Terms and Conditions of Appointment

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6. You shall not use the vehicle for your personal purposes or for any other purpose not in connection
with the work of the company. You shall not report to duty or drive the vehicle in a drunken state or
under intoxication of any kind.
7. With respect to the vehicle under your control, you shall be responsible for all acts, omission, non-
compliance of rules and regulations for vehicle driven by you for the company. In case of any loss or
damage, due to your negligence, you will make good such loss and at the end of your duty you will hand
over the keys to the authorized person every day.
8. Your continuation in the employment will always be subject to you remaining physically and mentally
fit and alert. The management shall have every right to get you medically examined or re-examined at any
time by the Registered Medical Practitioner, or Eye-Specialist or a Civil Surgeon, whose findings will be
final and binding upon you.
9. Your duty hours will be regulated from time to time purely at the discretion of the management as per
the expediency of the service and it is clearly understood that as a driver, it would be your duty to take the
vehicle for out of station journeys as and when so required by the Management. If you are required to
perform your duties beyond the office hours, you will be paid at the appropriate overtime rates. You
should note that overtime duties must be duly approved by your immediate supervisor.
10. Your services will be liable to be transferred from one place to another and/or from one branch office
to another and/or from one vehicle to another, purely at the discretion of the Management.
12. You will not accept any present, commission or any sort of gratification in cash or kind from any
person, party or firm or company having dealing with the company and if you are offered any, you should
immediately report the same to the management.
13. Your services are liable to be terminated without any notice or salary in lieu thereof in case of
continued ill health or continued absence for more than 7 days without approval.
14. If at any time in our opinion, which is final in this matter you are found non-performer or guilty of
fraud, dishonest, disobedience, disorderly behavior, negligence, indiscipline, absence from duty without
permission or any other conduct considered by us deterrent to our interest or of violation of one or more
terms of this letter, your services may be terminated without notice and on account of reason of any such
acts or omission the company shall also be entitled to recover the damages from you.
15. You will be subject to follow and abide by all the Rules and Regulations of the Company and the
service conditions as are in force at present or as may be introduced or amended or extended or rescinded
from time to time.

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