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With or without Qui ck Change Gears and Oil Pan - Style Q C H, 6 ' bed illustrated

Swi ng over bed, actual 14k" Diameter of tail spindle Ii"
Swing over car riage . Sr' Travel of tai l spind le Sf'
Hole through head spin dle I!" Length of car riage on bed 15!"
( Diameter spindle nose 2" Compound rcst travels 5"
Thread s on spindl e nose S pe r inch Si:e of lathe tools i" x ti"
Front beari ng of spindle 2" x 4" Cuts thread s per inch :; to 72
Back bearing of spindle I "ta" x 2l" feeds times threads per inch 5.61
Cone pulley diameters 3r', 5", 6," , 8" Capacity of center rest 4."
\Vidth of belt 2" Size of pulleys on coun tersh aft 91" x 2:}"
Ratio of back gearin g 9.29 to 1 Speed of COllfltershaft 150
Taper o f centers No. ::. Morse Speeds of head spindle tl! to 42 8

Sty le E Style II
Illlted Aet.ual
Long Legs
and Countershnft
With Oil Pan and
Styl e Q. C.-E
\V ith Long Lcgs
and Cou nters haft
,,~a:l oi?i)~; -1~"tlld
Swing S win.Q; Distance Floor Spa!:!'
and Q\'cr Bctwecli O\"er All

II e"l!"
L('ngth Bcd Centers Cubic Cubic C ubic C uhic
of Bed NOlt Fectof Code i\"ct Feet of Code Ne t Feet of Cod, Ne t Fpc! v
Wt·ill;h t Boxes " 'ord Wc ilfl,t Boxes 'Vo rd Wci~ht Box('t! 'Vord Wl'ight P(''tN. \\'''r I
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ---- ---- - - - ---- - - - - -
14" :rr.: 5 ft. J4 .\1" 24 · 29'" x n" Cnbh.' 1280 1b!l. Caddy 1214 Ills. 1300 Ibf,.

14· x 6 ft. 14 W" 36" 29· x 8'-,'"
1194 IIJS.
12:1.') 11:05. "
45 Cadet 13421b8.
5:; Ca-,!"cd 127!i lbs.
Ciga r 13M 11-5 ."i6
14"' x 8 ft .
14- x 10 ft .
14 -'1"
14 -'1"
60' 29" x 109~
29· x 133"
1444 Ibs.
1610 Ib8.
Cnked l552Ibs.
68 Calmy 14651hs.
16301 btl. .7
56 C isco
15i21',15. 68 Cirnar

See pages 5, 6 and 7 for complete, illustrated descriptions

With or without Quick Change Gears and Oil Pan - Style Q C H, 5 ' bed illustrated With or without Quick Change Gears and Oil Pan - Style H, 5 ' bed illustroted

