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JO1 Trainee’s Handout ‘THE BJMP ORGANIZATION ‘The BJMP LOGO: I's Symbolism ‘The organizational name BUMP in bold letters symiboizes the strong identity of BJMP; Round Boarders symbolizes holism; Justice Scale forthe rue of Law: Five pilars represents the coordination among ‘he five pillars of Criminal Justice System; Philippine Map depicts the ‘correction is a national concem; Sixteen laurel leaves stands for 16 Regions; Safekeeping and development indicate the mandate of the Bureau; Inmate in Black and White symbolizes that the inmate is Undergoing developmental processes; the bars speak of custody, security and control of inmates; the Red and Blue background stand for the primary color of the PHILIPPINE FLAG; the Gray background depicts the organization's (BUMP) color, and the Light to Dark Yellow background represent the transcending light of Correction. BJMP Mandate and Legal Basis General Provisions Republic Act No. 6975, otherwise known as the “Department of Interior and Local Government Act of 1980", provided that the task of [all management and penology shall be the responsibilty ofthe Bureau cf Jail Management and Penology (BMP). Based on this mandate, the ‘BUMP dofinad its vision, mission, powers, functions, values, objectives ‘and principles as an institution, in a consultative and participatory strategic planning session. Subsequently, Republic Act No. $263, also known as the Bureau of Fire Protection and Bureau of Jal Management land Penology Professionalization Act of 2004", and its Implementing Rules and Regulations strengthened the provisions of RA 6975, redefined many of the BUMP's existing polices and restructured the Bureaus Organization. Mandate ‘The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology was created on January 2, 1981 pursuant to Republic Act 6975, replacing its forerunner, the Office of Jal Management and Penology (OJMP) ofthe defunct Phiippine Constabularyintegrated National Police (PCIINP), ‘The BUMP has jurisdietion overall dist, city ané municipal als. Its a line bureau of the Department of Interior and Local Government (OILG), As such, it shall ensure the establishment of secured, clean, adequately equipped and sanitary facilities and provision of quality services forthe custody, safekeeping and development of cistit, city and municipal inmates, any fugitive from justice, or person detained, ‘waiting oF undergoing investigaton or trial andior transfer 10 the "National Penitentiary, andlor violent mentaly il person who endangers himinersel or the safety of others as certied by the proper medical or health officer, pending transfer to a mental institution. Pursuant to Republic Act No, $263 also known as "The BFP and BJMP Professionalzation Act of 2004," the BUMP is envisioned to Insttutonalize a hight efficient and competent jal service. ‘The BJMP Organizational Structure ‘The BUMP Organizational Stucture is composed ofthe National Office oF the National Headquarters, which houses the offce of the BUMP Chief, two Deputy Chief, one for Administration and one for Operations. The Chiet of Directorial Statt and six Directors of Directorates. with the support of four Administrative and four ‘Operational Units and seventeen BUMP Regional Offices (BJMPROs) nationwide corresponding to the regional subdivisions of the country the NCR, BJMP-ROs 1, 1, Ill, IVA (CALABARZON), IVB (MIMAROPA), V, VI, VI, Vil, IX, X, XI, XI, Xi (CARAGA), CAR and BARMM. ‘Al the provincial level, a Provincial Jail Administrator's Ottce is headed by a Provincial Administrator. At the dst, city or municipal level, each id headed by a District Jail Warden, City Jail Warden, and Municipal Jail Warden, respectively BJIMP Key Officials {as of 01 December 2020) ————— SE ee ——— a SS I [Sesurrceowmacxina Gown oP = I ees Op iecereceace ose Fa sear seer ncncnc REA eT Mission “To enhance public safety by ensuring humane safekeeping {and development of Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL) in all district, City, and municipal jails fr ther reintegration to socety” Vision “A premier institution highly regarded by society for the ‘secure and humane treatment of Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL) by its competent and motivated corps.” Objecti 2. To IMPROVE the