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Topic: The Impact of Smoking on Pregnant Women
The impact of smoking on pregnant women

Hi, good morning, everyone, first of all, thanks for listening to me today, I'm nervous,
however I'll get the message across as best I can to you.

As you know my name is Geysse, I'm a veterinarian and I have a lot of passion for
health, whether it's animals or people. For this reason, I chose the topic - the impact of
smoking on pregnant women, a topic that aborts the health of mother and baby.

Smoking is harmful to health and we all know it, but the impacts for pregnant women
are real and very worrying.

• Understanding the behavior of pregnant women who smoke

Guys, Does anyone know a female smoker? Yes? I think yes, and does anyone know a
pregnant smoker? It is harder to see that---- First, we will understand a few the
smokers’ women feeling, without judgement, please.

The use of cigarettes in prenatal care is higher in women who have some level of
depression 32.5% in comparison to women without 13.0% according to the National
Survey on Drug Use and Health, during pregnancy this number increases to 38.4 % in
women with an episode of depression and an episode of depression for the others to
9.1%, this means that dropout women with an episode of depression have greater
difficulty in quitting smoking during pregnancy. Other points were studied such as
income, education, age and race. Smoking during pregnancy was considerably more
prevalent among white teenagers 39% and 27% in black women, among those aged 20
years and older, it ranged from 23% among black women to 27% in white women.

• Risks for the mother:

These risks can take the mother to death
Uterine hemorrhages deep vein thrombosis, blood clot inside deep veins, pulmonary
embolism as a complication.
• Risks for the baby:
Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of complications, harms the baby before
and after delivery. They can cause tissue damage in the fetus, lung and brain, according
to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), there is a small link between
smoking and the cleft lip. Let's look at some of the main risks.

1. Preterm Birth, Premature delivery before 37 weeks impairments, mental impairments

and behavioral problems.
2. Low weight
3. Miscarriages
4. Stillbirth is intrauterine fetal death.
5. Ectopic Pregnancy
6. Placental abruption and Placenta previa can cause bleeding and be life-threatening for
8. Cleft palate is a neoformation in which the upper lips have a cleft, which can cause
other birth defects,

• How can we change this?

Smoking at any time during pregnancy can result in a lifetime outcome for the baby.
Quitting smoking during any stage of pregnancy at the risk of lung defects and low birth
Why do pregnant women smoke? When we understand smoking patterns, we can plan
alternative activities to avoid tobacco use.

AULA: 28.09.2021
modelo de resposta ao grafico
testes para grafico
De acordo com as gramáticas, as classes gramaticais em inglês são: »
noun (substantivo), » adjective (adjetivo), » verb (verbo), » adverb (advérbio), »
preposition (preposição), » conjunction (conjunção), » pronoun (pronome) e »
interjection (interjeição)

» ADJECTIVE (adjetivo)
Adjective é qualquer palavra usada para descrever alguém ou algo. As palavras big,
small, old, new, beautiful, ugly, fat, slim, hot, cold, interesting, boring, marvellous,
fantastic são exemplos de adjectives em inglês. Todas essas palavras servem para
descrever alguém ou algo.
»PREPOSITION (preposição)
As prepositions servem para expressar uma relação no tempo (quando algo acontece)
ou no espaço (onde algo acontece):
 They left after six o’clock. (after é preposição e expressa aqui algo ao
 They decided to me in a park. (in é preposição e expressa aqui algo ao
As preposições também expressam uma série de relações abstratas:

 He dealt with the problem.
Em resumo, as prepositions são um grupo chato de palavras. Elas devem sem
aprendidas naturalmente; pois, ao contrário do que muitos pensam não há regras para
o uso delas.

»INTERJECTION (interjeição)
As interjections são palavras usadas para expressar um sentimento ou uma supresa.
Por exemplo, ouch é a palavra em inglês usada para expressar dor; equivale ao
nosso ai em português. Portanto, ouch é uma interjection. Wow é outro exemplo de
interjection na língua inglesa; em português, pode ser traduzida como uau, nossa,
caramba, eita, etc.

Teste dia 29.09:
Respostas: 15 - Taste buds/ 16 - ballen whales /17 - forward and downward/ 18 –
doplhins /19 - / 20 - lower frequencies/ 21 - bowhead whales and humpback whale/
22- freshwater dolphins
The table shows top ten countries with largest population in 2019 and which is the
perspective for to 2100. The ten countries are China, India, USA, Indonesia, Pakistan,
Brazil, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia and Mexico.
In the 2019, the China is in first with 1,439 million of people, and de last country is
Mexico with just 129 million, a difference between their countries are more than 1,310
million people.
In the projection for 2100, their countries will go to change in the top ten. It’s expected
the India will be in first position witch more than 1,551 million of people, China in
second with 941 million, lasted more than 500 million, the same happened as Brazil,
the 213 million in 2019 for of 177 million in 2100.
There will be increase in population in 5 countries, India, Nigeria, USA, Pakistan and
Indonesia, and there will be 3 new countries in the top ten, D.R. Congo in the sixth
position, Ethiopia in the eighth and Tanzania in nineth. Bangladesh, Russia and Mexico
left of the top ten countries with largest population in million.

The percentage of overweight children in western society has increased by almost 20%
in the last ten years
In the last ten years there was an increase of overweight children, this increase there
was in 20% above another years. This increase was noted in the western society, if
comparison of the other eastern society.
The effect it is expected in the next years, when the children will become teenage and
adults. The lifestyle less than health in children can bring more diseases for the future
oh their children. So, the next population teenage and adult will become overweight
and will have problems with your health. The fact can be why this society are in
countries with more globalization, there are called countries of first world.
In the last ten years there was increase in the number of restaurants fast food, where
the food is more tasty and less healthy. The children prefer a sandwich, hamburger,
hot dog, soda or desserts, rather that a fruit or health food. The facility in prepare the
other foods also increase the problem, because industrialist food is very quickly and
easy for to cook, but, less than healthy. Other cause in overweight children is the use
the technology with the smartphone, computers and videogames, since the childhood
their learned to use the technology rather than to practice something exercise or to
visit park, or to play with others children.
Such as easy offer of fast food for everywhere, and decrease in practice the exercise,
the future this population is preoccupant. If there is not change in the lifestyle, will
have a population overweight and sick in next years.

The causes and effects of divorces
Hello everyone, good morning
My topic is about one theme very important and confused, is about – The causes and
effects of divorces!!!!
If you searching – the causes of divorces at Google in differences languages you will
find different causes, because the culture and lifestyle are different in others countries.
Today we will talk as the theme is seen in North and South America.
In South America the main causes are betrayal, daily coexistence (when two people
don’t know to live together), lack the communication between the couple, the
financial situation of the couple. In North America the main causes are: lack of
commitment, infidelity, too much conflict and getting marriage young. I was divorced,
and the cause of my divorce was lack of trust and too many lies (and to many other
The effects in the people in according to physiologist including increased stress, lost
friendship, financial hardship, depression, etc. The effects are the similar in the people.
If the people have therapy or help, the effects will be decrease over time. The divorce
is not end point, it is new beginning for people and a new relationship.

