Columbus Settlement Invitation, August 2022

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August 16, 2022


We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming Columbus Ohio, Settlement Project meeting,
“Standing for American Goodness,” Saturday, August 27, 10 am til 3 pm (coffee, refreshments
and lunch served) at the Yokoso Cultural Center (1165 Old Henderson Rd, Columbus, OH

The Settlement Project seeks to protect American freedom, and promote God-given, unalienable
rights for all people.

America and Americans are under a sophisticated and expansive attack both from foreign foes
(such as the CCP), and from a new breed of activists in all sectors of government, education,
media, and culture, activists determined to undermine the stability and firm foundations of our
country. Fortunately, millions are standing up with courage. This humble dedication of patriots
has surprised the power elite. The battle remains intense.

We work to recover wholesome life and culture in our country. The erosion of virtue in American
life has been happening in the shadows for years, but now millions have awakened and are ready
to stay the course for the sake of our children, our neighbors, and our future.

At Settlement Project meetings, leaders and activists from all faiths and practical expertise learn
from each other’s work and expertise and build needed alliances and coalitions to make our work
for good stronger. Please come to make your work known to fellow patriots so that others can
learn and find ways to help and support. Issues we cover will include:

● The CCP Agenda: What can America do? (Keynote presentation by Bill Gertz (invited)
see bio below):
● Youth Education: How can we protect school children from race hatred and sexual
● Compassion Post-Roe: What is next for Ohio? How can we help care for young mothers
and new-borns from all walks of life?

5471 Blue Cloud Lane Westerville, OH 43081
Settlement Conferences are conversational. All participate. We want to know of your work and
become a part. If you like, please prepare a 10-minute presentation about your group, activity, or
area of work. These meetings give us strength and solidarity.

The cost of the event and the networking luncheon is covered by our sponsors and is
complimentary to you.

Meeting Details

When: Saturday, August 27th 10am-3pm

Where: Yokoso Center, 1165 Old Henderson Road, Columbus, Ohio 43220

Organizers and Sponsors

The Settlement Project, Affirm America, Yokoso Cultural Center, East West Publications,
[National and Local co-sponsors and organizers constantly added]

RSVP - Questions

Marquis Van De Mark (614) 531-7876

Chris Fox (614) 558-1217

5471 Blue Cloud Lane Westerville, OH 43081
Conference Agenda

09:45 Coffee and tea available

10:00 Welcome and Brief Participant Self Introductions

10:15 Morning Session: Mission and Project Reports

SPECIAL PRESENTATION: National Security Expert Bill Gertz (invited - See bio
below): The Agenda of the CCP

Questions for Speaker

10:40 Participant presentations, projects and missions

12:00 Lunch (provided by sponsors and host)

12:45 Afternoon Session: Strategies to Address and Resolve Problems

SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Frank Kaufmann: Mission of The Settlement Project

13:10 Work Session: Participant Proposals, Strategies, Discussion

15:00 Close

5471 Blue Cloud Lane Westerville, OH 43081
Additional Information

BILL GERTZ (invited)

Former National Security Correspondent for The
Washington Times. Author of eight books. Fox News
Channel contributor, guest on The Rush Limbaugh
Show, This Week with George Stephanopoulos, CNN,
MSNBC Tucker Carlson Tonight, The Sean Hannity
Show, Lou Dobbs Tonight, One America News,
Newsmax TV, and others.

President of The Settlement Project, Twelve Gates
Foundation, editor in chief, New World Encyclopedia,
president Values in Knowledge Foundation,
Professors World Peace Academy,


The beautiful Yokoso Cultural Center is built with

splendid aesthetics, speech intelligibility and
sound clarity, all to elevate participant
experience in high-quality events.

5471 Blue Cloud Lane Westerville, OH 43081

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