Swine" over bed, actual. 12.1." Diameter of tail spindle I·}" SPECIFICATIONS
Swing over carriage. 71~1 Travel of tail spindle 41"
Hole through head spindle
Diameter spindle nose
Length of carriage on bed
Compound rest travels
Swing over bed, actual 101" Diameter of tail spindle lr'
Swing over carriage Si" Travel of tail spindle 2f'
Threads on spindle nose 10 per inch Size of lathe tools f' X4 1~· " Hole through head spindle f' Length of carriage on bed l0i"
front bearing of spindle 1'1\" X 3t" Cuts threads per inch 3 to 72 Di ameter spindle nose I ,7(! " Compound rest travels 3 .frs"
Back bearing of spindle I I~ " x 2.g" feed s times threads per inch 8.56 Threads on spindle nose 12 per inch Size of lathe tools 1" x Ii"
Cone pulley diameters 3l", 4!", 5J", 7" Capacity of steady rest W Front bearing of spindle l-?~" x 2!" Cuts threads per in ch 3 to 72
Width of belt It" Size of pulleys on countershaft 8" x 2*" Back bearing of spindle I -h" xlf' Feeds times threads per inch 7.26
Ratio of back gearing S.5 to 1 Speed of cotlntershaft 165 Cone pulley diameters 3 (6"", 4 ftl", S·l!) " Capacity of center rest 3"
Taper of centers No.2 Morse Speed s of head spind le 15 to 445 \Vidth of belt If' Size of pul1eys on co untershaft 6" x 1 ~"
Ratio of back gearing 7 to 1 Speed of counte rshaft 175
Taper of centers No.2 Morse Speeds of head spindle IS to H O
Style E Style H Style K
Hated With Long Legs With Oil Pan WiLh Bench Legs
Swing Actual and and and
anrl Swing Distance Floor Count('rshuft Countershaft Countcrshaft
Length Over Between Spac(' Style E Slyle H Style K Style P
of Bed Ccnters O\'er Bat('d With Long Legs Wi th Oil Pan and With Beneh Legs With
Bed All
Fect of Code Net
Feet of Code Net
Feet of Code
B etween F loor Spacf'
Over All
I and Countershaft Countershaft alld Countershuft Foot-Power
W eight Boxes Word Weight Boxcs Word Weight B oxes " 'ord I,ength Centers ' Cubic Cubic Cubic Cubic
- - -- of Bed Net F eet. of Cod, Net F eet of Cod, Nlc't Feet of Cod, Net F eet of Cod,
12".'t: 4 k 12 Ys" 2-lN 27" x 64" 7501bs. 27 Abbey 83."; Ibs. 29 Abele 654 Ibs. 19 Abide Weight B oxes Word Weight Boxes Word Weight Boxes " 'or d W eight Boxes Word
12" x fi ft. 12 Ys" 3W 27" x 76" 7951bs. 29 Abray 884 Ibs. 32 Abys m 084. lbs. 23 Acerb
12"xGft. 12 31" 48" '17"x 88" 8401bs. 28 Adeerll 944 Ibs. 33 Admix 734Ibs. 27 Adrad 10"x4ft. lO Ys" 24" x ."l[,Y2"
2.')h 410 Ibs 18 Bacon 4681bs. 21 Bafta 354 Ibs. 13 Rahar 466 Ibs 2.') Baken
12"x 7 ft. 12 Ys" 60" 27" X 100" 8651bs. 31 Afire 1000 Ibs. 37 Agent 774 Ibs. 31 Agile 10 ~ x 5ft. JO Ys" 36" 25" x 67 Y2" ·1 28Ibs. 22 Banal 5101bs. 25 Basin 384 Ibs. 16 Bayou 496 Its. 30 B each

Quick Change Style Q. C.-E Q. C.- H Q. C.-K Quick Chanlle Style Q. C. E. Q. C. H. Q . C. K. Q . C. P.

1 2"x4f~. 12 Ys'" U' 27" J( 64" 7621bs. 28 Anuh 8471bs. 30 Anele 666 1bs. 20 Anigh
JO"x4ft. 10%" 24" I25"
25",55W 4201bs. 18 I Bogle
Bo",d 4781bs. 21 Boast
364 Ibs.
394 Ibs.
13 I Doli,
50ti Ibs.
I Borax
12" x 5 ft.
12" x 6 ft.
12 Ys"
12 Ys"
12 Ys"
27" x 76"
27" x 88"
27" x 100"
807 Ibs.
8.52 Ibs .
877 Ibs.
896 Ibs.
706 100.
786 Ibs.
10"][ 5 ft.
I 10 %~
I 36" x 67 Y2" 438 Ibs.
I 22 5181hs.
I 25
I I 16

2 3

See pages 5, 6 and 7 for complete, illustrated descriptions See pages 5, 6 and 7 for complete, illustrated descriptions
With or without Quick Change Gears and Oil Pan - Style GH-QC, 6 ' bed illustrated

12, 18 14,21 \2 , IS 14-2 1
Swing over bed, actual 12!" 14!" Taper of centers. . No . 2 Morse No. :; Morse
1, "
Swing over Gap.
Distance Spind le Nose to
IS!" 21t" Di ameter of tail spindle
Travel of tail spindle
4*" •
end of Gap 5}" 7t" Length of carriage on bed I It'' 1st"
Swin g over ca rriage W 8f' Compou nd rest travels. 4 ). "
5" 4 , ,,
H ole through head spindle 1" 19" Size of lathe tools . -g x 1"!J f' x If'
Diameter of spindle nose 1 !I "
I ,I 2" Cuts thread s pe r in ch :; t o 72 :; to 72
Threads on sp indle nose 10 per in ch 8 per inch Feeds times threads per inch S,56 5,61
_ x 4" .. 5 "
Front bearing of spindle l -f'/\"" x Ji" Capacity of cen ter rest . . . 4*"
Back bearing of spindle ll\r" x 2i" I -l!."
., l i t
X ~4 Size of pulleys on counter sh aft 8" "x 2t" 91" x 2!"
Cone pullcy diameters. "J..!'
,J 4 .
J "2" , 5" • 6;\"
4!" . 5'..·" ' 7" ".1." _ • S" Speed of cou ntershaft . 165 150
\Vidth of belt . . . if' 2" Speeds of head spindle . 15to 44 5 l it to 428
Ratio of back gearing. 8.5 to 1 9.29 to I

