Seneca Falls Lathe MFG Co 1891 No13

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LOO OE TR ES This @ancels all previous Catalogues. XS No. 18. DESCRIPTIVE @atalogue and Price List eee PATENT Foot and Hand Power Machinery. SOR ee ee ee eee ReaarUeaCrURED Br The Seneca Falls Ita. Co, SENECA FALLS, N. Y., USL AL x orien eae ‘ EPRI MR AAT Disenrverve Caratocty ast Pt ICTOR” SCROLL SAW. PATENTED. FOR FOOT OR STEAM POWER. PRICES. No, 1—VielerSerell Sa shown in cu, with one sdaven assorted Vistor Saxe ‘Blades, Twist Drill and Weeneh, boned for shipment. see $40.00 Mo 2—the same as Not, without Deiling Attachment 5 35.00 Tight and Loose Pallet for Steam Power, for Now tor 2 Machines so. $00 No. {For Steam Power Only, aranged to fasten toa work bench, has tigi ‘and lose pulleys fr 114 Inch fat el, has the ane expacity asthe No. Machine, but bas ne Dring Attachnent 5.00 Tight and Lowe Pulleys (us ley when 50 desired, without extra 2 Drsenterive Catatoove AND Paice Lis: THE “VICTOR” SCROLL SAW. “This Machine is designed for Pattern, Model and Cabinet Makers Carpenters, Baiders, and all wood workers, who desice a machine of large capacity sukable for lone amd very accurate work. Tewill eat wh the great: precision up to inches thick, and bas tentyfour inches swing: {thas aw adjustable Tension i connection withthe upper spinile which may be vated to atthe operator. Tt i arranged to use regulary, inch saw nes, but can be adjusted to we ‘ne blades fr very ight srk, i desi te ha an Iron Tilting Table, 16 inches in dameter, armed true and polished, which can be change to any angle fr sawing ind work Tas an Adjustable Upright Drilling AMachment provided with an “Empire” et Chuck which wil hold fram No, 60 9 3-46 inch Twist Dil Te bara large Dust Blower, which works perfectly ad Keeps the Hines ofthe work face fom sa dt The Driving Wheel is heavy, 24 inches in diameter, and the Driving Bek being the patent V shape tong power i obtsined without any slipping or loet motion The Fout Dower fs a walking motion, Oy which mich greater power ean be ottained with leas fatigue, than with ati other kind in use, and it enables the operator tormum the machine with both fet siting or ome foot standings a5 Asie The average rate of speed, by Foot Powe, ix about eight bundee strokes per minute, and shosld be the same by Steam Power-not exceed ine handed The height fom Boo to top table 90 inches ee we fui [Showing TeMbd Lome ttlgotacted teste Power) For Steam Ps TANraME nae pulley arranged to connect wth the Driving, Wheel Sha ay shown in the above ea. Weight of Sachin, 230 pounds. Boxe or shipments 330 pounds ALJoTVLER, Manufictorer of Pumps, Ete, Atos, N. ¥., writes: 1 bave Nest Victor Sell Saws in ty Pattern shop for the tat sb months we tay tact Hike i only partly expreses it fortis the only Foot Power Scroll SEG Levee aed that wan. good for anything except to play with, This Machine shws joss good alas accurate work as any of the Best Power wed one of you pots fil capac, i Saeed iat withost the wouble ad expeme of beeping. up wea of other seer lope you ill meet withthe sic dha our invention mers, ree AvIn, ropitrs Noh Bk Foundey and Machine Took Works snine Ne wins As ogards the No.1 Vicor Serall Saw which we Feiveay wil ny thet have sed in ost Ftiern shop an find Fy toa We bought the Machin with tight an Tooe ules but rans ATS by ret” we have mye never attached poverty although we Bae wed it werent in patere maviog, Taking no account the Deling Atachment the eae) ahaa Tiking Table withthe ete wth which ti operated, we think qeeve wmlas tok wile iin aold at a very ressonsble pice petehased of you last, Paraxr Foor Powe Macteseny C.W. GRANT, Civil Engineer, ih W. Re Haven, Kailtoad and Gener) Contractor and Builder, Hesvato, N.Y, writes: The Vitor Scroll Saw is rightly named. I have tried nealy every Seroll Saw nthe market and find the tor” far ahead. In sleting the “Victor vas aided by my Knowledge of mechanical and physial praciple, and coal not be misled by ch claims as you make, Itis constructed pon the right principlen the sltemate foot motion ives an easy and “continaou impetas to. the Aviving wheel and the work 4t performs doe not exhrust ts momentum, a nthe ase with a single crank machine, besides your treadles, con nesting co etc balance each other, andthe smotion is easy ad natural JOHN D. EMACK.