1994 Milano Tirreno

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Continental collision and basin opening in Southern Italy: a new plate

subduction in the Tyrrhenian Sea?

Article  in  Tectonophysics · February 1994

DOI: 10.1016/0040-1951(94)90139-2


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3 authors, including:

G. Vilardo
National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology


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E~EVI~R Tectonophysics 230 (1994) 249-264

Continental collision and basin opening in Southern Italy:

a new plate subduction in the Tyrrhenian Sea?
G. Milan0 a, G. Vilardo a, G. Luongo ayb
a Osseruatorio Vesuuiano, Via Manroni 249, 80123 NapIts, &ally
’ ~~parti~ento di Geofaica e Vu~ca~~~~gi~,Unir;emitir di ~ap~~i~Naples, haly

(Received May 26, 1993; revised version accepted October 20, 1993)


An analysis of the spatial distribution of the seismic& of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea is presented with the aim
of putting constraints on the geometry of the complex Benioff zone of this area by relocating the earthquakes that
occurred in the period 19851990. The data set used in this analysis is based on information from ING, ISC, and
NEIS databases.
In order to ensure the quality of epi/hypocentrai locations, we based our selection of earthquakes on both the
available number of P- and S-readings (at least eight P- and two S-pickings) and the epicentral distances of the
stations reporting the event ( < 5”). Such a selection enabled us to obtain a catalogue of 450 well-located events with
focal depths of up to 500 km.
The seismogenetic volumes estimated from the distribution of hypocentres of the whole seismicity analysed were
interpreted according to a recent geodynamic model proposed for this area. This has led us to the hypothesis of an
active NW-SE-oriented subduction of the lithosphere generated and stressed by the opening of the Tyrrhenian

1. Introduction of the convergence between the African and the

Eurasiatic plates (Caputo et al., 1970; Morelli,
In the last 20 years the theory of global tecton- 1970; Laubscher, 1971; Boccaletti and Guazzone,
ics has been successfully used to interpret the 1972; MC Kenzie, 1972; Barberi et al.? 1973).
complex geodynamic processes acting in the Moreover, these authors believe that the subduct-
Tyrrhenian Basin and in Southern Italy. ing plate is responsible for the complex geody-
Data from seismic& and heat flow, as well as namic features of Southern Italy. The complexity
gravimetric and magnetic anomalies have shown of the geodynamic processes acting in the South-
the presence of a subducting plate in the south- ern Tyrrhenian Sea is clearly evidenced by the
ern T~r~enian Sea. These elements, which are many models proposed.
consistent with the petrochemical characteristics The subducting plate was interpreted by Lu-
of volcanoes of the Aeolian Islands, have led ongo (1979) as a residue of an arc-shaped struc-
many authors to propose a subduction process ture, about 2000 km long, whose limits were the
from the Ionian to the Tyrrhenian Sea as a result Apennines and Maghreb. Subsequently, on the

~~-1951/94/$07.~ 0 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSDI 0040-1951(93)E0217-I
250 G. Milano et al. / Tectonophysics 230 (1994) 249-264

basis of a seismotectonic analysis, Gasparini et al. Sea has a crustal thickness of about 7-10 km and
(1982) defined the limits of an arc between the the Tyrrhenian Shelf has a continental-type
Neapolitan area and Sicily and outlined the ge- crustal thickness of 15-20 km, which only in-
ometry of the subducting plate by a steady dip creases to about 35-45 km at a few tens of
down to a depth of about 500 km and a lower dip kilometres towards the Italian mainland (Colombi
in the deepest 50 km. et al., 1973; Morelli et al., 1975; Steinmetz et al.,
Anderson and Jackson (1987) re-examined the 1983; Finetti and Del Ben, 1986; Milan0 et al.,
deep and intermediate seismicity of the Tyrrhe- 1989).
nian Sea to refine the geometry of the subducting The velocity structure of the central Tyrrhe-
plate. They showed that the Tyrrhenian Benioff nian Sea is typical of oceanic crust (Steinmetz et
zone is approximately 200 km along strike and al., 19831, whereas a continental-type velocity
dips from southeast to northwest, reaching a max- structure is found towards the coast (Morelli et
imum depth of about 500 km. Unlike previous al., 1975). Moreover, Rayleigh wave dispersion
authors, they did not find evidence of significant studies (Panza, 1978) suggest that the lithosphere
spatial gaps in the depth distribution of the earth- beneath the Tyrrhenian Sea is less than about 50
quakes. km thick.
According to the model proposed by Gaudiosi Indirect evidence of a thin lithosphere derives
et al. (19841 from a seismotectonic analysis, the from heat flow studies (Wang et al., 1989). A
lithospheric bending in Southern Italy would be northwest-southeast heat flow cross-section from
governed by the opening of the Tyrrhenian Basin. Sardinia to Calabria shows that the heat flow
Hence, in a reconstruction of the stress field the increases southeastward across the Tyrrhenian
subducting plate plays a passive role. Basin, reaching a maximum in the Marsili area.
Locardi (1986) suggested that both the volcan- Moving towards the Calabrian borders, the heat
ism of the arcs surveyed in the Italian region and flow decreases across the shelf and shows a rapid
the formation of the Tyrrhenian Basin could be drop over Calabria.
accounted for from mantle upwelling. In the same From the seismic point of view, the whole
year, Finetti and Del Ben (1986) related multi- Tyrrhenian region is characterised by anomalous
phase mantle upwelling in the Tyrrhenian Basin seismic wave propagation, with a high attenuation
to lithosphere subduction. of S-waves in both the mantle and the crust, as
Patacca and Scandone (1989) once again hy- well as early arrivals of P-waves at seismic sta-
pothesized that the opening of the Tyrrhenian tions located in Southern Italy. These characteris-
Sea could be explained by a passive subduction of tics suggest the presence of a high-velocity body
the PO River-Adriatic-Ionian lithosphere. in the mantle (Del Pezzo et al., 1979). Moreover,
Recently Luongo (1988) and Luongo et al. some recent tomographic studies (Amato et al.,
(1991) advanced a new hypothesis about the evo- 1993; Spakman et al., 19931 show the presence of
lution of the Tyrrhenian region. According to velocity anomalies beneath the Southern Tyrrhe-
these authors, the geodynamic processes affecting nian region. In particular, the presence of a posi-
Southern Italy may be related to both the expan- tive velocity anomaly in the depth range 230-350
sion of the Tyrrhenian Basin, which results from km and the presence of a negative velocity
mantle upwelling, and the curvature of the area anomaly in the depth interval 50-200 km are very
due to a complex stress field generated by an clearly demonstrated. While the positive anomaly
overlap between the Eurasiatic and the African is strictly connected to the SE-NW-dipping seis-
plates. mogenetic volume, the negative velocity anomaly
In the Tyrrhenian area the structural frame- appears directly related to the high heat flow
work reflects the complexity of the geodynamical observed.
context. In fact, the Tyrrhenian Sea has an un- As already pointed out by several authors,
usual crustal structure. Refraction and reflection seismicity in the Tyrrhenian area is commonly
surveys have shown that the central Tyrrhenian quoted as defining a Benioff zone dipping north-
G. Miiano et al. / Trctonophysics 230 (1994) 249-264 251

west and reaching a maximum depth of about 500 developed many ideas about the accuracy of
km (Gasparini et al., 1982; Iannaccone et al., earthquake hypocentres that can be summarised
1985; Finetti and Del Ben, 1986; Anderson and as follows: (11 the determination of the hypocen-
Jackson, 1987). The bulk of such seismicity has tre of an earthquake whose true focal depth is
been shown to be chiefly located in the depth less than half of the average station separation
interval of 230 to 300 km where the largest earth- will generally be inaccurate; (2) several S readings
quakes cluster. In the same depth interval, An- are desirable even though this phase is more
derson and Jackson (1987) observed that the dip difficult to identify, particulary from vertical com-
of the seismic zone changed from about 70” (over ponents.
250 km) to about 45”; in addition to that, they did Following these two ideas, we made a selection
not find significant spatial gaps in the seismicity. from the earthquakes that occurred in the South-
In this paper we analyse the seismic activities ern Tyrrhenian Sea from January 1985 until the
that occurred in a six-year period, from 1985 to end of 1990, adding to the data set of the seismic
1990. The seismic data taken into account go databases available new P- and S-pickings from
back to 1985 because from that year on we are temporary three-component digital seismic arrays
able to obtain more reliable hypocentral locations operated by the Osservatorio Vesuviano at the
due to an increase in both the number and az- Aeolian Islands for a few months each year since
imuthal coverage of the seismic stations operating 1987 up to 1990 (Ferrucci et al., 1991; Vilardo et
in the area concerned. al., 1991). For our purposes, data from the
Unlike previous researchers, our chief concern databases of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica
is to consider seismicity in the depth range of 0 to (ING), International Seismological Centre (ISC)
200 km as particularly significant for the purpose and National Earthquake Information Service
of getting a reliable geodynamic picture of this (NEIS) were selected. Also, we made a further
area. In fact, the distribution of earthquakes in check on the earthquakes’ arrival times at the
this depth range enables us to get information stations of the Osservatorio Vesuviano’s perma-
about the stress fields acting in the area in order nent network, focusing our attention on S phases.
to evaluate if and how the subduction process We paid careful attention to the S-picking due to
from the Ionian to the Tyrrhenian is still active in the low energy associated to this seismic phase
this area of colliding plate borders. especially when only data from vertical compo-
In conclusion, the aim of our study is to draw nents were available.
inferences on the complex geometry of the Be- In order to test the data quality, we performed
nioff zone from the distribution of the hypocen- a number of trials designed to estimate the relia-
tres analysed, thus contributing to our under- bility of the earthquakes’ location and its depen-
standing of the dynamics of the Tyrrhenian area. dence on both the source-receiver distance and
the azimuthal distribution of the stations report-
ing the event. These experiments showed that
2. Data analyses
both shallow and deep earthquakes had been
Well-constrained hypocentral co-ordinates recorded at scarcely eight stations and, with no
(latitude, longitude, depth and origin time) are S-phase readings available, they were affected by
crucial factors in many studies of the Earth’s instability in depth locations despite being well
structure, as well as in delineating active tectonic constrained in the epicentres. On the contrary,
features. Therefore, before the spatial distribu- the earthquakes recorded at least by eight sta-
tion of hypocentres can be interpreted properly, tions and having just two S-time pickings ap-
it is essential that the quality of the data be peared to be well constrained in focal depths as
assessed. well. Additionally we observed that fewer deeper
James et al. (1969) examined the main factors events (2 > 250 km) were recorded at epicen-
that can cause ffuctuation in determining hypo- tre-receiver distances of up to about 5”. For
centres by using the least-squares procedure. They these stations, with epicentral distances greater
252 G. Milan0 et al. / Tectonophysics 230 (1994) 249-264

