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Science Faculty

Physics Combined Science Revision Pack

Date Title completed
03/02/2020 Energy
10/02/2020 Electricity: circuits and symbols
17/02/2020 Exam practice
24/02/2020 Eletricity; in our homes
02/03/2020 Particle model of matter
09/03/2020 Exam practice
16/03/2020 Atomic Strcuture
23/03/2020 Forces; application
30/03/2020 Forces; motion
06/04/2020 Exam practice
13/04/2020 Exam practice
20/04/2020 Waves
27/04/2020 Electromagnetism
04/05/2020 Equations and maths
11/05/2020 Longer answer questions
18/05/2020 Paper 1 revision: 20/05/2020
25/05/2020 Exam practice
01/06/2020 Exam practice
08/06/2020 Paper 2 revision: 15/06/2020
AQA Trilogy: Combined Science
What to expect?
For the exam you will sit 2 papers each 70 minutes long
The topics covered in Paper 1 are;
1. Energy
2. Electricity
3. Particle model of matter
4. Atomic structure
The topics covered in Paper 2 are;
5. Forces
6. Waves
7. Magnetism and electromagnetism
Your total score from Physics will be added to that of Biology and Chemistry and your final
grade a result of the combined.
Expect the paper to cover all information from the above as well as 30% maths, 15%
required practical. Paper 2 will cover some of the content from paper 1 in that you may still
be requried to use the equations from the first 4 topics.

Key tips for the exam

 Answer every question
 Use key scientific words
 Be prepared 30% of the paper will be maths
 Use a calculator to answer questions
 Look at the units for hints
 Write an equation and substitute in numbers
Physics 1: Energy
foundation higher triple
A system is an object or group of objects.
There are changes in the way energy is stored when a system changes.
Students should be able to describe all the changes involved in the way energy is stored
when a system changes, for common situations. For example: • an object projected
upwards • a moving object hitting an obstacle
• an object accelerated by a constant force • a vehicle slowing down • bringing water to
a boil in an electric kettle.
Throughout this section on Energy students should be able to calculate the changes in
energy involved when a system is changed by: • heating • work done by forces • work
done when a current flows
use calculations to show how the overall energy in a system is redistributed when the
system is changed.
Students should be able to calculate the amount of energy associated with a moving
object, a stretched spring and an object raised above ground level.
Students should be able to recall and apply this equation. kinetic energy = 0.5 × mass ×
The amount of elastic potential energy stored in a stretched spring can be calculated using
the equation: elastic potential energy = 0.5 × spring constant × extension 2
The amount of gravitational potential energy gained by an object raised above ground
level can be calculated using the equation: g . p . e . = mass × gravitational field strength ×
The amount of energy stored in or released from a system as its temperature changes can
be calculated using the equation: change in thermal energy = mass × specific heat
capacity × temperature change which is given on the Physics equation sheet.
The specific heat capacity of a substance is the amount of energy required to raise the
temperature of one kilogram of the substance by one degree Celsius.
investigation to determine the specific heat capacity of one or more materials. The
investigation will involve linking the decrease of one energy store (or work done) to the
increase in temperature and subsequent increase in thermal energy stored.
Power is defined as the rate at which energy is transferred or the rate at which work is
Students should be able to recall and apply both equations. power = energy
transferred/time power = work done/time
An energy transfer of 1 joule per second is equal to a power of 1 watt.
Students should be able to give examples that illustrate the definition of power eg
comparing two electric motors that both lift the same weight through the same height but
one does it faster than the other.
Energy can be transferred usefully, stored or dissipated, but cannot be created or
Students should be able to describe with examples where there are energy transfers in a
closed system, that there is no net change to the total energy.
Students should be able to describe, with examples, how in all system changes energy is
dissipated, so that it is stored in less useful ways. This energy is often described as being
Students should be able to explain ways of reducing unwanted energy transfers, for
example through lubrication and the use of thermal insulation.
The higher the thermal conductivity of a material the higher the rate of energy transfer by
conduction across the material.
Students should be able to describe how the rate of cooling of a building is affected by the
thickness and thermal conductivity of its walls.
The energy efficiency for any energy transfer can be calculated using the equation:
efficiency = useful out put energy transfer/total in put energy transfer
Efficiency may also be calculated using the equation:
efficiency = useful power output/total power input
Students should be able to recall and apply both equations.
Students should be able to describe ways to increase the efficiency of an intended energy
The main energy resources available for use on Earth include: fossil fuels (coal, oil and
gas), nuclear fuel, bio-fuel, wind, hydroelectricity, geothermal, the tides, the Sun and
water waves.
A renewable energy resource is one that is being (or can be) replenished as it is used.
The uses of energy resources include: transport, electricity generation and heating.
describe the main energy sources available
distinguish between energy resources that are renewable and energy resources that are
compare ways that different energy resources are used, the uses to include transport,
electricity generation and heating
understand why some energy resources are more reliable than others
describe the environmental impact arising from the use of different energy resources
explain patterns and trends in the use of energy resources.
consider the environmental issues that may arise from the use of different energy
show that science has the ability to identify environmental issues arising from the use of
energy resources but not always the power to deal with the issues because of political,
social, ethical or economic considerations.

Complete the table

Stores transfers

1.0 A weightlifter picks up a barbell.

1.1 Which type of energy is stored in the barbell 1.2 The weightlifter drops the barbell.
when it is held above the weightlifter’s
The barbell’s store of which type of
energy increases as the barbell falls.
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
Tick one box.
Tick one box.

Chemical potential
Chemical potential

Elastic potential
Elastic potential

Gravitational potential
Gravitational potential

Read and complete the table and questions below
Energy information equation
Kinetic READ: https://www.s-
Gravitational READ: https://www.s-
energy calculations/revise-

1.3 Use the data in Table 1 to draw a line between each calculation and the energy change it is
Draw two lines only.
Table 1

mass of barbell 50 kg
gravitational field strength 9.8 m/s2
height the barbell drops 2m
maximum speed the barbell drops 6.2 m/s
[1 mark]

Calculation Increase/decrease in

Chemical potential energy

50 × 9.8 × 2
Elastic potential energy

Gravitational potential energy

½ × 50 × 6.2 × 6.2
Kinetic energy

Conservation of energy

Complete the statement below
Energy is often dissipated
This Sankey diagram shows the energy used in a filament lamp. What percentage of energy is
dissipated as heat energy? What does this tell you about the efficiency?

1.4 The weightlifter’s internal store of energy decreased when he lifted the bar.
The bar’s internal store of energy increased by a smaller amount.
Explain why. [2 marks]



READ: Use the information to complete these


Energy source: Energy source:

Advantage: Advantage:

Disadvantage: Disadvantage:
Energy source: Energy source:

Advantage: Advantage:

Disadvantage: Disadvantage:

Energy source: Energy source:

Advantage: Advantage:

Disadvantage: Disadvantage:

2.0 Electricity in the UK is produced from a number of

energy resources. Figure 1 below shows the
proportion of each energy resource used. The labels
have been removed from the pie chart.

Figure 1
2.1 Complete the table.
[2 marks]

Percentage of UK
Energy resource Segment label
electricity production

Coal 23

Natural gas 30

Nuclear power 21

Oil 1

Renewable fuels 25 A

2.2 Over the next 10 years, many of the UK’s nuclear power stations are expected to close.
Suggest how this may affect the future balance of sources of energy used for electricity
production in the UK.

If we can no longer use Nuclear power then what would the alternative be? Look at the chart
on the previous page to suggest and evaluate alternatives.

Write 6 valid point (you can bullet point these)

[6 marks]










 What is this required practical about?


 What piece of equipment is used to measure length?


 Think about how you carried out this practical.

Write a logical and comprehensive method, using numbered bullet points.

Is your method good?

Read it. If someone else

could get results from it
then yes!






Look at the student’s results below. Work out the force and extension.

Mass added (g) Force (N) Length (cm) Extension (cm)

(100g exerts a 1
newton force)

0 5

100 10

200 20

300 30

400 40

500 50

600 52

700 52

 Sketch a graph of the results you would expect.

 Draw a graph of the results on separate paper.

For which ever you do, label: the elastic region, limit of proportionality, estimated point at which the spring
would break.

 What is meant by the term directly proportional?


3.0 A student investigated how the extension of a spring depends on the force applied to the spring.
Figure 2 shows the spring before and after a force has been applied.

Figure 2

3.1 The distance between each large mark on the rule is 10cm. Point A is on a large mark.
State the length of the spring and the extension after the force is applied.
[1 mark]

Length of spring = ______________ cm

Extension = ______________ cm

3.2 The stretched spring stores elastic potential energy.

The elastic potential energy stored in a spring can be found by using the equation:

Elastic potential energy = 0.5 × spring constant × (extension)2

A particular spring has a spring constant of 25 N/m.
Calculate the energy stored when the spring is extended by 15 mm.
Give your answer in standard form, to 3 significant figures.
[3 marks]

Energy stored = ____________ J

3.3 Another student calculated that the energy stored in her spring was twice the amount of energy
for half the extension.
Calculate the spring constant of this spring.
[3 marks]

Spring constant = ____________ N/m

4.0 Figure 3 shows the amount of energy lost at various stages in producing light from an electric
light bulb.

Figure 3
Light bulb
100 J of
Power 1 J of energy
internal Power line
station output as light
energy in

65 J wasted 5 J of energy
heating air in wasted heating air ?
power station around power lines

4.1 There is no information on one of the energy labels.

What should it say?
[1 mark]


4.2 An electricity company wants to reduce wasted energy across a town.

For the same amount of money, they can either:
• Use 20% of the wasted energy from the power station to heat their offices
• Install new power lines which only waste half the energy of the old ones
• Replace all the bulbs in the town with LED bulbs, which are 99% efficient.
Explain which of these things they should do.
[2 marks]



4.3 The lightbulb’s manufacturer says that the lightbulb is 5% efficient. Is this correct?
Use a calculation to justify your answer.
[2 marks]



4.4 Another lightbulb has a power of 12 W. It has an efficiency of 80%.

Calculate the amount of time taken in seconds for the bulb to transfer 300 J of energy into light
[3 marks]

Time taken = _______________ s

Physics: Required Practical 1

 What is this required practical about?


 Think about how you carried out this practical. Is your method good?

Write a logical and comprehensive method, using numbered bullet points. Read it. If someone else
could get results from it
then yes!






 Recall Newton’s Law regarding the conservation of energy.



 What piece of equipment do you use to measure mass?


 What piece of equipment do you use to measure temperature?


 What piece of equipment do you use to measure time?


 Define: specific heat capacity.



 This practical is about energy transfers.

Recall the equation to calculate the change in thermal energy.
Give the units for each part of the equation.

 Define: power



 Define: work done



 There are two equations to calculate power.

Recall both equations below.
Give the units for each part of the equation.

5.1 You have been asked to find out the best material for insulating a hot water tank. You have
three materials: aluminium foil, cotton wool and expanded polystyrene. Describe an
experiment to compare the effectiveness of these materials.
Include in your description the way you would use your results to decide the most effective

This means that you will need to use one of the required practicals you have learned. This
should give you a clue as to which you will need.

Write 6 valid point (you can bullet point these)

[6 marks]









6.0 A student heated a beaker of water and measured the temperature every minute for 8 minutes.
Figure 4 shows the results of their experiment.

Figure 4






Temperature 50
(°C) 40




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Time (minutes)

6.1 The mass of water used was 450 g.

The power of the heater is 300 W.
Calculate the specific heat capacity of the water.
[3 marks]

Specific heat capacity = __________ J/kg°C

6.2 The result of this experiment is higher than the accepted value for water.
Suggest two reasons why this might be.
[2 marks]


Grades 5-6

Complete: Calculations using equations and remember units!

1. An object moves 5m, the work done is 65J, calculate the force acting on the object.

2. A bus is travelling at 5m/s and has a mass of 500kg. Calculate the kinetic energy.

3. How fast is an object moving if it has 10,000J of kinetic energy and a mass of 5kg?

4. Calculate the GPE a 2kg object that is 10m above the ground (assume gravity is 10N).

5. A spring has a spring constant of 10N/m, the spring has 200J of EPE, calculate the extension of the spring?

6. What is the change in energy if an object with a specific heat capacity of 1200J/kg⁰C and mass of 15kg

increases in temperature by 20⁰C ?

7. What is the total energy transferred by a 200W device if it is on for 20seconds?

8. A light bulb takes in 30J of energy per second. It transfers 3J as useful light energy and 27J as heat energy.

Calculate the efficiency.

Grade 7-9
Winter Olympics of GCSE Energy — Ski Aerials

A The ski
jumper is
not moving

Silver Gold Bronze

Fanyu Hanna Xin Zhang
Yong Huskova
58 Kg
66 kg 64 kg

Use the diagrams and information to help you answer the questions
1. Which energy store(s) did Hanna Huskova have at the top of the ski slope before she started skiing?
2. Calculate how much energy Fanyu Yong had at the top of the slope.
3. Where on the diagram did the skiers have 0 J of gravitational potential energy?
4. Where on the diagram did the skiers have 0 J of kinetic energy?
5. Describe the energy transfers between the top of the slope (A) and the bottom (C)
6. If Xin Zhang had 30,000 J of potential energy at point B
A) how high up is she?
B) how much kinetic energy does she have?
7. How much vertical kinetic energy does a skier have at point D?

Before the ice hockey match, a coin is tossed to find out who will be at either end. The coin is
launched with a velocity of 10 m/s and has a mass of 10g.
1. How high will it go?
2. How much kinetic energy will it have when it is caught?

The athlete’s ski poles are made from different materials. When they bend they extend slightly and store
elastic potential energy. Calculate the energy stored in each of the athlete’s ski poles when they are
extended by 5 mm.
Fanyu Yong’s poles have an elastic constant of 0.7 N/m
Hanna Huskova’s poles have an elastic constant of 1.2 N/m
Xin Zhang’s poles have an elastic constant of 0.9 N/m
Which one is most useful for skiing?
There are two types ski lifts in the Olympic park. One ski lift can carry 5 athletes and their kit (maximum
load of 650 Kg), the other can carry 6 athletes and their kit (maximum load 800 Kg).
1. Calculate the work done of each lift when it carries the maximum load to the top of the slope (108m
2. If it takes 3 minutes for the largest load (800 kg) to get the top of the slope,
A) how much power is used?
B) how much energy is used?
3. The ski lift is only 86% efficient. How much electrical energy is inputted to lift the largest load
(800Kg)? (challenge: how much electrical energy is inputted to lift the smaller load of 650 Kg?)
4. Suggest where the energy is lost from the ski lift.
5. How could you reduce the energy loss from the ski lift?

The athletes housing has to be protected from the cold. Suggest and explain three ways the housing
could be designed to reduce heat loss.

The athlete’s ski poles are made from different materials. When they bend they extend slightly and store
elastic potential energy. Calculate the energy stored in each of the athlete’s ski poles when they are
extended by 5 mm.
Fanyu Yong’s poles have an elastic constant of 0.7 N/m
Hanna Huskova’s poles have an elastic constant of 1.2 N/m
Xin Zhang’s poles have an elastic constant of 0.9 N/m
Which one is most useful for skiing?

The Olympic committee are looking for ways to power the new Olympic park. It is in the middle of the
country and does not have access to mains power but will need electricity 24/7. Suggest suitable energy
resources that could be used to power the park. Explain your reasoning.

