Captura de Tela 2022-03-13 À(s) 16.31.46

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1º ANO
Subjective Case Objective Case
I me
You you
He him
She her
It it
We us
You you
They them

• The Subject Pronouns – are used before the verb.

Peter and I live in London.
We live in London.

You and your brother study at the same university.

You study at the same university.
Robert, Richard and John are very tall and strong.
They are very tall and strong.

Tom loves Alice and Alice loves Tom.

He loves Alice and she loves Tom.

Peter and I = We
You and your brother = You
Robert, Richard and John = They

• Interrogative Form- The subject pronoun is used after the auxiliary verb.
Example: Are they playing now?

• The Object Pronouns – are used:

after the verb.

- John visited his relatives last Saturday.
John visited them last Saturday.
- We usually meet Susie at school.
We usually meet her at school.
- Paul met Michael and me in Rome last year.
Paul met us in Rome last year.

- after a preposition
- The teacher is in front of the pupils.
The teacher is in front of them.
- She sits between Paul and me. (I – me)

Subjective Case – at the start of a sentence, after a period or after a conjunction: and / but / if / when / while
/ as / just as / before / after / that / until / as soon as / however / though, etc.

Objective Case – after the verb (third position) or after a preposition (fourth position).

Attention: Special Uses (HE / SHE and IT)

• HE and SHE → (pet)

- HE – Animais de estimação (masculino)
- Example: My dog is called Tom. He is black.
SHE – animais de estimação (feminino).
- Example: My mare is called Katty. She is white.
• BABY and CHILD – when we don’t know their sex.
- The baby is crying. It must be hungry.
Choose the correct alternative.
01)Tom and I visit Uncle Ted every week, but Uncle Ted never visits Tom and me.
a) He, he, he we.
b) They, him, he, them.
c) We, he, him, us.
d) Us, him, him, we.
e) We, him, he, us.
02) She called __________ up this morning and invited Jane and ____________ to a party.
a) mine, I
b) I, me
c) me, I
d) me, me
e) I, I
03) His father spoke to ___________, but ___________ didn’t listen to _____________.
a) he, he, he.
b) him, he, him.
c) him, him, him.
d) he, him, him.
e) him, him, he.

04) We saw _______ sitting between ___________.

a) she – they
b) her – they
c) she – them
d) her – them
e) her – him

05) You and Mary always make the same mistake that Joseph and Susan make.
a) You, them
b) They, her
c) You, they
d) We, they
e) We, them
06) Mary told ________ that __________ was going to Rio.
a) me - her
b) us - we
c) us - she
d) we - she
e) we - her

07) The curtains are dirty. Please wash _________.

a) it
b) they
c) them
d) her
e) him

08) Jane never travels without her pets.

a) She - it
b) She - her
c) She - them
d) Her - them
e) Her - it
09) I can understand _________ when _______ speaks German with __________.
a) he, him, I
b) him, him, I
c) you, you, me
d) him, him, me
e) him, he, me

10) Come with __________. ______________ will help ________________.

a) we, We, them
b) me, I, they
c) us, She, we
d) us, We, you
e) we, They, us
Mark true (column I) and false (column II). Questions 11 and 12.
Analyze the following propositions according to the subject and object pronouns. (Questions 11 and 12)

11) “Does she know Susan’s new friend?”

“No, she doesn’t know ___________.”
0 0 he
1 1 she
2 2 her
3 3 them
4 4 him

12) If ___________ gives _________ so many presents. ________ have to thank __________.
0 0 they – us – We – them
1 1 we – them – They – us
2 2 she – me – I – her
3 3 he – you – You – him
4 4 she – him – He – her

01) Rewrite the sentences substituting the underlined words. Use subject or object pronouns.

a) My sister and I are very popular at school, but my brother is not.


b) Richard and his mother don’t know you and me.


c) Susie and you really need a car.


d) That artist never travels without her pets.


e) Julie gave the CDs to Fred.


A full day in Salvador – an unforgettable experience.

01) Read the sentences and write T (true) or F (false) according to the text.
a) ( ) Visiting Salvador is an unforgettable experience.
b) ( ) Salvador has beautiful churches but its people are not religious.
c) ( ) Lacerda elevator is an example of a baroque building.
d) ( ) There is a “golden church” in Salvador.
e) ( ) South America’s most important colonial complex is in Salvador.

Mark the correct alternative with an X. (Questions 02 and 03)

02) Unesco declared that:

a) ( ) São Francisco church is the most beautiful baroque building in Latin America.
b) ( ) Largo do Pelourinho is the most important colonial complex.
c) ( ) Lacerda elevator was built by Carlos Lacerda.

03) Largo do Pelourinho and its neighboring streets are from:

a) ( ) The 16th and the 17th centuries.
b) ( ) The 17th and the 18th centuries.
c) ( ) The 19th and the 20th centuries.
04) Match the columns:
a) São Francisco church
b) Mercado Modelo
c) Largo do Pelourinho
d) Nosso Senhor do Bonfim
e) Lacerda Elevator

( ) It is a famous church.
( ) It is in the lower part of the city.
( ) It is a famous golden church.
( ) It is a landmark of Salvador.
( ) It has antique neighboring streets.

05) Find in the text.

a) a synonym for “finally” - _______________
b) an opposite of “last” - ________________
c) word that means “Barroco” - ___________
1 – E (We / him, he, us) 6 – C (us / she)
2 – D (me / me) 7 – C (them)
3 – B (him / he / him) 8 – C (She / them)
4 – D (her / them) 9 – E (him / he / me)
5 – C (You / they) 10 – D (us / We / you)

11 – F (him) / F (her) / T / F (him / her) / T

12 – F / F / T / T / F

1) a) We / he
b) They / us
c) You / it
d) She / them
e) She / them / him

1) a) T
b) F (Its people are very religious)
c) F (No, it isn’t)
d) T
e) T
2) B (Largo do Pelourinho is the most important colonial complex)
3) A (the 16th and the 17th centuries)
4) d / b / a / e / c
5) a) at last / b) first / baroque

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