& COL, Manufactorers Potent Enameled Sate Letters and Fguees Suatisinas, Pay writes: The ten (10) No.4 Vietor Scroll Saws tat we parehated Inst Map, Ihave heen in consant ake ever since and they lve eotir satisfaction in every expect GUS KRANHOLD, Contractor ant Bailes, Hustisronb, Wisy wet: The No. 1 Victor Sera Saw and Lathe tachment work tomy fatee satiation. They are fall ap to what yon caimand even more VICTOR LATHE ATTACHMENT. This Lathe is thoroughly peactiea strong. amd, well finished. Can be easly ateched tether the Victor” cr “Empire” Machines the same manner a8 the table, ta inden from the balance hel with «inch round = belt, Tt nvings 6 inchen and takes 18 inches between cenlzes, The Heal Stock has a Steel Spine and Face Pate, aso Emery Weel for grinding and polishing, The “ail Stock has a Steel Screw Spindle wth Hand Wheel, _ te, Bach Lathe ix provided with one each short and long'T Rests Point Cup and Sper Centres NO. 4 VICTOR. FOR PRICE SEEIPAGE | Swings G8 inches PRICE. Drscxireive Carats AND PR THE “EMPIRE” SCROLL SAW. PATENTED. FOR FOOT OR STEAM POWER. PRICES. wen snorted Vitor Ye t-Baple tel Sa, hor ho ih oe ELE lat tres ol tapos * enn Mo, 2 The same as No.4, without Ding Atachments-++++ - 2080 ‘ight and Locte Pulleys, for Stam Power, for Nott or 2 Machines------+-+ 6.00 ‘Tight and Loose Paleysfamished in place of the Tveadles when s0 desired, without exes charge. Parise Foor Power Macttni 5 THE “EMPIRE” SCROLL SAW. This Machin islsigned for Carpenters, Builders Cabinet Makers and genera workshop use, itis thoroughly practical stong! amd durable, wll eat ep to 3 inches thick, and swing 24 inches. We guarantee it superior to any Sell Saw fr the price fn the market, thas Wooden Arms operating upon an entirely new principle, beg pivoted in such amannet a5 to ds away with any sdcomosion, amd In connection with the self djing sa clamps gives a staght wjrand-down motion ofthe sw Dae tis arranged to use regulaly, S.nch saw Hades, bat can be aijuted to ase Sinch blades for very light work, i esc Te hasan Iron Tiking Table turned true and polished, which ean be changed) to any angle for saving inlaid wok Te has an Adjustable Upright Deiling Attachment, provided with an “Eimpiee Dell Chuck, which wil hold from No, 60 to $46 inch Twist Drill ‘The Driving Wheel is 24 inches in ameter, and the Driving Belt being th pitent V shape stg power obtaine without any siping or lst motion, The Foot Vower hata walking motion, by which much greater power can be ‘obtained with less fatigue, tha with any other ind in uy and enables the operator to rum the machine with both fc, sting; of one fot, stanling as desired The Average Rate of Speci when saving is about Sco stokes per mivate "The height from Hor to tp of tale 40 inches. For Sicam Power we furnish tight and loose pulleys, arranged to connect with the Deving Wheel Shaft The Vicor Lathe Weight of n be use this Machine, See dexpton on page 5 185 Ibs. Paved for shipment, 240 li. JACKSON & LAW, Carpenters and Contacts, bark Fattay Pha aie ‘We ate well pleased with the Emyee Serll Saw. We made atest we hal ton train eating Heackete from 2inch pine plank, and cared § 6 hours, ater deducting the cost of materia computing atthe price we w py atthe Paning Mil forthe ste racket ite capacity when have to MACILAN BROS, Conteactors and Builders Twat, Fousos Gy Esbi wite We have tasted your Empire Scroll Saw and. can sty that we ate well pleasel with it, have trie other Foot Power Serall Sava and fr all purposes prefer the Empire” The Tiking Table ie grand things we w 2h Dry Oak and inch Poplar on ear machine and we wil gu ce. Ifyou make a F seeds ee it wil Ao all you claim and of, and 8 Power Morin, please send ta cut — W, P. VEST, Carpenter, WoRIINGION, Oly writes: Tam very auueh plated with the Empiee Scroll Saw and Vietor Lathe Atachment, Never made am investment of 35 that gave me more satisfaction and reg practical Benefit Am using them in a carpenter shop on various kinds of work, When I want to turm a longer piece than the Lathe will take in, Cave a wooden bed that T subsite, and Chas Tea tir table leg readily W. A. HANKINSON, Architect and Hulder, No, 215 West tt, New York ‘Cry, writes: 1 find the Enmplte Scroll Say that I am sing to do all tit Irequice of and consider it better and cheaper for general axe than any Setll Sa inthe markt 6 Desennsive Corsuocos ax Paice Last THE “UNION” COMBINATION SAW. FOR FOOT, HAND, OR STEAM POWER. 1—Vaien Combination Saw, with one each 7 and 10 Inch Rip andy inc ‘Gita Saws Wrench and everything compte as shown in thove ext Texel for shipmen Ne. The same as No Tinsh Rip and C Forel for tipment c ‘ight and Lecco Pulleys For Steam Power for ether No sad Ripping Devise, with one ey te shown in cat om DAE, Fmachines.--. 6.00 Parest Foor Powek Maciiseny. , THE “UNION” COMBINATION SAW. ‘This isa New Combination Circlar Sawing Blachine with Sel¢Feod Ripping Desi, et, a marvel of ingenity, convenience and practicability, Iti designed for Carpe: ters, Cabinet, Pater, Petre Frame, Box an Bee Hive Makers and Woimorkers general Te every strong, sultans and thoroughly well but Machine, suitable for various Kinds of work, in Ripping, Catinges, Ming e Rabbeting, Grooving, ‘Gaining, Dai ing. wp Jointing Sto, Boring et 1 cam be easily and qulekly change fom a Self achine to Catia’ Machine cat on page 8) Tes made entiney of Tro and Stool excepting the Hast wood Stipe in the Cente of Table, on face of Gauges top of the Drop Leaves, The Power trmnite entirely by Gears and a Chain Bel doing Tyne | ower has a walking motion by which much eater | poner can be obtained with les fatigue than with anyother kind im we, anv itenables the operator to run the achive with both fet siting ‘or oe fot standing, a8 desire. 