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5, OCTOBER 2008 2651

Capacitor Bank Module for a Multimegajoule

Energy Storage
Boris M. Kovalchuk, Alexander A. Kim, Anatoliy V. Kharlov, Evgeny V. Kumpyak, Nikolay V. Tsoy,
Vadim A. Visir, Grigory V. Smorudov, Vladimir N. Kiselev, Vladimir V. Chupin, Frédéric Bayol,
Laurent Frescaline, Fabrice Cubaynes, Cyril Drouilly, Patrick Eyl, Bruno Cassany, Laurent Courtois,
Patrice Patelli, Jean-Marc Mexmain, and Dominique Rubin de Cervens

Abstract—Laser Mégajoule (LMJ) is a laser facility being

built by the French nuclear science directorate, Commissariat à
l’Energie Atomique. This facility is a large flashlamp pumped laser
(1.8-MJ optical output). The Pulsed Power Conditioning System of
LMJ is based on a modular design of 480 modules (400-MJ energy
capacitor bank). A new capacitor bank module (CBM) for the
LMJ Power Conditioning System has been developed by the Insti-
tute of High Current Electronics (IHCE, Tomsk) in collaboration Fig. 1. Block scheme of the CBM.
with International Technologies for High Pulsed Power (France).
Two such modules were produced and tested in IHCE. The main modules (CBMs) will be working simultaneously in the LMJ
parts of the CBM are the following: high-voltage power supplies,
command control system, air conditioning system, capacitor facility [1]. Each module is capable of storing up to 0.86 MJ
block, and cables delivering the energy to a load. The param- of electrical energy before delivering the energy to ten pairs
eters of the module are the following: total rated capacitance of of flashlamps in a 360-μs pulse (10% power points). The peak
2900 (+4%) μF, charging voltage up to 24 kV, peak current am- current of each CBM discharge exceeds 240 kA. The large
plitude of 240 kA, peak stored energy up to 864 kJ, pulsewidth at number of modules in the complete LMJ installation imposes
10% of peak power of 360 μs, dimensions of 2.3 × 1.5 × 2.5 m3 ,
and weight of ∼2500 kg. In nominal regime (24-kV charging strict requirements on the CBM parameters, namely, reliability
voltage, 40-m length cables), the energy delivered to flashlamps in of the module elements (30 years estimated LMJ lifetime), cost
each channel is 74 kJ (86% efficiency). No failures were observed minimization, ability to withstand failure regime, stability from
in more than 1000 test shots, and all parameters of the CBM are shot to shot in controlled parameters, limits on size and weight,
well within the requirements. Detailed description of the module easy maintenance, and a row of other technical requirements.
design, performance, and test results are stated in this paper.
Basic requirements to a modular capacitive storage for large
Index Terms—Capacitive energy storage, laser fusion, lasers. laser systems were introduced in the development of the first
large facilities such as the Shiva family (up to 20 MJ stored,
I. I NTRODUCTION [2]) and Nova [3] with 60 MJ. The NIF at LLNL [4], [5] is
the most developed laser system up to now. The construction
T WO GIANT Nd:glass lasers are being constructed now:
First is the National Ignition Facility (NIF, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA); the second
of the NIF project, which began in 1996, is currently over 90%
complete and is scheduled for completion in 2009 [6]. The LMJ
one is the Laser Mégajoule Facility (LMJ, Commissariat à optical output (1.8 MJ at the third-harmonic wavelength of its
l’Energie Atomique (CEA), Bordeaux, France). The primary Nd:glass amplifiers) is planned to be the same as that of the NIF
missions of such lasers include the exploration of the inertial facility, but the architecture of the LMJ Power Conditioning
confinement fusion and the research in many fields of basic and System is somewhat different. An extensive set of tests has been
applied science. In the final configuration, 480 capacitor bank performed on the new developed CBMs at normal operation and
in a row of failure modes. The CBM structure, design of main
Manuscript received October 4, 2007; revised January 11, 2008. First pub-
elements, and test results are reported hereafter.
lished October 31, 2008; current version published November 14, 2008.
B. M. Kovalchuk is with the Pulsed Power Department, Institute of High
Current Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk 634055, Russia.
A. A. Kim, A. V. Kharlov, E. V. Kumpyak, N. V. Tsoy, V. A. Visir,
G. V. Smorudov, V. N. Kiselev, and V. V. Chupin are with the Institute of High
A. Structure of the CBM
Current Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk 634055, Russia
(e-mail: akharlov@lef.hcei.tsc.ru).
The block scheme of the CBM is shown in Fig. 1. The control
F. Bayol, L. Frescaline, F. Cubaynes, and C. Drouilly are with International block provides operation of the capacitor block in selected
Technologies for High Pulsed Power, 46500 Thégra, France. mode, control of charging voltage, current measurement in lines
P. Eyl, B. Cassany, L. Courtois, and P. Patelli are with Centre d’Etudes
Scientifiques et Techniques d’Aquitaine, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, of energy driving from the capacitor block to the load block, and
33114 Le Barp, France. discharge of storage capacitors when a shot is canceled or at
J.-M. Mexmain and D. R. de Cervens are with Direction des Applications failure. Each module is independently controlled and operated.
Millitaires, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, Ile-de-France, 91680 Bruyère-
le-Châtel, France. It must deliver a set of two pulses to the LMJ flashlamps
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2008.2004242 (preionization and main, details will be given hereafter). Video

