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Mixed ques cold war

For the USA, which was the more successful approach to containment: working with the United
Nations in Korea or working on its own over Cuba? Explain your answer. 10

Level 5 Explains with evaluation of ‘which was the more successful’ 10 As Level 4 plus evaluation.
Level 4 Explanation of both sides 7–9 A L4 answer will have a minimum of three explanations (2 on
one side; 1 on the other). This will be worth a mark of 7. Fuller explanation of one issue to be given
two marks. An answer which only has one explanation on one side of the argument cannot be
awarded more than 8. Level 3 One-sided explanation OR one explanation of both sides 5–6 marks 4–
6 More detailed explanation of one issue to be given two marks. e.g. ‘The US feared a communist
success in South Korea would encourage communist China to attack Formosa and then Japan. The
US felt it needed to act. It is likely that if the UN had not acted, the US would have acted on its own.
The policy of containment was successful because the spread of communism into South Korea had
been prevented and the pressure was taken off Formosa and Japan.’ OR ‘Kennedy had ensured that
there were no nuclear missiles on Cuba, but Cuba remained communist and became a base for other
communists in South America. Communism was only partially contained and some of Kennedy’s
advisers wanted an invasion of Cuba to remove communism completely.’ Level 2 Identifies AND/OR
describes 2–3 One mark for each point. e.g. ‘The US feared the fall of South Korea to the
communists.’ ‘If the UN would not act, the US would act alone.’ ‘The US feared a domino effect with
Formosa and Japan following South Korea.’ ‘The US through the UN kept South Korea free of
communism.’ ‘The UN was a global organisation.’ ‘Formosa and Japan were unlikely to be attacked
by communist China.’ ‘A communist state close to the USA was unacceptable to the USA.’ ‘It did not
remove the communists under Castro.’ ‘It contained communism in Cuba for a short time.’
‘Communists were attracted to Cuba to plan ventures into Central and South America.’ ‘It was only
partial success in the containment of communism in Cuba.’ ‘There were more deaths in Korea.’ Level
1 General answer lacking specific contextual knowledge 1 e.g. ‘There was more success in South

‘America failed to contain Communism.’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your
answer. 10

Level 5 Explains with evaluation of ‘how far’ 10 As Level 4 plus evaluation. Level 4 Explanation of
both sides 7–9 A L4 answer will have a minimum of three explanations (2 on one side; 1 on the
other). This will be worth a mark of 7. Fuller explanation of one issue to be given two marks. An
answer which only has one explanation on one side of the argument cannot be awarded more than
8. Level 3 One-sided explanation OR one explanation of both sides 5–6 marks 4–6 More detailed
explanation of one issue to be given two marks. e.g. ‘The action of the USA, through the UN,
successfully stopped the spread of communism into South Korea by resisting the attempts of North
Korea to occupy the whole country. This saved Formosa and Japan from the communist threat.’ OR
e.g. ‘Eisenhower believed that if South Vietnam became communist then Laos, Cambodia, Burma,
India, Thailand and Pakistan would quickly follow. The US actions failed to contain communism in
North Vietnam as, within two years of leaving the war, South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia became
communist.’ Level 2 Identifies AND/OR describes 2–3 (One mark for each point) e.g. ‘South Korea
was saved from the spread of communism.’ ‘In Cuba, communism was contained within the island
for many years.’ ‘South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia fell to communism.’ ‘Greece was saved from
falling to communism.’ Level 1 General answer lacking specific contextual knowledge 1 e.g. ‘The
success rate of US containment was mixed.’
‘The American policy of containment between 1950 and 1973 was successful.’ How far do you agree
with this statement? Explain your answer. 10

Level 5 Explains with evaluation As Level 4 plus evaluation. 10 Level 4 Explanation of both sides A L4
answer will have a minimum of three explanations (2 on one side; 1 on the other). This will be worth
a mark of 7. Fuller explanation of one issue to be given two marks. An answer which only has one
explanation on one side of the argument cannot be awarded more than 8. 7–9 Level 3 One-sided
explanation OR one explanation of both sides 5–6 marks More detailed explanation of one issue to
be given two marks. e.g. ‘In the American view, the fall of South Korea, Formosa and Japan to the
communists would represent a major shift in the power balance between the communist and
capitalist worlds. None of these states fell to the communists, so containment in this area seemed
successful.’ OR ‘The Americans seriously failed to contain communism to North Vietnam. Not only
did it spread to South Vietnam eventually uniting the two parts of Vietnam into a united communist
country, but it spread to Laos and Cambodia.Level 2 Identifies AND/OR describes (One mark for each
point.) e.g. ‘South Korea remained free from communism.’ ‘Formosa and Japan did not fall to the
communists.’ ‘Communism was contained in Cuba.’ ‘Early attempts to spread communism into
central and south America failed.’ ‘The USA failed to contain communism in North Vietnam.’ 2–3
Level 1 General answer lacking specific contextual knowledge e.g. ‘American containment had mixed