1 has for changes of Spool Three by Hand ower and One by Foot Power. f (the No.2 Machine as one lets sped iy Hand Power) the Self Feed Ripping Devise has am adjnstale fed for Ripping which is lf aiing forall nlinary work and is positive a ita action the power being trannited has irc changes of speed, (fst, esto and slow) adapted tothe ld he adestood + that the Self-Feed Ripping Devise operated by Hand Power. The Ton Table is planed perfectly tre and inthe centee of same i Sted two Adjustable Harv Strips (one each sie of the stu) they are easly aljnted and face very convenient in changing Saws Catter Head, ete, The Table is also provided with two Adjustable SUdlng Casting fauges and one Ripping, Gav having Steel Sliles which prope ft the grooves i table thereby securing accuracy in their ajstnents, The Table fe ingot a the back and ean be adjusted up or dows by ng long sa it has cap eaves which may be ralsed making long table, The Drop Leaves are easily to be use with the Sfp Fed Ripping Devise, and nd Serew in font, for Ciooving, Rabbiting, ete. For Rip tached or detached ae inten ae furnished only withthe No.1 Machine. THE “UNION” BORING ATTACHMENT. This thoroughly practical and substantial attachment foe the Union machine ani can be easily and quickly paced in position on either No. tor No, 2 machine ready for se and can be operated by either Foot, Ha or Steam Power Wis made ently of Irom and Stet an has a Stel Spine with a New and Improved Dell Chock which wi 1a from 5 to 34 eoand Shank Destin will seco ‘any see Auger Bits by Simply cating off the square shank, ‘Sheree Drills o¢ Bite cam aoe wkd if sed Te has a usable Siting Table, provided with Stops to gauge the depth of hole and a graduated Scale which secures accuracy inthe up and down ajastment [ts diven ently by gears snd is very powerfal i its action, boring. ome inch bole and ander readily in sof woody and hard wood in proportion ‘ree—Union Boring Attachment oxed for shipments evveee 810000 509900 JENNING’S PATTERN AUGER BITS. WITH THE SQUARE SHANKS CUT OFF READY FOR USE IN THE . UNION BORING ATTACHMENT. ee ee ee Bo ase 28. GAG FTE GOR MAE. ATE $0 5. BSE. TSE Pavae Foor Bower Machines " THE “UNION” CUTTER HEAD. Thin is new and improved Cater Head is mate adjastable and wil hold aives fom 3f to 2 inches wide, It ls designed to ase on the Saw Adbor of the Union” Machine for eating Grooves, Gaim, Dadoes, Rabbets, Bige-upy Joint tu ey an for most Kinds of work con ‘Special Knives can be fuse for cutting Headed Fated or fegula Sarface. PRICES. ‘Union Gutter Head, with one pair Strsight Kees eon 6050 Eta, Straight Knives, 4. 2s Sor Sie Mv Yao te Ws tMs Wo 1M 1b cher we per pal. 2 : nh aso ‘Special Knives ade to ores, prices given when patteres are sent Th ondcring, state sce of Roiven wantel fa Catt Head, otherwise we send H inch Krives ‘THE “CLIMAX” GROOVING SAWS. a = These are anew and improved style of Grooving Saws, having special shaped Teath and wil cat much casier and beter than the ol ssle Grooving Saws a lable to clog, they are ofa aupeioe quality, temper ad Sais, and are designed to use ‘om the Union Machine for Grooving, etc, un certain kinks of work where they may be beter adapted than the Union Cater oad, bat we recommend the Inter a the most desirable tol to se om a maority of work. 5 inches, a) 3 inch $200 3 yr6 BY 230 5 Me 300 a) pie S30 5 ans 0 sg ie = 430 ss He $20 Descaarnive, Caratoaivr AND PRICK List GEM MOULDING MACHINE. PATENTED, FOR FOOT OR STEAM POWER. PRICE. 320.00 ate Sha for Steam 200 “rcular, curved of 3g Cutter ag shows This is a now E (Cabinet Makers and al W Seger werk with mentded fon Frame, Stel Spindle and Shaft, and Parese Foor Rowee MAcniyeny GEM MOULDING CUTTERS. Price, Gem Moulling Cuter, eae SAMPLES OF MOULDINGS. ‘Section of Sash Rall SAMPLES OF MOULDINGS.