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\ Po Pig Me Meee sar . yer ens ae PST Explained to you by the man who has S} FOR 7 ins ayle of weinlag ts Hala Magen championship physique. Hi long wil it take to develop a Ere an lne pussied by Toke 2 Sn Youll get there fer i 300 mice the Flashing Mascier nd Tisch Mahods a Flashing SA Wrader Fass, presed 07 ‘he che Specialization Routine, ‘and then the B eider and even improved Mis definion. Warner 18 WHEREVER Tg lately, iT happen to meet a body builder who has not seen me for a month or even a couple of weeks, | find him amazed at the way my body has grown and rounded out so much in such a short period of time. The questions are always along these lines. . “Reg, what in the world have you been doing for your arms? I've never seen them so fully rounded and impressive looking.” Or the question might be about the extra depth and fullness of my pectoral muscles, the added size of my thighs or the full, ushness of my shoulders. While I am of course pleased that my continued progress in bodybuilding continues at such a fast clip, Ido want to take it perfectly clear at this time that the abov¢ is not rentioned because of any conceit on my part. It makes me rs oer feel mighty good that others can noti¢e'go definitely the ‘week after week change in the size andi e88 of my muscles. But the important fact, the ome that will interest ALL bodybuilders is that in my @¥f® prOBFEsS thet@lis\e0"- crete PROOF that the principle of exercise that Tam now following, if used intelligently by ANYONE will give his such fast physical improvelygn iS Da amazing his friends. This is the important fact. Whatl-am and what T have done with my own body is of litle importance to the’ aver age bodybuilder unless he can benefit in some way from my ‘own success. If he can apply the samé principles with equal success to his own training then, and onty-then are they of zeal value to him. Now the secret of my own rapid physical advancement during the past several months can be attributed more to my following the Weider Flushing Muscles Method of train- ing, than to any other factor. A lot has been written about this new Weider principle recently. I have mentioned it quite a bitin my previous articles, and Joe Weider has given you a lot of information about it in his articles. However, there is yet much to be explained about this system of train. ing, and Iam going to hit some of the important points in this artile ‘To begin with, the principle behind the Flushing Muscles Method of training is not 100% new. Its present method of application is revolutionary and 100% miodern, but in prin- ciple it has been tried and tested and proved by EVERY strength and muscle champion since the turn of the century. ‘The principle involved is primarily to work one main sec- tion of the body at one time, performing numerous exer cises or sels of exercises for the area one right after the other, just resting long enough to catch the breath from way all the concerted efforts of the individual is placed on one part for some time, until the section is so thoroughly stimailated and physically acti- vated that it becomes tremendously flushed up and pumped up, practically FORCING it to grow in size and power. No exercises are performed for any other part of the body once 4 certain partis started on, until this first partis completely exercised and all the exercises for it that are in the program, concluded. Then another partis treated similarly and so on. This same principle has been used to some extent by weightlifter and bodybuilders for many years, but not as scientifically or as resultful as it is at present, thanks to Weider, who has brought it to everyone's attention, so that EVERYONE can benefit from it. Weightlifters have long used the principle, for a very standard weightlifting prac: tice is to start off with one lift such as the press, and to warm up with # comparatively light weight, performing a number of reps with this weight. Then there is a short rest and a little weight is added, and a few more reps performed. From this point on the weightlifter keeps adding a bit more weight until he has either reached his limit, or has advanced to the weight he has decided to be his limit for the practice session. Only AFTER he has performed ALL the pressing that he intends to perform for the exercise period will he pass (Continued on page 44) ‘one move to another. In th ” Diceps ofthe thighs and the sartorius muscles fis one which was practiced a great deal by Floyd Page and Claney Ross. Stand with the feet 15 inches apart and hold onto the back of e chair with one hand. If you are suppor: ing yourself withthe left hand, then raise the LOWER RIGHT leg uatil the calf is almost Jovel and the upper thigh out to the side. ‘Tense the thigh muscle and at the same time turn the toes up to the shin, Hold the oon: traction and then move the lower leg BACK WARDS. You will experience a terzfc tight ning of EVERY muscle in the entire leg the calves the thigh