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WEEK 8.1

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Written by: MARIANE P. PATOC (T-I) Lubigan NHS


Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

English 8 QUARTER I WEEK 8 DAY _____________
TOPIC Using verbs, adjectives and adverbs in a persuasive way
Use range of verbs, adjectives and adverbs to convey
emotional response or reaction to an issue to persuade.
●Use verbs, adjectives and adverbs in a sentence correctly;
●Write a short persuasive text creatively using verbs,
adjectives and adverbs.
IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the Learner’s
Activity and Assessment Sheets provided separately.

Using verbs, adjectives and adverbs in a persuasive way
For someone to convey an emotional response or react to an issue, one must have an arsenal of words
up his sleeves. These words should include verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. But how do we use these
words when our end goal is to persuade someone?

Let us first recall three of the basic parts of speech.

Verbs are words that tell what happens in a sentence. These are words showing action. They also show
state of being. Verbs show by their form whether they are in present tense or the past tense and they
can be singular or plural verb.

Adjectives are words used to modify or describe a noun or a pronoun. They qualify nouns or
pronouns by telling what kind, which one, how many or how much. Adjective helps writers to
describe color, taste, shapes, sizes, and other qualities. They help express the tone, feelings, and
emotions of our words when talking or writing.

Examples: Tone- gentle, hopeful; Feelings- chilly, anxious; Emotions- blissful, gloomy

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. They can add to or change the meaning of a
word. Many adverbs are formed from adjectives by adding -ly.

1.Adverbs Modifying Verbs
The angry watcher swiftly kicked the annoying boy.

2.Adverbs Modifying Adjectives

The survivor was surprisingly strong.

3. Adverbs Modifying another adverb

The resort is almost fully booked. (To what extent is the resort fully booked?)

Written by: MARIANE P. PATOC (T-I) Lubigan NHS


Verbs, adverbs and adjectives play significant roles especially in writing. Specifically, this
significance is seen when they are used in writing persuasive texts.
What is a Persuasive Text?

A Persuasive Text is a form of writing in which the writer uses words to convince the reader to
believe or accept the point of view of the writer, whether it is the affirmative or negative. Writing
persuasive texts is easy if you follow these simple steps.

a. Identify the purpose for writing. Know your subject.

b. Consider your audience. Know who will read or listen to you.
c. Have an interesting beginning sentence. this should catch and grab your audience’s attention.
d. Cite only relevant and accurate details and consider important details only.
e. Have a clear conclusion.

In your persuasive essay, be sure to follow the IBC format:

●INTRODUCTION- A writer must gain the attention of the readers in his introduction. In this part,
a writer states the topic and his opinion or arguments about it.

●BODY- In this part, the writer presents the information he wants to give emphasis on. This will
include evidence to support his opinion, with the strongest evidence often presented last.

●CONCLUSION- The last part summarizes the arguments raised by the writer and suggests action
or anything that can be done to address the topic discussed.

SAQ1. Read and answer the following questions carefully. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. Which of these modifies a noun or a pronoun?

A. Pronoun B. Adjective C. Adverb D. Preposition

2. What part of speech expresses an action or a state of being?

A. Noun B. Adjective C. Conjunction D. Verb

3. What is the verb in the sentence, “She has collected several sports memorabilia”?
A. has B. collected C. has collected D. has collected several

4. Which of the following sentences has an adverb modifying an adjective?

A. The policeman guards the post properly.
B. The Head Nurse of the Department was amazingly brave during the pandemic.
C. The students danced gracefully yesterday.
D. The house was beautifully made by them.

5. Which of the sentences does not have an adjective?

A. She had the worst day among their group.
B. Can we go out during ECQ?
C. The brave president speaks heartily.
D. Covid 19 is our unseen enemy.

SAQ2. Choose the letter of the most appropriate answer on your answer sheet.

1. What are the components of a persuasive text?

A. Argument, Details, Thesis
B. Introduction, Thesis Statement, Body Paragraphs, Conclusion
C. Topic sentence, Details, Concluding Sentence
D. Subject, Conclusion, Details

2. What two sides of an issue does a persuasive text deliver?

A. Left and Right side C. Affirmative and Negative side
B. Right and Wrong side D. Dark and Bright side

Written by: MARIANE P. PATOC (T-I) Lubigan NHS


3. Which part of the essay presents an information and evidences to support opinions?
A. Conclusion B. Introduction C. Body D. Audience

4. Which from the following choices should be included in the introduction?

A. A summary
B. A brief autobiography
C. An appeal to a shared sense of understanding
D. Arguments on your topic.

5. What might happen if you do not consider the needs of your audience?
A. Your audience will be less likely to be engaged or be persuaded to change their minds
B. Your audience will rebel against you
C. Your audience will certainly change their minds
D. Your audience will not talk to you.

Let’s Practice! (Answer on the separate sheets provided.)

Directions: Complete the paragraph by supplying the best answer in each blank.
Choose from the word bank below.

small estimated occurred hospitalized killed

quickly affected badly immediate deploy

Over the past months, people have been worried and stressed out about Covid-19. Many were
(1.)_________________ because of this disease. According to statistics, an (2.)___________ number
of more than a thousand people have died in our country.

Covid-19 is not the only pandemic which have (3.)___________ on earth. Over a hundred years
ago, the flu pandemic also (4.)______________ millions worldwide.

The pandemic has (5.)___________ all sectors of the economy, especially (6.) _________
enterprises and businesses. It has also hit the health sector (7.)__________. The further extent of the
damage will greatly depend on how (8.)_________ the virus is contained. The steps authorities take
to contain it, and how much economic support the government is willing to (9.)__________ during
the pandemic will define its (10.)___________ impact and aftermath to the community.

Key Points

Verbs are words that express both an action and a state. Meanwhile, adverbs and adjectives are
modifiers or clarifiers. Adjectives modify or describe nouns and pronouns while adverbs modify
verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. Many adverbs are formed from adjectives by adding ly. even
though they act similar but with different roles.

These parts of speech are important in writing because they provide clarity to ideas, especially when
one has a point to persuade others through his writing.

In writing Persuasive Essay, always consider the famous IBC, which stands for Introduction, Body
and Conclusion.

Let us see how much you have learned today!

(Write your answers on the Learner's Activity and Assessment sheets.)

Written by: MARIANE P. PATOC (T-I) Lubigan NHS

Directions: Using verbs, adjectives, and adverbs , write a two-paragraph persuasive essay on the
given topic below.

Why should you take care of your health?

Essay Rubrics
Areas of Assessment 4 3 2 1
Presents ideas in an original Presents ideas in a consistent Ideas are too general Ideas are vague or unclear
Ideas manner manner

Organization Strong and organized Organized beg/mid/end Some organization; No organization; lack
beg/mid/end attempt at a beg/mid/end
Understanding Writing shows strong Writing shows a clear Writing shows Writing shows little
understanding understanding adequate understanding
Word Choice Sophisticated use of verbs , Verbs , adjectives and adverbs Needs more verbs, Little or no use of verbs,
adjectives and adverbs make make essay informative adjectives and adjectives and adverbs
the essay very informative adverbs
Mechanics Few (if any) errors Few errors Several errors Numerous errors

Source: “Parts of Speech.”Accessed 19 June 2020

Source: Joseph Estroga.”English 8 Learning Module.”

Accessed June 19,2020.
REFERENCE/S module-quarter-1.
Source: “Essay Rubrics” Accessed June 19, 2020. hhtps://

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Written by: MARIANE P. PATOC (T-I) Lubigan NHS

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