Table 1
Comparison of the location parameters of a sample of 20 earthquakes using different velocity models
Date Origin ’ LatN Long E Depth Gap RMS ERH ERZ

850714 1214 51.81 39-55.49 16-25.21 80.24 90 0.36 2.3 5.0 A

1214 51.97 39-54.70 16-25.10 80.28 89 0.32 2.1 4.5 s
1214 51.17 39-58.80 16-25.24 82.53 90 0.51 3.2 6.9 B
1214 51.56 39-55.53 16-25.21 84.03 90 0.36 2.4 5.0 Tl
1214 51.27 39-56.07 16-25.42 84.73 90 0.41 2.6 5.6 T2
850719 026 6.30 39-47.86 13-46.70 449.15 130 0.51 4.2 6.1 A
026 7.89 39-47.55 13-46.60 458.59 130 0.41 3.6 5.9 s
026 6.34 39-47.78 13-47.27 443.04 129 0.54 4.4 6.3 B
026 8.59 39-47.41 13-46.57 458.61 130 0.38 3.4 6.2 Tl
026 7.89 39-47.56 13-46.52 460.67 130 0.40 3.5 6.1 T2
860310 16 3 54.81 39-39.43 13-39.24 432.03 171 0.72 8.0 7.3 A
16 3 57.90 39-39.27 13-28.31 426.00 172 0.83 7.4 8.0 S
16 3 54.44 39-39.72 13-40.14 429.06 170 0.76 8.2 7.8 B
16 3 57.85 39-39.02 13-37.99 431.00 172 0.80 7.2 7.9 Tl
16 3 58.07 39-39.10 13-38.51 422.26 172 0.88 7.2 8.5 T2
870404 1738 19.62 38-55.79 15-47.77 191.25 125 0.66 5.5 6.4 A
1738 20.43 38-56.07 15-46.30 191.25 123 0.62 5.6 6.4 S
1738 17.75 38-58.30 15-45.48 194.69 121 0.68 5.8 6.6 B
1738 19.59 38-55.67 U-47.63 196.00 125 0.64 5.6 6.3 Tl
1738 19.31 38-55.91 15-47.48 196.52 125 0.64 5.6 6.4 T2
870515 4 2 44.27 39- 9.59 15-37.06 63.33 163 0.43 2.6 5.7 A
4 2 44.71 39. 9.11 L-36.28 59.84 164 0.47 2.9 7.2 S
4 2 43.16 39-10.76 15-39.33 68.77 160 0.50 3.0 5.9 B
4 2 44.11 39- 9.60 15-38.63 68.36 161 0.43 2.6 5.4 Tl
4 243.89 39-10.01 15-38.61 65.96 161 0.41 2.5 5.5 T2
871017 245 48.41 38-55.90 15-26.32 117.90 219 0.46 7.4 6.4 A
245 48.46 38-54.82 15-26.30 121.05 219 0.42 7.0 6.0 S
245 48.01 38-55.76 15-25.91 113.09 220 0.52 7.9 7.2 B
245 48.43 38-55.96 15-26.28 119.44 219 0.46 7.3 6.4 Tl
245 48.35 38-55.89 15-26.40 118.00 219 0.47 7.4 6.6 T2
880105 1146 43.13 39-11.62 15-36.71 286.62 140 0.38 7.7 6.9 A
1146 43.86 39-13.20 15-33.40 291.36 144 0.40 8.2 7.6 S
1146 42.38 39-11.07 15-39.22 283.59 138 0.42 8.1 7.4 B
1146 43.68 39-13.20 15-33.71 291.13 144 0.40 8.0 7.5 Tl
1146 43.42 39-11.87 15-35.25 288.18 142 0.38 7.8 7.2 T2
880308 19 2 43.12 39-42.93 15-31.35 289.72 86 0.44 2.7 5.8 A
19 2 46.47 39-42.77 15-31.42 275.24 86 0.44 2.7 5.5 s
19 241.70 39-43.19 15-31.10 298.11 86 0.44 2.7 5.7 B
19 2 45.68 39-42.83 15-31.34 280.55 86 0.44 2.7 5.2 Tl
19 2 44.56 39-42.89 15-31.39 286.22 86 0.44 2.7 5.4 T2
880516 255 45.15 38-48.03 15-15.13 105.02 195 0.59 6.2 6.4 A
255 45.23 38-47.36 15-16.09 108.22 194 0.60 6.6 6.5 S
255 43.06 3845.50 15-21.23 120.00 187 0.82 6.7 6.0 B
255 45.07 38-47.62 15-15.91 107.95 194 0.59 6.3 6.4 Tl
255 45.05 3848.17 15-15.08 104.73 195 0.59 6.1 6.1 T2
880804 357 26.31 39-20.01 14-29.88 370.75 99 0.61 3.8 7.0 A
357 27.20 39-18.91 14-32.31 381.65 98 0.49 3.3 5.9 s
357 26.09 39-19.70 14-29.49 364.05 99 0.67 4.2 8.0 B
357 27.05 39-18.89 14-32.27 383.84 98 0.49 3.3 6.0 Tl
357 26.70 39-19.34 14-31.50 379.87 98 0.53 3.5 6.4 T2
890330 1822 58.40 39-37.19 15-21.65 255.31 180 0.32 5.7 4.3 A
1822 58.25 39-38.61 15-22.72 264.98 179 0.27 4.9 4.4 s
1822 58.37 39-35.17 15-21.92 246.85 180 0.38 6.3 5.0 B
G. Milan0 et al. / Tectonophysics 230 (1994) 249-264 253

Table 1 (continued)
Date Origin ’ Lat N Lang E Depth Gap RMS ERH ERZ
1822 58.46 39-38.02 15-21.29 261.20 181 0.32 5.9 4.5 Tl
1822 58.09 39-37.47 15-21.55 260.70 180 0.32 5.8 4.4 T2
890528 349 39.02 39- 1.32 15- 3.43 243.19 128 0.72 5.2 5.0 A
349 39.66 39. 0.16 15- 4.23 246.90 128 0.58 4.4 4.2 S
349 38.00 39-02.35 15- 2.48 240.64 129 0.89 6.2 6.1 B
349 39.49 39. 0.72 15. 3.75 245.82 128 0.64 4.7 4.5 Tl
349 39.14 39- 1.09 15- 3.38 244.83 128 0.68 5.0 4.8 T2
890725 147 13.99 38-25.36 15-30.82 108.00 96 0.42 2.7 2.7 A
147 13.96 38-24.17 15-29.73 110.09 101 0.42 2.8 2.7 S
147 13.70 38-28.31 15-31.52 105.08 91 0.44 2.6 2.9 B
147 13.87 38-24.88 15-31.42 110.20 95 0.42 2.8 2.7 Tl
147 13.97 38-25.95 15-30.99 107.74 95 0.43 2.7 2.8 T2
890809 324 34.80 39- 5.69 15-23.66 315.61 75 0.34 2.9 3.3 A
324 35.59 39- 4.37 15-24.01 322.09 75 0.36 3.2 3.6 S
324 34.21 39- 6.57 15-23.56 311.29 76 0.40 3.2 3.8 B
324 35.48 39- 4.44 15-23.69 322.09 75 0.35 3.1 3.6 Tl
324 35.28 39- 5.17 1.5-23.84 317.36 75 0.34 2.9 3.4 T2
890916 210 4.33 38-26.01 15-17.15 91.77 147 0.34 2.9 4.1 A
210 4.40 38-25.31 15-16.31 92.83 151 0.35 3.1 4.2 s
210 3.64 38-27.30 15-19.02 92.48 140 0.36 2.8 4.0 B
210 3.52 38-23.23 15-16.04 99.35 159 0.31 2.7 3.2 Tl
210 4.25 38-26.63 15-17.63 91.81 144 0.35 2.9 4.2 T2
891228 358 27.10 38-40.65 15-27.03 130.44 200 0.30 4.7 3.9 A
358 27.19 38-40.25 15-26.64 132.45 201 0.36 5.1 4.2 S
358 27.02 38-41.61 15-29.31 124.59 196 0.28 4.0 3.6 B
358 27.17 38-40.60 15-27.22 131.87 200 0.30 4.7 3.9 Tl
358 27.11 38-40.85 15-27.26 130.30 199 0.29 4.6 3.9 T2
900211 623 19.82 39-16.84 15-27.61 259.96 144 0.53 4.2 3.0 A
623 20.10 39-18.05 15-27.96 267.17 144 0.53 4.4 3.2 S
623 20.70 39-17.85 15-32.77 246.46 138 0.49 5.1 2.6 B
623 19.86 39-17.41 15-28.76 266.68 143 0.52 4.3 3.1 Tl
623 19.75 39-17.11 15-29.10 263.50 142 0.53 4.3 3.1 T2
900323 12 0 21.50 39-10.17 15-11.03 272.33 146 0.48 4.4 3.4 A
12 0 21.57 39-10.65 15- 9.58 281.77 148 0.46 4.7 3.6 S
12 0 21.55 39-10.05 15- 9.37 262.04 148 0.51 4.4 3.7 B
12 021.48 39-10.62 15- 9.34 280.34 148 0.46 4.6 3.7 Tl
12 0 21.54 39-09.81 15-11.53 275.40 146 0.48 4.4 3.5 T2
900801 2033 21.45 38-46.94 15- 0.48 271.69 105 0.96 8.1 13.5 A
2033 23.86 38-47.46 14-56.46 259.32 107 0.92 7.0 12.4 S
2033 20.70 38-49.17 14-58.80 267.69 106 1.11 8.9 15.2 B
2033 23.53 38-46.91 14-56.42 259.41 107 0.94 7.2 12.9 Tl
2033 21.59 38-46.35 15- 1.10 274.07 105 0.92 7.8 13.0 T2
901227 1742 33.08 38-39.73 15-52.79 52.86 115 0.63 4.8 3.8 A
1742 33.17 38-39.01 15-53.47 54.53 114 0.64 4.8 3.8 s
1742 32.28 38-40.79 15-51.04 53.65 116 0.79 6.0 5.6 B
1742 32.94 38-39.81 15-52.51 56.05 115 0.62 4.8 3.8 Tl
1742 32.76 38-40.83 15-51.73 53.49 116 0.73 5.7 5.2 T2
1 Origin = hour/ minute seconds.
A = velocity model adopted in this work (see Table 2); S = from Soloviev et al. (1990); B = from Bottari et al. (1989, 1990);
Tl = starting velocity model in tomography by Amato et al. (1993); T2 = starting velocity model in tomography by Spakman et al.
254 G. Milano et al. / Tectonophysics 230 (1994) 249-264