biceps and the extensors ‘of the thigh will LOCK. Use up to 10 reps Bxercge 8. Stand with the foot astride and bend the knees slightly. In this. position ‘TENSE the thigh moteles and then SLOWLY ‘straighten the thighs all the time keeping the ‘contraction on. Hold the contration when the Jknets are locked and then repeat. This is an- other terrific exercite forthe muscles direetly hove the knee, the vastus internus Exercise 4. The final leg Tension exerci nother Mental Contraction move much wed by Theriault. Place the foot forward about six inches with the toe pointing straight ahead. Unlock the knee slightly and then bear down, pressing on the floor with the feet forward all you can, pushing DOWN and forward—don' allow the lock ofthe knee to alter—and grip- ping the floor, or making an effort to grip the floor with the toes all you can as you men- tally push your feet forward without moving it, Contract the thigh; hold each contraction for slow count of 2 and relaxing repest the ‘After each Contraction workout, massage ‘the muscle exercised, ubbing in e ite lini iment and kneading and shaking the muscle, ‘This will keep it loose and euppe, while pre- serving its tone and gains in definition, AAs has been brought out in this article, tome ofthe exercises included init have been used by many bodybuilders for many years The entire principle is also one which has been recognized as being extremely valuable and has been utilized by many stars. How: cover, this i the very frst time that «group of tercises, all of which embody the very best qualities of the mental contraction principle have even been worked into a ROUTINE — so that ALL bodybui make improvement as a result. In other words hile there were MANY who recognized the importance of mental contraction exercises, i was only WEIDER who fully explored their possibilities, found out when and how t9 use ‘them and then passed allthis on to YOU. ‘And this is exactly the way it has been for ‘many years nov. Whenever Weider brings you. ‘2 new training principle a new piece of ap- pparatus or « new exercce routine, there ate others who will sy, “Oh that's not nev 50 and so used it many years ago.” Or, “That apparatus it no good. I’ just a lazy man's piece of equipment,” Yet on another page in the same magazine you will find advertise: rents featuring all these new pleces of ap- pparatus popularized by Weider, with the statement that theit's is the bes, So while others remsin confused and un able to make up their minds in even ele- mentary subjects, Weider continues to delve into all the Secrets Of The Chempions—to Dring you the latest of scientific bodybuilding, information, While othere are twiddling their thumbs or looking for excuses, Weider is ACTING, experimenting, conducting research and TEACHING YOU EVERYTHING that tere is to be known about the training of your body. Constantly studying WHY one ‘man it a champion while another fails ite Dy liule we have learned ALL the secrets of the champions. No longer is there any quee tion or doubt. Our study has revealed EVERYTHING to us and we are bringing it all to you in thie series of articles and in our courses, THAT is why we positively state that NO CHAMPION tains in any other ‘manner than we advocate for they ALL use a ‘raining system which is identical to our own. "THEY know that this is the ONLY way to ‘championship glory. YOU can follow in their {oatsteps if you read and believe and PRAC. ‘TICE overything we bring to you. You ean do this with the utmost confidence, Our one sim {sto make EACH of you a real champion. We are leaving n0 stone unturned to make the in- formation available to you. Are you following 1? We hope that you are so that you t can obtain fame and fortune the barbell way Hike so many others before you have. The Weider ‘way—the choice of the CHAMPIONS!! Flushing Methods (Continued jrom page 19) con to the next Lif, which generally is the snatch. He proceeds in a like manner with the snatch, and so on. Tis entire practice is conducted in this way. The weightlifter does thisto strengthen bis muscles particularly, but his muscular development ofthe sections used slo respond sensationally to this method. MASSIVE ARMS!) trees scion. Shee | peepee rte meena i REW caecie speal deen fore madtlae who ise sonehing NEW "a his wine Inerstng NEW func | Se beg bf pig aod matewrring ney cans Ihe, Puller power, Thi st works the moses from a new and ‘ie msg he wey unedei od o evo In onoccuon wih cule bara and dambbal exec, syaued Seeley the ac coe, htc ep sboaldes and ‘siden e's vill. diferente, Oaly acc fe FINISHED Sreutace, Hee [your answer © HUGE muscles a as aa ekion Gomer Rigen aly sil te tet wil at fo fie {Graf sround deeloptnen of te ene upper ty, wide Recs feign ple foe dewlopmene a she CLASSICAL TORSO. ‘Galo: ana wii ae a ole ihole crercoe pale Bas, sre’ made of 1 chrome’ win wih ‘ep, ‘rewip”tmutings Spec cendcalyfalnced "Blo Seth Se aust Suid for he wean ano te BERREEE OCT elated game cote ake yout stcegs POSITIVE, So moderately