Hello everyone, good morning

Well, my topic today is: The cause and we effects of divorce.
I don't know such as the marriage is in your country, monogamous or polygamous, but
the divorce is the same, the break up of the couple.
I think that main causes of divorce are infidelity, lack of communication, financial
stability and lack of trust, etc. Is this common for you?
One interesting fact, I was divorced!!!! Yes, I did bad choices in the past. However, who
never did a bad choice???
In my opinion, I believe that relationships show in different points what is wrong, on
daily details. Normally the couple are not able to see it.
Between the effects of divorce are increased stress, lost friendship, depression,
financial stability, lack of trust in others people, etc. The effects will be decrease over
time if the person searching therapy or help.
The divorce isn't a end point, it is new beginning for people and a new relationship.


Sobre o exercicio de writing

Não usar palavras formais ou incluir a si no texto.
exemplo de resposta correta.
NAÃO SE USA CONTRAÇÃO EM ESSAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23 –
24 - a
Wrintig Task 1
The charts above show many information about opinion of passengers that used two
international airlines, first One World Air and Blue Sky Airways.
The charts is separate such as main summarise for between airlines, for example: low-
quality food, poor customer service, expensive tickets, lost or delayed luggage, delayed
or cancelled flights, limited space on plane and others. The Company One World Air
with percentage of overall satisfaction rating: 76%, been the assertion common lost or
delayed luggage 35%, limited space on plane 29% and delayed or cancelled flights 28%.
However, the Blue Sky Airways have the most negative report about limited space on
plane 36%, expensive tickets 31% and delayed or cancelled flights 22%.
The complaints are too much difference between of passengers, Blue Sky Aiways have
a percentage of general satisfaction more than One Wolrd Air, because the first
company have 87% above everyone passengers, so, their experience is better if in
comparison such as passenger of One World Air,
Nowadays, the locomotion for different places it is easier, because there is more
information about like we will arrive in ever places. The internet, website or same
Google, turn accessibly to searching new places, such as park, beach or islands that
before did not receive people.

Globalization is important for everyone, because we can to know too many other
regions. With your smartphone, laptop or computer, you can visit locations that you do
not know yet. One resource is the online maps, with this you are able to see like to go
to some desert beach, for example. With the same resource, it is possible to know
that which transport you need to use, if you need a car, or plane, a motorcycle or you
can to walk until the destination.
In my honeymoon I can to visited to many places that did not have signal and internet,
however, i had searching on Google like arrive in location, I saved the maps offline in
my smartphone, so, I can walked for to my destination, the Blue Room Caver, one
place around for ocean, this access is for kayak or walking on the trail, it is hard. There
was not information about this place in internet, I could not know a Blue Room Caver
in my vacation.
How advanced of the travels, an airlines companies and road companies started a
augment yours range of places, this way, they can attain more people that want to
know others places uninhabited for your honeymoon or vacation for instance. This
advance is positive for travelers and local businesses, as it moves the local currency.

usar linking words

Não usar na ESSAY:
Usar synonyms

Como fazer a essay
Praticar gramatica

The chart above shows the difference between of distribution the wealth a according
of population all over world. The comparison is about regions of North America, Latin
America and Caribbean, Europe, Africa, China, India, rich Asia-Pacific and other Asia-
The shares of wealth in North America (34%), Europe (29%) and rich Asia-Pacific (24%),
are extremely high in comparison such as the case of India, which has the population
the 15% greater than the share of wealth, being below 1%, in Africa is the similar, the
population 10% compared to the distribution of wealth at about 1%. The Latin America
and Caribbean (4%) have an few difference between sheres wealth and your
population. However, China (3%) and other Asia-Pacific (4%) have a relationship similar
but not great such India and Africa.

In countries considered developed, the distribution of wealth is greater than the

population, while in underdeveloped countries or on the poverty line, the number of
inhabitants is large in comparison to the amount of wealth in that region.

In the last decades, the health lifestyle there was a change for better, the people
started to worry about their health and wellbeing, whith that, there was an increase in
the aging population. For the governament, that is worring.

Those who pay for the costs of public health today are the people who work and pay
taxes. The taxes will go to the government, and this returns the value of taxes on
public services and pensions for the elderly today. If the population is getting older and
more numerous, there need to be more people paying taxes to the government.
Without this point, the government goes bankrupt and there is a financial crisis in the

To change the scenario and make the country able to pay for the next generation,
there are some measures that can be taken, such as increasing the retirement age of
the elderly, receiving more taxes on the paying population and privatizing some
services. At another point, it would be necessary for the number of births to increase
in the coming years, so that these pay for the next senior generation, however, there is
no way for the State to intervene.

In conclusion, the scenario is not favorable to the government, but on the other hand
it is beneficial to the population, as aging is synonymous with health and wellbeing. task 2

Hello guys, good morning, I hope that everyone is well

My topic today is foreign language instruction should begin in kindergarten

A study shows that different the adults, children learned easy and rapidly other
language when put in songs, single or soundtrack, than watching cartoons with

All over the world to speak English is very common, this language is considered the
UNIVERSAL language. In my country, we speaking Portuguese, and to many schools
learned English or other languages for children, but, these schools here are very
expensive. In the public schools’ other languages is learned from 12 - 16 years, I think
that is later.

Learned other languages for children is more important a long-term, because to be

bilingual can open to many opportunities in the job market.

Another important point, with the globalization everyone in any place all over world
can talking about everything. LIKE US NOW FOR EXAMPLE. We are in difference places
and speak the same language. Learned other language for children can change your
future for better in all sheres.

in addition the learning ability being better at this stage of life, the kids to learn to
assimilate from an early age and thus improves their reasoning ability, and in the
future to learn another language will become even easier.

I wish I had learned another language as a child.

How would you like to have learned another language as a child?



os gráficos mostram a idade em que as pessoas deixaram a educação em tempo

integral, bem como o salário médio que ganhavam dois anos após entrarem no
mercado de trabalho.
Resuma as informações selecionando e relatando os principais recursos e faça
comparações onde for relevante

The charts illustrated a comparison between age of people left full-time education and
the expectation of salary after two years leaving education. Theses charts shows age of
students among 16 – 24 years and salary that can be given.

The number of students who left full-time education have an increase from 16 years,
being more than half of students leaving full-time education at around 19 - 21 years
old. In the second position, students with more than 22 years get out to go school part-
time. Similar to increase of the outside age of the students, your expecting salary have
the same increased with advance of years. People such as 22 to 24 years have the
highest salary, and second position with 19 to 21 with around 20 thousand. In thridy
students with 24 years have similar salary.

