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And very early in the morning
the first day of the week, they
came unto the sepulchre at the
rising of the sun.

Mark 16 : 2
Saturday Sunday

Friday Monday

Thursday Tuesday

We can consider Sunday as the first and eighth day because of the
following reasons:

 It was the day when God began the creation and after 7 days, the
following Sunday, it was finished.

 Also God indicated that babies have to be circumcised on the

eighth day, the Sunday; and so did Mary and Joseph with Jesus
who was circumcised and named on that day.

 And the most important of all, it was the day which Jesus rose

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

On Monday, Church reminds us of the angels and the servant spirits, who
serve God, and now who help us achieve our salvation.

 An important event given on this day was when the angel of the
Lord fought with Jacob, and Jacob prevailed; after that the angel
change Jacob’s name to "Israel“ and blessed all his future

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


On Tuesday the Church reminds us of:

 John the Baptist and other prophets. John heads the list because
he baptized Jesus.

 The prophets because they are models of perseverance and

obedience to God's command.

 The martyrs, because people around them were sinners, yet they
remained faithful and delivered the message of God's salvation.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

On Wednesdays we can remember when Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus.

 Every year in Easter we commemorate this days by fasting;

 Wednesdays have a tragic sense, spiritually speaking

 But we have to remember that this betrayal facilitated our


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

On Thursday the Last Supper was celebrated.

 Jesus instituted the Eucharist and

 Instructed his apostles to preach the message of God to all


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


On Friday the Church remembers the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

 The fast is repeated this day, but this does not mean only
abstaining from eating; it also means discipline us as servants of

 The story of Friday is also tragic but it also leads us to a happy

ending: the resurrection.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

We Christians know that this day Jesus rested in the holy sepulcher, thus
fulfilling the promise of resurrection on the third day (Sunday).

 The church also fosters faith and hope for those who have not
been able to meet the Lord.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Thank you
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