How effectively did the American policy of containment limit the spread of Communism between
1950 and 1973? Explain your answer. 10

Level 5 Explains with evaluation of ‘how effectively’ As Level 4 plus evaluation. 10 Level 4
Explanation of both sides A L4 answer will have a minimum of three explanations (2 on one side; 1
on the other). This will be worth a mark of 7. Fuller explanation of one issue to be given two marks.
An answer which only has one explanation on one side of the argument cannot be awarded more
than 8. 7–9 Level 3 One-sided explanation OR one explanation of both sides 5–6 marks More
detailed explanation of one issue to be given two marks e.g. ‘When the North Korean forces invaded
South Korea in an attempt to form a united communist state, the USA, through the UN, wanted to
push the North Koreans back to the 38th parallel. It was successful in freeing South Korea and
containing communism in North Korea.’ OR ‘The US wanted to contain communism in North
Vietnam and keep South Vietnam free. The tactics used by the USA often meant civilians were a
target and thousands died. As a result, the US failed to win the hearts and minds of the South’s
population and failed to eliminate the Viet Cong.’ 4–6 Level 2 Identifies AND/OR describes (One
mark for each point.) e.g. ‘The USA stopped the spread of communism into South Korea.’ ‘Saving
South Korea meant Formosa and Japan did not fall to communism.’ ‘As a result of the Cuban crisis,
Cuba remained a communist state.’ ‘The US limited the influence of communism in the Caribbean.’
‘The US failed in stopping communist influence in South Vietnam.’ ‘The ‘winning of hearts and
minds’ failed in South Vietnam.’ ‘The US failed in stopping communism spreading to Cambodia and
Laos.’ Level 1 General answer lacking specific contextual knowledge e.g. ‘There were mixed results
for the USA’s containment policy.’

‘America was more successful in Korea than it was in Vietnam.’ How far do you agree with this
statement? Explain your answer.

Level 5 Explains with evaluation of ‘how far’ [10] As Level 4 plus evaluation. Level 4 Explanation of
both sides [7–9] A L4 answer will have a minimum of three explanations (2 on one side; 1 on the
other). This will be worth a mark of 7. Fuller explanation of one issue to be given two marks. An
answer which only has one explanation on one side of the argument cannot be awarded more than
8. Level 3 One-sided explanation [4–6] OR One explanation of both sides 5–6 marks More detailed
explanation of one issue to be given two marks. e.g. ‘It appears that the USA used the UN to
reinforce its foreign policy over the Korean issue and containing communism. The USA was
determined to end the aggression of North Korea in 1950. Although it did not unite Korea under
Syngman Rhee, it pushed back the communists to the 38th Parallel.’ OR e.g. ‘The war in Vietnam was
a disaster for US foreign policy. The US wanted to stop the domino effect whereby if one country fell
to communism then the surrounding ones would follow. As a result of Vietnam becoming
Communist, so did Laos and Cambodia.’ Level 2 Identifies AND/OR describes [2–3] (One mark for
each point) e.g. Korea – ‘The USA persuaded the UN to support their actions.’ ‘Containment was
successful.’ (The spread of Communism was halted) ‘US forces, under the UN, pushed the North
back to its border.’ ‘America was accused of being expansionist.’ (Going into N Korea) ‘UN/American
forces were pushed back to the 38th Parallel.’ ‘US accused of missing opportunity to destroy
Communism in China.’ ‘Relations with China and USSR strained further.’ (Cold War) Vietnam – ‘The
US failed to stop the spread of communism from the north.’ ‘The USA failed because the whole of
Vietnam became communist.’ ‘As a result, neighbouring Laos and Cambodia became communist.’
‘Military personnel suffered psychological effects.’ ‘Land was left damaged by chemicals.’ ‘Resulted
in Nixon ending containment policy.’ ` Level 1 General answer lacking specific contextual knowledge
[1] e.g. ‘There was some success in Korea.’