The athlete’s village has a lake. Why is the lake is colder than the ground?
How much energy is needed to heat 100,000l of the lake by 8˚ C? Water has a specific heat capacity of 4200
J/Kg˚ C.
These questions and answers are fundamental to understanding this topic. Use these
questions and answers to practice and revise from. Make que cards or simply cover the
right hand side of the page and reveal each answer.
Question Answer R/A/G
1 What is the equation linking kinetic energy, Ek= 0.5mv2
mass and velocity?
2 What are the units of energy? joules
3 What are the units of mass? kilograms
4 What are the units of velocity? metres per second
5 What is the equation linking gravitational Ep=mgh
field strength, gravitational potential energy
and height?
6 What are the units of gravitational field newtons per kilogram
7 What is the equation linking energy P=E/t
transferred, power and time?
8 What are the units of power? Watts
9 What is the definition of power? Power is the rate of transfer of energy or the rate of
doing work
10 What is the equation linking power, time P=W/t
and work done?
11 What are the units of work done? Joules
12 What is the equation for calculating Efficiency = useful energy output/total energy input
efficiency from energy?
13 What is the equation for calculating Efficiency = useful power output/useful power input
efficiency from power?
14 What is the type of energy transferred when Mechanical transfer
a force moves through a distance?
15 Mechanical transfer is…? The energy transfer when a force moves through a
16 Electrical transfer is…? energy transferred when a charge moves?
17 What is the energy transferred when a electrical transfer
charge moves?
18 What is the energy transferred by Radiation transfer
electromagnetic radiation?
19 Radiation transfer is…? The energy transferred by electromagnetic radiation.
20 Heat transfer is…? Energy transferred when an object is heated.
21 When an object is heated the energy heat transfer
transfer is a…?
22 List the 4 energy transfer pathways. Mechanical, electrical, radiation and heat.
23 List 4 energy stores. Four from: chemical, kinetic, gravitational potential,
elastic potential, internal, nuclear, magnetic,
24 Energy stored in objects which move. Kinetic
25 What is a kinetic energy store Energy stored in objects which move
26 Chemical energy is stored as…? chemicals waiting to react
27 A battery is a store of __________ energy. Chemical
28 Food is a store of __________ energy. Chemical
29 A moving object is a store of ____________ Kinetic
30 What is a gravitational potential store? energy stored in objects raised up against the force
of gravity.
31 A rock at the top of a hill is a store of gravitational potential
___________ energy.
32 What is an elastic potential store? Energy stored in an object which has been stretched
or compressed.
33 A compressed spring is a store of elastic potential
___________ energy
34 An inflated balloon is a store of __________ elastic potential
35 The internal energy store is… energy stored in the movement of particles.
36 The internal energy store of an object can be heating or cooling
changed by…?
37 Energy stored in the nuclei of atoms is in the Nuclear
__________ store.
38 What is a nuclear energy store? Energy stored in the nuclei of atoms that can fuse or
39 What is the magnetic energy store? Energy stored in magnets that are attracting or
40 What is the electrostatic energy store? Energy stored n electric charges that are attracting
or repelling
41 Name two non-renewable energy resources Fossil fuels, nuclear fuel
42 What are some advantages of fossil fuels as reliable, cheap
an energy resource?
43 What is a reliable energy source one which can produce energy all the time.
44 What are some disadvantages of fossil fuels? carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas) produced leading to
global warming. Can produce sulphur dioxide causing
acid rain.
45 What are some advantages of nuclear fuel? No carbon dioxide produced, reliable.
46 What are some disadvantages of nuclear nuclear waste remains radioactive for thousands of
fuel? years. Expensive to build and decommission
47 List 4 renewable energy resources. Any 4 from: biofuel, wind, hydroelectricity,
geothermal, tidal, wave, solar.
48 What are some advantages of biofuels? carbon neutral, reliable
49 What are some disadvantages of biofuels? production of fuel can damage ecosystems and
reduce variety of crops grown
50 What are some advantages of wind power? No carbon dioxide produced
51 What are some disadvantages of wind unreliable, expensive to construct
52 What are some advantages of No carbon dioxide produced
53 What are some disadvantages of blocks rivers preventing fish migration, unreliable
hydroelectricity? (may not produce electricity during droughts)
54 What are some advantages of geothermal doesn't damage ecosystems, reliable.
55 What are some disadvantages of geothermal fluids drawn from ground may contain greenhouse
energy? gases such as CO2 and methane. These contribute to
global warming
56 What are some advantages of tidal energy? No carbon dioxide produced.
57 What are some disadvantages of tidal unreliable - tides vary, may damage tidal ecosystem
58 What are some advantages of wave power? No carbon dioxide produced
59 What are some disadvantages of wave unreliable - may not produce electricity when calm
power? seas
60 What are some advantages of solar power? No carbon dioxide produced
61 What are some disadvantages of solar unreliable - no electricity produced at night and
power? limited on cloudy days. Expensive to construct.
62 What term is used to describe energy dissipation
becoming spread out or transferred to a
"wasted" store?
63 What term is used to describe a method for lubrication
reducing unwanted energy transfers by
reducing friction?
64 What is a thermal insulator? A non-conductive material which reduces thermal
energy transfers.
65 What is the name for a method of reducing insulation
energy transfers by the use of non-
conductive materials?
66 What is the law of conservation of energy? Energy cannot be created and destroyed but only
transferred from one store to another.
67 Define specific heat capacity The energy needed to raise the temperature 1 kg of
a material by 1ᵒC
Physics 2: Simple Circuits
Simple circuits k
foundation higher triple
Circuit diagrams use standard symbols for a switch, cell, battery, diode, resistor, variable
resistor, LED, lamp, fuse, voltmeter, ammeter, thermistor, LDR
For electrical charge to flow through a closed circuit the circuit must include a source of
potential difference.
Electric current is a flow of electrical charge. The size of the electric current is the rate of flow
charge and
of electrical charge.
Students should be able to recall and apply charge flow = current × time equation.
A current has the same value at any point in a single closed loop.
The current (I) through a component depends on both the resistance (R) of the component
and the potential difference (V) across the component. The greater the resistance of the
component the smaller the current for a given potential difference (pd) across the
Students should be able to
recall and apply potential difference = current × resistance equation.
Use circuit diagrams to set up and check appropriate circuits to investigate the factors
affecting the resistance of electrical circuits. This should include:
• the length of a wire at constant temperature
activity 3
• combinations of resistors in series and parallel.
Students should be able to explain that, for some resistors, the value of R remains constant
but that in others it can change as the current changes.
The current through an ohmic conductor (at a constant temperature) is directly proportional
to the potential difference across the resistor. This means that the resistance remains
constant as the current changes.
The resistance of components such as lamps, diodes, thermistors and LDRs is not constant; it
changes with the current through the component.
The resistance of a filament lamp increases as the temperature of the filament increases.
The current through a diode flows in one direction only. The diode has a very high resistance
Resistors in the reverse direction.
The resistance of a thermistor decreases as the temperature increases.
The applications of thermistors in circuits eg a thermostat is required.
The resistance of an LDR decreases as light intensity increases.
The application of LDRs in circuits eg switching lights on when it gets dark is required.
explain the design and use of a circuit to measure the resistance of a component by
measuring the current through, and potential difference across, the component
draw an appropriate circuit diagram using correct circuit symbols.
Students should be able to use graphs to explore whether circuit elements are linear or non-
linear and relate the curves produced to their function and properties.
Required use circuit diagrams to construct appropriate circuits to investigate the I–V characteristics of a
practical variety of circuit elements, including a filament lamp, a diode and a resistor at constant
activity 4 temperature.
There are two ways of joining electrical components, in series and in parallel. Some circuits
include both series and parallel parts.
Series and
For components connected in series:
• there is the same current through each component
• the total potential difference of the power supply is shared between the components
• the total resistance of two components is the sum of the resistance of each component.
For components connected in parallel:
• the potential difference across each component is the same
• the total current through the whole circuit is the sum of the currents through the separate
• the total resistance of two resistors is less than the resistance of the smallest individual
use circuit diagrams to construct and check series and parallel circuits that include a variety of
common circuit components
describe the difference between series and parallel circuits
explain qualitatively why adding resistors in series increases the total resistance whilst adding
resistors in parallel decreases the total resistance
explain the design and use of dc series circuits for measurement and testing purposes
calculate the currents, potential differences and resistances in dc series circuits
solve problems for circuits which include resistors in series using the concept of equivalent
Mains electricity is an ac supply. In the United Kingdom the
domestic electricity supply has a frequency of 50 Hz and is about 230 V.
Students should be able to explain the difference between direct and alternating potential
Most electrical appliances are connected to the mains using three core cable. The insulation
Direct and covering each wire is colour coded for easy identification:
alternating live wire – brown, neutral wire – blue, earth wire – green and yellow stripes.
potential The live wire carries the alternating potential difference from the supply. The neutral wire
difference completes the circuit. The earth wire is a safety wire to stop the appliance becoming live.
The potential difference between the live wire and earth (0 V) is about 230 V. The neutral
wire is at, or close to, earth potential (0 V). The earth wire is at 0 V, it only carries a current if
there is a fault.
Explain that a live wire may be dangerous even when a switch in the mains circuit is open
Explain the dangers of providing any connection between the live wire and earth.
Students should be able to explain how the power transfer in any circuit device is related to
the potential difference across it and the current through it, and to the energy changes over
Power time
Students should be able to recall and apply both equations.
power = potential difference × current power = current2 × resistance
Everyday electrical appliances are designed to bring about energy transfers.
The amount of energy an appliance transfers depends on how long the appliance is switched
on for and the power of the appliance.
Students should be able to describe how different domestic appliances transfer energy from
batteries or ac mains to the kinetic energy of electric motors or the energy of heating devices.
Energy Work is done when charge flows in a circuit.
transfers in Students should be able to recall and apply both equations. energy transferred = power ×
everyday time energy transferred = charge flow × potential difference
appliances explain how the power of a circuit device is related to the potential difference across it and
the current through it
explain how the power of a circuit device is related to the energy transferred over a given
Students should be able to describe, with examples, the relationship between the power
ratings for electrical appliances and the changes in stored energy when they are in use.
The National Grid is a system of cables and transformers linking power stations to consumers.
Electrical power is transferred from power stations to consumers using the National Grid.
The Step-up transformers are used to increase the potential difference from the power station to
National the transmission cables then step-down transformers are used to decrease, to a much lower
Grid value, the potential difference for domestic use.
Students should be able to explain why the National Grid system is an efficient way to transfer
6-2 Electricity

1.0 Most domestic appliances are connected to the mains electricity.

1.1 What is the frequency of mains electricity?

Tick one box
[1 mark]

1.05 A

50 Hz

230 V

1.2 What is the potential difference of mains electricity?

Tick one box
[1 mark]

1.05 A

50 Hz

230 V


Label the diagram and explain each part

1.3 Most domestic appliances are connected to the mains electricity with a plug.
Explain why a plug needs a live and a neutral wire.
[2 marks]


1.4 The law specifies the colour that mains wires should be for all domestic electrical circuits.
It is important that the live wire is easy to identify to reduce the risk of an electric shock.
Explain how an electric shock can be caused by a person touching the live wire.
[2 marks]



1.5 An iron is supplied with a current of 3 A from the mains. The resistance of the iron is 100 Ω.
Calculate the power of the iron.
[2 marks]

Power = ______________ W

Physics: Required Practical 3

A A mA


 What is this required practical about?


 Label the equipment in each diagram.

 Think about how you carried out the first circuit practical. Is your method good?

Write a logical and comprehensive method, using numbered bullet points. Read it. If someone else
could get results from it
then yes!
 Recall the equation that links current and voltage.


 What does an ammeter measure, and what are the units? (there are two words that can be used
interchangeably here, give them both)


 What does a voltmeter measure, and what are the units?


 What does a resistor measure, and what are the units?


 Which equation is used to represent a linear relationship?


 When recording results from the experiments above, why should the student ensure all of results are
recorded to the same number of significant figures?



 What is the difference between significant figures and decimal places?



 Sketch the results you would expect to see for each of the following:

Resistor/wire Filament Lamp Diode

Current Current Current

Voltage Voltage Voltage

2.0 A student wants to investigate how the current through a filament lamp affects its resistance.

2.1 Use the circuit symbols in Figure 1 to draw a circuit diagram that he could use.
[2 marks]

Figure 1

12 V battery variable filament voltmeter ammeter

resistor lamp

2.2 Describe how the student could use her circuit to investigate how the current through a filament
lamp affects its resistance.
[4 marks]





REVISE: this equation V = I R

What do each parts of the sentence stand for? Give the units.




TRY: these questions

75BC00FCA8C780AC62CE75BC00FCA&FORM=VIRE (skip to 2mins if you want to just see the resistance)
3.0 A student sets up the electrical circuit shown in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2




3.1 The ammeter displays a reading of 0.025 A.

Calculate the potential difference across the 75 Ω resistor.
Give your answer to 2 significant figures.
[2 marks]

Potential difference = _______________ V

3.2 Calculate the resistance of the resistor labelled R.

[3 marks]

Resistance = __________________ Ω

3.3 State what happens to the total resistance of the circuit and the current through the circuit when
switch S is closed.
[2 marks]


Physics: Required Practical 2

 What is this required practical about?


 Draw a circuit diagram to show how this piece of equipment (above) is put into a circuit.
Also include: one battery, one voltmeter, one ammeter, one bulb

 Think about how you carried out this practical. Is your method good?

Write a logical and comprehensive method, using numbered bullet points. Read it. If someone else
could get results from it
then yes!

 Draw a circuit diagram which includes: one battery, one voltmeter, one ammeter and two bulbs in series.
 Draw a circuit diagram which includes: one battery, one voltmeter, one ammeter and two bulbs in parallel.

 Recall the two factors which affect the resistance of an electrical circuit. For each one, outline how it affects
the resistance.

1. ...............................................................................................................................................


2. ...............................................................................................................................................


 What does an ammeter measure, and what are the units? (there are two words that can be used
interchangeably here, give them both)


 What does a voltmeter measure, and what are the units?


 What does a resistor measure, and what are the units?


 What piece of equipment is used to measure length?


 Recall the equation that links the size of the electric current and the flow of electrical charge below.
Give the units for each part of the equation.

 Recall the equation that links potential difference, current and resistance below.
Give the units for each part of the equation.

 Which equation is used to represent a linear relationship?

Watch this video:

Try these questions:

4.0 A student investigated how current varies with potential difference for two different lamps of the
same type.
Her results are shown in the Figure 3 below.

Figure 3
4.1 Draw the circuit diagram for the circuit that the student could have used to obtain the results
shown in the figure above.
[3 marks]

4.2 The student made the following conclusion,

‘Lamp A is twice a bright as lamp B’.
Use data from Figure 3 to explain why the student’s conclusion is correct.
[3 marks]




4.3 The resistance of each lamp increases as the current increases.

Calculate the difference between the lowest and highest values of resistance
for lamp A from Figure 3.
[3 marks]




Grade 5-7

Series & Parallel Circuits

Diagram 1 Diagram 2

1. What components do the letters A, B and C represent?

A................................. B..................................... C...................................

2. What is the name given to the way the bulbs are arranged in Diagram 1?


3. What is the name given to the way the bulbs are arranged in Diagram 2?


4. In a series circuit, like in Diagram 1, how is the brightness of the first bulb affected when the second bulb is
connected? Explain why this happens?



5. In a parallel circuit, like in Diagram 2, how is the brightness of the first bulb affected when the second bulb is
connected? Explain why this happens?


6. Give one example of where we might find a series circuit in everyday life.


7. Give one example of where we might find a parallel circuit in everyday life.


8. Explain one advantage of using a parallel circuit rather than a series circuit.

9. Dan and Tom build a circuit like the one shown below.

(a) Name the component labelled X ........................................................

(b) What are Dan and Tom using the component labelled X to measure? ................................

(c) Dan says, “Ammeter 1 will show a lower reading than Ammeter 2 because the bulbs in the circuit use up the
Tom says, “Ammeter 1 will show the same reading as Ammeter 2 because current is not used up.”

Who is right? ..................................................

(d) If Ammeter 1 has a reading of 1.5A, what reading will Ammeter 2 show? ....................A

10. (a) The circuit above contains 2 cells. Describe what would happen to the bulbs if Dan and Tom added another


(b) Describe how the reading on the reading on the ammeters would change if another cell was added to the circuit.

What is the current when...
1. 100 C of charge flows through a cell in 20 s?
2. 20,000 C of charge flows through a lamp in 1800 s?
I = Q/t
3. 500,000 C of charge flows in 1 hour?

How much charge flows through a cell when...

4. A current of 1 A flows for 1 s?
5. A current of 3 A flows for 45 s?
6. A current of 5 A flows for 10 minutes?

How long does it take for...

7. A current of 3 A to transfer 90 C of charge?
8. A current of 1 A to transfer 90 C of charge?
9. A current of 5 A to transfer 1,000,000 C of charge?

Potential Difference
Complete the following diagrams by filling in the missing values:
1. 2. 3.
2.5V 2.5V 5V



4. 5. V 6.

3V 3V 3V

Current & Potential Difference 3V
Complete the following diagram by filling in the missing values:
V A2

0.2A V



V2 V3
Current, Potential Difference, & Resistance V V
What is the resistance of...
1. a fixed resistor with a potential difference of 5 V and a current of 0.1 A?
2. a thermistor with a potential difference of 10 V and a current of 0.5 A? V=IxR
3. a LDR with a potential difference of 3 V and a current of 0.01 A?

How much current will be flowing when...

4. a potential difference of 2 V is applied across an LED with a resistance of 20 Ω?
5. a potential difference of 12 V is applied across a 500 Ω resistor?
6. a potential difference of 1.5 V is applied across an thermistor with a resistance of 30 Ω?

What potential difference is needed to make...

7. a current of 1 A to flow through a 1 Ω resistor?
8. a current of 3 A to flow through a 30 Ω resistor?
9. a current of 2 A to flow through a 40 Ω resistor?

Current, Potential Difference, & Power

What is the power rating of a bulb where...
1. The potential difference is 240 V and the current is 0.25 A?
2. The potential difference is 120 V and the current is 0.5 A? P=IxV
3. The potential difference is 240 V and the current is 0.167 A?

How much current flows through the following appliances when connected to a 240 V mains power
4. A 2000 W kettle?
5. A 1.2 kW microwave?
6. A 400 W computer?

