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CLE Module 3 Date 10 / 13 / 21

Bea Malagamba ABM 12 St. Matthew

Initial Task
a. Jesus is talking to His apostles
b. Jesus is waiting for Peter

Prior Knowledge
How would you describe the way of life of the leaders in your respective
church community?
To be honest, I don't know how to describe them because I've never met them.

Acts 2:42-27
Guide Questions:
1. What were the daily activities of the early Christians?
They devoted themselves to the teachings of the apostles, meeting together in
the temple area and breaking bread in their homes.
2. What do you think the breaking of the bread by the apostles is done in
their homes, not in the temple area?
I think they do that because they praise and thank God during meals.

Test I: Identification

Church 1. It refers to God’s chosen people.

Koinonia 2. It is a sharing or fellowship of Christians.
Faith 3. It is the act of believing, trusting and hoping.
Love 4. The new law in which Christ taught to live by.
Jerusalem 5. The place where the growth of the Church begun.
Charism 6. A gift bestowed by the Spirit through special graces.
Ekklesia 7. The Greek word for “Church” in the New Testament.
Qahal 8. The Hebrew word which means “assembly of God’s People.
Antioch 9. The place where the first disciples called Christians.
Breaking of the bread 10. The sharing of the Body and Blood of Christ among
the early Christians.
CLE Module 3 Date 10 / 13 / 21

Test II: Essay

First Christian Community Church in Modern World

a. They lived with Both are in a. I think their way of

sincere devotion to the service life is humble and
teachings of the towards the giving.
apostles and sharing to Church and
their neighbor in need. have mission b. They are consistent in
and that is to serving the Lord every
b. Committed and spread the Sunday and having
consistent in meeting word of God. Mass.
together every day in
the temple for
CLE Module 4 Date 10 / 13 / 21

Bea Malagamba ABM 12 St. Matthew

Initial Task

Prior Knowledge
What is your opinion about Martyrdom?
For me, martyrdom is something that brave people are capable of doing.

Acts 11:19-26
Guide Questions:
1. What marked the beginning of the persecution of the early Christians?
It began when Stephen preached the words in many places.
2. According to the letter of St. Paul to the Romans, how will we withstand
We will withstand persecution if we keep having faith in our beliefs.
3. In today's modern Church, do we still experience persecutions?
Yes, because each person have different beliefs and ways of serving God.

A. Identification
Saul 1. The Roman name of Saul
Stephen 2. The first martyr of persecution.
Constantine the Great 3. He issued the Edict of Milan.
Jews 4. The first center of Christianity.
Damascus 5. The place where Saul met Jesus.
Pharisees 6. Believed that God lives in the temple.
Antioch 7. The place where the disciples first called Christians.
Fish 8. The symbol used by the Christians for them to recognize one another.
Apostles 9. Jesus commissioned them to make more disciples to all nations.
Eucharist 10. By engaging this rite, Christians were accused of cannibalism.
CLE Module 4 Date 10 / 13 / 21

1. The blood of the Martyrs is the seed of Christian
Those Martyrs died defending their faith. Without those brave souls, the
spreading of the word of God would be more difficult today. Thus, they are
considered the seed of Christianity because they lived their life in devotion to
serving God and the people.
2. Paul the apostle to the Gentiles
Paul became the apostle to the Gentiles after his convertion. He was one of the
people who misunderstood the intentions of the Christian. But, the moment
Jesus spoke to him, he became one of the apostles.

Lesson Reflection
A. Ignacian Core/Related Values: (FAITH) -
Question: As an Ignacian Marian student, a modern disciple, what can you
contribute in bettering your own faith community (GKK, Christian Churches,
etc) as a visible sign to this secularized generation?
I can share my experiences and truths with other people.

B. Social Orientation: (COMMUNITY PANTRY)

Question: What do you think about the Community Pantry? How relevant it is
to the way of life of the first Christian Community? Is it a helpful practice in
our situation nowadays?
Yes, because the community pantry is a way of helping those in need.

C. Lesson across Discipline: DIASS (4Ps)

Question: What do you think about the 4Ps program of the government? Do
you think it essentially aids the most significant needs of the people?
Yes, because some people who are in need financially, will be able to have
something that will help them survive in the society.
CLE Module 3 & 4 Date 10 / 13 / 21

Final Task

Words of Assurance and Inspiration Your Response to this Assurance

Prayer is our way to

communicate with God and
We will remain through this, we will surely
unfazed when we feel his presence and
guidance in good and bad
turn to God in times.
There are times where we
just suddenly feel tired and
For every fall we wanting to give up but
should always stand because of our faith in God,
up and move on. we know that whatever
difficulty we are facing, we
will make it.

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