than 5”, it would be necessary to make a time medium value that accounts for the velocity val-
correction taking into account the differences be- ues in the upper and lower layers which bounded
tween the observed travel times in the spherical the inversion.
earth and the calculated ones in the horizontally Even though the velocity models tested are
layered velocity model utilized in the location quite different, the experiments performed
routine. Since the stations of the world-wide net- showed no significant differences between the
works recorded fewer than five events, we could earthquakes’ location parameters. In Table 1, for
not work out a reliable station correction. Thus, the sake of brevity, a comparison is shown of the
we did not use the data of such stations in our location parameters of just a sample of 20 events,
location routine. with different focal depths, of the whole data set
To ensure the quality of the locations, on the with the different velocity models utilised.
basis of the above results of our study, we se- To account for the presence of lateral hetero-
lected the events from the data available accord- geneities and velocity inversion observed by some
ing to the following criteria: (1) each event had to researchers in the upper mantle, we also per-
have at least eight P-phase and two S-phase pick- formed a trial using the 3-D location program
ings available; (2) the stations recording the event HETERO (Virieux et al., 1988). In this program,
had to be within an epicentral distance less than complex heterogeneous media are divided into
5”. tetrahedral finite elements inside which the
The first criterion automatically defines a mag- square of the slowness has a simple linear distri-
nitude threshold of about 2.0 for well located bution. Two-point raytracing is performed by a
seismicity (magnitude from the I.N.G. database). Newton method based on paraxial ray theory.
Based on these criteria, the final data set con- The velocity model utilised was derived from DSS
sisted of 288 earthquakes with focal depths lower data for the crustal structure and from the Jef-
than 50 km and 162 events with foci greater than frey-Bullen model for the upper mantle velocity.
50 km. Lateral upper mantle velocity anomalies were
The events were located through the standard added on the basis of the results obtained by
hypocentral routine HYP071 (Lee and Lahr, Bottari et al. (1990).
1975). In conformity with the standard of that The experiment performed with this program
routine, a time correction was inserted which showed no improvements on the earthquakes’
took into account the altitude of each station with location parameters and in many cases they
respect to sea-level. The time correction was cal- showed a significant worsening due to the very
culated for each station and for an average veloc- large area in study. For this reason we do not
ity value, defined from geological considerations; make use of this 3-D location program.
the velocity values used ranged from 3 to 4.5 On the basis of the above results of our study,
km/S. because no significant differences in earthquake
In order to test the influence of the velocity location were shown, we preferred to utilize our
model on the earthquakes’ location we performed horizontally layered velocity model (see Table 2)
several preliminary locations using different 1-D based on DSS profiles carried out in the area
velocity models proposed for the area in the past over the last two decades (Colombi et al., 1973;
few years (Bottari et al., 1987, 1989, 1990; Milan0 Morelli et al., 1975; Milan0 et al., 1988, 1989).
et al., 1990; Soloviev et al., 1990) and other ones The half-space velocity of 8 km/s from a depth of
utilised as starting velocity models in some recent 50 km is an average value that accounts for the
tomographic studies (Amato et al., 1993; Spak- velocity contrast (about 10%) between the litho-
man, 1991; Spakman et al., 1993). Since the spheric slab and the surrounding mantle (Gaspar-
HYP071 location program only allows horizon- ini et al., 19821, for the velocity values of the
tally layered velocity models to be used and with Jeffrey-Bullen table and for the velocity values
velocity increasing with depth, we replaced the for the mantle properly calculated by Bottari et
velocity inversion foreseen in some models with a al. (1990) for this area.
G. Milan0 et al. / Tectonophysics 230 (19941 249-264 255

Table 2 observed in the area (solid lines in the figure)

Velocity model used in this work for earthquake location (C.N.R., 1992). Moreover, no earthquakes ap-
Depth (km) Velocity VP (km/s) peared to be located northwest of the Marsili
0.0 3.2 Basin probably as a result of the distances and
1.5 5.2 the low energies of earthquakes occurring in the
6.0 5.8 Central Tyrrhenian Sea. In fact, such a low-en-
15.0 6.6
ergy seismicity was only found out by OBS sur-
50.0 8.0 veys (Soloviev et al., 19901.
The epicentral distribution of the earthquakes
with foci greater than 50 km is shown in Fig. 2.
Different circle sizes represent different depths
of foci (see the legend in the figure). Nearly all
Since the HYP071 location program does not the deep events are clustered in the rectangular
allow to utilize a depth-dependent ratio Vi/V,, area between 38” and 40” latitude and between
the value used (1.80) is an average value of the 14” and 16” longitude, with no deep events lo-
volume in which the seismicity is located. We cated west of the Aeolian Archipelago.
utilized this average value that accounts for the A seismicity with foci between 50 and 200 km
Jeffrey-Bullen table, the velocity model with an fits the Calabrian arc’s bending, the deeper events
S-wave velocity estimate (Bottari et al., 1990; (2 > 200 km) being evidence of the overall deep-
Soloviev et al., 19901, and accounting for the ening of the seismic zone towards northwest of
anomalous heat flow values observed in this area the Calabrian coast.
(Wang et al., 1989). Figs. 3 and 4 show the hypocentral distribution
A complete catalogue of well constrained of the whole data set along the lines A-A and
events with their location parameters is shown in B-B’ in Fig. 2, respectively. One can observe a
the Appendix. sharp division between the shallower foci (Z < 20
km) and the deeper ones. On the other hand,

3. Spatial features of the seismicity observed

The epicentral distribution of the selected

events is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Earthquakes
with foci smaller than 50 km (Fig. 1) and earth-
quakes with foci greater than 50 km (Fig. 2) are
shown separately. In fact, because the seismicity
affecting the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea exhibits a
remarkable cluster distribution of hypocentres
with depth (see Figs. 3 and 41, we split our data
set into two subsets corresponding to groupings
of hypocentres.
Since the crustal thickness around the margin
of the Tyrrhenian Basin (Calabrian and Sicilian
coasts) is about 20 to 25 km, we considered the
earthquakes located in such a shallow depth range
as crustal events. The epicentral distribution in
that depth range, as shown in Fig. 1, nicely fits
the Calabrian-Sicilian arc and appears to be re- Fig. 1. Epicentres of shallow seismicity (Z < 50 km) in the
lated to both the principal volcanic areas (e.g. the Tyrrhenian area from January 1985 to December 1990. Solid
Aeolian Arc) and the main tectonic structures lines represent the main fault systems.
256 G. Milano et al. / Tectonophysics 230 (1994) 249-264

O Km

100 Km /

L- 500
37ON, 13 E 40 N, 17"

12 14O 1iP lEO
i Fig. 4. Cross-section as in Fig. 3, but along a profile oriented
northeast-southwest (line B-B’ shown in Fig. 2). Vertical
Fig. 2. Epicentres of intermediate and deep earthquakes (2
bars are representative of the errors in depth location. At the
> 50 km) which occurred in the Tyrrhenian area in the period
top a schematic location of the areas crossed by the profile is
1985-1990. The sizes of the circles indicates the foci depths as
described in the legend of the figure. The profiles of Figs. 3
(A-A’) and 4 (B-R’) are also shown,

seismicity is located towards the southeast be-

seismicity with foci greater than 50 km displays tween 30 and 100 km in depth (below the Caf-
no significant spatial gaps. abria projection of Figs. 3 and 4), the shape of
Below a depth of about 30 km, the seismoge- the whole seismogenetic volume, below about 30
netic volume exhibits some distinctive features km, looks like an “umbrella-stick”. Due to the
related to both the events’ clustering and the above-mentioned lack of shallow seismicity, the
change in the dipping direction. In fact, since no distribution of foci in the depth range between 30
and 180 km (S zone in Fig. 5) would seem to
define a bent zone dipping towards the southeast.
Nw SlI-
_ -_+ .-_.. 0 Km
i 4/


---+ 0 Km

i 100


p 300

. N, 12”
._._t ._-..__I 5 00
kY 37ON, 17'E I-
100 Km
Fig. 3. NW-SE cross-section from the Tyrrhenian Sea to the
Ionian Sea. On profile A-A’ of Fig. 2 are projected the foci of
the whole data set (epicentres of Figs. 1 and 2). Vertical bars
41°hl, lZOE
-L-L 37" lu',iP E

represent error? in depth location. At the top a schematic Fig. 5. Schematic picture of seismogenetic volumes (see text
location of the a,das crossed by the profile is displayed. for explanation).
G. Milan0 et al. / Tectonophysics 230 (I 994) 249-264 257

