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Why is digital marketing used in today’s world?

To understand this question, we have to know what is digital marketing? How is it useful? What are
all aspects present in the digital marketing? How can it be helpful to organization? Like these there
are so many questions that we have freedom to know and analyse it in the real world.

 What is digital marketing is all about?

Digital Marketing is an online platform, where organizations are able to promote the products online
so that the products can reach to end to end customers respectively. These days digital marketing is
used everywhere and it is really important to each and every company whether it is small or big for
the promotion of products. The digital marketing helps company to connect with their potential
customers so that the company could clarify the doubts regarding to products and can also help
them to identify which product would be best for them.

 How does digital marketing works?

The digital marketing implements different strategies to reach to their potential customers whether
they want to buy your product or not but digital marketing helps the customers to clarify each and
every doubt regarding products and make them believe that this product is always best for them.
Digital marketing helps in encouraging the brand and also make brand awareness so that customers
would easily buy their products at affordable prices. The digital marketing has been categorised by 6
types. They are:

1. Search Engine Optimization

2. Search Engine Marketing
3. Content Marketing
4. Email Marketing
5. Social Media Marketing
6. Website Marketing

These tools are used in developing of digital marketing for your company to reach to your potential
customers directly. These tools enable us to understand the usage of digital marketing by
engagement with end-to-end customers directly without nay middle person included in between.

 Why digital marketing is important?

Digital marketing is important in our daily life because:

1. Affordability and fast service: Digital marketing is cost effective than traditional marketing.
Suppose you have setup some business and you want to make your product grow in the market
and reach to their customers respectively. In traditional marketing we have t setup flyers and
posters regarding the business for the promotion. But in digital marketing you simply have to
post your product and google will help your business to grow and reach to end to end customers
respectively. So digital marketing is cost effective and does faster process than traditional
2. Customers are online: These days each and every people have been using hones and using
social media for their daily life. This would be the biggest advantage to the companies who
wants to target their customers globally. As customers would be in online throughout the day
the companies would take the help of digital marketing and can promote the product and can
reach to their customers easily.
3. Your competitors are doing it: As all companies implement digital marketing for their products
your competitors are also promoting their products online which is the biggest disadvantage for
your company. But the advantage is that you can see each and every move that the company is
doing for implementing traffic in their site. By seeing them make your website more effective
than your competitors and you can also promote your product globally and reach to your
customers effectively.
4. Establishing your brand: With the help of digital marketing many companies like Gucci, Zara etc
promote their products world-wide so why don’t you take help of digital marketing for your
brand awareness? For establishing your own brand, you have to take the help of digital
marketing because digital marketing is the only source which is faster can able to capture each
and every customer that is required for us to sell them.
5. High revenues: As compared to traditional marketing the digital marketing has high conversion
rates and higher return on investment which means it generates high revenue to the company.
So, company always selects digital marketing which is cost effective and geniting higher
revenues than traditional marketing.

 What are the types of Digital Marketing?

There are nearly six types of digital marketing. They are:

1. Search Engine Optimization: The search engine optimization is basically improving your website
to build large traffic so that your website would always come into search results respectively. If
you have better traffic then your website has a capability to generate revenue through it by
selling your products more and through online mode. A good seo involves many activities like
a) Identifying relevant keywords that suits your website.
b) Creating high quality and useful content to make customers attractive and wanted them to
buy your products.
c) It includes relevant links from high quality sites that makes your traffic large and create more
lead generations through it.
d) Measuring the results that how much traffic has set, how much pay per click (PPC) is used
and much more.

What are the three pillars of SEO?

As a digital marketer, knowing how to get your traffic, brand, website or company found on the top
of the search results SEO is more important to understand all these. In SEO there are 3 types of
pillars they are;

a) Technical Optimization: The technical optimization is used when the activities are get
completed on your site and improve the design of search engine but not related to the
content. It nearly happens behind the scenes.
b) On page SEO: On page seo means optimizing your website to help search engines for better
understand your website. It includes targeting the keywords that are related to the content
and it can be done through content management system.
c) Off page SEO: Off page SEO is the technique which refers to improve the position of the
website in the search result page. This is widely used by backlinks, which help to build the
site reputation.

2. Content marketing: These days content marketing is being popular and useful for the
customers. It is a marketing strategy that attracts the customers by the content they have
posted related to the products and services. The content marketing is the only source where lots
and lots of customers get engaged with the company by reading the content which is related to
the products. The content marketing helps is establishing expertise, promotion of the products,
and keep your business on the top when it is time of buying and selling of the products. The
content marketing makes the revenue generation so large because each and every customer
come and study the content related to the products and buy them whenever they want to and
make them believe that we are providing the best products and services all over the world.

3. Email Marketing: Many companies use email marketing as their technique for targeting the
customers and promoting their products through email. Email marketing is a form of marketing
that can make the customers on your email list aware of new products, discounts, and other
services. It can also be a softer sell to educate your audience on the value of your brand or keep
them engaged between purchases. Companies have been targeting their audience by promoting
their products to each and every customer mail so that the customer would easily get available
content regarding the products and services.

4. Search Engine Marketing: The SEM is a digital marketing strategy used to increase the visibility
of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs). The SEM is really important these days
because the customers can only see your products which you want them to see in search results.
In search engine marketing the customers can clarify their doubts regarding the products and
help them to buy the products. The results have been given very fast and make sure that the
content that is provided for the products would be always correct and can attract customers

5. Social Media Marketing: The SMM which is also known as e-commerce marketing which gives
the overall interaction with the customers in social media to build your brand, increase sales,
and drive website traffic. This involves publishing great content on your social media profiles,
listening to and engaging your followers, analysing your results, and running social media
advertisements. This helps in engaging with the audience and helps to promotion of the
products that the customers want from you.

6. Website marketing: Website marketing means promoting a business website in order to bring in
more visitors. These visitors should be people who are likely to purchase the business’s services
or products. More visitors mean more opportunities to try to convince potential customers to
buy. The website marketing has been increasing rapidly so the customers who wants to buy are
also increased which results in the great reach of your website and can be placed in the top
results of search engines.

So, the use of digital marketing is really important for all the businesses whether it is small or big it is
useful for all and it also makes huge and huge profits. Only you have to understand where and when
the digital marketing techniques can be used and how we should implement it in the digital market.

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