Universal Trip Expectations

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Dade County Band

Universal Studios Trip Expectations

Be Safe
❏ On the bus, remain seated at all times.
❏ On the bus, refrain from unnecessary noise and/or loud talking.
❏ Keep hands, feet, and body to yourselves at all times.
❏ Follow the itinerary at all times.
❏ No “horseplay” (throwing balls, water games, wrestling, etc.)
❏ Stay with your assigned chaperone at all times

Be Respectful
❏ Use polite and courteous behavior at all times.
❏ Treat the field trip site with care and follow the site’s rules for visitors.
❏ Physical fighting, use of profanity, vulgarity, harassment, intimidation, and extortion is not
permitted and will result in suspension, expulsion, and/or arrest.
❏ Do not enter the hotel room of a member of the opposite gender.
❏ Respond immediately to the directions of school personnel.
❏ No overt, inappropriate public displays of affection will be tolerated.

Be Responsible
❏ Pick up your trash and beverage items. Throw them away.
❏ Follow the Dade County Dress Code.
❏ Do not damage, deface, or steal the site’s private property.
❏ No participation, possession, and/or association with drugs, drug paraphernalia, alcohol,
smoking, and/or other substances that are illegal.
❏ Misuse of electronic devices that create a disturbance or used inappropriately during the trip
are prohibited and will be confiscated. Only a parent will be allowed to retrieve the device.

Chaperone Responsibilities
❏ NO alcoholic drinks are to be consumed while on this trip. (In front of students or privately in
your room.) We must set a great example for the students! If this occurs, you will be asked to
IMMEDIATELY leave the group for the duration of the trip and will be responsible for your
own transportation back to Dade County.
❏ Keep students with you at all times while on the trip. Students may change groups while on the
trip ONLY if both sets of chaperones agree to let students change and the teacher is notified.
❏ At curfew each night, help make sure students are not only in their rooms at the designated
time, but that the rooms are also in an orderly manner. (This will save us time at check-out.)
❏ Chaperones are expected to follow all itinerary items and rules.
Dade County Band
Universal Studios Trip Expectations


A student’s failure to comply with the Dade County Band Behavior Expectations will be subject to disciplinary
action at the school and the student may be ineligible to participate in future field trips. A student who blatantly
violates one of the underlined and bolded expectations will be sent home IMMEDIATELY on a Greyhound Bus or
a plane at their parent or guardian’s expense AND the student will face disciplinary action from the school when
we return AND will be ineligible for any future travel with the Dade County Band.

I understand the guidelines and expectations for this trip as detailed above. I understand that if I choose to
violate any of the above guidelines, I may be subject to disciplinary action AND be ineligible for future trips with
the Dade County Band. I understand that if I violate one of the underlined and bolded expectations, I will be
sent home IMMEDIATELY on a Greyhound Bus or a plane at MY parent or guardian’s expense AND I will face
disciplinary action from the school when we return AND will be ineligible for any future travel with the Dade
County Band.

Participant Name: _______________________________ Signature: ____________________________________

Participant Name: _______________________________ Signature: ____________________________________

Participant Name: _______________________________ Signature: ____________________________________

Participant Name: _______________________________ Signature: ____________________________________

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