Coursework English: Integrantes: Maria de Jesus, Janice, Samara, Bruna, Ana Vitória e Erika

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Integrantes: Maria de Jesus, Janice, Sam ara, Bruna, Ana Vitória e Erika
Abaporu de Tarcila do Amaral
Our work will talk about the work "Abaporu by
Tarsila do Amaral" A well-known work, so we will
also see some works inspired by it.
Art of Tarsila do Amaral ,was named Abaporu by
Oswald de Andrade in a combination of the
Tupi words aba (man), pora (people) and ú (to eat).
Therefore, its meaning is “man who eats
people” or “man-eating man”.
In the picture we see the valorization of
manual work (as we see the giant feet and
hands) and the devaluation of mental work
(as we see the head is very small in relation to
the other parts of the body)
Technical details of the work
◦ Is a picture of al artist Tarsila de Amaral ,painted in 1928 , As a gift to your husband (
Oswaldo de Andrade) .
◦ Abaporu is a classic painting of Brazilian modernism In the historico context, Abaporu was
painting a special period for the country that was experiencing the end of the Old
Republic.The name of the work is of Tupi-Guarani .
◦ In this work, a human fi gure is portrayed sitting in a pensive position in na arid and sunny
landscape. However, what stands out in the work is precisely the emphasis given to the size
of the limbs, to the detriment of the size of the head.
◦ We see na arm, a leg, a hand and, above all, a foot in exaggerated dimensions. This
resource was called gigantism and was used by Tarsila in other canvases.
◦ In this way, we can see the importance that the artist gives to the strength of the feet and
hands that make the manual work of the Brazilian people possible.
◦ The smaller head can indicate a supposed lack of critical thinking and “appeasement” of
thepopulation. Because of these elements, such painting is seen as a social criticism.
Inspired works

The original work Urban art version Version of Eduardo Lima

Phrases based on artworks
◦ Comparatives : The version the urban art is darker than version the eduardo lima
◦ Surpelatives : The version of Eduardo Lima is the best.
◦ As + adj. + As : The version of Eduardo Lima is as beutiful as the original version
The end!

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