Jarjinatarana Khalil (ZTK) : Course Name: Brand Management Course Code: Mkt465 Spring-22

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Course Name: Brand Management

Course Code: MKT465


Submitted To:

JarjinaTarana Khalil (ZTK)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing and International Business
North South University

Submitted By:

Md. Shabbir Hossain 1813053630
Md. Mowdud Hasan Lalon 1632830030

Abdullah Al Rakib 1631114030

Date of Submission:14-03-2022

Media Vehicle:

Traditional media is the one of the most popular forms of advertising and still remains top for
advertising in this digital platform era. Advertising on television will allow us to showcase our
products to cover a wide range. As our product targeted for the mass people without television,
we cannot reach to mass people. We can place our advertisement in between kids show to older
people show. As our product is for everyone. Mostly, we will choose different shows such as
entertainment, cartoon, dance especially for Children to place our ads. And obviously, we will
sponsor different event on media like kids’ competition. Also, in between sports events such as
cricket and football, wrestling is also popular as well. Because most audience do not change
channels while they watch games. 

There are several ways to advertise which help to grab a wide area and to attract the most people.
Let explain below

Radio:Podcasts are another way to interact with the audience and talk about the product. It is a

newer form of traditional FM Radio. People not only listen to it but also, they can watch it.

Podcasts are more of talk shows talking about various topics. Usually, podcasts do convey a

promotional break of 30-45seconds also it contains some sponsors during the live session. It’s a

casual form of traditional radio station. So basically, we will use the “Bhalobashar Bangladesh”

where the host Love Guru talk podcast program for our promotion. As people not only listen to

podcasts but also watch podcasts via online. So, people will see the host room and also talk about

it. Guests will talk about our brand, and the host may give recommendations to try our coloring. 
Digital Billboards:

now this time Digital billboards are very popular media for advertising which is low cost and
also to cover many people. In Dhaka city Jam is common things when we take riding service and
driving. So, if we want to focus that people and DigitalBillboards shows our brand Coloring
Book. Especially for kids who are in demand to buy what he/she sees. so, this way we can create
a good vibe. because in a city everywhere Digital billboards are available and our target
customer Children and teenagers who are them attract colorfulbook. There also cartoon character
who is popular for Bangladeshi kids like “Motu,Patlu” so that we can reach more our target

Car Wrapping:Car wrapping also good media for

advertising .in Dhaka city most of the times we see traffic jam. In the mean time we can utilize
for our brand to car Wrapping so that when our target customer sits on seat, they can see the and
they can also read what about tell us. And if they are regular see the same ad its help to increase
our brand awareness. It’s also cost effective so less cost but we can reach many people at a time.
Social Media:Nowadays social media is the most popular media for advertising.in the way we
can cover a wide area. Also, the internet is available in rural to urban areas. Because in social
media where everyone is connected by app. So, if we choose for advertising via Facebook,
Instagram especially YouTube.Everyone watches YouTube many times a day. So, if we use this
media for our brand which is Coloring Book and people get pop-up ads for 10-15 seconds and
get our short message that strategy we will get more attention from target audience, they will
understand properly what the message is about in a short time.

Facebook:Facebook is the world’s most popular social media where most of the people invest
their best time. So, if we focus on that and create a creative ad so that people pay more attention
to our ad. Although our target customers are Children and teenagers, the packaging is very
important .so, colorful packaging can attract more customer.so in Facebook media, by the post
we can cover all over the world. We think Facebook is the best way to advertise for our brands.


Nowadays, influencers have a significant impact on the credibility of brands and services. People
follow influencers because they trust the people they follow. Influencers are those who claim to
have expert knowledge of a product and then advocate it to their followers. Influencers have the
ability to influence clients' buying patterns and mindsets in this way. Influencers are experts in a
variety of categories. So as there are some influencers though our brand is coloring books that
recommend books, we choose the most favorite person now this time who is “Munzereen
Shahid” her Facebook follower 2.5M and YouTube subscriber 513K. so, if she influences our
brand, we think this way we can reach the most people. She also tells of her achievement through
her reading book.so we can use that method to be creative so that our brand everyone knows that.

Munzereen Shahid also influenced us to buy our Coloring Book via online order and getting a
10-15 % discount. She also can provide a signature for each book the covering page is ordered
online. So, in this way people can buy more of our brands because Munzereen Shahid influenced
our brands.  And people can trust her because she is also a motivational speaker and her
education quality is very high. Last but not the least she also focuses on children and teenagers
so that they grew up in a good way though our target customer is the same as well   that is we
choose her as influencer.

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