pct ou canoe sfomt fo as ‘php ape tein beet abd beer mutes Nove Sean Conon fo tangort Can sore heal cst | made ‘Gres evo bal and ilwened ee wood shoe areata | oe | eae eects | ee} era Seen a it ae rete Soe eet | | COREATER MUSCULAR STRUCTURE ash he SOURCE of NEW mau SNGRHING BOW ig mathera nant an tig rhs “owe ee evan mec ives fot wee | Sites cl alten patos Say awiting eel ow’ eae ae fine ar cof at Babee | Gai mal aa SHAP! xeN ieee ass Sensational UPPER BODY Muscle Builder The Latest Exerciser — the Wad erform all the Crushing and Pulling exercises with only ONE exerciver— Add Change to Your Rovtine So ‘The bodybuilder too practiced a form ofthe Flashing Muscles Method many years ago, though he generally did not understand just why he did it. Almost every bodybuilder has a part of the body which isa favorite section ith him. This may be the lege, the upper back, the pectorals and s0 on. Some part is always a bit favored. by every individual, ‘Therefore, unconsciously, the bodybuilder will, find himself falling into the practice of per- forming another set of an exercise for the favored par, oF perhaps winding up hie work: fut with a number of diferent exercises for the part. If you asked him WHY he did this, hhe would probably answer that it made him feel good to pump up the area and to make it shed up. The mere fact that this section always developed more completely than any other part of his body may not have been considered by him—he perforzned the Flush- ing Method for it because it made him feel ood and gave him a paychological lift Tn speaking to Barton Horvath who hes been 1 bodybuilder for 25 years, I learned that EVERY advanced bodybuilder that he ever ‘rained with or those whore training routines hhe personally investigated, ALL used this method of training. However, except in a few isolated oases, where the bodybuilder or the weightlifter was a keen student of the sub- ject, the application ofthis vital principle was pretty much » “hit or miss” affair, never bring. ing the full results that it should have. Only today, after Weider has stadied the subject so thoroughly and conducted so much research tnd experimentation, can the principle be Considered as an exact science, guaranteed to help anyone. tis because of these POSITIVE results that the Flushing Muscles Method is eweep- ing the entre bodybuilding world like wild- fire. In America 1 saw Floyd Page, Armand ‘Tanny, Clarence Ross, Allan Stephan, Abe Goldberg, Barton Horvath, Ed Theriault, Jot tive Looking DEFINITION! BULK! All yours with this New Exerciser ERCULEAN TORSO” TENSION DEVELOPER se Jon tr Abe Cathet: Ares Lending Wind: fre L'Heureux, Alan Paivio and dozens of the top stare practice thie form of traning ex: closively. In England and France, where I hhave travelled extensively of late, this Flush ing Muscles Method it acclaimed as the great est discovery since the act system of traning rendered the single exercise system obsolete for all but the rank beginner. In my correapondence with bodybuilders throughout the entire world, I have even fuller proof that the Flush Muscles Method is do {ng an amazing job for everyone who uses it propery. And if you could see the huge pil of leters all acclaiming this method of trai ing that are stacked in the Weider Ofice then yu too could not possibly question the ef: {ectiveness of this exercise principle, Jn this article Iam not so much interested in WHY the Flushing Muscles Method works co sensationally, as I am in WHEN and HOW you should use it for your own best advantage ‘There are a number of variations of the ciple each one suited for a distinct purpose and cach has a definite place in your taining First of all, I do want to make sure that all the readers know exactly what is meant bby Flushing Methods, In the ordinary tr ing program such as advocated for the beg ner, an exercise is performed for one part of the body, then another exercise is performed {for snother part ofthe body and soon. Rarely, if ever are two oF more exercises practiced, fone right alter the other for any particular pat of the body. They are always split up so that a differnt part ofthe body is being exer: ised all the time, This isthe ideal training rethod for the beginner, ince he does not possess the pep oF energy to work any one part of his body too vigorously all at one time ‘and must rest « part for a while after he has sed it. However, a8 the beginner advances in bis training and grows stronger and more ener etic, he will cease to make progeess on this split exercise routine. This generally happens ater he has been training for about 4 or 5 months. Thea is when he must practice the set system to make continued improvement, In the set system, the actual exercise routine that he follows is very similar to is original beginners schedule, except that two or three sets of each exercise is performed, The routine sail split up and there isnot more than one ‘exercise for any one part grouped together in any one spot in the routine, However, since several