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Curr Pain Headache Rep (2013) 17:383

DOI 10.1007/s11916-013-0383-2


Altitude Headache
J. Ivan Lopez & Ashley Holdridge & Jorge E. Mendizabal

Published online: 31 October 2013

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract High altitude headache (HAH) has been defined by more individuals find themselves at altitudes higher than 2,
the International Headache Society as a headache that appears 500 m and therefore are at risk of developing HAH. The
within 24 hours after ascent to 2,500 m or higher [1••]. The purpose of this paper is to provide an update as to the
headache can appear in isolation or as part of acute mountain epidemiology, clinical features, pathophysiology, diagnosis,
sickness (AMS), which has more dramatic symptoms than the treatment, and prevention of HAH.
headache alone. If symptoms are ignored, more serious The International Classification of Headache Disorders
conditions such as high altitude cerebral edema (HACE), high II has developed diagnostic criteria to better define this
altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), or even death may ensue. condition [2•]:
While there is no definitive understanding of the underlying
pathophysiologic mechanism, it is speculated that HAH occurs A. Headache with at least two of the following characteristics
from the combination of hypoxemia-induced intracranial and fulfilling criteria C and D:
vasodilation and subsequent cerebral edema. There are a 1. Bilateral
number of preventive measures that can be adopted prior to 2. Frontal or frontotemporal
ascending, including acclimatization and various medications. 3. Dull or pressing quality
A variety of pharmacological interventions are also available to 4. Mild or moderate intensity
clinicians to treat this extremely widespread condition. 5. Aggravated by exertion, movement, straining,
coughing, or bending
Keywords High altitude headache . Acute mountain B. Ascent to altitude above 2,500 m
sickness . HAH . AMS . Treatment . Prevention C. Headache develops within 24 hours after ascent
D. Headache resolves within 8 hours after descent

