Dehydration (Moderate Severity)

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QUESTION NUMBER 5: How do you assess the severity of dehydration of the case based on the case scenario

 To assess the severity of dehydration, perform a physical assessment, based on the case scenario, upon
assessment the abdomen was slightly distended and slightly painful upon palpation, poor skin turgor,
dry lips, dry buccal mucosa and sunken eyeball.


Be alert for the following warning signs of dehydration, and notify the pediatrician immediately if any of them
Mild to Moderate Dehydration:
 Plays less than usual
 Urinates less frequently (for infants, fewer than six wet diapers per day)
 Parched, dry mouth.
 Fewer tears when crying
 Sunken soft spot of the head in an infant or toddler
 Stools will be loose if dehydration is caused by diarrhea; if dehydration is due to other fluid loss (vomiting, lack
of fluid intake), there will be decreased bowel movements.

Severe Dehydration (in addition to the symptoms and signals already listed):
 Very fussy
 Excessively sleepy
 Sunken eyes
 Cool, discolored hands and feet
 Wrinkled skin
 Urinates only one to two times per day
 Very dry skin
 Rapid heartbeat
 Rapid breathing
 Sleepiness, lack of energy, confusion or irritability
 Fainting

In conclusion, therefore the patient manifested the severe signs of dehydration based on the case scenario presented.


The following symptoms are some of the more common symptoms that are reported for the different stages of
dehydration, according to

Mild Dehydration Symptoms

When the average adult has lost about two to three percent of its total body water, mild symptoms appear.
In addition to an increased thirst, some of the most common symptoms of mild dehydration in adults include:
 Headache or head rush
 Slightly dry mucous membranes
 Slightly decreased urine output
 Dark yellow urine
 Loss of appetite
 Tiredness or fatigue
 Dry or flushed skin
 Chills
 Head rushes
 Constipation

Moderate Dehydration Symptoms

If the above signs and symptoms go unheeded and fluids are not replenished, the following symptoms may begin to
At this stage of dehydration, the adult body’s fluid loss reaches 5 to 6 percent.
 Little or no urine output
 Increased heart rate
 Sunken eyes
 Decreased ability to sweat
 Faster breathing
 Higher body temperature
 Muscle cramps
 Extreme fatigue
 Tingling hands and feet
 Nausea

Signs of Severe Dehydration

Total body fluid loss of seven to nine percent is critical!
The symptoms may be the same as moderate in addition to one or more of the following:
 Rapid pulse
 No tears
 Rapid breathing
 Low blood pressure
 Mottled skin
 Muscle spasms
 Impaired vision
 Shriveled skin
 Confusion
 Chest or abdominal pain
 Seizures
 Coma

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