0093-3813/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE


Fig. 2. Electrical schematics of the CBM.

cameras are placed in the CBM room to observe any high

current arcs caused by loose connections or other faults.
Each test is videotaped, and it is relatively simple to identify
and correct the source of any such failure. The high voltage
(HV) power supply provides charging of storage capacitors
under commands from the control block. The air system is
also operated through the control block. It provides a purge
of air in the capacitor block switches after a shot, drives, HV
relays (HVRs), and pneumatic cylinders. The basic electrical Fig. 3. Front view of the CBM.
schematic of the CBM is shown in Fig. 2. It incorporates
two circuits. The first one is the preionization circuit, which is discharged on the flashlamps through lines TL1–TL10. The
allows, by injecting a small quantity of energy, the stimulation current in each lamp in this regime is ∼2.5 kA.
of loads before transferring to them all the stored energy. It is 2) Main Shot Regime: The contacts of the HVRs K2 and K3
characterized by the preionization circuit capacitor (C11), the are opened. The main circuit capacitors C1–C10 are charged to
dumping device for the preionization circuit (HVR K2 + and nominal 24-kV voltage from the main power supply PSm. At
Dump_Pr resistor), and the preionization circuit switch (Pr). the closing of the Pr switch, capacitor C11 is charged by the
The second one is the main circuit, which is composed of partial discharge of the C1–C10 capacitors, and preionization
ten cells in parallel, a common main switch (M), and a dump pulse is formed in the TL1–TL10 lines. At 100 ÷ 250 μs after
device (HVR K3 and resistors Dump_M). Each cell includes the start of the preionization pulse, main switch M is triggered
its capacitor (C1–C10), its charging resistor (R1–R10), and by command from the control system and commutes C1–C10
a pulse shaping inductor (L1–L10). Energy is driven from capacitors on the flashlamp load.
the capacitors to the load by ten coaxial cables (TL1–TL10). 3) Dumping Regime: For the discharge of the C1–C10 ca-
Moreover, to check currents delivered to a load, each cell is pacitors without energy transfer to the TL1–TL10 driving lines,
equipped with a calibrated current sensor (T1–T10). HVR K1 contacts of the HVR K3 are closed, and energy stored in the
disconnects the circuit of the main power supply PSm after the C1–C10 capacitors is dumped through dump resistors. The
charging of the main capacitors up to a given voltage. dumping of the C11 capacitor in the preionization regime is
provided by the HVR K2 closing.