living conditions of inmates in accordance with the accepted standards set by the United Nations: b. To ENHANCE the safekeeping and development of inmates in preparation for their eventual reintegration into the mainstream of the society upon ther release; and, To PROFESSIONALIZE al services Program Thrusts Inmates Welare and Development Inmates Custody, Security and Control Jail Decongestion ‘Good Governance Core Values Professionalism and Respect for Human Rights Teamwork Efficiency/Competence ‘Commitment Selt-Discipline Core Competencies Continuous skis enhanoement of personnel Abily to establish inkages and parinerships Responsive planning ‘Timely decision-making Expeditous implementations Loyalty Pledge (8y Herbert Hubbard) Ityou work for a man Inneaven's name Work for him, speak wel of him, [And stand by the institution he represents: ‘Remember, an ounce of loyalty |s worth a pound of cleverness. you must grow, ‘Condom, and eternally ind faut \Why resign your position ‘And wihien you ae inthe outside Damn to your hearts content ‘Butas long as you are part ofthis institution Do not condemn it, It you do the first high wind that comes along Wil biow you away ‘And probably, you will never know why Panunumpa ng Katapatan sa Watawat ng Pilipinas 10. " ‘Ako ay Plipino Buong katapatang nanunumpa Sa watawat ng Piipinas [At sa bansang kanyang sinasagisag Na may Dangal, katarungan at kalayaan Na pinakiklos ng sambayanang Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Maka-kalkasan, at Makabansa 11 General Orders To TAKE charge ofthis post and all government properties in view: ‘To WALK my postin a miltary manner, keeping always on alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing ‘To REPORT all violations of orders | am instucted to enforce, To REPEAT all cals from post more distant from the guardhouse than my own. ‘To QUIT my post only when propery relieved. To RECEIVE, obey and pass onto the sentinel who relieves me all orders from the Commanding Officer, Officer of the Day, Officers, {and Non-commissioned Oficers of the guard only To TALK to no one except in the ine of duty. To GIVE alarm in case of fie or dsorser. To GALL the commander ofthe reli in any case not covered by instructions. ‘To SALUTE all officers, colors and standards not cased. ‘To BE especially watchiul at night during the time of challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post and to alow no ane to pass without proper authority StudentRecruits Prayer Morning Prayer Let us put ourselves in God's Presence Lord, as we begin our day May you be the center of our lite ‘That our thoughts, words and actions Be pleasing in your sight and to other people May our presence be a gi and a blessing to all we meet today May we serve you and serve you well Through our dedicated service extended to one another [Above all, Oh Lord may the breath o fe andthe energy of love Be the tremendous force working all days of our ile May today, a day to glory your name through our acts of charity to ‘one anther AMEN, Evening Prayer Lord, you are the Grand Architoct in our life ‘Shape itas you please Infiame in us the awareness that apart fom you we are nothing Lord we offer all our wories, our anxieties ur ditfcutes and our weaknesses as we embrace our taining May you be our strength, our fe and our companion ‘Grant us Your provdential protection oh Lord To our families and love ones Forgive us fr our shortcomings today Grant us a peacotul rest And a fresh new start. AMEN NTIVision LINTI commits to develop Jail Officers as professionals and ctfecve public servants by instiling them the discipline based on knowledge and respect for human rights, law and order, performance coriented, and self-reliance precepts and promote in them service professionalism, integrity and nationalism. ANTI Mission To indoctrinate the BMP uniformed personnel by providing ‘comprehensive training on safekeeping and development of offenders to protessionalize jail services. BUMP HYMN Alegiance towards men [An endless devotion to share Fair, Justice for Unity and Peace The price of humanity Move on toa greater height ‘To shelter the laviess and untamed Haven for miraculous changes Coupled with trust and care Onward BMP carry on lawful men and women Soften the harden Gye love not hate ‘hope for brighter