How much energy is transferred in each of the above when connected for...
7. 10 seconds?
8. 2 minutes?
9. 1 hour?
Current 9. Kettle: 2000 x 3600 = 7,200,000 J Microwave:
1200 x 4,320,000 = 12,000 J Computer: 400 x
1. 100/20 = 5 A 3600 = 1,440,000 J
2. 1800 s? 20,000/1800 = 11 A
3. 500,000/(1 x 60 x 60) = 138.9 ≈ 140 A
4. 1x1=1C
5. 3 x 45 = 135 C
6. ? 5 x (10 x 60) = 3000 C
7. 90/3 = 30 s
8. 90/1 = 90 s
9. 1,000,000/5 = 200,000 s

Potential difference
1. 2.5
2. 1.25V, 1.25V
3. 2.5
4. 3V, 3V
5. 1.5V, 1.5V, 1.5V, 1.5V.
6. 3V, 1.5V, 1.5V,

Current and Potential Difference

A1 – 0.1 A
A2 – 0.3 A
V1 – 3 V
V2 – 1.5 V
V3 – 1.5 V

Current, Potential Difference, & Resistance

1. 5/0.1 = 50 Ω
2. 10/0.5 = 20 Ω
3. 3/0.01 = 300 Ω
4. 2/20 = 0.1 A
5. 12/500 = 0.024 A
6. 1.5/30 = 0.05 A
7. 1x1=1V
8. 3 x 30 = 90 V
9. 2 x 40 = 80 V

Current, Potential Difference, & Power

1. 25 x 240 = 60 W
2. 0.5 x 120 = 60 W
3. 0.167 x 240 = 40 W

4. 2000/240 = 8.3 A
5. 2000/240 = 5 A
6. 400/240 = 1.7 A
7. Kettle: 2000 x 10 = 20,000 J Microwave: 1200
x 10 = 12,000 J Computer: 400 x 10 = 4,000 J
8. Kettle: 2000 x 120 = 240,000 J Microwave:
1200 x 120 = 144,000 J Computer: 400 x 120 =
48,000 J
Grade 7-9 Series Circuits V = IR
In a series circuit, the components are connected in a _____________, between the ______________ and
_________________ ends of the power supply, except for __________________ which are connected in
parallel to the components. A break in any point in the circuit means that current cannot flow in a complete
loop and the circuit will not work.

The current (A) is the ____________

throughout a series circuit

Itotal = I1 = I2 = I3 = etc.

The potential difference (voltage) in a series

circuit is ________________ between the
The total potential difference (voltage) is the
sum of the potential difference (voltage) of the

Vtotal = V1 + V2 + V3 + etc.

The resistance in a series circuit is the

______________ of all the resistances
added together.

Rtotal = R1 + R2 + R3 + etc.

By adding a resistor into the circuit, the two resistors must share the total p.d.. This means that the p.d. is
lower. This makes the current lower as well.
The bigger the resistor, the _____________ of the total p.d. it takes

Summary of series circuits

2V 2V 2V
1. The pd of the cells adds up to the ____________ pd. 2V + 2V + 2V = 6V

2. The source pd is _____________ across the components.

The total potential difference across
a circuit is the sum of the pds of the
3. The current is the _____________ throughout the components batteries.
We refer to the sum total of the
4. The total resistance of the circuit is the _________ of all the potential differences as the ‘source’
resistances of the separate components. pd

sum same source split

Potential difference is the energy transferred to or from a coulomb (Q or C)

Parallel Circuits V = IR V = p.d. (potential difference or voltage)
I = current (amps or A)
R = resistance (ohms or Ω)

Components connected in parallel each have their own _____________

connected to the positive and negative terminals (except _____________,
which are always connected in series). A break in the circuit will only affect
that loop and not the others. _______________ will still flow to the loops that
are connected.
In a parallel circuit the current ____________ into different branches and
then recombines before it goes back into the supply.
The total current flowing around the circuit is ____________ to the total of
all the currents in all the branches.
Remember that current is the flow of electrons. Each electron can only take
one path.

= 1 2 3

In a parallel circuit the potential difference is the __________ for each

Each coulomb of charge can only take _________ path. It ‘gives up’ its energy
to the component in that pathway. This means that the ______________
_______________ is the same for each component in the circuit.

Vtotal = V1 = V2 = V3 = etc.

Potential difference is the energy transferred to or from a coulomb of charge
(Q or C)

In a parallel circuit, the total resistance is ________

than the resistance of the _____________ resistor
(the component with least resistance).
(Think back to the lunch queue analogy.)
If __________ loops are added, there are more
pathways for the current to take, which means that
the resistance __________.
Using V = IR, we know that an __________ in current
means a ______________ in resistance.

1 1 1 1
= + +
𝑅 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑅1 𝑅2 𝑅3
+ 𝑒𝑡𝑐.
You DO NOT need to remember this equation for the exam. Only that the total resistance is less
than that of the smallest resistor.
These questions and answers are fundamental to understanding this topic. Use these
questions and answers to practice and revise from. Make que cards or simply cover the
right hand side of the page and reveal each answer.
Question Answer R/A/G
70 Draw the circuit symbol for a switch

71 Draw the circuit symbol for a closed

72 Draw the circuit symbol for a cell

73 Draw the circuit symbol for a battery

74 Draw the circuit symbol for a diode

75 Draw the circuit symbol for a resistor

76 Draw the circuit symbol for a variable

77 Draw the circuit symbol for an LED

78 Draw the circuit symbol for a lamp

79 Draw the circuit symbol for a fuse

80 Draw the circuit symbol for a voltmeter

81 Draw the circuit symbol for an ammeter

82 Draw the circuit symbol for a thermistor

83 Draw the circuit symbol for an LDR

84 State the rule for current in a series circuit the current is the same at every point in the
circuit and in every component
85 State the rule for potential difference in a the total potential difference of the power
series circuit supply is shared between components
86 State the rule for resistance in a series the more resistors, the greater the resistance.
circuit RT=R1+R2
87 State the rule for current in a parallel the total current through the whole circuit is
circuit the sum of the currents through the separate
88 State the rule for potential difference in a the potential difference across each branch in
parallel circuit the circuit is the same
89 State the rule for resistance in a parallel adding more resistors in parallel decreases
circuit resistance
90 What colour is the live wire in a three core brown
91 What colour is the neutral wire in a three blue
core cable?
92 What colour is the earth wire in a three green and yellow
core cable?
93 The brown wire in a plug is the _______ live
94 The blue wire in a plug is the ________ neutral
95 The green and yellow wire in a plug is the earth
96 The potential difference between the live 230V
wire and others in the plug is _____ V
97 Current flows into an appliance through live
the _______ wire
98 Current flows out of an appliance through neutral
the ______ wire
99 The _________ wire is a safety feature of earth
100 Potential difference between the neutral 0V
wires and others in the plug should be
____ V
101 Electric Current is….? the flow of electric charge
102 Potential difference between two points the work done when a couloumb of charge
in a circuit is….? passes between the points.
103 In a circuit the potential difference causes charge to flow
104 Resistance is…? caused by anything which opposes the flow of
electric charge
105 Particles which can be 'charges' in electric electrons or ions
circuits are…
106 What is a series circuit? A circuit with only one route for charge to flow
107 What is a parallel circuit? A circuit with more than one route for charge
to flow
108 State the equation which links charge Q=It
flow, current and time
109 State the equation which links current, V=IR
potential difference and resistance
110 State the equation which links current, P=IV
potential difference and power
111 State the equation which links current, P=I2R
power and resistance
112 State the equation which links energy E=Pt
transferred, power and time
113 State the equation which links charge E=QV
flow, energy transferred and potential
114 What is the unit of charge flow? Coulomb ( C )
115 What is the unit of current? Amps (A)
116 What is the unit for potential difference? Volts (V)
117 What is the unit for resistance? Ohms (Ω)
118 What is the unit for power? Watts (W)
119 Draw the I-V characteristic for a fixed
120 Draw the I-V characteristic for a filament
lamp see

121 Draw the I-V characteristic for a diode

122 Describe the I-V characteristic for a fixed Current and potential difference are directly
resistor proportional, resistance is constant
123 Describe the I-V characteristic of a Resistance is not constant, it increases as p.d.
filament lamp increases
124 Explain why resistance increases with temperature increases causing ions to vibrate
increased p.d. in a filament lamp and increasing collisions with electrons flowing
through the filament
125 Describe the I-V characteristic of a diode The current only flows through the diode in one
direction, there is a very high resistance in the
reverse direction.
126 Current which regularly changes direction alternating current
is called…
127 An example of alternating current is…? mains electricity
128 Current which flows in one direction is…? direct current
129 An example of direct current is… batteries
130 What is the potential difference of mains 230V
electricity in the UK?
131 What is the frequency of the alternating 50Hz
current in UK mains electricity?
132 The national grid consists of…? Cables and transformers
133 Are power stations par of the national no
134 What does a step up transformer do? Increases p.d.
135 What does a step down transformer do? reduces p.d. to 230 V
136 Why are transformers used? reduce current so that less heat is lost in cables,
increases efficiency
Science Faculty Physics 3: Particles Checklist

Students should be able to recall and apply the density equation to changes where mass is
conserved. density = mass/volume
Density of Students should be able to recognise/draw simple diagrams to model the difference between
materials solids, liquids and gases.
Students should be able to explain the differences in density between the different states of
matter in terms of the arrangement of atoms or molecules.
Use appropriate apparatus to make and record the measurements needed to determine the
Required densities of regular and irregular solid objects and liquids. Volume should be determined from
practical the dimensions of regularly shaped objects, and by a displacement technique for irregularly
activity 5: shaped objects. Dimensions to be measured using appropriate apparatus such as a ruler,
micrometer or Vernier callipers.
Students should be able to describe how, when substances change state (melt, freeze, boil,
Changes of evaporate, condense or sublimate), mass is conserved.
state Changes of state are physical changes which differ from chemical changes because the material
recovers its original properties if the change is reversed.
Energy is stored inside a system by the particles (atoms and molecules) that make up the
system. This is called internal energy.
Internal energy is the total kinetic energy and potential energy of all the particles (atoms and
molecules) that make up a system.
Heating changes the energy stored within the system by increasing the energy of the particles
that make up the system. This either raises the temperature of the system or produces a
change of state.
If the temperature of the system increases, the increase in temperature depends on the mass
of the substance heated, the type of material and the energy input to the system.
The specific heat capacity of a substance is the amount of energy required to raise the
re changes
temperature of one kilogram of the substance by one degree Celsius.
in a system
Students should be able to apply Δ E = m c Δ θ equation, which is given on the Physics equation
sheet, to calculate the energy change involved when the temperature of a material changes.
If a change of state happens: The energy needed for a substance to change state is called latent
heat. When a change of state occurs, the energy supplied changes the energy stored (internal
energy) but not the temperature.
The specific latent heat of a substance is the amount of energy required to change the state of
Changes of
one kilogram of the substance with no change in temperature.
heat and
Specific latent heat of fusion – change of state from solid to liquid/Specific latent heat of
vaporisation – change of state from liquid to vapour
latent heat
Students should be able to apply E = m L equation, which is given on the Physics equation
sheet, to calculate the energy change involved in a change of state.
Students should be able to interpret heating and cooling graphs that include changes of state.
Students should be able to distinguish between specific heat capacity and specific latent heat.
The molecules of a gas are in constant random motion. The temperature of the gas is related to
the average kinetic energy of the molecules.
Changing the temperature of a gas, held at constant volume, changes the pressure exerted by
Particle the gas.
motion in explain how the motion of the molecules in a gas is related to both its temperature and its
gases pressure
explain qualitatively the relation between the temperature of a gas and its pressure at constant
Matter: Kinetic Molecular Model, and Thermal Properties
In these notes: bullet points are from the Cambridge IGCSE syllabus. Text in italics is supplementary (extended).

1. Solids, Liquids and Gases: Properties and Particles

 State the distinguishing properties of solids,

liquids and gases.
 Describe qualitatively the molecular structure of The world ‘particles’ is used a lot below. t can mean either
solids, liquids and gases. atoms, or molecules (two or more atoms bonded together).
 Relate the properties of solids, liquids and gases For example, a particle of iron is simply a single iron atom;
to the forces and distances between molecules whereas a particle of water is a molecule of H2O (two
hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, bonded together),
and to the motion of the molecules. and a particle of sucrose is the molecule C12H22O11.

State Distinguishing Property Explanation in terms of particles

Solid The particles are strongly attracted and can’t

(Atoms/molecules held very change their positions.
close together by strong
attractions. They stay in
their positions, but vibrate – The particles are very close together (and if you
move repeatedly backwards try to push them closer, they repel each other).
and forwards.)

Liquid The particles are not strongly attracted, so they

(Atoms/molecules are very can move past each other.
close together but the
attractions are weaker than Gravity pulls the liquid down, and the particles
in a solid. So they can move can’t escape from each other because they are
around, changing positions. attracted. But the attractions are not strong, so
Neighbouring particles may the particles move around and the liquid flows
be temporarily attracted, but to fill the bottom of the container.
then break apart again.)
The particles are very close together (and if you
try to push them closer, they repel each other).

Gas The particles are not attracted, so they do not

(Atoms/molecules are far stay together.
apart, and there is no (This is beyond IGCSE, but in case you’re
attraction between them. wondering: gas particles can ‘defy’ gravity
They move in random because they have a lot of energy for their size.
directions, at high speed.) Like a fast-moving rocket or a firework, they are
energetic enough to overcome gravity.)
Warning! Students often think the The particles are far apart, so they can be
particles are significantly farther
apart in a liquid than in a solid. This is
pushed closer together.
not true. If you draw the particles in
a liquid, you should draw them
Not many particles per unit volume, so has a low
mass per unit volume.
2. Heat and Temperature

 Interpret the temperature of a gas in terms of the motion of its molecules.

Firstly, heat and temperature are not the same thing (although they are related).

Heat: a type of _____________. Heat can be transferred from one object or place to another, and we measure amounts of heat
in ____________. When some heat enters an object, its temperature usually _______ (but not always – see later).

Temperature: the temperature of an object is related to the average kinetic energy of its particles. The faster its particles are
moving (either vibrating or moving around), the _________ its temperature. (Beyond IGCSE: the temperature of an object is
directly proportional to the average kinetic energy of its particles.) Usually if you give an object some more heat, that extra
energy is shared between the object’s particles. The average kinetic energy (and the speed) of the particles increases. This
means it has a higher ________________ than before.

3. Thermal Expansion

 Describe qualitatively the thermal expansion of solids, liquids and gases.

 Identify and explain some of the everyday applications and consequences of Warning! Students often
write that when a substance is
thermal expansion.
heated, “its particles expand”.
 Explain in terms of motion and arrangement of molecules the relative order You would get no marks for
of magnitude of the expansion of solids, liquids and gases. this! The particles don’t
expand – they stay the same
Thermal expansion can be explained by the kinetic molecular model of matter. size. The substance itself
expands, because its particles
If the temperature of a substance rises, that means its particles are moving faster. move farther apart.
This causes changes we can measure and sometimes actually see:

Solid Liquid Gas

The particles vibrate faster and The particles move around faster. The particles move around faster.
farther. They push each other They hit each other with more They hit the insides of their
farther apart, so the solid expands force, pushing each other farther container harder and more often. If
a little. apart. So the liquid expands a the container is able to be pushed
little. outwards by their increased force
(e.g. a balloon, a syringe), then the
gas will expand. Gases expand
much more than solids and liquids.

Particles in a solid ___________ Particles in a liquid ___________ _____________________________

___________________________ ___________________________ _____________________________
___________________________; ___________________________; _____________________________
this stops them moving much this stops the liquid expanding as _____________________________,
farther apart, so the expansion in a much as a gas, but allows it to so gases expand a lot when their
solid is usually small. expand more than a solid. temperature rises.
Thermal expansion - uses and risks:


The liquid (mercury, or more commonly alcohol) in a thermometer _____________ when
heated, and can be used to show the temperature:

Bimetallic strips:
Different metals expand by different amounts when heated. If strips of two different metals are welded/stuck
together, their different amounts of expansion causes them to bend. This phenomenon can be used for
temperature measurement, or for cutting off a circuit when it gets too hot.

A bimetallic strip thermometer (left). This strip is bent into a spiral. When it expands, the spiral starts to open out,
and the pointer moves round.

Dealing with Risks

When large structures like bridges expand in hot weather, this could cause serious danger and damage: the bridge
could bend or crack. The pictures below show ‘expansion joints’ in bridges: they give room for the bridge to expand

The same applies to railway tracks. On the left is a track which has got hot, expanded and
buckled (notice the derailed train in the background). It is important to include small gaps
in the rails so this doesn’t happen.
4. Evaporation

 Describe evaporation in terms of the escape of more energetic molecules from the surface of a liquid.
 Relate evaporation to the consequent cooling.
 Demonstrate understanding of how temperature, surface area and air flow over a surface influence

Evaporation can be explained by the kinetic molecular model of matter (matter is made of moving particles).
Evaporation is a change of state of a ____________ into a ____________ at a temperature ____________ the boiling
point of the liquid. It happens at the liquid ____________, where some of the ____________ -moving particles
escape. (In a liquid, there is an average particle speed, but some particles will be faster than this and some slower.)
This lowers the average kinetic energy of the particles in the liquid – so the liquid’s ____________ drops.

no. of
molecules at
a particular

speed of
Aver molecule
age (m/s)

Factors which increase the rate of evaporation:

5. Melting and Boiling

 Describe melting and boiling in terms of energy input without a change in temperature.
 Distinguish between boiling and evaporation.
 Describe condensation and solidification.
 State the meaning of melting point and boiling point.
 Use the terms latent heat of vaporisation and latent heat of fusion and give a molecular interpretation of
latent heat.

Changes of State

‘States of matter’ are the physical states in which matter can exist: solid, liquid and gas. You need to
remember the words we use for the changes between states:

Changes of state can be explained by the kinetic molecular model of matter:

Melting happens when the particles of a solid get enough ____________ to partly break free of their
attractions. This happens if the solid is given enough heat to reach its melting point (melting temperature),
for example 0°C for ice.