B. Operation Regimes of the Module

C. Capacitor Block
1) Test Regime: That test shot enables checking nearly all
the hardware and the flashlamps at low energy before and after The capacitor block appearance is shown in Fig. 3. It is
a “main” shot. During such shot, the preionization capacitor and assembled in frame from rectangular steel tubes. The block in-
the main capacitors are charged in serial from the preionization corporates one preionization circuit capacitor C1 and ten main
power supply; thus, little energy is stored. The discharge current circuit capacitors C, preionization switch (Pr), main switch (M),
per cell is very close to the preionization current of a main shot. charging and dumping resistors (mounted at the rear side), pulse
The preionization circuit, which is composed of the Pr switch, shaping inductors, HVR R, and safety system S. The HV power
a 75.4-μF capacitor, and a 1-Ω limiting resistor, is shared supplies of the main bank PS and control system block CS are
between the ten channels (cells). After opening the contacts of placed on top of the capacitor block frame.
the HVRs K2 and K3, the C11 preionization capacitor can be 1) Capacitors from AVX company are employed in the mod-
charged from the preionization power supply PSpr up to 24 kV. ules: TPC-02CF128 for the main circuit (rated at 290 μF,
Then, preionization switch Pr is commuted, and capacitor C11 24 kV, with −0 +4% tolerance) and TPC-04RCF065 for

Fig. 4. Appearance of the inductor with the current probe.

the preionization circuit (rated at 75.4 μF, with −0 +4%,

24 kV).
2) Switches for the preionization and main circuits were Fig. 5. Control system architecture.
developed and tested earlier by IHCE and ITHPP [7].
These switches are rail-type spark gaps, where the spark for these cables with a complex eight-layer structure to insure
is initiated in a three-electrode layout and then accelerates high reliability.
due to electrodynamical force and moves along the two
extended electrodes. The switches operate in dry air at E. Control System and Diagnostics
atmospheric pressure with a purge after each shot. The The objective of the control system is the remote control
preionization spark gap was tested at a 25-kA peak cur- of two CBMs in separate and parallel operation regimes. The
rent in 40 000 shots in a single polarity discharge and in block scheme of the control system is shown in Fig. 5 and
20 000 shots in bipolar discharge. The main spark gap includes the following: SC-HL—upper level control (operator),
is designed for a 24-kV charge voltage and ∼70 C total CC-CBM1—command controller of the CBM1 module, CC-
charge transfer. It was tested in 20 000 shots at a current CBM2—command controller of the CBM2 module, and CC-
of 250 kA with a pulselength of 360 μs. No misfires were AS+CSC—command controller of air system and of external
observed during tests (without any maintenance work and control of the modules.
part replacement). SC-HL provides control and supervision of the CBM. In-
3) Pulse shaping inductors (see Fig. 4) are made as solenoids formation between SC-HL and CC-AS+CSC or CC-CBM is
winded by copper wire (10.5 × 3.2 mm2 wire cross transmitted through an Ethernet 100 interface. SC-HL works
section). Inductance is ∼ 30 μH (3% tolerance). The under the control of the Microsoft Windows XP operating
solenoid is placed inside the fiberglass tube, and the system. The system operator can assign parameters for the
whole assembly is filled by epoxy compound in order CBM’s capacitor charging mode. The full cycle of the CBM
to get the required mechanical strength. The diameter of operation (charging the capacitor bank, shot, and purging after
the inductor is 100 mm, and the length is ∼800 mm. shot) is performed automatically, including emergency regimes.
Each inductor has been tested at a 50-kA current (doubled The databases for CBM1 and CBM2 are written and saved
nominal, 100 shots) in a test bed before installation to the automatically during operation.
CBM, and no problems were detected (at a 50-kA current CC-CBM provides interaction of upper level control system
through the inductor, the pressure inside the solenoid is with the module structure. It executes commands received
∼150 atm). Current probes for each channel are mounted from SC-HL and transmits status information on the module
on the inductors. hardware. CC-CBM works under the control of the Linux
4) Dumping and charging resistors. The CBM1 set of re- operating system. CC-CBM equipment is placed in a metallic
sistors was made on the base of liquid resistors and the box equipped with connectors. The following objects are under
CBM2 set on the base of solid state resistors (ceramic the control of CC-CBM: main switch, preionization switch,
carbon disk resistors of HVR International Ltd.). The preionization and main HV power supplies, HVRs, system of
resistor blocks are assembled in fiberglass tubes. workers safety (SISP), system of prohibition of shooting (SIT),
5) HVRs K1–K3 are made on the base of vacuum current and the synchronization system Synchro.
interrupters KDV-10-5-400. The opening of contacts is The CC-SA+CSC system works under the control of the
provided by pressurized air supply. Linux operating system. The equipment controlled by the
CC-AS+CSC are the following: air conditioning and purge sys-
tem of the CBM modules, HVRs, HV power supplies, system
D. Transmission System
of worker safety, system of prohibition of shooting, and system
LMJ will utilize over 190 km of cable to carry the module generating Synchro sequences.
energy to the flashlamps. Challenges for cable use are the HV, The automatic control unit provides ac (380 V) power to
high current, and significant amount of energy dissipated in capacitor modules and control system. It also allows remote au-
cables (8% ÷ 12% from a stored energy, depending on the cable thorization, control of the main HV power supply, and operation
length). Two slightly different types of specially developed of inner interlocks.
coaxial high-power cables from OMERIN (Ambert, France) Each CBM is remotely controlled through an embedded
have been used in our tests: SILICABLE LMJ 01060697 controller installed in a control rack adjacent to each power
(23.2-mm outer diameter) and SILICABLE LMJ E 1003007 conditioning module. The embedded controller communicates
(22-mm outer diameter). A special design has been employed with a high-level operator room through a processor, monitors