ets of each exercise are performed, in ‘2 sense the muscles are being flushed »p, though ia a moderate manner, when the set system ls practiced, Th was the set system which took bodybuilde {ng out of the low ebb it hd fallen into ding the 1930-1940 period, when lite attention was paid to bodybuilding with particular emphasis placed on competitive weight lifting, You ould count the 16 and 17 inch upper arms that were developed daring that time on your two hands, and” other physical proportions were equally low. However, once the set sys tem was publicized by Weider, the 17 and 18 inch upper arms grew more numerous than the 16 inch arm had previously been, and all bodybuilders made amazing sree forward, ‘The Flushing Muscles Method is now the sep forward from the'set sytem. It is NOT & Deginmer's procedure and must NOT be at Lemped until the bodybuilder has progressed from the beginners stage throgh to the set system, and has had at least three months ex perience on the set sytem. Then, he will be ready for the flashing muscles system The most common method is as follows, ‘Take your exercise program an write it down, Seleet all thote exercises which ate for any ‘one main part ofthe body and group them to: gether. For instance you would group togeth the barbell curl, triceps curl, triceps press down on the lat machine, alternate dumbbell 45 re THE WEIDER INCLINE BENCH FAVORITE ‘sed “Pinive tpn, ules fo isos. Teteres to peck monde oo Your a ‘ i seis tens a i "Allott ts feign. CT india Basch for YOU W MIRAC Sa or onder on) Modern rey fish, er aree Senet ie meee ee Sree Bench. Order fodeye (WEIDER BARBELL CO. To Hopkins Avenve Jersey City, New Jy Sega se, pated at 3388 ost el oleae Bc ceurl and other direct upper arm exercises, ‘Then group together such chest movements 4s the wide grip bench press, laterals on Dench, bent arm pullover and so forth. Group all the exercises together which are for the ‘upper back, the abdominal ares, the legs, the shoulders, the lower back, pte. Then, when you go through your workout, perform your ‘usual number of sets foreach of these exer: cises, completing all the exercises in one group Defore you go to those in another group. In other words you will perform all the upper farm exercises fret, then all the chest, then all the upper back and so on. Which part of the body you start with and which part you follow next and so on will depend up to you. ‘You will have to make your decision there Such a Flushing Muscles routine will posi- tively pump EVERY mutele of your body up terrifically! You will gain new size and power never dreamed possible However there ie another system which is preferred by some, and it is an even more tudvanced type of the Flushing Muscles Meth- ‘od, which Weider calls the SUPER SET tem. In this type of training, you practically eliminate any rest between exercises, and the ‘work-out is performed rather quickly. I is one ‘of the most severe types of training known, and because of its severity it will positively ‘add even more size and power to the body, PROVIDED that it ie practiced when the bodybuilder is ready for it and not before. In the Super Set system you perform one set of ‘an exercise for one part of the body, and then almost without any rest you will practice an other set of an exercise for thit same part ‘which works the area from another angle. AS ‘an example, you perform a set of the triceps curl. Then, just as soon as you place the weight down, you take another weight and perform a set of the biceps curl. Both exer ses are forthe arms, but for different mas: cles in the arms, and the entire area gets +0 ‘pumped up as you perform three or four sts of alternately triceps curl? and biceps curls that you will almost swear that the muscles are going to pop right through the kin. ‘Other examples ofthis type of flushing mus- cles isthe sit up and side bend combination, fr the seated dumbbell press and the stand: ing lateral raise combination, othe wide grip bench press and the lying bench laterals, or the shrug and the bent over rowing motion, for the squat and the ion hoot thigh curl, and so on, You can find « combi to 0 with every other one, an exercise. which continues to stimulate the general area but be cause it gets at the muscles from a diferent tangle, you don't have to rest between the various exercises. Only the bodybuilder of at Teast one year's experience should attempt this form of a routine. ‘There is another variation of Flashing Mus- cles Method which is not quite as sovere ax the regular syle I mentioned first, but itis ‘more strenuous than the set system. Iti what is called the SPLIT ushing muscles schedule. ‘This is for persons who heve advanced be yond the regular set system but who find the regular Flushing Muscles routine too severe. ‘The way to do this isto alternate your set of exercises between two separate pate of the body. As an example you can perform a set of bench presses and then a set of quats, back to a set of bench presses and then another of the