Boiling happens when the particles of a liquid get enough energy to break free of their ____________
completely. This happens if the liquid is given enough heat to reach its boiling point (boiling temperature),
for example, 100°C for water.

Water is an unusual substance. Most liquids contract (get smaller) as they get colder and then freeze. But
when water gets close to freezing, its particles actually get farther
apart. That’s because in solid water (ice), the particles fit together
in a particular arrangement which is relatively spaced out (see
diagrams). That means ice is less dense than water, which has
some important consequences for our planet…

Boiling and Evaporation

Evaporation Boiling
Involves liquid turning into gas. Involves liquid turning into gas.
Happens at any temperature (as long as
the substance is a liquid).
Happens throughout the liquid. Bubbles appear and rise
to the surface. These bubbles are filled with the gas
version of the liquid. (E.g. when water boils, the bubbles
are full of water in the gas state.)
Heat has to enter the liquid from outside to make boiling
Latent Heat

When you boil a liquid, its temperature doesn’t go above the boiling point until it has finished boiling. For
example, while you are boiling water, the temperature of the water stays at 100°C until all the water has
boiled to water vapour.

This may seem strange: you are putting heat energy into the liquid, yet its temperature
does not rise. Where is the energy going?

The heat energy is used to break the intermolecular attractions between the molecules
of the liquid; after the liquid has turned to gas, this energy is stored in the gas as
potential energy. (The molecules now have the potential to come back together again to
form a liquid. If they do, the stored chemical energy will turn back into heat energy.)

The same thing happens when a solid melts. For example, if you heat ice so that it melts,
the temperature of the ice+water mixture will stay at 0°C until all the ice has melted.

This diagram shows the energy and temperature changes when a substance melts or boils. (Ek means kinetic energy
of the particles; Ep means potential energy of the particles.)

Below is a heating curve for water; a heating curve is a graph showing the temperature of a substance
plotted against the amount of energy it has absorbed. You may also see a cooling curve, which shows the
temperature when a substance cools down.
6. Behaviour of Gases

 Describe qualitatively the pressure of a gas in terms of the motion of its molecules.
 Describe qualitatively the effect of a change of temperature on the pressure of a gas at constant volume.
 Describe qualitatively the effect of a change of temperature on the volume of a gas at constant pressure.
 Relate the change in volume of a gas to change in pressure applied to the gas at constant temperature and
use the equation p V = constant at constant temperature.

Why do gases exert a pressure? What happens to the pressure when you What happens to the volume
increase the temperature (but keep the when you increase the
volume the same – say, by trapping the gas temperature (but keep the
inside a strong box)? pressure the same – say, by
keeping the same weight on top
of the gas)?

Cool gas Hot gas

Lower temp. Higher temp.

If you keep the temperature of a gas the same but change its pressure, the volume will change. Or if you change the
volume, the pressure will change:

In a gas at constant temperature, the pressure (p) is inversely proportional to the

volume (V): that means if the pressure increases the volume decreases, and if the
pressure decreases the volume increases. The relationship looks like this:
3 Particle model of matter – Trilogy

STUDY: Not only should you be able to draw the particle model but you need to be able to
describe the structure and bonding too.

1.0 A teacher uses a tray filled with table tennis balls to model how particles are arranged in
materials, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

1.1 Initially the balls are arranged in a regular pattern as shown in Figure 1.
Which state of matter is best represented by the balls in Figure 1?
[1 mark]
Tick one box.




1.2 The teacher then moves the tray from side to side so that the table tennis balls are no longer in
a regular pattern.
Which state of matter is now best represented by the balls?
[1 mark]
Tick one box.




1.3 The teacher next performs another demonstration by moving the tray more vigorously so that
some of the balls jump out of the tray.
The teacher tells the students that the balls that have left the tray represent gas particles.
Which two processes could this demonstration represent?
[2 marks]
Tick two boxes.






1.4 Gases can be at different temperatures.

[1 mark]
Tick one box.

The temperature of a gas is related to

the average size of the particles

the average mass of the particles

the average kinetic energy of the particles

1.5 Figure 2 shows some of the gas particles in a balloon.

Figure 2
Describe the movement of the gas particles inside the balloon.
[2 marks]






1.6 The gas in the balloon has a mass of 0.032 kg.

The balloon has a volume of 0.025 m3.
Calculate the density of the gas in the balloon.
[2 marks]




Density of gas =____________________ kg/m3

2.0 Figure 3 shows a fridge with a freezer compartment.

Figure 3

2.1 Energy is transferred to cool food when it is placed in the fridge.

Complete the sentence to describe how energy is transferred to cool the food.
[2 marks]

food fridge surroundings Energy is

transferred from
_________________ to the _______________.

This energy is then transferred to the _______________.

COMPLETE this table about the particle model of the three states of matter.



Describe the
of the atoms
Describe the
of particles
Describe the

2.2 The fridge and freezer compartment contain water in three different states.
Use your knowledge of the particle model to explain the differences in how the particles are
arranged in solids, liquids and gases.
Include in your answer any differences in how the particles move in each state of matter.
[6 marks]















Evaluate what you saw in the video.
How were the particles moving in the hot liquid compared to the cold liquid. Can you explain
why this occurred, use your ideas about energy.

2.3 The temperature of the air inside the freezer compartment is –5 °C.
The temperature of the air inside the fridge is 5 °C
Explain why the particles in the freezer compartment move at a different speed than those in
the main part of the fridge.
[2 marks]




3.0 A student used the apparatus in Figure 4 to compare the specific heat capacities of different
metals. Figure 4

The student measured the

time taken to increase the
temperature of each material
by 10 °C.
Figure 5 shows the
student’s results.

Figure 5

REMIND YOUR SELF about the Specific Heat Capacity Required Practical.


3.1 The student makes the following conclusion;

‘The specific heat capacity of concrete is five times greater than tin.’
Use data from the bar chart to decide if the student’s conclusion is correct.
[2 marks]





Write the equation four times in the space below, each time changing the subject of the

Energy = Specific heat

capacity =

Mass = Change in
temperature =

3.2 The iron block had a mass of 1.023 kg.

The specific heat capacity of iron is 450 J / kg °C.
Calculate the energy transferred by the heater to increase the temperature of the iron block by
10 °C.
Use the correct equation from the physics equation sheet.
Give your answer to two significant figures.
[3 marks]




Energy transferred = __________________ J

The student used the same apparatus to heat a 1 kg block of aluminium.
He recorded the temperature of the block as it was heated from room temperature.
The results are shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6

Time the immersion heater is switched on for in minutes

3.3 After how many minutes did the student record the incorrect temperature?
[1 mark]

Time = ______________ minutes

3.4 Draw the line of best fit for the points plotted in Figure 6.
[1 mark]

3.5 What was the temperature of the room?

[1 mark]

Temperature ________________ °C

3.6 Another student suggested repeating the experiment using a heater with a greater power.
Explain what effect this would have on the gradient of the graph the student drew.
[3 marks]




Physics: Required Practical 4

 What is this required practical about?


 Recall the equation to calculate density.


 What piece of equipment is used to measure length?


 What piece of equipment is used to measure area?


 What piece of equipment is used to measure mass?


 What piece of equipment is used to measure volume?


 Look at the blue cube. Write a method to calculate the density of this regular shaped object. Remember you
might need an additional bit of equipment.

Write a logical and comprehensive method, using numbered bullet points. Is your method good?

Read it. If someone else

could get results from it
then yes!
 Look at the pebble in the measuring cylinder. Write a method to calculate the density of this irregular
shaped object. Remember you might need an additional bit of equipment.

Write a logical and comprehensive method, using numbered bullet points. Is your method good?

Read it. If someone else

could get results from it
then yes!

 An alternative method to calculate the density of an irregular object is depicted below. Briefly outline how
this method works.





 Outline how to find the density of a liquid.





 Find the area of the objects below:

These questions and answers are fundamental to understanding this topic. Use these
questions and answers to practice and revise from. Make que cards or simply cover the
right hand side of the page and reveal each answer.
Question Answer R/A/G
137 How much mass a substance contains compared density
to it's volume is…
138 State the equation which links density, mass and ρ=m/v
139 Name the change of state when a liquid freezing
becomes a solid
140 Name the change of state when a solid becomes melting
a liquid
141 Name the change of state when a liquid evaporation
becomes a gas
142 Name the change of state when a gas becomes a condensation
143 Name the change of state when a solid becomes sublimation
a gas (without passing through liquid form)
144 Changes of state are caused by the amount of energy
_________ a substance has
145 State changes are examples of ___________ physical
146 Physical changes are ones which can be reversed
147 A change which creates new products and chemical
cannot be reversed is _________ change
148 The energy stored inside a system by the internal
particles which make it up is known as
____________ energy
149 What is internal energy? The total kinetic energy and potential
energy of all the particles in a system
150 Energy stored within moving objects is kinetic
151 Energy stored in particles because of their potential energy
position is…?
152 Particles wich are further apart have _________ more
potential energy
153 The energy needed to raise the temperature 1 specific heat capacity
kg of a material by 1ᵒC is the __________
154 The average kinetic energy of particles is known temperature
as the ___________
155 The amount of energy required to change the specific latent heat
state of one kilogram of a substance with no
change in temperature is the …?
156 Latent heat of fusion is for changing…? solid to liquid
157 Latent heat of vaporisation is for changing….? liquid to vapour (gas)
158 Increasing temperature ______________ increases
pressure in a gas if volume is constant
159 The force exerted by gas on a surface as the gas pressure
particles collide with it is known as….?
160 State the units of density kg/m3
161 State the units of volume m3
162 Sketch the heating curve for water

163 Draw a particle diagram for a solid

164 Draw a particle diagram for a liquid

should be
no particle
sized gaps.

165 Draw a particle diagram for a gas

166 Why doesn't temperature increase during Energy is being used to weaken forces
melting? between particles
167 Why doesn't temperature increase during Energy is being used to weaken forces
evaporation between particles
168 Why does temperature of a substance increase Particles gain more kinetic energy and
as it is heated? temperature is a measure of kinetic
169 Particles are arranged regularly in a ….? solid
170 Particles are arranged randomly, but touching in liquid
a …?
171 Particles move around randomly in a ….? gas
Science Faculty Physics 4: Atomic Structure Checklist

Atomic Structure check

The structure Atoms are very small, having a radius of about 1 × 10-10 metres.
of an atom The basic structure of an atom is a positively charged nucleus composed of both protons and
neutrons surrounded by negatively charged electrons.
The radius of a nucleus is less than 1/10 000 of the radius of an atom. Most of the mass of an
atom is concentrated in the nucleus.
The electrons are arranged at different distances from the nucleus (different energy levels).
The electron arrangements may change with the absorption of electromagnetic radiation
(move further from the nucleus; a higher energy level) or by the emission of electromagnetic
radiation (move closer to the nucleus; a lower energy level).
In an atom the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus. Atoms
have no overall electrical charge.
All atoms of a particular element have the same number of protons. The number of protons
in an atom of an element is called its atomic number.
The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom is called its mass number.
Atoms of the same element can have different numbers of neutrons; these atoms are called
isotopes of that element.
Atoms turn into positive ions if they lose one or more outer electron(s).
Students should be able to relate differences between isotopes to differences in
conventional representations of their identities, charges and masses.
The New experimental evidence may lead to a scientific model being changed or replaced.
development Before the discovery of the electron, atoms were thought to be tiny spheres that could not
of the model be divided.
of the atom The discovery of the electron led to the plum pudding model of the atom. The model
suggested that the atom is a ball of positive charge with negative electrons embedded in it.
The results from the alpha particle scattering experiment led to the conclusion that the mass
of an atom was concentrated at the centre (nucleus) and that the nucleus was charged. This
nuclear model replaced the plum pudding model.
Niels Bohr adapted the nuclear model by suggesting that electrons orbit the nucleus at
specific distances. The theoretical calculations of Bohr agreed with experimental
Later experiments led to the idea that the positive charge of any nucleus could be subdivided
into a whole number of smaller particles, each particle having the same amount of positive
charge. The name proton was given to these particles.
The experimental work of James Chadwick provided the evidence to show the existence of
neutrons within the nucleus. This was about 20 years after the nucleus became an accepted
scientific idea.
why the new evidence from the scattering experiment led to a change in the atomic model
the difference between the plum pudding model of the atom and the nuclear model of the
Radioactive Some atomic nuclei are unstable. The nucleus gives out radiation as it changes to become
decay and more stable. This is a random process called radioactive decay.
nuclear Activity is the rate at which a source of unstable nuclei decays
radiation Activity is measured in becquerel (Bq)
Count-rate is the number of decays recorded each second by a detector (eg Geiger-Muller
The nuclear radiation emitted may be:
• an alpha particle (α) – this consists of two neutrons and two protons, it is the same as a
helium nucleus
• a beta particle (β) – a high speed electron ejected from the nucleus as a neutron turns into
a proton
• a gamma ray (γ) – electromagnetic radiation from the nucleus
• a neutron (n).
Required knowledge of the properties of alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays is
limited to their penetration through materials, their range in air and ionising power.
Students should be able to apply their knowledge to the uses of radiation and evaluate the
best sources of radiation to use in a given situation.

Nuclear Nuclear equations are used to represent radioactive decay.

equations beta decay does not cause the mass of the nucleus to change but does cause the charge of
the nucleus to increase.
Students should be able to use the names and symbols of common nuclei and particles to
write balanced equations that show single alpha (α) and beta (β) decay. This is limited to
balancing the atomic numbers and mass numbers.
The emission of a gamma ray does not cause the mass or the charge of the nucleus to
Half-lives and Radioactive decay is random.
the random The half-life of a radioactive isotope is the time it takes for the number of nuclei of the
nature of isotope in a sample to halve, or the time it takes for the count rate (or activity) from a sample
radioactive containing the isotope to fall to half its initial level.
decay Explain the concept of half-life and how it is related to the random nature of radioactive
determine the half-life of a radioactive isotope from given information.
Radioactive Radioactive contamination is the unwanted presence of materials containing radioactive
contamination atoms on other materials. The hazard from contamination is due to the decay of the
contaminating atoms. The type of radiation emitted affects the level of hazard.
Irradiation is the process of exposing an object to nuclear radiation. The irradiated object
does not become radioactive.
Students should be able to compare the hazards associated with contamination and
Suitable precautions must be taken to protect against any hazard that the radioactive source
used in the process of irradiation may present.
Students should understand that it is important for the findings of studies into the effects of
radiation on humans to be published and shared with other scientists so that the findings can
be checked by peer review.
Background Background radiation is around us all of the time. It comes from:
radiation • natural sources such as rocks and cosmic rays from space
• man-made sources such as the fallout from nuclear weapons testing and nuclear accidents.
The level of background radiation and radiation dose may be affected by
Radiation dose is measured in sieverts (Sv)
1000 millisieverts (mSv) = 1 sievert (Sv)
Different half- Radioactive isotopes have a very wide range of half-life values.
lives of Students should be able to explain why the hazards associated with radioactive material
radioactive differ according to the half-life involved.
Uses of Nuclear radiations are used in medicine for the:
nuclear • exploration of internal organs
radiation • control or destruction of unwanted tissue.
describe and evaluate the uses of nuclear radiations for exploration of internal organs, and
for control or destruction of unwanted tissue
evaluate the perceived risks of using nuclear radiations in relation to given data and
Nuclear Nuclear fission is the splitting of a large and unstable nucleus (eg uranium or plutonium).
fission Spontaneous fission is rare. Usually, for fission to occur the unstable nucleus must first
absorb a neutron.
The nucleus undergoing fission splits into two smaller nuclei, roughly equal in size, and emits
two or three neutrons plus gamma rays. Energy is released by the fission reaction.
All of the fission products have kinetic energy.
The neutrons may go on to start a chain reaction.
The chain reaction is controlled in a nuclear reactor to control the energy released. The
explosion caused by a nuclear weapon is caused by an uncontrolled chain reaction.
draw/interpret diagrams representing nuclear fission and how a chain reaction may occur.
Nuclear fusion Nuclear fusion is the joining of two light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus. In this process
some of the mass may be converted into the energy of radiation.

Complete this table about what you know about the different types of radiation

Key words

Half-life: ________________________________________________________________________________

Isotope: ________________________________________________________________________________

alpha beta gamma


…and therefore…
Relative speed

…and therefore…

Stopped by…

6-4 Atomic structure – Trilogy


1.0 Figure 1 shows a helium atom.

Figure 1

1.1 Use the words in the box to label the diagram.

[2 marks]
electron neutron proton

1.2 An alpha particle is the same as the nucleus of a helium atom.

How is an alpha particle different from a helium atom?
[1 mark]



1.3 Complete the atomic symbol for helium to show helium’s atomic number and mass number.
[2 marks]
RECALL: what is the definition of half-life?



The graph shows how the count rate from a sample of radioactive sodium-24 changes with

1.4 What time, in hours, does it take for the count rate to fall from 60 counts per second to 40
counts per second?
[2 marks]



time = ____________ hours

1.5 What is the half-life of sodium-24?

[1 mark]

half-life = _____________ hours


2.0 The names of three types of radiation are given in List A. Some properties of these three types
of radiation are given in List B.
2.1 Draw one line from each type of radiation in List A to its correct property in List B.
[3 marks]

List A
List B
Type of
Property of radiation

will pass through paper but is stopped by thin metal


has the shortest range in air


will not harm human cells


is very weakly ionising

2.2 Complete the following sentences using the words from the box.
[4 marks]

alpha beta gamma proton neutron

The most penetrating type of radiation is ___________ .