Fig. 6. Waveforms of voltage U , current I, and energy W on the flashlamps

load for 21-, 22-, 23-, and 24-kV charging voltages.


Fig. 7. Waveforms of voltage U , current I, and energy W at different cable


Table II shows that current, energy delivered to the load,

and pulsewidth depend on the cable length. Fig. 7 shows
the corresponding waveforms. One can see that variation
in cable length allows one to provide some adjustment in
current waveforms on each flashlamp cell, and controls the pulsewidth and energy delivered to the load.
charging voltage level and air conditioning system state. 3) Drawback search and system testing. Three hundred fifty
The measurements of current in each cell are used for the nominal shots have been performed at a 24-kV charging
following: 1) global analysis of all the measurements after a voltage on two CBMs with flashlamps and equivalent
shot by the upper level and 2) dynamic analysis and control of loads with 40-m-length transmission cables. The draw-
the preionization current at the CBM level. The preionization backs, which have been revealed during tests, are the
current waveform is compared with the reference one, and if the following: a) Some sparking and erosion traces have been
difference were more than the given level (set up by operator), found on the HVR disk resistors in the preionization lim-
the control system would prevent the main switch from firing iting resistor (stack of five carbon ceramic disks in series)
and inform the upper level. due to the nonflatness of disk surfaces. Thin conductive
washers (100 μm) were inserted between the disks, and
it solved the problem. b) At dumps, some sparks were
observed around electrodes that composed water resis-
An extensive set of tests has been performed in order to get tors. The current density was 120, which was too high at
reliable characteristics of the CBMs at nominal operation and the electrodes. The diameter of these electrodes has been
check the CBM behavior in a row of failure regimes. increased, and the sparking has disappeared.
The stability in shot parameters has been calculated for this
A. Nominal Regime pulse series. RMS deviation in energy, which was delivered to
the flashlamp load, was measured as 0.75%, which is two times
1) Checking of the operation stability at variation of the
lower than the 1.4% limit specified by technical requirements.
charging voltage. The CBM characteristics were tested at
21 ÷ 24 kV charging voltages (50 shots at each voltage).
B. Failure Regime Tests
Two CBMs were operating simultaneously, while one
CBM was loaded on the flashlamps and the second one on 1) Short circuit in one channel (between the heart and the
the equivalent loads. Typical waveforms for load voltage, ground strap of the 40-m coaxial cable) + nine channels
current, and energy are shown in Fig. 6. Table I shows with cables connected to the flashlamps. The objective of
statistically averaged results for these tests. this test is to check out the pulse shaping inductors (and
2) Tests on the cable length impact: nominal shots with one other elements of the channel) at breakdown on cable
cable of 15 or 65 m and the rest of 40 m (24-kV charging or flashlamp explosion (current through the inductor is
voltage, 15 shots have been made with each length). doubled in this case, as shown in Fig. 8). Twenty-five