squats and so on until three or foue sets of tach Is performed. Another example is dead Lift and cur, or side bend and pullover or any combination that you want. This split Fluah- ing Method gives the bodybuilder a chance to benefit from the flushing. muscles prin and yet there is chance for him to rest be- tseeen each set of the exercise without wast: ing too much time in recuperation ‘There is yet one more variation which even very advanced bodybuilders find valuable, We ll know how tough the legs and lower back e to exercite thoroughly. By this T mean it takes 2 lot of power and determination to work these sections, Therefore itis often ad visable to split up the sets of leg and back vrork, performing. one set of squats, an arm ‘exercise, another set of squats ancther arm ‘exercise and so on. Then when you exercise the lower back, do the same thing. A lower back exercise, and a shoulder exercise, again the lower back and back to the shoulders Ta this program itis always wite to follow the heavy leg and back exercises vith a com paratively movement. This is needed to per rit the body to recuperate after the severe exertion. Thave set down a number of variations of the Flashing Muscles Method in this ertile and [ have alo attempted to give you a bit of ls background so that you will understand the principle better. There are many more variations, each most ideal under different conditions, Mach more will be written about thi exercise principle inthe future by myself and Joe Welder is going into i from time to time in hie Secrets OF The Champions series. Jn addition, there is» Tot about it in the ‘various Weider Specialization Bulletin, with several of them such as the Balk Training Bulletin, delving deeply into the subject. 1 do feel that [have given you good working. knowledge of the subject however and that you will beter know how to use it for your ‘own benefit now that you have read this antic, T might add thatthe variation of the Flush- ing Mascles Method that T am presently fol Towing, and one which T have just recently ‘worked up to is 10 me the FINAL degree of severity which can be practiced in barbell training. It definitely eannot be followed by ANYONE who has had les than several years of training experience and cannot be done Sustce by anyone who es to. work for a living, uoless of courte he is & gym operator. Therefor, it will not be & very popular meth fd since not t00 many will be able to follow 1, tll fel that it willbe interesting to all. TT have reached the point in my training where it is now necessary for me to work for st least an hour ata time on any single part of my body for me to feel as though Tam get ting any benefits from the exercise, In addi tion, I use such heavy weights and expend such a tremendous amount of energy on each part that T cannot do justice to more than, fone major part of my body during any par- * ticular workout. Therefore, T now work out THREE times 2 day, six days in a row and thea T take ¢ two day lay-off. In the romning work on my arms alone for at least an hour, performing set after set of many arm exer. clses, Then I take a shower and a Test. Mid- afternoon finds me training again, thi t fon the chest for an hour or more. Then an- other rest, Finally, early evening and Tam at it again on my legs. Maybe TI spend nearly two hours on my leg alone. The next morning. Twill start with my shoulders. In the after. ‘noon it will be the upper back and in the evening the lower back. In addition T perform one abdominal exercise and one neck exercise each work-out just to keep these pars in shape, So it can be seen that my entire body receives 1 complete workout every two days. This is fan awful tough routine, but em making ‘progress on i. Every once in a while T make « change and practice POWER and BULK exercises for ‘couple of days. These are the exercises Charlie Smith has made so popslar and which give such surprising realts In power to all who practice them. The best of them are included in the Weider POWER Specialization Bulle- tin which I have seen, but which is not quite ready for ditribaton yet. [Now that you have read how and when FLUSHING MUSCLES exercises can be used best by you, why not take advantage of this exclusive exercise principle yourself. Give i ‘try. See the reults. And then the neat time ‘anyone tells you that there is nothing NEW fn exercising -you just point to that extra ‘couples of inches you've developed on your farms, chest and thighs, all in a month or so ff the Flushing Methods and jast answer, “Oh yeah!" Tha’s the best kind of an an ‘wer to any statement of that sort Editorial (Continued from pase 5) emotionally mature and mentally health, the hatte is more than half won, regardless of what you set out to accomplich. This is basic to all succes. You may not know what you are going tobe ten years from now bat you do now that whatever your aims and ambitions say be, you wil stend # much better chance of obtaining them if you are mentally and physically in perfect