tommorrow Onward BMP Carry on with your noble cause “To change, to mold, and transform men “To better cizens ofthe land PPSC Hymn Philipine Public Safety Collage ‘Model of moral justice Moder of tue defenders ‘The nation’s best and brightest Hall to you alma mater Enforcers of good will We salute you, PPSC For your pilas of peace. Hall brothers and sisters Hand.n-hand we work for a cause Protectors and law enforcers Honest, loyal and tru. Philippine Public Safety Cologe (Our kudos to your name (ur commitment will never die Long ive alma mater. Repeat 3° 4" stanza ‘The nation’s best and brightest ‘Sons of PPSC. Lupang Hinirang Bayang magiw perlas ng slanganan ‘Aiab ng puso sa dib-ai moy bunay Lupang hinirang duyan ka ng maging ‘Sa maniulupig i ka pasisil ‘Sa dagat at bundok sa simoy at ‘Sa langit mang bughaw May diag ang ula at awit sa Pagiayang minamahal ‘Ang kislap ng watawat mo'y Tagumpay na nagniningring ‘Ang bituin at araw nang kayan Pamaly di magdidilm Lupa ng araw ng luwalhatit pagsinta Buhay ay lang sapling mo ‘Aming ligaya ng pag may mang-aapi ‘Ang mamatay ng dahil sa ‘yo PANUNUMPA NG KAWANI NG GOBYERNO ‘Ako'y kawani ng gobyerno, ‘Tungkulin ko ang maglingkod nang tapat at mahusay. Dahil ditt, Ako'y papasok ng maaga at magtatrabaho nang lampas sa takdang oras kung kinakailangan: 'Magsisibi ako nang magalang at mabilis sa lahat ng nangangailangan: Pangangalagaan ko ang mga gamit, kasangkapan at tba pang pag-aaring pamahataan: ‘Magiging pantay at makatarungan ang pakiktungo ko ‘sa mga lumalapt sa aming tanggapan; ‘Magsasaita ako laban sa katwallan at pagsasamantala Hindi ke gagamitin ang aking panunungkulan sa sari kong kapakanan; Hind ako ining! o tatanagap ng suhol Sisikapin kong madagdagan ang aking talino at kakayahan upang ang antas ng pagilingkod sa bayan ay Patuloy na mataas ‘Sapagkat ako'y kawani ng gobyerno ‘Attungkulin ko ang maglingkod nang tapat ‘At mahusay sa bayan ko at sa panahong ito; ‘Ako at ang aking mga kapwa kawani ‘Ay kailangan tungo sa isang mauniad, ‘Masagana at mapayapang Piipinas. ‘Sa harap ninyong lahat, ako'ytaos-pusong nanunumpa AWIT NG SERBISYO SIBIL. 1 ‘Ang Serbisyo sbilng Bayan ko Lingkod na tunay ngayon at kalanman Laging Tumutulong, lagging nagpapayo "At sa kawani ay siyang patnubay ft [Ang Serbisyo sii ay tanghalin ito ay ating dakiain aging Tapat tuwina sa ating tungkulin Paglingkurang lagi Bayang gw ‘Ang Serbisyo Sibi ay lingcod na tangi ayo na ity ting ipagbunyi MABUHAY! (Repeat | & 1) MODIFIED DAILY BJMP DOZEN Warm-Up Exercises + Stork Walk = Bobber Back Field Crouch First Series ‘+ High Jumper + Bend and Reach Squat Bender Second Series Squat Thrust + 4 Count Push-Up = Bottoms Up Third Series Lounger + Tum and Bounce = Side Bender Fourth Series ‘Trunk Twister + Knee Bender * Side Bender Relaxing Exercises Jumping Jack + Breathing Exercise SERVICE ‘Sir, let me conceptualize to you in capsule form the real ‘meaning ofthe word service: Learnt live without fer, go through such pains and sufferings without complaining; serve the iowiiest and the poorest without counting the cost nr expect something in turn lear to appreciate the beauty of the common things around you, gad to be ave but not afraid to di. Perhaps, then you wil know the real meaning ff the wots service, Sir DON'T qurr When things go wrong, as they sometimes wit When the road you're trudging seems all uphl, \When funds are low and the debts are high, ‘And you want to smile but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bi Restifyou must, but don't you quit, Lite is queer with its twists and tums, ‘As every one of us sometimes learns, ‘And many a failure tins about, \When he might have won ifhe'd stuck it out Dont give up, though the pace seems slow: You may sueceed with another blow. ‘Often the goal is nearer than It.seeme toa faint and faltering man; ‘Often the strugger has given up ‘When he might have captured the victors cup. ‘And he learned to9 late, when the night sipped down, How close he was tothe golden crown, Success is failure tumed insise out- “The silver tint ofthe clouds of doubt, ‘And you never can tell hw close you are- may be near when it seems afar; So stick othe fight when you're hardest hit It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit ‘What isa combat Shoe? ‘A combat shoe is but a rear extension