B nt.<,d SWill!!: A('~un.1 Acturl l Dis tance Floor Style GE STyl e G il

"nd I.en~t h Swing Swing Iktween ~a()t.
Wi t ll LonJl: IA:'gs and Count<'Tslwft With Oil Pnn lind ('ollntf'rsli;lft
of Il"d Ovcr O\'er Centers vor Cubi c Cubic
Bcd Gnp .-\ 11 ~l ('t Feet of Code ~et Fe'lt of Code
W"i/olilt Boxes \\' ord Wcigbt Boxos Word
x ;) ft .
l:!- I S~ 12 U" ISH" 36" .-,
)-" ,
76'" S-IO Ibs 3ii Apaco 9451bs. :In .0\ pcr.\'
12-I S· x 6 ft.
12-IS ~ x 7 ft.
I')I ~ "

lS !1"
IS Ii •
2' ~x 88'
27" x lOO~
S80 Ibs.
9:20 II)S.
,\ ,)(l. rt
100;, Ibe.
... .',
A,)h id
1... -21 " x {\ h . Hi S 2 11r 36' 29" x S5- 13901bs. 58 Cheln 1460 los. 61\ Chess
14-21 " x 8 ft . 14 H" 2 , 1.(" 00' 29" x 109" I5;)Olbs 66 Cheng 16301bs. 78 Chcvc
B - 21" x 10 ft. '" I" " 21 .\-1" 81' :">9" x 1:n' I' SO lbs I 81 Cher t ....... . .. ... . .. .. ..
Quick Chan~c Gap Lalhes Style GE QC S l y le G IJ- QC
12-IS ' x i, ft . U Ys"N IS I1"- 30", '27" x 76' S60 lbs. 40 Areby 9651bs. 4,j Craft
12- 18' x o ft. l:l Ys IS Y.;II' .8" 27~ " 88" OOO lbs. 43 AfI:"nll. lOZI; lbs. '8 Cream
I:!- IS" " 7 ft , 12 Ys N
IS Y.;" 0011' 2711'" l OW ()40Ibs_ 48 Arguo lOS5 lhs. 54 C rllmp
14_2 111' x Ii f t, 14 1~ " 21!1", 30 N 29· " 85" 1410 Ibe. 70 Arder 1510 Ibis. 83 C risp
14-21 ~ x S fl. 14 Y8" 21 I" GO~ 29" x 109~ 1ii70 Ibs. 86 Argon 1600 Ib..~ . 101 C rane
14-2 1" x 10 ft . 14 I",~ 211.1~ 8"" 29" x 133" 1800 100. \05 Artllor ...... .. .. ...... .. .... ..