The type of radiation with the greatest charge is ____________ .

The type of radiation with the greatest range in air is _________ .

The two types of radiation that have no charge are __________and _________.
3.0 The discovery of the electron led to the plum pudding model to
explain the structure of the atom.

The results from the alpha particle scattering experiment led to

the plum pudding model being replaced by the nuclear

TOP TIP: In the exam if you are asked to compare two things
or describe the similarities and differences. Draw up a table to
lay out your answer clearly and make sure you have enough
points to make sure you gain all the marks.

And DON’T BOTHER writing the same thing but in reverse. E.g Nuclear model has shells, plum pudding
does not have shells, you will only score 1 mark for this

3.1 Describe the differences between the two models of the atom.
[6 marks]

Plum pudding Nuclear model

KEY WORD: What is the definitions of an isotope? Write it in the space below.

4.0 There are many isotopes of the element technetium (Tc).

4.1 What do the nuclei of different technetium isotopes have in common?

[1 mark]



4.2 The isotope technetium-99 is produced when a nucleus of a molybdenum-99 decays; it emits
radiation when it decays.

Mo Tc + Radiation

What type of radiation is emitted by molybdenum-99? ______________

[2 marks]
Give a reason for your answer.



4.3 Technetium-99 has a short half-life and emits gamma radiation.

What is meant by the term ‘half-life’?
[1 mark]


4.4 Technetium-99 is used by doctors as a medical tracer. In hospitals it is produced inside a

technetium generator by the decay of molybdenum-99 nuclei.
The graph below shows how the number of nuclei in a sample of molybdenum-99 changes with
time as the nuclei decay.

Time in days
A technetium generator will continue to produce sufficient technetium-99 until three half-lives have
After how many days should the technetium generator be replaced?
[2 marks]




Number of days = _____________

4.5 A doctor claims that after 13 days the technetium generator will be safe to dispose of.
Calculate the number of molybdenum nuclei remaining after 13 days, and comment on whether
it would be safe to dispose of.
[6 marks]




number of molybdenum nuclei remaining = _____________

Safety _______________________________________________________________



Grade 5-7 questions

Radiation and Half-life Worksheet

1. Where does nuclear radiation come from?



2. What are alpha particles made of?


3. What are the properties of gamma radiation?



4. Complete the following nuclear decay equations. Add the mass numbers and atomic numbers of
the daughter element (shown as X).
5. A student is given a low-level radioactive source, but the label has gone missing from the lead-
lined box it is kept in. Design an experiment to find out whether the source is an alpha, beta or
gamma emitter using a Geiger-counter and a range of materials.











6. Explain what is meant by ionizing radiation.




7. Explain how ionizing radiation can affect living cells.



8. Gamma radiation may be used to treat cancer. The diagram below shows many gamma sources
directed at a single point. What is the advantage of this method compared with using a single






9. Why is gamma radiation used as a tracer in the body rather than alpha radiation?




10. What is half-life?



11. Use the graph to calculate the half life of a sample.

counts per minute Half-life= ………………

time (days)

12. Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5,700 years. If a sample of freshly cut wood has a count rate of 10
counts per minute, and a second piece of wood has a count rate of
2.5 counts per minute, how old is the second piece of wood?




13. Would long or short half-life materials be appropriate in the following situations?

long or short half-


smoke alarm

fuel for nuclear power

gamma knife for use

in hospital

radioactive source for

use in school
Grade 8-9 questions

Half-life problems

These questions and answers are fundamental to understanding this topic. Use these
questions and answers to practice and revise from. Make que cards or simply cover the
right hand side of the page and reveal each answer.
Question Answer R/A/G
172 Define atom The smallest part of an element that can
173 All substances are made up of…? atoms
174 The radius of an atom is …? 0.1 nm (1 x 1010 m)
175 The overall charge on an atom is… zero/neutral
176 Define element Contains only one type of atom
177 Substances found in the periodic table are…? elements
178 Approximately how many elements are there? 100
179 Define isotope An atom of the same element with
different numbers of neutrons
180 Define radioactive decay An unstable nucleus changes to become
more stabe and gives out radiation
181 We cannot predict when a given atom will random
decay, this means that radioactive deacy is ….?
182 Define activity Rate at which decay occurs
183 What are the units of activity? Becquerels (Bq)
184 Define count rate Number of decays recorded each second
by a Geiger-Muller tube
185 Defne half life The time taken for number of radioactive
nuclei in a sample to halve OR time taken
for count rate (or activity) from a sample
to fall to half its initial value
186 Define contamination The unwanted presence of materials
containing radioactive atoms
187 Define irradiation When an object is exposed to radiation
188 Does an irradiatied object become radioactive no
189 The process of radiation removing electrons ionisation
from atoms to form ions is called…?
190 If ionisation happens in DNA it can cause mutations, cancer
___________ which may result in
191 Define peer review Checking of scientific results by other
scientific experts
192 Define mass number The total number of protons and
neutrons in an atom
193 Define atomic number The number of protons in an atom
(number of electrons is the same in a
neutral atom)
194 Electrons in atoms are located in ___________ energy levels
195 Absorption of radiation by an atom may result electrons, higher
in ____________ moving to a
________________ energy level
196 Emission of radiation from an atom may lead electrons, lower
to _____________ moving to a
______________ energy level
197 Who came up with the Plumb Pudding model J J Thompson
of the atom
198 Describe the Plumb Pudding model of the A ball of positive charge with negative
atom electrons embedded in it
199 Was the Plumb Pudding model correct? no
200 What experiment did Rutherford do? Alpha particle scattering
201 What did Rutherford's experiment reveal? Atoms have a central area of positive
charge with electrons surrounding it
202 Who discovered that electrons are located in Niels Bohr
energy levels?
203 What did Jame Chadwick discover about the That the nucleus contains neutrons as
atom? well as protons
204 What did John Dalton contribute to our Matter is made up of descrete, spherical
understanding of atomic theory? particles, known as atoms
205 Name the three subatomic particles proton, neutron, electron
206 Which particles are located in the atoms protons, neutrons
207 What is the charge of each subatomic particle? proton +1, neutron 0, electron -1
208 What is the mass of each subatomic particle? proton 1, neutron 1, elecrton ≈ 0
209 Name the three types of radiation alpha, beta and gamma
210 What is an alpha particle? two protons and two neutrons
211 What is a beta particle? an electron
212 What is gamma radiation? electromagnetic wave (NOT a particle)
213 What is the range of alpha radiation in air? short - 5 cm in air
214 What is the range of gamma radiation in air? unlimited in air
215 What's the range of beta radiation in air? medium - about 1 m
216 What will absorb (stop) alpha radiation? paper/skin
217 What will absorb (stop) beta radiation? about 5 mm aluminium
218 What will absorb (stop) gamma radiation? several centimetres of lead
219 What is the ionising power of alpha radiation? very high
220 What is the ionising power of beta radiation? medium
221 What is the ionising power of gamma low
222 What is meant by the ionising power of how likely it is to ionise atoms which it
radiation? comes into contact with
223 How does alpha decay alter the mass number decreases by 4
of the parent nucleus?
224 How does alpha decay alter the atomic number decreases by 2
of the parent nucleus?
225 How does beta decay alter the mass number of stays the same
the parent nucleus?
226 How does beta decay alter the atomic number increases by 1
of the parent nucleus?
227 How does gamma radiation alter the mass and unchanged (energy is released as the
atomic number of the parent nucleus particles in the nucleus reorganise to a
lower energy arrangement)
Science Faculty Physics 5: Forces Checklist

Forces RAG
foundation higher triple
Scalar and Scalar quantities have magnitude only.
vector Vector quantities have magnitude and an associated direction.
quantities A vector quantity may be represented by an arrow. The length of the arrow represents the
magnitude, and the direction of the arrow the direction of the vector quantity.
Contact and A force is a push or pull that acts on an object due to the interaction with another object.
non-contact All forces between objects are either: • contact forces – the objects are physically touching
forces • non-contact forces – the objects are physically separated.
Examples of contact forces include friction, air resistance, tension and normal contact
Examples of non-contact forces are gravitational force, electrostatic force and magnetic
Force is a vector quantity.
Students should be able to describe the interaction between pairs of objects which
produce a force on each object. The forces to be represented as vectors.
Gravity Weight is the force acting on an object due to gravity. The force of gravity close to the
Earth is due to the gravitational field around the Earth.
The weight of an object depends on the gravitational field strength at the point where the
object is.
Recall and apply weight = mass × gravitational field strength equation.
The weight of an object may be considered to act at a single point referred to as the
object’s ‘centre of mass’.
The weight of an object and the mass of an object are directly proportional.
Resultant A number of forces acting on an object may be replaced by a single force that has the same
forces effect as all the original forces acting together. This single force is called the resultant
Students should be able to calculate the resultant of two forces that act in a straight line.
describe examples of the forces acting on an isolated object or system
Use free body diagrams to describe qualitatively examples where several forces lead to a
resultant force on an object, including balanced forces when the resultant force is zero.
A single force can be resolved into two components acting at right angles to each other.
The two component forces together have the same effect as the single force.
Students should be able to use vector diagrams to illustrate resolution of forces,
equilibrium situations and determine the resultant of two forces, to include both
magnitude and direction (scale drawings only).
Distance and Distance is how far an object moves and does not involve direction. It is a scalar quantity.
displacement Displacement includes both the distance an object moves, measured in a straight line from
the start point to the finish point and the direction of that straight line. Displacement is a
vector quantity.
Express a displacement in terms of both the magnitude and direction.
Speed Speed does not involve direction. Speed is a scalar quantity.
The speed of a moving object is rarely constant. When people walk, run or travel in a car
their speed is constantly changing.
The speed at which a person can walk, run or cycle depends on many factors including:
age, terrain, fitness and distance travelled. Typical values may be taken as:
walking ̴ 1.5 m/s; running ̴ 3 m/s; cycling ̴ 6 m/s.
Students should be able to recall typical values of speed for a person walking, running and
cycling as well as the typical values of speed for different types of transportation systems
It is not only moving objects that have varying speed. The speed of sound and the speed of
the wind also vary.
A typical value for the speed of sound in air is 330 m/s.
Students should be able to make measurements of distance and time and then calculate
speeds of objects.
Students should be able to recall and apply s = v t equation.
Students should be able to calculate average speed for non-uniform motion.
Velocity The velocity of an object is its speed in a given direction. Velocity is a vector quantity.
Students should be able to explain the vector–scalar distinction as it applies to
displacement, distance, velocity and speed.
Students should be able to explain qualitatively, with examples, that motion in a circle
involves constant speed but changing velocity.
The If an object moves along a straight line, the distance travelled can be represented by a
distance– distance–time graph.
time The speed of an object can be calculated from the gradient of its distance–time graph.
relationship Students should be able to draw distance–time graphs from measurements and extract
and interpret lines and slopes of distance–time graphs, translating information between
graphical and numerical form.
Students should be able to determine speed from a distance–time graph.
If an object is accelerating, its speed at any particular time can be determined by drawing a
tangent and measuring the gradient of the distance–time graph at that time.
Acceleration Students should be able to recall and apply acceleration = change in velocity/time taken
An object that slows down is decelerating.
The acceleration of an object can be calculated from the gradient of a velocity–time graph.
draw velocity–time graphs from measurements and interpret lines and slopes to determine
Students should be able to apply final velocity2-initial velocity2 = 2 × acceleration ×
distance equation which is given on the Physics equation sheet.
Near the Earth’s surface any object falling freely under gravity has an acceleration of about
9.8 m/s2.
An object falling through a fluid initially accelerates due to the force of gravity. Eventually
the resultant force will be zero and the object will move at its terminal velocity.
The distance travelled by an object (or displacement of an object) can be calculated from
the area under a velocity–time graph.
interpret enclosed areas in velocity–time graphs to determine distance travelled (or
measure, when appropriate, the area under a velocity–time graph by counting squares.
Newton's If the resultant force acting on an object is zero and:
First Law • the object is stationary, the object remains stationary
• the object is moving, the object continues to move at the same speed and in the same
direction. So the object continues to move at the same velocity.
So, when a vehicle travels at a steady speed the resistive forces balance the driving force.
So, the velocity (speed and/or direction) of an object will only change if a resultant force is
acting on the object.
Students should be able to apply Newton’s First Law to explain the motion of objects
moving with a uniform velocity and objects where the speed and/or direction changes.
The tendency of objects to continue in their state of rest or of uniform motion is called
Newton's The acceleration of an object is proportional to the resultant force acting on the object,
Second Law and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.
Students should be able to recall and apply F=ma equation.
Students should be able to estimate the speed, accelerations and forces involved in large
accelerations for everyday road transport.
Students should be able to explain that:
• inertial mass is a measure of how difficult it is to change the velocity of an object
• inertial mass is defined as the ratio of force over acceleration
Required investigate the effect of varying the force on the acceleration of an object of constant
practical mass, and the effect of varying the mass of an object on the acceleration produced by a
activity 7 constant force.
Newton's Whenever two objects interact, the forces they exert on each other are equal and
Third Law opposite.
Students should be able to apply Newton’s Third Law to examples
of equilibrium situations.
Forces and The stopping distance of a vehicle is the sum of the distance the vehicle travels during the
breaking driver’s reaction time (thinking distance) and the distance it travels under the braking force
(braking distance). For a given braking force the greater the speed of the vehicle, the
greater the stopping distance.
Reaction times vary from person to person. Typical values range from 0.2 s to 0.9 s.
driver’s reaction time can be affected by tiredness, drugs and alcohol. Distractions may
also affect a driver’s ability to react.
explain methods used to measure human reaction times and recall typical results
interpret and evaluate measurements from simple methods to measure the different
reaction times of students
evaluate the effect of various factors on thinking distance based on given data.

Factors The braking distance of a vehicle can be affected by adverse road and weather conditions
affecting and poor condition of the vehicle.
braking Adverse road conditions include wet or icy conditions. Poor condition of the vehicle is
distance limited to the vehicle's brakes or tyres.
explain the factors which affect the distance required for road transport vehicles to come
to rest in emergencies, and the implications for safety
estimate how the distance required for road vehicles to stop in an emergency varies over a
range of typical speeds.
When a force is applied to the brakes of a vehicle, work done by the friction force between
the brakes and the wheel reduces the kinetic energy of the vehicle and the temperature of
the brakes increases.
The greater the speed of a vehicle the greater the braking force needed to stop the vehicle
in a certain distance.
The greater the braking force the greater the deceleration of the vehicle. Large
decelerations may lead to brakes overheating and/or loss of control.
estimate the forces involved in the deceleration of road vehicles in typical situations on a
public road.
explain the dangers caused by large decelerations
Momentum Students should be able to recall and apply momentum = mass × velocity equation.
is a property
of moving
Conservation In a closed system, the total momentum before an event is equal to the total momentum
of after the event.
momentum describe and explain examples of momentum in an event, such as a collision
6-5 Forces – Trilogy

1.0 The distance taken for a car to stop after an emergency depends on two things:
The thinking distance: how far the car travels while the driver processes the information.
The braking distance: how far the car travels after the driver presses the break.

1.1 Each distance is affected by different factors.

Tick the boxes to show whether each factor affects the thinking distance, the braking distance
or both.
[2 marks]

Thinking Braking
Factor Both
distance distance

Speed of car

Water on road

Driver’s tiredness

Driver’s alcohol consumption

Condition of car’s brakes

Read and try the equations:


What is happening at each of these points on the graph?

_________________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

_________________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

1.2 Figure 1 shows part of a displacement-time graph of a car journey.

Figure 1

Displacement (m)

Time (s)

Complete the gaps with letters from the diagram.

[4 marks]

The car was moving forwards between ____ and ____.

The car was stationary between ____ and ____.

The car is moving slowest between ____ and ____.

The car was moving backwards between ____ and ____.


Make a list of vectors and scalars.

Vectors Scalars
1.3 What is the difference between speed and velocity?
Put ticks in the boxes.
[2 marks]

Speed Velocity

Has size

Has direction



Read and try


Y W=

X X=


1.4 On the axes below, draw a velocity-time graph for a car that:
● Moves at constant velocity
● Slows down
● Stops
[3 marks]

Velocity (m/s)

Time (s)
Required Practical

Hooke’s Law

What did Hooke discover?

• the more force that was put on materials the more they __________________

• With some materials they also extended in a regular way

-eg. if the force was __________________ so did the extension

• this was true as long as their __________________ __________________ was not exceeded

What is the elastic limit?

• The material no longer shows elastic __________________

-ie does not return to __________________ size when stretching force is __________________


-i.e. is __________________ or __________________ than __________________

• The material is __________________ as the above effects are caused by __________________ of some
atomic __________________

Since Force is proportional to extension Hookes Law could be put as Fx

Where F is the applied force in

x is the extension in __________________

Or if k is the __________________ constant F=kx

What does k mean in F=kx?

• k is called the __________________ constant and is a measure of the __________________ of the

__________________ or material

• It has units of __________________ (newtons per metre)

• The __________________ the k the __________________ the spring

• Materials with a __________________ k need a __________________ force to for a given



• A spring is 0.38m long.

• When it is pulled by a force of 2.0 N, it stretches to 0.42 m.

• What is the spring constant? (Assume the spring behaves elastically.)