The concave shape of the seismogenetic volume be reliably located. The low energy released by
can also be observed in the SW-NE cross-section earthquakes in this depth range could be at-
(Fig. 4). On the contrary, the T-labelled seismic tributed to the mechanical properties of the seis-
volume in Fig. 5 (foci greater than 180 km) is only mogenetic volume affected by high heat flow as
slightly concave and dips towards the northwest. observed in the area (Wang et al., 1989).
Moreover, the distribution of the hypocentres of The seismic features observed between 30 and
the deeper events (Z > 280 km; Figs. 3, 4) shows 180 km in depth can be explained on the basis of
a progressively thinning seismogenetic volume in a recent geodynamic model proposed by Luongo
the NW-SE cross-section together with the et al. (1991) for the Tyrrhenian Sea. According to
spread of the hypocentres’ locations in the SW- these researchers, the stress field acting in South-
NE cross-section. ern Italy is mainly governed by the opening of the
Tyrrhenian Basin, while the stress field generated
by the Africa-Europe plate collision plays a mi-
4. Discussion nor role. The opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea is
related to an ascending hot plume placed along
As already pointed out by other researchers, the belt stretching from the Vavilov to the Marsili
the presence of a lithospheric plate in the as- areas, the descending cold plume being placed in
thenosphere as deep as about 500 km in the the foredeep basin at the Tyrrhenian margin of
Tyrrhenian Sea, is irrefutably demonstrated by the Apennine chain. Lateral flows of thermally
the hypocentral distribution of intermediate and anomalous asthenosphere masses are also in-
deep seismicity. Moreover, the lack of shallow volved.
seismicity between 30 and 100 km in depth to- Therefore, on the assumption that the subduc-
wards the southeast (below the Calabria projec- tion process from southeast to northwest has
tion in Figs. 3 and 41, is noteworthy, thus suggest- ceased, the predominant force acting on old
ing that the process of subduction resulting from lithospheric slab would be generated by the as-
the colliding African and Eurasiatic plates has thenospheric flows associated with the descend-
ceased. In fact, if subduction from the southeast ing cold plume.
towards the northwest were still active, we should In the geodynamical context described by Lu-
expect an extension of the seismic volume, la- ongo et al. (1991) zone S of Fig. 5 might be
belled T in Fig. 5, up to the surface towards the interpreted as the beginning of a subduction pro-
southeast. cess involving a new Tyrrhenian lithospheric mi-
The lack of this seismic&y and, particularly, of cro-plate dipping towards the southeast, zone T
the thrust faulting earthquakes at the surface being the old inactive slab.
projection of the Benioff zone, was emphasized The study of fault-plane solution and of the
by Anderson and Jackson (1987). They also sug- stress released by earthquakes which occurred in
gested that the subduction process has ceased. the Southern Tyrrhenian area could give us use-
The bulk of the seismic activity analysed in this ful information to verify the above-mentioned
paper is mainly concentrated in the depth range hypothesis.
between 50 and 180 km. The energy of these According to the geodynamic model proposed
earthquakes is low (typical magnitude about 2.5, by Luongo et al. (1991), the stress field generated
I.N.G. source). by the opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea, would have
This is probably the reason why seismicity lo- to produce an anomalous stress geometry within
cated in such a depth range has not been noticed the upper part of the seismogenetic volume.
before. In fact, it was only because seismic net- Previous studies (Anderson and Jackson, 1987;
works have been enlarged in Southern Italy over Calcagnile et al., 1981; Gasparini et al., 1982;
the last few years that it was possible to find out Iannaccone et al., 1985) showed that earthquakes
low-energy intermediate events at a number of which occur at a depth greater than of 230 km
seismic stations large enough for hypocentres to (corresponding to the T zone in Fig. 51, exhibit a
258 G. Milan0 et al. / Tectonophysics 230 (1994) 249-264

clustering of the P-axis indicating a down-dip by having the axis of maximum compression not
compression in the lower part of the seismoge- aligned with the down-dip direction. These obser-
netic zone. The fault-plane solutions of crustal vations on fault-plane solutions, as well as results
and subcrustal earthquakes, showed by these au- from seismic tomography, heat flow and volcan-
thors, indicate a more complex shallow stress ism, point to the complexity of the geodynamic
pattern with predominance of both normal fault- context of this area and confirms that a classic
ing and transcurrent motions. Unfortunately, no subduction model cannot be applied in the
detailed fault-plane solutions are available in the Tyrrhenian region. However, even if our hypothe-
literature for earthquakes in the depth range of sis needs further checking, the seismic results
50-180 km. Also in our dataset, except for some discussed in this work and those available in the
earthquakes with foci greater than 230 km, we literature suggest that the predominant stress field
had no sufficient data on P-wave first motions to acting at present in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea
determine reliable fault-plane solutions in this is mainly governed by the opening of the Tyrrhe-
depth range. nian Basin and this does not seem to be in
Some of our very preliminary evaluation of contrast with the proposed hypothesis of a begin-
fault-plane solutions of the deeper earthquakes ning of new plate subduction in the Tyrrhenian
showed predominance of down-dip compression. Sea.
These very preliminary results are in agreement
with previous studies of the focal mechanism.
5. Acknowledgements
A recent analysis of the stress released by
earthquakes in the Tyrrhenian Sea was per- We are grateful to Germana Gaudiosi for her
formed by Giardini and Velona (1991). Using useful critical remarks although she does not fully
fault-plane solutions derived from P-wave first agree with our ideas. We also thank Professor G.
motions, moment tensor solutions and correlation Panza and an anonymous referee who made many
of polarity distributions, they showed that about valuable comments which helped us to improve
half the earthquakes analyzed are characterized the manuscript.
G. Milano et al. / Tectonophysics 230 (1994) 249-264 259