See pages 5, 6 and 7 for complete, illu strated descriptions
"STAR" LATHES are made in three si~es, rating 10", TOOL · POST
12" and 14" swing and in a variety of bed lengths.
Has patented collar and shoe, which exclude all dirt
They can be furnished with plain or quick change
and chips, and admit of quick, easy and secure adjust-
gears, floor legs, bench legs or mounted on oil-pan;
ment of tool. If desired, European tool ' post will be
countershaft or direct connected motor drive, also with
furnished in place of regular tool-post without extra
foot power drive for 10" and 12" lathes. A full line of charge.
conven tional attachments for all size machines is avail-
Many "STAR" LATHE features are fully protected A new safety device is provided so that opposing feeds,
by patents. longitudinal feed and split nut cannot be engaged at the
same time.
Web pattern, hollow spindle made from 60-65 carbon Improved power cross and longitudinal feeds are ac'
crucible steel, accurately ground to size, revolving in tuated by phosphor bron~e worm, receiving power from
ample hand -sc raped ring-oiling bearings, nose is thread- head spindle through spur gears and lead-screw, which
ed part way only to facilitate changing chucks and face is splined, and acts as a feed rod; the only wear on
plates without damaging threads and to insure perfect fit. threads of lead'sc rew is when actually cu tting threads.
All spindles have large hole suitable for draw-in chuck. Feeds may be thrown in or out by turning hand knob
Cone is finished inside and outside, perfectly balanced on apron , which operates friction clutch, shifting re-
for high speeds, is locked to head-gear by improved verse lever in headstock will feed in or out, right or
push-pin and may be secured or released instantly with- left, or throw entirely out of engagement. The auto'
ou t using wrench. All gears are fully guarded. matic power cross,feed is indispensable for good work,
it insures accurate results and smooth su rfaces when
TAILSTOCK facing an d other sim ilar service.
Curved, off'set pattern, with long bearing on bed and SCREW · CUTTING
base, large spind le with sel f-discharging center, side ad,
justmen t for t ape r turning, oil well and cente r oiler. Extremely wide range, cutting all standard threads,
right and left, from 3 to 72 per inch, including 111
CARRIAGE and 27. When desirable to cut both standard and
metric threads, can furn ish ( for slight advance in price)
Has substantial bearing on ways, is gibbed front and transposing gea rs and index for cutting Intern ational
rea r ; a convenient locki ng device secu res carriage to Standard M et ric Threads from 0.5 mm. to 8 mm.
bed when using cross- feed. Cross-feed sc rew is sup'
plied with micrometer collar graduated to read in thou - LEAD·SCREW
sa ndths of an inch, secured by friction spring and. read- Is carefu ll y cut in special lathe with master screw,
ily set to any position. An adjustable stop for cross which is frequently tested. If desirable to cut only
slide is provided for screw-cutting, etc. metric threads, can supply metric lead-screw and index
Cross-feed screw and ways are efficiently protected for standard metric threads, in place of regular, with-
from chips and dirt by a guard full length of slide. All out ext ra charge.
carriages are arranged for taper attachm ent which can BED
be affix ed at any tim e. On request we will drill and Box section, co rrectly proportioned and thoroughly
tap four l«" holes in top of ca rriage of 10" lathe for braced by cross webs. Rack is one piece of steel ac-
clamping work. curately cut.
Compound rest is furnished with all lathes; a patented Each lathe recei ves five coats of filler and oil-proof
binding device rigidly binds the rest to cross slide, paint, leavin g a smooth, easily cleaned surface. Inside
which is graduated 180 degrees. Plain rest may be of beds painted; unpainted parts polished, leavin g noth-
ordered with lathe or at any future time. ing to be desired in appearance.

5 •
This Index Plate furn-
ished with all Q. G. Gear
"Star" Lathes shows in-
stantly how to conven-
iently obtain the desired INDEX PLATE
thread. Special Index
Plate fut'nished when FOR P. C. 10 " LATHE
transposing gears are
provided for metric Similar plate furnished
thread cutting. with J 2" and 14" "Star"
Lathes giving correct
SlJeeds and feeds.

Seneca Falls ~ach. Co.

,. l
Seneca Falls, N.V., U.S.A.
~ f f ,• { ri
Q. C. GEAR 24
Quick change mechanism
(patented) is !;impie of
upe:'ation. The gear cage
is of heavy construction.
Changes for screw cut-
ting and feed s for stand-
ard thl'eads from 6 to 46
per inch. including ll!.
may be obtained without I nside view of Apron for "Star" Lathes.
,'emoving a single gen.I',
The shifting' of a gear on
the stud increases the
r ange from 3 to 92
thre;~ds pel' inch. Extl·u
gears can he furn ished
fO l' any thread required.
T,'ansilosing gears for Hyatt Roller beal'ing
cutting metric threads Detached Imrts fumished with all 10", 12"
and 14" "Star" Lathes. Countel'shaft furnished
can be furnished at a with " Star" Lathes .
slight additional cost.

on CrOSH-Feed
Screw. Note ab-
sence of protrud-
ing nut to injul'e
the knuckles.

