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Can ‘Make in India’ work?

Why India is not going to be the next China – or anything like

China ever was?

 ‘Make in India’ is a program started by the Indian government on 25 September 2014

under the leadership of Prime Minister Shree Narendra Modi.
Some of the main aims of ‘Make in India’ are:

 To enhance the growth of the manufacturing sector of India by 12-14% annually and
increase the per capita income of the country.
 To create 100 million additional manufacturing jobs in the Indian economy by 2022
and make peoples standard of living better.
 To create a conducive environment for investments, develop a modern and efficient
infrastructure, and open up new sectors for foreign capital.

According to the given objectives, ‘Make in India’ was not just aimed to boost
manufacturing sector, it was also supposed to generate employment. But
according to a survey/estimate, there has been no employment growth. So
‘Make in India’ is a failed initiative by the Government of India

 Skilled labour plays a major role in development of a country, where as

India’s labour quality does not meet the needs of modern industries which use
complex machines, modern technologies which are needed for industrial
growth because Indian labour is mostly uneducated and unskilled. Also the
new technology will reduce the demand for workers. So unemployment will also
increase. Being uneducated and unskilled, majority of the labour join the
agricultural work like farming. So India is also known as agro based country
which majority of Indians don’t want their country to be called. To build
modern industrial capacity, one needs capital. Unfortunately, our capital
markets are underdeveloped and don’t lure investors

 There are many reasons why India is not going to be the next China.
 Currently India ranks 160 out of 216 countries based on per capita, Where as
China ranks 79 position.
 India’s main focus is on the service sector. The service IT-sector which India
has focused on does not contribute a large benefit to GDP.
 Indian politician’s decisions are often made by what will get them the most
votes rather than what is necessary for the country.
  China host almost 6 times more tourists every year in comparison to India.
This industry creates over 60 million jobs in China.
  Their government has successfully created flexible investment zones, and
export processing zones that are combined with tax incentives and strong
 They also have stronger international trade ties with these countries.
 India’s international trade includes more of imports than exports which do not
create much foreign exchange.
China’s began their orientation towards the world economy in 1978, while
India did not shift their orientation until 1991. It is possible to successfully
bridge the gap between the two countries. However, considering the 15 year
head start that China has on India, this process will take time. 

There are many more differences between India and China based on
economy, politics, industries, international trade, etc.
But if several changes and developments are made, Indians can still dream for
their bright India. India must continue to reform the educational system and
promote education throughout the country. Overall, the average level of
education needs to increase. Additionally, specialized training can further
strengthen their labour force. Also the tourism Industry must be developed
strongly which will attract more tourists. This policy has the opportunity to
increase country revenue and support job growth within the country.

If such necessary steps are taken by the Indian Government in near future
then maybe India can be compared to super powers like China.

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