However, the charts have a comparison that students outside of full-time education
with 19 to 21 years have a highest salary in two years comparison with the students
left with 22 and 24 years.

The governments have the responsibility of to know where to spend the public money,
being on education, health, transporting, or security of the population. In this essay
will be approached the most important spend for the people.

In any place all over the world, to know the necessities basic is very important, the
main is education, because for this we can change the future of the nation, we can
create doctors, teachers, and many other professions. In second is health, with this,
the habitants can improve your expected lives. In the third position is the transporting,
the government has the offer an excellent transport for people working, studying and
necessitiety for in daily.

Consequently, knowing how and where to spend public money, the government can
benefit more people. As a result of Japan with your trains lines, in any place in Tokyo
city have a train station, you can go to any destin. Countries with more investment in
your population are more developed, while others countries that do not have a worry
with yous habitants do not grow up your economy.
In conclusion, the government could be investing in three things, first education,
second health and last but not least transport. Those the main important for people in
any location. In my opinion, even if the government invest in the topics, others also are
relevant for the population, this decision is complicated for to choose only the most
important. The government needs to grant security, good hospitals, transport with
quality and school capacities for everyone in your country, thus this nation one day will
be the better place for your population.

Exercise reading:


Hello guys, good morning.

My topic today is Animal Testing Is Necessary

Before I start, what do you know about this topic? How is the legacy in your country?

Firstly, we will understand why laboratories use animals. for cosmetic like make up,
pharmaceutical with medicine and surgery practice. This week a new case came up,
doctors in New York transplanting a kidney PIG in a human!!!

Another case is the use of horses for development of anti-covid serum in Brazil! The
horses received a bit part of covid virus, in your body produced antibodies to make the

So, in other hand, we have the cases of abused in animal’s test. A few years ago, has a
scandal about animal tests. The Instituto Royal held in captivity some animals for
cosmetic and pharmaceutical testing. Some animal activists and protectors rescued too
many animals in this place.

Nowadays have variety companies for save the animals and against animal’s tests, you
can search this logo in yours products with shampoo oh make up for example.

This year a documentary addressed the subject of laboratory rabbits, animals that are
used as guinea pigs for various tests.

In my opinion the use of animals for medicine is necessary, however, only, if these
animals had the 5 freedoms in yours, lives, being freedom from hunger and thirst;
freedom from discomfort; freedom from pain, injury, and disease; freedom to express
normal and natural behavior; and freedom from fear and distress.

Visual learn – sight to gather information

Likes – of written, pictoral, and diagrammatic

Dislikes – giving information orally

Auditory learn – spoken examinations

Like – as voice recorders can

Dislikes –

Kinaesthetic learn – activity

Like – movement and space

Dislikes –
Praticar com -

The Official Cambridge Guide To Ielts

Entender o enunciado do task 1 e saber escolher a criação de ideias, como nos

exemplos abaixo
1– A: parental influence

2– B: possible future income

3– A: influence of friends

4– B: being cut off

5- C: access to knoledge

6- C: connecto to the world

7- B: Fewer opportunites

8- B: more expensive
9- C: work more quickly

The writer Mr Leibovitz and Malthew Miller will together for talk a story about
students, the “Fortunate Sons” a book. For modernize your country, China send one
hundred twenty boys for USA.

Facilitador – noun / PROMOTER, HELPER (synonyms)

Theoretically – adverb / HYPOTHETICALLY (synonyms) EXPERIMENTAL (antonym)

Refine – verb / CLARUFY (synonyms) DIRTY (antonyms)

Conventional – adjective / NORMAL, TRADITIONAL (synonyms) DIFFERENT (antonyms)

Compare Or Contrast Raising Children in A City and Raising Children in A Small Town

The childhood period is considered one of the pillars for the formation of an individual.
Possessing access to efficient education, and a connection to nature is significant at this stage. In
addition, having a quality healthcare system is crucial for healthy growth. These characteristics
can change according to the environment in which the child lives, whether in large cities or in
the countryside.
Firstly, as much as education has a script, it varies according to location, sometimes
more rigid in some and lighter in others. Another point to define a positive education is to have
professionals trained to educate our children to become people of well. In large cities, the
demand for teachers is usually greater, as they own more study options and more access to
effective education, in contrast to the fact that in the interior there are usually fewer schools and
fewer options for teaching instructors. Apart from this, these metropolitan own wide options of
bilingual schools for child education.
Secondly, the cities invest too much in parks and squares, however, there is still a
shortage of nature such as waterfalls, lakes, or camping sites, for children explore. Central Park
is an example of a green part of a giant city, but it is a very small part of such a big city, unlike
what happens in the interior, where many homes have a backyard and the green of the
mountains can be seen from various points of the small town. In this way, children have almost
daily contact with nature. To demonstrate is difficult to find a child in the countryside that never
climbed a tree for instance.
Lastly, access to health care is crucial for a child's positive development. Being
monitored by experienced professionals, state-of-the-art hospitals and equipped health centers
should be the right of every young citizen. Large cities offer these services with greater
accessibility compared to inland cities, even if demand is also lower. The inhabitants from small
towns travel miles to go to hospitals in big cities for the treatment of chronic diseases.
Briefly, inhabiting in the center or in the countryside has its advantages and
disadvantages, depending on the focus of the family. For example, if they are looking for
quality of life and the child has more access to nature and peaceful life, residing in the
countryside will be better for them. However, if they wish to have a state-of-the-art healthcare
system and world-class education, only metropolises can offer this benefit. The ideal world
would be that everyone has access to the same options, but the location is still a point to be
(433 words)
Geysse Araujo
Pathway 3

São Paulo

Hi guys good morning

My name is Geysse, I'm from Brazil and I live in São Paulo

I was born in this city, same knowing other cities, in my opinion, it's the best city in this
country, and I'll show you why.

This city has a largest population in your country, with 12.33 million inhabitants, yes,
many people are looking for better jobs and studies in this city!!!! Your language is
Brazilian Portuguese.

Known as the Great Metropolis, São Paulo has large companies and attracts
international investments, only New York, Hong Kong, London and Shanghai are
crossing (overcame) in the business ranking.

Due to its diversity, this city has many options for your visit, for example, the
Ibirapuera Park on the left for a family walk, or on the right the Sé Cathedral in the
historic center.
Your food options are huge, you can really EAT anything at any time, as there are many
stores and places that work 24 hours a day. Some people call it the city that never
sleeps. Therefore, pharmacies, restaurants, markets, and other establishments are
open at night.

My favorite place is the park near where I lived during my childhood. As you can see,
São Paulo has many buildings, everywhere there are buildings or commerce, however,
there is a beautiful park of two blocks on the biggest and best-known avenue in the
city, a piece of Atlantic forest in the center of the city, it is similar to Central Park. What
do you think?