quick shifting. All adjusting screws have uniform siz;e bearings not only eliminate much of the friction found D raw-in Chuck, Hand Lever Draw-in Chuck, Double
heads to fit tool-post wrench. Screws, nuts and small in ordinary countershafts but eliminate the necessity Tool Block, Turret Tool-Post, Automatic Turret on
Each lathe is regularly furnished with countershaft and
parts liable to become bruised, are case-hardened . Cy- of frequent oiling. The frictions are of the cone type, Bed, Carriage Stop, with four adjustable rods, Auto-
compound rest, large and small face plates, center rest,
lindrical su rfaces are ground, sliding surfaces hand- large in diameter and having ample friction surfaces; matic Carriage Stop, Milling and Gear-Cutting At-
follow rest, two point centers hardened and ground, adjustment is obtained by a single screw easily acces-
scraped to perfect bearing and ample facilities are pro- tachment, Countcrshaft with 3 friction pulleys to give
center oiler, full set of change gears and drop forged sible; friction fingers and other projecting parts arc
vided to compensate for wear. high speed for wood turning, Hand Rests, Screw
tool-post wrench. completely enclosed.
COUNTERSHAfT Chuck, Cup and Spur Centers, Square, Female and
IN GENERAL (Roller Bearing Type). Is the latest development 111 EXTRA ATTACHMENTS Crotch Centers, Drill Pad, Semi-Finished Chuck Face
All gears are fully guarded. The door of change gear countershaft construction and the utmost in counter- (See pages S to 14). Motor Drive, Foot Power, Trans- Plates 3" to S" diameter, hub faced true and threaded,
guard has pegs for holding loose gears. Change gears shaft efficiency. The shaft is made from high carbon position Gears for cutting metric threads, Thread- ready to screw on head spindle, will be furnished at
have rounded edges to avoid injury to hands. Split steel and runs on H yatt Roller Bearings. Loose pulleys Chasing Dial, Plain Rest, European Tool-Post, Oil Pan, additional price. Slightly delayed shipments are some-
spring washers hold change gears in place and facilitate are also equipped with Hyatt RoUer Bearings. These Oil Pump, Bench Legs, Blocking, Taper Attachment, times unavoidable, when attachmen~ a-re.-ordered,

"S tar" Lathe, 12" swing, 5' bed, WIth

Electric M otor D rive. Can furnish this
motor drive for 10", 12" and 14"
"Star" Lath e.~ on long legs or oil pall.


The Standard Electric Motor Drive for "STAR" ly above lathe, within easy reach of operator. The re-
Lathes embodies new and individual features, is rigid verse speed is faster than that of forward motion. Any
and powerful; main shaft bearings have ring oilers. make or type of motor may be used . For constan t
Po"ver is transmitted from motor to drive shaft pulley, speed motors we recommend from 1200 to 1800 R .P.M .
w hich runs constantly in one direction, and from drive
cone to spindle cone by belts amply large to drive lathe The motor d rive attachment is fitted to lathe at factory
to full capacity. Belts may be quickly tightened and in lieu of furnishing coun tershaft, but it may be fitted
kept so until worn out, without shortening. The belt by customer at any time. M otors arc not included in
drive prevents damage to lathe and motor that is some' regular equipment. Prices on app lication ; state wheth -
times cha rgeable to less fl exible gea r or chain drive con- er direct or alternating curren t is to be used; if direct,
nection. Starting, stopping and reverse motions of lathe gi ve voltage; if alternating, give voltage, phase and
spindle are controlled by shifting bar placed hori~ontal- cycles.

10" Lathe 12" Lath e 14" Regular

Size of motor recommended t H.P. l H.P. I! H.P.
Size o f pulley on drive shaft 8t" X If' 10" X If' 12/1 x 2i"
Speed of pulley on drive shaft 460 R .P.M. 550 R.P .M . 505 R .P.M .
Speed s of head spindle • 18 to 366 14 t o 560 II,t0557

. . .
(For 10", 12" and 14" "STAR"
Lathes, illustrated below.) For raising
head and tail stocks, plain, compou nd
and center rests to increase th e swing
of lathe. A lathe blocked for large
work has every working advantage of
th e gap lathe, with the additional ad-
vantage of increased swing the fu ll
length of bed and of being a standard
machine when blocking is removed .
The blocking can be easil y and con-
veniently put on or removed from
these small lathes. Blocking should be
fitted to lathe at the factory.
Blocking 2 inches high for 10" and
12" lathes increases swing 4 inches.
Blocking 3 inches high for 14" lathe
increases swing 6 inches.

2" Bloc1{ing on "StaT" Lathe ( 12"x5' ),

increasing tllf~ SWi11g 4 i11ciles.


A simple, compliet motor drive pro-
viding a Shift Bar within easy reach
of operator for controlling, starting,
stopping and reversing. The Simpli,
fied Drive is available for all "STAR"
Lathes, plain or quick change. with or
without oil pan and for either bench
or floor type.

