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Plataforma Nexus
Examen: Examen Extraordinario

Andrés Jiménez Cruz 1768145 Gpo: 032

INSTRUCCIONES: Conteste las siguientes preguntas

1.-What is the official currency of the United Kingdom? (U1)

R= Pound

2.-Which one is one of the most important symbols of The Celts? (U1)


3.-Who was the warrior queen who led a rebellion against Romans? (U1)

R= B) Boudicca

4.-What’s the name of the long and narrow warsBhips that viking used for traveling? (U1)

R= A) Drakkars
5.-Day of the week that the Anglo Saxons dedicated to the moon? (U1)

R= Falso

7.-Big ben isn't considered the national icon of England and it is famous for its imprecision
and for its tiny bell. (U2)

R= Falso

8.-April fools day is a similar celebration as the Mexican festivity on December 28 , you can
make jokes at everyone and they don't get mad at you. (U2)

R= Verdadero

9.-Bubble and squeak is traditional dish that bears the name of the sound it makes while
cooking? it is made from leftover vegetables from a roasted dinner, mixing them with
mashed potatoes and slices of cabbage, carrots, beans, Brussels and other spuds. (U2)

R= Verdadero

10.-Elizabeth V is the name of the current queen (U2)

R= Falso

- INSTRUCTIONS. Considering the data available in both columns, proceed to match

correct answers. (U3)

11. Parents are not required to follow the National Curriculum, or to be qualified teachers
or to follow hours and terms either. R= A

12. After this examination students may choose to either leave school or continue with
their education. R= E

13. It is considered the oldest university in the English-speaking world, it has a unique and
historic institution R= I

14. Are the responsible for the local and regional education management. R= H
15. The Cambridge’s motto is: R= G

16. Their main role is to operate the application process for British universities. R= B

17. Is the second-oldest public research university in the UK and one of the oldest in the
world. R= D

18. What does it mean “Dominus Illuminatio”? R= J

19. Children start this education from the age of eleven to fourteen R= C

20. Students specialize in three or four subjects that are usually relevant to the degree
subject they wish to follow at university. R= F

-INSTRUCTIONS. Choose the Word in the box and fill the blanks. (U4)

21.- ___D____ invented the telephone; the patent was obtained in 1876, and this is the
most important invention of the past two hundred year

22.- ___E____ was an English Naturalist who developed the theory of evolution.

23.- The name of the book that talks about "the theory of evolution by natural selection”
is ___C____.

24.- The ___B____ was the first antibiotic that successfully killed bacteria and cured

25.- ___A____ was a Scottish scientist who became well known for discovering penicillin
and shared the Novel Prize with Howard Florey and Ernst Chain

26. Was a comedian, composer, producer, film director and English writer best known for
his popular performances during the silent era. Since then, he has been considered of the
most representative figures of comedy. In 1972 he was awarded with the Honorary
Academy Award. He was knighted by the Queen Elizabeth II in 1975. (U5)

R= C) Charles Chaplin
27. He is a Welsh film, stage and television actor and one of the biggest stars in
Hollywood. He portrayed the serial killer, Hannibal Lecter in the movie "Silence of the
Lambs", “Hannibal” and "The Red Dragon".

R= A) Anthony Hopkins

28. In 1977 their album “News of the World” contained two rock´s most recognizable
songs, “We will rock you” and “We are the champions”, this last song is a ballad composed
by Freddie Mercury and it´s one of his most famous and popular song in the world

R= E) Queen

29. He is an English singer, composer and pianist, his real name was Reginald Kenneth
Dwight and was born on March 25th, 1947.

R= A) Elton John

30. The band was formed in Liverpool in 1962 and it’s one of the most representative
groups of music in the United Kingdom and the world, known as the most commercially
successful and critically acclaimed in the history of popular music.

R= B) The Beatles

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