---CONTINUED. THE “DIAMOND” MORTISING MACHINE. Diamond Mortising Mac Disoeivive CaTatogow ayn, Paice List, DIAMOND MORTISING MACHINE. This Machine is song and substantial has powerful motion, accurate action, lange range for work, and in all respects isthe most perfect Foot Power Mortis Machine ever ofered. is mae eaticly of fron and Stech except the hardwood strip on top of table, And the novel couseuction ofthe frame renders it exteemely strong and sold The tealle motion i areanged in such a manner as to obtain great leverage and power onthe Chisel Spindle, without special stenn on the working part The table has easy, accurate and positive, horizontal, vertical and angle aujusiments ‘The angle aljstnent isa valuable featae that will be appreciated by all mechanicnItis provided with a graduated scale by which the operator may tlt the lable either tothe ight or lft to mortise or ext work on any ange, Tras heavy coiled wice spring mule of the best spring steel oil tempered, Which ean be easily adjunted for any desired tcnsion, The Chisel Keverser x attached to the apper etd of the Chitel Spindle. The working points are mille! toa guage, and it is provided with «sop, im such a manner sto secure perfect accuracy in reversing the chive Teil mortise gto inch wi 18 Teroning Tonk, ext Tenors, 3g o 1 inch thick, 3 inches dep. ach Machine is provided with three Momtising Chisels, one each 34,34, amd $6 Inch, Other sizes may be substituted ifdesieed. Weight, 145 Us. Boxed 200 ths. itches esp, amd with the addition of the Dia DIAMOND MORTISING CHISELS. — 5-16, 385 7.46, 63, 9:16, 58, 34) 78 Inch each: 82.00 Brloe, 1% DIAMOND TENONING TOOL--PATENTED AND IMPROVED. ‘This wa valuable atachment fo the Diamond Mortsing Mac It is provided with adjustable cutters and will cut Tenons fem 1 inch thik, 3 inches deep. Very handy for making Window and Doo Sereen Frames and all ight Tenoning. Also the caters may be adjusted together forming one wide cate for Cornering an Shaping Shingles, Etc PRICE. $3.60 DIAMOND BLIND SLAT TOOL. rh Pelee, with one each 1, 134 and 13 inch sees seer $8.00 Pavitt Fa Powee Macs 7 M.A, LIBBEY & CO. Wood Workers and Machinists, Scr Teewies, Mi, write: We have used sour Dimon Moning: Machines als» Tenoning Toot for the pastyear and can say that owe never ageila mortise thal reid as Mle power famed ‘the work out with such case and. accuraeys an! fin! the Temoning ‘ond very Dandy forall light Tensning. We have one of your Victor Sst Saws In daily use at slall soon order other machines of your male, We ate thoroughly convinced that there Issothing in the market equal to them, even at double the peice A.GENOUNG, Contractor and Hiller, Waves N,V. tts: The Diamond Mortsing Machine [hd wil do mach mote work than V expected The ajusments fre all perfect, and 1 think it fr superive to any foot puver mortises inthe market Tiwoald mot tie twice what it cost me FRANK N. CARVER, Haller, 14-17 Fe St.N. W. Wasttsct0sy D.C writes: take great please in_expresing. to you ny entire saifaction with the. Damon Mortising Machine and ‘Tenoning Tool 1 find them slated tos variety of work a Inlieve they are saperioe to anya the market, A.J, PALMER, Manuficturer and, Dealer in Hand and Soft Wood Lomber, Fuvsuinsy Mict, writes: Can recommen the Diamond. Morse as the. best Have ‘wed it in Oak atid maple with 3, chite with eave, “I would tot be witbeat fe FOOTE & JOHNSON, Iilder of Fine Cariages and) Wagons, Wyre Van wrife: The Diamond. Mort received from pou several montis ajo i ry Nes subitantial and fective. Te has given satisfaction in every respect, BRUSH, ELECTRIC CO,, CLivtiasty Ow write: We have. been using your Diamond Mortiing. Machine for tome time and ace well pleased with tc Te dees the ‘work fr which i is etendet ina satisfactory manner, BEN]. C. JAQUES, Contractor and Mulder, writes: Lake pleasure in jeconimenling” your Diamond. Mortsing Machine forthe many afvantages fobe derived hy is ure, and cannot see how any carpenter can afford to be without one Tes strong, compact ard docs te work thoroughly and accurately. K.P. SALLERLEO, Carpenter an Buller, Cnaunieatats, Daxora, wets 1 am very much pleased with jour Diamond Mortising, Machine, nd it far ahead. of any Tever saw. o'nor see how it cam help but give saistaction JOHN CONROY, Carpenter and Builder, Gates Mr. Fa1ts, Cot, writes: ‘The Empire Scroll Saw, Diamond Morsning Machine and Tenoniog Tool tec giving excellent tion; Teould not get along wntoxt them, 8 Descuimive Caratocvr axp Paice List THE “CROWN” LATHE. PATENTED FOR FOOT OR STEAM POWER. Sizes, Prices, Ele, Revised Sept. 1, 1801 inches. 24 inches. 41 inches. 240 Ths. 2 pee | 2 Bere | ee ‘Countenaftfrnshed in place of Foat Power without esta charge sabwiantal and thoroaghly well uit Lathe and is designed for Toring, Drilling, Polishing ee, No. x swings 8 inches and ‘This is aston Tarning in wood oe me No, 2 swings 10 inches, can obtin more Leverage Tt has our Patent Foot Power by sthich the opera and produce greater power with lee fatigue than vith acy other kind im use. It Camsss of double teas, with a walking motion, embracing an enticely new principle the tealles ace movable and work independent of each other, each being connected at ‘oppoite ends of the Driving, Wheel Shaft in such a manner as to. produce a song, positive and continuous power, Can he started or stopped instantly, and may be ‘peated wih hoth fest sting of one fot standing, as desiead. Parext Foor Rowan Macitveny 9 “The Head Stock