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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Rizal
District of Rodriguez


Feedback on Teacher’s Good Practices

Ms. Ivy Mirzi P. Antipatia had shown exceptional qualities such as caring
attitude, integrity and respect worthy of emulation in the time of pandemic.
These three qualities are overtly manifested during this health crisis brought
by the COVID- 19 contagion. Through her efforts, she coordinated numerous
individuals, local government offices, non-governmental organizations, medical
practitioners, and among others in order to help fellow teachers, neighbors,
and ordinary citizens in the community who had inflicted with COVID-19 virus.
Mrs. Antipatia though feared the threat of the pandemic did not stop
from pursuing her natural passion of helping and extending her heart and
hand to those who are needy. It can never be denied the number of individuals
in the school and community who had experienced and witnessed how she
worked in the midst of pandemic.

Richard S. Biteng
Department Head

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