Fig. 8. Current waveforms with one short-circuited cable (microseconds per

Fig. 10. Transient current I and voltage U on the L2 inductance at
L1 = 50 μH and R1 = 2 Ω (see Fig. 9).

L1 = 50 μH. IN BRACKETS—FOR L1 = 15 μH

circuit including, in series, resistor R1, inductance L1,

and inductance L2, which simulates the inductance from
the entrance ground point to the CBM at fault. Currents I1
in L1-R1 and I2 in L2 were measured by Pearson
probes. The voltage on L2 was measured by the D2 volt-
age divider (this divider was used before for voltage
measurement on the flashlamps and was carefully cali-
brated). Next, variants have been modeled: L1 = 50 μH,
L1 = 15 μH, R1 = 2 Ω, and L2 = 5 μH. Typical wave-
forms of transient voltages and current are shown in
Fig. 10. Results are summarized in Table III.
Fig. 9. Equivalent electrical scheme for the experiment, simulating break-
down between cable and reflector. The I1 and I2 currents were practically identical, thus in-
dicating the lack of leakage currents between the L1 and L2
shots have been made, and no failures have been observed inductances. No failures have been observed in the CBM and
on inductors. The temperature of inductor in the short- control system at ∼3-kV voltage spikes on grounds, which
circuited branch rises about 30 ◦ C after ten main shots in satisfies the technical requirements on electrical insulation.
a row with 25 min between shots. The circuit inductance,
derived from the half-period of current pulse on short-
C. Dumping Regime
circuited channel, is ∼ 44 μH.
2) Checking of transmission line insulation in failure mode. Dumping elements are important for the CBM safety. The
One cable in each CBM is in open circuit, and the other dump function must be activated at any failure on CBM:
nine cables are connected to flashlamps. Ten shots have power loss, gas loss, data processing stop, and so on. Dumping
been made, and normal waveforms are obtained on nine elements should be able to accumulate power without breaking
operational channels and nothing on the open channel, and dissipate it in a given time. The minimum time between
which was automatically dumped after the shot. No prob- two full power dumps is 25 min. This 25 min should allow for
lems with insulation have been observed in these tests. a natural cooling in the operating conditions. Tests of the CBM
3) For the checking of electrical insulation and influence of a dumping have been made at a 24-kV charging voltage in two
breakdown between flashlamp and reflector on the CBM shots with 25 min between each. The temperature on dumping
components (power supplies, CC-CBM, CC-AS+CSC resistors was measured by infrared thermometer AZ8866. On
. . .) connected to the same ground at different points, water resistors, the maximum temperature rise was about 12 ◦ C
the configuration shown in Fig. 9 was tested. One cable after two dumps in a row. For the HVR, the dumping resistor
of the CBM was short circuited on the reflector, and stack temperature after two dumps in a row is less than 150 ◦ C
default current came back to the bank through a specific (see Fig. 11), and such temperature is allowed for a continuous

values of the magnetic field are about 250 and 80 A/m

at 1- and 2-m distance in front of the CBM; on the side, it
is somewhat lower, and H-field follows ∼ 1/d2 (distance
from the bank) scaling.