wrapped around my foot ‘that adds ciscomiort while doing duck walk sit Honor Code We do not lie, cheat, steal nor tolerate among us those who do, What is Training? “raining sa grim struggle of winning supremacy over one’s sel What i a Mess Hall? ‘A mess hallis the only first class restaurant in town Si What is a Parrot? (Of all the queer birds | ever did see, the parrot is the one that hhas no secrecy. He taks too much about his life in the hut that is why fone day he was finally shot, so that a trainee without dscipine and secrecy will someday meet the parrots end. How's the animal? ‘The animal at this stage is sil lost and needs more guidance from his upperciassman. But if given a few days of a week of rapid {growth and development, the animal wil tur ito a pony Sir How's your wife? ‘My wif isthe simplest and the most beaut to live but the ‘most complex to understand. My wife, Sir, needs constant love and care, Every day, | have to wipe her face, her breast, her body and ‘everything below her. Often sir, have to undress and dissect her into Partsin order to ensure everythings spic and span. That is my wile sir; ‘my wife is Cal, 5.58, Cal 7.62, Cal 45 and Cal 38 Sir Why rattle? The nervous system of the JOT is not yet fixed due to the confused respanses from the feeble brain that was brought about by the sudden impact ofthe many forces uncontrolled by the vulnerable fences ofthe stil wear and sluggard cadet. In addition, sir, there is a sudden metamorphosis just upon seeing the shadow of an upperciassman where in the JOM/T reactions ‘are determined whether itbe right or wrong. What is an Upperciassman? ‘An upperciassman is a simple handshake of recognition that| ‘ives him a tile of an immaculate. He Ie a fully developed animal that hhas gone through the dim word of plebe ood. After asking the question, what isthe reason of al the sufferings under his superiors? He has endured pain, gave sweat, and come near the end of his temperament. ‘Now, he is the king ofall kings, the master of all things, the roaring thunder af corps, He has the strength of a bull and the growing voice ofthe lion. The fury ofa tiger, the cruelty of the beast and the Penetrating state ofan eagle that scrutinizes even the slightest error of ‘dumb guard. But these are the mere roles they have to playin the analysis oftheir real character, an upperciassman isa good brother, a bestfriend, and a refined individual who will soon become an officer ‘and a gentlemen. DESIDERATA, (Max Ehrmann) GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember hat peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. ‘Speak yout truth quiely and clearly; and listen to others, even tothe dull ang the ignorant; they too have ther story. ‘Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there wll be greater and lesser persons than yourselt Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is @ real possession in the ‘changing fortunes of te Exercise caution in your business affairs, fo the world is full of twickery. But let this not bind you to what virtue there is; many persons stive for high eats, and everywhere life is fll of heroism, Be yourselt. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical ‘about love; for in the face ofall arcity and disenchantment, it is as perennial asthe grass. “Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surendering the things of youth ‘Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But| do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You ‘are a child ofthe universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have aright to be here. ‘And whether oF not its clear to you, no doubt the universe is Unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you ‘conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, int the noisy confusion of ie, Keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, itis stil a beautul word. Be cheerful Strive to be happy. TOL VALS | put bars agains! the lawless elements to protect the UA OCCU SSCL a Seon Mm ca On Cup Ce mm RE ROR Pee OS esau RUS | ‘asthe community, wake up even late af night there's an ler, | even set aside my personal concems fo prorze the Beye ULE TOR eco eo day | might fail fo fake chances... how about you? 10

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