850513 2310 51.95 38-12.52 15-40.18 5.99 150 .93 4.6 6.0 890312 1448 55.97 39-15.82 15-38.39 9.43 116 .90 3.4 5.6
850514 257 55.18 38-10.98 15-38.70 5.60 139 .64 3.5 2.1 890313 2336 51.00 38-46.72 15-56.02 7.33 91 .60 2.6 3.2
850514 544 36.66 38-13.23 15-43.05 6.39 166 .85 3.6 3.3 890407 2158 13.05 39-55.17 15-36.15 16.41 191 .36 2.7 1.8
850710 1848 52.56 38-16.32 15-33.28 5.89 135 .83 4.7 4.2 890407 22 4 40.86 39-53.75 15-38.05 8.95 126 .09 3.7 4.3
850717 1917 .70 38-42.49 15-41.28 8.66 164 .50 8.0 9.3 890407 2212 6.36 40- 8.26 15-52.71 9.77 183 .98 6.4 4.3
850722 248 56.72 38-16.49 15-25.17 14.20 102 .85 6.9 5.0 890407 2239 59.23 40- 8.26 15-52.91 11.75 184 .% 4.4 2.7
850923 913 39.01 38-35.15 14-44.23 7.67 149 -88 4.5 8.1 890407 2359 14.31 40- 6.75 15-50.19 10.71 176 .32 4.6 3.0
851022 1740 47.69 38-47.91 l6- 3.56 8.23 128 .82 4.2 6.5 890409 18 0 50.02 38-23.53 14-41.95 9.03 200 .22 1.4 1.1
851028 1841 49.33 38-17.64 15-59.96 9.12 155 .67 3.7 6.0 090413 1449 28.85 38-23.47 15- 2.59 10.92 94 .64 2.1 1.5
851205 2028 41.01 38-32.71 14-34.75 5.43 124 .55 2.5 4.8 890418 838 4.86 38-25.99 15-51.94 1.22 138 .22 1.4 8.5
851205 21 2 33.79 38-33.73 14-24.93 11.98 194 .48 4.7 8.7 890423 1623 35.56 38- 8.09 15-49.30 8.44 102 .58 3.1 3.5
851208 2247 4.20 39-40.07 15-29.77 11.29 180 .87 6.0 6.0 890425 1 8 40.22 37-59.20 14- 6.93 2.52 62 .90 2.1 2.2
851215 1651 17.27 38-23.72 15-43.76 7.88 135 .54 4.2 4.8 890425 659 13.85 38-48.44 15-50.34 3.41 146 .44 2.0 3.3
860312 334 13.83 38-18.86 16- .60 11.97 96 .30 1.5 2.0 890514 632 10.57 38- 5.89 15- 7.49 4.09 86 .85 2.3 5.3
860312 336 5.03 38-16.97 16- 4.55 14.94 111 .33 3.4 4.2 890516 11 4 37.30 38-36.40 14-22.12 7.25 142 .80 4.5 7.0
860312 356 40.68 38-18.03 15-59.10 7.11 188 .36 3.7 3.0 890526 2219 17.56 38-11.16 15-11.99 5.57 85 .68 1.4 2.1
860312 553 25.4'138-17.84 16- .OO 13.11 183 .28 3.2 2.9 890607 943 3.71 39-43.81 15-25.11 7.57 215 .53 4.1 2.8
860405 2040 53.74 38-20.47 14-36.26 2.48 123 .88 4.2 9.3 890610 836 29.67 38-25.15 15-43.00 14.73 139 .47 3.9 2.8
860411 711 5.01 39-36.43 15-51.46 9.60 159 .72 9.9 9.6 890612 1132 43.22 38-48.10 15-17.51 6.23 107 .38 2.1 3.4
860416 1917 6.36 40-24.38 14-43.07 5.86 188 .84 6.2 6.8 890619 2114 27.25 38-24.83 14-38.23 8.96 154 .29 1.4 1.5
860503 20 1 2.19 40-27.12 14-45.91 1.11 171 .96 5.6 6.4 890620 145 58.84 39-24.37 15-49.85 8.82 169 .53 3.0 2.7
860503 2218 13.85 38-31.22 14-45.56 2.81 97 .40 1.8 6.4 890621 1646 21.75 38-10.57 15- 4.54 6.39 86 .b4 1.6 2.1
860522 2220 36.60 40- 7.16 16 4.54 3.14 76 .90 4.1 7.0 890622 1631 30.67 38-10.00 15- 3.58 5.78 76 .98 2.3 4.5
860528 730 34.29 39- 5.67 15-48.22 12.54 166 .37 2.4 4.4 890702 040 20.79 38-31.81 14-22.56 1.28 101 .65 1.8 1.6
860619 1956 6.95 38-20.66 13-41.26 11.99 77 .62 2.2 3.8 890703 252 12.60 38-58.04 16- 6.74 6.00 136 .34 3.4 6.3
860718 1719 50.14 39- 1.58 16- 4.11 .36 154 .58 6.0 5.5 890706 1246 3.43 38-24.89 14-41.02 8.33 W .80 2.6 2.9
860722 314 8.19 39-38.15 15-48.84 12.13 157 .45 2.8 3.4 890713 244 18.84 39-48.99 15-40.91 18.87 121 .55 2.5 4.0
860723 850 1.69 40-27.63 15-32.03 .20 120 .41 2.6 2.7 890718 5 8 56.03 38-27.77 14-46.68 8.11 91 .61 1.3 1.5
860809 049 40.65 38-10.22 15-42.89 15.12 173 .44 5.0 4.2 890721 2257 42.84 38-46.66 13-31.42 12.91 181 .75 4.3 2.9
860810 827 54.48 38-10.22 15-43.92 16.50 170 .68 8.1 6.7 890728 111 57.36 38-47.64 13-51.87 18.67 149 .53 1.7 4.2
860825 836 42.27 38-29.71 15-42.28 37.00 222 .59 9.0 5.6 890807 2335 27.13 38-14.82 15-31.66 2.79 111 .72 4.7 7.9
860902 729 27.40 38- 1.55 15-59.54 15.74 188 .39 4.0 2.1 890817 154 58.37 39-59.49 15-23.19 8.48 133 .42 3.0 4.0
860904 1718 19.79 38-48.52 15-32.74 12.52 199 .43 3.3 3.5 890829 2246 11.48 38-16.56 15-42.62 2.26 80 .94 3.5 5.6
860914 717 29.59 38-53.18 15-59.55 13.82 151 .69 3.1 2.6 890908 1241 9.68 38-35.55 15-30.30 10.55 101 .90 4.4 6.1
860926 2322 41.57 39-18.13 15-48.04 4.91 172 .38 2.7 2.4 890912 132 58.50 38-25.99 14-50.26 7.03 141 .78 2.2 2.4
860930 1916 52.57 38-31.56 15-51.10 .05 135 .40 2.0 1.8 890917 2223 6.09 39- 8.01 15-25.33 8.53 204 .87 5.5 5.9
861012 2316 17.92 38-18.05 14-56.40 9.30 135 .80 4.1 6.6 890924 1541 35.72 38-56.58 15-44.92 8.74 86 .69 3.1 5.0
861018 1826 4.72 38-24.43 14-26.10 6.28 209 .94 7.9 8.4 890926 1638 12.08 38-28.12 14-38.16 8.06 94 .68 1.7 2.2
870122 2344 37.33 38-11.83 15- 6.64 10.12 156 .47 2.7 2.6 890929 1955 55.31 39-39.76 15-24.12 9.33 153 .52 1.9 2.3
870212 2041 40.67 39-56.63 15-45.62 7.48 157 .32 2.8 3.9 891010 429 20.00 38-32.75 15- .b4 2.84 169 .b3 2.4 3.4
870219 1 2 44.45 39-53.33 15-43.13 2.11 178 .2b 1.8 2.4 891028 014 40.03 39-35.71 15-55.34 16.03 149 .55 2.5 4.1
870219 2217 9.79 39-19.81 16-21.61 8.51 140 .69 3.2 3.0 891102 1828 10.19 38-43.78 16- 3.41 4.21 135 .80 2.9 4.6
870313 1758 41.26 39-16.25 15-47.93 4.48 150 .bl 2.4 3.5 891104 1716 5.23 38-12.33 15-38.96 7.28 157 .30 1.2 2.3
870313 1932 46.37 40- 8.82 16-34.51 3.11 271 .53 4.6 5.5 891104 1813 5.31 38-35.23 15-22.90 5.70 110 .49 2.1 4.0
870407 2358 31.60 38- 3.15 14-56.64 4.77 130 -60 2.7 3.1 891105 226 43.78 38-25.83 14-53.90 7.65 103 .67 2.0 1.7
870409 258 7.05 38-43.74 15-20.13 19.11 230 .29 5.1 9.6 891112 1336 59.44 38-56.55 15-56.02 14.84 199 .79 9.7 9.4
870414 1425 4.32 38-45.88 15-57.01 7.86 167 .85 6.8 7.6 891121 1836 6.60 38- 8.53 15-50.45 .48 95 .86 1.5 1.6
870420 1416 49.23 38-42.14 13-53.10 9.60 165 .64 3.4 5.5 891121 1852 1.18 38- 6.66 15-45.85 8.82 173 .38 2.3 3.6
870503 144 49.09 39-40.54 15-52.71 8.00 178 .73 3.6 4.1 891121 1921 47.01 38- 5.99 15-45.13 9.37 102 .56 2.5 3.7
260 G. Milano et al./ Tectonophysics230 (1994) 249-264

