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Good Afternoon Gentlemen, Your own introduction. Including the group of companies you represent and their inception.

n. A paragraph Today, I feel grateful/ I feel honoured/ It is my great pleasure and honour/ It is a great opportunity for me/ I would like to introduce to you our Company Basma Rice Mills Pvt Limited, which we successfully setup more than a decade ago. Its name is derived from Basmati, which is a superior quality rice. The abbreviation Basma, also has significant import in both Arabic and our mothertongue Urdu. Therefore, we retained the derivative as it means in the name of Allah. It is indeed in His name that we carry out our dealings and with His consciousness that we conduct our business matters most ethically and conscientiously. []. We have always found His help near and have been able to expand our business and clientele from one continent to the other over a relatively short period of time.

Successful enterprises always look for compatible business opportunities. Similarly, we at Basma Rice Mills seek to explore newer markets wherever we anticipate market demand for our superior quality rice. To this end we never hesitate in meeting new and potential partners, whom we greatly value. We aim at long-term partnerships based on trust, mutual respect, and strong ethics with our partners as we already have with existing partners. [here name any if you have as an example otherwise just omit the last part of the sentence]. In this paragraph you can be very precise about why you are here! For example. On the invitation of/ or On being introduced to such and such opportunity/ or at the request of I thought it a privilege to meet the honourable [so and so sitting in front of you] and introduce my company. Etc you should a few more sentences. Then finally say: In my initial market analysis and strong entrepreneurial experience I believe Qatar to be a lucrative market for both your country/ company etc as well as for Pakistani exports/ our company as we look forward to your favourable input/ response [whatever you are trying to get from them! Hehe] I would now like to take this opportunity to take you on a virtual tour of our company, Basma Rice Mills pvt Ltd: Then the video can play InshAllah! Best of luck.

Basma Rice Mills Pvt. Ltd, is one of the largest and the most modern Rice Milling, Processing and Packaging Units in Pakistan with ISO 9002 Certification and HACCP Accreditation to its credits. Basma Rice Mills is one of the Group Companies under Standpharm Group. The parent Company of the Standpharm Pakistan Pvt. Ltd was incorporated in 1969 and today its amongst the top 30 Pharmaceutical concerns, out of a total of 700 manufacturers including 45 multinationals operating in Pakistan. BASMA Rice Mills Pvt. Limited is a renowned name for producing the best quality rice in both local and the international market. Spread over an area of 2.5 acres, Basma Rice Mills is ideally located in the provincial capital of Punjab, Lahore. Punjab covers about 85% of the total rice production in Pakistan; out of which, 80% of rice is produced in the neighboring Districts of Lahore, Gujranwala and Qasur. Basma Rice Mills is strategically located, just half an hours drive away from the Airport and the city centre of Lahore which is the hub of Agri-based market of Pakistan, especially for the rice exporters in the country. Basma Basmati started its operations in 1999 with a vision: to continually grow as a successful company and being committed to producing the best quality rice, world over. Since then, we have come a long way on the road to success. Procurement process is the first step and a key element in ensuring a successful operation of rice business. At Basma, we have developed an extensive and systematic infrastructure to ensure timely and qualitative procurement of the commodity. For this purpose, we have made arrangements with the key market makers for the rates as well as with major dealers, so that we can ensure a timely and high-quality sourcing. The entire procurement process is physically supervised by our trained purchasers and quality analysts, who are equipped with the latest handy instruments, followed by approvals or confirmation after complete laboratory tests. With the ever increasing fuel prices, the Transportation Cost for every business is getting higher which ultimately results in the higher cost of production and less profit margins for the buyers. As an important cost control measure, we have made arrangements with the local Shellers for availing their Husking and Storage facilities in catchment areas of the rice markets. By getting Husking and basic Cleaning closer to the procurement location, we reduce the volume load by more than 30%. This way we ensure that a reduced volume is transported to our premises for processing and finishing. This way, we also ensure the maximum holding capacity along with safeguarding the crop against deterioration in quality due to climatic hazards. When the required crop comes to our premises, it goes through drying process. Basma Rice Mills has state-of-the-art dryers to control the moisture content of paddy at milling stage followed by pre-cleaners, de-stoners at paddy stage and set of whiteners to ensure homogeneous whiteness of rice. After this the crop goes in the processing stage. Basma Rice Mills is also equipped with 2 state-of-the-art complete processing lines comprising of 3

stage graders, sifters, reels for rejection and shriveled grains, pneumatic and silky polish machines, length or width graders for providing homogeneous length of the grain, and in the end color sorter for sorting the damaged grains. After going through the process line, the grains that come out are homogeneous in color, size and polish. And above all, these are clean, nutritious and wholesome. The grains are further sent to fumigation chambers to ensure proper fumigation of rice both at raw and finished stages. We do keep a quality check on each and every step of the processing. And in the end, the grains go through a strict quality control test in our modern lab which is fully equipped with the most up-to-date equipment. In addition we obtain DNA testing of Brown Basmati Rice from National Institute for Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (NIBGE) and AFLATOXIN testing from Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (PCSIR) or alternatively from the Nuclear Institute for Agriculture & Biology (NIAB) Once our quality control department gives approvals on the quality after checking the grain lots through different quality control tests, the lot goes to the packaging section. The grains are packed on the automatic machines so that no compromise is made on the quality and quantity. After the packaging stage, the rice is stored in our in-house storage facility. The huge facility in our premises has a storage capacity of 12000 Metric Tons. Our warehouse meets the standards of the World Bank Food Program Requirements and Specifications. Here we ensure the aging of the rice grain under controlled conditions. We ensure complete elimination of weevil in our Mill premises by regular fumigation. Today, we process and supply: Super Basmati Brown, White and Parboiled Rice Basmati Rice (Super, PK 385 etc) Brown, White and Parboiled Non Basmati Rice (IRRI-9, IRRI-6 etc) both white and Parboiled Apart from producers, other key products marketed by Basma Rice Mills include Local Bulk Trade of rice, Export of Brown Rice, Export of White Rice, Exports of Parboiled Rice, Export of Basma Rice Mills Branded Rice and facilitating branding for customers that include concept development, printing and packaging. From selection of rice to the delivery, at each and every step Basma Rice Mills ensures that there is no compromise on the quality. This is why Basma is a member of various prestigious associations including Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan (REAP), Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) etc. By the grace of Allah, the Almighty, today, in just 11 years, we are catering to a market which is spread all around the globe. We have our satisfied customers in Australia, UK, Holland, Portugal, Ireland, Germany, USA, Canada, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Mauritius and Seychelles. While looking back, some think that we have reached the height of success, but we look forward and find that we havent, its just the beginning and we have a long way to go

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