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Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines


NAME: AE-J Mikhail L. Labao SCORE: /50

Peruse the article taken from the English Teaching Forum entitled The Trans-Cultural Comparative
Literature Method: Using Grammar Translation Techniques Effectively to get the message being
conveyed. In well-crafted sentences, complete the leaflet by filling in the gaps.


1. Discuss briefly the reasons why GT was heavily criticized. How can it be a sound teaching
method for your ESL learners? (15 MARKS)

The first reason why GT was heavily criticized was because it was unconcerned with
students’ oral skills. It mainly focused on translating and reciting rules. It did not value
learning the much more important oral skills. Students who wanted to learn oral
communication in the target language saw GT as insufficient. Secondly, it was a teacher –
centered method. From the words itself, it did not focus on the students’ or their
learning. It was designed to cater the teacher’s needs. These are mainly the reasons why
GT was heavily criticized.
For me, as a teacher at a rural school, it is important to practice basic translation. The
students here were not properly introduced to the target language. This may be because
of the shortage of learning materials and also teachers. It is important that these students
learn grammatical functions and rules for these will serve as their backbone in learning
English. GT can be a sound teaching method through mental exercises. Because it focuses
on learning grammatical structures and learning grammar rules it can help develop the
understanding and knowledge of the learners about the target language. GT also helps in
learning through reading and analyzing literary works. These can both come from the
books and the different stories from the students themselves. Stories are an engaging
part of a discussion and through this, students can easily learn. In addition, GT enhances
the students’ skill in translation, a skill needed in today’s setting.

2. Describe CLT in the context of your learners. (10 MARKS)

Teaching in Rural areas here in the Philippines is a rather difficult task. Everyone in the
teaching sector knows how hard our situation is. Here in the Rural areas, students are not
that knowledgeable especially in the use of English as a Communicative Language. Most
of the students do not have the same confidence as the ones coming from the cities. But,

as a language teacher I am always incorporating activities that does not necessarily force
them to speak or stand in front but just the right amount to make them express
themselves freely. Activities such as group works, reporting, and creative reading.
Although some are not cooperative, most of them are slowly adapting to the activities.
Using also their daily experiences, I am integrating the importance of communicative
interactions. Drawing from their experiences makes it easier for them to relate and learn.
Different situations are also used to generate ideas and how they will react to it. Even if it
is slow, the daily integration of different CLT activities has been of great help and it is
gradually shown by the students.

3. Define “Trans-Cultural Comparative Literature Method” in your own words. (5 MARKS)

In my own understanding, the Trans-Cultural Comparative Literature Method is a method

that uses literary works in order to teach grammar and vocabulary all the while letting
students analyze and compare different literary works. Through this, students can learn
by using their local stories or literary works. It can be an engaging lesson for it relates to
the students. But because of the complexity of topics, it is advised that this method be
used to higher grade students. This is a student – centered method and it caters their
needs of analyzing and learning at the same time. Not only does TCCLM help students
learn grammar and vocabulary it also opens up new avenues for them. One of those is
the concept of diversity and how different cultures have different beliefs. By learning
through different stories, students can develop different perceptions and outlooks. This
can mean they are more adaptable and are open to different knowledge and experiences
taught from the stories they have read.

4. How can literature be a powerful tool in language teaching? How will you successfully
utilize literary masterpieces in your classroom? (20 MARKS)

Having a culturally rich setting makes teaching more fun. Because of the different
backgrounds both of the students and the teachers, literary works are abundant and
unique in their own ways. Literature is a very powerful tool in a sense that it can capture
the students’ interest and it is easily relatable. Using literature in teaching, students can
learn many valuable lessons. These lessons pertain to grammar structure, spelling,
sentence construction and etc. it can also be a bridge in learning different life lessons. In
addition, students are able to relate this stories in their daily lives. It is like hitting two
birds with one stone. Today’s students are also eager to listen to stories rather than a
plain old discussion. Teaching literature made me realize that stories, poems, songs and
other works of art causes students to be more participative. Here in North Cotabato
because of the diversity of students, there are a lot of stories coming from different
tribes. All of these stories represent something from their culture and it opens the eyes of
other students about the different cultures. Furthermore, by using literature, it is easier
for us teachers to integrate other topics such as sentence construction, the use of proper
punctuation and many others.
Here in San Miguel, there is large number of Manobo students. There is also a number of
Visaya students. There is also the different mainstream literary works such as the novels
of Dr. Jose Rizal and many more. I can utilize the different literary masterpieces by
compiling them and teaching it to the students interactively. Different activities will be
used. For example, focus group discussions about a certain work. Another is the use of
Think, Pair, and Share. This activities can help develop students’ critical thinking and

brainstorming skills. I will also employ the old question and answer. By doing this,
students will be able to think by themselves and develop different ideas. Because of the
diversity of learners, each story will be unique and will give different experiences and

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