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PEGA Interview Questions

Note: these questions have been/will be asked in the PEGA

interviews, these are collected and framed based on the all cycles
of UAP which covers till date.

Questions also will be asked on USE CASES, which you have

mentioned in your resume.

1. Explain about DCO

2. What is SDLC and its models
3. Difference between Decision table and Decision tree
4. What are the scopes of data pages
5. What are the types of inheritances in PEGA
6. What is integration
7. What is the difference between service and connector
8. What is flow action and why we use it
9. What is pyWorkPage and why we use it?
10. What is data page and why we use it
11. What is a page list property? Give an example?
12. What is the difference between case and case type
13. What is BPM
14. What is RPA
15. What is customer engagement
16. What is DPA
17. What is case management
18. What is sub report
19. What is mixin
20. What is the difference between pattern and directed
21. What is circumstancing
22. What is ECS
23. What is forward and backward chaining. Explain the
differences and methods of it
24. What is an activity, why do we use it, mention some OOTB
25. What is delegation, why we use it and mention what type of
rules can be delegated
26. What is workgroup, workqueue, worklist
27. What is work object
28. What is the use of fork in decision shape
29. What is PRPC
30. What is PEGA infinity
31. What is clipboard and why we use it
32. What is SLA
33. What is tracer
34. What is LiveUI and why we use it
35. What are the different property modes available in PEGA
36. What does the error record stale means
37. Explain routing
38. List the PEGA rules you know
39. What is data transform? Where it is applied
40. How to validate a whole page or a UI Screen/Form
41. How to validate US format phone number
42. What are the different types of flows
43. What is declare expression and why we use it
44. Real time examples of forward and backward chaining
45. Can we call a datatransform inside another data transform
46. What is data transform superclassing/chaining
47. How to call a data transform inside an activity
48. What is step page in activity
49. What will happen when you don’t specify a step page in an
50. Give the edit validate rule syntax
51. What is Data propagation? When do we use it? How do we use
52. What is datatransform? Where we use it and what are the
different types of actions available in it
53. How to configure a section rule
54. What is correspondence, what are the different
correspondences, PEGA supports, how do we configure them
55. What is PEGA? What is the difference between PEGA and other
automations available in market
56. What is agile methodology
57. What is scrum
58. What is UI design
59. What are business rules
60. What is an access role
61. Why we use alternate stage
62. What is pyStartCase
63. What is pyDefault
64. What is pyCaseManagementDefault
65. What is rule, ruleset and types of rulesets
66. Define class hierarchy
67. What is refresh strategy what are the configurations in it
68. Difference between LiveUI, Clipboard, Tracer
69. What is a report, what rule is required to create a report
70. What are the types of reports available in PEGA
71. How can we change the color of buttons/controls in PEGA?
Explain the navigation flow
72. What is the difference between Dynamic UI and Responsive UI
73. Draw the work flow of Expense report(any scenario based on
interviewer asks)
74. Differentiate between page, page group, page list with
75. Differentiate between single value, value group, value list
with example
76. What is unit testing
77. What is application debugging
78. What is data model
79. What is rule resolution
80. What are the different methods used in activities
81. What is job scheduler/queue processor
82. How can we schedule a report
83. Talk about obj- methods
84. What are declarative rules available in pega
85. What is flow, flow action, connector
86. What is pre and post processing
87. What is a screenflow
88. What is BLOB
89. What is an operator
90. Types of harnesses and give an example for each harness
91. What is the use of API activities
92. What is the difference between when rule and map rule
93. What are the databases supported/used in pega
94. OOPS concepts in pega
95. Where did u apply polymorphism in pega
96. How to access data from external database
97. Difference between c, c++, java
98. what is workparty
99. what are the different types of layouts
100. what is the role of SA
101. what is the role of SSA
102. what is the role of LSA
103. what is the role of BA
104. what is the role of citizen developers
105. what is the role of scrum master, product owner
106. what is the duration of DCO session
107. what is portal, how many types of portals are available
108. what is ruleset stack
109. what are guardrails and best practices
110. what is a parent case, child case, spin off case
111. what is declarative processing
112. what is procedural processing
113. what are the types of shapes available in flow rule
114. what are business reports
115. what are process reports
116. what is report browser
117. what is declarative index
118. what is property optimization, what is pzpvstream
119. how do we manually adjust/increase assignment/case urgency
120. what is an action set
121. what is a skin rule
122. what is repeating grid layout
123. why do we use breakpoints
124. what are the ways of validating controls in PEGA
125. what is reference data
126. differentiate between PEGA SOR, No SOR, External SOR
127. what is the use of pyDefault and pySetFieldsDefault
128. what is a paragraph
129. what are the different types of rules can be called in a
correspondence template
130. how to investigate errors
131. why PEGA
132. What is an interface and how it is used in PEGA
133. How are abstract classes used in PEGA
134. What are optional actions
135. What are decision points
136. What is cascading approval and it types
137. Why do we use wait step/shape
138. What is savable datapage
139. What are the sources of a data page and when to use which
140. What are data views
141. What is model driven and intent driven UI
142. What is check-in, check-out and private edit
143. Why to create a test case
144. What is test suite
145. What are the types of warnings
146. Why we do add justification to warnings
147. What are runtime and design time portals
148. Relationship between operator id, access group and
149. Is multiple inheritance supported in PEGA? If yes, how? If
No why?
150. Can one access group contain multiple applications
151. How do you call one section in another section
152. What are the some of the best practices to be followed
153. How is AI related to Pega
154. What are joins
155. What are escalation actions
156. What is personal ruleset
157. What is soft locking
158. What are case calculations
159. What is integration designer
160. What is class group/ work pool
161. What are the building blocks of PEGA
162. What is business data and flow data
163. What is a class in PEGA
164. How many rulesets per an application can be available
165. What are the structures of an application
166. How a ruleset can be assigned to an operator
167. What is the difference between ruleset version and
application version
168. What is major, minor, patch version when do we update these
169. What information we can configure in an access group
170. How many sections a flow action can reference
171. Where do you refer a harness in a flow
172. Mention some UI rules
173. Which layout can be nested
174. What is an accordion
175. What is a field value
176. What are the different pages available on clipboard
177. What is remote tracer
178. What is the difference between pyWorkPage & pyWorkCover
179. What are the different ways you add a work party
180. Where we can see the assignment SLA in clipboard
181. What source can be given for a repeating grid
182. What will you create to query to a DB
183. Why do we create a data class
184. Why do you create UI directly under your data class
185. What is px, py, pz give examples
186. Can you call a validate rule in an activity
187. What is fork
188. What is client side validation
189. Difference between Data Page and Data type
190. Mention some default OOTB routers available in PEGA
191. If section and harness rules are same then why we use them
192. What is the difference between section and harness
193. What is the link between harness, flow action, section, flow
194. What is a function, what are the different rules where we
can refer a function
195. What is multi step form
196. How post processing affects in multistep form
197. What are the different sources can be given for a drop down
198. What types of rules we can unit test
199. When you unit test a rule what types of pages you can see in
200. List the advantages of Live UI
201. Which server we use to start the PEGA platform
202. What is toggle
203. What is GetNextWork
204. What is push routing and pull routing
205. What happens when an assignment is routed to
206. What is business logic based routing
207. What are the studios available
208. What are the Pega platform features
209. Where do we call validate rule and edit validate rule
210. What are design templates
211. How do you set importance to columns in a table
212. What is user context
213. What is parallel processing and explain few scenarios of it
214. What are the types of classes in PEGA
215. What is data type and why do we create it
216. Talk about DevOps

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