This is my city, with its big structures, constant traffic because it has a lot of people and
a special beauty that only this city has. Diversity is synonymous with São Paulo, this
rainy city, my home.

The plastic shopping bags can cause too many problems for enviromental of acoording
with some people, in my opinion the wrong use of plastic bags, can be harmful for the
society and the land.

Body 2 – talk about the wrong use can cause damege of sealife…. Exemples
body 3 –

02.11.2021 – task 1:
Writing Task 1

The pie graphs above show many information about opinions of passengers that used
two international airlines, first One World Air and second Blue Sky Airways.

The charts are separate with main summarize for critics between two airlines, for
example: low-quality food, poor customer service, expensive tickets, lost or delayed
luggage, delayed or canceled flights, limited space on plane and others. The Company
One World Air with percentage of overall satisfaction rating: 76%, been the assertion
common lost or delayed 35%, limited space on plane 29% and delayed or canceled
flights 28%. However, the Blue Sky Airways have the most negative report about
limited space on plane 36%, expensive tickets 31% and delayed or canceled flights

The complaints are too much different between passengers, in Blue Sky there are a
percentage of general satisfaction more than One World Air, because the former
company has 87% above everyone passengers, so their experience is better if in
comparison such as passenger of One World Air.

Task 2

Anything in excess can be harmful to health, family or friends, I fully agree with the
statement that even good things can be bad if you are not careful when performing or

To illustrate, alcoholic beverages are tasty and can cause a state of happiness when
consumed in moderation, but if consumed in excess, they can cause dependence,
accidents and even death. The same for the use of medications in general, if you are in
pain, the medication will be beneficial, however, if you do not have it and use the
medication or overuse it, it can have side effects and cause pain or discomfort.

My mother said that if I ate too much, I could get sick, until once in my childhood I ate
too many pieces of pie until I had a stomachache. In this way you can see that excess is
harmful. At another point is that some people take their feelings to another level
because they think that overkill loving is healthy, they are extremely suffocating,
which can lead to many problems in the relationship, whether family or not.

Briefly, things in general are neutral, the food is there, if you eat the ideal amount it
will be metabolized by your body, and this will bring you benefits, but if it is in excess,
your body will be harmed. We who must ponder whether what we will do will be good
for us or for those around us. In conclusion, in my opinion, I agree that even good
things can be bad if done in excess.


Impacts of physical activity

Hello guys, good morning. I hope that everyone are well today

Let me introduce myself, I’m Geysse Araujo, but you can call me Gey, I choose this
topic because I like to do physical activity (no more than my husband), but it is very
important for me, and for everyone. So, I will show how the practice can improve our

My presentation consists of the following parts: (ler na agenda)

The most important of society’s health is the improve your wellbeing daily, Kumar and
Preetha say that if we introduce physical activity into society, we will have positive
health outcomes. The physical activity can help people sleep better, feel better and
perform daily tasks more easily for example: climbing stairs, carrying heavy packages,
and performing household chores.

Being active can help both your mind and your body. May have increased levels of self-
esteem and decreased symptoms of depression. According to the latest Physical
Activity Guidelines for Americans, being active may help: (citar exemplos)

New, we will see that all people can practice physical activities. Aerobic activity,
Muscle-strengthening, Bone-strengthening

Firstly, the children and teenagers need practice some activity with football, running,
walking in the park or other for strengthening of bones and muscles.

For adults, the activities have too many benefact for your life as seen in the fisrt slide.
Adults need at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each
week. This includes aerobic exercises and strength-building activities twice a week. For
example: running, jumping or handball, some forms of yoga and resistance training
exercises for Bone-strengthening as gymnastics

In the last but not least, exercises for older adults. Some seniors have one or more
chronic diseases and according to Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, such as
type 2 diabetes, cancer or osteoarthritis, but being physically active has benefits for all
seniors, such as decreasing the risk of dementia or improving quality of life. They need
focus mainly on two types of activity—aerobic and muscle-strengthening

Briefly, practicing physical exercises is beneficial to all people of all ages, improving
their well-being to perform daily tasks. These activities can prevent illnesses or even
treat them if they are done correctly and with care.
I recommend practicing outdoor activities or in gyms, the important thing is to practice
at least 3 times a week.

1 – sipping

2 – take over

3 – doubtful

4 – enticing

5 – recite

6 – world view

7 – diligent

8 – antique

3 Bates and Plog: 3

Hofstede: 1

Dahl: 1
2 – focus more on detail

3 – focused on the tiger (on details)/ concentrated more on the background

4 – societies prize individual freedom (prizes individuality)

5 – flexible approach which ebables


1 - also

2 - differences

3 - larger
4 - and


6 - whereas

7 - Similarly

8 - may vary significantly

9 - However

10 -

11 - but

12 –

Como fazer referencias:


Complete the sentences with one of the words from the box
reluctant, transmissible, imply, intuition, ponder, aim, contend, broadly, chaotic,
outnumbered, conducted, fundamentally, reactive, uneasy

1. We take a proactive rather than a reactive approach.

2. The new variant of the disease is allegedly 70% more transmissible.
3. He pondered his next words thoroughly.
4. He’s reluctant to speak in public since too shy.
5. Parents are uneasy about giving this medication to their children.
6. The situation at the border was chaotic, with thousands of refugees arriving
every day.
7. The aim of this project is to help patients to be more independent.
8. The Internet has fundamentally changed the way people communicate with
one another.
9. Critics of the school system contend (argue) that not enough emphasis is
placed on creativity.
10. Archaeologists often use their intuition to decide where to dig.
11. Despite being outnumbered, they managed to fight back bravely.
12. The increase in the inflation level implies (need conjugation) that wages are
rising too fast.
13. The proposal was broadly welcomed by teachers.
14. The interview was conducted by telephone.


Hello guys, good morning

today I will talk about dogs and cats

I have a question, I know that Vanessa has a dog, who else has a dog or cat?

Here is my agenda for today

First, the dogs!!

These animals can be small with 1 or 2 kilograms, for example, the first dog, in my
country the name breeds is Chihuahua, or they can be big such as the last dog, have
other breeds, the Great Dane, theses dogs had around 2 meters and 70 kilograms

Now, why do some people choose to have a dog?

This picture here is about a new movie on Netflix, have too many films about dogs.
The peculiarities are that – dogs like kids, so they can play with them

Known as the best friend of man (and woman), the dogs are very friendly for everyone
and always will be by your side, in all moments
A sad feature is that dogs don’t live too much, they live on average 10 – 15 years, but,
your lives are very quick and happy, they need to practice exercises and big spaces in
your houses. In addition, dogs can work with police, firemen, or um the hospital such
as therapy dogs or on the farm.

Now, cats!!!!