2.0 A student wants to measure the spring constant of a spring. Figure 2
The equipment she uses is shown in Figure 2.
The scale measures distance in cm.

2.1 Explain why the mark for 0 cm is slightly below the top of the spring
in the Figure 2.
[1 mark]


2.2 As the student carries out the experiment, her head moves slightly
up and down when taking readings.
State the type of error this movement would have caused.
[1 mark]


2.3 How does the pointer make the measurement of length more accurate?
[1 mark]


2.4 Explain how the student could use the equipment in Figure 2 to measure the spring constant of
the spring.
[4 marks]







In the question below, highlight the words that give you a clue as to what the equation
may be. Write it in the space below.

2.5 The student found that the spring constant of the spring was 15.6 N/m.
Calculate the extension of the spring if the energy stored in it was 1.95 J.
Give your answer to 2 significant figures.
[3 marks]

Extension = _________ cm

State Newtons Laws, write them in the box below.

Newtons first

second Law

Newtons third
3.0 Figure 3 shows a person using a device
called a jetpack. Water is forced Figure 3
downwards from the jetpack and produces
an upwards force on the person.

Figure 3

3.1 Explain why the jetpack moves upwards

when water is forced downwards.
Include reference to the relevant law of
physics in your answer.
[3 marks]



WRITE: all of the equations to know with acceleration and velocity in the space below.


3.2 Read the following information.

Combined mass of jetpack and person 84 kg

Upwards force from water 1900 N
Starting velocity 0.0 m/s
Acceleration due to gravity, g 9.8 m/s2

Calculate the maximum speed the person with the jetpack reaches after moving 5 m upwards.
In your answer:

Use two significant figures at each step in your calculation. Show your working.
[6 marks]




______________________________________________Maximum velocity = ________ m/s

Grade 5-7

1. Write down the formula for calculating average speed.

2. How long does it take someone to walk 3km, at an average speed of 2m/s?

3. What is the difference between displacement and distance?

4. Draw a distance-time graph to show the following car journey: travel at a constant speed
of 10m/s for 30s, stopping for 20s, constant speed of 20m/s for 10s, then deceleration to
stop over the next 40s.

4a. What is the average speed over the first minute of the journey?

5. You leave home and walk down the road at a constant speed, then you stop to check if
you have your phone, realising you have left it at home you run back to get it. Draw a
displacement-time graph for this journey.

6. What is the difference between speed and velocity?

1. What is acceleration? Write down the formula for calculating acceleration.

2. A cyclist can accelerate from 4m/s to 16m/s in 3s. What is her acceleration?

3. Look at the velocity-time graph below:

Velocity (m/s)

-10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time (s)

Label the parts of the graph where the object is …

a. stationary
b. moving at a constant speed
c. accelerating
d. decelerating
e. changing direction

3f. What is the acceleration at 70s?

3g. What is the acceleration at 100s?

1. What is an ‘interaction pair’ of forces? Give an example.

2. The person is pushing the book, but it is not moving.

Identify 4 forces and draw arrows to represent their
size and direction.

3. What is friction? Describe 3 types of friction.

4. What is a resultant force?
5. Identify all the forces acting on the car. What is the resultant force if the car is moving
forwards at a steady speed?
1. Identify 3 forces acting on the rocket when it accelerates upwards.
What can you say about the relative size of the forces?

2. How can you calculate the momentum of an object if you know its mass and velocity?

3. What are the units of momentum?

4. How is the change in momentum of an object related to the forces acting on it?

5. A football weighing 0.5kg is moving at 20m/s. A footballer stops the ball with a force of
20N. How long is this force acting for?

6. Explain how air bags, seat belts and crumple zones reduce the risk of serious injury in a
car crash.
Grade 7-9

1. A car accelerates from 10 m s−1 to 30 m s−1 in 5 seconds. What is its acceleration?

2. An aircraft was travelling at a speed of 60 m s-1 when it landed on a runway. It took two minutes to
stop. Calculate the acceleration of the aircraft while coming to a stop.

3. A car is travelling at a velocity of 25 m s-1 when the engine is then turned off; calculate how far the car
will travel before coming to rest if the deceleration is 1.47 ms-2?

4. A skateboarder starts from rest at the top of a ramp and accelerates down it. The ramp is 25 m long
and the skateboarder has a velocity of 12.2 m s–1 at the bottom of the ramp.
Calculate the acceleration of the skateboarder on the ramp.

5. A train started from a station and accelerated at 0.5 m s−2 to reach its top speed of 50 m s−1 and
maintained this speed for 90 minutes.
As the train approached the next station the driver applied the brakes uniformly to bring the train to a
stop in a distance of 500 m.
(i) Calculate how long it took the train to reach its top speed.
(ii) Calculate the acceleration experienced by the train when the brakes were applied

6. A vehicle accelerates uniformly along a straight road, increasing its speed from 4.0 ms -1 to 30.0 ms-1 in
13 s. Calculate:
a. Its acceleration,
b. The distance it moves in this time.

7. An aircraft lands on a runway at a speed of 40 ms-1 and brakes to a halt in a distance of 860 m.
a. the braking time,
b. the deceleration of the aircraft.

8. An aeroplane taking off accelerates uniformly on a runway from a velocity of 4m/s to a velocity of
64m/s in 40 seconds. Calculate its acceleration.
9. A car travelling a velocity of 20m/s brakes to a standstill in 8.0s. Calculate its deceleration, assuming its
velocity decreases constantly.

10. Cyclist accelerates uniformly from a velocity of 2.5m/s to a velocity of 7.0m/s in a time of 10seconds.

a. Its acceleration
b. Its velocity 2.0s later if it continued to accelerate at the same rate.

11. A railway moving at a speed of 2.0m/s on level track reached a steady incline which slowed it down to
rest in 15 seconds and caused it to reverse. Calculate:
a. Distance it moved up the incline
b. Its acceleration on the incline

12. A train slows down from 40m/s to 10m/s in 60 seconds, how far does it travel in that time?
13. If a ball is dropped from rest and falls 8m to the ground, what is the speed just before it hits the
ground? Take acceleration due to gravity to be 10m/s/s).
14. What acceleration would be needed by a car speeding up from 10m/s to 15m/s in 80m?

15. A car accelerates uniformly from 5m/s to 15m/s taking 7.5 seconds. How far did it travel during this

16. Initial velocity 5m/s, final velocity 36km/hr, acceleration 1.25m/s/s. Distance?

17. A cycle accelerates from rest at a constant acceleration of 0.4m/s/s for 20 seconds then stops pedalling
and slowed to standstill at constant deceleration over distance of 260m. Calculate:
a. Distance travelled by cyclist in the first 20seconds
b. The speed of the cyclist at end of this time

18. A cyclist is travelling at 7m/s, then accelerates at 2.5m/s/s for 15 seconds.

a. How far did they travel during this time?
b. What was the final speed after 15 seconds?
These questions and answers are fundamental to understanding this topic. Use these
questions and answers to practice and revise from. Make que cards or simply cover the
right hand side of the page and reveal each answer.
228 A value with magnitude only is a ________? scalar

A value with magnitude and direction is a

229 ____________? vector

Distance an speed are examples of _________

230 quantities scalar

Force, displacement and velocity are examples of

231 __________ quantities vector

232 What is a contact force? A force between two object which are touching

A force between objects which are separated by

233 What ia a non-contact force? space.

234 Give two examples of contact forces e.g. friction, air resistance

235 List three non-contact forces gravitational, electrostatic, magnetic

236 Define weight The force ofgravity acting on an object's mass

237 What device is used to measure weight? A newtonmeter

What is the name of the single point at which an

238 object's mass appears to act? centre of mass

the single point at which the objects weight appears

239 The center of mas of an object is… to act.

The single force which has the same effect as the

combination of all the different forces acting on an
240 object is the ______________ _______________. resultant force

241 Work is done when an object is …. … moved through a distance

Moving objects with mass are said to have

242 __________? momentum

In a closed system the total momentum before an

243 State the law of conservation of momentum event is equal to the total momentum after an event.

State the equation which links gravitaional field

244 strength, mass and weight W=mg

State the equation which links distance, force and

245 work done W=Fs

State the equation which links extension, force and

246 spring constant F=ke

State the equation which links distance, speed and

247 time s=vt
State the equation which links acceleration, change
248 in velocity and time taken a=Δv/t

State the equation which links acceleration, mass

249 and resultant force F = ma

State the equation which links mass, momentum

250 and velocity ρ = mv

251 What is the unit of weight? Newtons (N)

252 What is the unit of mass? kilograms (kg)

253 What is unit of gravitational field strength? newtons per kilogram (N/kg)

254 What is the unit of work done? Joules (J)

255 What is the unit of force? Newtons (N)

256 What is the unit of distance? meters (m)

257 What is the unit of the spring constant? Newtons per meter (N/m)

258 What is the unit of the spring extension? Metres (m)

259 What is the unit of speed or velocity? metres per secons (m/s)

260 What are the units of acceleration? metres per second squared (m/s2)

261 What are the units of momentum? kilogram metres per second (kg m/s)

When a spring is stretched and can then return to

its original length it is known as __________
262 _______________ elastic deformation or elastic behaviour

When a spring is stretched and its length is

permanently altered it is known as ___________
263 ____________ Inelastic deformation or inelastic behaviour

the length a spring can be stretched to before it no

264 The limit of proportionallity of a spring is… longer returns to its original length

Sketch the Force (y) -Extension (x) curve for

stretching a spring from no force to beyond its
265 elastic limit. teacher to draw on board…

The stopping distance of a vehicle is the sum of the

266 ….. thinking and breaking distances

The distance a vehicle travels while the driver is

267 reacting is the … thinking distance

The distance a vehicle travels which the driver is

268 breaking is the … breaking distance

269 Reaction time is… the time it takes a driver to react

270 A typical reaction time is … 0.2-0.9 s

271 Factors which influence reaction time are… tiredness, drug, alcohol, distractions

272 Fctors which affect breaking distance are … weather conditions, conditions of breaks and tyres
Both thinking and breaking distance are affected by
273 which factor? speed of vehicle

The greater the speed of a vehicle, the _________

274 the force required to stop the vehicle greater

The distance and object moves and the direction in

275 which it moves is known as the _________ displacement

The speed of an object in a particular derection is

276 its ___________ velocity

The change of an objects speed in a given time is

277 the _________ acceleration

Acceleration of falling objects close to the earth is

278 ________ 9.8 m/s2

When the force moving an object is balanced by

frictional forces it is moving at its _____________
279 _____________ terminal velocity

On a distance time graph a straight line

280 represents… constant speed

On a distance time graph a upward curve

281 represents… acceleration

On a distance time graph a curved line becoming

282 horizontal represents… decelleration

On a distance time graph a horizontal line

283 represents… stationary

On a distance time graph the gradient is used to

284 calculate the … speed or velocity

On a velocity time graph an upwards straight line

285 represents … acceleration

On a velocity time graph a downwards straight line

286 represents … decelleration

On a velocity time graph a horizontal line

287 represents … constant speed

On a velocity time graph a horizontal line along the

288 x-axis represents… stationary object

On a velocity time graph, when the line falls below

289 the x-axis it indicates that the object is … moving backwards

Calcuating the gradient of a velocity time graph

290 gives the … acceleration

Calculating the area under a velocity time graph

291 gives the … distance travelled

292 A typical walking speed is … 1.5 m/s

293 A typical running speed is … 3 m/s

294 A typical cycling speed is … 6 m/s

295 Sound in air travels at … 330 m/s

The velocity of an object will only change if a resultant

296 State Newton's First Law force is acting on the object.

297 f balanced forces act on a moving object it will … continue to travel at a constant speed

If balanced forces act on a stationary object it will

298 … remain stationary

Force = mass x acceleration (The acceleration of an

object is proportional to the resultant force acting on
the object, and inversley proportional to the mass of
299 State Newton's Second Law the object)

Whenever two objects interact, the forces they exert

300 State Newton's Third Law on each other are equal and opposite

The tendency of objects to continue in their state

301 of rest or of uniform motion is known as … inertia
Science Faculty Physics 6: Waves Checklist

Electromagnetic spectrum
foundation higher triple RAG
Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves that transfer energy from the source of the
waves to an absorber.
Electromagnetic waves form a continuous spectrum and all types of electromagnetic wave
travel at the same velocity through a vacuum (space) or air.
The waves that form the electromagnetic spectrum are grouped in terms of their wavelength
and their frequency. Going from long to short wavelength (or from low to high frequency) the
groups are: radio, microwave, infrared, visible light (red to violet), ultraviolet, Xrays and
gamma rays.
Students should be able to give examples that illustrate the transfer of energy by
electromagnetic waves.
Different substances may absorb, transmit, refract or reflect electromagnetic waves in ways
that vary with wavelength.
Some effects, for example refraction, are due to the difference in velocity of the waves in
different substances.
Students should be able to use wave front diagrams to explain refraction in terms of the
change of speed that happens when a wave travels from one medium to a different medium.
investigate how the amount of infrared radiation absorbed or radiated by a surface depends
on the nature of that surface.
Changes in atoms and the nuclei of atoms can result in electromagnetic waves being
generated or absorbed over a wide frequency range. Gamma rays originate from changes in
the nucleus of an atom.
Radio waves can be produced by oscillations in electrical circuits.
Ultraviolet waves, X-rays and gamma rays can have hazardous effects on human body tissue.
The effects depend on the type of radiation and the size of the dose. Radiation dose (in
sieverts) is a measure of the risk of harm resulting from an exposure of the body to the
When radio waves are absorbed they may create an alternating current with the same
frequency as the radio wave itself, so radio waves can themselves induce oscillations in an
electrical circuit.
1000 millisieverts (mSv) = 1 sievert (Sv)
Students should be able to draw conclusions from given data about the risks and
consequences of exposure to radiation.
Ultraviolet waves can cause skin to age prematurely and increase the risk of skin cancer. X-
rays and gamma rays are ionising radiation that can cause the mutation of genes and cancer.
Electromagnetic waves have many practical applications. For example:
• radio waves – television and radio
• microwaves – satellite communications, cooking food
• infrared – electrical heaters, cooking food, infrared cameras
• visible light – fibre optic communications
• ultraviolet – energy efficient lamps, sun tanning
• X-rays and gamma rays – medical imaging and treatments.
Students should be able to give brief explanations why each type of electromagnetic wave is
suitable for the practical application.
Waves may be either transverse or longitudinal.
The ripples on a water surface are an example of a transverse wave.
Longitudinal waves show areas of compression and rarefaction. Sound waves travelling
through air are longitudinal.
Students should be able to describe the difference between longitudinal and transverse
Students should be able to describe evidence that, for both ripples on a water surface and
sound waves in air, it is the wave and not the water or air itself that travels.
Students should be able to describe wave motion in terms of their amplitude, wavelength,
frequency and period.
Students should be able to show how changes in velocity, frequency and wavelength, in
transmission of sound waves from one medium to another, are inter-related.
The amplitude of a wave is the maximum displacement of a point on a wave away from its
undisturbed position.
The wavelength of a wave is the distance from a point on one wave to the equivalent point on
the adjacent wave.
The frequency of a wave is the number of waves passing a point each second.
Students should be able to apply T = 1/f equation which is given on the Physics equation
Students should be able to recall and apply v = f λ equation.
identify amplitude and wavelength from given diagrams
describe a method to measure the speed of sound waves in air
describe a method to measure the speed of ripples on a water surface.
make observations to identify the suitability of apparatus to measure the frequency,
wavelength and speed of waves in a ripple tank and waves in a solid and take appropriate
6-6 Waves – Trilogy

COMPLETE: write in the boxes below the parts of the Electromagnetic spectrum.

1.0 Figure 1 shows an incomplete electromagnetic spectrum.

Figure 1

A microwaves B C ultraviolet D gamma

1.1 Which position are X-rays found in? Tick three boxes.
Tick one box. [1 mark]
[1 mark]
Gamma rays
Radio waves
Visible light



1.2 Which three waves can cause

1.3 Electromagnetic waves have many practical uses.
Draw one line from each type of electromagnetic wave to its use.
[2 marks]

Electromagnetic wave Use

Medical treatments

Radio waves

Television transmissions

Visible light

Fibre optic communications

Gamma rays

Sun tanning


Longitudinal waves the vibrations are __________________ to the direction of
wave travel.

Transverse waves the vibrations are __________________ to the direction of

wave travel.

2.0 Figure 2 shows some waves travelling along a rope.

Figure 2

2.1 Show on the diagram:

The wavelength of one of the waves (labelled with a W)
The amplitude of one of the waves (labelled with an A)
[2 marks]
2.2 State the type of waves travelling on the rope.
Explain how you can tell.
[2 marks]

Type of wave_____________________________________________

Explanation ___________________________________________________________


RECALL: What is the definition for frequency?


Frequency = __________________ ____ _____________________

2.3 The waves shown in the diagram were produced in two seconds.
Calculate the frequency of the waves.
[2 marks]

Frequency = ________ Hz

Period = 1 ___ _____________________

2.4 Calculate the time period of the waves.

State the unit.
[2 marks]

Time period = ________ Unit ____

3.0 Microwave ovens use microwave radiation to cook food.

The instruction manual of a microwave oven stated:
Frequency of microwaves: 10 000 million Hz.
Wavelength 0.02 m.