870515 4 2 44.69 39-10.40 15-34.59 47.79 166 .27 1.4 4.0 a91121 2314 49.43 38- 6.65 15-47.81 9.28 109 29 1.1 1.8
a70609 2349 53.36 40-34.24 U-44.76 1.92 226 .ai 5.8 a.6 891122 033 27.75 38- 5.34 15-49.68 9.20 126 .7b 2.5 4.8
a70613 2318 19.13 38-52.09 14-38.44 .bl 217 .54 7.5 3.5 a91124 013 44.10 38-31.35 14- 4.09 0.74 115 .a6 1.7 2.6
a70614 931 50.51 38-23.40 16- 3.06 1.14 168 .54 4.0 4.1 a91130 244 7.27 38- 5.87 15-48.57 12.19 118 .19 .9 .9
a70615 019 37.58 39-37.36 15- a.36 .75 213 .60 7.1 4.4 a91201 848 52.44 38-35.72 15- a.54 a.55 163 .55 2.4 2.9
a70615 12 a 31.68 39-37.36 15-15.85 9.56 204 A6 7.1 7.4 a91218 2348 42.65 38- 6.24 15-47.43 2.67 107 .62 1.7 1.7
a70624 13 4 29.48 38-24.08 12-54.46 9.50 191 .a2 5.6 4.5 900106 2236 34.08 3a- 7.16 15-11.90 19.64 139 .44 1.7 2.7
a70628 010 49.50 38-38.48 15-32.60 .60 173 .60 3.1 3.1 900113 1934 30.88 38- 6.27 15- 6.72 11.66 140 .63 3.0 3.7
a70706 6 4 54.45 38-23.41 12-59.35 2.02 la7 .67 6.4 5.4 WO121 452 7.31 38- 3.64 14-50.81 6.27 152 .56 3.6 4.0
870728 a35 6.87 38-53.67 15-51.69 15.68 142 .40 1.9 3.9 900130 1035 34.20 37-48.98 i6- 4.11 4.46 278 .45 5.8 3.8
a70731 a 5 1.56 3844.74 15-39.14 la.16 204 -41 3.5 5.5 900201 040 40.42 38-28.05 16- 2.21 14.W 100 .40 1.4 1.7
a70816 1221 9.26 38-25.47 14-40.47 .45 192 A2 3.8 2.9 wo201 047 27.58 38-28.42 16- 1.12 15.41 105 .39 1.7 2.3
870817 20 4 26.29 3a- 9.10 15-39.28 1.42 110 .44 2.0 1.7 WO201 317 56.82 M-28.05 16- .a0 15.65 107 .52 2.1 2.5
a70823 2037 25.98 39-26.68 15-37.39 5.97 213 .32 2.3 3.0 900201 443 30.01 38-26.48 lb- 2.93 14.29 98 .49 1.8 1.5
a70929 1132 19.66 38-30.62 14-47.98 4.27 150 .46 2.1 3.1 900201 546 2.34 38-28.20 16- .9a 16.06 lo6 .M 1.5 1.7
a71020 353 49.33 39-45.93 15-49.56 4.73 140 .69 2.3 3.3 900201 1844 58.49 38-28.87 16- .52 20.53 108 .38 1.6 7.5
a71129 13 6 la.93 38-21.62 15-29.18 45.43 la3 .27 2.6 3.1 900202 248 35.08 38-27.M) 16- 1.42 la.09 104 .47 1.6 1.6
a71130 1321 2.94 39-44.28 15- 7.93 12.32 228 .59 7.3 9.4 900202 541 31.71 38-27.84 16- .a0 la.62 107 .29 1.3 1.2
a71205 10 5 16.67 38-19.10 14-41.62 1.30 225 .91 6.2 3.7 900207 2113 12.16 38-1l.M) 15-51.16 11.38 91 .55 2.1 1.9
a80121 1618 57.21 3a- 5.55 15-33.15 .25 215 .61 4.0 3.5 900213 950 28.63 38-10.33 15- .39 15.50 149 .80 3.9 6.5
a80121 1259 54.25 39-34.84 15-42.86 47.61 154 .2a 2.6 5.3 W0218 028 46.34 3a- 7.09 15- a.46 6.37 El3 .88 1.5 1.9
880124 150 49.32 38-21.59 15-59.06 1.40 124 .92 2.1 2.2 900219 539 50.26 3a- 2.85 14-43.66 7.18 120 .48 1.8 2.6
a80205 1352 52.42 39-39.54 15-36.03 9.09 219 .55 5.6 5.9 900224 638 22.84 39-53.51 15-47.04 11.78 149 .61 3.7 2.4
a80207 21 4 51.72 39-40.25 15-56.53 17.68 165 .53 2.8 2.8 900226 312 .7b 38-31.51 14-24.33 10.54 100 .5a 1.8 3.2
880308 a40 14.41 38-23.33 15-54.62 10.26 116 .69 2.1 3.0 900228 22 9 47.58 38-21.97 lb- 1.15 3.10 la5 .21 1.4 1.5
880330 153 54.07 38-45.59 15-53.12 19.35 174 .40 3.0 6.2 wO301 329 31.33 38-27.96 14-24.15 8.06 222 .56 2.5 2.7
a80331 2 4 41.42 38-30.49 14-49.76 11.15 140 .76 2.6 2.7 900307 131 10.65 38-33.32 14-22.23 .39 103 .ao 1.8 1.6
a80329 237 32.90 38-22.53 14-37.45 1.24 235 .57 4.2 2.4 900307 20 2 22.40 39-39.00 lb- 1.41 la.91 154 .b7 3.3 3.2
a80330 1119 26.53 38-25.00 14-43.92 2.40 105 .66 2.4 6.2 900308 2159 25.06 40- a.01 15-47.38 16.38 141 .57 4.9 4.2
a80330 1440 21.19 38-20.70 14-35.60 9.99 175 .76 4.4 5.0 900314 2216 31.81 38-32.76 14-45.75 2.48 146 .b5 1.8 2.5
a80330 1441 17.29 38-22.26 14-36.44 a.81 235 .57 5.4 4.9 900316 2232 10.70 38-34.19 15-37.53 19.30 113 .37 1.5 5.5
880402 1032 22.94 38-43.36 15-52.07 9.62 137 .49 2.3 2.8 900319 23 5 17.96 38- 3.26 15- 9.92 10.92 155 -44 2.6 1.6
a80403 2117 la.31 38-25.15 14-36.31 4.85 148 .77 2.8 4.8 900320 1628 a.85 38- 7.26 15- a.49 3.85 137 .53 1.6 2.0
880406 125 la.90 38-30.63 14-48.25 12.21 129 .a9 2.5 2.9 900328 547 31.29 3a- a.07 14-55.59 9.81 57 .w 1.9 2.0
a80411 150 57.94 3a- 6.78 15- 6.61 5.56 134 .72 2.5 3.0 900403 1452 42.52 38-22.64 15-40.98 24.43 139 .29 1.7 5.8
a80411 2231 .97 39-49.52 15-11.60 10.06 237 .69 5.6 4.0 900404 15 3 38.56 38-15.15 15- 5.10 5.57 76 .85 2.4 4.5
a80417 6 5 1.14 38-26.78 14-38.79 13.41 147 .79 2.3 3.9 9OO4O4 1654 4.33 38-10.44 15- 4.82 10.74 122 .35 1.1 2.1
a80417 1132 43.45 38-27.04 15-56.94 7.61 121 .4a 1.8 2.3 900405 19 4 25.72 38-24.25 14-36.56 1.72 180 .b2 3.9 4.5
880417 1520 33.33 38-25.31 14-39.05 a.41 154 .47 2.1 3.2 900413 1348 39.13 B-29.67 15-51.53 11.40 129 .57 3.4 3.3
a80423 4 I 31.44 40-10.19 14-41.54 1.05 223 .53 5.3 3.8 900419 344 27.27 UI- .la 14-57.02 1.39 90 .a2 2.0 1.8
a80424 034 9.14 38-25.07 14-23.96 6.69 173 .46 3.1 4.8 900421 010 14.79 3a- a.81 14-51.41 a.31 146 .36 2.3 3.8
880502 2152 50.23 38-31.38 14-50.26 a.78 167 .49 2.8 1.4 900425 2044 6.91 u)-19.53 15- a.34 12.56 179 .49 2.5 3.0
a80507 033 51.70 38-16.99 12- 7.78 10.21 302 .a4 7.9 5.5 W0429 716 38.69 38-17.72 14-57.35 10.68 94 .70 2.0 2.0
a80508 728 26.35 38-33.14 14-37.99 a.21 144 .53 2.2 4.0 900505 742 42.91 40-23.46 15-30.93 11.58 134 .W a.5 4.3
a80516 22 3 41.61 38-21.32 14-46.39 2.15 112 .76 2.2 3.6 900505 a45 52.66 40- .70 15-33.16 ii.87 154 .83 4.0 2.8
880516 2224 15.20 38-23.50 14-38.28 10.45 172 .67 3.6 3.1 900506 1226 59.16 40-30.23 15-35.74 3.39 lu) .5a 2.5 4.1
a80526 22 0 31.67 38-10.63 15- 5.93 6.91 76 .80 2.2 2.7 900510 647 54.89 ul-14.74 15-31.62 14.15 60 .68 2.4 1.6
880527 538 9.45 38-27.19 15-44.64 19.75 125 .51 1.5 4.0 900524 221 17.21 38-49.68 15-22.12 11.23 1% .a5 6.1 5.9
a80528 557 35.08 38-17.98 14-44.95 7.71 130 .47 3.1 3.7 900524 2223 26.64 3a- 4.17 14-57.53 3.31 149 .% 4.6 4.1
a80530 lo 6 38.57 38-24.11 14-54.82 6.51 147 .30 2.2 3.9 900527 224 5.60 40-27.66 15-26.70 10.00 159 .7O 8.7 5.7
a80604 1628 27.04 38-25.05 14-39.86 4.10 153 .62 2.2 3.8 900610 335 5.71 38-24.34 16- 1.41 7.83 134 .47 3.5 3.5
880610 131 41.94 3a- 9.10 is-ii.73 7.67 131 .31 1.4 1.6 900625 4 5 25.61 40-25.30 15-30.86 1.03 169 .b5 4.1 2.7
a80613 536 16.18 3a- 6.71 15- a.70 9.88 139 .26 1.2 1.4 900629 2346 1.46 3a- 7.23 14-54.50 3.61 142 .a1 2.7 2.8
a80624 1531 22.40 38-24.28 14-37.50 6.44 177 .57 2.5 4.4 900630 844 50.17 39-42.21 15-22.22 7.23 210 .54 3.4 2.7
a80605 1243 a.40 38-25.45 14-43.50 11.77 73 .93 2.6 2.7 900630 la34 54.02 39-22.13 15-13.72 16.25 191 .55 2.8 5.0
G. Milan0 et al. / Tectonophysics 230 (1994) 249-264 261