* * * * *



for "'STAR" Lathes. This attachment consists of draw' No.2 Split Collets, nil to tt/', may be used on 10"
in tube with handle attached, bushing for collets, guard and 12" "STAR" Lathes; also collets 37/64" to '~",
for nose of spindle and one round split collet. The counterbored, allowing work to be inserted 2" from
bushing and collets are made from tool steel, hardened lront end. 14" "STAR" Lathes will take No.3 Col·
and ground. lets fr," to i"· Collets with square and hexagon holes
and step chucks can be furnished, prices given on ap'
plication, stating si 4es wanted.


for "STAR" Lathes. This attachment is espec-
ially useful on small work. The operator, by
the use of hand lever, can release the work or
tighten the chucks without stopping the lathe.
The same collet equipment is used as that
furnished with the regular draw-in chuck at-

with lour adjustable rods lor "STAR" Lathes is clamped to bed, has reo
volving cylinder with four adjustable stop rods, the cylinder is revolved by
hand and held in position by detent spring and baiL This attachment is a
great time saver when facing and turning duplicate pieces; it insures uni·
form dimensions without measuring of each operation.

Carriage Stop


for cutting off and forming slide for "STAR" Lathes. At-
taches to cross slide and easily interchanges with plain and
compound rest; is furnished with one tool·post only as
the regular tool-post sent with lathe may be used. The
tool in rear tool·post is used inverted.

Double T ool Bloc~


for "STAR" Lathes is secured to back of carriage, trav' degrees each way from center line. The cross feed
els with it, is always in position ready for usc and is stop may be used on taper work.
available full length of bed; can be used with plain and All carriages are fitted so that taper attachment may be
compound rests. The swivel guide bar is graduated in ordered at any time; when ordered with lathe it will be
degrees and inches, fa cilitating quick and accurate ad, properly adjusted and ready fo r work before leaving
justments from 0 to :; inches taper per foot and 0 to 7 the factory.


for "STAR" Lathes. H exagon Turret H ead re-
volves automatically and is quick in action. The
face may be tapped for bolting on special tools.
A hole th rough turret post permits bar to run
through head when machining long pieces, an
adjustable stop is provided at rear end of slide.
Hand wheel is furnished on 12" and 14" sizes
in place of feed lever. This attachment may be
ordered with lathe or at any later time.
10" Lathe 12" Lathe 14" Lathe
Diameter of turret .. 5!-" 6!" 7i"
Face of turret . . . . 3" X 2J·"
4 3'"
'S ' X2'"
" 4'"
: t X 3"
Diameter of holes in
2" Ii"
turret ....... .
Center of hole to top • 1"

of slide . . . . . . . 1 13/16" 2"

Travel of slide . . . . Sf' 6f' Automatic Turret Attachment


for "STAR" Lathes is used on cross slide of lathe and easily
interchanges with plain and compound rests, has binding screws
for four regular lathe tools and provision is made for adjusting
the tools to proper height. This attachment may be ordered
with lathe or at any later time.
10" Lathe 12" Lathe 14" Lathe
Siz.e of Lathe Tools. "sJ. " x },
" til x i" t" x l"

T unet Tool Post

Milling and Gear-Cutting Attachments

This attachment (Patented) can be conveniently se'

cured to lathe and is suitable for a wide range of
work, including all kinds of milling operations, ex'
cept spiral cuts. The cutter block is mounted on
lathe carriage and is fed in either direction, longi,
tudinal or cross, by hand or automatic power feed
of lathe. The cutter spindle may be rotated in either
direction, reCeiVIng power from driving collar
(clamped on head spindle of lathe), a sliding shaft,
universal joints and bevel gears. The cu tter spindle
has a Morse taper hole and screw for holding and
discharging cutter arbor which is supported on outcr
end by an overhanging arm. An arbor, in diameter, is regularly furnished, and arbors .gn, -iff, of' and 1" diameter,
may be furnished at extra price.
The universal head is clamped to inside ways of lathe bed, base is offset and reversible to accommodate large and
small work; the vertical column car ries a slide on which may be mounted the dividing head and vise; a graduated
collar on feed screw reads in thousandths of an
inch; vertical column swivels on base; diviuin~
head and vise swivel on vertical slide ; graduations
180 degrees facilitate quick and accurate adjust,
ment to any uesired angle. The index plate has 18
rows of holes, and index is furnis hed giving all
divisions from 1 to 50 and nearly all up to 400.

The index stem swings on end of bearing for in'

dexing spindle, is graduated and may be adjusted
for side cut on bevel gear teeth, etc. The over,
hanging bar carries an adjustable tail center, the
outer end of bar has an adjustable support in-
suring rigidity on long work. The indexing spin'
die has a large hold for draw,in chuck which can
be furnished to use regular collets on the dividing
head. Spindle nose is a duplicate of headstock
spindle, so that chucks, cente rs, etc., are inter'
changeable. The point center has face plate for
drivin g dog on work between centers. The vertical slide column with vise (or dividing head) may be attached to
cross slide of carriage and the milling cutter lIsed in headstock spindle for surface milling, cutting keyways, milling
ends of shafts, etc. The vertical slide column and vise (see cut) are included with complete attachment but sold
separately when desired.
Standard milling cutters may be used, but we do not furnish cutters.