Introduction Epidemiology

High altitude headache (HAH) is an extremely prevalent It is estimated that 8 out of every 10 climbers will experience
condition, affecting up to 80 % of individuals who ascend some form of headache during their trek. Development of
above 2,500 m [1••]. Whether for work or leisure, more and HAH is correlated to both the degree as well as the length of
time of the ascent. Approximately 25 % of individuals who
ascend to 2,500 m above sea level develop HAH. Upon
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Uncommon Headache
Syndrome further ascent to greater than 4,900 m, the incidence increases
to 47–62 %. Almost 100 % of individuals who climb above 4,
J. I. Lopez (*)
500 m will develop some form of headache [3–5].
University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno, Nevada
Clinical Characteristics
A. Holdridge
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama
HAH can appear in isolation or as part of AMS. Headache is
J. E. Mendizabal the most frequent and pervasive symptom in AMS and
Corpus Christi Neurology, Corpus Christi, Texas constitutes the key clinical feature (6). The distinguishing
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feature between the two is the presence of additional understand the relationship between altitude, arterial oxygen
symptomsin AMS. The Lake Louise AMS scoring system pressure, and atmospheric pressure. There is an inverse
defines AMS as the presence of headache plus one or more relation between altitude/atmospheric pressure and altitude/
of the following symptoms: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, arterial oxygen pressure. Upon ascent, the chemoreceptors of
insomnia, fatigue, dizziness, and/or vertigo in an the carotid body detect a decrease in arterial oxygen pressure.
unacclimatized person who ascends rapidly to above 2, At rest, the brain receives approximately 14 % of the cardiac
500 m [1••, 5]. Typically, the symptoms develop between 6 output, around 700 ml per minute. The average adult male
and 24 hours after ascending, but they can develop as early as intracranial volume (including brain and cerebrospinal fluid)
1 hour [5] after ascent. Headaches in both HAH and AMS are is only twice this (1,473 ml). Hypoxia would increase this
described as dull, steady, throbbing, and stabbing in nature [6, volume by the mechanism explained above [13]. The decrease
7]. While headaches in both conditions tend to be bilateral and in partial pressure of oxygen at high altitudes reduces the supply
frontal, occipital headaches tend to be a clinical feature of of oxygen in the brain and results in up to 26 % increased blood
AMS. In a cross-sectional study by Alizadeh et al., 100 % of flow in the brain [14]. Cerebral autoregulation, the process by
the participants who climbed Mount Damavand developed which cerebral perfusion is maintained and sustained, is
occipital headaches fulfilling criteria for AMS [5]. affected by hypoxia in individuals that suffer from acute
If AMS progresses, HACE may develop, with the onset of mountain sickness (AMS) and HAH [3, 15•].
ataxia, altered consciousness, or both. Clinically, HACE is the
end stage of AMS, with findings such as papilledema, retinal Pathophysiology
hemorrhage, cranial-nerve palsies, and global encephalopathy
[5, 6]. If allowed to progress, brain herniation from increased At present, no mechanism has yet been definitively determined
intracranial pressure will result. In cases where a person to cause HAH or headache associated with AMS, although
suffers from HAPE, the progression from AMS to HACE many theories exist . In one theory, it is thought that hypoxia
may be rapid [5, 6]. provokes a neurohumoral and a hemodynamic response, with
release of inflammatory mediators that lead to an increase in the
Risk Factors capillary pressure by overperfusion and vasodilation, resulting
in cerebral edema and headache [4]. The brain edema causes
Acknowledging risk factors prior to ascent is imperative in the traction of the meninges and blood vessels and irritation of the
prevention of HAH. The main risk factor for developing HAH mechanoreceptors, producing pain [3, 10, 16]. Another
is a rapid ascent to greater than 2500 m above sea level, version suggests that hypoxia induces disruption of the
particularly at a speed greater than 300–500 m/day in the blood-brain barrier (BBB), resulting in vasogenic edema.
acclimatization period [8•]. Other risk factors include individual Proinflammatory mediators can directly weaken the tight
susceptibility, previous episodes of HAH or AMS, residing at junctions between cerebral endothelial cells, decreasing the
below 900 m above sea level, strenuous exercise, dehydration, effectiveness of the BBB and increasing the potential for
obesity, young age, history of cardiovascular disease, female capillary leak [17].
gender, and a history of headaches, particularly migraine with A popular theory proposed by Ross in 1985 is known as the
or without aura [3, 8•]. The symptoms of HAH may worsen “tight-fit hypothesis.” This theory suggests that increased
with exercise, physical activity, or head movement. HAH can brain volume with hypoxia elevates intracranial pressure,
appear upon awakening or can awaken the individual during leading to swelling of the brain. Those with a greater ratio of
the night. The headache appears to be worse in female subjects cranial cerebrospinal fluid to brain volume are able to
and in those individuals with a history of headaches prior to compensate for the displacement of the cerebrospinal fluid
ascending to a high altitude [9]. and will be less likely to develop AMS [5, 7].
In a cohort study performed in young Chinese men, Bian et al. Yet another explanation involves pathophysiology similar
found that anxiety can contribute to the appearance of HAH [10]. to that of the migraine. The hypoxia is thought to produce
Although good physical fitness does not seem to prevent HAH, a activation of the trigeminovascular system and sensitization of
study performed by Richalet et al. found an association between intracranial pain receptors [3]. As occurs in the migraine, the
low ventilatory response to hypoxia with exercise and the risk of trigeminovascular system activates the release of calcitonin
developing severe high altitude-related illnesses [11]. gene-related peptide (CGRP), substance P, and neurokinin A.
The vessels will dilate, and plasma protein extravasation
Anatomical and Physiologic Considerations occurs, resulting in head pain [18]. The headache is most
likely a consequence of edema and vasodilation [3].
On an anatomical level, the pain-sensitive structures of the Wilson et al. postulate that HAH is a result of a “mismatch
head include blood vessels and meninges [12]. To understand phenomenon.” Given that hypoxia increases cerebral
the role of altitude in the genesis of headaches, clinicians must perfusion, in turn increasing venous drainage, which requires
Curr Pain Headache Rep (2013) 17:383 Page 3 of 5, 383