We have reported results of development efforts on the CBM
in the frame of the LMJ project. Two modules with robust
and cost effective architectures were designed, assembled, and
tested. In nominal regime (24-kV 40-m transmission cables),
the energy delivered to the pair of flashlamps in each channel
is ∼74 kJ (86% efficiency) compared to the 68-kJ minimum
required energy per channel. No failures were observed in more
than 1000 test shots, and the obtained characteristics on tests
Fig. 11. Cooling curve for the HVR dumping resistor block after two dumps
within 25 min.
satisfy well the CEA requirements on the Power Conditioning
operation of the HVR resistors. After test blocks of the HVR,
resistors have been disassembled and no damages have been R EFERENCES
observed. [1] J.-M. Mexmain, D. R. de Cervens, J. P. Marret et al., “Pulsed power
conditioning system for the mega-joule laser,” in Proc. 14th IEEE Pulsed
Power Conf., Dallas, TX, 2003, pp. 89–92.
D. EMC Control With Two CBMs [2] E. L. Kemp, “Principal considerations in large energy-storage capac-
itor banks,” in Proc. 1st IEEE Pulsed Power Conf., Lubbock, TX, 1976,
1) Two modules are charged (24 kV); only one is triggered pp. IIC-1–IIC-10.
(power supply off). Objective: Check that the second [3] K. Witham, B. T. Merritt, R. W. Holloway, D. G. Gritton, and J. A. Oicles,
module will not trigger. Test description: Five shots have “Nova pulse power system description and status,” in Proc. 3rd IEEE
Pulsed Power Conf., Albuquerque, NM, 1981, pp. 385–391.
been done when both CBMs were charged, and only [4] M. A. Newton, E. S. Fulkerson, S. D. Hulsey, and W. B. Moore, “Overview
CBM2 was triggered. Then, five shots have been done and status of the power conditioning system for the National Ignition
when both CBMs were charged, and only CBM1 was trig- Facility,” in Proc. 13th IEEE Pulsed Power Conf., Jun. 2001, pp. 405–408.
[5] M. A. Newton, R. E. Kamm, E. S. Fulkerson, S. D. Hulsey, N. Lao,
gered. No one self-firing has been observed in these shots. W. B. Moore et al., “Initial activation and operation of the power condition-
2) Two modules are charged and one cable in one of the ing system for the National Ignition Facility,” in Proc. 14th IEEE Pulsed
modules is short circuited. The only module with short Power Conf., Dallas, TX, Jun. 2003, pp. 93–96.
[6] E. I. Moses, “The National Ignition Facility and the golden age of high
circuit is triggered (power supply is turned off). No one energy density science,” in Proc. 16th IEEE Pulsed Power Conf., Jun. 2007,
self-firing in the second module has been observed in all pp. 16–19.
ten shots. [7] B. M. Kovalchuk, A. A. Kim, A. V. Kharlov, E. V. Kumpyak, N. V. Tsoy,
V. V. Vizir, and V. B. Zorin, “Three-electrode gas switches with electrody-
3) Two CBMs are charged, and one CBM is triggered during namical acceleration of a discharge channel,” Rev. Sci. Instrum., vol. 79,
charging (power supply is turned on); both modules are p. 053 504, 2008.
set on 24-kV charging voltage. CBM1 is triggered man- [8] R. A. Anderson, T. J. Clancy, E. S. Fulkerson, D. Petersen,
S. D. Hulsey et al., “Measurements of the radiated fields and conducted
ually during charging at ∼23.5 kV. CBM2 should finish current leakage from the pulsed power systems in the National Ignition
charging and provide a normal shot. Ten shots have been Facility at LLNL,” in Proc. 4th IEEE Pulsed Power Conf., Dallas, TX,
made, and no one misfire has been observed. CBM2 was Jun. 2003, pp. 793–796.
triggered in a normal fashion in all shots.
4) Two modules are charged, and one cable in one of Boris M. Kovalchuk was born in Magnitogorsk, Russia, in 1940. He received
the modules is short circuited. One module is triggered the M.S., Ph.D., and advanced Dr.Sc. degrees in technical sciences from Tomsk
(power supply is turned on). Test description: On CBM2, Polytechnic Institute, Tomsk, Russia, in 1962, 1969, and 1979, respectively.
In 1987, he was elected as a Correspondent Member and, in 1992, as a
one cable is short circuited. CBM2 is triggered manually Full Member of the USSR (now Russian) Academy of Sciences. In 1962, he
during charging at ∼22 kV. CBM1 should finish charging was with a research group, which was later transformed into the Institute of
and provide a normal shot. Ten shots have been made, and High Current Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, where he
is currently the Head of the Pulsed Power Department. He has authored and
no one misfire has been observed in all ten shots. CBM1 coauthored about 150 publications, including the monograph on high-current
was triggered in a normal fashion. Conclusion: Module nanosecond switches. He has also authored and coauthored 15 inventions and
noise protection satisfies technical requirements. one discovery. Under his supervision, a number of pulsed power systems have
been developed and built, such as the GIT-4 and GIT-12 current generators, the
5) Transient fields. An important pulsed power system con- Gamma microwave generator, the LAD-1 and LAD-2 CO2 lasers, the VEDI
sideration is that it inherently generates fields and cur- excimer laser, and others. He has made an important contribution to pulsed
rents that can cause interference in other subsystems and power for high-power gas lasers and developed the concept of megavolt Marx
generators using vacuum insulation.
diagnostics. Detailed investigation of those phenomena Dr. Kovalchuk is a member of the Office of the Russian Academy of Science,
has been performed during test shots in the NIF [8]. In Scientific Council on Pulsed Power, and the Deputy Chief of the Section on
our tests, measurements of magnetic field were done by Physicotechnical Problems Concerned with the Formation of Superhigh-Power
Energy Sources of Microsecond and Nanosecond Range. For his contributions
means of B-dot probes at the operation of one CBM to the development of pulsed power technologies, he received the State Prize in
connected to the resistive equivalent loads. Amplitude 1968 and 1998 and the Erwin Marx Award in 1997.

