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Prime Requisite: Intelligence.

Experience Bonus: 5% for Intelligence 13-
15, 10% for Intelligence 16-18.
Hit Dice: 1d4 per level up to 9th level.
Starting with 10th level, +2 hit points per level,
and Constitution adjustments no longer
Maximum Level: 36th
Saving Throws: As Magic-User of equal level.
THACO: As Magic-User of equal level.
Alignment: Any.
Armor: Leather armor only; shields not
Weapons: Blowgun, club, dagger, net, sling,
staff, and whip.
Special Abilities: Basic Formulae and Potion
Craft; at 6th level Potion Batch; at 7th level
Advanced Formulae; at 12th level Mixology; at
14th level Master Formulae.
Weapon Mastery: Two weapon choices at 1st
level, then an additional choice at levels 3, 6,
9, 11, 15, 23, 30, and 36. One additional
choice earned for each 300,000 XP earned
after 36th level.
Skills: Alchemy and Craft (Brewing) required
at 1st level. Recommended Appraisal, Fire-
Building, Healing, Nature Lore, Profession
(Alchemist) or Sciences.

Whether secreted away in a smoky

basement laboratory or gleefully
experimenting in a well-respected school of
magic, the alchemist is often regarded as Class Details
being just as unstable, unpredictable, and
dangerous as the concoctions he brews. While Prime Requisite: An alchemist’s prime
some creators of alchemical items content requisite is Intelligence. If an alchemist has an
themselves with sedentary lives as Intelligence score of 13-15, the character
merchants, providing potions and gains a 5% bonus to experience points earned
smokesticks, the true alchemist answers a in every adventure; if his Intelligence is 16-
deeper calling. The alchemist captures his 18, he earns a 10% bonus to experience
own potential within liquids and extracts he points.
creates, infusing his chemicals with virulent Hit Dice: An alchemist starts with 1d4 (1-
power to grant him impressive skill with 4) hit points (plus Constitution adjustments,
acids, poisons, healing, and all manner of if any) and gains 1d4 more hit points (plus
magical brews. adjustments) with each level of experience.
Two additional hit points are gained for each
level after 9th level.
Armor: An alchemist may wear leather Mixology Accidents
armor only, and cannot use a shield. 01-10 A potion of poison is created instead (GM
Weapons: An alchemist may use the club, decides type)
dagger, staff, blowgun, net, sling, and whip as 11-30 A foul and useless liquid is created, both
weapons. potions wasted
31-40 The two poti ons don't mix, but also don't
Special Abilities lose their magic
41-60 Small explosion deals 1d6 of dmg to
alchemist (no save)
Potion Craft
Alchemists of 1st level may create magical 61-75 Explosion for 2d6 of dmg in a 10' radius
(save vs. dragon breath for half)
potions. The expense is great, however, and
the time and cost required usually limits the 76-80 Explosion for 4d6 of dmg in 15' radius (save
vs. dragon breath for half)
number of potions a low-level alchemist can
create. Note that an alchemist has a chance to 81-95 Noxious fumes in a 10' radius (as per
create any magical potion regardless of the stinking cloud spell)
fact that he does not cast spells. See Tome of 96-00 Toxic fumes in a 10' radius (save vs. death
Spells, Volume I for details on creating magical or die)
This ability is more art than science and
Potion Batch because potions can be brewed in a variety of
At 6th level, alchemists become more ways for the same effects, alchemists must
efficient when creating magical potions. With roll a skill check every time they use this
the time and money normally required for ability. Combining two potions of healing
one dose, they actually create 1d4+1 (2-5) successfully into a potion of heroism does not
identical potions. mean the alchemist will get the same result
every time.
