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hat are the bereita o irtualizatim in the Context

ocloud Combuting
ANBene-its that areprovided by the proce ouirtuali-
otim oxe o alaun,

rotection xom ailare-he most signiticant advantage o

aing in cloud combuting ib thot iF Can
cOmpletely stophe entire Satem aomailihge doen
reauied he reasm behind thia i thatir tualizar
in tructure seqme gated into Variou containeta
cheCme hem aul the rent_arepragrammed na
to alla it> Auit

2Aseintanaerrins data r machine-Uhe the mast elerhive

Virtuali.sañionin clud comphhgfhe Smodthne
and cae d anae rring data betireen varia
Land s e r y e r . h i aue the time ond e de 9aing
thraugh aeveral hysical hard drives o data centre
to i d hatwhat a wer might needhc
Ho tanaer entire Seweraand Suptema wthat
llreocathing amyxhing Saves e emalaers a lot o t ime
nancesand reaaurce.

ISacurite- he veryeature that virtualised injraatructue

seqre qated into variausComttainer enSures the mA
obtimum Joanaible level o ontechim. "Ika uctn ehaiire that
Teacher's Signature-

Page No.

miatake ar rce ul
maluare inptallati.mb
h cabes o cannot corrupt
sim b also Cmaita
S e r e a bybtnbbinge
stscol ds keeb the data sale
oStong encryphian
are oragammedinto the
and in cdnAidence Backkuba
aUer Sometnay losen A
inrasture o hat i
aricular oart e ik, they can easily

Streamlined ooce aing and obeatinns-alle ting and

ensue centalisanim
yirtualuing server> c t n nelo the uerD
gale betuen.
inhe ma'nagenend arace. Nat navin o
seneca phipicallu Smoattbena the Cntire
bnd ater werThi hele in jocihg m areralll reaurce
adnacemede and capacit plamisgz mace halishicallincenera

5.ost-dny kind o ecosuattm bene taram virtua

iaaton in claud comauting because lk cuta dam Cart
in o manner, mich duld be o t the ueshon
ithat thene peiic uncticm ubparted b thin
mentianed abae sares_ inancesreacurces and elMat
m rage And hyaical and individual sener

Bharti Teacher's Signature-

Page No.

at doesCoud comuutingk help to reduce the ime

to market applicatiam ond to cut
dcum Cabitalexpenaed
_du oud appli.catima merare collabarotiam b
allaranng diaperaed qzaubso e cole lo ieet
irtualNAnd eaailye hare inder moticon in
Ond vin hared realAne This cababilit Can reduze
ime o mar ket_oand
And c&atoener
pradut develapimet

Ccm.ucting CostCOAt eechve
ecause Ccmeeanie
aave o
urchase eaupment_and uild ut
Ad ooe rate a doata center he don naueto
endsionicant Mane hardware ocilihea
And otherAspecta ooe
rcatima with
radikimal coa b Cmpany can spe nd
million belerR g e t Any ralue m
i _investment in the data cente r

Clod caaputingCcompanies can educe the size c

Cwn data centerD r eliminate neir data center The reducha
o nunber a serveca, teatuare cost and the
number o tn Can Siami &a nH reduce
CO withut indasc ti he gania Atins

Bharti Teacher's Signature-

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3-what in AWSI What tubes o servi cc 2

Deacri be EC2 and doea i prvide
itn baALC tatures reb serice a n onlinelat fcarm that
SCala ble and cost-ellective cloud ccmputing brLalui de
solutims ANS
IA Camprehe nsire eaS to we comoting.alat frrem ctered
bu Amaq mhe blaterha i develsbedith wth a cambinaion
inrasructue a service U aaS)_platzrm a asegne
PaaSand ackaged sotuarr a sermite (SaaS)
Amag m nas many Eervices cloudcloud aldplicatims. Lett us
at daurh aurservÀLen he AWSe ecosu.stem and a
Drie description hour deuclobera use dheam in their buinesi
Ämazon aas a liat ol services
ambute service
NtLdcing and deliiersp Cocent
Securit tools
veler tols
Mana gment toal

EL2» the coe Compute combonent of the tecaalogu stack EC

resigabe cmue
ma kes Dile eanier n develabera a ra ding scure od
staling u o
Cabacity in the cloud _gzeatly éase the oracesa
ralther serviceA and CamCA
ldaum Can beinteaated into Sere
wth yo ml
a plan where ar am hmuch yau wne it.
Teacher's Signature-
Page No.
Date hour Claud combuting technalaa can be apblizd tp

supperetremate ECG montoing
allmu the remote mani furing
nclud combuting technalogie
beat data. lhrzuchia ual the bt ient ot riAk Can_
adienta henrt
the nospitalr EC

be Cmamntly memitaced unthct gain

dt the saae ime the Jhctar Can instantly be ncitied uah
CAeA that heedis Their atemiam

Uber raAes
SAAS CECh data analis ssa serviee
Blurooth erabled
COmbunicat ion PRAS Onamie
Proce>r madwe
Scalable Tuntn
runh m
IECGse nsor medule
TAAS nraatruce asa
Wirde fIMoble erice
3 netua

Rere in the tiqure there are dgecrent bes e compiutinge deuices

eauibeed uith Eh sensaca o camatonty- mmitac te red heatet
fhe repectie inlarmatim ib tranamited the attientá
mabile device tat unll Imnediately akarde.d to the cleud
-hosted usb serices o anauaia
The etire web ser ViCe om ihe mnt d a Aplatpo
Hhed i .cmpletelu hoatcd in the cltud that cmaiat three
Bharti Teacher's Signature
Date Page No.