greater venous pressure, a phenomenon that decreases venous Treatment

outflow will cause venous congestion to occur [13]. At high
altitudes, retinal veins become distended, which may mirror HAH is a self- limiting condition that typically will resolve
the engorgement of cerebral veins [7]. Wilson et al. performed within 2–3 days [3]. If symptoms persist, descent to a lower
ophthalmological examination in 24 subjects at high altitude. altitude is recommended. Descending even 500–1,000 m has
Twelve of these subjects, who ascended to 5,300 m, been found to resolve the headache [5]. For acute
additionally underwent magnetic resonance imaging. management, breathing oxygen at 2 to 4 liters/min has been
Headache burden correlated with retinal venous distension found to reduce headache within 15 to 30 minutes [3, 20]. A
and narrowing of transverse venous sinuses. The researchers positive response to oxygen will help differentiate HAH from
concluded that intracranial pressure may rise in the presence migraine. No pharmacologic protocol exists for acute
of anatomical restrictions to venous drainage, thus leading to interventions, but prostaglandin inhibitors are effective in
headache [7] (Fig. 1). relieving symptoms. In two studies, a single dose of 400 mg
or 600 mg of ibuprofen resolved the headache [5]. Aspirin at a
Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis dose of 325 mg three times per day has been shown to be
successful. Acetaminophen at a dose of 500–1,000 mg has
The diagnosis of HAH requires that the onset of pain develop been successful as well [3]. In cases where symptoms persist
once the individual reaches 2,500 m above sea level and that despite the above therapies, dexamethasone 8 mg divided into
the headache is not attributable to any other condition. A four doses exerts its effect by reducing the release of cytokines
complete history and neurological exam will help the clinician and reducing capillary permeability [3].
distinguish between primary and secondary headaches.
Adherence to the diagnostic criteria as laid out by the Prevention
International Headache Society in the ICHD-II [2•) will go a
long way in helping the clinician determine whether the The most important preventive measure for HAH is
headache can be treated up in the mountains or whether the acclimatization. Ascent to more than 2,438.4 m without proper
patient needs to descend and seek different care. acclimatization can result not only in headache, but life-
Comorbid factors such as dehydration, low blood glucose, threatening conditions [21]. Low-altitude residents can induce
and electrolyte disturbances can provoke headache at both low some degree of altitude acclimatization by ascending to
and high altitudes and should be taken into account [1••]. One moderate (>1,500 m) or higher altitudes during either
must consider other causes for the headache, including continuous or intermittent altitude pre-exposures [9, 21]. A
migraine, infections, alcohol or drug use, carbon monoxide moderate ascent rate of 300 m/day has been advocated by some
intoxication, brain tumors, and arteriovenous malformation. A as the mainstay of prevention [22]. Other sources recommend a
case report by Shrestha et al. describes a climber returning from 3-stage protocol. The first stage (>2,700–3,600 m) consists of
a trek involving an ascent to 5,600 m with complaints of sudden 6 days of graded activity; the second stage (>3,600–5,400 m)
headache, right visual field impairment, and aphasia. She was consists of 4 additional days of routine activity; and the third
later found to have a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, possibly stage (>5,400 m), another 4 days of increasing activity [21].
triggered by high altitude and dehydration, along with factor V In terms of pharmacologic prophylaxis, the use of
mutation and decreased protein S levels [19]. This case acetazolamide – an inhibitor of the carbonic anhydrase – prior
highlights the importance of a thorough history and physical to ascent has been studied extensively. Acetazolamide is a
examination, as not all headaches at high altitude are what they synthetic non-bacteriostatic sulfonamide, and doses of 125 mg
appear to be. BID have been used [23]. In a study published by Leshem

Fig. 1 Various proposed mechanisms for HAH

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et al. [24], tadalafil 20 mg/day plus acetazolamide 125 mg Compliance with Ethics Guidelines
BID showed superiority over acetazolamide alone in the
Conflict of Interest Dr. J. Ivan Lopez, Dr. Ashley Holdridge, and Dr.
prevention of altitude illness in 51 subjects. Tadalafil, a Jorge E. Mendizabal all reported no potential conflicts of interest relevant
PDE5 inhibitor, acts by blocking the breakdown of cyclic to this article.
GMP, an intracellular mediator of the nitric oxide vasodilatory
effects. This, in turn, inhibits hypoxia-mediated edema, Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does
thought to be partially responsible for HAH [3]. not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any
of the authors.
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