At 12th level, alchemists gain the Basic Formulae
extraordinary ability to create a new magical At 1st level the alchemist has gained
potion of their choice by mixing two other working familiarity with basic chemistry and
magic potions. It not only requires their can create one of the following substances:
extraordinary competence in alchemy, but acids, poisons, medicines or explosives.
also infusing of their own magical power, so Formulae can only be prepared under proper
they can do this no more than 3 times per conditions.
day. This requires 1d6+2 (3-8) rounds, At low levels this means in a laboratory,
various mundane substances (salts, ashes, typically only found in towns or cities, though
acid, etc.) and two magical potions. Then, if the character might come across a usable
the alchemist succeeds an Alchemy skill laboratory anywhere during his adventures.
check, he creates a single new potion of his At 7th level and above the alchemist is
choice. The new potion must be a common skilled enough to create formulae anywhere
magical potion type, and not something as long as he has access to fire and a pot to
unique or unknown. The Alchemy skill check brew his creation in.
suffers a penalty equal to the equivalent spell Brewing formulae takes 1 hour plus 1
level of the potion attempted. The DM should turn per dose the character wishes to create.
roll this skill check in secret. If this skill check It requires special components that can either
fails, roll percentile dice and consult the table be purchased (costs are detailed below) or
below. scrounged. Scrounging components can be
done anywhere, as alchemists are notoriously
resourceful and inventive, but it requires a the acid’s maximum damage potential (so 7
good deal of time, typically about 10 hours for rounds at 1st level and so on).
one formulae’s components. Magical armor is immune to the effects of
At 1st level the alchemist chooses which this acid.
branch of formulae he wishes to know (acids, Stone-Eating: Against a creature
poisons, medicines or explosives). At 3 rd level composed primarily of stone this acid can
and 6th level the alchemist learns his choice of inflict 1d6 points of damage +1 point per level
a new branch of formulae, which means he of the alchemist.
will eventually only know how to create three A single dose of stone-eating acid can
of the four types. dissolve ½ inch of stone per round for a
Created formulae are usually stored in number of rounds equal to the acid’s
vials that may be used in melee or thrown in maximum damage potential (so 7 rounds at
combat at a range of 10’/30’/50’ (generally 1st level and so on).
acids and explosives only).
Acids Poisons cost 250 gp per vial to prepare.
Acids cost 10 gp per vial to prepare and There are two types of poisons: ingested and
come in three varieties: flesh-eating, metal- injected. Ingested points inflict more damage,
eating and stone-eating. Each of these acids is but over time, whereas injected poisons tend
described below. to affect the target immediately.
Flesh-Eating: A single dose of flesh-eating The use of poison is generally considered
acid can damage leather armor, worsening its a Chaotic act, so the DM should discuss the
armor class by 1 until the armor is repaired views of poison with the player before his
(requires an armorer). The armor gets a character begins practicing this branch of
saving throw to avoid suffering damage. alchemy.
Alternately, it can damage a living target, Ingested Poisons: The victim of ingested
inflicting 1d6 points of damage +1 point per poison must make a saving throw vs. poison
level of the alchemist. The alchemist must or suffer severe cramps and muscle pain for
choose either of these effects before making 1d4 hours. The victim can take no actions
the attack roll. during this time and suffers damage equal to
Outside of combat, a dose of flesh-eating the alchemist’s level each hour.
acid can dissolve one inch of organic matter If the saving throw is successful, the
per round for a number of rounds equal to victim suffers damage once during a 10-
the acid’s maximum damage potential (so 7 minute bout of nausea, but recovers
rounds at 1st level, and so on.) afterwards.
Magical armor is immune to the effects of Injected Poisons: Poison to be injected
this acid. must be applied to a bladed or piercing
Metal-Eating: A single dose of metal- weapon (such as an arrow). On a successful
eating acid can damage metal armor, attack roll the target must make a saving
worsening its armor class by 1 until the throw vs. poison or suffer an additional 1d6
armor is repaired (requires an armorer). The points of damage +1 point per level of the
armor gets a saving throw to avoid suffering alchemist who made the poison. A poisoned
damage. Against a creature composed weapon will remain poisoned until either 24
primarily of metal this acid can inflict 1d6 hours has passed or until the wielder makes a
points of damage +1 point per level of the successful attack roll, delivering the poison.
