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by Geoffrey Burbidge

ig bang cosmology is probably as some because there are good reasons which the big bang must be abandoned
widely believed as has been any to think the big bang model is seriously or significantly modified.
theory of the universe in the his­ flawed. One sign that something is Within the framework of the hot big
tory of Western civilization. It rests, amiss is the time-scale problem. The bang, there is no satisfactory theory
however, on many untested, and in most favored version of the big bang of how galaxies and larger structures
some cases untestable, assumptions. In­ model yields a universe that is between formed. Galaxies cannot form by gravi­
deed, big bang cosmology has become a seven and 13 billion years old. The large tational collapse in an expanding uni­
bandwagon of thought that reflects faith range of possible ages derives from un­ verse unless one assumes without ex­
as much as objective truth. certainty regarding the rate at which the planation that large density fluctuations
Yet the momentum this bandwagon universe is expanding, a value known were present in the early universe. Un­
enjoys is overwhelming. International as the Hubble constant. der the influence of particle physicists,
conferences on cosmology (which, in Comparisons between observation cosmologists are now proposing that
the current state of affairs, means only and calculations of stellar evolution im­ these fluctuations occurred at an ear­
the standard "hot" big bang model) are ply that the oldest known stars are 13 ly stage of the big bang or else were
scheduled at the rate of about one a to 15 billion years old, with an uncer­ caused by exotic entities such as cos­
month. Extensive coverage has appeared tainty of plus or minus 20 percent. The mic strings. None of these ideas can be
in the New York Times, the London estimated age of the elements in the directly tested.
Economist and the Wall Street Journal, solar system, based on measurements The inflationary model, a pet idea of
all based on interviews only with be­ of heavy radioactive elements, is about the past decade, holds that a period of
lievers in the big bang. Popular mono­ 15 billion years, again including some extremely rapid expansion in the early
graphs such as Steven Weinberg's The uncertainty. If one accepts a high value universe accounts both for the smooth­
First Three Minutes have not dealt at all of the Hubble constant, and hence a ness of the cosmic microwave back­
with cosmological theories other than low age for the universe, the simplest ground and for the amount of matter
the big bang. big bang model clearly fails, because present in the universe. But again, in­
Normally, new ideas in a field of sci­ the universe cannot be younger than flation is an untestable addition to the
ence are advanced by young scientists, the objects it contains. If one chooses a lore of the big bang.
who often take a contrary approach. But low value for the Hubble constant, it is This form of inflation is arbitrary,
younger cosmologists are even more touch and go. and our successors will wonder when
intolerant of departures from the big it goes out of favor, as the history of

bang faith than their more senior col­ ather than consider alternatives science suggests it will , why it was so
leagues are. Worst of all, astronomical to the big bang, cosmologists popular. The inflationary idea occurs
textbooks no longer treat cosmology as contort themselves and propose quite naturally in the steady state cos­
an open subject. Instead the authors that the rate of expansion is just small mology. I believe there is considerable
take the attitude that the correct theo­ enough to accommodate the oldest well­ merit in a variant of this that was re­
ry has been found. documented stellar ages. Or they vary cently described by Arp, Fred Hoyle,
Powerful mechanisms encourage this the big bang model by invoking an ]ayant V. Narlikar, N. C. Wickramasinghe
conformity. Scientific advances depend arbitrary parameter, called the cosmo­ and me. In it, continuous creation takes
on the availability of funding, equip­ logical constant. In this version of the place in a series of little big bangs, and
ment and journals in which to publish. story, the initial big bang was followed in such a model the cosmic microwaves
Access to these resources is granted by a waiting period and then a further are generated by the galaxies and nev­
through a peer-review process. expansion. er coupled to them. This model is at
Those of us who have been around The pervasive cosmic microwave least one viable alternative that can ex­
long enough know that peer review and background was predicted by the big plain all that we can see. There may be
the refereeing of papers have become bang theory and is still considered to others.
a form of censorship. It is extraordinar­ be one of its strongest pieces of sup­ Why then has the big bang be­
ily difficult to get financial support or porting evidence. Measurements now, come so deeply entrenched in modern
viewing time on a telescope unless one however, show that the background ra­ thought? Everything evolves as a func­
writes a proposal that follows the party diation is extremely smoothly distribut­ tion of time except for the laws of
line. A few years back Halton C. Arp ed. Maps of galaxies, on the other hand, physics. Hence, there are two immuta­
was denied telescope time at Mount show structure on all scales. bles: the act of creation and the laws of
Wilson and Palomar observatories be­ According to the standard version of phYSiCS, which spring forth fully fash­
cause his observing program had big bang theory, matter and radiation ioned from that act. The big bang ul­
found and continued to find evidence were strongly coupled together in the timately reflects some cosmologists'
contrary to standard cosmology. Un­ early universe, and only later did the search for creation and for a beginning.
orthodox papers often are denied pub­ two go their separate ways. If this were That search properly lies in the realm
lication for years or are blocked by ref­ so, the cosmic microwave background of metaphysics, not science.
erees. The same attitude applies to aca­ would show some imprint from the
demic positions. I would wager that no lumpy matter distribution that led to
young researcher would be willing to the formation of galaxies. In actuality, GEOFFREY BURBIDGE is professor of
jeopardize his or her scientific career however, the cosmic microwave back­ physics at the University of California,
by writing an essay such as this. ground appears smooth to at least one San Diego, and former director of the
This situation is particularly worri- part in 100,000, close to the level at Kitt Peak National Observatory.



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