has atheeeSpced Cone for 14 inch belt, Hollow Steel Spindle with 34 hole and Hard Brome Metal Boxes, which are adjstable to take up the wea. “The Centers are Standard Taper 34 inch to the foo, “The Tail Stock Jas a Stel Spindle with selédischarging centee, eam locking “device, ee, ‘The bed i srong and solid and has two ralsed V ways ach Lathe x provides with 2 Point and # each Gxp and Spr Cen tong T Rests, Wrench and everthing complete as shown in cu short and THE “CROWN” SLIDE REST. “This{Slde Res is designed attachment for the Crown Lathe, but may be tsed on any $ orto inch lathe, It +a thoroughly well male tol and very desirable for working in mals. It wil turn straight or tapering and face or square up surfaces to the fll capacity of the Lathe, It has two Slides placed at right angles with each ‘other carrying tol post, which may be denwn back and ort oe skleways by means of ferews allowing any positon forthe tering tool, and has a Bevel Rest which allows the retical adjasment of the tool without altering its pitch. Tt swings the fall cele on Bed Plate, The eros fei is 2 inches and longitutinal feeds inches. The Toot Post, ‘Serews and Gibs ace steel, ad the Travers’ Secows cover PRICES. Revised Sept. 1, 1591, No.1 Crown Slide Rest for No. 1 Crown o¢ any. $ inch Lathe Nez 8 Na? Ho THE WIRSCHING CHURCH ORGAN CO, Suan, Ouio, write: We have fone of your Crown Lathes ani regard the best fe the pce of any'made. Tt ean be {ed faa variety of wor a connection swith the Slide’ Kest and inthe eondact of oot Dasiney find tht i anren ws ma C KAUFMAN, Swuceeries, N.V writs: ‘The Ceown Lathe beat any hing I fever iaw for s plain foot lathe. 1 have shown it t several machinists an they ai thins i-vey cheap 3 the pice SHAD N, Contractor and Tailder, ADAMS Mass. wites: Tam well fw Lathe in every eespect. I rans easy, the Foot Power isa great hs old ply and no eaepenioeshup ie complete without one} INO. BERRY, Sail Maker, Che, Mt, wits: Lam wll plewed wih the Crown Lea aly pt jot commend in ey rer THE “CROWN” COUNTERSHAFT. Siar the Sa Comte BION, Crown Countershaft suitable fr either Nos. toe 2 Crown Lathess++-++-$1000 AND Prick List THE “STAR” SCREW CUTTING LATHE. PATENTED-FOR FOOT OR STEAM POWER. t inches. | ag inches. | 43 inches. | 325 lim 2 os |e | as iso ; $2). [ee | Re 3 Bs Bo |e om] Bee CCouotershaf fernished in place of Foot Power without extra change This isa New and Tmproved Back Geared. Screw Catting Engine Lathe with Automatic Crow-Foedy ct, embracing al of the valuable features dese n'a stctly fw omits Engine Lathe ane null well area fr er Fu or Sa ipower. Ut has a bron heavy solid bed (with four Vways) and other parts being {roportonately heavy each size Lathe wll take. work tos fall capacity without ary {rembling or jarring! thi, i connection with is any other superiot features, should Be Dorse in lnd when selecting Lathe.” We invite comparison with any other Lathe of corresponding sass on the market Pon and 2 aving 9 chee oer Ways $3 inches over Tool Carriage. Nom 3 v1 4 ning 2 inches over Ways, 8 inches over Tool Cartage, Parmer Foor Powek Macintsray a The Head Stocks of Nox. t and 2 have a three speed cone for 1 inch belts (aod with the Tack Gears give sx changes of speed) 14¢ inch Hollow Steel Spindle Si 3 hote "The Head Stocks of Nos. 3 and 4 have a fourspeed Cone for 1 3-4 inch belt and with the Back Gears give eight changes of spect) 13 inch Hollow Stel Spindle tole. AI Head Stocks have Hard Bronse Metal Howes which are adjustable to take Gp the wear. The centre are Standaud Taper 34 inch to te fot ‘The Tall Stock hasan adjstable side movement for turing tapers and a steel spindle with selLaucharging centre." Alsv a Cam acting arangeten, Tehas our Patent Feeding Devise and ie provided with both Automatic Crost and Longiuatinal Feeds, which may be drown in or out of eontat by simply turning @ ‘thumb matin the apron, al will ee ight or left cut screws right ot left oe be tro fut of gear entirely Uy moving the Lever in the Head Stocks without changing the ‘motion St the fut. ‘The Tool Carag tx strongly gibnd tothe bed the Rest having an. Automatic Cross Feed, which wil feed in or ou, secures perfect accuracy in turing or facing up ‘work, and with the addition ‘of simple Taturey which can be mate by any oudiaey workman, a vatety of milling may He done, festure that wil be appreciated by al mechanics. "The Carriage has a camping devise for locking tothe hed when sing the Crom Feed. The Tool Post is provited witha Screw Aijesiment for raising, and lowering the Tool Tell cut threads from 3 to 64 inclusive without compounding the gears, and any numberof threns ty compouing The Leade Screw is splined and for all work except screw cutting it simply ats ‘asa Feed Roi and therefore the only weat‘on the Tiveaie of he Sesew i ih screw ‘cutting The Lende Screw and all working