Outside of combat a dose of metal-eating Medicines
acid can dissolve ½ inch of metallic matter Medicines cost 10 gp per dose to prepare
per round for a number of rounds equal to and come in three varieties: balm, ipecac, and
Balms: Balms are curative oils or butters explosives, or bombs, that they can hurl at
specifically tailored to help against specific their enemies. An alchemist can use a number
ailments. For example, an alchemist might of bombs each day equal to his level
make a soothing balm to aid burns for victims (maximum of 20 at 20th level). Bombs are
of fire damage. unstable, and if not used in the round they are
Balms require a full round to apply, created, they degrade and become inert –
usually by rubbing onto any exposed skin their method of creation prevents large
surfaces. volumes of explosive material from being
If applied before a type of damage is created and stored. In order to create a bomb,
suffered, a balm will remain effective for 1 the alchemist must use a small vial containing
hour. If the victim suffers the appropriate an ounce of liquid catalyst – the alchemist can
type of damage during that hour, he gains a create this liquid catalyst from small amounts
+2 bonus to any saving throw to resist and of chemicals from an alchemy lab. Most
has damage reduced by one-quarter if the alchemist create a number of catalyst vials at
save is successful. If the save fails the victim the start of the day equal to the total number
still only suffers half damage. of bombs they can create in that day – once
If applied after the appropriate type of created, a catalyst vial remains useable by the
damage is suffered, the victim is healed 1d6 alchemist for years. The cost to create a
hit points +1 point per level of the alchemist catalyst vial is 10 gold pieces.
who created it. Drawing the components of, creating, and
Ipecac: Ipecac are a special concoction throwing a bomb requires a full round during
designed to aid against ingested poisons or to which the alchemist always loses initiative.
remove the effects of an unwanted potion. If a The alchemist must have both hands free in
character has ingested something harmful, he order to create the bomb. Thrown bombs
can down an ipecac and trade 1d4 minutes of have a range of 10’/30’/50’. On a direct hit, an
nausea for whatever effects the ingested alchemist’s bomb inflicts 1d6 points of fire
substance would normally cause. Note that damage per level of the alchemist divided by
the ipecac does nothing to heal past damage two (rounded down). For example, the bomb
caused by an ingested substance, nor can it of a 5th level alchemist does 2d6 points of fire
help if a companion falls over dead as a result damage. Maximum damage is 10d6 at 20 th
of poison; it’s too late for an ipecac to do any level. Targets struck by a bomb are allowed a
good. saving throw vs. dragon breath; success
Poultice: A poultice might be best reduces the damage by half.
described as a medicated bandage. Applied to
an injured comrade, it can help him recover Advanced Formulae
much faster than normal. At 7th level, the alchemist learns advance
A poultice is applied before a character formulae of one of the basic varieties he
plans to rest for 1 day or more. If the mastered during his lower levels. At 9 th and
character rests undisturbed for one full day, 12th level the alchemist learns his choice of
he is healed 1d6 hit points + 1 hit point per another advanced formulae from his
level of the alchemist. If the character is only remaining basic varieties.
able to rest for 8 hours, he is healed only 1d6
hit points. If a character’s rest is interrupted Advanced Acids: Inflicts an additional 1d6
less than an hour after applying a poultice, points of damage (i.e. 2d6 damage + 1 per
the character heals only 1 hit point of alchemist level). Advanced acids can also
damage. reduce the armor class of +1 magical armor.
Advanced Poisons: Can inflict instant
Explosives death on a target of lower level (or fewer Hit
Alchemists are adept at swiftly mixing Dice) than the alchemist on a failed saving
various volatile chemicals to create powerful throw vs. poison.