Alexander A. Kim, photograph and biography not available at the time of Laurent Frescaline, photograph and biography not available at the time of
publication. publication.

Anatoliy V. Kharlov, photograph and biography not available at the time of

publication. Fabrice Cubaynes, photograph and biography not available at the time of

Evgeny V. Kumpyak, photograph and biography not available at the time of

Cyril Drouilly, photograph and biography not available at the time of
Nikolay V. Tsoy, photograph and biography not available at the time of
Patrick Eyl, photograph and biography not available at the time of publication.
Vadim A. Visir, photograph and biography not available at the time of
Bruno Cassany was born in Sète, France, on February 3, 1966. He received
the M.S. degree from the University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France, in
Grigory V. Smorudov, photograph and biography not available at the time of 1992 and the Ph.D. degree in plasma physics from the University of Toulouse,
publication. Toulouse, France, in 1996.
He first participated in the creation of the International Technology for High
Pulse Power Company in 1997. Since 2000, he has been with the Centre
Vladimir N. Kiselev, photograph and biography not available at the time of d’Etudes Scientifiques et Techniques d’Aquitaine, Commissariat à l’Energie
publication. Atomique, Le Barp, France. His research area concerns high pulsed-power
systems as well as HPM devices.

Vladimir V. Chupin, photograph and biography not available at the time of

Laurent Courtois, photograph and biography not available at the time of
Frédéric Bayol was born in Villeneuve sur Lot, France, in 1968. He received
the degree in physics from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées,
Toulouse, France, in 1991.
He was with the Centre d’Etudes de Gramat (CEG), Gramat, France, where Patrice Patelli, photograph and biography not available at the time of
he worked for the French Ministry of Defense. From 1991 to 1994, he worked publication.
on metrology developments for material effect studies on an e-beam generator.
In 1994, he was with the Syrinx project, CEG, in the field of high pulsed
power to deal mainly with the diagnostics either for electric on the pulsed-
power prototypes or for the qualification of Z-pinch radiation. From 1999 to Jean-Marc Mexmain, photograph and biography not available at the time of
2004, he studied high-intensity radiography sources as the positive and negative publication.
rod-pinch diodes and continued his work on diagnostics for the 1-μs SPHINX
driver. Since September 2005, he has been with International Technologies
for High Pulsed Power, Thégra, France, where he currently works mainly on
the development of innovative radiography drivers using the linear transformer Dominique Rubin de Cervens, photograph and biography not available at the
driver concept. time of publication.

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