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Name: Diego Arredondo Nava Date: 13-11-19

1 Listen to a speaker talking about organizing her home. Complete the text about Marie Kondo.

eight nineteen Japan Tokyo the USA

Marie Kondo is a businesswoman and a tidying expert! She’s from 1 Japan and she started her business
when she was just 2 19 . While Kondo was studying in 3 tokyo , she helped people to organize their
homes and developed the KonMari method. Later, she wrote a book about her ideas. The book has been
very popular in countries like Japan, Germany and 4 USA and it has sold over 5 8 million copies.

(5 marks)

2 Listen to a speaker talking about organizing her home. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1 Kondo says that we should throw away all of our clothes and books. T

2 You can do an online course about the KonMari method. T

3 Kondo believes that tidying our homes can make us healthier. T

4 The speaker was feeling unhappy last month. T

5 Kondo says that clothes are the hardest thing to throw away. T

(5 marks)

3 Complete the sentences from the audio with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Listen

to a speaker talking about organizing her home and check your


1 She helped people to organize (organize) their homes.

2 I wanted j (find) out more.

3 In her book, Kondo suggests j (start) with your clothes.

4 I had expected j (be) bored and tired at the end of the day.

5 I don’t mind j (open) the wardrobe now!

(5 marks)

Listen to a speaker talking about organizing her home. U

speaker does not say.

1 Kondo says that we should only keep the clothes, the books and

2 I was feeling really stressed and miserable – it was time to try th

3 My room used to look terrible – there were clothes on the floor, a



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