Different from dogs, they don’t have too many breed options, your weight is around 2
– 12 kilograms.

In ancient Egypt, cats were treated very well, as the Egyptians considered their magical
creatures and a symbol of good luck. In some places, they are used how therapy cats,
because they are quiet and so cute.

Different from dogs, they are independent and very hygienic, need less care and can
help you sleep better and they are very loyal to you. They live on average 12- 18 years

In my opinion, both are very important for our lives, and some people combine with
dogs and others with cats, depending on your lifestyle, if you have time to play or go
outside with your animal, or if you are a quiet person, a cat is better for you.

Which one suits you better?

In my case, I have two dogs and they don’t likes cats…

IELTS Task 1 - Process diagram

1. Introduce the diagram

As with any task 1, you should begin by paraphrasing the statement. You can use the following

The diagram/ flow chart depicts/ illustrates/ describes the process of/....

The diagram illustrates how an Australian town collects rainwater in order to use it as drinking

2. Overview

In the overview paragraph you need to write:

1. the number of stages

2. how the process begins and ends

It’s always a good idea to start with the word overall

Here is a good way to write a general overview:

Overall, the process consists of seven stages beginning with the collection of water and ending
up with the addition of chemicals before the water can be drunk.

3. Specific features

After you've given the overview, you should write about specific details of your diagram. To do
that, you need to describe each stage of your process in detail.

Use connectors
A) First/ Firstly, Initially, Second/ Secondly, Third/Thirdly .......Next/ After that/ Then, Following
that/Followed by, Subsequently/ Subsequent to that, Finally/ Lastly...
B) Where/ From where/ After which/ After that/ Afterward...
C) When/ As soon as/ Immediately, Just after that...
D) At the beginning, In the end, Just after the beginning, Just before the end...

E) The cycle/ process then repeat itself, The cycle/ process is then repeated

NOTE: If possible, use the passive voice to describe the process

Present Simple Passive: object + is/are + past participle:

Initially, the rain which falls on the rooftop is collected by the gutter and then runs down the
pipe at the side of the house into the drain at the bottom

Present Perfect Passive: object + has been/have been + past participle: We can use once and
when + present perfect passive to join two processes together....

Once it has been filtered, it continues along the pipes to a storage tank.

Process Diagram Model Answer

The diagram illustrates how an Australian town collects rainwater in order to use it as drinking

Overall, the process consists of seven stages beginning with the collection of water and ending
up with the addition of chemicals before the water can be drunk.

Initially, the rain which falls on the rooftop is collected by the gutter and then runs down the
pipe at the side of the house into the drain at the bottom. Each house collects rainwater in this
way and the rainwater is then passed along underground drains to the water filter.

The rainwater passes through the water filter to remove any impurities. Once it has been
filtered, it continues along the pipes to a storage tank. From this point, the water goes from
storage to the water treatment. At this stage of the process, the water is treated with
chemicals in order to make it fit for consumption. When the water is ready for drinking, it
travels along pipes that lead back into the houses in the town where people can use the water
for daily consumption.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram shows the process by which milk and related products are produced.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features.

Write at least 150 words.

The diagram describes the production of milk and other derived products.

Overall, the process consists of eight stages beginning with feeding the cows in the
pasture and ending up with the packaging of milk before it is sold at the supermarket
and shops.
First, the cows produced the milk after the feeds the grass. Second, the machine
collects the milk that to go to refrigeration storage. Third, the liquid produced is
transported in a tanker that every day deliveries it to Dairy, next, at the Dairy the milk
can be transformed in other products such as cheese, cream and butter.

At the Dairy the production is separated, some quantities of milk are sent to make a
cheese, cream or butter, and the other part of milk is pasteurized. Once it has been
heat-treated, in the stage of pasteurization, the milk needs to be packaged. At this
stage of the process, the milk goes to commerce such as supermarket and shops. From
this point, the milk, cheese, cream and butter are already for consumption

Body 1 – começar com disadvantage

After, advantage


The diagram describes the process of the ordering an easier form that make to one company.

Overall, the process consists of nine stages, beginning with the order received by company and
ending up with the order shipped and client charged.

Initially, the diagram shows the order can have some ways. First, the order is received by
company. Second, the order from current to client, in this stage have two away, if the order is
already, the next stage is qualified for discount, in this case, if can have discount or no, if have
a discount the order goes to discount applied, form this stage the order enter into system and
finished with the order shipped and client charged. Unlike an application of discount, the order
follows to enter into system and ended the process with the client charges.

When the order from current goes a refer by current, the next stage is referred client offer
discount on next order. Subsequent to that, the new client added to customer database of
company, next the order entered into system and end with the order shipped and client

Around the world, even though health and education are free for the population, the
government charges more fees from the inhabitants. I believe that this has more drawback
than benefits. The citizens paid for services that should be freedom of taxes.

The positive aspects of the payment of a lot taxes to government, is this that turn on rich, this
form, they can invest in other services to inhabitants, such as security or transporting for
instance. With more money in the State, they can put on more agents of security for protect of
population, and offer quality in transporting such as bus and metro.

A disadvantage of the more payment of taxes, is that population shaw working more, because
the fees are expansive. In this case who suffers is the citizens, when their need spends more
time in their jobs to buy products to use on daily. With the highest prices in the products or
services the inhabitants can turn on poverty, while the governments be enriches.

Another drawback of the wide fees, is that services should be free for people. Obviously,
everyone need pay taxes, but, the price need to be fair. Furthermore, education and health are
rights for the citizens. This attiude is abusive and unethical. Besides of too many taxes in
everythink as products for house, food, fuel, eletrecity, water and divers other product and
services, the people can not pay more for your rights.

Briefly, I would therefore argue that although there advantage of the payment a lot money in
taxes by inhabitants for the governament, they are outweighed by the disadvantages. Who
loses in this situation are the population, because need spend more time working for getting
money, as result of the cost of life in ypur city is expansive by virtue of a numeros of fees.

Hello guys, good morning

Today my topic is Marvel vs DC, the biggest battle of the century

This is my agenda
- Ler intro

Now, we strarting with Marvel Comis, your original name is Timely Comics that was
fouded by Martin Goodman in 1939 writing comic books, had a wide growth in 1990
shortly after the release of some movies in the cinema. After the sucsses, the walt
disney company bought Marvel and this transation open too much ways to Marvel.

In 90’ decade, ypur films did a larges sucsses amoung population in USA, they don’t
stoped and today, and today they have the biggest box office in cinema.

here are some examples of movies from the last few decades.

About DC Comics, founded in 1935 by Major Malcon with name the National Allied

In addition to superhero stories, DC also began publishing science fiction, Westerns,

humor and romance stories, particularly in the early 1950s, when interest in heroes

Batman won the TV series, which led to the sale of DC to Warner Bros, thus gaining
ground in cinema as well.

