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Technical Round: -1
 Define Case and case type
 Data pages
 Scope of data pages
 difference between thread,requestor,node
 Brief explanation about SLA
 report definition
 Report definition used in project
 Agent
 Give a brief explanation about credit card applying process
 About section
 Data transform
 Data transform used in project
 Clipboard
 Correspondence
 Correspondence used in project
 Validation
 Tell me about yourself
 Inheritance, child object creation, Constructor
 Some scenarios to design and explain how to configure
 Rules used in configuration
 pyDefault data transform
 Age calculation function
 displaying age w/o declarative processing
 How to display 5000 records onto the screen
 Scenario based routing
 SLA and escalation actions
 circumstancing
 Job Scheduler/Agent
 polymorphism in Java . And where did you absorve in Pega
 He gave me a scenario and asked me to explain how to build the casetype starting from
 Tell me about yourself
 Can you explain about any of the use case the total end to end process
 Circumstancing
 Activities
 He asked me in which topic I faced difficulty in implementing.
 Asked me my fav topics in pega and asked me few questions on those topics
 Datapages
 Tell me about yourself
 About project(workflow)
 Datapages(scope, source)
 Activities (Methods)
 Savable Datapage
 Forward chaining and backward chaining
 Data transform(Actions)
 Explain about actions in DT
 Urgency value
 Decision tree and Decision table
 Utility
 Correspondence
 Datapages
 Data Transform
 Casetype scenarios
 Activities
 Circumstance
 No of days calculation functions
 Java oops
 Two aptitude questions
 Configuration of SLA
 Talk about the best use case you’ve done
 Parent and child cases
 Activities
 Circumstancing
 Data transforms
 What’s a Data page and how’s it sourced
 What are Control types
 list Property modes
 Difference btw value list and fgl
 What’s correspondence and list it’s types
 What are the different shapes in flow
 Difference btw decision tree and table
 What’s the use of optimization
 What’s pega
 What’s BPM ,CRM
 How do use a decision shape
 HR started with hobbies I mentioned in resume.

Tell me about your self
Asked me about my personal project
Execution of personal project
About attachment field
Sourcing for drop down
Scope and types of scopes
Directed and pattern inheritance
Few scenario based questions which were easy
Asked if I have any questions


Tell me about yourself

About Pega Usecases
Talk about the best usecase you have done
Rules used in usecases
About activities
How to change date format from MM/DD/YY to DD/MM/YY
Checkout, Check-in
How to configure email
Four aptitude questions
Tell me about yourself
Which usecase recently you have worked
What rules you have used
About data pages detailed
Circumstances, activities
Debugging tools you have used.
SLA and urgency
Report definitions
About inheritance
Do you have any questions to ask?

1. Tell me about urself

2. Usecase Explanation and rules used
3. All the Use cases Names and implementation
4. About Data types topic and 2 scenario based que
5. Validation topic and 3 scenarios based que
6. routing topic and 3 scenario based que
7. SLA and urgency
8. Correspondence and Correspondence fragments
9. Superclass features
10. Datatransform
11. Circumstances
12.Activties, scenario based ques
13.Why pega
14.Case design
18.Data pages
19.Inheritance in pega
20.diff b/w decisions tree, table, map
21.Java polymorphism
23.Inheritance in java
27multistep forms.

At last he asked me 3 aptitude questions
At last he gave me an aptitude question to solve on averages.

Technical Round: -2
 Tell me about yourself
 Difference b/n Pega n Java in Application Development
 Difference b/w inheritance in Pega and Java
 Multiple Inheritance in Java which is not in Pega
 Explain any use case with rules
 If Pega goes down, how will you survive?
 What application would u do for yourself or college?

Java: polymorphism
Multiple threading
 A casetype explain ,be confident .
 Why data page when we report definition
 All about Datapage.
 Data propagation
 Circumstancing.
 Debugging tool inpega ans: tracer ,liveui, clipboard.
 Declare rules.
 About areteans company
 What are your ideal work ours.
 Valulist , page list.
 Polymorphism
 Multi threading
 Exceptions
 Explain a usecase with rules
 All about Datapage
 Data propagation
 Value list and page list difference
 Circumstancing
 Debugging tools
 Declarative rules
 What do you know about areteans ?
 What is devOps
 -ask few questions in the end
 what do you expect from the organization?

 Tell me about yourself
 Polymorphism
 Multi-threading
 Exceptions
 Explain a use case with rules
 All about Data page
 Data propagation
 Value list and page list difference
 Circumstancing
 Debugging tools
 Declarative rules
 What do you know about areteans ?
 What is devOps
 ask few questions in the end
 What do you expect from the organization

 Explain about the Usecases mentioned in resume (our choice)

 How do you configure routing?
 Work queue
 Difference between case and assignment.
 Questions on Work parties (As I said, I have implemented them)
 Any questions you want to ask
 Tell me about Few Oops and Java concepts
 Where do you use Oops in Pega
 Describe your Use case
 About Unauthenticated Access Group
 Why Pega Why Not Java or C#
 What Do you like about Pega
 Devops,DCO,Roles in Pega Project
 About Areteans

 Tell me about yourself which is not in resume

 How pega is related to java
 Explain usecase which I had mentioned in resume (he has selected one)
 About department project
 Why areteans? Any specific reason
 Decision tree and table diff
 Debugging tools
 Oops basic definitions
 Do you have any questions to ask?
 Asked to explain a usecase of his choice
 Explain Process of requirements and implementation of usecase?
 Why pega?
 Unit testing
 Topics I like in pega and asked me to explain about those
 Tell me about yourself
 Xplain usecase
 About datapages
 Delegation
 Scenario based questions
 Asked about oops concepts
 Debugging tools
 Report definition
 Why areteans?
 Is it fair for you to xtend work hours?are u going to work for xtra hrs or not?
 Explain the usecase of my choice.
 Report definition
 Datapages..
 Sections
 Oops concepts
 Class hierarchy
 Abt extra curricular activities I have done
 How can you relatate pega with java.
 How did I overcome difficulties while working on usecases
 Favourite ipl team
 Favourite series
 Why pega when you know java
 Complete discussion about my usecase for nearly 15 mins
 Data pages
 Report definition
 Refresh strategy
 Pravalika
 Comaparisions of java and pega
 Any Usecase stages,process,steps
 Savable datapages
 Circumstances
 Utility
 Optional actions
 Scenario based questions
 Oops concepts
 Data pages

Director Round
 Tell me about yourself
 About usecase
 How to connect to Gmail server in pega to send email
 How to configure applications like flipkart,amazon

 Technical things
 Describe usecase in pega
 How to send email
 Email sending without using pega
 What is your career aspiration
 What would you add to this company

 Extracurricular activities
 Usecase u r interested
 How to send email(original one)
 Your goal
 About areteans
 Why should we hire you
 What are all the usecases u worked on
 Explain all the concepts u used in any of the usecases
 What is your career aspirations
 What do you know about Areteans

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