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I – Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Describe each visual representation in describing motion.

2. Create visual representations of motion.
3. Integrate the value of describing motion into real life situations.

II – Subject Matter

Topic: Describing Motion using Visuals

References: Science Grade 7: Learner’s Material, pp. 2- 4

Materials: bond papers, neon, pictures, glue, scissors, whiteboard marker

III – Procedure
A. Preliminary Activity:
 Prayer
 Picking up the pieces of paper
 Review of the last topic

B. Activity Proper
Complete Me!
The class will be divided into 3 groups. Each group will then form a circle and
choose a representative to come in front and find the pieces of the pictures in a puzzle.
Each group has different pictures that illustrates/ describes about motion using visuals.
The first group that could finish the task and can show the complete picture, they will be
given 5 points, next group will have 4 points, and the last group will be given 3 points.
Then, the representative of each group will explain the picture assigned to their group.

 Group 1 – Tape chart

 Group 2 – Line Graph
 Group 3 - Diagram
IV – Analysis
The position of an object can be described in many ways. You can use words like
distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration. Motion can also be describe
using visuals like diagrams, charts and/ or graphs.
 Diagram- it described motion through drawings/ illustration that shows object
arrangement and relations.
 Chart – shows information in a form of table; to note the changes or progress of
 Graph – a visual representation of information (as a series of one or more points
or lines) that shows the variation of the given variables.
V – Abstraction
Ask the students with these questions:

 How can you differentiate motion of objects described in words between motion
described using visuals?
 Which do you think from the visual representations best describe object in
Note: Synthesize the response of the students. Then, select a student to summarize the
VI – Application
The class will be divided into 3 groups. Each group will create a tape chart
describing the motion of a car using neon papers, a table describing the values of time
and position, and then a line graph plotted by the values in the table. Then, they will
answer the following questions. The tape chart will be placed in a short bond paper, the
table and graph will be in a 1 whole intermediate together with the questions and
answers. The name of the members will be placed in a ¼ sheet of intermediate paper.

 How does our graph look like?

 How is the line graph and the tape chart differ?
VII – Assessment
Directions: Mae a line graph then plots the values in table 1. Write it on a 1 whole sheet
of intermediate paper. Then answer the question below.
Table 1 - The table describes the car’s position at any given time


Note: 10 seconds = 10.5 meter
1. How will you interpret the graph in terms of the speed and acceleration of the
moving car?
VIII – Assignment
Make a road map that shows how you get to school from your house. Measure
the distance from your house to school and record the time of travel then answer the
following questions. Write this in a 1 whole sheet of intermediate paper.
 What is the total length of your travel from your house to school?
 What time do you arrive at school from your house?

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