‘The US policy of containment was more successful in Korea than in Cuba.’ How far do you agree
with this statement? Explain your answer.

Level 5 Explains with evaluation of ‘how far’ [10] As Level 4 plus evaluation. Level 4 Explanation of
both sides [7–9] A L4 answer will have a minimum of three explanations (2 on one side; 1 on the
other). This will be worth a mark of 7. Fuller explanation of one issue to be given two marks. An
answer which only has one explanation on one side of the argument cannot be awarded more than
8. Level 3 One-sided explanation [4–6] OR Explanation of both sides 5–6 marks More detailed
explanation of one issue to be given two marks. e.g. ‘The US policy of containment was successful in
Korea. Acting on behalf of the UN, the US forced the communist forces from China and North Korea
to retreat to the 38th Parallel. South Korea had been saved from a communist takeover.’ OR e.g.
‘The US policy of containment was not successful in Cuba. Cuba was still communist and remained
an important base for communist supporters in South America. The US had to accept that there was
a communist state very close to American shores.’ Level 2 Identifies AND/OR describes [2–3] (One
mark for each point) e.g. ‘North Korean troops were driven back to the 38th Parallel.’ ‘Communism
did not take hold in South Korea.’ ‘Central American countries were encouraged to become
communist.’ ‘The USSR maintained considerable influence in Cuba.’ ‘Khrushchev had to back down.’
‘Kennedy demonstrated that he would not accept direct military action from the communist USSR
near the USA.’ ‘North Korea remained communist.’ ‘There was no unified, independent and
democratic government for Korea.’ Level 1 General answer lacking specific contextual knowledge [1]
e.g. ‘The policy of containment was partly successful in both Korea and Cuba.’

How successful was the USA’s containment policy? Explain your answer. Level 5 Explains with
evaluation of ‘how far’ [10]

As Level 4 plus evaluation. Level 4 Explanation of both sides [7–9] A L4 answer will have a minimum
of three explanations (2 on one side; 1 on the other). This will be worth a mark of 7. Fuller
explanation of one issue to be given two marks. An answer which only has one explanation on one
side of the argument cannot be awarded more than 8. Level 3 One-sided explanation [4–6] OR One
explanation of both sides 5–6 marks More detailed explanation of one issue to be given two marks.
e.g. ‘In 1947, Britain declared that it could not continue to support the Greek government in its civil
war against Communists. The Greek government appealed to the USA and Truman agreed to help
and provide $400 million in aid. It saved Greece from Communism.’ OR e.g. ‘The Vietnam War saw
the loss of the whole of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia to Communism. This showed the failure of
containment, although other states, such as Thailand, Burma and Malaysia, did not fall.’ Level 2
Identifies AND/OR describes [2–3] (One mark for each point) e.g. ‘The USA saved Greece from
Communist control.’ ‘The Marshall Plan supported most of Western Europe.’ ‘There was partial
success in Korea.’ ‘Communist influences spread from Cuba to parts of Central America.’ ‘Vietnam
was totally lost to the Communists.’ ‘The Vietnam War did limit the spread of Communism.’ Level 1
General answer lacking specific contextual knowledge [1] e.g. ‘There were successes and failures.’

How successful was American foreign policy towards Cuba and Vietnam? Explain your answer.

Level 1 Unsupported assertions [1] e.g. ‘Not very as they failed to achieve what they wanted.’ Level 2
Identifies success AND/OR failure [2–3] e.g. ‘It failed as Cuba remained Communist.’ ‘It was
successful in Cuba as war was averted.’ ‘It failed as Vietnam returned to Communism.’ Level 3
Explains success OR failure [3–5] Level 4 Explains success AND failure [5–7] (To gain 7 marks
candidates must use both Cuba and Vietnam.) e.g. ‘The US foreign policy in Cuba was not successful
as despite various efforts such as the Bay of Pigs and the withdrawal of trade, Cuba remained a
Communist country dependent on Soviet aid and protection.’ ‘The US policy in Cuba was successful
as Kennedy increased his reputation at home and worldwide by avoiding war and forcing Khrushchev
to back down. This was the beginning of Khrushchev’s fall from power.’ ‘The US policy of
containment failed in Vietnam and the Truman Doctrine ended. Vietnam was reunified as a
communist country followed by Communist take-overs in Cambodia and Laos. Thousands of
veterans suffered psychological effects.’ ‘Following the US withdrawal superpower relations
improved and Cold War tensions began to ease.’ Level 5 Explains with evaluation of ‘how successful’

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