3.1 Calculate the speed of waves in the microwave according to

the information in the instruction manual.
Give your answer in standard form.
[3 marks]

Speed = ______________ m/s

3.2 The speed of visible light is 3 x 108 m/s. Was the information in the instruction manual correct?
Explain your answer.
[1 mark]



Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum can you see?


3.3 Simon said “When the microwave is working, it lights up. That’s the microwaves.”
Explain whether Simon was correct.
[2 marks]




3.4 Putting a beaker of water in a microwave and turning it on for a minute or two will increase the
temperature of the water.
Describe an experiment to investigate the relationship between the time the microwave is on
and the increase in temperature of water in a beaker.
In your answer, include:
● The equipment you will use
● The measurements you will take
● The safety precautions you will take
[6 marks]





4.0 Different wavelengths of light can be used to transmit information along optical fibres.
Figure 3 below shows how the percentage of incident light transmitted through a fibre varies
with the wavelength of light and the length of the fibre.

Figure 3

× 10–7 metres

4.1 Compare the percentages of incident light transmitted through the two different fibres over the
range of wavelengths shown.
[3 marks]




4.2 The speed of light is 3 × 108 m/s.

Calculate the frequency of light that is absorbed the most by the 100m length of fibre.
Give your answer in standard form.
[2 marks]

Frequency = ________ Hz

The key ideas with refraction are to do with density of different materials.
Away or towards?

Light bends _____________ the normal when going from a less to a more dense material

Light bends _____________ the normal when going from a more to a less dense material
4.3 The inside of optical fibres consist of two layers of glass, core and cladding.
Figure 4 shows how light travels between these two layers.

Figure 4

Suggest why the light travels in this way in the optical fibre.
[2 marks]




These questions and answers are fundamental to understanding this topic. Use these
questions and answers to practice and revise from. Make que cards or simply cover the
right hand side of the page and reveal each answer.
The maximum displacement of a point on a wiavw
302 away from its undeisturbed position is the… Amplitude

The distance from a point on one wave to the

303 equivalent point on the next wave is the … wavelength

The number of waves passing a point each second is

304 the… Frequency

305 Name an example of a longitudinal wave Sound

306 Name an example of a transverse wave light, water, any electromagnetic

Oscillations are along the same direction as the

307 direction of travel is a _________ wave longitudinal

Oscillations are at right angles to the direction of

308 travel in a ____________ wave transverse

The time needed for one wave to pass a given point is

309 the… period

The region in a longitudinal wave where particles are

310 closest together is a … compression

The region in a longitudinal wave where particels are

311 furthest apart is a… rarefaction

An object is said to _________ radiation when energy

312 from an EM wave is taken up by the object absorb

An object is said to _________ radiation when a wave

313 can pass through the object transmit

The process taking place when a wave bounces off of

314 a surface reflection

The process taking place when a wave enters a

315 different density medium and changes direction refracion

Refraction changes both the _________ and

316 ___________ of a wave direction and speed

317 Which two angles are equal in reflection angle of incidence and angle of reflection

Draw a transverse wave and label the wavelength and

318 amplidtue teacher to draw on board…

319 Draw a longitudinal wave and label the wavelength teacher to draw on board…

Write the equation linking frequency, wavelength and

320 wave speed v = fλ

321 What is the unit of frequency? Hertz (Hz)

322 What is the unit of wavelength? metres (m)

323 What is the unit of wave speed? metres per second (m/s)

324 What is the speed of elecrtomagnetic radiation? 300 000 000 m/s

What is the EM radiation with the shortest

325 wavelength? gamma

What is the EM radiation with the longest

326 wavelength? Radio

327 What is the EM radiation with the highest frequency? Gamma

328 What is the EM radiation with the lowest frequency? Radio

Radio, microwave, infrared, visible, UV, X-rays,

329 List the EM spectrum from long to short wavelength. gamma

330 Can EM waves travel through space? yes

331 Can sound waves travel through space? no

332 Does a sound wave travel faster in water or air? water

333 Name a use of radio waves TV and radio transmission

334 What EM wave is used for satellite communication? microwave

335 Give one use of microwaves cooking food

336 Give two uses of IR radiation electrical heaters, infrared cameras

337 Give a use of visible radiation Fibre optic communications

338 Which radiation is used in sun tanning? UV

339 Give one use of X-rays. Medical imaging

340 Give one use of gamma rays Medical treatments

absorbed by bone but transmitted through soft

341 Why are X-rays good for taking images of bone? tissue

342 Why are gamma rays used in medical treatment? Can kill cancer cells

343 What are the risks of exposure to UV radiation? Premature skin aging, increased risk of skin cancer

X-rays are ionising so can cause mutations which

344 What are the risks of exposure of X-rays? may result in cancer

Gamma rays are ionising so can cause mutations

345 What are the risks of exposure to gamma rays? which may result in cancer
Science Faculty Physics 7: Magnetism Checklist

Magnetism ch
foundation higher triple
Poles of a The poles of a magnet are the places where the magnetic forces are strongest. When two
magnet magnets are brought close together they exert a force on each other. Two like poles repel each
other. Two unlike poles attract each other. Attraction and repulsion between two magnetic
poles are examples of non-contact force.
A permanent magnet produces its own magnetic field. An induced magnet is a material that
becomes a magnet when it is placed in a magnetic field. Induced magnetism always causes a
force of attraction. When removed from the magnetic field an induced magnet loses most/all of
its magnetism quickly.
describe the attraction and repulsion between unlike and like poles for permanent magnets
describe the difference between permanent and induced magnets.
Magnetic The region around a magnet where a force acts on another magnet or on a magnetic material
fields (iron, steel, cobalt and nickel) is called the magnetic field.
The force between a magnet and a magnetic material is always one of attraction.
The strength of the magnetic field depends on the distance from the magnet. The field is
strongest at the poles of the magnet.
The direction of the magnetic field at any point is given by the direction of the force that would
act on another north pole placed at that point. The direction of a magnetic field line is from the
north (seeking) pole of a magnet to the south(seeking) pole of the magnet.
magnetic compass contains a small bar magnet. The Earth has a magnetic field. The compass
needle points in the direction of the Earth’s magnetic field.
describe how to plot the magnetic field pattern of a magnet using a compass
draw the magnetic field pattern of a bar magnet showing how strength and direction change
from one point to another
explain how the behaviour of a magnetic compass is related to evidence that the core of the
Earth must be magnetic
Electrom When a current flows through a conducting wire a magnetic field is produced around the wire.
agnetism The strength of the magnetic field depends on the current through the wire and the distance
from the wire.
Shaping a wire to form a solenoid increases the strength of the magnetic field created by a
current through the wire. The magnetic field inside a solenoid is strong and uniform.
The magnetic field around a solenoid has a similar shape to that of a bar magnet. Adding an
iron core increases the strength of the magnetic field of a solenoid. An electromagnet is a
solenoid with an iron core.
describe how the magnetic effect of a current can be demonstrated
draw the magnetic field pattern for a straight wire carrying a current and for a solenoid
(showing the direction of the field)
explain how a solenoid arrangement can increase the magnetic effect of the current.
Fleming's When a conductor carrying a current is placed in a magnetic field the magnet producing the
left-hand field and the conductor exert a force on each other. This is called the motor effect.
rule Students should be able to show that Fleming's left-hand rule represents the relative
orientation of the force, the current in the conductor and the magnetic field.
Students should be able to recall the factors that affect the size of the force on the conductor.
Students should be able to apply this equation which is given on the physics equation sheet.
force = magnetic flux density × current × length
Electric A coil of wire carrying a current in a magnetic field tends to rotate. This is the basis of an
motors electric motor.
Students should be able to explain how the force on a conductor in a magnetic field causes the
rotation of the coil in an electric motor.
6-7 Magnetism and electromagnetism – Trilogy

1.0 This question is about magnets.

1.1 Which statements apply to permanent magnets, which apply to electromagnets and which
apply to both?
Tick the correct boxes.
[2 marks]

Permanent Electromagnets Both

Need an electric
current to work
Have a constant
magnetic field
Can be turned off
Have north and south
Often contain a coil of

1.2 What is an induced magnet?

Tick the correct box.
[1 mark]
A permanent magnet made by passing a
current through a piece of steel

A temporary magnet made by

repeatedly heating a piece of steel
A permanent magnet made by
repeatedly stroking a piece of steel with
a magnet
A temporary magnet made by touching
a piece of steel with another magnet

1.3 Describe how to find the direction of the magnetic field around a permanent magnet using a
small compass.
[3 marks]





2.0 A student was investigating the effect of the

size of current on the strength of an
Figure 1 shows the equipment she used.

Figure 1

2.1 Describe how the student could carry out

an investigation to find the relationship
between the current in the coil and the force
on the iron disc.
[4 marks]







2.2 The student made two electromagnets, one with 100 turns of wire in the coil and one with 200
She carried out the investigation with each of the coils and plotted Graph 1.

Graph 1

The student wanted to find the ratio of the force from the two different coils at each current.
Her results are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Current 100 coils 200 coils ratio

1.0 0.02 0.07 1 : 3.50
2.0 0.08 0.28 1 : 3.50
3.0 0.16 0.68 1 : 4.25
4.0 0.30 1.28 1 : 4.27

Complete the last row on Table 1.

2.3 The student wrote the following conclusion:
The relationship between the current and the ratio of the force from the two coils is directly
Was the student correct?
Explain your answer.
[2 marks]





How will you remember what each parts of Flemming’s left hand rule?
Thumb First finger Second finger

They MUST be perpendicular (90o) for the motor effect to occur!!!

3.0 The left-hand rule can be used to identify the direction of the force acting on a current-carrying
conductor in a magnetic field.
3.1 Use words and phrases from the box to label Figure 2.
[3 marks]

magnetic magnetic potential

current force
field flux density difference

Figure 2

Figure 3 shows a wire held between the poles of a U-shaped magnet on a top pan balance.

Figure 3

The magnet was placed on the top pan balance before the current was switched on.
The balance was then zeroed.
After the current was switched on, the balance read 161 g.
The arrow shows the direction of the current in the circuit.
3.3 Due to Newton’s third law of motion,
3.2 Which direction was the force on the
the force on the wire is in the opposite
direction to the force on the balance.
Tick the correct box.
Which direction was the magnetic
[1 mark] field?
Tick the correct box.
In the same direction as the arrow [1 mark]

In the same direction as the

Down onto the balance

Up from the balance Down onto the balance

From the front of the balance to the

Up from the balance
back of the balance

From the front of the balance to

the back of the balance

3.4 Explain what would happen to the reading on the balance if the current in the wire was
[2 marks]





What is the difference between conventional and electrical current? Remember we always
use conventional current in calculations but electrical current is what actually

What is is direction


4.0 One simple design of an electric motor is shown in Figure 4. It has a coil which spins between
the poles of two magnets.

Figure 4

4.1 Add an arrow to Figure 4 showing the direction of the current in the wire from the battery.
[1 mark]

4.2 The motor is part of an electric drill. It needs to be able to change direction and speed.
Describe how the direction and speed of the drill could be varied without changing the way
the motor is constructed.
[2 marks]

Direction: _____________________________________________________________


Speed: _______________________________________________________________


4.3 A student builds a model motor. The magnetic field between the poles is 3 × 10–2 T.
The length of one side of the coil in between the poles is 2 cm. The current is 0.5 A.
Calculate the force on the coil.
Give your answer in standard form.
[2 marks]

Force: ________________N


5.0 Figure 5 shows a part of the National Grid.

Figure 5

5.1 Explain why two different types of transformers are needed in the National Grid.
[3 marks]



The cables used in the National Grid can either be suspended from pylons and run overhead, or
buried underground.
When an electric current flows through a transmission cable, a magnetic field is produced.

Figure 6 shows how the strength of the magnetic field varies with distance from both overhead
and underground transmission cables that carry the same current.

Figure 6

5.2 A politician sees Figure 6 and says “Underground cables are safer as they have a lower
strength of magnetic field.”
Evaluate his claim.
[2 marks]





5.3 The slope of the graph shows the rate of change of magnetic field strength with distance.
Calculate the slope of the graph for the overhead cable between 0 and 20 m.
[2 marks]

Rate of change of magnetic field with distance: ________ /m

Grade 5-7

1 Magnetic field patterns

a) Sketch the magnetic field around a bar magnet.

b) What is a neutral point?

c) Sketch the magnetic field around the two bar magnets shown below. Mark any neutral points with an

d) Sketch the magnetic field pattern around a straight wire carrying a current as shown below.
2) Adding magnetic fields

The diagram shows a wire carrying a current between two

magnetic poles.

a) Sketch the magnetic field due to the current in the wire,

when viewed from above.

b) Sketch the magnetic field due to the magnetic poles, when viewed from above.

c) Sketch the resultant magnetic field due to the current in the wire and the magnetic poles.

d) Write ‘strong’ where the magnetic field is strongest.

e) Write ‘weak’ where the magnetic field is weakest.
f) This unbalanced magnetic field results in a bigger force on the ‘strong’ side of the wire. Indicate by an
arrow on the diagram the direction in which the wire moves.
Grade 7-8
a) Add an arrow to the diagram to show the direction of the force on the wire.

b) Give two ways in which the force on the wire could be increased

c) Give two ways in which the direction of the force on the wire could be reversed.

d) What would happen to the force on the wire if one cell was used instead of two?

e) What would happen to the wire if an alternating supply was used instead of cells?

f) What would happen to the force on the wire if more powerful magnets were used?

1 Parts of a motor

a) Add the labels below to the diagram to show the parts of a motor and what they do.

coil brushes magnets commutator

This reverses the These provide a

axle battery current in the coil to permanent magnetic
keep it rotating. field.

These provide the When current

This provides the This allows the coil
connection to the passes through this,
energy source. to spin.
battery. forces act on it.
2 Electric motors

a) The diagram shows a model d.c electric motor.

b) Will the coil rotate in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction? Explain your answer.

c) Give three ways in which the speed of the motor could be increased.



d) An electric motor lifts a 6 N weight through a vertical height of 1.5 m in 2 seconds.
(i) How much work is done in lifting the weight?

(ii) Calculate the output power of the motor.

(iii) The input power to the motor is 10 W. Calculate the efficiency of the motor.

e) Label the commutator in the diagram of the electric motor below.

Add labelled arrows to the diagram to show:

 The direction of the electric current.
 The direction of the magnetic field.
 The location and direction of the forces that produce rotation.

f) Explain what the commutator does in this d.c. motor.


g) What form does the commutator take in a practical motor?


h) What is the advantage of having curved poles providing the magnetic field in a practical motor?


These questions and answers are fundamental to understanding this topic. Use these
questions and answers to practice and revise from. Make que cards or simply cover
the right hand side of the page and reveal each answer.
The places on a magnet where the magnetic forces are
346 the strongest are called the… poles

The area around a magnet where a force acts on

347 What is the definition of a magnetic field? another magnet or magnetic material

The area around a magnet where a force acts on another

348 magnet or magnetic material in the… Magnetic field

349 Two like poles always ______ repel

350 Tow opposite poles always _______ attract

351 What is a permanent magnet? A magnet that produces its own magnetic field.

A magnetic material which becomes a magnet

352 What is an induced magnet? when placed in a magnetic field.

A magnetic material which becomes a magnet when

353 placed in a magnetic field is a _______ _________ induced magnet

What type of magnet loses its magnetism when it is

354 removed from a magnetic field? induced magnet

355 Which three elements are magnetic? iron, cobalt and nickel

356 Draw the magnetic field around a bar magnet teacher to draw on board…

357 Give the name for the magnet created using a coil of wire solenoid

Where is the strongest field in an electromganet created

358 by a coil of wire? inside the coil

What two words describe the magnetic field within the

359 coil of a solenoid? strong and uniform

A solenoid containing an iron core which

360 What is an electromagnet? increases its strength

What is an important property of a

361 solenoid/electromagnet as a magnet can be switched on and off with electric current

Flemming's left hand rule shows the relative directions of

362 what things? Force, magnetic field and current

363 n Flemming's LH rule, the thumb gives the direction of … Force

In Flemming's LH rule, the second finger gives the

364 direction of … Current

In Flemming's LH rule, the first finger gives the direction

365 of … Magnetic Field

366 exert an equal and opposit force on one another

When a conductor carrying a current is placed in a
magnetic field, the magnet and the conductor ….