Currently, DC had a wide animated movie in the streaming show and some films.

But, what is the differences between Marvel and DC?

In my opinion the audience, Marvel want a children and teenage audience, in other hand, DC
had a heavy movies and your aducience is de adult public.

Marvel invest too much in tv show as the last release this year of WandaVision, unlike DC, your
investiment is in cartoons, they had a lot histories about heroes

As a result of the incredible films, both have already won 7 Oscars, including best makeup, best
soundtrack and best actor to Joquim Fenix such as Joker in 2020.

today both companies produce other films in addition to the well-known super heroes, they
had a loved and inspired histories for everyone.

And youu biggest conflict is about your characters, how you can see, have a lot similarities
betwees they. the villain Thanos from Marvel and Darkseid from DC, the green archer and the
hawk archer... But the funniest thing is Between Deadpool and Deathstroke, deadpool is a
satire with the DC anti-hero, similar names, Slade Wilson and Wade Wilson , both are killers for
hire. This fact do that people don’t like the other companie, for think that is a copy, so in some
moments, the question is - Which one is the best?

22.11.2021 – Pathway 3



Compare and contrast essay

Transitional words

Ivete Sangalo vc Claudia Leitte

Hello guys, good morning

My name is Geysse, but you can call me Gey, I’m from Brazil and today my topic is about
differences and similarities between Ivete Sangalo and Claudia Leitte

Here is my agenda, so, a litte introduction about these two beautiful (UIMEN) women, the left
side is Ivete Sangalo and the other side Claudia Leitte, both are Brazilian singers of Carnaval a
tipic event every year in my country. We will see about their history, trajectory and differences
and simmilarities between them.

she started her career at a very young age with Banda Eva, and years after her success, she
switched to a solo career, becoming even more successful across the country. She got married,
and has 3 children, today she is the presenter of some TV shows such as The Voice Brasil.

Years later Claudia Leitte appeared with the Babado Novo Band with a musical style similar to
Ivete's, the axé, which is very danceable and vibrant around here. Sometimes similar to the
Latin rhythm.

About differences: age is the first, with Ivete being a few years older than Claudia, the timbre
of the voice is the second, with Claudia being more acute, the international career is more
relevant, Ivete sangalo performed at Madison Square Garden a few years ago . and finally, the
costumes, Leitte likes to be daring and wear a lot of bathing suits.

Already in the similarities, both pack carnival for Brazil, with crowds of followers both in
concerts and on social networks, both performed at the 2014 World Cup concert. Claudia
opened the event together with singer Jenifer Lopez and Ivete closed the Cup with the
Colombian Shakira.

Even with these aspects they respect each other and have already performed together, the
rivalry is only between their followers.
Quais são as diferenças entre os mapas?

Intro + overal

Summarize the instruction

Para – map 1 what exists in the original map

Para2: map 2

Future, palns, new development

Exe: As can be seen, from the maps, the island changed significantly

- there is no footprint of any residents in the first map

- the original island without any human intervention or constructions,
containing pameiras, beach and sea.
- *palm trees
7 changes + locations

recreation/recreational , entreainment, transport facilieties, medical, edcucacional, academic.
The given maps depict numerous changes that will be happened in the school site next two
decades. Overall, due to increasing number of studentes, the school area is going to be

Best answer:

The maps ilustrate how a school site is planned to be developed over a 20-year periodd.
Overall ther will be extensive developmentes with regards to construction of building, facilities
and roads in the school site, and the number of students will also increase significantly.


Writing Task 1
The maps illustrate how the city Springsby is proposed to be developed in the next years.
Overall, there will be extensive developments with regards to construction of buildings,
facilities. Around of 7 changes will happen in this project.

In Springsby, there is a wide park with lake at the west, across from the school, intersection
the Western Road and Park Avenue. At the east of the park, there is a residential area with a
housing estate.

One of the proposals for future changes is the creation of three new parking lot, the first will
creat at the western, that will convert some part of the park to building this car park. The
second car park will develop in eastern, adjacent to the new shopping center, along Western
Road. The last car park will be created at the southern, opposite of housing estate, between
Park Avenue and the future wide shopping center at the east. Lastely, about future facilities,
going to be create a bus station at the west, is connected to school.

Writing Task 2

Nowadays the use of the internet is almost crucial to the life of any individual, everyone uses it
as a means to connect with friends, to work and express their opinion. However, some feel
that internet use should be controlled by companies or the government, while others believe it
should be free. In my opinion, people should have free will anywhere, whether through the
computer or not.

Firstly, the internet is used as a tool to find people and companies, with a simple click you can
check the valuations of a commerce, however, some individuals using the internet to commit
crimes against others. For this reason, it is important that the security system of government is
in place to deal with situations that could put the lives of others at risk.

Following the thought that every being is thinking and free, people can use their social
networks to express feelings, share photos without feeling controlled or spied on, after all,
there must be a neutral place, without interference from third parties.

Particularly, for the internet to grow and have sponsors, companies need some information
from network users, such as their access preferences. These companies can make online
advertisements with triggers for purchases. In this way, companies have access to the user's
search history and profile, however, without control over what the person can accesses. On
the other hand, having security professionals checking possible threats to society is crucial for
everyone's well-being, since with this work they can prevent attacks and other crimes. In my
opinion I agree that the government can only exercise a small amount of control over the
internet, but as long as it does not take away its free will of the society.

C1 Pathway Vocabulary Quiz – Unit 6

I - 1) principle of self-determination / apparent + contradiction

II: Noun Conservation/ Verb conserve /Adj conservative/ Adv conservatively

Noun REDUCTIONS/ Verb Reduce/ Adj Reducible

Noun Willingness/ Verb / Adj Willing/ Adv Willingly

Noun Validity, Validation/ Verb Validate/ Adj Valid/ Adv valiantly

III: 1) Philanthropist

2) Emission
3) Adopt

4) Considerable

5) Stimulant

IV: 1) To get a good job in the future, it is necessary to spend considerable time studying daily.

2) The guardianship agent works with the adoption of orphaned children.

3) Some people talk that the gases emitted by cows can harm the environment.

4) Every company needs to have a philanthropic sector to help others.

5) Some young people often use stimulants before important academic texts to improve their

Apresentação 03.12.2021

Veterinary – compare and contrast

Hello guys, good morning, today I will talk about a topic that I love so much, veterinary

Veterinary is considering a great challenge for some people, because is a medicine for animals
and humans too, I will explain about that.

Fisrt, it’s my agenda.

Vet is a professional that take care of animals like cats, dogs, cows, horse and other, and the
doctor can work in clinic, hospital or farms, and like these pictures, inspection of large animals
and prevention of diseases. An example is that horses are used for development of anti-covid
serum in Brazil. But today I will talk about veterinarian of small animals like cats and dog

About qualifications, they need study in a veterinary university more than 5 years, and had
additional course is relevant. The salary is around 98.984 dollars per year, for 36 hours per
week, and had some benefits according to some companies and hospitals. About
responsibilities they professionals needs treat sick animals, prescribing medication, advise
about food, hygiene and general care, in addition is necessary obstetrics services, dentisty and
in some cases, euthanasia.

