Components Of: Week 5 - Practical Research 1

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Components of

Chapter 1
Week 5 | Practical Research 1
It is a careful
presentation of the
importance of the
problem. It follows
the T.I.O.C pattern.

Writing the Introduction
(The TIOC Approach)

Highlight the
trend/s in the field.

In the Philippines, a new trend in
communication has emerged that
seems to have established a part in
the Filipino culture. This is called
anti-intellectualism or smart
shaming, a belief of mistrust or
lacking knowledge and
understanding of intellectual
pursuits. It is a mindset where
intellectual people are made fun of
because of their expression of
intelligence (Sison, 2015). 4
Writing the Introduction
(The TIOC Approach)

Pinpoint the issues
underlying the trend/s.

• “Edi wow!”,“Ikaw na ang matalino!” ,
“Wow, deep!” , “Nosebleed ako, ah!”
These are some of the lines that one
can usually hear when an intellectual
person and an average one is engaged
in an interpersonal conversation. Such
dialogues are manifestations of
mocking someone because of his
knowledge or intellectual edge with
the one he or she is talking with
(Pieraz, 2018). 6
Writing the Introduction
(The TIOC Approach)

State the overall objective
/intent of the paper in the
light of the identified

Smart shaming is a wide issue that
must be given attention, for it affects
the most essential parts of our
nation-builders – the students. The
idea of this study was made from the
need to understand and analyze anti-
intellectualism as a common
problem in the Philippine society,
especially to the academic
community and student achievers.
Writing the Introduction
(The TIOC Approach)

Discuss the possible
contribution of the
research attempt to
advancing or improving
disciplinal theory, research,
practice or policy.
The researchers will conduct
this study to scrutinize the
effect of anti-intellectualism
or smart shaming on the
interpersonal skills of grade
12 students.

Statement of the
Statement of the
A statement of the problem is
used in research work as a
claim that outlines the problem
addressed by a study. The
statement of the problem
briefly addresses the question:
What is the problem that the
research will address?
Conceptual Framework

Smart- Interpersonal
Shaming Skills

Statement of the Problem
The main objective of this study is to determine the impact of anti-
intellectualism or smart shaming to the interpersonal skills of the grade
12 students. This study seeks to provide answers for the following
1. What is the level of awareness of students on smart shaming at their
2. To what extent do the students smart-shame their classmates in
terms of:
2.1. frequency; and
2.2. words being used?

3. Does smart-shaming affect the interpersonal skills of the grade 12

students? 14
Scope and
Scope and Delimitations
scope of the study and
• variables
• respondents
• time
• place
The study is centered on the analysis of the specific effects of anti-intellectualism or
smart shaming to the interpersonal skills of grade 12 STEM achievers. Other effects,
such as emotional, psychological, and physical aspects, if there are any, will not be
included and discussed in this research.
The period of study started from August to October because this is the range of
time when students are at the most active state of academic works, and the
probability of experiencing smart shaming is at its highest point. To set a more specific
span of time, the respondents will be asked to recall their experiences of being smart
shamed from grade 11 up to the present time only. This is to make the study easier
for the researchers to conduct as it is more concise and focused on a particular
timeline. It will also be of convenience to the researchers as they will be able to
obtain accurate input from the respondents and wield efficient results.
The respondents will be selected from the grade 12 STEM achievers of one of the
universities in Bulacan to analyze how anti-intellectualism affects their interpersonal
skills in specific ways. The said set of respondents were chosen because academic
achievers who are considered as a dominant part of the intellectual community are
more prone to smart shaming, rather than those who do not exhibit academic
Significance of the
Orderly identification of
beneficiaries or probable
users of you research.

Upon the completion of this study, it may help the
following beneficiaries:
Students. The students will be able to broaden their
understanding and awareness about anti-
intellectualism and assess if they are actually inclined
to it. This study will also educate them on the effects
of smart shaming to the interpersonal skills of a
student and ways on how they can avoid such.

Academic Achievers. This study will make them see

smart shaming as a factor that affects their holistic
growth as a student and find ways on how they can
avoid such and further improve their interpersonal
skills and academic performance.
Your Date Here Your Footer Here 19
Teachers. This study will raise awareness among teachers
that smart shaming is happening in school. They will be
able to scrutinize it and formulate ways on how to eradicate
or at least lessen the cases of anti-intellectual cases among
their students.

Academe. To serve as a contribution to the related studies

about anti-intellectualism or smart shaming, which can be
used to provide facts.

Parents. They will be more aware that their child may

experience smart shaming in school. In that way, parents
will work in cooperation with the school administrators in
finding ways to solve conflicts related to anti-
Your Date Here Your Footer Here 20
Social Psychologists. This study will discuss
social disengagement and the role of mental
behavior to it. From this, psychologists can
obtain ideas to be used as a reference or basis
in conducting studies where student behavior
is involved.
Future Researchers. Ideas and conclusions
that will be formulated upon the completion
of this study can serve as a reference for future
researchers. They will conduct studies related
to anti-intellectualism or smart shaming.
Your Date Here Your Footer Here 21
Definition of
Defenition of Terms
These are the key
terminologies of your
paper. It could be
operational or conceptual

Defenition of Terms
Smart-shaming. The act of
mocking someone who is
smarter than others.
Smart-shaming. Pillos (2019)
defines smart-shaming as an
act of hostility towards the
pursuit of knowledge. 24

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