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‘The Creation of Enkidu ‘The Civilization of Enkidu Gilgamesh Dreams of Enkidu Fa Column i Sse ier Fe eee ag ania gen god pana Reese ee a ace ee ee tia Ghdt apn ind sme po oe eee eae re Spal keraly chow al Pieeae ens elo ‘err tema dency eee jus drop a well ino the chilly earth He sil the sea ro where Shamash come, nd came ae as dbring explored che world, sought if fo Uteepbtin fr eway wh back tlie the Rooded earth Inthere anywhere a greater king who can aya Gilgamesh may, Tam supreme? Column ii The bigger par of him wat made in heaven and the anller part somenhere on earth ‘he, Nineun, shioned his body sell. She endowed him, Gilgamesh watches the flocks of Url himself site were lowe bull nose up in open fl Gilgamestis ibe is invincible and is aroused by small insu piece tert through cred places wher is srlege i hidden from the view of youngster Is this the shepherd of Ure’ lacs cur atength, ou light, our reazon, pho homed the wives o other me Feb own purpose! A prayer of opposition rose fom Urals ater men ro heavens and the atenive gods asked "Who crested this awesome beast with an unmatched serength and ‘ant chiefs armies? ‘This wartor keeps boys from Fathers in the night and inthe dy. Is this Gilgamesh, Isthis the shepherd of Uk locks, ur sengih, ou ight our reson rho hoards the wives of other men Fochis own purpose ‘When Anu inthe sy herd chi, esi to Aruru, rea goddess of ration that she is "You created humans; create again in the image of ilgumesh and le this imitation be as quick in heart and ae song in am to that these countrfrces might fist engag, then disengage, and finally ee Urls children liven pence" Hearing tha, Arar thought of Anu. ‘Then she wet her erative fingers fthioned a rock, and touted icas far es ahe could into the woods Ths she Eahered Eakida a forse, and gave birch in eror and in fight without single cry of pun, bringing frch another likeness of Nira, god of wa. Hai covered his body and his cul esmbled those of any daugher, growing swifl lke the fac hair of Nisabe-giver-of gran, ‘This Enkida had neither clan nor race. He wens clothed ax one who shepherds well, xing the food of eras, drinking from the watery holes of herds ad aio swf wind or sent ter Then Enka met «hunter atthe watery hole on thes enasetive dys ‘And each ime the face ofthe hunter signaled seanpition of Elid, Forth herds were uninvited at the hunter's oa and the buner wat discurbed by this intrusion. Hi quiet heare tathed up in trouble, His yes dakened Fear leaped forth onto fice that looks aif ieexpocs 0 doube fr long, long ie rags ie Ar’ and ‘ely she oam se end ‘Fee Column iii Then with trembling lips the hunter told his Father this complain ‘iene has come to ay waery hole rom afar and he is de biggest and bes throughout the lind. He fel power. isa sung like hat of Ans sie sta, and trlesy does he roam across he land Ps He eats the fod of beasts and ke the beasts, he comes at wll to drink from my watery hoe Ia fear do Tse him come to wndo what Ihave done by eecking taps, by bursting mous, by ling animal slip chrough my rasp beasts chat I would bind Then with hatfl lip, he Father old dhe hunter his ph Boy, your answer ies in Uruk where there sake « man of endless suength named Gilgamesh He isthe bigges and best dhroughour the land. He feels power His serengeh like that of Anu’ swift star " Start out toward Urs ancient place snd tl your alec Gilgamesh Ta cur hell say tose reap, rake back wid You fine lover, sone sacred empl pistes, who might let hi se whae force and charm woman has Then as Enkidu comes again othe watery bole let her strip in nexby isltion show him al er grace hei drawn toward her, and leaves dhe hed 0 mate, his beasts on high wl leave im then being.” The hunter heard hi fhe well and went that very aight to Uruk where he said histo Gilgamesh "Ther is someone fom afar whose forces gest throughout our land, His isastength chrooghout the and. He Fcls power Hiss serengsh like that of Anu’ sift sa, and ttle does he roam across the land He eats the fod of beasts an, ike che bea, The comes ac will vo dial rom my watery ole In ea do I ee him come to und wha have done by wrecking aps by bursting mounds, by eng animal slip chrough my grasp, beasts char 1 would bind So Gilgamesh plied: ‘Go seta aps ake back with ya fine lover, Shamtat, the sacred temple priests who might lec him see what charm and forces