S-HoLr COn a cloud seadceaccmm.adatc increnaing wnklada_

AnAthe tmtir on the internet qgttauár rapidluudich isabord
0oannually c the prebent benic ence the wok lad_m
he server tuiny so act udach leada o the oerlmdi
Seper mainl bobudar web serrerThere are
uo eleme ntar Saltim oerComethe pra.ble a
SRrlanding m he ereD)
i r A a single-serveraluchicn/ n whih the Senrer
upgraded a daigher erecoance server Aaeer the
ne Sener may AD be erca ded scma de manedina,antthas
eande macemetha uaradin procem iA ardua And epers
Second is a muliple-se rvC seluim in hich a scalable servire
lsyaiem an & cluster o sernera ia buiktThata hy t i
mare cDAt elecive s \elll mane scalaet build a Server
clusterSem netuak seite
oad haloncin ia beneicial ith almeat anu. idae
Serice iheTIP,SMTP, DASFIP ond Pop/mAP
also rideseliabili aghscedundansy he
balansis Erice pid esd b A dediated ardusare|
devise cc2rgan (sud -based sners ma can
attain oecsrecias a labilis and ascaidabili aing
Serytrnd balan ing-

Bharti Teacher's Signature-

Date Page No.

Q-6ngHr Can the proceabing cabacitya

virtual servera be dnamita
SCaled in reaponae to Ructuadng L reaaure uage
reauirement ?
Anwinen reurce hosted avirtual benver imboae poceaing
reauireme nta thot exceed the virtua erer'h cabaLtt fh
perornance and reliability the nosted
he itual server tse ma be Cchmb tomised
An elatic praiaienin Suatem la estnbliahed to dumamicale alleate
Osnd reclaim P and RAM a Virtual enver in_ reapm>s ta
heactuotng braceingp requirement> a t hoated L|rsaureA
Kesurce prdla are utlged by scaling tecnalc that inttracta

lwth the ubervianr and M to ethiee and return PUand

RA rescLurre 0t runtimc a ber heccMan pnceing anit

1: our can a waklanm.d he alanced acrO virtual serverA and thtic

phaica hasth
a runtime wadsland ia impraherly diatmibuted acrOA bath virtual
Serrer and their phyaicalhoatta then me virtual seaera becane
lover-utiliyedwme atheraare under-uhligd a unnine idle
he uadslmd ia recalculated at runtinme and rirtua serveca ae Loc
pand ingu maved ehreen hoatingphyaial xrvera n emsure even
dumbuhim acroa virtualand phusial layera
cakaciay uatrchdgg sunya ahuaial and virtual Aerver and reperts
NArione t h e VIM which interactawith alaad balancer and
Ltve VMmigah.m o dumamicaly adust virtual server sathicu

Bharti Teacher's Signature-

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-1Ha Can a virhunl Servec be kebt Connecfed uhen phyaical

Connechm aila
n Airual server i Cmhected to an external netuwak via a
irhual_suath ublink oart the uhlink tails Cdue o r xanple
CAble diaconne ctimm or bart nilure the virtual ener
becmeb lalated
and dibtannert romthe externa netak :
tto see pind A virtuasenver tohnected hen ita
phuaical (nnechim
aila me_ mare redundart plink cmne ctima
ae extahl iahed A
ahd paitamed in atandbye marde redundantblink camnechian
AuAilable o ke aep A the actire ublink Cmne cnion
whenerer theprimaru ink Cmne cm be ccmne unavaihble
r sxperienepailure_cmditinmA
while the main wlink wading Virtualserver Cmnect o
the otside vin that r t . da sonm t ab the atand bu
inktnk uall autnmatically beccome the Achive walink and the
Server LMSEnA the packeta o the ctside uta the neue
uplink hia loroce also TAnsmre t to victualservera
and wec

-9Haur an avirhual sexver suLive theailure o it hating

ghe.nuiaorar phyaical server
anirtual seriera un ma hyperuiacr Ond harduarerecurce Ae
emulakedr the irkual sener via the heeuiaa the
pexviaa a gr the underluangphuaieal servtr falla herh
CALADIngthe hyberuor to ail theailue_Cmdi hen cascades tn
la ika haat-ed uidualeera
Bharti Teacher's Signature-
Date Page No.

