GED105-A12-Assessment 2-Module 2-Roxas, Juan Carlos B.

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Roxas, Juan Carlos B.

GED105-A12-Assessment 2- Module 2
North-South Relation Ship
P. 73

Instruction: Search for a newspaper or magazine caricature that illustrates your answer to
the question, “Are the Global North and Global South dependent on one another?” Cut or
print the selected caricature, then paste it below. Write a short explanation about it.

As you can see on the caricature, you will see a man who has everything while the other
man has a tiny home, except he had no other commodities than the man from the left. The
left represents the Global North, while the right side represents the Global South. Global
North have any kinds of commodities like food, wealth, good governance, advanced
technology, and even have stability in their society. However, in the Global South, it
showcases the poverty, conflict, anarchy, and other issues that usually happen in the
southern region. They relied on the people from the north and kept wondering if they were
willing to help develop the country's economy and have a good relationship. We tend to say
that we are all equal in this world, but sadly, we are only equal when it comes to human
rights but not from different commodities. There is always inequality in our society, where
most rely on different commodities from other countries. It's a sad reality because many
countries are well developed while the rest needs to catch up with the other well-developed
countries in basic needs. We cannot say that we are equal because we are in the same
world, but we are not equal based on what we have today. We only rely on each other in
terms of the equipment that we have nowadays.

(n.d) North/South inequality Retrieved From:

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