Lesson Plan

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SCHOOL: Colegiul Economic”Ion Ghica”Bacau

TEACHER: Prisecaru Simona-Andreea

DATE: June 2nd, 2022

FORM: 10th

LEVEL: Upper Intermediate

TITLE OF THE LESSON: “Living for a century”, Unit 10, page 176
TYPE OF LESSON: Acquiring knowledge


SKILLS: Reading

METHODS OF TEACHING: Communicative Method, Direct Method, Presentation

Practice, Produce

TEACHING TECHNIQUES : Conversation, pair work, interview


A: Cognitive objectives:
• to consolidate new acquired vocabulary and correct use of structures

• to develop students reading

B: Affective objectives:

• to make students confident when using English

• to encourage students to read books in English and to speak English

MATERIALS: the student’s book, worksheets, the board, dictionaries

• By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be better able to use specific information about a
certain topic;

•The Ss will be able to use the new vocabulary in the proper context(s);

• The Ss will be able to answer some questions related to the text of the lesson;

• The Ss will be able to talk about events in a chronological order.

Aims : Introducing students in the atmosphere of the English class.

Asking for the absents Ss.

Procedure: Teacher greets the students. She makes the attendance. Asks for the absents.

Interaction: T-Ss

Time: 5 minutes

Aims : Introducing the title of the lesson.

Answering the questions.

Procedure: The teacher reads out the title and asks Ss to look at the pictures. Explains how the
pictures are related to the title.Writes the title on the board.

e.g. The pictures show things wich can lengthen or shorten your life.

The teacher explains the next task and allow Ss time to discuss in pairs. Asks individual pairs to
report back to the class.

e.g. I think yoga, excersing, taking vitamins and healthy eating helps us to live longer.

I agree, but smoking, eating junk food and taking a lot of pills do not.

Teacher allow Ss time to skim the text and underline the health issues mentioned.

e.g. sports, diet, smoking, yoga, walking, fruit and vegetables.

Interaction: T-Ss-Ss

Time: 10 minutes
Aims : To read and focus on the text.

To answer the questions and give the correct answers.

To give arguments following the answers.

Procedure: Teacher explains the task and allow Ss some time to read the questions and the text
and complete the task. Checks the Ss answers. She asks for evidence from the text for their

e.g . with record numbers of fit, healthy people reaching the age of 90 and over(lines 7-8)

this seems to be a continuing trend (line 5) etc.

Interaction: T-Ss

Time: 10 minutes

Aims : To use reading for understanding tasks and meaning of the vocabulary used.

Working out correctly different types of vocabulary practice.

Procedure: Teacher explains that the words match to form collocations used in the text. Allows
Ss a few minutes to match the words and find them in the text. Checks Ss answers and
understanding of the collocations. Then Ss make sentences.Teacher checks Ss answers by asking
them to read out their sentences.

e.g. I am changing to a healthier lifestyle in order to improve my energy levels.(line7 )

The greying population is becoming more and more energetic.(line 10) etc.

Ss work in pairs and complete the given task, working out the meaning of the five words given
from the context. Ss may use their dictionaries to help them explain the highlighted
words.Teacher checks Ss answers.

e.g. generation: a period of time- usually 30 years

doubled: multiplied by two

trend: general development, change

longevity: long life

calories: units used to measure the energy value of food

Interaction: T-Ss-Ss

Time : 5 minutes

Aims: Use reading as a process of understanding tasks given by the teacher.

Use reading in practice.

Procedure: The teacher explains the task and allows Ss some time to read the text again and
complete the task. Checks Ss answers.

e.g. activity: 5/6/11, attitude 1/3/4/9, intellect 7 etc.

Interaction : T-Ss

Time: 5 minutes

Aims : Reporting proper statements in regard of what the Ss already red.

Resolving a task based on the information given by the text.

Procedure: The teacher reads out the questions an explains the task. Alows Ss time to complete
the task, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

e.g. I don’t eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables , so I probably don’t get all the vitamins I need
to be healthy.

Interaction: T- Ss

Time: 10 minutes

Aims : To check the Ss reading.

To see if the Ss understanding of reading is correct.

Procedure: The teacher asks Ss to make a resume of the text using their own words in reporting
back to her and the class.

e.g. From the text, I understood that…

Interaction: T-Ss
Time: 5 minutes

To write a text of 15-20 lines in which they can use their own opinion about what it means to be
healthy and fit until an old age.

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