woman ha. Then a Eakidu comes again othe watery hole lec her strip in neury slain co show bi al he hei drawn toward her, and leves the end to mate, his beasts on high wil eave im then behind The hunter reed, ringing wih him the dispenser of hur sacrament, ancl sift wa thee journey: Thee days ltr a the watery hole hey see their trap for Enkid and spoke no word fortwo whole days waiting and waiting und wating Then the her came dow in to drink Column iv Bears arose and slepy ibs bogan ro Mute then Enki, the boy who walked on mountains, wv eats he fod of bests and ike dl comes dvena¢ wll to drink from the watery ole with the bess arose and stretched hist limbs eo sare the day She beheld im then, a he wa in his beginning, the one who give and took lite fom the far woods "Here she, fin lover; be et ower him wich your tongue and ches and lois Spread forch your happines. Display your hidden charm. ‘jmp him fae and kneel upon his shoulder Without is wind then hell ener near your entrance a Tak off you robe to let him in Lat hit ss what Bre « woran ithe prec his person, as he will into your scented bush Shamla lt her garments loose and spread forth her happiness, which Enki entered a wind god Hor and swollen Ft, she jumped im fast knocking out his rapid breath with heat fer loving hrs. ‘She et him see what force» woman kas, and he stayed within her ceed sh for Seven nights, leaping, seeping, weeping, and slesping there After that week of pleasure, Enki returned tothe eds bu thebeats fla fom him in haste They stampeded away fom his new elf He could no longer race ashe had once, lege sofe now and ankles aiff. The bests lefchim behind and he grew sd that he could no longer sped with them, But he enjoyed the memory tha no vgn hat and, returning his fine lve, he once ‘more kl between he eg ot he spoke them words vo him ‘Now you area if god, with no more need of dumb beats, however fi Seger eee tee cca the immaculate domicile, here An and Ishtar dvell, Sete ote eel who rides over the herd ike any grea king” “These words he hea and he stared ac her Forte int ime he wished for just one fiend Then Enki aked he lve who was so fie: abs cobigh cillone in thn ind “Please come with me and be my love ‘G2 athe immaculate domicile, whete Ana and Isher del and chere we wll se Gilgamesh, che powesfl who rides over the herd ike any ges king Twi ol on hims to procaim al hinge loud and find rend in him Column v Enkidaconcinued ‘Uruk wil hear me sy,‘ am she strongest [alone can do all 1 wih Foreer that Iam, a mountainous power i mine, ‘We should march together, ace by fice so Tea promote your fie” Then fin lover sid these wor in invitation; "Ear Uruk of the herds, Enkidu, where costumes bight ate worn, whet ie is always time to pac ‘where merty music never fades, were gracfil gids do eve play vith royrand boys and men fori dhe night ches revelers do their bes tore the own Ther, wid a smile Elida wil ce his ocher self peat Gilgamesh, Watch him al please Not his face, his ists, his rest word and all eh senge chat dlls in him Could he be ester than you, this one who's up and down all day and nigh? Fear your own anger for great Gilgamesh ‘adores fir Shamash an is adored in turn. Anu of the blue sk, Enlil from the clouds and dever a have empowered im And before he even secs you, this great Glgameh will have fe envisioned you in Urukas sol in « dream.” Gilgamesh awakens oak his mother, Ninn, oleae olf he dream in my headin sleep just now hac ell at me ike Anus dare and I could na exape. Urule wa on high oft, cour people did applaud snd gathered up prs his force Men clenched fats women danced. And too embraced this ising, a+ a man dacs the woman he Toes be then took the new one be so that you could sce ws both a once Gilgamests mother, who is wise in all and wortes not, epic: This bright, new star is your tre fiend who fell at you ike An dar, srhom you could not exctpe Column vi Then she who ie wie in all and worses no continued “So aay this friend is one who is almighty, swith strength enowned around the wold, Tike Anus dart his forces ea so that he draws you in, as dacs a spout, though he is ure o race awa, ke thar most distant tar, with the secrets of your origin, This dsalves you deep “Then agin, Gilgamesh sid to he in ep: “Master | lp when some with axes then arcacked the herds of Uruk So Ninsun ressured dhe ightened king, “Enkida wil help, He wll guar his loves for rescue them from danger