condition, Here is where systematic bodybuilding comes in, Through weighttraining and by following a physical culture way of life you ‘ean prepare your mind and your body to meet ny ofthe emergencies the future may hold in ftore for you. Striving toward mental and physical perfection should be every man's purpose in life, It e the Gist and most funda- ‘mental purpose. On it depends all other pur- ‘pores If you possess mental and physical per fection, of a good measure of them, then you are well on the way to success regardless of what your additional purposes may be. Bodybuilding is more than the building of big muscles, It involves obtaining good health, developing strength, skill, endurance, coor dination, stamina, and general resistance to illness. Bodybuilding implies a sound mind in 1 sound body. Iemeans the ultimate in mental and physical health. Bodybuilding, or the de- velopment of your mind and your body, isthe first purpose in life and should provide you with one of the most important reasons for living. Developing a sound mind and a sound body Js like building a strong foundation. What ‘you build on the foundation later does not ‘matter. Ifthe foundation ie solid there is no limit to whet you can build upon it. Joseph E. Weider, Editorin-Chie}, xo] What Is An A Ideal Physique? (Continued from page 25) that of a man, t0 be convinced of the over: ‘whelming superiority of the big eat as «fight jing machine. Moreover, in addi ‘great strength and speed, the lion powerful jaws and canine teeth, and feet farmed with rapierlike claws. In the ute of these weapons the lion, by natural and con sant practice, is far more ready and quick than any man could be with knife spear, When a man kill ion with «spear— 1 feat thet is performed quite frequently by wrarropinitites in certain African triber— fone can be very sure that the spear reached ‘the lion before the lion reached the man. ‘The only instance of s staged “fight” be tween ¢ man and a lion of whieh Thave heard ‘vas the one in whieh the pioneer thestrical srong:man, Eugen Sandow, “fought lion Jn a caged arena in Stn Francisco at about the turn of the century, But itis significant that Sandow emerged from the combat ans scathed. The lion's teeth hed been fled and its claws clipped; but even so, if it had felt Uike i, the lion could have crushed Sandow'e skull with a single blow. So, on top of being esoothed and de-clawed, the big cat mast have been given a sedative prior to its meeting with Sandow. Tn fair, barehanded combat, an ordinary hobeat is more than any man can handle; a cougar of mowntainlion ix very much mores and an African lion, more sill. It is, of course, perfectly conceivable that a man could Je a hobseat, or even a cougar, provided the eat was snable to move or defend itself ‘meanyhile. But if anything will fight to its ing to strangle it, even if is front legs ‘were immovable, its hind feet and claws would rake and tear the man's flesh into shreds I hhave read of two cases in which men have strangled big cats with their bare hands, but in both instances the cats (a female cougar and a leopard, respectively) were about done for to start with, and morcover were rele tively small specimens weighing not over 100, ‘pounds each. And the two men—one a power- ful 200-pounder—were utterly exhausted after their experiences. So, if itis all that an ordi- nary man in good physical condition can do to overcome a knockedout, 100-pound, imma: ture or female mountain Lion, or a leopard of similar size, what possible chance would any flesi-andblood man, even Hercules, have against a 400-pound, Sighting-mad, uninjured “ing of beasts"? have reviewed this question at some Tength to show the limitations of human physical prowess, and the absurdity of comparing un- rmed man with tooth-and-talon-equipped eats” of his own or larger size. It should be remembered that 20 matter how strong & ‘man’s muscles may be, they are till only flesh ‘covered with skin, and tht in» battle with a wild animal the man's strength would be no Detter than the power of hie bodily integu ‘ment to resist the onslaught of knifelike teeth and claws. So, if we are to recognize the por sibility of a man of “Herculean” strength, let ts confine his feat within reasonable limite and admire his extraordinary muscular de velopment simply as that of « superatrong athletes zather then that ofa bullet resisting character belonging to a comiestip itis fruidess to speculate on the probable strength of the mythological Hercules it is, fon the contrary, entirely feasible wo draft « conception of the strongest possible mortal ‘man. How big would such a man be? How ‘would his muscular and skeletal development be proportioned? How much would he be able to lift™ What measurements would he have? Such a man would be, in effet, a reaLlife ‘counterpart of the ancient conception of Her. cles, Men bordering on thie degree of strength have existed in all periods, and dur. (Continued on page 50) a7

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