Swing of · Lathe . . . . . . . . 10" 12" l4"

Longitudinal feed . . . . . . . 7" '"8" '" 11 "
Cross feed. . . . . . . . . . 5" 6" 8"
Vertical feed . . . . . . . . . 3i" 4!" 5!"
Swing on centers of overhanging al'm . 4! " 4~" 6\" ,
Distance between centel's of overhatlg:ing
arm . . . . . . . . . . . . II" 13" 15"
Diameter lal'gest gear can he cut . . . . 12" l3t" 15"
Distance between vise jaws . . . . . . . 2" 211" 3t"
Size of vise jaws . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·r x 3li" 1" x 4!" It" x 4~"
Diameter of hole in index spindle. . . . 1" I" I t"
Taper of center for index spindle . . . No.2 1\10rse No.2 Morse No.3 Morse
Taper of shank of cutter arbor . . . . . No.2 Morse No.2 MOl'se No.3 Morse
Diameter of cutter arbor (regular) . . . ? J " i" it"
Diameter of cutter arbors (extra) . . . . i" -~" -1" ~"-1" -1" i" _i"-1"
Space between arbor shoulder and nut. I i" Ii" 2!"
'-Longitudinal feed on 12" x 4 ft. lathe is 5"; on 12" x 5 ft. and 14" x 5 ft. lathe
is 7i".
Vertical Slide Column and Vise



for 10" , 12" and 14" "STAR" Lathes may be used in It has a mu ch wider range of usefulness than other
connection with the power lon gitudinal feed , automa - makes, wh ich operate in one direction only. This at-
ticall y stopping the ca rriage when operati ng in eith er tachm ent should be put on lathe before le aving lhe
d irection by disengagin g a positive clutch. fa ctory .


For Wood Turn ing FOI" 10" , ['_' " ",ll l d 14" "STAl'" " · L at Iles:
E< ngll1c
,' \.

P oin t C en t er

c; _ t> Square C en ter

D rill Pad
t;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J) Fem al e Ce n ter

Sty le " A " j C rotch C en lcT

Style " 8 "

C up C enter

While th e 10" and 12" "STAR" Engine Llthes afe

especially designed for wo rking metals, th ey can be Spur C en ter Screw Cl!H cI{
speeded high enough for wood -turning by usin g a 3
speed countershaft. T o do this work successfully a
hand-rest is desirable. W e furnish either style as
shown, complete with one each short and long T .. Rests.
Style " A" is clamped to the bed and Style " 8" is
secured to the cross-slide in place of the tool -bloc k.
W e can furnish Style " B" H and -Rest fo r 14" Lathes.

Split Spring W ashers for holding cil a11ge gears


Foot Power Equipment

Furnished in place of countershaft when desi red.
(For 10" and 12" "STAR" Lathes on ly.) Con-
sists of double tread with walking motion. The
treadles are adjustable and work alte r nately, be'
ing con nected at opposite ends of the driving-
wheel shaft, producing a strong, positive and con-
tinuous power. Can be started or stopped in-
stantly and may be operated with both feet (sit-
ting), or one foot (standing), as desired. This
arran gement overcomes the objection of operator
heing confined to a single position. The 14"
"STAR" Lathes ,lre not furnished with foot

* *
Style p, 10", swing 4 ft. bed, has compoul1d rest, floor
legs and foot power.
12" lathes can also be furnished wit h foot power.

Bench Leg Mounting

B ench Leg Mounting can be furnished in any size lath e 12" x 4 ft. with Q. C.
Gear Box and Mot or D rive illustrated.