Tes your mow hf rend Expect hit vo shepherd you “1 pray fr fortune and fr fe co send mesucha one that I may have fiend and patient ata brother: Then inslep ful of repose the empl priestes enchanted Enkida pep where they lysing askind Tie nie oF cicamestt hs ‘Tablet IT ‘The Meeting of Gilgamesh and Enkidu Column i hen Gilgamesh explained his dream to Ninn Las night vision filled my head vith sighs of tars and one ent down from heaven Arist | ied and fled wo carry forth these signs with me. "Then ll eins of Ua her ase in my ffs, So L ws able chen to bring these omens neat co you. And she sid in ely ‘Wisely done, son, and igh 50 1a forone wel reared a8 you wet Allohers 00 will on aclaim this god sen gif 0 you, Then Gligpnes coo “In anor dream Usman ax and bent coward it wid manly interes to air waits appearance that ic scemed wholeoine, young and ready ara woman, Column ii Soom the day came when the fine lover of Enid si 2» "Now come with me w etter into Unsk where we shall mee the mighty king ‘enormous Gilgamesh Now you are asia god with no mote need of dumb beats, however fit, ‘Wecan stcend the road to Urals place, the immaculate domicile, where Anu and Ishtar dell and chete we wll see Gilgamesh, the powerfl, who rides over dhe herd ike ny great king ou wil ce ia him a power rare and fly ean eo love him like yours” They journeyed from dhe forest fr and wide to venture on toward Ura “The dispense of star’ sacrament led Enkidu a genly a mother would, tearing her garment ght in cwo to hide ther naive beauty and clothed ie splendid body hen ‘with hr own cla a they approached, Column iii Along the way he leaned new human ways ag Sart ic ie estate resp oe eit to ight avy the erage Beasts that do attack the heads and Faun of men, Column iv [Along the way he alo learned teat and drink armen and women do. The Shambae did teach all thee things to for Eads irt sons ‘Aad with a man upon ch ead hey spol te eam af customs new vo ane fom fs off wood Ana before they entered through the tes of Urals mighty walls, Enkidu ves hailed as one who might be sent ial any king who might eat gence fll unfily Column v In dhe lls of Ura dhring a dsplay of force the approach of Fakida topped everything Unik ose before him. “The mountain beyond setched skyward All restures worshiped him. Youths led round People adored him as they adore a newborn habe Forso itis when one comes from nowhere to do what no one thought could be done Fr lara chen a wedding be ssc this night because a guest has come whois ar ong as any king. ‘And Enki stood efor dhe gate where new lovers go and stopped Gilgamesh from coming wth ightime lovers Teis there where they i ighe throughout the night and round about Urs wall which hey hippest and wrecked in places. Column vi So the mighy bothers Fought a fist, pushing and shoving eachother Far hour and hours enraged Then a eal force gently woothed heir well matched sis to bing peace and rest hee sf. Te ya Enki who sed forrest saying ‘Gilgamesh, enough! Tam here to snatch some fate with you, not to detoy or rival any king” A Sacred Friendship Forged ‘The Plot to Conquer Humbaba Column i hen Bakidu and Gilgamesh joined in sacred friendship and seed ther solemn bond with noble kes Column ii Enki and Gilgamesh often su then together, visited Ninsuns shrine, conversed of many plans and Gshioned a fucurevogethe, (Once, informe by fears of Facute sorrow, Eakid began vo weep and warn his fiend of coming horton. He sid If we go there beyond hee co where Humbabo-cheawfl ives, there wil bea gruesome wat ina place noone cals hom, ‘where no one wants to ay fo long fr goto recor rt to gain the eng co reich the forests [ison roe within and robe here appropriately ‘avenger ringing her cre beneath he row, to acend the aka, where she stood lighting the fs signals of carol for che incense and preparing sce up hac hold he preiou iid which wl be spilled. Then Nin asked Shamash “Why? Why have you called ny only son away and shaped his miad ino dicubed a way? For now, hes, you inv hina o begin a pilgrimage chat ends where Humbaba tects a neverending bate, slong foreign lonely toad fae within the forest dark and damp where man lik hen might just kill 2 god lke Huma or be killed to dissolve the pain that you, Shamash, oppose Column iii Hiumbba srs within the daskened wood and in te hears of men there ies ear ‘When Enki spoke a ls to Gilgamesh he said thee wonls of warning “I knew this