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Prof.Farhan Hameed
• Population
• Types of Population
• Parameter
• Statistic
• Constants
• Variables
• Types of Variable
• Quantitative Variable
• Discrete Variable
• Continuous Variable
• Qualitative Variable
• Collection or set of all possible observations
• May be finite or Infinite
• Population size usually denoted by N
• Population is a technical term not necessarily represents humans

• Examples
• Number of Personal Computer owner in Lahore
• Monthly salaries of all the employees of a company
• Number of light bulbs produced by a factory
1.Finite Population:
The population in which the numbers of objects is
countable is called finite population. For example,
the number of students in a particular college, the
light bulbs produces by a factory.

2. Infinite Population:
The population in which the number of objects is not
countable is called infinite population. For example
the number of stars in the sky, the number of grains
of sand.
• Subset or small part of population

• Representative of characteristics of population

• Sample size usually denoted by n

If population is students of particular college containing 1000 students, then any
number of students less than 1000 selected at random will be termed as sample.
Parameter or Population Parameter
• The numerical value calculated from the population is called

For Examples:-

• Population mean (µ), Population Variance 𝝈 .
• Population Quantities are constants and are usually unknow.

• Parameter are denoted by Greek Letters (𝜶, 𝜷, 𝜸, 𝝁, 𝝈 )

Statistic or Sample Statistic

• The numerical value calculated from the sample is called Statistic.

For Example
• sample Mean (ഥ
𝒙 ), sample Variance (S2).
• Statistic is always a random variable.

• The statistics are denoted by Latin letters (ഥ ෝ, 𝑺𝟐 ) etc.

𝒙, 𝒙

• Statistic is also known as estimator of the population parameter.

• The quantities which remain unchanged under every conditions are
known as constants.

For example

• Numerical digits(1,23,….)

• Universal constants such as 𝝅 = , e=2.71828
• The numerical characteristics which vary from one object to another
object or from time to time are known as variables
• A variable can assume a number of values and the set of its all
possible values is called its domain.
• Height of plant, Weight of person, Speed of a car, Income of person,
Production of a factory, Gender , Level of satisfaction

• If domain of variable contains only one value , then it is called

Types/Classifications of Variables

Variable Continuous

Quantitative Variable

• The variable or characteristic which can be measured and expressed

numerically is called quantitative variable.

• Examples: number of cars, number of Children, Speed, Weight, Temperature.

• The types of quantitative variable are Discrete and Continuous Variables.

Quantitative Variable: Discrete Variable
• The variable which can take only integers or whole numbers is called
discrete variable.
• The values are taken by jumps or breaks.

Number of children, Number of cows, Number of light bulbs.

• Discrete variable is also known as count variable.

• Putting discrete variable in fractions or as negative is senseless

• saying : I have 2.5 children, light bulbs produced by a factory -200.3 make no sense
Quantitative Variable: Continuous Variable
• The variable which can take any value (fractional, integer, negative)
within its range or interval is called continuous variable.
• Its domain is an interval with all possible values without gaps, jumps or

• such as speed, height, weight, Temperature etc.
Qualitative Variable
•The variable which cannot be measured numerically is called
Qualitative Variable.
Examples: Eye color, Profession, Likes, Dislikes, Habits, Gender etc.
• These are also known as Attributes or Categorical Variable.
• Such variables are counted or enumerated after assigning them
mutually exclusive classes
• For example: Eye color (black, brown, Blue, Green)
• Gender (Male, Female)
How to Denote Variable
• A variable whether countable or measure is generally denoted by X or Y of 𝑿𝒊
or 𝒀𝒋 .

• 𝑿𝒊 or 𝒀𝒋 represents the ith or jth value of the variable.

• The subscripts 𝒊 or 𝒋 is replaced by a number such as 1,2,3…. , when referred

to a particular value.

• For example: 𝑿𝟏 , 𝑿𝟐 … … . . 𝑿𝒏
• Book Name
Introduction to Statistical Theory (Part-1)
Prof. Sher Muhammad Chaudhry
Prof. Dr. Shahid Kamal
Page# 06 Example 1.6
Page# 13 Question# 1.9(b) , 1.10

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