3 - 2 - 2011

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Muslim Association of Greater Rockford

5921 Darlene Dr Rockford, IL 61109 (815) 397-3311

MAGR Meeting Minutes 3/2/2011

Members Present: Khalid, Ilyas, Asim, Alkhan, Mustafa, and Dawood 1. Started at 7:50 pm by recitation of Quran by Br. Alkhan. 2. Agenda with adding one new Business was presented by Br Dawood and reviewed and approved by board members. 3. Br Dawood also commented on attendance in board meeting and asked all board members to sign on the attendance sheet as a record for the attendance in the board meeting. 4. January 19, meeting minutes was approved by Asim and seconded by Ilyas. 5. Feb 16, minutes were reviewed and minor correction was made. Minutes was approved by AbuHazim and seconded by Br. Mustafa. 6. Schedule for board meeting was discussed and with minor changes was approved. See attachment. 7. Fund raising Dinner dates will be April 23rd Saturday and August 13th Saturday (Ramadhan 13th). 8. Election will be planned on Dec 4th after Zuhur Prayer. 9. Calendar was approved by AbuHazem and seconded by Mustafa. 10. Imam evaluation will be done by Br Dawood and Br Mustafa on Tuesday March 8th 2011. 11. Br Ilyas distributed the copy of financial report of January and February 2011. After reviewing 12. Board members reviewed Jan 2011 report and approved by AbuHazem and Mustafa seconded. 13. Board members reviewed Feb 2011 report suggestion was made for the membership list update and approved by Mustafa and AbuHazem seconded. 14. Br Dawood reviewed the agreement between RISE and MAGR by the previous board in 2009 all agree to continue same agreement especially #2 and #8 with the addition of Sheikh Nasir insurance to 60/40 and tuition for children of Sheikh Nasir and Sheikh Shpendim will be 60/40. Br Mustafa present motion and Br Ilyas seconded and all agree. 15. IQRA budget was approved with 2% increase in fulltime teacher salaries, Br Asim proposed to approve IQRA budget, Ilyas seconded and all agree. 16. MAGR budget was approved with all the changes approved above and $500.00 president discretion money. Br Asim approved and Br Ilyas seconded, all agree. 17. Br Dawood updated on New Masjid and informed the Board that opening will be on March 4th started with recitation by Sh Nasir at 12:45 pm and Prayer at 1:05pm with a short Fund Raising by Sh Shpendim. He reassures that there will be no pledges, it will be spot FR. On Sunday program will be started before Maghrib with ribbon cutting by elders of our community he invited. Then pray Maghrib after Maghrib prayer small speech with recognition of Mosque Committee members and the dinner provided by Mosque committee. Isha will be prayed after the dinner. Whole community is invited. 18. Meeting Adjourned with dua about 9:25pm. Submitted by Khalid Siddiqui March 2, 2011

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