monster’ repucation long 2g Fire and death sx it Breath, and for ane donot wish now to challenge auch a demon.” But Gilgamesh cored: “Al glory wil be outs if now we conquer dented fe and ik the ‘his unpre woe chit Fghten thers: “And Enki said then in wif reply “How shall we go towards woods so feral garda?” Column iv Enlil ic wae who sec Humbabs there to sare away intruders with fierce and fghtening hows. Great Gilgamesh remembered that when he spoke words ike these to Enki: "Only gods ive Forever with Shamash, my fend: fr even our Tongest days are numbered. Why worry over Ting like dust inthe wind? Leap up for to fll and fll in combat, all fucure cane would sy Tid the jo for thei stalt upon Hlombabe their peat depart, Column v The awl monsters reputation made Urs geile people fe for thee rest king. And afer all he pln were made vo start ‘out ight Hambaba, «group came forward to se the king The eles spoke to Gilgamesh Be ure you watch where you direct your every hay swing in bate Vanguands protect se Friends ae frends [Lee Enki ead on the way Lough forests that he knows He leows how to ight in woodlands; he knows whet o pick his igh. Enki wl shi his bosom too aswell a that of hie companion 0 to protect them both, Hell eavere any dich of any width Enka will guard our king. v Besureo bring him sfly back.” Gilgamesh sido Enki to where my mothe sit, kind Ninsun This get thea Fear not. Even fl were Spi weapons then were onder tobe made pial weap ‘Axes, words, and combat sales were prepa and ll of Urs population focked round Fear the force that you contr, hoc headed one "Aue my othe self and sped your way to Egalah She understand al [nod wo know Shel tell us where we should go and what do, Again the men embraced ae eammates do Gilgamesh and Enki stout wo Egalmal, Column vi Upc by al his thoughts of coming bates and concerned by his consultations with the gods, Gilgamesh then sadly sechis palace rooms in onde His weapons were prepared, his helmet shined and garments rely cleaned Citizens of Unk came to sy good-bye and rab det ey ng tered "Go careful through his iy, bold adventure, mighty lord. Be ure of your own sry fe of ll. Soapoke the elder of hit rwn and then continued "Let Enki tke risks For you and have him lead the way through woods he knows 30 well Pray that Shamash show him, a our vide, the nearest path and choicest route where you dare ogo Ma grt Logalbaca for you in coon with Humababa: Then Enkida himself spoke Gal obi king The tie i tght fru eo now depart Follow mesg along the sage way to where worthy opponent, the awful beast Hurbaba, waits fr your challenge inthe dark woodlands that he guard Do not ear this, Rely on me in every mater and let me at as careful guide for your mort daring venture Tablet IV : —————— ‘A Mother's Prayer Journey to the Cedar Forest ‘An Ominous Wound Column i, ii ae yatta then inshed another stretch that da. ‘Within ere days they covered hat would take ochers a month anda halfto travel They dug fr water where there appeared to be none inthe dry descr on thie way ‘0 challenge Humbaba Columns iii, iv Onward ventured Gilgamesh and Enkida And they both knew where danger lurked 2 their ise destination. As up they climbed upon the fal il, they saw a guard put out by Hubb as fee at any watchdog Gilgamesh pursued fs Column y Gilgamesh head shouts fom Enkidu who sid this companion; Remember promises we mate in the city where we live Recall the courage andthe Force tse vowed to bring upon this mison, These words dispelled che fear fe in his hear and Gilgamesh in ‘tum then shoured bac "Quick. Grab the guard and dort go. ace fealesly and doe ‘Our enemy, Humbaba, har sou even uniforms ‘bucas only dressed in one so fa, So sic ayer of strength fe yeeunused by him.” AAsone mad brute hei enraged, Tallowing loudly while the foresters warn each osher what he’ ike Column vi Wounded in combat withthe guard they killed, Enki use words os Tost my scengch in chi crushed hand when the gate slammed shut What shal 1 dae” Then Gilgesh poke: "Broches, as man in rears would, you transcend all the ree who've gathered, fi with qual fore Hold my hand in yours and we wll no fer what bands ike our can do ou can ey and ll Scream in unison, we wl ascend to deth or love, o sy in song what we sal do Ourery will shoot afar so this new weakness, awful doubt, wil past through you Say brother, ler tcend atone

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