Add iron core, increase number of coils of wire,

367 Give three ways of increasing the force of a solenoid. increase current, move magnetic material closer

Increase the number of coils of wire, increase

the strength of the magnetic field, increase the
368 Give three ways of increasing the force of a motor. current

369 What is the unit of magnetic flux density? Tesla (T)

What two methods can you use to obesrve the field

370 around a bar magnet? Iron filings or plotting compass

371 Draw the magnetic field between two like poles. teacher to draw on board…

372 Draw the magnetic field between two unlike poles. teacher to draw on board…

373 The right hand thumb rule shows relative direction of… current and magnetic field around a wire

The strength of magnetic field surrounding a conducting

374 wire depends on… Size of current and distance from wire

State the equation which links current, force, length of

375 conductor and magnetic flux density F=BIl

Which rule can be used to determine the direction a

376 motor will rotate? Flemming's left hand rule.
MARK SCHEME – 1. Energy

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

1.1 Gravitational potential 1
1.2 Kinetic 1
1.3 50 × 9.8 × 2 – Gravitational potential
Both required for the mark 1
½ × 50 × 6.2 × 6.2 – Kinetic
1.4 Energy lost to the surroundings 1

Named example (eg air gained internal Accept heat / air got warmer / sound 1

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

2.1 Coal C
Natural gas B
2 marks for all four correct
Nuclear power E 2
1 mark for 2 correct
Oil D
Renewable fuels A
Level 3 Clear, coherently organised answer.
Clear understanding of the overall energy needs of the country.
Understands the need for a range of resources. 5– 6
Discusses both renewable and non-renewable energy resources, making clear points
about each.
Level 2 Some structure to answer.
Some discussion of the overall energy needs of the country.
3– 4
Discusses a range of resources, giving advantages and disadvantages, although these
may not be coherently linked.
Level 1 Limited structure to answer.
Some discussion of a number of resources with limited link to the overall energy needs 1– 2
of the country.
Level 0 No relevant content. 0
Indicative content
 Same or greater overall energy required and/or efficiency savings mean potentially less
energy required.
• Fossil fuels plentiful in supply.
• Fossil fuels contribute to global warming.
• Unlikely to be time to set up new nuclear fuel plants.
• Renewable energy resources expensive to set up.
• Renewable energy resources can be inefficient.
• Wave, hydro and/or wind likely to be useful for the UK.
• Solar power less likely to be useful.
• Biomass has negatives in land use and fertilisers etc.

Ignore discussion of nuclear waste etc.

Qu No. Extra Information Marks
3.1 Length = 20cm
Both required for the mark 1
Extension = 10cm
3.2 0.5 × 25 × (15×10-3 )2 If extension of 15 used, do not allow first 1
mark. ECF allowed:
0.0028125 2812.5 1
2.81×10-3 (J) 2.81×103 (J) 1
3.3 Either:
Attempt to use value from 3.2:
Rearrange k = Epe/(0.5 × e2) 1
Substitute k = (2 × 2.81×10-3) 1
(0.5 × (15×10-3/2)2
k = 200 N/m 1

Allow 199 N/m

Allow ECF

Allow rounding errors
Algebraic manipulation:
Rearrange k = Epe/(0.5 × e2)
Substitute multiple values
k = 2Epe/(0.5 × (e/2)2) (1)

Cancel and compare with original

knew = 8kold (1)
= 200 N/m

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

4.1 29 J of energy wasted (from light bulb,
heating the air)
4.2 Heating offices saves 13 J of energy
New powerlines save 2.5 J of energy
LED bulbs save 29.7 J of energy Allow ECF for incorrect bulb wastage in 1
All three calculations for 1 mark
So replace lightbulbs 1
Use of:
1 / 30 = 0.034 Allow ECF for incorrect bulb wastage in
4.1 1
(So not correct)
No mark for conclusion.
4.4 12 × 0.8 = 9.6 1
Time = energy / power 1
300 / 9.6 = 31.25 s Allow 0 or 1 dp 1
Qu No. Extra Information Marks
Level 3 Clear, coherently organised answer.
Method complete with clear understanding of the experimental requirements and how 5-6
the data would be analysed.
Level 2 Some structure to answer.
Main steps in method covered, with some errors or omissions. 3-4
Limited expression of data analysis.
Level 1 Limited structure to answer.
Some steps described, with little or no control variables. No data analysis.
Level 0 No relevant content. 0
Indicative content
• Heat a known mass of water.
• To a known temperature.
• Transfer the water to a beaker lagged with the first material.
• Cover the beaker with a lid of the same material.
• Record the temperature and start a clock.
• Record the temperature drop after a fixed time.
• Repeat using the same mass of water with the other materials.
• Determine which material has the smallest temperature drop in a given time/longest time for
a given temperature drop.
• This will be the most effective material.

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

6.1 Energy supplied = power × time
= 300 × 8 × 60
= 144 × 103 J 1
Temperature rise = 70°C
Mass = 0.45 kg
Specific heat capacity = E/(m.)
= 144 × 103/(0.45 × 70) 1
= 4.6 × 103 J/kg °C 1

6.2 Any two from:

• Loss of heat to surroundings
• Heat absorbed by the beaker 2
• Evaporation
• Inaccurate thermometer/clock/balance
MARK SCHEME – 2. Electricity

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

1.1 50 Hz 1
1.2 230 V 1
1.3 Live wire carries the (alternating) potential 1
difference/voltage (from the supply)

Neutral wire completes the circuit 1

1.4 connection is made to earth Accept answer in terms of a complete 1
circuit or establishing a path (for charge
to flow)
charge can flow through the body. 1
large potential difference across the body
1.5 P = (3)2 x 100 Allow one mark for P=I2V if substitution 1

900 (W) Allow 900 (W) with no working for 2 1


Qu No. Extra Information Marks

2.1 battery, lamp and ammeter connected in 1
series with variable resistor

voltmeter in parallel with (filament) lamp 1

Level 2: A detailed and coherent description of the experiment. The response provides a logical 3-4
Level 1: Simple description of the experiment with some steps missing. The response may not 1-2
be in a logical sequence and may not lead to the collection of valid results.
Level 0: No relevant content. 0
Indicative content
• ammeter used to measure current
• voltmeter used to measure potential difference
• resistance of variable resistor altered to change current in circuit or change potential
difference (across filament lamp)
• resistance (of filament lamp) calculated or R=V / I statement resistance calculated for a large
enough range of different currents that would allow a valid conclusion about the relationship
to be made
Qu No. Extra Information Marks
3.1 V = 0.025 × 75 1
Allow 1.9 (V) with no working for 2 marks 1
1.9 (V)
3.2 total resistance = 6 / 0.025 1

R = 240 - 225 1

= 15 (Ω) 1
3.3 resistance decreases 1

current increases 1

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

4.1 battery in series with bulb and ammeter 1

voltmeter in parallel with the bulb 1

variable resistor 1
variable power supply
4.2 correct pair of current readings at the same eg at 10 V, IA = 0.74A and IB = 0.37A 1


current in lamp A is twice the current in 1

lamp B


lamp A is twice as powerful and lamp B must refer to power/rate of energy 1

(hence is twice as bright) transfer
4.3 R=V/I
lowest allow R= 1.0 / 0.16 1
R = 0.6 / 0.1 R = 6.25 Ω
R=6Ω (other values may be acceptable but the
values from the graph must be when
V ≤ 1V and the lamp can reasonably be
assumed to be ohmic)
Highest 1
R = 10 / 0.74
R = 13.5 Ω

Difference = 13.5 – 6 = 7.5 Ω allow 7.25 Ω if consistent 1

MARK SCHEME – 3. Atomic Structure

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

1.1 solid 1
1.2 liquid 1

1.3 boiling 1

evaporation 1
1.4 the average kinetic energy of the particles 1
1.5 motion is random 1

range of speeds 1
range of directions
1.6 ρ = 0.032 / 0.026 1

ρ = 1.3 (kg/m3) allow 1.28 (kg/m3) 1

allow 1.3 (kg/m 3) with no working for 2

Qu No. Extra Information Marks
2.1 food 2


2 marks for all three in the correct place
1 mark for 2 or 1 in the correct place
Level 3: A detailed and coherent description of both the arrangement and motion of the 5-6
particles in the different states of matter.
Level 2: A coherent description of both the arrangement and motion of the particles in the 3-4
different states of matter.
Level 1: Simple description of the arrangement and / or motion of the particles in the different 1-2
states of matter.
No relevant content 0
Indicative content
Particles closely packed in a regular pattern
Particles vibrate about a fixed position
Particles closely packed in an irregular pattern
Particles are able to move relative to each other
Particles are widely spread in no pattern
Particles move randomly and rapidly.
2.3 Air molecules in fridge will have a greater 1

because the air is at a greater temperature 1

so greater kinetic energy
allow 2 marks for the converse.
Qu No. Extra Information Marks
3.1 conclusion is not correct 1

because 45 / 150 = 3.3 allow 40-50 for Tin 1

3.3 is less than 5

3.2 E = 1.023 x 450 x 10 1

E = 4 600 (J) 1

Answer to 2 sig. figs. allow 2 marks for a correct answer to an 1

incorrect number of sig figs
eg 4 604 (J)

allow 1 mark for an incorrect answer to

an incorrect number of sig figs eg 4 603
(J) if substitution is correct

3.3 10 (minutes) 1
3.4 Correct line of best fit drawn 1
3.5 20 (°C) 1
3.6 gradient would be greater 1

because energy supplied per second 1

would be greater.

so rate of increase of temperature would 1

be greater.


more energy supplied (in 12 minutes)


greater final temperature (so greater

temperature difference)
MARK SCHEME – 4. Atomic Structure

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

1.1 all three labels correct 2

allow 1 mark for 1 or 2 correct labels

1.2 has no electrons allow alpha has a positive(charge) 1

allow a helium (atom) has no (charge)
1.3 4 1

2 1
1.4 19.6 - 11.6 allow ± 0.2 for each reading 1

8 (hours) allow ± 0.4 if consistent with values read 1

from the graph

1.5 15.2 (hours) allow ± 0.2 1

Qu No. Extra Information Marks
2.1 allow 1 mark for each correct line 3
if more than one line is drawn from any
type of radiation box then all of those
lines are wrong

2.2 gamma 1

alpha 1

gamma 1

gamma and neutron both required for 1 mark 1

Qu No. Extra Information Marks
Level 3 A detailed and coherent comparison of the arrangement of the particles in the different 5-6
Level 2: A detailed and coherent description of the arrangement of the particles in the different 3-4
Level 1: A simple description of the arrangement and /or a simple comparison of the 1-2
arrangement of the particles in the different models.
No relevant content 0
Indicative content
nuclear model mass is concentrated at the centre / nucleus
plum pudding model mass is evenly distributed
nuclear model positive charge occupies only a small part of the atom
plum pudding model positive charge spread throughout the atom
nuclear model electrons orbit some distance from the centre / nucleus
plum pudding electrons embedded in the (mass) of positive (charge)
nuclear model the atom mainly empty space
plum pudding model is a ‘solid’ mass
Qu No. Extra Information Marks
4.1 (same) number of protons 1
4.2 beta 1

atomic / proton number increases (by 1) 1


number of neutrons decreases / changes by

4.3 time taken for number of radioactive nuclei 1
to halve


(average) time taken for count-rate / activity

to halve
4.4 1 half-life = 2.6 days 1

number of days = 7.8 days 1

4.5 Number of half-lives = 13/2.6 1
fraction = (½ x ½ x ½ x ½ x ½)
or (½)5 1
100 000 / 32 1
3125 1

safe no mark for safe / unsafe 1

number is comparatively low, so low activity
unlikely to be substantial risk of 1
contamination / irradiation.
There are still some atoms of molybdenum
left so some radiation emitted
therefore still a small risk.
MARK SCHEME – 5. Forces

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

1.1 Allow ticks in Thinking distance and 2
Braking distance instead of both.

All five ticks correct: 2 marks

3 or 4 ticks correct: 1 mark

1.2 A and C Both points required for each mark. 1

C and D 1
B and C 1
D and F 1
1.3 1 mark for Speed 2
1 mark for Velocity

1.4 Horizontal line above the x axis 1

Line drops to x axis Allow curved or straight line. 1
Line continues along x axis Do not allow vertical line 1
Qu No. Extra Information Marks
2.1 To allow for size of spring / to measure 1
extension of the spring
2.2 Random error 1
2.3 Easier to read the scale / smaller parallax 1
Level 2: A detailed and coherent description of how to measure the spring constant. Answer 3-4
includes multiple measurements and uses the gradient of a graph.
Level 1: A simple description of how to measure the spring constant. Likely to only include one 1-2
reading and make reference to F = kx.
No relevant content 0
Indicative content
Change weight on spring
Measure extension for each weight
Reference to table of results
Plot graph of extension (y-axis) against weight (x-axis) (or vice versa)
Gradient is 1 / spring constant (or gradient is spring constant if axes swapped)
Reference to F = kx / Hooke’s law
𝑥=√ 1
0.5 𝑘

=√ Allow 2 marks for an answer of 0.25 m / 1
25cm (student has forgotten to square

= 0.5 m / 50 cm Award 2 marks for 50 cm 1

Award 2 marks for correct answer to
more than 2 significant figures.

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

3.1 Newton’s third law 1
Jetpack forces the water down 1
So water exerts an equal (magnitude) and 1
opposite (direction) force on the jetpack (so
it moves up)
3.2 Combined weight = 84 × 9.8 = 820 N 1
Resultant force = 1900 – 820 = 1100 N 1
Acceleration = F/m = 1100 / 84 1
= 13 m/s2 1
v2 = u2 + 2as = 0 + 2 x 13 x 5 = 130 1
v = 11 m/s 1
MARK SCHEME – 6. Waves

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

1.1 D 1
1.2 Gamma rays All three required for the mark 1
Ultra violet
1.3 Radio waves – Television transmissions All three correct – 2 marks 2
Visible light – Fibre optic communications Two correct – 1 mark
Gamma rays – Medical treatments If more than one line from any wave,
deduct a mark, minimum of zero marks.

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

2.1 W Horizontal distance labelled between two 1
identical points on adjacent waves
A Vertical distance from peak or trough to 1
2.2 Transverse waves 1
Wave moving up and down while moving 1
from left to right
2.3 4 waves / 2 seconds 1
= 2 (Hz) 1
2.4 0.5 Allow ecf rom 2.3 if T = 1/f clearly used 1
s / seconds 1
Qu No. Extra Information Marks
3.1 V = f λ = 10 000 000 000 x 0.02 1
= 200 000 000 1
= 2 × 108 m/s If wrong number of zeros used in 1
calculation, allow ecf.
3.2 (No) as all electromagnetic waves have the Ignore reference to speed changing in 1
same speed. air.
3.3 (No) as the eye cannot see microwaves 1
The light is visible light (from a bulb) 1
Level 3: A detailed and coherent description of how to carry out a safe investigation including 5-6
clear description of equipment to use and explanation of the measurements to take.
Level 2: A detailed and coherent description which may be lacking in some details or includes 3-4
elements which are unlikely to work well (for example lengths of time over 5 mins).
Level 1: A description of an experiment which is lacking in detail or is inherently unsafe. 1-2
No relevant content
Indicative content
Equipment used (does not need to be in a list):
- Beaker
- Measuring cylinder
- Water
- Thermometer
- Stop watch / use of microwave to time
- Microwave
- Pour ~200ml cold water into a beaker
- Measure temperature
- Put in microwave for 30 seconds
- Stir then measure the temperature after
- Repeat for a range of times up to 3 mins
- Plot a graph of the results

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

4.1 (for both fibres) increasing the wavelength 1
of light decreases and then increases the
percentage / amount of light transmitted
(for both fibres) the minimum transmission 1
happens at 5 (x 10-7 metres)
the shorter fibre transmits a greater 1
percentage of light (at the same
4.2 f=c/λ 1
= 6 x 1014 Hz 1
4.3 Light refracts at boundary between cladding 1
and core
Light changes speed / slows down in 1
MARK SCHEME – 7. Electromagnetism

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

1.1 Need an electric Electromagnets All rows correct: 2 marks 2
current to work 3 or 4 rows correct: 1 mark
Have a constant Permanent
magnetic field magnets
Can be turned off Electromagnets
Have north and Both
south poles
Often contain a coil Electromagnets
of wire
1.2 A temporary magnet made by touching a 1
piece of steel with another magnet
1.3 Place compass at different points around Accept clearly labelled diagram for any 1
the compass or all points
Indication of how to draw eg note down the 1
direction of the compass at each point
around the magnet / compass points along
field lines
Join each individual direction to form field 1

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

Level 2: A clear, coherent description of a safe experiment with given values of current (eg 0.5, 3-4
1.0, etc up to a maximum of about 5 A) and details of repeats. Includes letting the
equipment cool down between experiments.
Level 1: A description of an experiment that would allow valid results to be obtained. May 1-2
include currents higher than 5 A or omit details of number of readings to be taken or
repeat measurements.
Indicative content
Set current to small value
Measure force on the iron disc
Repeat at regular increases of current
Repeat at least 2 more times
Allow equipment to cool between measurements
2.2 0.48 and 2.18 Allow +/- 0.2 for each reading 1
4.54 Allow ecf from marking point 1 1
2.3 (No)
The ratio increases with increased current 1
But as not in a linear fashion / example 1
Qu No. Extra Information Marks
3.1 Magnetic field Correct order only 1
Current 1
Force 1
3.2 Down onto the balance 1
3.3 From the front of the balance to the back of 1
the balance
3.4 Reading would increase 1
As the magnetic flux density would increase 1

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

4.1 Arrow showing anticlockwise movement of 1
the current
4.2 Direction: Change direction of current 1
Speed: Change amount of current 1
4.3 F = BIL = 3 ×10–2 × 0.5 × 0.04 1
= 6 × 10–4 (N) 1

Qu No. Extra Information Marks

5.1 To step up voltage (across the cables) 1
/decrease the current (through the cables)
Reduces thermal energy transfer /
Increases efficiency (in the cables) 1
Then step down voltage (across the cables)
/ increase the current (through the cables) 1
(near users)
5.2 One of:
Politician is correct that magnetic field from 1
underground cable drops off in short
But it starts higher

No link to safety in the graph / no health 1

5.3 Slope = (5.4-6.0)/20 1
=-0.03 (/m) Allow 0.03 for 1 mark 1

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