serews, as well at the Rack and all small Gears ate made of Stee, the Rack aut all Gears ace eat by Automatic Machinery an run smoothly Tt bas our Pateot F Tovier by whi the opetter cit abtsin more lereage and prodace greater poe wit lea atguc than with iy ether kind mses TE soe (f Doutje Treas, witha walking motion, embracing an eaiely new pevetie: the {readies Are movable ani work inlependent of each uther each being connected. at ‘opposite ens of the Driving Whee! Shaft in such a manser as to produce a srongy Poniive and ‘continuous power. “Can be sated or stopped inal, al way Be ‘Sperated with both fet aiing, or one oot sanding, me dete Each Lathe is provided with a Centre Rest, 2 Point Centres a full set of Change Gears to cut thveads rom 3 to Ga, Wrenches, and’ everything complete as shown in eat LW. BL MALL, New Barraisy Cons. wetea: The Star Lathe hat given entire satisfaction, it runs tay and does good work," have wsed several Kindy of font athcs tand thote that cost more money, bat had rather have the Siar Lathe than any Lave yetseen. Tihink the foot power far aheal of the velocipee of the ol ales of foot motion, asi is much casier to hold the body steady for and tuling, ety with Ue walking motion, stg XO_W; BOWMAN, Machina, Bruustovrutnr, Om, wtes: The Star Lathe sands in the highest rank is fout power i acy to operate the neon cutting fe perfect fd the creas feeds very handy. It in nicelyhnshed and the workmanship 8 excellent, in freely recommend the Star Tathe to any oe pas puCtlAS. BEERS, Ing Electrician, Butter, Cons, roved sella frst lase machine in evry expect and fe Aatlaction to any onc who has any hed of ace tote ae WIL, REIGHTMYER, Gunamith, Ricisioswrinit, Ny Yo, wits: The Star Lathe is nicely and accurately aie and practical in every crac of the word! do not Deleve i hs its equal im the market forthe price. “The Fao power fs te Dos T ever ‘saw T can do anything on my'lathe without any dificult asoul pee ring Te METCALFE, Mr of the Metcalfe Engine, ami desler in Machinists” Fine Tovis, Warstsnonor, Pay writes: The Star Lathe hap given entire satsction In every respect, Like the Foot’ Power very much and think she best Lathe on ‘he market forthe price i writer; ‘The Star Lathe rand to give permanent Star Countershatt for Nos 1 at (One-half inch, two ply stitch 7 wis Prices Descuivrive Ceratoace aNb Peick List THE “STAR” COUNTERSHAFT. 215.00 ages PRICE LIST OF BELTING. ROUND BELTING. 18 in 516 inch ‘ye per foot, seiper tok PATENT ANGULAR OR V BELTING. 150 per foot FLAT BELTING. inch, nig inch, ti inch, inch, 2 inch tye per foot, 200. per foot, 238: per foo, ‘Hoes per fool 136 er EMERY WHEELS. Free Cutting, with great enderance, Adapted for all kinds of work. WHEELS IN INCHES toh a 2 6 7 | 7% 8) too 3 13 to 17 | Tao i Sto al 3 200 300 3h é 3m 435 365 ie | 533 13 5 oo bie ke © ae | 998 us S| 38 | ite isto 3 1283 508 1045 @ 1653 | 1948 10 15 ers | use joo 2» puss 2025 3835 Allwheels thinner than 3 fneh sol at 16 finch pce. In ordering give the size of Mandee, and sate Kind of work you wish to do, Parese Foor Powsx Macin THE “CHALLENGE” SCROLL SAW. PATENTED-FOR FOOT OR STEAM POWER. This Machine is designe for Amateur Monkl Makers, Jewelers, Shell and. Metal Workers, Printers and others who dese to do tne, close and very accurate work fn Wood, Bone, Shel, or Metal. Ie will at wood one inch and under rapidly, and vil wing 45 inches. Tt has an Teon Tiking Table, that can he changed to any postion for saving inlaid work Te bas an Adjustable Upright Driling Attachment with improved Drill Chuck, ‘which wil hold from No, 60 ta No. 45 ors Twit Te hasan improved Dust Hlowet, which works perfectly and keeps the line of the trork fee fom aw dost, "The Saw Clamp ‘rl old Gly any §-nch saw blade. has a lange Driving Wheel with a inch round belt, fing the groove nicely ae doing avay with any slipping or lot motion. ‘The Rate of Speed when sawing ie about S00 stokes pee minute. Weight of No. 1 Machine, 65 Its, Boxed for shipment, 100 Is AML Machines are set up amram before they leave the factory. PRICES. 1: aN» Fisisited Paks NICKLE-PLATED, Mo, 1—Ghallenge Seroll Saw, a5 shown in cut with #8 ‘Twist Dil and wrench, toned for shipment. ee Mo.4 Fer Steam Power Only, aranged 10 fasten to a work bench, Bas @ pally for + inch fat bel, asthe atme capacity atthe No. t Machine, bat has no Drilling Attachment THE “CHALLENGE” LATHE ATTACHMENT. “This a very handy and seal attachment for the Challenge Setll Saw. TE fan be atached tothe BS machinein the same manner 85 the table, artis driven from the grooved balance wheel ‘tis made of ron and steel length of be 18 inchest. stance between centres, 10 Inches, and swings 4 inches: rests, 4 and 8 inches long * The Head basa spindle of see, nicely ted with Face Plate, Spur Cente, Ete ‘The Tall Stock has a Stel Screw Spindle, with Hand Whee), E Te