880606 1916 f3.R 38-25.19 14-38.41 10.00 154 -72 2.4 3.1 900702 3 0 48.88 38- 4.W 14-51.52 2.65 140 .b4 3.5 3.7
880610 220 18.98 38-17.14 13-31.65 3.17 105 .38 1.7 2.5 900712 1733 43.44 38- 5.52 15-13.63 7.01 163 .55 4.4 2.3
880707 9 2 SO.52 38-10.01 15- 2.80 2.13 122 .47 1.4 1.7 900717 1339 28.52 39-47.35 15-47.85 14.15 152 .87 3.0 3.2
880707 23 6 27.05 38-13.10 15- 1.21 4.07 121 .50 2.0 4.7 WC825 14 8 4.54 B-12.36 15- 4.29 3.36 115 .a3 2.2 4.4
880720 2344 28.97 38- 9.10 15- 2.09 14.32 233 -74 8.9 5.0 900826 1441 59.33 40-25.06 15-41.D4 4.76 114 .W 3.1 6.2
880731 2 5 13.92 38-54.33 t6- 1.97 18.56 91 -61 2.1 3.3 WO827 428 M.10 38-12.65 15-43.00 7-R 74 .98 2.0 1.6
880801 2055 39.93 38- 1.31 15- 6.64 1.09 95 .70 1.6 1.7 WO9Ob 814 13.19 39-26.58 15-52.% 14.27 144 .b2 2.7 4.1
880802 315 48.07 38- 2.39 15- 4.64 1.14 92 .73 1.5 1.5 900907 832 24.82 39-58-W 15-10.01 11.86 123 .71 3.0 4.2
880802 317 41.09 38- 3.38 15- 6.96 5.82 91 .69 1.7 3.2 900913 1210 14.08 38-35.W 14-27.77 5.76 180 .b9 2.5 3.2
880802 331 28.12 38- 1.97 15- 5.64 5.72 93 .56 1.6 4.4 900915 311 1.77 38- 8.68 15-52.11 11.11 98 .b2 1.6 1.0
880807 1653 44.80 38-23.32 14-39.47 8.65 167 .22 1.0 .9 900915 1958 17.67 38-11.47 15-30.57 14.45 128 .31 1.9 .9
880810 1817 1.16 38-22.71 15 4.95 6.53 87 .59 1.4 1.7 900917 20 7 13.30 38-34.50 15-11.62 5.25 200 .53 3.9 4.9
880810 2219 51.94 38-38.39 12-24.96 1.84 280 .% 8.0 5.9 900917 20 8 29.01 38-40.0s 15-10.75 9.95 138 .78 2.5 3.0
880810 2254 5.56 38-20.23 15- 3.38 -79 103 -29 1.0 1.0 PO0919 027 33.49 38-38.88 1513.59 2.09 142 .4b 1.9 3.1
880811 1720 27.57 38-34.65 14-16.63 7.20 133 .68 1.7 2.9 WWt9 18 6 22.11 30-34.71 15-11.68 8.03 201 .43 2.2 2.2
880814 528 11.13 38-25.25 14-50.16 7.18 131 .51 1.3 1.6 900920 9 3 9.48 38-32.90 15-14.55 8.14 219 .60 3.6 3.2
880814 610 49.88 38-22.24 15- 3.38 2.32 74 .64 1.8 2.4 900922 928 39.60 38-39.07 15- 8.90 13.14 155 .31 2.7 3.3
880814 929 20.43 38-23.82 15- 3.93 1.15 70 .55 1.3 1.4 900922 10 5 25.70 38-38.66 15- 9.18 11.87 153 .87 2.9 3.3
880814 1551 29.69 38-21.90 lS- 3.52 5.37 74 -56 1.3 2.6 900423 629 .I7 38-39.28 15-17.64 7.95 132 .93 2.5 3.2
880816 2346 56.63 38-34.12 K-45.50 13.47 111 .94 2.9 2.9 900924 1814 27.55 38-35.89 15-10.91 14.53 181 -59 6.7 7.2
880824 413 57.52 38-10.25 15-10.69 15.62 90 .38 1.3 1.8 900927 13 8 46.73 38-38.56 t5- 7.89 17.79 tl2 .53 2.6 3.8
880025 912 17.91 38-34.12 14-17.25 10.71 208 .32 2.0 1.7 900929 250 45.89 38- 6.26 15-48.05 6.52 120 .47 1.1 1.3
880923 1633 41.70 38- -86 15-14.22 3.45 172 .35 3.0 2.3 900929 3 4 4.24 38- 8.12 15-46.23 1.09 98 .56 1.0 1.2
880929 336 13.17 39-42.68 15-24.15 7.45 187 .32 3.2 2.4 900929 322 34.50 3% 6.59 15-47.49 6.87 115 .37 .8 .9
881002 1124 50.05 38-58.97 15-32.36 13.16 83 -65 '1.7 2.9 900929 2139 10.21 38-23.94 16-10.25 6.74 168 .87 2.8 2.7
881007 1622 22.68 38-27.32 X-40.60 10.03 128 -11 .5 .6 900930 1626 25.97 38- 7.71 15-48.04 9.09 106 .b6 1.4 1.0
881030 644 35.30 38-32.37 16- 8.02 6.11 109 .76 2.6 4.4 901006 1910 47.66 38- 9.10 15-39.3s 13.84 161 .sb 5.7 3.8
881107 1426 55.05 38- 6.57 15-52.10 3.88 104 .86 1.0 1.6 PO1022 1142 13.10 38-35.11 14-34.02 a.96 168 .59 1.3 1.7
881108 7 2 29.65 38- 4.07 15-49.30 7.02 188 .51 2.3 2.0 901027 9 5 58.22 40-26.10 15-31.89 5.94 152 .?? 4.6 4.2
881108 15 4 9.55 38-21.04 15-49.30 7.88 98 .54 2.1 2.1 901028 2255 43.61 39-21.35 15-49.03 6.79 149 .75 4.3 4.8
881204 2332 11.58 38-31.78 14-44.85 12.63 155 .57 2.4 4.4 901103 2154 42.04 38- 9.10 15-14.93 3.90 209 .47 3.2 2.5
881228 10 6 20.33 38-10.22 15-50.86 8.46 120 .80 3.2 2.5 WI116 617 32.28 37-58.83 14- 3.05 14.34 71 .99 2.5 4.4
8Wlt4 2235 26.74 39-16.08 15-21.82 12.44 159 .b8 5.3 8.1 901218 436 58.59 38- 9.10 15-10.95 7.20 156 .76 5.0 2.8
890127 337 49.96 39-21.45 15-55.32 16.37 142 .26 1.9 4.1 901218 438 18.76 38-11.94 15-11.16 5.87 197 .61 5.3 3.7
890202 8 1 t2.26 38- 8.24 15- 9.63 5.23 102 .70 1.8 3.6 901218 1749 39.46 3& 9.10 15-11.20 4.65 127 .73 2.8 2.7
890206 925 24.70 38-37.12 15-13.65 11.14 211 .29 5.9 2.9 901218 1626 10.73 38- 9.44 15-11.16 3.39 160 .45 2.3 2.3
890211 651 14.35 38-46.63 15-47.03 14.75 150 .41 2.8 3.2 901219 1646 48.44 39-26.57 15-27.30 12.55 187 .41 3.8 6.2
890216 1643 52.00 38- 4.30 15-57.64 11.36 173 .31 2.0 1.3 901222 943 46.71 38-59.58 16- 3.26 12.23 164 .58 4.3 3.7
890228 12 7 59.27 38-27.62 14-35.72 11.12 161 -61 3.9 7.8 901222 2240 8.81 39-24.00 15-25.89 19.43 176 .b2 3.7 6.8
890228 1214 24.37 38-29.73 14-33.28 10.73 106 -67 2.8 6.5 PO1229 648 13.81 33-53.27 15-59.56 30.30 133 .4b 3.1 9.3



850219 1240 58.89 39-14.61 15-39.85 291.45 122 -36 7.2 22.0 890318 18 7 40.06 39-58.83 15- 5.93 361.71 157 .32 6.5 12.9
850224 410 54.82 39-44.82 15-28.85 353.83 121 .22 5.3 17.3 890327 1326 39.27 39-32.37 15-13.51 246.42 161 .20 5.9 3.8
850313 1542 .I9 38-53.18 15- 1.65 83.90 127 .33 4.0 11.6 890330 1822 58.40 39-37.19 15-21.65 255.31 180 .32 5.7 4.3
850424 1130 24.76 38-53.51 15-26.42 185.41 116 .24 1.9 2.2 890406 330 22.47 38-30.25 15-24.17 155.35 191 .48 7.8 7.5
850714 1214 51.81 39-55.49 16-25.21 80.24 90 -36 2.3 5.0 890422 2311 48.92 38-25.93 1522.84 142.50 67 .R 3.8 3.2
850719 026 7.10 3946.97 13-45.28 443.45 131 -44 3.6 4.5 890520 1238 55.27 38-41.96 15-3b.95 132.56 223 .48 13.8 4.7
850724 1021 7.24 39- 7.91 15-22.01 217.25 135 -92 14.7 22.3 890523 1356 9.52 39- 9.02 15-40.22 218.37 225 -36 13.1 6.4
851013 1833 5.07 38-42.01 14-53.37 250.27 267 .52 18.4 7.6 890528 349 39.02 39- t.31 15 3.43 243.19 128 .72 5.2 5.0
860302 6 7 19.94 38-41.08 15-15.78 100.73 261 .23 13.4 10.1 890604 1747 19.07 38-29.24 15-27.70 92.14 182 .t6 6.5 6.2
262 G. Milan0 et al. / Tectonophysics 230 (1994) 249-264

