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Journey Project Approval Form

The Journey Project Approval Form is completed fall of senior year and submitted to the Review Committee.
This form must be typed (12 pt Times New Roman), use correct grammar, spelling, capitalization, and
punctuation. The student should provide as much detail as possible in the following areas:

● Goals of the specific project / what problem / need / or issue the product addresses or fixes
● Clear connection to research & mentoring
● A detailed description of the product explaining not only what they will be creating
● How long it will take to produce the product
● Identify the personal stretch in learning
● What the judges will actually see during the presentation and how the product & work involved will be
documented / demonstrated

Students should not start work on the individual product until they have received a formal approval from the

Products that are not approved must be resubmitted by the assigned due date ( per English teacher). Parent
contacts and possible conferencing may occur for any student who does not receive approval after the second
submission. Students who do not receive approval by the third attempt are subject to point reductions on their
final product. Failure to meet submission deadlines will result in point reduction.

Any necessary changes that occur during production must be approved by the product approval committee in
advance. Any student whose final product deviates from what has been approved by the committee risks
receiving a failing grade on the product. If the product is not approved by the committee, students will have
to re-submit the letter with a new product proposal for approval.

Students are not expected to spend any money on their products. However, should they choose to do so, please
note -
● No funds will be reimbursed by the teachers, the school, or any other entity.
● Any money should be used toward collecting, assembling, or completing product. Those funds must not
be spent on a completed product or any kind of “build-it-yourself” kit.
● Products are judged on merit and investment of student time and effort - not money spent.
Journey Project Approval Form
Submitted to Product Approval Committee

Name Sophie Dellinger

Date (s) submitted August 19, 2022

Research Topic / Area of Study Jewelry design and creation

Connection to research paper I did my paper on jewelry design. With this project I will be
applying the skills I learned about.

Goal of product / what problem or The goal is to design and create a set of jewelry that all follows
need solved or addressed and amplifies the same theme. The set will include a pair of
earrings, a necklace, a bracelet and a ring. Each piece will
demonstrate a different skill I learned within jewelry design,
while all staying consistent with a similar style.

Estimated time to complete Finish design plan near the middle of september then finish
jewelry end of october

People who will assist (if applicable) Ms. Webb for Ceramic jewelry, Mr. Leluika and Ms. Hook for
design and artist statement advice

Estimated cost / investment $150

What will judges see at My physical collection of jewelry (set of earrings, necklace,
presentation? (evidence of work bracelet, ring), artist statement for the collection, concept
and development) sketches, final design plan, progress photos

Personal stretch (area of growth) I will learn a new area of art I have interest in: learning how to
design and create jewelry. I will also be able to have some
practice writing an artist statement.

Product Description (need fulfilled / problem solved): Bring a focus to visual arts at pine lake

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