Advanced Medicines: Heal an additional the alchemist reclaims possession of the
1d6 hit points of damage (i.e. 2d6 hit points delayed bomb, he can end the timer and
+1 hit point per alchemist level). prevent the bomb’s detonation. A delayed
Advanced Explosives: The alchemist can bomb detonates immediately if any other
create an explosive bomb that has a radius of creature attempts to touch or move it, or if
10’. All creatures within the blast radius take the bomb’s contents are removed from the
normal damage. Creatures that suffer a direct vial (such as if the vial breaks). The bomb
hit by the explosive bomb catch fire, taking an deals damage as either a normal bomb or
additional 1d4 of fire damage each round explosive bomb, as chosen by the alchemist
until the fire is extinguished. Extinguishing before placing it. An alchemist cannot have
the flames oneself takes one full round that more than one delayed bomb at one time. If
requires a successful Dexterity ability check. he creates another delayed bomb, the
Rolling on the ground provides the target previous bomb becomes inert.
with a +2 bonus to the DEX check. Dousing
the target with at least two gallons of water Other Details
automatically extinguishes the flames.
Targets struck or in the blast radius of a General Skills
bomb get a saving throw vs. dragon breath; The Alchemy and Craft (Brewing) skills
successful saves reduces the damage by half, are required at 1st level. Recommended skill
and allows the victim directly struck to avoid choices for alchemists include Appraisal, Fire-
catching fire. Building, Healing, Nature Lore, Profession
(Alchemist) or Sciences.
Master Formulae
At 14th level, the alchemist learns to High Experience Levels and Formulae
master of one of the advanced variety Bonus
formulae he learned during his mid-levels. At The maximum bonus an alchemist can
16th and 19th level the alchemist gains a choice add from his level to formulae damage (acid
to master another formulae from his and poison) and healing (medicine) is +20 at
remaining advanced varieties. 20th level. Alchemist of 21st to 36th level do not
increase this bonus any further.
Master Acids: Inflicts an additional 1d6
points of damage over advanced acids (i.e. Magic Items
3d6 damage +1 per alchemist level). Master Alchemists may use any magic item not
acids can also reduce the armor class of +3 restricted to another specific class.
magical armor (on a failed item saving
Master Poisons: Can inflict instant death
Higher Experience Levels
on any target that fails a saving throw vs.
At Name (9th) level or greater, an
alchemist is called a master alchemist
Master Medicines: Heal an additional 1d6
(whether male or female).
hit points of damage over advanced
medicines (i.e. 3d6 hit points +1 hit point per
Land-Owning Alchemists
alchemist level).
Upon reaching Name level, an alchemist
Master Explosives: The alchemist can
may build a tower (if he can afford to). An
create a delayed bomb, which he can set to
alchemist who constructs a tower will usually
explode a number of rounds after the
attract 1d6 (1-6) 1st level alchemists who seek
alchemist ceases contact with the bomb. The
to learn from an accomplished master of their
delay can be any number of rounds as chosen
by the alchemist, up to a number of rounds
equal to his experience level. If at any point
Alternatively, a wealthy noble may offer make himself available to his patron, crafting
the alchemist a position in his castle as a potions according to his specifications.
court alchemist, complete with a fully stocked Standard payment is a minimum of 3,000
laboratory for the alchemist’s use. This gold pieces per month, with alchemists above
position will usually come with a minimum 15th level commanding higher payment.
amount of time the alchemist is expected to

Alchemist Experience Table

Level XP Special
1 0 Basic Formulae, Potion Craft
2 1,300
3 2,600 Basic Formulae Choice
4 5,400
5 11,000
6 22,000 Basic Formulae Choice, Potion Batch
7 55,000 Advanced Formulae
8 110,000
9 220,000 Advanced Formulae Choice
10 350,000
11 480,000
12 610,000 Advanced Formulae Choice, Mixology
13 740,000
14 870,000 Master Formulae
15 1,000,000
16 1,130,000 Master Formulae Choice
17 1,260,000
18 1,390,000
19 1,520,000 Master Formulae Choice
20 1,650,000
21 1,780,000
22 1,910,000
23 2,040,000
24 2,170,000
25 2,300,000
26 2,430,000
27 2,560,000
28 2,690,000
29 2,820,000
30 2,950,000
31 3,080,000
32 3,210,000
33 3,340,000
34 3,470,000
35 3,600,000
36 3,730,000

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