Following, requeriments in Brazil is similar to Canada, thay need study 5 years and staring
additional course like dentisty, surgery or oncologist. In other hand, they salary is very
different, amoung 729,21 per month, in Brazil the salary is monthly. I did calculate, and the
salary per year, is around 8.750,52. Last, the responsibilities are the same, to take care the
animal’s health
At this time, the most relevant difference is the salary, being Canadian salary more than 80
thousand dollars, besides, In Brazil there are no benefits in most contracts

Secondly, the number of professionals in Brazil is huge in comparison to Canada. According to

Federal Council of Veterinary Medicine, today Brazil is the country with the largest number of
active veterinarians, with more than 80 thousand professionals this number is considerable
because Brazil has more than 500 colleges with a veterinary course in Brazil. In contrast to
Canada has 5 universities.

The similarities are wide, since study, work method, and medicine is the same.

In conclusion, during my search I understand how the vet is in Canada, sometimes are
compared like a doctor, different of my country, here, sometimes we are decreasing in our


Tips of essay:

Argumentative: pros e cons.

Argumentative essay:
Teste em animais, deveriam ser objetos de estudo para melhorar a saude humana?


1 – Testar medicamentos em animais aumentam garantias da eficacia dos remedios em


2 – Com os testes, a taxa de reação adversa em humanos é menor

3 – É possivel ter controle em laboratório causa e efeito dos remedios/ Saúde humana em
primeiro lugar, pessoas poderiam morrer ao serem realizados testes primários, sem antes
testar em outro organismo parecido, como no chimpazé por exemplo.
1 – Animais são seres vivos e pensantes como a senciência preza, bem- estar animal dever ser

2 – Animais não tem escolha de estarem sendo usado como estudos, ao terem seu corpo
usado para analise de diferentes remédios.

3 – Animais necessitam ter sua liberdade para execer seu comportamento natural, o que não é
possivel estando em laboratório.

Animal testing, should they be objects of study to improve human health?


1 – Testing medicines on animals increases guarantees of the effectiveness of medicines on


2 – With tests, the adverse reaction rate in humans is lower

3 – It is possible to control the cause and effect of medicines in the laboratory/Human health
First, people could die when performing primary tests, without first testing it on another similar
organism, such as in chimpanzees, for example.


1 – Animals are living and thinking beings, as sentience values, animal well-being must be

2 – Animals have no choice if they are being used as studies, as they have their bodies used to
analyze different remedies.

3 – Animals need to have the freedom to perform their natural behavior, which is not possible
in the laboratory.

Animal testing, should they be objects of study to improve human health?

Nowadays, animals are used as test objects for the production of medicines for humans, like
vaccines, for example. Some animals has a organism similar to that of a human being, so
scientists believe that the result obtained through studies, will have the same effect on
humans. Furthermore, there are laws that prohibit the test on humans without first having the
least amount of studies on it, after all, it cannot put the human life at risk. In this way, mice,
dogs, pigs, horses and chimpanzees are used to test the evolution of the disease and how is
medication effects. These animals can be used in different ways, the horse, for example, is
used to produce vaccine against smallpox and antivenom, dogs and swine for new surgical
techniques such as transplants or microsurgery. Although there are strong arguments for these
studies to be done, a very large movement has emerged in recent decades calling for an end to
animal experiments, thus ensuring that they play their role in the natural habitat, being free
from pain or fear.
The line graphs illustrate in numbers the home countries of students in 1000s, in Autralia,
these countries are Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore. Overall, the graph shows
the growth in the number of students over 18 years.





USE PAST TENSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The line graph shows the variation in country visitation prices for the National Park over 7
years, while the bar graph provides information on the number of visitors in millions in the
same period.

Overall, there have been slight fluctuations in the price of entry the National Park in a few
years, and there has been a slowy increase in the number of park visitors . However, the
largest visiting public was in 2017.

Ticket price started at around $8 in 2011, there was a vacillation over the next two years, then
a slow increase in 2013 to 2014, following the growth leap in 2015. After that, the drop, when
the price became at $10. In the next years there were a slow increase with the price in 14
dollars again, the same of 2015.

In the 2017 the highest number of visitors to the National Park over 0.53 millions similar to last
year, approximately 0.51 millions of visitors. The least visitors was in 2011 which had only early
0.29 millions. After this year, there were a irregular growth until 2016.
Nowadays, citizens demand duties and positions of the governments of their countries and
one of them is to know where to best spend public money, whether this money is spent on
education, health, transport or public security, for example. After all, it is the right of the
inhabitants to enjoy efficient public services. In my opinion the most important expense should
be on education.

Firstly, by offering quality education to today's children, we will have adults who are better
prepared for their future professions and, as a result, more capable professionals. A person
who had an efficient foundation in childhood will find it easier to get positive grades on the
university entrance exam, for example, thus, he will have more options for courses. In my
country the public education is awfulll, to clarify, more than half of students of public
education do not has a knolegde about financial or administration, because this do not learn in
the public schools.

Second, investing public money in positive education opens up opportunities for professions
that require further study, such as medicine or science. On this path, these students can enter
excellent colleges and become doctors or scientists and work for their country. Furthermore,
people who have invested their time in studying or who have had a satisfactory educational
background are less likely to commit crimes.

In short, the government shoud to spend money on great education, because quality
education is capable of influencing even the health of the population, improve your future and
have better opportunities for jobs. This is the most important thing for their inhabitants, due
to, a population that has an excellent education, is a population prepared for everything. In my
opinion, the usefull education change the human, and this form, develop the world.

There also was no significant uptick in net migration to suburban areas in 2020,


and use the in-text cittaion

write the answer in the chat

indirect citation

Adults who have at least one college-educated parent are far more likely to complete college
compared with adults with less-educated parents.

The probabilities of adults finishing college with parents who have completed higher education
is higher compared to adults with parents with low education (Fry, 2021)
Fry, R., & Cohn, D. (2021, December 16). In 2020, fewer Americans moved, exodus from cities
slowed. Pew Research Center.

Hello guy, good morning,
To introduce myself, Imy name is Geysse, I’m from brazil and here, I’m a vet, and today I will
talk about animal testing,
Should these animals be objects of study to improve human health?

I have two questions for you guys, do you have some animals? Like cat, dog, mice, pig, or

And, do you agree or disagree about tests on animals? But, is just about pharmaceutical or
researcher test, do not cosmetic test.

