Sales Secrets For Small Business With Dave Crenshaw

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Sales Secrets for Small Business

with Dave Crenshaw

“This price seems high.”(Price objection)

• What price were you expecting instead?

• What if we adjusted to package to fit your budget… would that work?

• Is it possible you were expecting a different quality level?

“I need to discuss this with someone else.” (New decision maker)

• When you talk with that person, what is your decision-making process?

• Can we schedule some time for the three of us to meet together?

• When you meet with [this person], will you be encouraging them to hire us or someone else?

• (If not) What information or resources can I give you?

“I need time to think this over.” (Delay decision)

• How much time do you need?

• What will you gain in [time period] that you don’t have now?

• I just want to check. Is this a polite way of telling me “no”?

“I’d like to talk to some past customers.” OR “Do you guys show up on time?”
(Caution or lack of trust)
• What has happened to you in the past that makes you cautious?

• Did you take some time to look at our online reviews?

• (If not) May I show some to you right now?

• Is there something in particular you’re concerned about?

• If I provided a list of actual testimonials from customers, would that help you feel more comfortable?

Sales Secrets for Small Business with Dave Crenshaw

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