high- Aailabilie hyberrvibar duater i (reated to extabliah

aqtp ahyberiacr.a thatt pan ehicaServer sa
TCAt agren phuaieal sorver rnuberua becsea
Lhalkailable hasted irtual senreraCan be mored o Onather
ohuaicalserer or hyberviar
EloHar can a claud cmaumer be bi
tcarataly the acal
ammut t reaaLurce waage
ngfurchosing leaning anenire reAource canead to_
ee Sigmiitandtly diapropucnate to the Actua a mauntt hor
he rebarce iailiaad
Asuadem inradured to measure Actusl EscLme
Conaumrion at a anular lerel and n_Lomeseumdigy
bill ml the meaured u
Runimd a ami tarin a nabled io atk ActualII eaues
weage and a bilina suate m a extahlished to race olleted
wa ge data into bYlling inematin

-1What in server Haur CAn ik be Lemalderedarer

managerent stroegu
d Server oealldostian

Derver cnmnalidatim i an abpr.mch a the elicient uhag.e

oCnpute Server esOLLYce in adec o reduce -he otal
Mumber_ Serveca a Aeever lecandnd that ah rgani ahm

Bharti Teacher's Signature-

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errercmaolidatimsaVeSaVedper oticaa costa almot

inimiyin andpctentially eliminating
almaat immediate
mainhe nane and phusial ztoage aerhead costaoeaticral
aerhead cozt
beneit onetua ineastrure ib a huae
Lmaali datin tupicall i
harduare that ia 2-3 yeararecmnended iy are nai rn
ald_and ycu O canuiliza
cAn uiliz nene tr
harduare with ea han 7 c a
year Hard drive, CPls and catprint ram the oreuic
RAIM_simplyget bi4gerancd ae
dheaertagivig. meHae ahilit
ot a 8GB_o AM D
remoe A Se rrer

do 12g GR KAM The etetincmaalidocb 20 servera tha can

simi lar a toraga saehere
w e ha veseen h e cot o space drch _siamiicastle
6-a-Hcr con the orainicming a resaurres be automated and nade
ovoilable to claud co mera m- demandL
Ans-When a claud cmsumer chooae> wha I reaAurcea it
uauld like
Ho Jeone, havingthe actual pradaicaing
eerpacmedmanuallu can require tco much me and bhuman
ike rartim n be siicientlue esctive and rebarsive
ptem can be eAahiahed eacurte and Carcrdinate fhe
oudomias oaYange oemiaiai nnkcA ad pmcenes
Coceer ouo-piaming syadeaa can be anaembled each_
lae nerally Cmanied o pid rmiaicaibs enginc nd
an utomated ervaimLg r am

3jarti Teacher's Signature-

Date Page No.

-13W hat do yu mean b uave planning

AnWave planning-ia an ierative anemdk that allaunpret
manager o plan taect in pnane adding ae detaib
D attr hoe a neuinmnaathicm beceme availahle E
ue Dtntegie anningthat emphaaiz neeinashect
kenm qunla om an_chmgmn anais At the beginins aa
orect he atqect manager oatlines the eolu praec
age in detoilhile Cnlde ring lader bhosex mare brumdly
An Hhe brqect tcam begena wsin om their abad:ican
k îhe prqect ma na ger minus add more_deailb
Ho the laker prmect hanes

1:attibuted taak. managament forceVPN. CCIE claud gevenan

ngDishibuted tadk management tea DMIE formall snaun
the distributed manaqement dausk rce Createy doen manageabilaeU
Standord spanning diver.e cmergang- and Tmaditimal
infmtructuresncluding ludvr tualizaim, netums seriea
and tarage Member (Omlaanies_and alliance arthera adide
collaborraBe on tandardn n imare he interperta ble mandgemert
inmonatiom technalagiea
Natiemally and indern.ati.mallyrecagmid by ANST and
TSOOMTF standarda enable maace inieqzzakd and eaat
ectiveaphrcnch n managa.ment hkughinitraeraba_alutima
simultaneau derelosanr oceen tandarda imade le u
DMTE uhich haa the ppacttnalaand infzastructurea ellisier
Ldeveloomen and collaharatiom.

Bharti Teacher's Signature-

Date Page No.

VPN A cloud virtual or.iszate neteck (cloud VPN) iba arn

o echnalc deaigaed n belb wer acces their arganigahma
apblicaima daa and Hle thraugh a chaitt ao an aplima
unlike haditicma rtoic VPN>a dcud VPN brnidea o
SECUre _mnec tim that can be rapidlur dedced akalalla.

CIF lhe cloud interahecability mum CCCIE was mned in

arder to enable a gla bal claud Ccenping ecosuain uherc
roAnigati ma are oble to Seamlealu uas tnarther he
purpoAes uider indutru adaim cudcmtin
Hechr pelated sernviteh d ke ne uillbe phed
TheCreaion c a cassm ageeed hm rameuads lontal
hat emble the ability ue c nare cleud platkmma to excha
inrormatiom in an unLied manner

Cloud (hoernance' i the Set oelicien orincibles hat aet

lo the guidance ae adaptiam eand management
ot claud lechnalagu Seryices
i an aryair araceAthat muat sit m o o
expting gaeynante mode la
set o rules yau Create to mmitor and anend
necebary in arder to ccmrol costaimprae eciencs
and eliminate securityiaka

Bharti Teacher's Signature-

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