This is my agenda, some arguments and one conter argument

First, to undertanding animals testing,

Animals are used in some studies about medicine to treatment for cancer, orther diseases, in
addition, used on researcherof microsurgery or produced of antibodies
In these figure we can see an example of animal’s testing, a mice and a monkey

However, why animals are used in tests? First, is because their organisms is similar to humans,
thus becoming efficient models for some diseases. The right, is ilustrate how their body is
similar to humans.

In addition, the animals saved and improve human lives, like an example of a pig that was
involved in a kidney transplant in a human, it is true, a few months ago, according to BBC a
genetically modified kidney of the pig was transplanted from a pig to a human body. Another
example are horses used to produced antibodie against disease like COVID 19.

To summarize the benefits, mice were essential in studies for cancer treatment, in particular
one protein – Herceptin, the humanized mouse protein, helped to increase the survival rate of
people with breast cancer

On the other hand, too many animals are used all over the world, here has a graph to
illustrate, the most used animal is the mice. Around 200 million animals were used in 2005, but
the number exactly is difficult to be computed because has different metrics. Protectors fight
against the use of animals, some professionals say that all animals should have the five
freedoms or five domains, like free of hunger and thirst, free form discomfort, free from pain,
injury, and disease, free to express normal behavior, and free from fear and distress, however,
these five freedoms has a huge difference on animals living in the laboratory, this discussion
makes a big debate, and the laws of animals protection made a 3Rs for save animals live, for
this reason, every laboratory needs to follow some rules to protect these animals.


Deal with the problem/ Problem is solved/ Adress the problem/ Tackle the problem/ Problems
can arise

Biggest issue/ Importante issue/

Faces huge challenges/

Ran into difficulty/ is fraught with difficulty

Trouble was caused / had trouble/ Have trouble with/ Ran into trouble/

Get caught in a vicious circle/ Create a vicious circle


Magic bullet for

Pode colocar citação na introdução, desde que seja no hook com algum dado chocante, porém
na these, apenas em suas palavras!!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking Assessment: Problem + solution

To use vocabulary

Topic: How to take the luggage to Canada?

The problem: Some people have a lot of things like clothes, shoes, computers, and others, and
the companies have a restricted politics about to limitation of weight. What are the possible
solutions to this challenge?

Solution: 1) They can sell something for the equivalent value or change some things with their
friends or on the website of the used things

Jose: This solution can generate problems in some cases because people may complain about
the state of what you are selling, however, it is a good attempt when looking for a solution to
this problem that cannot be ruled out

Solutions: 2) The first proposal is, to send luggage in some parts, like to send two bags within
the plane, and the others in different companies, such as UPS or FedEx
Jose: Well, I have another perspective because that they need to prepare their luggage at the
right time. So for that, they could buy a meter to measure the weight of the luggage and thus
guarantee to be well prepared before the trip and not have any inconvenience. Because they
will be impressed by the sheer size of the luggage

Solution 3) Another tentative solution is to send luggage with other people, like mom or dad or
friend, with things they use sometimes, or have a less use

Jose: In this context I agree, they can always use this strategy, and it is very useful when
dealing with the problem of luggage at the airport

Adverb/Adjective + Noun/Verb Combinations

Syn. for both words and then use both words
together in sentence
1) considerable challenge:syn.:significant
example:Dealing with the pandemic is a
considerable challenge for the governments.
2) significant problem 
Syn: considerable challenge, major trouble
Example: Climate change poses a significant
problem for international stability.
*Homeless people are  significant problems for the
3) practical solution:
Syn. quick fix, functional strategies
example:A practical solution to climate change will
be to stop using fossil fuels
4) adverse outcome:
syn: Negative effect, opposite result
example:the number of adverse outcomes is
plotted against the total number of cases on a
5) explicitly address:syn.: clearly announce
/solve/ Unambiguous discourse / precise speech/
exactly publish
example:Policies should explicitly address
tradeoffs between livelihood benefits,
environmental, occupational and public health
6) efficiently alleviate:syn.usefully  mitigate and
example: Self-protection and social distancing
could efficiently alleviate  covid19.

7) potentially threaten:syn. possibly menace;

endanger; hazard
example:Not wearing masks  potentially threatens
people's health.(not wearing masks makes the
lives of others in danger possibly)
8) completely solve:syn: fully resolve, 
Example:The system engineer can completely
solve the problem found in the app before the
client reports it as a bug.
9) minor challenge: syn: insignificant matter, not
major issue, not major
example:To encourage improvements, we must
start with the minor challenges
10) effectively(adv.) tackle(v): syn:successfully
confront, successfully solve
Example: with time management and effort learners can effectively
tackle the obstacles.

11) definitive answer :syn. absolut response

Example:The doctor gave a definitive answer on the
treatment for the disease


Geysse Araujo Silva

The line graphs illustrate in number in millions of bales of cotton producer in India, China,
United States, Brazil, and Pakistan. Overall, it is evident the fluctuation in the production
number from all five countries during 14 years.

At the start, while China had around 30 million bales of cotton, the other countries had less
than 10 million. However, China had a leap in next year, following oscillating during 2 years,
and after 2013 a slow decrease, finished the period similar to India, with less than 28 million,
however, India had a grow, arrived in 31 million in 2013, a reduce of produced and finished
with more than China, around 29 million being the major producer bales of cotton.

The smallest production belongs to Brazil and Pakistan, with around 6 million bales the former,
and 11 million the latter. Both countries had an irregular production, however, this oscillation
does not exceed 11 million bales, ending in 2018 with less than 10 million bales produced over
both countries.

Equally, the United States had a fluctuation, nonetheless, started with 15 million bales, had a
deteriorated in the next years, followed a highest erratically during 2009 to 2015 and reached
a peak of 21 million by 2017. One year later a slow decrease in 2018 with 19 million bales.
Nowadays, the mobility to different places it is efficient, because there is further
information about how arrive in some places. The internet, such as Google website,
turn accessibly to searching new places, like a parks, beaches or islands that before did
not receive people. This fact is an effective development in my opinion.
Definitely the globalization is relevant to society, because we can to know several
other regions through smartphone, laptop or computer. With this, you can visit
locations that you do not know yet. One resource is the online maps, with this tool,
you are able to know like to go to some desert beach, for example. With the same
resource, it is possible to know that which transport you need to use, if you need a car,
or plane, a motorcycle or you can to walk until the destination.
For this reason, in my honeymoon I could visited distinct places that did not have
signal and internet; however, I had searching on Google like arrive in location, I saved
the maps offline in my smartphone, due to, I could walk to my destination, the Blue
Room Cave, one place surround for ocean, the access is difficult, the visitors need to
use a sea kayak or walk along trail.
To summarize, how advanced of the travels, and communication, some tourism
companies started an augment yours range of places to future visitors, as a result,
more individuals will know other’s locations before not knew. This advance is positive
for travelers and tourism companies, as to attract new visitors

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