte membrane
kgLH2 to 3.18 kWh/kgLH2. The only mass flow rate of MCFC Molten carbonate fuel cell
the hydrogen boil-off gas which can satisfy the EEDI DWT Deadweight
Phase #3 requirement of 11.72 g-CO2/ton-NM is 900 kg/h EXP Expanders
(Case #5), which results in the required EEDI value of COMP Compressors
11.72 g-CO2/ton-NM and a decrease in the SEC to HEX Heat exchangers
2.97 kWh/kgLH2 CR Coolers
V Separators
The results of this study show that the proposed concept of SFC Specific fuel consumption
hydrogen re-liquefaction system can significantly reduce CAPEX Capital expenditure
power consumption for the re-liquefaction and can be a good OPEX Operating expenditure
reference for the further development of liquefied hydrogen
tanker. Future work by authors will include a detailed cost references
benefit analysis for several possible boil-off gas management
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