860309 1427 21.46 38-17.85 15-10-47 104.70 141 -13 6.7 21.7 890618 23 9 51.85 38-50.38 15-44.08 79.50 104 .50 2.6 5.0
860310 16 3 55.70 39-37.40 13-42.24 426.79 169 .32 4.2 3.4 890621 2157 28.00 36-49.89 15-26.90 187.06 69 .68 4.1 4.8
860811 2249 11.46 39-10.70 15-15.49 230.67 114 .45 4.4 14.7 890628 2028 37.31 39- 5.15 15-14.61 224.39 80 .86 4.2 5.3
860815 1515 36.53 39-37.81 15-30.22 237.36 102 .69 5.1 4.3 890701 925 33.33 39- 2.71 15-45.84 192.29 242 .30 12.5 6.2
860819 542 14.53 38-59.95 E-35.41 t43.25 246 -26 11.5 3.1 890721 1247 30.67 38-47.38 15- 7.31 206.36 138 .44 5.5 4.8
86.082112 6 8.17 38-32.17 15-20.57 77.07 268 -56 14.3 11.3 890725 147 13.98 38-25.36 15-30.82 108.01 96 .42 2.7 2.7
360823 19 7 4.03 38-36-W 15-23.28 145.08 262 -25 7.0 3.4 890809 324 34.80 39- 5.69 U-23.68 315.61 75 .34 2.9 3.3
860901 1 3 4.82 38-27.01 15- 5.69 117.23 115 .40 2.3 5.6 890812 041 34.98 38-18.13 15-31.67 47.36 118 .33 4.5 5.6
860915 1956 38.22 38-50.78 15-32.02 233.45 200 .37 17.4 8.5 890916 210 3.97 38-25.46 15-20.67 98.27 143 .37 3.3 3.3
860917 0 0 58.81 38-19.90 15-22.72 120.46 248 .36 11.6 9.0 891010 2330 45.93 38-40.11 15-34.66 136.63 214 .40 10.7 5.5
860927 18 8 13.29 38-44.86 15-14.38 122.21 220 .18 5.9 16.4 891012 5 4 5.94 39-13.20 15-34.15 249.73 246 .47 17.8 5.7
861020 1918 54.80 39- 9.86 E-38.44 271.02 105 .23 3.2 11.3 891029 IO 8 43.16 38-36.32 16- .65 104.58 171 .23 7.5 2.6
861109 1741 13.39 38-49.13 E-29.86 122.59 121 -15 2.4 5.6 891029 2333 48.14 38-24.07 15-32.36 112.36 254 .68 t2.2 7.6
861121 136 36.86 39-20.95 E-33.28 243.72 130 .33 3.7 2.8 891031 2032 16.34 38-57.67 1539.39 165.29 180 .51 7.4 4.9
861130 319 11.32 38-30.51 14-51.38 225.24 128 .I9 1.8 3.9 891105 322 28.99 38-45.61 15-41.84 121.40 214 .54 8.9 5.6
870129 8 6 53.54 39-20.26 14-34.35 182.44 153 .05 .7 2.2 891119 2139 1.48 38-47.24 15-44.25 102.99 185 .21 2.8 1.7
870315 852 46.79 39-56.91 15-31.18 337.69 187 .29 11.3 22.3 891228 358 27.10 38-40.65 15-27.03 130.44 200 .30 4.7 3.9
870404 1738 16.78 38-56.22 15-46.35 224.91 97 -59 6.4 10.5 900120 1139 56.26 38-36.03 15-28.07 136.62 242 .47 9.1 4.7
870515 4 2 44.24 39- 9.61 15-38.20 64.73 162 .40 2.5 5.5 900120 2316 31.99 39-13.20 15-28.67 245.96 243 .59 18.8 8.5
870524 1313 55.25 39-23.51 15- 5.17 308.44 88 .69 3.0 2.6 WOl21 337 42.35 38-33.94 15-33.19 66.76 90 .59 2.9 5.5
870705 13 3 52.44 38-46.77 E-27.70 95.92 176 -20 4.3 10.7 900128 145 43.15 39-11.31 55-31.77 196.74 178 .&i 8.4 4.4
870715 2110 32.46 38-41.05 15- 3.83 57.75 225 .27 3.2 6.5 900128 1452 37.34 39- 6.03 15-23.04 263.90 246 .42 18.9 6.3
870909 330 14.80 38-57.63 15-35.12 202.98 128 .27 4.7 2.8 900211 623 21.14 39-18.65 15-31.26 252.25 140 .48 5.2 2.6
871017 245 47.14 38-52.82 15-42.94 142.95 156 .35 3.8 3.8 900215 456 16.01 38-45.00 15-14.74 227.90 76 .76 3.3 3.3
871027 1820 32.54 39-39.14 15-50.26 269.60 71 .54 3.7 3.4 900222 1328 30.69 38-23.53 16-11.59 108.98 125 .88 11.8 6.0
871108 724 8.44 38-49.98 E-34.03 51.13 172 .49 3.1 6.8 900310 1816 19.24 38-42.97 15- 4.64 239.13 114 .45 3.6 3.5
871129 13 6 18.83 38-20.17 E-29.97 47.93 179 -27 2.6 3.0 PO0310 2330 36.91 W-36.60 15-30.48 142.39 171 .47 4.6 3.9
871215 735 43.20 39- 1.20 15-42.88 228.28 77 -66 4.0 4.0 900316 318 57.47 38-26.26 15-12.24 76.69 217 .M 5.6 5.4
871226 23 7 12.77 38-36.21 15-41.28 65.17 122 .49 2.9 4.2 900318 152 41.09 38-37.68 15-45.73 103.59 211 .51 6.5 4.9
880105 1146 43.16 39-11.72 15-36.71 286.44 140 .38 7.9 7.0 900318 2213 56.40 39- 3.30 15-30.91 247.30 94 .98 4.7 4.4
880121 1259 54.25 39-34.84 15-42.06 47.61 154 .28 2.6 5.3 900320 616 25.72 39- 5.13 15-57.65 185.09 101 .67 5.0 5.8
880223 343 30.55 38-36.88 E-29.74 149.77 159 .23 4.1 3.7 900321 321 59.99 38-41.00 1539.39 90.94 207 .46 6.6 4.2
880308 19 2 43.81 39-42.15 15-31.12 288.91 87 .39 3.2 8.0 900323 12 0 21.62 39-10.31 15- 9.57 271.17 148 .47 4.4 3.4
880312 1338 5.48 38-50.61 B-30.34 78.98 179 -68 5.8 8.7 900325 1823 28.80 39-14.27 15. 5.18 250.96 125 .60 3.6 9.9
880325 515 8.87 39-15.61 15-21.45 144.41 241 -31 8.5 7.3 900329 417 44.11 39-42.t8 15-21.77 189.87 180 .24 2.9 4.2
880330 1811 31.17 3844.71 15-33.28 76.03 167 .32 1.8 2.8 900422 1331 48.43 38-34.03 IS- 8.28 119.69 259 .50 9.7 5.0
880330 2228 32.04 39- 2.31 14-36.25 327.53 218 .53 16.6 12.1 900502 22 3 43.80 38-58.08 1546.03 147.66 203 .39 10.5 7.2
880502 1351 8.11 38-51.85 15-34.66 119.70 205 -49 12.8 7.6 900504 657 42.47 38-53.55 15-49.70 93.89 821.22 4.1 5.7
830516 255 45.15 38-48.03 15-15.13 105.02 195 .59 6.2 6.4 PO0508 1818 34.07 38-32.24 15-21.02 152.53 123 A8 4.7 4.6
880519 2342 34.09 38-39.03 l6- 3.10 122.66 275 -35 21.6 8.3 PO0509 0 9 31.36 38-48.82 15-30.24 109.23 192 .30 5.2 7.0
880524 2316 51.10 38-58.40 15-30.93 127.30 178 -44 5.4 6.5 WO518 138 52.83 38-28.24 15- 7.19 143.69 244 .59 7.3 5.6
880529 1237 13.75 38-26.21 E-24.92 96.04 191 .31 3.1 2.9 900527 2130 5.95 38-20.65 15-32.62 92.59 189 .52 6.7 5.1
880530 2034 30.13 38-23.18 15-27.70 95.09 176 .28 7.6 13.8 900610 925 8.89 39-27.49 15-24.09 200.65 17'8.85 7.0 5.1
880531 1027 35.59 38-40.14 15-17.16 112.68 203 .52 4.9 4.7 900622 1722 22.13 38-40.50 15-16.12 147.06 102 .84 4.5 5.4
880531 2322 37.50 39- .79 15-37.17 72.99 197 -33 5.8 6.9 900624 23 2 30.52 38-16.62 14-52.63 115.94 122 .54 2.8 3.3
880707 1527 32.57 39- 3.75 15-15.05 252.67 140 .49 6.0 19.2 Wo625 2236 8.15 38-55.21 15-38.95 133.41 199 .5o to.2 7.7
880715 1852 55.35 38-21.87 15-25.86 114.29 129 .32 3.3 3.7 900703 1528 22.81 38-25.76 15-19.96 93.38 219 .49 7.2 6.1
880721 435 32.54 38-30.43 15-32.38 140.55 98 .49 2.5 2.3 900717 9 l 19.01 38-51.97 IS- 6.15 247.48 257 .56 27.4 11.6
880723 1758 49.31 38-41.78 15-38.38 84.15 73 .52 1.6 2.5 900801 2033 21.45 38-46.94 15- .48 271.69 105 .% 8.1 13.5
880804 357 27.27 39-18.46 14-31.04 363.20 98 .56 3.7 6.7 900822 16 0 10.85 38-23.61 15-23.81 100.77 195 .36 3.3 2.9
880806 2011 54.94 38-36.15 15-32.71 62.87 244 -24 4.0 4.5 900826 219 47.43 38-50.73 15-36.46 103.93 169 .52 5.9 7.2
880807 1139 24.03 38-38.93 E-32.16 146.55 168 -35 3.0 2.1 W0827 651 52.66 38-27.39 15-59.66 74.31 128 .S8 2.7 3.0
880809 2242 19.27 38-28.28 15-31.14 116.97 100 -28 1.9 2.0 900829 1044 8.45 39- 9.95 IS- 3.46 58.11 205 .32 2.9 10.1
880812 1232 1.16 38-30.89 15-21.20 165.57 117 .34 2.1 1.9 900907 2235 58.31 38-28.13 IS- 9.81 175.50 129 .42 4.2 3.6
880812 2214 21.87 38-38.30 E-29.85 136.87 172 .16 2.2 2.0 900908 2343 6.96 38-26.32 IS-21.W 97.79 199 .36 3.9 3.5
G. Milano et al. f Tectonophysics 230 (1994) 249-264 263

a80814 2225 40.50 38-43.63 14-53.49 231.35 147 .39 4.5 4.3 901001 3 1 29.29 38-43.41 15-40.65 126.68 175 .57 4.2 3.3
a80824 240 40.28 38-18.81 s-27.70 89.82 134 .32 4.3 3.7 901011 1718 7.54 38-36.24 15-33.04 102.77 238 .56 13.6 5.7
880829 3 5 50.31 38-24.57 15-28.91 202.67 a5 .38 2.3 2.4 901012 940 31.14 38-34.86 15-46.62 105.39 179 .& 5.5 4.2
880907 6 1 39.53 39-14.60 E-35.74 188.21 126 .39 3.2 3.6 901016 027 39.24 38-39.01 15-39.18 95.42 225 .62 16.8 7.7
a81001 1418 51.16 39-32.46 E-36.82 291.00 109 .34 4.9 13.9 901016 21 5 45.79 39-22.93 15-37.29 227.35 240 .54 22.3 6.5
881004 1014 13.62 38-20.56 15- a.39 103.32 274 .21 7.8 4.1 901017 051 3.69 38-56.53 15-42.97 101.58 155 .42 2.6 2.9
a81015 514 40.65 39-16.92 15-32.38 264.79 168 .46 6.8 14.4 901024 319 36.41 u)-31.25 15-20.83 101.76 224 .?b 8.4 6.8
a81024 844 11.01 38-41.63 15-27.70 123.45 la3 .40 4.0 3.3 901104 2247 17.27 38-26.86 15 7.59 125.84 287 .ia 4.3 4.1
881102 1637 21.44 39-14.29 IS- 7.44 205.64 232 .37 10.2 5.3 901110 719 21.31 39- 5.59 15-24.50 222.84 179 .30 3.1 2.3
a81212 624 -12 38-21.67 15-21.02 96.99 229 .32 3.1 2.7 Polll? 911 2.30 38-22.93 15-26.46 102.89 181 .45 3.8 2.4
881213 1748 45.90 38-266.0915-14.62 92.16 255 .29 9.8 4.8 901114 030 44.66 38-26.40 15-28.10 97.59 la1 .81 6.3 4.3
881218 2050 .99 39-12.12 15-26.M) 263.03 111 .54 5.3 13.8 901129 830 8.14 39-55.05 15-48.44 286.84 lo0 .61 6.0 10.2
890106 1344 54.25 38-3a.82 15-32.86 126.44 199 .21 5.2 4.4 901212 1955 28.30 38-56.39 15-22.97 166.27 283 .54 14.1 7.2
890117 1652 11.08 38-26.90 15-31.68 159.73 92 .48 5.0 5.5 901214 321 26.80 39-18.63 15-33.51 260.81 68 .a1 3.8 3.9
890211 651 14.74 38-46.38 15-47.88 30.21 149 .41 3.0 9.8 901220 051 46.74 38-32.04 15-23.62 122.07 217 .48 6.2 4.1
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890307 1012 23.94 39- 6.80 15-35.61 58.30 172 .22 2.0 5.6 901227 1742 33.08 38-39.?3 E-52.79 52.86 115 .63 4.8 3.8

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