has a sold. Emery Wheel for grinding and polishing also a set of Turning Tools end a Screw Driver. Prloe, Challenge Lato Attachment, boced for shipmen seen extra Sa Blade 920.00 $10.00 3.0 os Descarerive Catatoaie asi” Patow Last THE NEW “RIVAL” SCROLL SAW. PATENTED AND IMPROVED. This Machine is designed for Amateurs anothers, Tight work x general 1 bas recently heen reconstructed (Ope of the salable. inspeorements sig the rocking mot n wth the wooden arms, the arms ing. attached to adjustable rocker plates, which ave pivot hearings, icing away with any friction or sie rmotimy and im connection with the scltadjating saw clamps, gives a Straight wp and down motion 10 the saw blade, Teswings 17 inches Tehasan Teon Tilting Table that eam he changed to any position, for swing inlaid work; the table is poished and lckel plate Te has Adj Save Clamp which Dy wil hold tly any 5 iach saw bade 4§ pounds; boved for shipment, So pounds, All machines are eet up and : PRICE. Rival Sell Saw, as shown in cu, with hy doven ests es, Twist Dail and Wrench, boxed forshipent..s.secvseseesseee-s $10.00 THE “RIVAL” LATHE ATTACMENT. This sa very handy and ef attachment or the Rival Serll Soy and is sold exe. Tecan le attached wo the machine fn the same manner as the table, and i driven from the grooved balance whecl, Ti ig made of Tron and Steel; length of leds 15 Inches; distance between conte, 8 inches, and swings 4 inches; rest 4 and 8 inches long. “The Head has a Spinile of Stee nicely ited with Face Plate, Spur Cet The Tail Stock has a test Spindle, ee be, 1 has Solid Emery Wheel for grinding and polishing, slo a set of Turning vols and a Screw Driver, Price, Rival Lathe Attachment, boxed for shipment $3.00 owe Macs 2 CIRCULAR SAWS. PATENT GROUND AND TEMPERED. These Saws are of eaperor quality, temper and Sieh, they are made expecially to use on the Union ‘Machines;and are set a led ready for we, sinches. tg gauge, i é Be ac 7 nw a 6 is x In ordering be particular to sate if Rip oF Cut Saws ace desire THE “VICTOR” SAW BLADES. INCHES LONG FOR VICTOR AND EMPIRE MACHINES.2 Il These Saw Blades are made from the very eat of Sav Steel are temperei and Gabhed. Now 4, $ and 12 ae tempered suitable for cutting in Woud, lone, Shell and Soft Metal and Nos. 20, 55 and 9 be eating i Won The leche reed bck Se eet and Go| canbe tes , PRICES. 13 Sas $250 Now 4 Nu 20,2530, 875 GRIFFIN'S PATENT SAW BLADES. 5 INCHES LONG. Brer. These Saw Blades are suitable for aan a raareESE cating in Woor, Bone, Shell and. Soft Garaws p Prices. Parenr eros. er Gro San Beaves. Neon 2, 5645600105 $1.00 Sa Non pand Seorces 20 Ne ant 10, 140 EE NSW co rok sll es than oven of & LOGEMEICN - 26 Descnunive Caratoove axp Paice Lise LATHE TOOLS. ef and Side To 6 Cating-f Took ht Hand Sie Too) 7—Tirealing Tool 3—Right Hand Dent Tool, Caen Thetading Toot SCRIGN Hand Dison Poin 9-Horing Too. send Nowe Pook onde Threading Too These Lathe Tools are forge from the best Cast Steel and earefaly tempered segntez stable for Crown Slide Rests go ces 3840 Now dand 2 Star Lathes coesescooee ca fanpS “4 Non jandg Slat Laenesssccoccecssce WoOD TURNING TOOLS. WITH HARD WOOD HANDLES. 1 each 38 and 3-4 Turing Gouge rece, per st. Teach $8 and $4 Turning Chase PCH er a $150 Screw Chuck S150. $200 SE Point Come. ae, sis0 SR Cp Centee esse eecees cere B20, ++$100, Hand Rest for Wood Turning. +8200 Large Face Plate 9 inch, $3.50 STEEL ARBORS. For holding Saws Emery Wheel ete ee Pace, $175 $250 $300 ‘TWIST DRILLS. ie fos ko 249 abs STEEL CLAMP DOGS. PRICES. 14 inches between stews .8h50 i ' Fe Tach Ne by Gage, Low, Pcp Dos Pie Eck to 50 21316 S55 |S 5 as 1h 3 ie 8 Drscunive. Coratactr aso Parc List THE “ACME” DRILL CHUCK. DIAMETER 2 INCHES. This isthe bes rill Chack for the price in the market, Tt made of steel in the most thoroagh manner, and olds from © to $4 inch true and fim. Tt 36-2 selésightening che and neds no spanner wrench to make it old 34.00 HARTFORD DRILL CHUCK. A this chock i made, we claim it to be he est chuck ofits int onthe market increasing contin." Oat Te ha tery peril chuck and bol tae aint om IF will holt mot only lly bt taps the round or square Tue Teisihe best check tae for oad ring to ‘We gearantce that thi chuck wil not injure the rl any ny. ° i inch. 1 pound Ot Sho : 2 34 “ owe 700 : » se “ ot Keo THE “CHAMPION” CHUCK. These Chucks are very tasily designed, and intended for tse un foot and ght Powerlatcs, Theyarestongand durable, the’ shal are male of malele iron and the sulle and jawe of sea The a and'2i, inch sues are designed for attachment to the lathe spine by a taper mandrel the larger aes are atached Iremeas of face plate “These Chicks ace operated. by hand or deve PRICE LIST. Diane PRR of Pre Se Dig» Be Pare Foot Power Mac 9529 2 AMATEUR GEARED CHUCK. DIAMETER 2 INCHES. A new Univerial Geared Lathe sand Drill Chuck, expecially