Code Words

Moto r Dri ve ( not incl ud ing motod . . . · · ·· ·• · Bedew Agony Calyx

Tran31JOsi n g Gears ({or cutt i n~ metric lh l"c1l118)
· ·· · Beech Agrin Carois
Thread Chasing I)ia l ·
· · · ·· ·
· · • · Beefy Ahold Camps
European T ool Post ·
Bloeking . · · · · ·· · ·
· · · · ·
· · · · ·· ·· ·· ·· Be fog
A gush
Taper Attach ment · · · · · · · · ·· • · Beka h Ahull Canna
Draw-in Chuck (i ncl u ding 0 0' spiit collet ) · ·· • · Belay Aider Candy
Draw-in Chuck with H and Le vel' wit.h olle collet
Draw-in Tube (only) foe milli ng" attllchment · ··
· ·
·· ·
Split CoJlets. round · ·· · · · •• Bizet Amice ehspe
Split Collets, square · · · · · · • · Bland Amort Chard
Split Collets, hexago n · · ·
Double-Tool Block (with 00 ' tool rmgt) · ·
·· ·
• ·
· · · ·· ·· · nl ~st
Ais le
Turret Tool Post
Automatic Tu r ret 00 · bod· ··
· ·
· · • · •
·· ·•

· · Berbe

· ···
· ·· ···
Oil P ump nnd Pill in g · · · · · · · · Betel Aknow
Carriage Stoll (' points adjustable) · · · · · Beton Alac k Cater
Automati e Carriage Stop · · · · ·
· · Beve r Alban Caulk
Milling and Gear Cutting Atta chment. complete
Cutter Arbo r fo , Milling Attachment · ·· ··
· ··
· Bewlg
Vertica l F.oo Column and Vise · · · · • ·· ·· Bew;t Albee Cawed
Hand Rest, style A · · · · · · Bezel Alday

· ·· · · · ··
Bhang Aller
Hand Rest, style B ·
Point Center ·
· ··
· · ·
· · · Bibbs Aleak CercI!
Square Center Bicho Alfet Cetic
· · · • · · ·
Female Center
Crotch Center · · · ··
· ·· · ·
· ·· ··· · · · · ···

· · · ·
Bield Alley Chafe
CuP Center · · · · · · · · · · · ·
SPIlr Center ·
Screw Chuck · · · · · · - · · · ··
· · ·· Big am
Bi jou
Dt'ilI P a d ·
· ··

· · ·
· Bilbo Alpha Chant
Compound Re,'
Countershnrt with 2 f·riction pulleys
· · · · · · · ·· · · · Bina l
Countershuft w it h 3 friction pulleys · ·· · · · · ·· · · Binny Alto8 Cento
· · · · · · ·
Chuck Face Pl ates (scmi fi nished, drilled , taJ)l)Cd, and hub faced true)
Birc h Alway Caxon
Pla in Rest · Bison Amend Ceryl
Fit.ting Chuck · with face ·p late
· to· lathe
· ·· · · · · ·
· · · · · · · ·
· · · · ··
Fitting Drill Chuck with taper pluY' to lathe · · · · ·
Relieving Altuchment · · · · · · •

* * *
Some Representative "Star" lathe Users
American Separator Co. Nash Engineering Company
American Sheet & Tin Plate Co. N ational T ool Co.
Black &' Decker Mfg. Co. Philadelphia Gear Works
Bowen Products Corp. Polytechnic School
Brown-Llpe-Chapin Co. Precision Thermometer & Instrument Co.
Cameron Electric Mfg. Co. Pullman Free School of M anual Training
The Carborundum Company Quebec T eehnical School
Cluett, Peabody &' Co. Inc. Remi ngton Arms Co.
C. G . Conn, Ltd. R emy Electric Co.
Colorado School of Mines Rumsey Pump Co. , Ltd.
Cornell University Savage Arms Corp.
Dairy Cream Separator Co. St. John's College
Thomas A. Edison, Inc. Standard Optical Co.
General Electric Co. The Singer Mfg. Co.
Geometric T ool Co. Taylor Instrument Companies
H amilton-Beach Mfg. Co. Todd Protectograph Co. Ine.
Frank H olton &' Co. United States Government
Landis Machine Co. United States Naval A cademy
Massachusetts Institute of T echnology University of Michigan
Monroe Calculating Machine W estern Electric Company
Morse Twist Drill &' M achine Co. Williams Tool Company


The .t". ~ Lathe

A super lathe designed for multiple tooling : built in several
sizes, both semi and full automatic. For turning shafts, steering
knuckles, pistons and all types of cylindrical work on centers,
whether plain, tapered or with several diameters. A proven
cost-cutter on either small or production quantities. Write for
special bulletin.


A rugged machine providing unusual tooling possibilities for
lowering costs on either mass production or single pieces. An
improved Anti-Friction head permits the high speed necessary
for use with Tungsten Carbide cutting tools. Write for special
bulletin describing this improved lathe.

* * *




Printed in U. S. A. 5M 1-31 Russell Printing Co., Inc., Buffalo, N. y.

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