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Good afternoon colleagues after

having applied the Craft method
in our research we were able to
choose an optimal distribution of
spaces and determine the
locations of the different
departments that are part of
our plant

In the activity
relationship diagram we
see the degree of
importance of one
department and another.

For example packaging

and storage identified
with the letter A it is
absolutely necessary that
these two departments
are together.
Diagrama Reticular

Reticular diagram first we need to identify what are the types of links that exist
between the four products we choose

For example, E to one is a link and from one to three is another link
generated within
the activity What is
the key to the
development of the
It is the amount of
motion that is It is the relationship of materials within the
generated during the manufacturing process of a product
manufacturing process
of a product
Analis de Flujos
If we sort from the greatest to the least
intensity, we kind of summarize in a
table the relationships between these
areas, and we would look like this.

Tabla Relación
de Actividades
Requerimientos de Estaciónes

Assessing the possibility of recourse, we could bring

our installed capacity to a higher capacity.
Requerimientos de Espacios por Estación

in this slide we propose the area required

by machine to be able to design an
optimal diagram of space relationship
Diagrama de Relación de Espacios

with this diagram of relationship of spaces that already has

dimensions and shapes the next would be to place it on the
plane of detail of the area that is available for the
installation of the plant
Medidas de Desempeño

In conclusion, our
measurement gives us
a result of 73% which
is viable for the
construction of our

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