adapted to Foot Lathes and for small work Te can be ited with ease to any Lathe or Dail Machine, ether with a taper plug ora face pate, With No.2 jaws it holds dlls from 1-16, to 5-8, and with No, jas apiece cai be held by the outside as large fs the diameter of the Chuck The shell is of malleabie iron, the working pins are of stel, and the Chucks are made in the most thorough manner When you omer he particular and sate if you want No. 1, No sts of js, PRICE, with No. x or No.2 Jas $8.00 ith (wo se8 of Jaws seseseceon eect satenenesessee 150 GEARED SCROLL CHUCK. These Chucks are the latest improve, o pains being spared to make them fesclae im every expect Allo them are now mul having thecepnions a aaa lover the oi se, asa Chuck so made will oxtwear auy ther, Te nut only make Mander Chuck to'ase by having pinion always within eathy tat the Chuck i 18 perfectly talance an advantage when required for high-speed machines. AM pitioNs Eo el ae of sel "Al sup ad inlaing ve Inch are of ees ermaning sits having jaws of the bet wrought oa thicoughly case-hartened. All nos ofsple Now age round after being hardene: Keys and acows are fered ‘sith each Chck. Chass with two ste jaws (Nos, t and'2) are kept in soo Dipger DRBE of pice. | in Wagar Digmeer Damar ol| pre, DARE PE Bing! Pe | Din Wei To ‘in. 1g the to s 278in, 100, bata 3a HOF 2. 3 sous | ee Bhr6" 1200 334" | 1500 2 For Chucks with two ats jaws, add 30 percent extra to above Hist and for sawed Chrcks at 10 percent a Tn ordering be partial state the syle of jams wanted, otherwise No. 13 will be ren Desenirnve CaraLoGve AND Paice List INDEPENDENT 4-JAW CHUCK. REVERSIBLE JAWS: oe jays of ti Chuck can tad enema fesere seldom oni in chasks of is, Kind. screw made wih a long ving at each eran howl the’ square end become broken gr worn ican be reversed ad Nic tier end tt to te Key Tike ws an acres are made Stel athe eins age Srcomtely ste, A keyrwreneh scar bar scl and br os Bretaching to faceplate ore farnked wah each chuck. All sree cept aig. inch and 6 EEG fave’a aot as shown, im iSound handy when rating iegelae work. COMBINATION LATHE CHUCK. CONCENTRIC OR ECCENTRIC, UNIVERSAL OR INDEPENDENT. YAWS REVERSIBLE. a ant the. est ome cack ever pat om Geemarc, The jor se We radia) dos, and at all tlic these sts ae covet ‘cacti rt and chips The chuck. is rendered univers or independent a fa ested In kding even iis or frog worky the oes amon Hes placed any Aeseed postion and the rack find srewspons, meshedy fering a sch with eccen ‘Beau placed bat with ! Hmultanetusiy moving jam I The jaws all ses, except sible; and the whole chuck may be dismembered for cesning the 4 and Gino, are reve Tae a ete ihe nthe spe by aiuply removing tree serews a sirable festare inclarge chucks mats set of jams (No, 2) is fornished withthe inc Road) Bepho donot veveme, but extra sets can be ‘Beutel $520 por at of three and. $6.40 per set of fox. ss the jaws inthis sie Lio mot reverse, ‘The jars sie, Bits RAR Diam. ver Dinner jem, se pee Fle Pes Parexr Foor Powsn Mactaiveny. — a i WENTWORTH’S PATENT NOISELESS SAW VISES. ‘This Cut Represents Nos. 1 and 2 Vises. The only Vise made witha | i Vise made with Fleaibe Icabher Cashion or Muller, between the Which effectually prevesite a iy i vibmtion and renders saw fling moielesa We guaranic tom s ake no more noise than Bling on a solid piece of fom, ‘The Jaws are planed slightly concave, prod ee g an equal beating the entice imply turning the Cam Lever, They Jax steong, well proportioned and Iandbomely finished. Nos. 1 and 2 ‘ies can be easly sewed toa work bench ot any place desied. No.3 Vicchiasa Malla Ion Serew Clamp for attaching i to 8 work bench, and by taming a Thumb Nut con be ted o any dsived Angle. Alo can be easly letached and cated aboat from Z place to place PRICES. 7 Bach, PerDos. No. (11 inch Jawa) 8135.‘ Btg00 No. 2s(i5 inch Jew) 195 2100 No. 3y(1t Inch Jaws) 10 18.00 = Descatyttve Caratoce AND Patek: List, TABLE OF SIZES AND WEIGHTS. he feorng ta ube evn ihe Ele Diontn, ad heat tae at rot ghs for Machined fv spy fem nih he wot of Supra fr eae ne © i fhpmel ean bv ele Wak vine Seal Bewivensivecrenes 38 Hag #8 8 tierce He Victor Lathe Attachment “wom No, 4 Empite Serall Saw “6 No, Union Combination Sa. o 3 So 4 2 Union Boring Attachment... 1s Gers Moulding Machine as Diamond Mortsing Machine e No, 4 Crown Lathes. “oo No.2 Grown Lathes. oom No.1 Star Lathe Beis - 38 ae No. 3 Star Lathe Be Noo} Star Lathe Legs: ph Ms No.4 Siar Lathe Bed 105 Nov Star Cathe 2g Sa} 930 Crown Coustersbat we 9 — Star Coanteshaft for Nos rand 2Lather, 2 1093535 Star Countershat for Nos gand gathers 45 1415 8035S No. 4 Challenge Scroll Saw. ep 8 & 3% 10 Nos # 8 ee ee ee) New Ril ed Wentworth Saw Vises 1 Doz. No. 1 Wentworth Saw Vises 1 Dos, No.2 Wentworth Saw Vites 1 Dor No.5

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